TV komt met een verontrustende video waarin aandacht voor het feit
dat ziekenhuispersoneel een bron van Coronavirus verspreiding is.
werken veilig binnen de ziekenhuismuren, maar behoeven zich niet te
ontsmetten voor ze naar huis gaan en ze in aanloop daarvan nog even
boodschappen gaan doen....
Het gaat
hier om een zaak die men in de VS heeft geconstateerd, maar ik vraag
me af hoe het in Nederland gaat en gezien al het geblunder van
VVD oplichters Rutte en Bruins, CDA plorken de Jonge en Grapperhaus, plus het zwaar wanpresterende
RIVM, vrees ik het ergste.....*
Dan nog het volgende: hoorde gistermorgen dat 8 op de 10 Nederlanders het
disfunctionerende beleid steunen van voornoemde figuren en
organisatie.....* ha! ha! ha! ha!
het schrijven van Brasscheck nog een bedelschrijven van de
Democraten, daar Trump weigert om iedereen in de VS de kans te geven om te stemmen, let wel: waar men recht op heeft als VS burger zonder
strafblad..... Het gaat hier om stemmen bij volmacht dan wel stemmen via het internet. Trump gaf na een gesprek met Democraten geld voor een betere kans om te stemmen,
maar veel te weinig.......
Na het overleg met Democraten stelde het beest Trump in het openbaar dat wat hij
had besproken met deze Democraten te zot voor woorden was, immers als
iedereen die in de VS het recht heeft om te stemmen en dat zou kunnen doen, er geen
Republikein zou worden gekozen......
More unreported clues to CoVid-19 transmission
Post-shift hygiene by hospital workers…
There is none
More unreported clues to CoVid-19
I have suggested that hospitals themselves are a major if not the major source of the spread of CoVid-19 infections. (See previous pages on this subject.)
If that’s true, what would be the mechanism?
I asked a logical question and got a frightening answer:
What about post-shift hygiene by hospital workers before they hit the streets, stores, and go home.
There is none.
Don’t take my word for it.
What follows is Standard Operating Procedure for hospital workers in their own words and one colleague just told me he saw a worker in scrubs shopping today (March 27, 2020) in Los Angeles.
* Should scrubs be worn only inside hospitals to limit the spread of germs? (January 2015)
* Hygiene after hospital shift (November 2014)
* What kind of post-shift facilities do workers have at hospitals? (November 2008)
CoVid-19 may stick to clothes and foot soles
You can find your own sources too. There are plenty of them.
Click here to support Brasscheck
... AND they're trying to keep people from voting! (of course)
As Aaron Black at the Washington Post pointed out today, Republicans are also enjoying that this crisis could cause problems for ballot access this year, and they're trying to thwart efforts to make it possible for people to vote! Trump himself was clear that the motive is the same as the one that's always behind the Right's voter suppression efforts:
an interview on “Fox & Friends,” Trump referenced proposals
from Democrats in the coronavirus stimulus negotiations that would
have vastly increased funding for absentee and vote-by-mail options.
The final package included $400 million for the effort, which was far
less than what Democrats had sought.
things they had in there were crazy,” Trump said. “They had
things — levels of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you’d
never have a Republican elected in this country again.”
We have just $2,115 to go before midnight! Help put us over the top RIGHT NOW:
Please chip in to STOP Trump Republicans' shocking exploitation of this crisis and defeat them at the polls!>>
----[previous message]----
We’re watching the Right Wing very closely – as we always do, with PFAW’s Right Wing Watch – and the trends we’re seeing from the Trump administration and its Republican allies amidst this global health crisis are beyond disturbing.
Conspiracy theories and dangerous disinformation from the Right have exploded, which, unfortunately, is not unexpected. But what’s arguably just as dangerous – especially over the long term – is the naked opportunism we’re seeing from right-wing officials, from Trump all the way on down.
- Republican state
officials are trying to use the pandemic as an excuse to shut down
access to abortion…
- Secretary of
Education Betsy DeVos is exploiting the crisis to push education
privatization schemes in the form of more school vouchers that would
take money from public schools…
- Trump has
announced a freeze on the enforcement of all federal environmental
regulations and protections, including rolling back the fuel
emissions standards that have been the centerpiece of the U.S.
effort to combat climate change …
If they are able to get away with these infringements on the rights and interests of the public, does anyone really think they’ll reinstate the protections they’re now trying to deny without a fight?
We need to fight back to stop the erosion of our liberties during this crisis and continue our push to hold Trump Republicans accountable by defeating them up and down the ballot.
Are you with us? If so, then we need you to help us finish the first quarter of 2020 strong with a critically urgent donation before tonight’s deadline.
Please renew for 2020 with your most generous donation so we can put your support to work right away>>
We’re $17,008 short of our budget with just hours to go and we’re depending on our best supporters to step up today.
In these uncertain times, falling behind now could doom our work for the rest of the year and we can’t afford to miss a beat – if we fall short, Trump and the Far Right win. It’s that simple.
And there is so. Much. Work. To. Do.
All of the exploitation of this crisis by the Right that we’re seeing so far is bound to get worse, so we need your help to keep sounding the alarm.
And, of course, the Trump administration – mostly through the Treasury Department, headed by Trump lackey Steve Mnuchin – will be in charge of dispersing the half a trillion dollars to corporations that Congress just authorized with its coronavirus relief legislation … so we need to be extra vigilant in making sure the Trump administration doesn’t use that money for corrupt corporate kickbacks and shameless self-enrichment.
Even though the nature of our field operations have changed, the campaigns all continue … we’re still influencing media narratives, planning ads, and employing the latest digital organizing tools to continue to counter the Right and have a massive impact in this year’s elections.
Today is our biggest deadline of the year so far and we’re pleading with you to stand with us during this challenging time. We’ve never needed your steadfast support more than we do right now.
Please donate whatever you can immediately so we can continue the fight to our democracy>>
Thank you so much for your support and everything you do.
Stay safe,
Michael Keegan, President
* Zie: 'Coronavirus: Rutte's beleid krijgt steun van 8 op de 10 Nederlanders......' (en zie de links in dat bericht voor meer artikelen over het Coronavirus)
Zie ook:
'Coronacrisis: de grootste internationale oefening ooit van politie, geheime diensten en de landstrijdkrachten'
'Politie schiet 13 jarige jongen dood bij handhaven avondklok i.v.m. Coronavirus'
'Coronavirus: VS sancties tegen andere landen zijn zeker nu met de Coronacrisis sadistisch en barbaars'
'Nederland zou deel moeten uitmaken van de landen die tekenen voor een wereldwijde wapenstilstand'
'NAVO uitgaven gaan ten koste van de gezondheidszorg, één van de redenen dat het Coronavirus zo hard kan toeslaan'
'Brekend Coronanieuws: eerste Nederlandse Coronapatiënten naar Duitsland'
'Viktor Orbán misbruikt Coronacrisis om het Hongaarse parlement en daarmee de democratie buitenspel te zetten'
'Coronavirus: Rutte's beleid krijgt steun van 8 op de 10 Nederlanders......' (en zie de links in dat bericht voor oudere artikelen over het Coronavirus)
Voor meer berichten over de verkiezingen in de VS klik op verkiezingen, direct onder dit bericht. (je krijgt dan ook berichten te zien over verkiezingen elders, echter berichten die gaan over de verkiezingen in de VS, pik je er zo uit)