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Posts tonen met het label A. Biletsky. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 12 maart 2022

Oekraïne: de nazistrijders van de VS

De denazificatie van Oekraïne, aangekondigd door de Russische president Putin, werd in het westen smalend afgedaan als propaganda om de militaire inval in dat land te legitimeren, ook het Witte Huis deed dit af als een belachelijke opmerking..... Terwijl het bekend is dat de VS Oekraïense neonazi bataljons heeft getraind, zelfs tot de inval van Rusland (ook Canadese wapeninstructeurs hebben zich hieraan schuldig gemaakt.....).....

Voorts is het zeker dat de VS middels de CIA de staatsgreep tegen de democratische gekozen president Janoekovytsj heeft betaald (met 4 miljard dollar), de opstand die tot de staatsgreep leidde heeft georganiseerd en de uiteindelijke coup heeft georganiseerd en geregisseerd (waarbij men gebruikmaakte van neonazi-groeperingen), inclusief het betalen van huurmoordenaars die politieagenten en burgers doodschoten op het Maidanplein in Kiev (volgens sommigen waren deze moordenaars ook neonazi's en dat zou me in het geheel niet verbazen).

Na de coup heeft de VS de corrupte neonazi Porosjenko aangesteld als 'interim president', vroeger noemden we dit beest bij de naam: juntaleider (dat 'interim president' moest de smerige lading >> een bloedige staatsgreep dan ook dekken en daarmee legitimeren.....)

De neonazi's hebben daarna de illegale regering gecontroleerd en daarnaast kritische journalisten en politici belaagd dan wel zelfs vermoord..... Van vrije verkiezingen was en is geen sprake in Oekraïne, daar partijen zijn verboden die op grote steun kunnen rekenen van bijvoorbeeld mensen van Russische komaf..... Weet niet hoe jij hierover denkt, maar het uitsluiten van politieke partijen, geeft m.i. aan dat je met een dictatuur te maken hebt, zelfs met een fascistische dictatuur...... 

In het hierna weergegeven artikel van Mike Whitney, eerder gepubliceerd The Unz Review (ik nam het over van Information Clearing House), gaat deze verder in op het fascistische gehalte van Oekraïne en hoe de VS daar gebruik van heeft gemaakt en nog steeds maakt. Onder andere aandacht in dat artikel voor het feit dat het bureau van de Hoge Commissaris voor Mensenrechten (OHCHR) al in 2016 het neonazi-bataljon Azov, destijds al 'bevorderd' tot een officieel regiment van het Oekraïense leger, zich schuldig maakte aan oorlogsmisdaden als grootschalig plunderen, onwettige gijzeling en marteling (het noemen van moord op tegenstanders ging de OHCHR blijkbaar te ver, immers destijds had dit bataljon zicht al schuldig gemaakt aan het vermoorden van een groot aantal mensen.......)

Hier nog een paar 'opmerkelijke zaken' van de laatste paar dagen:

Gisteren vergistte een verslaggever van WDR 5 zich danig en week af van het platgetreden pad dat Rusland de door haar zelf ingestelde corridors onder vuur neemt, volgens deze figuur worden deze corridors onder vuur genomen, omdat Rusland ze niet afspreekt met de Oekraïense autoriteiten...... Kortom deze sufferd gaf toe dat het Oekraïense leger deze corridors onder vuur neemt!!

Men maakt zich in de reguliere westerse media en politiek druk over aanvallen van burgerdoelen door Rusland. Voor zover dat ook maar iets met de waarheid te maken heeft, immers neonazi-bataljons als Azov hebben er totaal geen moeite mee om de eigen burgers aan te vallen en de schuld daarvoor in de schoenen van Rusland te schuiven..... Wat betreft het aanvallen van burgerdoelen, melden westerse media NB keer op keer over burgers die hun appartementencomplexen veranderen in militaire aanvalsposten, dit door opgeworpen versperringen, het maken van tankvallen en versterkingen van die complexen om van daaruit Russen aan te kunnen vallen, dit zou volgens zeggen in alle Oekraïense steden het geval zijn...... Ofwel hoe kan je van een woonwijk een militair doel maken??!!!

Dan te bedenken dat men in de VS de stormloop op het Capitol  van 6 januari 2021 toeschrijft aan nazi en ander tuig, terwijl het Witte Huis, het Pentagon en de CIA er geen moeite mee hebben om Oekraiense neonazi's te trainen en te bewapenen als ze maar tegen Russen of mensen van Russische komaf vechten....... Hoe hypocriet en ziek wil je het hebben??

Hare kwaadaardigheid minister Kaag misbruikt de situatie in Oekraïne om te pleiten voor het inleveren van Nederlandse soevereiniteit ten gunste van de EU (ofwel van de grote EU staten Frankrijk, Duitsland, Polen e.a., echter waar de eerste 2 verreweg de belangrijkste zijn....).... Vanmorgen hoorde ik in MAX Nieuwsweekend de potsierlijke kwast en meer dan waardeloze 'politiek deskundige' Kees Boonman* stellen dat het grootste deel van de Nederlanders achter het inleveren van soevereiniteit zou staan. 'Iedereen zou dit wel begrijpen' gezien de 'Russische agressie', aldus de fantast, die er geen moeite mee heeft als de VS weer eens een land naar god bombardeert..... Uiteraard heeft deze waardeloze sufferd geen begrip voor de positie van Rusland dat bijna het jaarrond agressieve NAVO oefeningen ziet langs haar westgrens en territoriale wateren (zelfs gericht op het binnenvallen van Russische grondgebied)...... Of wat dacht je van het zogenaamde VS raketschild in Polen en Roemenië, waarvan de VS de raketten in een mum van tijd kan veranderen in aanvalsraketten met al aanwezige meerdere kernkoppen, waarmee de VS grote Russische steden kan vernietigen en dat over afstanden die waren verboden in het INF-verdrag (niet voor niets ook dat de VS dit verdrag heeft opgezegd, zogenaamd vanwege een nieuwe generatie Russische kernraketten, die de VS op meerdere uitnodigingen van Rusland weigerde te inspecteren, inspecties zodat de VS kon zien dat deze raketten het INF-verdrag niet schenden >> ook al een zaak waarvoor de westerse politici en media geen aandacht hadden of hebben.....) 

In het WDR 5 nieuws van vanmiddag o.a. het bericht dat de Duitse autoriteiten ongerust zijn over de aanvallen op mensen van Russische komaf, aanvallen op hun winkels en zelfs de aanvallen waar kinderen van deze mensen op school mee te maken hebben....... Ofwel dezelfde autoriteiten hebben Rusland uit en te na gedemoniseerd, waarbij men de Russische burgers heeft verweten niet tegen de Russische acties in Oekraïne te hebben uitgesproken, ofwel dan moet je wel achter die acties staan en ben je volgens deze autoriteiten blijkbaar vogelvrij verklaard....... 

Lees het artikel van Whitney en geeft het ajb door, de hoogste tijd dat het westen stopt met haar vreselijke anti-Russische propaganda en dat deze wordt doorgeprikt, zonder dat de westerse politiek en reguliere media ook maar met één letter wijzen op de terechte angsten van Rusland en haar wil om Oekraïne te denazificeren........ Het is in het westen al zo zot dat het neonazi-bataljon Azov openlijk mag worden geroemd, terwijl de ploerten van dat bataljon zich achter de nazi-Duitse aanval tegen Rusland hebben geschaard tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog (WOII) en de leden van dat bataljon zich bedienen van nazi-emblemen en geen moeite hebben met de Hitler groet...... Vergeet niet dat de strijd van Rusland tegen nazi-Duitsland aan 20 miljoen Russen het leven heeft gekost...... 


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Uncle Sam's Nazi Warriors

By Mike Whitney

March 11, 2022: Information Clearing House -- 

“I have spoken with my Western colleagues about denazification. They say:” What’s the problem? You also have radical nationalists, don’t you?” Yes, we do, but we don’t have them in our government like Ukraine. And we don’t have thousands of people marching in the streets with torches and swastikas like Nazi Germany in the 1930s? And we don’t praise the men who killed Russians, Jews, and Poles during the war. But in Ukraine, they do.” Vladimir Putin, Russian President

The United States has been arming and training far-right militants that are the ideological descendants of Nazi war criminals that were directly involved in the mass-extermination of Jews, Slavs and Gypsies during the Second World War. These Ukrainian storm troopers are among the most vicious and malignant combatants Washington has ever employed to implement its foreign policy agenda. Naturally, Washington sees these fascist-zealots as mere pawns in its proxy war on Russia. Even so, the ‘alliance of convenience’ does not diminish the fact that Uncle Sam is now in bed with right-wing militants whose spiritual leader, Adolph Hitler, was responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people as well as the destruction of large parts of Europe and Russia. Check out this clip from an article titled “Can Ukraine have a ‘Nazi problem’ with a Jewish president?:

“Ukraine really does have a far-right problem, and it’s not a fiction of Kremlin propaganda. And it’s well past time to talk about it,” explained journalist and expert on the Ukrainian far right, Michael Colborne.

The most known neo-Nazi group on Ukraine’s far right is the Azov movement. The movement grew out of the Azov Regiment (originally a Battalion), formed in the chaos of war in early 2014.

It was formed by a “ragtag group of far-right thugs, football hooligans and international hangers-on, including dozens of Russian citizens,” said Colborne, who wrote a book on the movement.”(Can Ukraine have a ‘Nazi problem’ with a Jewish president?”, Jewish Unpacked)

While Russian President Vladimir Putin is committed to removing Ukraine’s Nazis from power, it is uncertain how he will do so. Self-identified fascists now hold positions of authority in the military, the government and the Security Services. They have also been the driving force behind the 8 year-long siege of the Donbass region in east Ukraine that is mainly inhabited by ethnic Russians. The militants’ hatred for their Slavic brothers suggests that Hitler’s racial theories are being ruthlessly applied in 21st Century Europe. Here’s an excerpt from an article at The Saker Blog:

“Since the Western-backed coup in Kiev in 2014, political organizations associated with neo-Nazis infiltrated Ukrainian mainstream politics as the Ukrainian government sent troops to try to crush the Donbass uprisings by force.

As Ukraine waged war against breakaway forces in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, the Neo-Nazi Groups in Ukraine gained notoriety for their belligerent rhetoric towards the population of the country’s east, as well as for eagerly participating in the civil war….

The (Azov Battalion’s) first commander was right-wing nationalist Andriy Biletsky, who led the paramilitary national socialist group called “Patriot of Ukraine” and was the founder of a neo-Nazi group, the Social-National Assembly (SNA) in 2008. In 2010, Biletsky, a former parliamentarian, apparently said that Ukraine was meant to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led Untermenschen (subhumans) ”by reports in a spate of Western mainstream outlets.” (Ukrainian bad guys and a fair Russian response, Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog)

Readers should take a minute to savor Washington’s duplicity on this matter, after all, while the Biden administration and the entire MSM was denouncing the January 6 protestors as “racists” and “white supremacists”, the US government was busy arming and training “white crusader” Nazis to carry out its war on Russia. What’s that all about? If there was an Academy Award for hypocrisy, Uncle Sam would be the hands-down favorite. Here’s more from the same piece:

“Azov took part in subsequent hostilities in Donbass and was incorporated into the National Guard of Ukraine in November 2014, although its members continued to wear neo-Nazi and SS-like symbols and regalia and openly express neo-Nazi views. Their logo echoes the Wolfsangel, one of the original symbols used by the 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich. Representatives of the Azov Battalion, however, have claimed their symbol is an abbreviation for the slogan “National Idea” in Ukrainian.

Ukrainian authorities did not bother to conceal the fact that in 2014, Azov comprised neo-Nazi-leaning volunteers from countries such as Sweden, Italy, France, Belarus, Canada, and Slovenia.

Despite the adoption of the 2015 Minsk Accords that were aimed at ending the civil war by reintegrating the Donbass into Ukraine in exchange for constitutionally-guaranteed autonomy, Kiev refused to implement a peace deal. Azov members took an active part in Donbass hostilities.

In 2016, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) accused the Azov Battalion, officially upgraded to a regiment in January 2015, of committing war crimes such as mass looting, unlawful detention, and torture. Currently, the Azov “Special Operations Detachment” is engaged in the Ukrainian army’s counter-reconnaissance and special weapons operations.

The Russian Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case against a number of fighters from Azov units for crimes such as kidnapping, torture, use of prohibited means, and methods of warfare.” (Ukrainian bad guys and a fair Russian response”, Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog)

Again, these are not your garden-variety, right-wing militants. These are full-fledged, battle-hardened Nazi storm troopers that have engaged in all-manner of illegal and sadistic activities including “the mass killing of prisoners, the concealment of corpses in mass graves and the systematic use of physical and psychological torture techniques.” And while they are lavishly supported by the United States, they oppose everything that America claims to stand for. They are universally opposed to liberal democracy, parliamentary government and racial equality. Instead, they advocate social regimentation, autocratic rule and glorification of the state. Race is very much at the core of Nazi Doctrine. (which may explain the animus these fascist groups have for the ethnic Russians in the east.) A few quotes from Hitler’s manifesto Mein Kampt help to illustrate this point:

“A stronger race will drive out the weaker ones, for the vital urge in its ultimate form will break down the absurd barriers of the so-called humanity of individuals to make way for the humanity of nature which destroys the weak to give their place to the strong.”

“Blood sin and desecration of the race are the original sin of this world and the end of a humanity that surrenders to it.” (Adolf Hitler, Quotes on Race”, quotetab)

The above quotes provide a window into the ideology that was used to justify a world war against “inferior people” who were seen as expendable in the eyes of their Aryan overlords. Why– you may ask– is the US supporting the adherents of this same fiendish dogma in Ukraine today?

We can’t answer that, but here’s more background from an article by Monseigneur Carlo Maria Vigano:

“Neo-Nazi movements engaged in military and paramilitary actions operate freely in Ukraine, often with the official support of public institutions. These include the following: Stepan Bandera’s Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), a movement with a Nazi, anti-Semitic and racist matrix already active in Chechnya and which is part of the Right Sector, an association of far-right movements formed at the time of the Euromaidan coup in 2013/2014; the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA); the UNA/UNSO, paramilitary wing of the far-right political party Ukraine National Assembly; the Korchinsky Brotherhood, which offered protection in Kiev to ISIS members; Misanthropic Vision (MD), a neo-Nazi network spread across 19 countries that publicly incites terrorism, extremism and hatred against Christians, Muslims, Jews, Communists, homosexuals, Americans and people of color.

It should be remembered that the government has given explicit support to these extremist organizations both by sending the presidential guard to the funerals of their representatives, as well as by supporting the Azov Battalion, a paramilitary organization that is officially part of the Ukrainian Army under the new name of Azov Special Operations Regiment and organized into the National Guard. ..

In March 2015, Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov announced that the Azov Battalion would be one of the first units to be trained by US Army troops, as part of their Operation Fearless Guard training mission. … “We have been training these guys for eight years now. They are really good fighters. That’s where the Agency’s program could have a serious impact.” (“Declaration of Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò on the Russia-Ukraine Crisis”,

Vigano is right, the US has been providing combat training to Ukrainian Nazis and other far-right groups in secret camps since 2015. These ultra nationalist militias will now pass along these same skills to tens of thousands of other like-minded militants increasing the global spread of fascism by many orders of magnitude. Here’s more from an article at Jacobin Magazine:

“Not just the Ukrainian far right, but neo-fascist forces from all over the world, including the US and Europe, will now receive combat experience with the most advanced weapons in the world. They will also be able to continue developing their international networks, to which the Ukrainian far right, and especially the Azov Battalion, have long been central…

… since 2015, the CIA has been secretly training forces in Ukraine to serve as “insurgent leaders,” in the words of one former intelligence official, in case Russia ends up invading the country. Current officials are claiming the training is purely for intelligence collection, but the former officials Yahoo! spoke to said the program involved training in firearms, “cover and move,” and camouflage, among other things.

Given the facts, there’s a good chance that the CIA is training actual, literal Nazis as part of this effort. The year the program started, 2015, also happened to be the same year that Congress passed a spending bill that featured hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of economic and military support for Ukraine… (The CIA May Be Breeding Nazi Terror in Ukraine”, Branko Marcetic, Jacobin Magazine)

But why has the United States gone to so much trouble to arm and train these combatants when it appears that the Russian army is clearly going to win the war?

The plan to defeat Russia was never intended to succeed in the initial phase of the conflict, but to lay the groundwork for a bloody and protracted insurgency fought by these same CIA-trained paramilitaries who now act as Uncle Sam’s Nazi warriors. Here’s the story from Yahoo News:

“The CIA is overseeing a secret intensive training program in the U.S. for elite Ukrainian special operations forces and other intelligence personnel, according to five former intelligence and national security officials familiar with the initiative. The program, which started in 2015, is based at an undisclosed facility in the Southern U.S., according to some of those officials….

The training, which has included “tactical stuff,” is “going to start looking pretty offensive if Russians invade Ukraine,” said the former official. One person familiar with the program put it more bluntly. “The United States is training an insurgency,” said a former CIA official, adding that the program has taught the Ukrainians how “to kill Russians.”

Though the agency’s paramilitary resources have been otherwise stretched thin in Afghanistan and on other counterterrorism missions, the U.S.-based training program has been a “high priority” for the CIA since its Obama-era inception, said the former senior intelligence official…. The Biden administration has reportedly assembled a task force to determine how the CIA and other U.S. agencies could support a Ukrainian insurgency, should Russia launch a large-scale incursion.

“If the Russians invade, those [graduates of the CIA programs] are going to be your militia, your insurgent leaders,” said the former senior intelligence official. “We’ve been training these guys now for eight years. They’re really good fighters. That’s where the agency’s program could have a serious impact.”

Both U.S. and Ukrainian officials believe that Ukrainian forces will not be able to withstand a large-scale Russian incursion, according to former U.S. officials. But representatives from both countries also believe that Russia won’t be able to hold on to new territory indefinitely because of stiff resistance from Ukrainian insurgents, according to former officials.

If the Russians launch a new invasion, “there’s going to be people who make their life miserable,” said the former senior intelligence official. The CIA-trained paramilitaries “will organize the resistance” using the specialized training they’ve received.

“All that stuff that happened to us in Afghanistan,” said the former senior intelligence official, “they can expect to see that in spades with these guys.” (CIA-trained Ukrainian paramilitaries may take central role if Russia invades”, Yahoo News)

Let’s summarize:

  1. The United States has been arming and training Ukrainian fascist combatants in secret locations.
  2. The CIA training program began in 2015 which suggests there must have been a plan for goading Russia into invading. Nothing would have been left to chance. Strategic planners must have settled on what provocations they would use. (like the threat of NATO membership)
  3. Official Washington never thought the Ukrainian army could prevail against a conflict with the Russian Army, which suggests that the media’s stories about “the brave Ukrainian resistance” are reckless propaganda designed to garner greater public support.
  4. The country of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people are of no interest to the United States. Ukraine is only valuable in as much as it provides a staging ground (and the manpower) for Washington to prosecute a war against Russia.
  5. The clear strategic objective of the CIA program is to create an “Afghanistan-type” quagmire for Russia that will deplete its resources, inflict massive reputational damage, and kill as many Russian servicemen as possible.
  6. The ultimate goal of the CIA-generated insurgency is to destroy the Russian economy, isolate the Russian leadership, and send home as many Russian boys in body-bags as possible in order to affect a regime change that will replace arch-rival Putin with a compliant stooge like Ukrainian Puppet Zelensky.
  7. All the evidence suggests that the developments on the ground– including the luring of Russian troops into Ukraine– is part of a long-standing strategic plan to prevent the economic integration of Russia and Europe in order to control China’s development and preserve US hegemony into the next century. Thus, current US foreign policy can be summarized in just 10 words:

“We’ll deal with Russia first, then move on to China.

Important Notes:

1– Must watch– Tucker Carlson, America’s best essayist, We are at war with Russia”

2– Must watch –

Prof. John Mearsheimer explains the crisis in Ukraine the crisis in Ukraine (with Ray McGovern), Consortium News


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* Boonman ziet het vooral als zijn taak om de disfunctionerende VVD premier Rutte en diens kabinetten te prijzen en dat durft zich ook nog journalist te noemen.......


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'Oekraïne: de strijd tegen de waarheid over de bloedige VS terreur plus de enorme westerse hypocrisie'

'Oekraïne en 'het truckers protest' tegen COVID-maatregelen in Canada van fundamentalistisch religieus rechts, racisten en ander tuig? Eén grote leugen!!'

''Russische propaganda': het laatste excuus voor nog meer 'democratische censuur' op de sociale media'

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'Oekraïne: wie jarenlang een wereldmacht tart moet niet opkijken als deze uiteindelijk optreedt' (!!!!)

'Oekraïne: Rusland erkent Luhansk en Donetsk, de westerse wereld alweer hypocriet op de kop' En zie de links in dat bericht!!

'Westerse Oekraïne leugens'

'Oekraïne: Russische 'propaganda' is informatie die VS propaganda weerlegt'

'Oekraïne: waarom niet de reguliere media direct laten leiden door de CIA en is de VS wellicht bezig met de voorbereiding van een aanval op Rusland'

'De Krim het echte verhaal: geen annexatie maar de vrijwillige aansluiting bij Rusland, zelfs Oekraïners stemden voor' (!!!!)

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'Generaal Stoss: VS ziet een 'epische nucleaire dreiging' van China en Rusland' (!!!!)

'Oekraïne crisis: het feit dat het westen dit sprookje in de wereld hielp 'heeft voorkomen' dat een Russische inval plaatsvond.......' (en zie de links in dat bericht!!)

'BREKEND NIEUWS: Oekraïne crisis: de CIA heeft Disney overgenomen: beweringen zonder enig bewijs dat Rusland een 'false flag video' gebruikt zijn 'waar....'' (en zie de links in dat bericht!!)

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''Porosjenko (Oekraïne) roept de NAVO op tot oorlog tegen Rusland'

'Election ploy? Poroshenko declares martial law in Ukraine after Kerch standoff'

'VS senator Rand Paul stelt n.a.v. NAVO-top dat men de zaak moet bekijken vanuit het Russische perspectief'

'Putin en Trump halen spanning uit de lucht >> de westerse wereld schreeuwt moord en brand......'

'Afspraken met de VS maken? Voor je het weet heb je te maken met een 'verspreking' van de president..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Oekraïne, wat de reguliere (massa-) media, 'deskundigen' en politici u niet vertellen over dit door een junta geregeerd land' (!!!!)

'Oekraïne, Georgië en Moldavië hebben oud bondgenootschap doen herleven, in voorbereiding op NAVO lidmaatschap en verdere actie tegen Rusland........'

'De Krim, Georgië en Syrië >> de anti-Russische propaganda.....'

'Oekraïne en NAVO bezig met uitlokking WOIII.........

'VS levert neonazi-leger Oekraïne voor 250 miljoen dollar aan wapens'

Ukraine is ready for NATO membershipFoto van het neonazi-bataljon Azov in Oost-Oekraïne, bataljons als deze hebben de laatste 8 jaar de steden en dorpen van de zich van Oekraïne afgescheiden staatjes Luhansk en Donetsk gebombardeerd, gelukkig zijn ze allesbehalve goed in dat bombarderen, al hebben ze alsnog veel slachtoffers gemaakt onder burgers in die staatjes.... Zie ook de NAVO vlag naast een neonazi vlag....... Voor de omgekomen neonazi's hebben onze zwaar disfunctionerende VVD premier en aartsleugenaar Rutte en CDA kluns Hoekstra die minister van BuZa mag spelen in het kabinet Rutte 4, een krans gelegd in Kiev, zie de foto die hieronder is te vinden.

'Oekraïne het toneel van grootschalige luchtmachtoefeningen met VS en NAVO, naast een enorme militaire VS/NAVO oefening in Noorwegen'

'Geert Jan Hahn en zijn 'deskundige' gekleurde kijk op Oekraïne........ AAJAAAJAAAJ!!!' (26 februari 2015) Hahn was destijds de Oost-Europa deskundige van BNR wat hij nu weer is, ondanks zijn enorme blunders die hij destijds en ook nu weer maakt......

'David Jan Godfroid bakt ze bruin vanuit Oekraïne.......' Godfroid was/is de Oost-Europa deskundige van de zogenaamd onafhankelijke NOS.......

'NAVO beschuldigt Rusland alweer van meevechten met- en wapenleveranties aan opstandelingen Oost-Oekraïne


Hier nog wat links naar berichten over de oneindige VS terreur: 'VS vermoordde meer dan 20 miljoen mensen sinds het einde van WOII........' Dit tot het jaar 2000, wat betreft deze eeuw zijn er intussen meer dan 5 miljoen moorden aan toegevoegd, moorden begaan door de VS en NAVO-lidstaten, inclusief Nederland (waar terreurorganisatie NAVO altijd onder militair opperbevel stond en staat van de VS...).... Ongelofelijk dat men nooit zal beginnen over het nemen van sancties tegen de VS, terwijl dat land oneindig veel meer ellende en zwaar bloedvergieten over de aarde heeft gebracht en brengt dan Rusland.....

'VS buitenlandbeleid sinds WOII: een lange lijst van staatsgrepen en oorlogen..........'

'List of wars involving the United States'

'CIA 70 jaar: 70 jaar moorden, martelen, coups plegen, nazi's beschermen, media manipulatie enz. enz.........' (!!!!)

'9/11: de reden voor twintig jaar westerse terreur o.l.v. de VS waarbij meer dan vijf miljoen mensen werden vermoord' (en zie de links in dat bericht!!)

'CIA rekruteert folteraars met een beroep op vrouwenemancipatie: een fikse rel in de VS'

'Michael Hayden (ex-CIA en generaal b.d.): niets mis met martelingen door Gina Haspel.....'

'US Airstrikes Killing Hundreds of Civilians in Syria’s Raqqa'

'VN waarschuwt de VS voor het maken van een onacceptabel aantal Syrische burgerslachtoffers met haar bombardementen.......' Waar de VS zich niets van heeft aangetrokken......

'VS gaf sinds 2001 meer dan 5,9 biljoen dollar uit aan (illegale) oorlogen, ofwel: $ 5,933.000.000.000.......' (tot 2018.....)

'VS is grootste producent van vluchtelingen, aldus VN rapport..........' (!!!!) (en zie de links in dat bericht!!)

'VS subsidiëring van neonazi's in Oekraïne, neonazi's die ook fascisten uit de VS trainen......' (!!!!) Lees dat bericht mensen, weet je meteen dat de EU en de NAVO neonazi's steunen met hun geldelijke en wapenhulp aan dat land!! (voor de NAVO trouwens de normaalste zaak van de wereld: dat steunen van fascisten.....) En dan te bedenken dat premier Rutte en minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Hoekstra onlangs een krans hebben gelegd bij een monument voor met name omgekomen neonazi's...... (op 8 februari 2022 heb ik de opmerking over de kranslegging door Rutte en Hoekstra aan deze link toegevoegd) Hier een foto van dit walgelijk gebeuren met aartsleugenaar Rutte ofwel Pinokkio 2.0:


'VS verwijt Iran nucleaire chantage, chantage waar de VS zichzelf schuldig aan maakt' (en zie de links in dat bericht!!)

En nogmaals: het is de allerhoogste tijd dat journalist Julian Assange wordt vrijgelaten uit de smerige isolatiefolter waarin hij nu al bijna 3 jaar volkomen onterecht vastzit voor het openbaren van zware oorlogsmisdaden begaan door de VS (toegegeven in officiële gelekte documenten van de VS!!!)....... Het is zelfs de taak van een ieder om zware misdaden aan te geven!!! Deze documenten plus beeldmateriaal zijn te vinden in WikiLeaks!!

maandag 19 november 2018

VS subsidiëring van neonazi's in Oekraïne, neonazi's die ook fascisten uit de VS trainen......

De VS subsidieert neo-nazi's in Oekraïne, neonazi's die ook neonazi's uit de VS trainen...... Waar bronnen in het Pentagon toegeven 'het mogelijk te achten' dat militaire adviseurs van de VS leden van het neonazi-bataljon Azov hebben getraind (en waarschijnlijk nog trainen) in Oekraïne...... Ofwel de VS traint indirect de neonazi's in eigen land.......

De FBI heeft 4 neonazi's (eufemistisch 'white supremacists' genoemd) van de Rise Above Movement (RAM) aangeklaagd die werden getraind door het Oekraïense Azov bataljon, een neonazi militie die officieel deel uitmaakt van de Oekraïense nationale garde (o.a. onder de verkorting 'Azan'), een bataljon dat ook als legeronderdeel vecht in Oost-Oekraïne, vechtend tegen de burgers die zich terecht verzetten tegen de neonazi-junta van Porosjenko, de zogenaamde president van Oekraïne...... Voorts zitten er vrijwilligers uit o.a. uit de VS, Brazilië, Polen en Frankrijk in het neonazi-bataljon in Oost-Oekraïne.... (eerder was er al sprake van Nederlandse motorkleuters van de 'Hells Angels', of soortgelijke suffe brommerjongens, die mee zouden vechten aan de kant van de neonazi's in Oost-Oekraïne....) 

Het is overigens niet voor het eerst dat de VS samenwerkt met (neo-) nazi's, begin 50er jaren gebruikte de VS ex-nazi collaborateurs uit o.a. Oekraïne in de strijd tegen het communisme, tijdens de destijds al bestaande Koude Oorlog....... 

Onbegrijpelijk dat de EU, de NAVO en de VS (al is dat uiteindelijk de baas van de NAVO) Oekraïne steunen, men moet overal in het westen weten, dat de uiterst corrupte juntaleider Porosjenko* in feite een neonazi is....... Dezelfde Porosjenko die door de VS (destijds onder minister van BuZa Hillary Clinton) in het zadel is geholpen, nadat men een opstand in dat land organiseerde..... De VS trok daar 'maar liefst' 4 miljard dollar voor uit.......

Terug naar de FBI aanklacht: deze luidt dat het Azov bataljon de VS fascisten heeft getraind en geradicaliseerd...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Hoe kan je de neonazi's in de VS nog verder radicaliseren? Dat fascistische geteisem is jaarlijks goed voor vele doden in de VS....... 

Het laatste is ook de enige kritiek die ik heb op het hieronder opgenomen artikel van Max Blumenthal, eerder gepubliceerd op MintPress News, Een uitgebreid artikel waarin Blumenthal volkomen terecht waarschuwt voor de groeiende macht van de fascisten in de VS en Europa....... Uit zijn artikel blijkt eens te meer dat de VS de neonazi's in Oekraïne steunt, dezelfde VS die Israël keer op keer uit de wind houdt en critici van Israël verwijdt antisemitisch te zijn, terwijl de door haar gesteunde neonazi's in Oekraïne ronduit de schurft hebben aan Joden......... (overigens: ook Israël zou de neonazi-junta in Oekraïne steunen......)

In de EU kan je stellen dat Hongarije, Roemenië, Polen, Italië en Oostenrijk een fascistische regering hebben...... Waar tegelijkertijd in de andere Oost-Europese landen en de rest van de EU het fascisme met elke verkiezing groeit, de enige uitzondering is Groot-Brittannië, waar Ukip verloor bij de laatste verkiezingen. (echter het is maar de vraag hoe de volgende verkiezingen daar zullen verlopen voor de fascisten, zeker als je ziet dat het plan May, het Chequers plan of deal, de Britten in het pak heeft genaaid, met een Brexit die geen Brexit meer is, maar een lidmaatschap van de EU waar de Britten in feite niets meer te zeggen hebben, maar zich wel aan de regels moeten houden......)

Het is dan ook de hoogste tijd dat linkse, 'anarchistische' en alternatieve krachten zich gaan organiseren tegen het fascisme, als het aan de EU of haar lidstaten ligt, gebeurt er niets, terwijl het fascisme in het (ook recente) verleden bewezen dood en verderf heeft verspreid over de wereld....... 

An Inside Look at How US-Funded Fascists in Ukraine Mentor US White Supremacists

Ukraine | Azov Nazi

November 15, 2018 at 7:12 pm
Written by Max Blumenthal

(MPN— Last month, an unsealed FBI indictment of four American white supremacists from the Rise Above Movement (RAM) declared that the defendants had trained with Ukraine’s Azov Battalion, a neo-Nazi militia officially incorporated into the country’s national guard. The training took place after the white supremacist gang participated in violent riots in Huntington Beach and Berkeley, California and Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017.

The indictment stated that the Azov Battalion “is believed to have participated in training and radicalizing United States-based white supremacy organizations.”

After a wave of racist violence across America that culminated in the massacre of twelve Jewish worshippers at a Pittsburgh synagogue, the revelation that violent white supremacists have been traveling abroad for training and ideological indoctrination with a well-armed neo-Nazi militia should cause extreme alarm.

Not only are white supremacists from across the West flocking to Ukraine to learn from the combat experience of their fascist brothers-in-arms, they are doing so openly — chronicling their experiences on social media before they bring their lessons back home. But U.S. law enforcement has done nothing so far to restrict the flow of right-wing American extremists to Azov’s bases.

There is one likely explanation for the U.S. government’s hands-off approach to Azov recruitment: the extremist militia is fighting pro-Russian separatists as a front-line proxy of Washington. In fact, the United States has directly armed the Azov Battalion, forking over anti-tank rocket launchers and even sending a team of Army officers to meet in the field with Azov commanders in 2017.

Though Congress passed legislation this year forbidding military aid to Azov on the grounds of its white supremacist ideology, the Trump administration’s authorization of $200 million in offensive weaponry and aid to the Ukrainian military makes it likely new stores of weapons will wind up the extremist regiment’s hands. When queried by reporters about evidence of American military training of Azov personnel, multiple U.S. army spokespersons admitted there was no mechanism in place to prevent that from happening.

Today, Azov boasts combat experience, unlimited access to light weapons, and supporters honeycombed throughout the upper echelons of Ukraine’s military and government. No longer just a militia, the organization has developed into a political juggernaut that can overpower Ukraine’s government. Two years ago, the group flexed its muscle on the streets of Kiev, bringing out 10,000 supporters to demand that the government bend to their will or face a coup.

With its military experience and weapons, Azov has the ability to blackmail the government and defend themselves politically against any opposition. They openly say that if the government will not advance an ideology similar to theirs, they will overthrow it,” Ivan Katchanovski, a professor of political science at the University of Ottawa and leading expert on Ukraine’s far-right, commented to me. He continued, explaining:Rusla
Currently the organizations that are fascist are stronger in Ukraine than in any other country in the world. But this fact is not reported by Western media because they see these organizations as supportive of the geopolitical agenda against Russia. So condemnations are limited to violence or human rights abuses.”

The revelations of collaboration between violent American white supremacists and a neo-Nazi militia armed by the Pentagon add another scandalous chapter to a long history of blowback that dates back to the 1950’s, when the CIA rehabilitated several Ukrainian Nazi collaborators as anti-communist assets in the Cold War.

The almost unbelievable story exposes an axis of fascism that stretches across the Atlantic, from the Ukrainian capital of Kiev to the sun-washed suburbs of Southern California, where some of the most rabid modern white supremacist gangs were born.

The white nationalist Fight Club

This October, four members of the RAM gang — Robert Rundo, Benjamin Drake Daley, Michael Paul Mirelis, and Aaron Eason — were arrested by FBI agents. They were accused of “using the internet to encourage, promote, participate in, and carry out riots” from Huntington Beach to Berkeley, California. Four other members had been arrested in connection with their participation in the white supremacist riot in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a counter-protester, Heather Heyer, was killed in a vehicular homicide by a white supremacist.

RAM first appeared in the national limelight during a celebration of Donald Trump’s election victory in Huntington Beach in March 2017. As about one hundred far-right activists marched along the beach donned in red “Make America Great Again” caps and waving Trump flags, they were confronted by a small group of masked anti-racist counter-demonstrators. When a melee ensued, RAM members assaulted their outnumbered opponents, pummeling them into submission and even attacking a local reporter. Afterwards, Orange County police arrested several anti-racist demonstrators, but the RAM gang walked free.

RAM markets itself as a self-defense organization that protects the free speech of white Americans against an onslaught of “Cultural Marxism,”  a classic anti-Semitic trope. Its founders emphasize a vaguely anti-consumerist Fight Club mentality along with a rigorous dedication to mixed martial arts. Its co-founder, Rundo, operates an online clothing and apparel company, Right Brand Clothing, that hawks slickly designed t-shirts promotingEuropean Brotherhood,” stickers emphasizing a straight-edge “nationalist lifestyle,” and ethically sourced designer “Demagogue pants” (yes, white supremacists apparently care about sweatshops). RAM members can be seen at the site modeling their gear with a clean-cut “fashy” look that contrasts sharply with the stereotypical image of skinheads in jackboots.

RAM’s careful attention to its public image has not stopped its members from putting their crude neo-Nazi ideology on display at rallies, however. During the Huntington Beach riot, for example, RAM’s Robert Boman was seen waving a sign reading “Da Goyim Know.” This alt-right slogan refers to the white nationalist understanding of the supposed Jewish plot to dominate the world.

Rise Above Movement | Da Goyim Know
Screenshot | YouTube
I’m a big supporter of the Fourteen, I’ll say that,” RAM’s Rundo proclaimed into a camera in Huntington Beach. The gang leader was referring to the notorious 14-word slogan coined by convicted white supremacist terrorist David Lane, which has become a rallying cry for fascists across the globe: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

Two months after the violence in Huntington Beach, two RAM members were photographed in the same spot dousing literature they dubbed as “Cultural Marxist” with lighter fluid and setting it ablaze. Among the volumes they torched were “The Diary of Anne Frank,” “The 9/11 Commission Report,” and “Schindler’s List.” Besides evoking memories of the early days of Nazi Germany, the spectacle cast the group’s purported devotion to free speech in an extremely ironic light.

Rise Above Movement
Photo | Northern California Anti-Racist Action

Following RAM’s highly publicized street battles, the group became the subject of intense media scrutiny. In October 2017, the investigative outlet ProPublica produced a video that exposed the identities of RAM’s core membership and wondered why they had not been investigated by law enforcement for their violent actions in Huntington Beach and elsewhere.

But the media coverage of RAM glossed over the group’s attraction to a burgeoning trans-Atlantic conglomeration of white supremacists that centered on U.S.-allied Ukraine as the base for a fascist reconquest of Europe. By the Spring of 2018, RAM leadership was barnstorming through Germany and Italy and heading east to meet fascist cohorts from across the West at a conference in Kiev.

RAM’s Ukrainian hate-cation

Buried in the FBI indictment of RAM members are details of their meetings with one of the key figures in Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Battalion militia.

In August, according to the indictment, RAM members published photos on Instagram showing themselves meeting with Olena Semanyaka, the leader of the international department of the Ukrainian National Corps, which functions as a civilian arm of the Azov Battalion:

 Rise Above Movement | Ukraine

The indictment also referenced a video of RAM co-founder Benjamin Drake Daley performing a crossed-forearm salute to the Southern California-based white supremacist Hammerskin gang while in Ukraine:

 Rise Above Movement | Ukraine

RAM’s Gab account provides additional details of the group’s foray through Ukraine this May. The trip centered around the Paneuropa conference, an event that brings together fascists from across the West to encourage international collaboration. It is hosted at the Reconquista Club in Kiev, and included an MMA competition.

One of our guys has hadthe honor to be the first American to compete in the pan european organization Reconquista in Ukraine!” RAM declared on its Gab account. “This was a great experience meeting nationalist[s] that came [sic] as far as Portugal and Switzerland to take part.”

Rise Above Movement | Ukraine MMA
Robert Rundo, left, of the Rise Above Movement competes at Azov’s Reconquista Club in Kiev, Ukraine. Photo | Gab
The visit, which followed on the heels of meetings with white supremacists in Germany and with Italy’s fascist CasaPound party, highlighted the centrality of Ukraine to international fascist organizing. Further, the Paneuropa conference, where fascists build connections across national borders, revealed the Azov Battalion as much more than a militia fighting for control of a sliver of contested territory in eastern Ukraine.

Semanyaka did not respond to an interview request delivered through Facebook messenger; however, she told Radio Free Europe’s Christopher Miller that RAM “came to learn our ways” and showed interest in learning how to create youth forces in the way Azov has.

Today, Azov leaders openly acknowledge that were it not for the U.S.-backed coup that unfolded in Kiev’s Maidan Square in 2014, their organization would never have developed into the powerhouse it is. As Semanyaka said this year, according to a summary:
The Ukrainian nationalist movement would have never reached such a level of development unless the war with Russia had begun. For the first time since the Second World War, nationalist formations have managed to create their own military wings, the brightest example being the Azov regime of the National Guard of Ukraine.”

The right-wing revolution on the Maidan

The 2013-14 Maidan revolt was the cataclysmic event that Ukraine’s already potent ultra-nationalist camp had been waiting for. The protests erupted in Kiev’s Maidan Square after the democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych refused to sign an economic association agreement with the EU. Celebrated in the West as a pro-Western movement guided by tech-savvy middle-class youth, EuroMaidan depended heavily for its success on phalanxes of black-masked hardmen from Right Sector (see appendix at bottom), an ultra-nationalist party that did battle with the government’s Berkut riot police.

Along with Right Sector, the leadership of the far-right Svoboda Party assumed a prominent role at the Maidan, dubbing the protests a “Revolution of Dignity.” Svoboda co-founder Oleh Tyahnybok — who had once demanded an investigation of the “Jewish-Muscovite mafia” that he saw controlling Ukraine — appeared on stage at the square beside U.S. Senators John McCain and Chris Murphy when they arrived to encourage the protesters.

Another key figure in Ukraine’s neo-Nazi scene was Andriy Biletsky. A university Ph.D. who stressed physical violence as a means to revolutionary change, Biletsky led the Patriot of Ukraine militia, an early forerunner of Azov that attacked migrant camps and menaced foreigners. In a manifesto published during the height of the Maidan clashes, Biletsky outlined his post-revolutionary agenda: “The historic mission of our nation in this critical moment is to lead the White Races of the world in a final crusade for their survival,” he wrote. “A crusade against the Semite-led Untermenschen.”

Ukaine | Right Sector
Members of the Right Sector practice street fighting in central Kiev, Ukraine, Feb. 3, 2014. Darko Bandic | AP

In May 2014, Right Sector and an assortment of far-right forces banded together to massacre their opponents in Odessa, attacking a pro-separatist protest camp with iron pipes then burning the fleeing protesters alive after they took shelter in a local trade union building. Over 40 pro-separatist Ukrainian citizens were consumed in the flames. The U.S. and EU studiously looked the other way, legitimizing the violence and setting the stage for more.

Behind the scenes, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt were carefully stage managing the opposition, positioning the pliable Arseniy Yatsenyuk as the future leader of a U.S. client-state. Meanwhile, billionaire-backed U.S. soft-power entities like the Omidyar Network and Open Society Foundation plowed money into the opposition, providing it with high-tech organizing capacity and establishing new media outlet Hromadske overnight.

Given the amount of U.S. investment in regime change in Ukraine, it was necessary for American pundits who cheered on the operation to downplay or simply deny the central role neo-Nazi forces played in making it all possible. In perhaps the most absurd attempt at whitewashing the fascist presence, the neoconservative pundit James Kirchick described Right Sector in an article for Foreign Affairs as “Putin’s imaginary Nazis.” Meanwhile, groups like the Anti-Defamation League — which supposedly exist to battle anti-Semitism — refused to support a congressional effort to ban arms to groups affiliated with Right Sector, because “the focus should be on Russia.”

With all the cover he needed from Washington, Biletsky organized the “imaginary Nazis” of Patriot of Ukraine, Right Sector, and assorted football ultras into a real militia called the Azov Battalion. Together, they fought under the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel symbol, which also happens to be incorporated into the logo of the U.S.-based Aryan Nations.

On the frontlines of eastern Ukrainian flashpoints, Azov did battle with Russian-speaking separatists and set up government-sponsored indoctrination camps for children and teens closer to the country’s interior, instructing ten year olds on marksmanship and the evils of foreigners.

Azan was subsequently absorbed into Ukraine’s military as a national guard unit, and began appearing in the field with PSRL-1 rocket launchers supplied under the watch of the U.S. Department of Defense. In November 2017, Azov leadership received a team of U.S. Army officers for training and logistical discussions (see photo below and to the right).

Azov Nazi
Members of the Azov Battalion display the Nazi salute, left. U.S. Army officers visit the Azov Battalion in the field, right.
By the time Congress approved a ban on arms to Azov this year, the Trump administration had already authorized a new shipment of offensive weapons to the Ukrainian military, including advanced Javelin anti-tank missiles. As in Syria — where the CIA-backed Free Syrian Army functioned as a de facto “weapons farm” for jihadist groups, including Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS — any new U.S. arms are likely to wind up in the possession of Azov, the congressional ban notwithstanding.

It’s very corrupt in Ukraine and money can be stolen — the same as in Syria where extremist fighters got guns from U.S.-backed units,” said Katchanovski. “Azov can just establish new political fronts so they can circumvent the U.S. prohibitions.”

Foreign fighters for fascism

The Azov Battalion has received not only U.S. weapons, but also volunteer American military veterans like Brian Boyenger. “It’s not illegal,” Boyenger told Ukraine Today interviewer of his presence in an Azov camp. “From a U.S. perspective, as long as you’re not fighting with a terrorist group or committing war crimes or things like that. It is legal — mostly I’ve been serving as kind of like an advisor.”

Azov has also welcomed Islamist fighters from Chechnya to continue their long war against Russia in a new theater. A sniper from Sweden with “typical neo-Nazi views,” Mikael Skillt, has been assigned to oversee an entire Azov regiment. And neo-Nazis from as far away as Brazil have flocked to Ukraine to join the fascist crusade. One foreign fighter from France, a young anti-Semite named Gregoire Moutaux, returned from a Ukrainian militia camp in 2016 “armed to the teeth and ready to strike” synagogues, mosques and the 2016 soccer championships when he was arrested on the Ukrainian border by national police.

To consolidate its political influence over the country, the Azov Battalion established a National Druzhina, or street patrol unit. A slickly produced recruitment video released in 2017 featured drone footage of National Druzhina members marching in formation into Kiev as Biletsky, their ideological guide, impelled them to “restore Ukrainian order” to a corrupted society. The street patrol was openly backed by Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, a powerful patron of Azov who belongs to the ruling party of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

This year, the National Druzhina and state-funded neo-Nazi militias like C14 (the “14” represents the notorious “fourteen words” mantra) staged a serie of lethal pogroms against the local Roma population, vandalized the offices of insufficiently pliant politicians, stormed city council meetings, and even suedthe Hromadske station that was established with U.S. funding for describing their members as neo-Nazis.

Their connection to power is why they can commit any crime and they will never be punished,” Katchanovski said of Azov and its various street-muscle brigades. “Because they have the police and senior police members like [Vadym] Troyan, they can intimidate people and intimidate politicians with impunity.” (Once a member of Azov, Troyan now serves as Ukraine’s Deputy Minister of Interior).

The U.S. has not only kept silent about the wave of ultra-nationalist violence sweeping across Ukraine, it has been complicit in legitimizing the perpetrators. This November, America House Kyiv — a U.S. government-funded cultural center — hosted a speech by a uniformed leader of the neo-Nazi C14 gang, Serhiy Bondar. Months earlier, Republican House Majority Leader Paul Ryan and the NATO-funded Atlantic Council hosted Andriy Parubiy, the speaker of the Ukrainian parliament and co-founder of the fascist Social-National party, for a friendly exchange on Capitol Hill.

C14 Ukraine
Serhiy Bondar, a member of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi C14 militia, is hosted by the U.S.-funded America House in Kiev. Screenshot | YouTube
Given the free rein and open acceptance right-wing extremists enjoy in post-Maidan Ukraine, it is no wonder the country has become a haven for fascists from across the West.

The grand Reconquista strategy

As the international secretary of Azov’s National Corps, Olena Semanyaka has emerged as one of the most prolific publicists of Eastern European fascism. With jet black hair and a faintly gothic look, she brands herself as a “traditionalist,” emulating her hero, Julius Evola, the late Italian occultist philosopher who espoused a “racism of the spirit.” Though she has been photographed bearing a Nazi flag and throwing up a sieg heil salute, Semanyaka has also been a welcome guest on Ukrainian nationalist TV to promote her campaign for the release of Ukrainian nationalist activists held by Russia.

Semanya Nazi Ukraine
Semanya, upper left corner of Nazi flag, dispalys the Nazi salute. On the right, Semanyaka is shown during an appearance on Ukrainian state TV.

In her role with Azov, Semanyaka organizes conferences aimed at popularizing the concept of “the great European Reconquista” — a pan-European fascist-nationalist takeover that begins in the former Soviet satellite states and ultimately sweeps through Western Europe on the strength of anti-foreigner resentment.

Semanyaka laid out the fascist grand strategy in Kiev at a December 2016 gathering of Black Metal fans from across Europe called the “Pact of Steel”:
For the first time [in] a long period, the success of the Right in Western Europe — the rise of the Right because of refugee influx and terror — gives the chance for the realization of our ‘pact of steel’ between East and West, between Western and Eastern European nationalists.”

She continued:

Our main task today is to show to Western nationalists, to inform them that Putin’s Russia is no alternative to the EU of the West and that the only ally for them is an alternative axis of European integration which is being formed now in Kiev, Central and Eastern Europe, as a springboard for the all-European reconquest, for the new Europe between the EU and neo-Soviet neo-Bolshevik Putin’s Russia.”

Semanyaka and other Ukrainian fascist ideologues refer to the regional springboard for the European reconquest as the “Intermarium.” This is a concept originally envisioned after World War One by Polish military leader Jozef Pilsudski, who imagined a confederation of countries from the Baltic to the Black Sea as a counter-weight to German and Russian aggression. Though his idea never materialized, Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the failure of the EU and NATO to prevent it revived interest in the Intermarium. One of the biggest boosters of the alliance, the right-wing Polish President Andrzej Duda, saw it primarily through the prism of regional security. The extreme right in Ukraine, however, understood the Intermarium as an ethnically pure base for exporting their revolution to the rest of Europe.

The first Intermarium conference was held in Kiev in January 2016 under the banner of Azov’s National Corps. Semanyaka headlined the event alongside Biletsky, the Azov founder, welcoming far-right activists from Poland and the Baltic States. Within a year, the concept was promoted at an officially sanctioned event at the Latvian embassy in Kiev. There, the Latvian ambassador welcomed a who’s who of the Ukrainian fascist scene, from Svoboda to National Corps representatives like Semanyaka, for a ceremony honoring Peter Radzins, a Latvian general who advocated for the Intermarium.

Organized by Latvia’s far-right National Alliance party, a member of the country’s governing coalition, the spectacle provided Azov leaders with the sheen of international legitimacy. As Matthew Kott, an academic expert on the European far-right, argued, Latvia’s “membership in the EU and NATO allows it to act as a Trojan horse for increasing the clout of the far-right in the Euro-Atlantic community.”

While historical tensions between the Intermarium nations are still simmering, Semanyaka has pleaded with her international allies to heed the call of the late pro-Hitler British Blackshirt leader Oswald Mosley for a “great act of oblivion…of all our former struggles, conflicts, historical enmity. What we need,” she argued, “is the revival of a sense of the new European aristocracy, a new European unity as a real basis for the union I am talking about.”

There are no historical grievances between American white supremacists and their cohorts in Ukraine. After all, the U.S. government has made itself the main guarantor of Ukraine’s security, going as far as directly arming Azov in its bid to bleed Russia. And decades before the U.S. backed extremists in contemporary Ukraine, the CIA ran a program to rehabilitate former Nazi collaborators from the country as anti-communist intelligence assets. Backing Ukrainian fascists is a grand American tradition, indeed.

This November, during the latest Paneuropa conference organized by Semanyaka as a safe space for fascists from across the West, she played host to one of the most prominent self-styled intellectuals of America’s white nationalist movement, Greg Johnson.

Azov Nazi Ukraine
Gregory Johnson promotes his “White Nationalist Manifesto” at Azov’s Reconquista Club in Kiev, Nov. 2018. Screenshot | YouTube
I think that what’s happening in Ukraine is a model and an inspiration for nationalists of all white nations and I wanted to learn as much as possible about what you’re doing here and see as much as possible,” Johnson told his rapt audience. “And I’m enormously impressed and I’m taking notes.”

Johnson is a highbrow racist who publishes a journal, Counter-Currents, that advances what he calls “white identity politics.” Like the Rise Above Movement leaders before him, he was clearly inspired by his visit to Kiev. “I’m already planning to come back,” Johnson exclaimed during a break-out session. “I’m very impressed with what I’ve seen here. I want to come back and learn more.”


Svoboda Party: Originally called the Social-National Party of Ukraine, a Ukrainian political party with long history of anti-Semitism. Led by Oleh Tyahnybok, Svoboda played a prominent role in the 2013-2014 Maidan uprising, where Tyahnybok shared the stage with U.S. Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Chris Murphy (D-CT). Andriy Parubiy, who had co-founded the Social-National Party of Ukraine, is now Speaker of Parliament.

Azov Battalion: 3,000-member neo-Nazi formation in Ukraine’s National Guard. Azov began as a paramilitary, originally formed out of the Patriot of Ukraine neo-Nazi gang led by Andriy Biletsky, and is now a Ukrainian National Guard unit. The battalion’s logo incorporates the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel and black sun symbols. Biletsky is now a member of Ukrainian Parliament. Vadim Troyan, another  Azov veteran, is now Deputy Interior Minister.

Ukrainian National Corps: Azov’s civilian arm, responsible, among other things, for coordinating with and recruiting neo-Nazis and white supremacists from around the world. The international outreach is led by Olena Semanyka, who’s been photographed with a swastika flag.

National Druzhina: Azov’s street patrol organization, established in January 2018 with the aim of “restoring Ukrainian order” to the streets. The National Druzhina — whose members pledge personal loyalty to Biletsky — has been involved in pogroms against the Roma, LGBT, and other activists.

Right Sector: Loose formation of neo-Nazis and football ultras, which supplied street muscle to the 2013-2014 Maidan uprising. Later involved in lethal suppression of anti-Maidan movements in places like Odessa.

C14: Ukrainian neo-Nazi gang that receives government funding and has been responsible for some of the lethal Roma pogroms as well as anti-LGBT violence. The 14 is a reference to the Fourteen Word slogan of white supremacy. Led by Serhiy Bondar, who spoke at America House, a cultural center funded by the U.S. government.

By Max Blumenthal / Republished with permission / MintPress News / Report a typo 
* De Porosjenko kliek heeft al vele kapitalen aan EU gelden verdonkeremaand, terwijl het land zo goed als failliet is...... Porosjenko schijnt ook in Nederland bankrekeningen te hebben, waar veel van zijn middels diefstal verkregen geld is gestald....... (uiteraard tegen een zeer voordelig belastingtarief) Deze noot heb ik na plaatsing verbeterd, de zin zat enigszins krom in elkaar.

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