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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
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Posts tonen met het label automatisering. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 16 januari 2019

Basisinkomen en geluk: een doel voor de hele mensheid

Black Agenda Report bracht vorige week woensdag een artikel, eerder gepubliceerd op Truthdig en geschreven door Ellen Brown, waarin zij betoogt dat een universeel basisinkomen (UBI) geen probleem is en niet ten koste zal gaan van belastingverhogingen voor de hogere of de middeninkomens. 

Het betreft hier een uiterst intelligent schrijven van Brown, een artikel dat van groot belang kan zijn voor iedereen op onze kleine aarde: het uitroeien van armoede en een oplossing voor de tijd dat machines en computers het overgrote deel van de arbeid die de mens verricht zullen overnemen. 

Praatjes dat de automatisering alleen maar meer banen zullen opleveren, zijn volkomen naast de waarheid...... Neem de betaalautomaten: deze automaten hebben duizenden bankmedewerkers de baan als loketmedewerker gekost..... Of wat dacht je van de automatisering in de landbouw, werk dat vroeger door tienduizenden arbeiders werd gedaan, kan nu in veel gevallen zelfs met 2 machines worden verricht, het in de grond stoppen van zaden en de oogst...... 

Met een basisinkomen kunnen we eindelijk aan het geluk van de mens werken, wel zal men daarvoor in het onderwijs ruimte vrij moeten maken voor lessen hoe om te gaan met vrije tijd, iets waar mensen niet goed in zijn en waar de meesten van ons pas achter komen bij werkloosheid en na pensionering..... (en dat is toch uitermate triest...)

Lees het volgende artikel en geeft het door:

Universal Basic Income Is Easier Than It Looks

Universal Basic Income Is Easier Than It Looks
Ellen Brown 09 Jan 2019
A universal income program can help correct the debt bubble problem without fear of “overheating” the economy.

It could actually be funded year after year without driving up taxes or prices.”

Calls for a Universal Basic Income (UBI) have been increasing, most recently as part of the “Green New Deal” (GND) introduced by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and supported in the last month by at least 40 members of Congress. A UBI is a monthly payment to all adults with no strings attached, similar to Social Security. Critics say the Green New Deal asks too much of the rich and upper-middle-class taxpayers who will have to pay for it, but taxing the rich is not what the resolution proposes . It says funding would primarily come from the federal government, “using a combination of the Federal Reserve, a new public bank or system of regional and specialized public banks,” among other vehicles.
The Federal Reserve alone could do the job. It could buy “Green” federal bonds with money created on its balance sheet, just as the Fed funded the purchase of $3.7 trillion in bonds in its “quantitative easing” program to save the banks. The Treasury could also do it. The Treasury has the constitutional power to issue coins in any denomination, even trillion dollar coins . What prevents legislators from pursuing those options is the fear of hyperinflation from excess “demand” (spendable income) driving prices up. But in fact the consumer economy is chronically short of spendable income, due to the way money enters the consumer economy. We actually needregular injections of money to avoid a “balance sheet recession” and allow for growth, and a UBI is one way to do it.
Funding would primarily come from the federal government, “using a combination of the Federal Reserve, a new public bank or system of regional and specialized public banks,”
The pros and cons of a UBI are hotly debated and have been discussed elsewhere . The point here is to show that it could actually be funded year after year without driving up taxes or prices.New money is continually being added to the money supply, but it is added as debt created privately by banks. (How banks, rather than the government, create most of the money supply today is explained on the Bank of England website here .) A UBI would replace money-created-as-debt with debt-free money—a “debt jubilee” for consumers—while leaving the money supply for the most part unchanged; and to the extent that new money was added, it could help create the demand needed to fill the gap between actual and potential productivity.
The Debt Overhang Crippling Economies
The “bank money” composing most of the money in circulation is created only when someone borrows, and today businesses and consumers are burdened with debts that are higher than ever before. In 2018, credit card debt alone exceeded $1 trillion, student debt exceeded $1.5 trillion, auto loan debt exceeded $1.1 trillion, and non-financial corporate debt hit $5.7 trillion. When businesses and individuals pay down old loans rather than taking out new loans, the money supply shrinks, causing a “balance sheet recession.” In that situation, the central bank, rather than removing money from the economy (as the Fed is doing now), needs to add money to fill the gap between debt and the spendable income available to repay it.
Debt always grows faster than the money available to repay it. One problem is the interest , which is not created along with the principal, so more money is always owed back than was created in the original loan. Beyond that, some of the money created as debt is held off the consumer market by “savers” and investors who place it elsewhere, making it unavailable to companies selling their wares and the wage-earners they employ. The result is a debt bubble that continues to grow until it is not sustainable and the system collapses, in the familiar death spiral euphemistically called the “business cycle.” As economist Michael Hudson shows in his 2018 book, “… and Forgive Them Their Debts ,” this inevitable debt overhang was corrected historically with periodic “debt jubilees”—debt forgiveness—something he argues we need to do again today.
For governments, a debt jubilee could be effected by allowing the central bank to buy government securities and hold them on its books. For individuals, one way to do it fairly across the board would be with a UBI.
Why a UBI Need Not Be Inflationary
In a 2018 book called “The Road to Debt Bondage: How Banks Create Unpayable Debt ,” political economist Derryl Hermanutz proposes a central-bank-issued UBI of $1,000 per month, credited directly to people’s bank accounts. Assuming this payment went to all U.S. residents over 18, or about 250 million people, the outlay would be about $2.5 trillion annually. For people with overdue debt, Hermanutz proposes that it automatically go to pay down those debts. Since money is created as loans and extinguished when they are repaid, that portion of a UBI disbursement would be extinguished along with the debt.
People who were current on their debts could choose whether or not to pay them down, but many would also no doubt go for that option. Hermanutz estimates that roughly half of a UBI payout could be extinguished in this way through mandatory and voluntary loan repayments. That money would not increase the money supply or demand. It would just allow debtors to spend on necessities with debt-free money rather than hocking their futures with unrepayable debt.
He estimates that another third of a UBI disbursement would go to “savers” who did not need the money for expenditures. This money, too, would not be likely to drive up consumer prices, since it would go into investment and savings vehicles rather than circulating in the consumer economy. That leaves only about one-sixth of payouts, or $400 billion, that would actually be competing for goods and services; and that sum could easily be absorbed by the “output gap” between actual and forecasted productivity.
$2 trillion could be injected into the economy every year without creating price inflation.”
According to a July 2017 paper from the Roosevelt Institute called “What Recovery? The Case for Continued Expansionary Policy at the Fed ”: “GDP remains well below both the long-run trend and the level predicted by forecasters a decade ago. In 2016, real per capita GDP was 10% below the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) 2006 forecast, and shows no signs of returning to the predicted level.”
The report showed that the most likely explanation for this lackluster growth was inadequate demand. Wages have remained stagnant; and before producers will produce, they need customers knocking on their doors.
In 2017, the U.S. Gross Domestic Product was $19.4 trillion. If the economy is running at 10 percent below full capacity, $2 trillion could be injected into the economy every year without creating price inflation. It would just generate the demand needed to stimulate an additional $2 trillion in GDP. In fact a UBI might pay for itself, just as the G.I. Bill produced a sevenfold return from increased productivity after World War II.
The Evidence of China
That new money can be injected year after year without triggering price inflation is evident from a look at China. In the last 20 years, its M2 money supply has grown from just over 10 trillion yuan to 80 trillion yuan ($11.6T), a nearly 800 percent increase. Yet the inflation rate of its Consumer Price Index (CPI) remains a modest 2.2 percent.
Why has all that excess money not driven prices up? The answer is that China’s Gross Domestic Product has grown at the same fast clip as its money supply. When supply (GDP) and demand (money) increase together, prices remain stable.
Whether or not the Chinese government would approve of a UBI, it does recognize that to stimulate productivity, the money must get out there first; and since the government owns 80 percent of China’s banks, it is in a position to borrow money into existence as needed. For “self-funding” loans—those that generate income (fees for rail travel and electricity, rents for real estate)—repayment extinguishes the debt along with the money it created, leaving the net money supply unchanged. When loans are not repaid, the money they created is not extinguished; but if it goes to consumers and businesses that then buy goods and services with it, demand will still stimulate the production of supply, so that supply and demand rise together and prices remain stable.
Without demand, producers will not produce and workers will not get hired, leaving them without the funds to generate supply, in a vicious cycle that leads to recession and depression. And that cycle is what our own central bank is triggering now.
The Fed Tightens the Screws
Rather than stimulating the economy with new demand, the Fed has been engaging in “quantitative tightening.” On Dec. 19, 2018, it raised the Fed funds rate for the ninth time in three years, despite a “brutal” stock market in which the Dow Jones Industrial Average had already lost 3,000 points in 2 ½ months. The Fed is still struggling to reach even its modest 2 percent inflation target, and GDP growth is trending down, with estimates at only 2-2.7 percent for 2019. So why did it again raise rates, over the protests of commentators, including the president himself?
For its barometer, the Fed looks at whether the economy has hit “full employment,” which it considers to be 4.7 percent unemployment, taking into account the “natural rate of unemployment” of people between jobs or voluntarily out of work. At full employment, workers are expected to demand more wages, causing prices to rise. But unemployment is now officially at 3.7 percent—beyond technical full employment—and neither wages nor consumer prices have shot up. There is obviously something wrong with the theory, as is evident from a look at Japan , where prices have long refused to rise despite a serious lack of workers.
The official unemployment figures are actually misleading. Including short-term discouraged workers, the rate of U.S. unemployed or underemployed workers as of May 2018 was 7.6 percent, double the widely reported rate . When long-term discouraged workers are included, the real unemployment figure was 21.5 percent . Beyond that large untapped pool of workers, there is the seemingly endless supply of cheap labor from abroad and the expanding labor potential of robots, computers and machines. In fact, the economy’s ability to generate supply in response to demand is far from reaching full capacity today.
When long-term discouraged workers are included, the real unemployment figure was 21.5 percent.”
Our central bank is driving us into another recession based on bad economic theory. Adding money to the economy for productive, non-speculative purposes will not drive up prices so long as materials and workers (human or mechanical) are available to create the supply necessary to meet demand; and they are available now. There will always be price increases in particular markets when there are shortages, bottlenecks, monopolies or patents limiting competition, but these increases are not due to an economy awash with money. Housing, health care, education and gas have all gone up, but it is not because people have too much money to spend. In fact it is those necessary expenses that are driving people into unrepayable debt, and it is this massive debt overhang that is preventing economic growth.
Without some form of debt jubilee, the debt bubble will continue to grow until it can again no longer be sustained. A UBI can help correct that problem without fear of “overheating” the economy, so long as the new money is limited to filling the gap between real and potential productivity and goes into generating jobs, building infrastructure and providing for the needs of the people, rather than being diverted into the speculative, parasitic economy that feeds off them.
Ellen Brown is an attorney, chairman of the Public Banking Institute, and author of twelve books including "Web of Debt" and "The Public Bank Solution."
This article previously appeared in Truthdig .
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vrijdag 1 december 2017

Robots kunnen in 2030 tot 800 miljoen banen overnemen........

Telkens weer hoor je in de reguliere media dat men niet bang hoeft te zijn voor robots die de banen van mensen zullen overnemen. Men stelt gewoon dat deze automatisering op zich al zorgt voor vervanging van het aantal banen, je snapt het al: gelul van een dronken aardbei!!

Het is als met de invoering van betaalautomaten, deze werden NB gepropageerd door de loketmedewerkers van de banken (uiteraard onder dwang..). Deze automaten hebben duizenden banen overbodig gemaakt en daarvoor zijn amper banen teruggekomen........ Hetzelfde geldt voor de landbouw, daar zijn door automatisering nog amper extra krachten nodig.

Ook in het volgende RT artikel (via Anti-Media) wordt nog wel gesproken over extra banen door automatisering. Jammer dat er geen aandacht wordt besteed aan het feit dat veel banen die zullen verdwijnen worden vervuld door mensen die op z'n zachtst gezegd niet goed kunnen leren, terwijl men spreekt over vervangende banen waarvoor je toch echt behoorlijk moet kunnen leren......

Uiteindelijk zal er een enorm leger ontstaan van mensen die niet meer aan de bak komen. Wie gaat dat betalen? Juist, jij en ik! Terwijl in feite de grote bedrijven en daarmee hun aandeelhouders fiks zouden moeten investeren in het onderhoud van dat leger werklozen en hen nog enigszins zinvolle functies te kunnen geven in de maatschappij...... Immers deze bedrijven en aandeelhouders genereren straks enorme kapitalen met de voortschrijdende automatisering...... Tegelijkertijd  betalen bedrijven steeds minder belasting, neem de voornemens van het inhumane kabinet Rutte 3 om Nederland nog verder uit te bouwen tot belastingparadijs met afschaffing van de dividendbelasting voor buitenlandse aandeelhouders......

The robots are coming! Technology could replace up to 800mn jobs by 2030, study says

The robots are coming! Technology could replace up to 800mn jobs by 2030, study says

Published time: 29 Nov, 2017 15:18

All the effort you put into studying at university may not have been enough – because robots could be coming for your job. A new study found that as many as 800 million workers could be replaced by technology by 2030.
The study from the McKinsey Global Institute, the research arm of the economic think tank McKinsey & Company, estimates that "between 400 million and 800 million individuals could be displaced by automation and need to find new jobs by 2030 around the world." It estimates that between zero and 30 percent of the hours currently worked globally could be automated by that time.

Those most affected will be people who work in "predictable environments" doing tasks such as operating machinery and preparing fast food. Those who make a living collecting and processing data also face a high risk of being rendered redundant by technology.

People who work in less predictable environments such as gardeners, plumbers, and childcare staff face a smaller risk, because their roles are "technically difficult to automate and often command relatively lower wages, which makes automation a less attractive business proposition."

However, it's not all doom and gloom for the future of employment. The study noted that automation sometimes allows workers to remain employed in a different capacity. "Even when some tasks are automated, employment in those occupations may not decline but rather workers may perform new tasks," McKinsey & Company wrote in a release on its website.

However, workers may need to "shift occupational categories" and "learn new skills" in order to participate in any new jobs. "Of the total [400 million to 800 million] displaced, 75 million to 375 million may need to switch occupational categories and learn new skills," the release states.

It noted that China has the largest number of employees who would need to switch occupations, up to 100 million if automation is adopted rapidly, or 12 percent of the 2030 workforce. The numbers are higher in more advanced economies, with up to one-third of the 2030 workforce in the US and Germany needing to switch occupations, along with nearly half of Japan. Countries which fail to prepare workers to transition to new jobs will feel the impact through a rise in unemployment and depressed wages, according to the study.

The study acknowledges a growing concern that there will not be enough jobs for workers due to automation.

However, it notes that those fears may be "unfounded," citing historical trends. "Over time, labor markets adjust to changes in demand for workers from technological disruptions, although at times with depressed real wages." It goes on to conclude that adequate job creation can take place to offset automation "with significant economic growth, innovation, and investment."

Established in 1990, the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) examines industry trends "to better understand the broad macroeconomic forces affecting business strategy and public policy,"according to its website. It aims to provide industry leaders with facts and insight on which they can base management and policy decisions.

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© Madeleine Lenz / Global Look Press

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vrijdag 28 juli 2017

Marcel Worring (hoogleraar UvA) robots vormen geen gevaar voor werkgelegenheid of mens..........

Hoorde gistermiddag Marcel Worring, hoogleraar informatica aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), bij de bolle BNR lachzak Hemmen. Worring kwam als zoveelste de luisteraars gerust stellen: robots zijn geen gevaar voor de mens en zullen niet zorgen voor massale werkloosheid.........

Robotisering maakt weliswaar banen overbodig, maar daar komen genoeg andere banen voor terug, aldus de 'uiterst deskundige' Worring, die van enthousiasme bijna over z'n woorden struikelde.... Ja Worring dat zagen we ook met de introductie van de betaalautomaten >> het baliepersoneel van banken is verdwenen*, verder automatisering heeft nog eens een groot aantal andere bankmedewerkers overbodig gemaakt..... Voor die banen zijn amper nieuwe teruggekomen, ja mensen die de betaalautomaten bevoorraden en het kantoorpersoneel dat daar voor nodig is, maar dat aantal kan zelfs niet in de schaduw staan van het aantal banen dat is verdwenen!!!

Hetzelfde geldt overigens voor de landbouw, waar vroeger een fiks aantal mensen nodig was voor de oogst van bijvoorbeeld graan, wordt dit werk tegenwoordig met behulp van combines, door een paar menskrachten gedaan........

Hemmen vroeg Worring of we niet bang moeten zijn, voor kunstmatige intelligentie (aangeduid als AI, de Engelse variant van die woorden': 'Artificial Intelligence'), dus of robots de mens niet zullen overvleugelen en zelfs te lijf zullen gaan. Kijk daar moest Worring om 'grinniken', uitgesloten volgens Worring, daar de mens de programmering voor die robots maakt.....

Jammer dat Hemmen niet aan Worring vroeg. hoe het dan zit met zelflerende processen. Met de ontwikkeling daarvan is men al een paar jaar bezig en reken maar dat die software (en hardware als geheugenchips) uiteindelijk in robots zal verdwijnen.......

Eén ding is zeker, uiteindelijk zal de robot qua intelligentie de mens de baas zijn, zie bijvoorbeeld hoe snel computers zaken kunnen berekenen, daar kan geen mens aan tippen. Daarnaast is er de onvoorspelbaarheid van de mens, zoals bijvoorbeeld werkzaamheden uitvoeren (t/m autorijden): met ongeleide agressie (als in psychopathie), emotie (als depressie), in de war zijn en verslaving, zaken waar die robots geen last van zullen hebben......

Het is te hopen dat de robots de mens laten voortbestaan, maar als je ziet hoe de mens onze kleine planeet naar de kloten helpt en heeft geholpen, vrees ik het ergste...... De mens is een zelfdestructieve parasiet, een dergelijke destructieve parasiet heeft de aarde nooit gezien, een zaak die intelligente robots heel snel zullen begrijpen.......

Hoe is het mogelijk dat Worring les mag geven aan een universiteit, lesgeven aan een MAVO is al te hoog gegrepen voor deze kluns...........

* Kan me nog herinneren dat het baliepersoneel van banken de laatste paar jaar in functie (eind jaren 80), keer op keer vroegen of ik geen pas wilde voor een betaalautomaat.... Evenzo vaak liet ik deze medewerkers weten, dat deze betaalautomaten hun baan overbodig zouden maken en dat ze het moment van hun ontslag met die boodschap bespoedigden. Het overgrote deel van dit personeel staarde me daarna met glazige ogen aan, zonder verdere reactie......

zaterdag 24 juni 2017

'Robotisering' produceert werkloosheid, een zaak waarvoor nu al een oplossing bedacht moet worden!

Keer op keer hoor je de robotiseringsgoeroe's vertellen, dat met de intrede van robots in het productieproces (of dienstverlening) geen werkgelegenheid verdwijnt. Gelul van een dronken aardbei is de beste kwalificatie voor die woorden.

We hebben de voorbeelden NB voor het oprapen, ook al zullen de bovengenoemde goeroe's stellen dat dit niets met robotisering te maken heeft. Het gaat om de automatisering, wat is er tegen om een een graan combine een robot te noemen?

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor graan combine

Een graan combine vervangt minstens tien landarbeiders, mensen die toch echt elders werk moesten gaan zoeken...... Hetzelfde geldt voor de geldautomaten. Bij de de invoering daarvan vroegen de loketmedewerkers van de giro en banken je, of je geen pas wilde hebben voor zo'n automaat, daar dat 'lekker snel zou gaan'.

Menig witte boorden arbeider heb ik destijds voorgelegd, dat ze bezig waren hun eigen baan te grabbel te gooien aan een machine. Een meewarige blik was meestal 'het antwoord...' Intussen hebben vele duizenden van deze medewerkers een andere baan moeten zoeken. Zo bezien: wat is er tegen een geldautomaat een robot te noemen? Immers deze doet het werk sneller en zolang er geld in het apparaat zit, werkt  deze 24 uur per dag door.......

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor bankloketten

Een paar dagen gelden ontving ik een artikel van Anti-Media, dat werd overgenomen van Zero Hedge. De schrijver, Tyler Durden, vertelt hierin over het voornemen van McDonalds om dit jaar 2.500 baliefuncties te vervangen door automaten, zodat je bij een automaat je bestelling en betaling moet doen...... Let wel, dat is nog maar het begin, uiteindelijk zullen wereldwijd een paar honderdduizend medewerkers hun baan verliezen.....

Nogmaals: er zullen met verdere automatisering/robotisering steeds meer banen verdwijnen, zodat er straks een enorm leger aan mensen zal ontstaan voor wie er geen werk zal zijn..... Het is onbegrijpelijk dat de politiek en de reguliere media als een konijn in de koplamp zitten te kijken, zich in slaap laten lullen door 'deskundigen'* en denken dat het allemaal wel goed zal komen......

Eén ding is zeker, de bedrijven die hun processen automatiseren, zullen er niet over denken om meer belasting te betalen, zodat iedereen van een fatsoenlijk inkomen kan worden voorzien. De praktijk laat zien, dat bedrijven alleen geïnteresseerd zijn in het verlagen van de kosten.........

Mcdonald’s Is Replacing 2,500 Human Cashiers With Digital Kiosks This Year

June 23, 2017 at 9:48 am
Written by Tyler Durden

(ZH) — The stock market is luvin’ McDonalds stock, which has continued its recent relentless rise to all time highs, up 26% YTD, oblivious to the carnage among the broader restaurant and fast-food sector. There is a reason for Wall Street’s euphoria: the same one we discussed in January in “Dear Bernie, Meet the “Big Mac ATM” That Will Replace All Of Your $15 Per Hour Fast Food Workers.”

In a report released this week by Cowen’s Andrew Charles, the analyst calculates the jump in sales as a result of the company’s new Experience of the Future strategy which anticipates that digital ordering kiosks (shown above) will replace cashiers in at least 2,500 restaurants by the end of 2017 and another 3,000 over 2018. Cowen also cited plans for the restaurant chain to roll out mobile ordering across 14,000 U.S. locations by the end of 2017 (we did not show that particular math, but the logic was similarly compelling).

Here is a snapshot of the math that Cowen, likely in conjunction with management, used to come up with the cost-savings as McDonalds increasingly lays off more and more minimum wage workers and replaces them with “Big Mac ATMs”

MCD is cultivating a digital platform through mobile ordering and Experience of the Future (EOTF), an in-store technological overhaul most conspicuous through kiosk ordering and table delivery. Our analysis suggests efforts should bear fruit in 2018 with a combined 130 bps contribution to U.S. comps. We believe mobile ordering better supplements the drive-thru business where 70%+ of U.S. sales are transacted. In our view, MCD’s differentiation lies in the operational enhancements of mobile ordering that includes curbside pick-up of orders in order to not disrupt the drive-thru.

Below we show Cowen’s full math laying out why the restaurant chain’s client-facing fast food workers are now obsolete:

We are most excited for mobile ordering, Experience of the Future and the launch of fresh beef to help drive U.S. same store sales in 2018. We provide analysis for the latter three, which cumulatively we expect to contribute roughly 150 bps to U.S. same store sales in 2018, respectively. This gives us confidence to raise our 2018 U.S. same store sales forecast from 2% to 3%, in excess of Consensus Metrix’s 2.5%.
Experience of the Future Features Lower ROI Than Mobile Order, But Offers Greater Potential Longer Term

We are constructive on the use of guest facing technology for the restaurant industry. MCD’s longer-term U.S. story revolves around Experience of the Future (EOTF), a holistic operational and technological overhaul to the store base. MCD’s March 2017 investor meeting centered around the initiative with interactive displays. Perhaps the most conspicuous piece of Experience of the Future lies in digital kiosk ordering, which have seen success in International Lead Markets. Additionally, food ordered via the kiosk is delivered to the customer’s table. We believe EOTF better enhances the instore experience, which represents roughly 30% of domestic sales compared to mobile ordering, which allows customers to avoid leaving their cars.

Our ROI** math suggests EOTF leads to a 9% cash/cash return in Year 1 in the 55% of domestic stores that do not require a store remodel, and 5% in the 45% of stores that require a remodel, which is a predecessor to implementing EOTF. Our math is premised on total costs of $150,000 for the Experience of the Future enhancement, and $700,000 of all-in costs when including EOTF as well as a store remodel. MCD has offered to pay 55% of the cost for Experience of the Future, in excess of the 40% the company contributed to the store remodel initiative beginning in 2010, for restaurants that commit to the program by the end of 2017.

McDonald’s targets a high-teens return on incrementally invested capital (ROIIC, or McSpeak for evaluating ROI), improving to the mid-20% range beginning in 2019. We believe EOTF’s ROI is captured over time as the sales lift does not dissolve as in the case of a traditional restaurant remodel. Rather, the lift should sustain as we expect consumers to increasingly embrace technological change. This is evidenced across concepts, such as Panera’s experience with 2.0, as well as McDonald’s own experience in Canada, where kiosks saw 12-13% sales mix in Year 1 and 27% in Year 2. We also note kiosk ordering will also likely lead to labor savings over time which should help boost ROIIC, but is unlikely for the foreseeable future.

In 2017, MCD expects to end the year with EOTF offered in 2,500 domestic locations from 500 at 2016-end. MCD targets the majority of domestic locations to feature EOTF by 2020, but has not given intermediary targets. The amount of stores adding EOTF depends on franchise reception to the initiative but we see positive indicators given our checks as well as the company’s disclosure that 90% of franchisees approved of the initiative after taking the same interactive tour that was given at the March 2017 investor day.

We estimate 3,000 locations to add EOTF in 2018, which should lead to a 70 bps contribution to U.S. same store sales assuming an even cadence of restaurants adding the initiative over the course of the year. Further we assume the mix of stores adding EOTF in 2018 reflects the mix of overall stores needed to add EOTF, or 55% of stores that already have a remodel while 45% require a store remodel. McDonald’s has previously announced plans to remodel 650 restaurants in 2017, which we expect will also add EOTF.

Summarizing all of the above: the workers you see in the photo below are now an endangered species.

By Tyler Durden / Republished with permission / / Report a typo

*  Sommige van die 'deskundigen' durven zelfs te zeggen, dat robotisering meer werk zal opleveren.... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

** ROI: Return On Investment.