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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
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Posts tonen met het label A. Parampil. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 29 oktober 2019

Max Blumenthal (journalist van The Grayzone) in feite gearresteerd voor berichtgeving over belagen Venezolaanse ambassade in VS

De VS is  een politiestaat, waar zelfs journalisten worden gearresteerd op valse gronden, zoals nu Max Blumenthal van The Grayzone, terwijl er geen schijn van bewijs is tegen hem als zou hij geweld hebben gebruikt tegen een Venezolaans oppositielid........ Zelf zegt Blumenthal over deze zaak dat men duidelijk zaken fabriceert in een grote campagne waarin men journalisten politiek vervolgt, journalisten die tegen de zienswijze van de Trump administratie zijn, waar vooral de journalisten van de alternatieve media het moeten ontgelden, terwijl Trump m.n. veel commentaar heeft op de reguliere (massa-) media......

In april en mei dit jaar werd de Venezolaanse ambassade in Washington belaagd door gewelddadige rechtse activisten, voor een groot deel van Venezolaanse komaf en aangeduid als de 'Venezolaanse oppositie......' De politie greep niet in bij het geweld dat deze figuren gebruikten, sterker nog: i.p.v. de ambassade veilig te stellen, werden medestanders die het personeel in de ambassade voedsel en drinken wilden aanreiken mede door de politie tegengehouden, een lid van Veterans for Peace (VFP), Gerry Condon, werd zelfs gearresteerd daar hij een komkommer aan een medewerker van de ambassade wilde geven......  (voor het gebruikte geweld zijn meerdere video's als bewijs te vinden).......

Het arrestatiebevel voor Blumenthal is 5 maanden oud en werd eerder ingetrokken, vreemd genoeg is dit bevel nu plotseling weer van kracht...... Niet vreemd dat het arrestatiebevel eerder werd ingetrokken, immers de aanklacht is een volledig valse, daar Blumenthal nooit geweld heeft gebruikt bij dit gebeuren.....

Het is een schande dat de Trump administratie heeft gesteld dat het ambassadepersoneel dat belaagd werd, illegaal in de ambassade aanwezig was, daar de VS de tot voor die tijd vooral onbekende Guaidó, zonder enige wettige legalisering, tot president van Venezuela heeft benoemd, alsof de VS de eindverantwoordelijkheid heeft in Venezuela...... De VS begaat hiermee een grote internationale misdaad, immers dit is een ongeoorloofde inmenging in binnenlandse aangelegenheden van een soeverein land..... Bovendien is ambassadepersoneel politiek onschendbaar, ongelofelijk dan ook dat Canada en de EU als een stel imbecielen achter de VS agressie staan en die agressie daadwerkelijk steunen....

Het geteisem dat onder Guaidó doet alsof het de wettige machthebber is in Venezuela, hebben een ex-advocaat van Exxon aangewezen als ambassadeur, deze figuur, Carlos Vecchio was degene die de zogenaamde oppositie voor de Venezolaanse ambassade in Washington ophitste...... Vecchio wordt door de VN en het grootste deel van de landen niet erkend als ambassadeur van Venezuela  (Exxon hoopt na afzetting van Maduro de oliewinning in Venezuela voor een groot deel in handen te krijgen en Guaidó heeft al laten weten dat VS oliemaatschappijen de vrije hand krijgen als hij het daadwerkelijk voor het zeggen krijgt in Venezuela.....)

Bij dit alles moet niet vergeten worden dat de illegale sancties die de VS Venezuela heeft opgelegd al aan meer dan 40.000 mensen het leven heeft gekost..... Alleen daarvoor al zou de VS moeten worden vervolgd door het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC)......

Over vervolging gesproken: de VS zou evenzo vervolgd moeten worden voor het niet beschermen van ambassadepersoneel en mensen die dit personeel in en buiten de ambassade hebben bijgestaan, de VS is hiermee (en laat ik de volgende woorden nu eens gebruiken:) een rode lijn overgegaan..... Het is een wonder dat na deze gewelddadige belegering van de ambassade, een aantal landen hun ambassades in de VS niet hebben gesloten, immers de kans dat deze smerige gang van zaken vaker gebruikt zal worden door de VS is bepaald niet ondenkbaar, bijvoorbeeld tegen de ambassades van Noord-Korea, Iran, China, Rusland en nog een aantal landen waartegen de VS agressief tekeer gaat, of dit nu in woord is of dat het gaat om dreigen met militair geweld.......

De VS is een gevaar voor de wereld en dat gevaar groeit met de dag, maar wat wil je met een psychopathische gek aan het bewind, een idioot die ook nog eens de vinger in de buurt houdt van de rode knop waarmee kernraketten gelanceerd kunnen worden (Trump zei net aan het bewind in 2017, dat hij niet begrijpt waarom de VS geen kernwapens gebruikt, terwijl ze deze wel op voorraad heeft....).....

Het volgende artikel waarin Ben Norton dieper op deze zaak ingaat, werd gepubliceerd op The Greyzone (hij stelt o.a. volkomen terecht dat wanneer de Venezolaanse overheid een journalist op dezelfde gronden zou arresteren, de rapen in de VS en de rest van het westen overgaar zouden zijn geweest.... Benieuwd ook of de Nederlandse pers zich hier druk om zal maken, zoals ze dat een paar dagen geleden deed over een Nederlandse collega.... De vraag stellen is haar beantwoorden: nee dus!):

This charge is 100% false’: Grayzone editor Max Blumenthal arrested months after reporting on Venezuelan opposition violence'

Max Blumenthal Arrested

The Grayzone editor Max Blumenthal has been arrested on false charges after reporting on Venezuelan opposition violence outside the DC embassy. He describes the manufactured case as part of a wider campaign of political persecution.

By Ben Norton

October 28, 2019

Max Blumenthal, the editor of the news site The Grayzone, was arrested on the morning of October 25 on a fabricated charge related to the siege of the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, DC that took place between April and May.

A team of DC police officers appeared at Blumenthal’s door at just after 9 AM, demanding entry and threatening to break his door down. A number of officers had taken positions on the side of his home as though they were prepared for a SWAT-style raid.

Blumenthal was hauled into a police van and ultimately taken to DC central jail, where he was held for two days in various cells and cages. He was shackled by his hands and ankles for over five hours in one such cage along with other inmates. His request for a phone call was denied by DC police and corrections officers, effectively denying him access to the outside world.

Blumenthal was informed that he was accused of simple assault by a Venezuelan opposition member. He declared the charge completely baseless.

This charge is a 100 percent false, fabricated, bogus, untrue, and malicious lie,” Blumenthal declared. “It is clearly part of a campaign of political persecution designed to silence me and the
The Grayzone for our factual journalism exposing the deceptions, corruption and violence of the far-right Venezuelan opposition.”

The arrest warrant was five months old. According to an individual familiar with the case, the warrant for Blumenthal’s arrest was initially rejected. Strangely, this false charge was revived months later without the defendant’s knowledge.

If the government had at least told me I had a warrant I could have voluntarily surrendered and appeared at my own arraignment. I have nothing to fear because I’m completely innocent of this bogus charge,” Blumenthal stated. “Instead, the federal government essentially enlisted the DC police to SWAT me, ensuring that I would be subjected to an early morning raid and then languish in prison for days without even the ability to call an attorney.”

Background to the embassy siege

In April and May, Washington-backed Venezuelan coup leaders began taking over properties in the United States that belong to the internationally recognized government of Venezuela’s democratically elected President Nicolás Maduro, in violation of international law.

A group of activists responded by keeping a vigil inside the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, DC, in order to protect it from an illegal seizure by the US-supported coup leaders. The activists formed what they called the Embassy Protection Collective. The internationally recognized Venezuelan government gave them permission to stay in its embassy, which is its own sovereign territory under international law.

In response, hordes of violent right-wing activists who support the Venezuelan opposition launched a de facto 24/7 siege of the embassy, preventing people, food, and supplies from entering the building.

The Grayzone reporter Anya Parampil and Alex Rubinstein, a contributor to The Grayzone,
were embedded in the embassy with several peace activists.

Parampil and journalists including Blumenthal documented the right-wing mobs lashing out with racist and sexist invective as well as violence at Venezuelan solidarity activists who gathered outside the embassy to show support for the protectors.

WATCH: Escualidos attack and choke a supporter of the Embassy Protection Collective trying to deliver food. The Secret Service REFUSED to arrest the assailant
Embedded video
(voor deze video, zie origineel)

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(voor deze video, zie origineel)

This ginned up claim… is simply false’

Court documents indicate the false charge of simple assault stems from Blumenthal’s participation in a delivery of food and sanitary supplies to peace activists and journalists inside the Venezuelan embassy on May 8, 2019.

The charge was manufactured by a Venezuelan opposition member who was among those laying siege to the embassy in a sustained bid to starve out the activists inside.

I was not party to any violent actions around the Venezuelan embassy,” Blumenthal reiterated.
This ginned up claim of simple assault is simply false.”

According to court documents, Ben Rubinstein, the brother of journalist Alex Rubinstein, also participated in the non-violent and legal food delivery. Rubinstein was arrested over 12 hours later after the food delivery by Secret Service police officers.

He spent 20 hours in jail, alongside Gerry Condon, president of Veterans for Peace, who was arrested after being brutalized by Secret Service officers for attempting to toss a cucumber inside an embassy window.

The opposition members made up these lies about Max and I know they’re lying, and they are obviously using the government and police as tools to get revenge,” Ben Rubinstein told The Grayzone.

Retaliation for The Grayzone’s reporting on the violent Venezuelan opposition

Max Blumenthal reported extensively from outside the Venezuelan embassy in May. He filed a story explaining how “the pro-coup mob outside turned violent, physically assaulting embassy protectors, and hurling racist, sexist and homophobic abuse at others.”

Blumenthal documented an opposition activist breaking into and subsequently vandalizing the embassy, in violation of international law. He also reported on opposition members destroying the embassy’s security cameras, while the authorities stood idly by.

To the left of the fascist is “Mohamed,” the right-wing vigilante who broke into the embassy two days ago and ransacked an entire room: @DCPoliceDept has taken no action beyond aiding and abetting this squalid mob 
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(voor deze video, zie origineel)

The Venezuelan coup regime’s supposed ambassador to the United States, Carlos Vecchio, who is not recognized by the United Nations and the vast majority of the international community, helped to lead this aggressive mob as it besieged the embassy.

The Grayzone’s Anya Parampil exposed Vecchio to be a former lawyer for the oil corporation Exxon. The Grayzone has documented his close links to the US government, and has reported at length on accusations of corruption. Vecchio was a regular presence outside the DC embassy, appearing with his gaggle to stage manage the situation.

The Grayzone has also published numerous exposés on Venezuelan coup leader Juan Guaidó, who was selected by the US government to be the so-called “interim president” in Caracas, detailing his extensive ties to Washington and his notorious corruption.

Blumenthal was arrested literally hours after The Grayzone published an article on USAID paying the salaries of Guaidó’s team as they lobbied the US government.

I am firmly convinced that this case is part of a wider campaign of political persecution using the legal system to shut down our factual investigative journalism about the coup against Venezuela and the wider policy of economic warfare and regime change waged by the Trump administration,” Blumenthal stated.

If this had happened to a journalist in Venezuela, every Western human rights NGO and news wire would be howling about Maduro’s authoritarianism. It will be revealing to see how these same elements react to a clear-cut case of political repression in their own backyard.

Ben Norton is a journalist, writer, and filmmaker. He is the assistant editor of The Grayzone, and the producer of the Moderate Rebels podcast, which he co-hosts with editor Max Blumenthal. His website is and he tweets at @BenjaminNorton.
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maandag 13 mei 2019

Tirannie op de straten van Washington, een vergelijking met de start van nazi-Duitsland

De volkomen belachelijke situatie waar de VS een interim-president heeft aangewezen in het soevereine land Venezuela, leidt tot o.a. heftige situaties bij de Venezolaanse ambassade in Washington. Deze interim-president, Juan Guaidó, is een fascist die voor deze handeling van de VS, gesteund door o.a. Canada en de EU, niet eens bekend was bij meer dan 95% van de Venezolanen...... 

Deze Guaidó werd door de terreuradministratie Trump, in samenwerking met diensten als de CIA en NSA, plus de onvoorwaardelijke steun van de reguliere westerse media en politici, gebombardeerd tot oppositieleider in Venezuela....... In werkelijkheid was Guaidó de voorzitter van een onbetekenende oppositionele splinterpartij.... Niet voor niets ook dat hij voor zijn ultieme couppoging tegen het democratisch gekozen bewind van Maduro, slechts een paar honderd mensen op straat kreeg....

Met deze terreurdaad* van de VS tegen een soeverein land, zijn ook de ambassades van Venezuela in het buitenland niet veilig. Het ambassadepersoneel in Washington mag niet meer worden voorzien van voedsel, daarvoor zorgen politie, geheime dienst en gewelddadige Venezolanen die in de VS wonen....... Met veel geweld worden mensen belaagd en zelfs gearresteerd, mensen die het opnemen voor het zittende ambassade personeel en hen voedsel proberen te geven...... Intussen heeft de VS de elektriciteit en het water voor de ambassade afgesloten; de terreur van de VS kent letterlijk geen grenzen......

Zo werd Gerry Condone (van Veterans for Peace >> VFP) met fiks geweld door meerdere agenten tegen de grond gewerkt, daar hij het ambassadepersoneel een komkommer toegooide...... Voor dit feit werd hij 24 uur vastgehouden in een politiecel....... Hoe is het gvd mogelijk??!!!

Ongelofelijk dat de VN niet al lang de VS heeft opgeroepen de Venezolaanse soevereiniteit te respecteren en het ambassade personeel ongemoeid te laten, zeker nu blijkt dat de bevolking van Venezuela voor het overgrote deel nog steeds achter haar democratisch gekozen president Maduro staat......

De schrijver van het volgende artikel, Ray McGovern, ziet voorts een opvallende gelijkenis tussen het VS van de 21ste en het nazi-Duitse terreurbewind in de 20ste eeuw. Hiervoor citeert hij o.a. Raimond Pretzel, die schreef onder de naam Sebastian Haffner. Opvallend in dit deel van het artikel het feit dat de sociaal democratische top zich bijzonder snel aansloot bij de nazi's, nog voordat deze partij, de SPD, werd verboden...... Maart 1933 zouden een paar miljoen Duitsers klaar zijn geweest voor de strijd tegen het nazisme, echter hun leiders lieten het afweten en collaboreerden met het nazi-geteisem, anderen ontvluchtten het land....

Beste bezoeker, lees het hieronder opgenomen artikel, een uitstekende analyse en een aanklacht tegen de omgang van de VS met landen waar het niets te vertellen zou moeten hebben, plus de zojuist geschetste situatie op de straten van Washington, waar zoals gezegd neonazi's, gesteund door de politie en geheime dienst, terreur uitoefenen tegen goedwillende mensen.......

Het volgende artikel werd gepubliceerd op Information Clearing House en verscheen eerder op Consortium News:

'Turnkey Tyranny’ on the Streets of Washington

We are at the point Edward Snowden described as “turnkey tyranny.” And on Wednesday night the key was turned a bit more dramatically. Ray McGovern explains.

By Ray McGovern

May 11, 2019 "Information Clearing House" - Gerry Condon, President of Veterans For Peace, was bloodied and “taken to ground,” on Wednesday night for trying to get food to people inside the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington. The activists inside, some of whom have lived in the embassy for weeks with permission from the Venezuelan government, are protecting the premises from protestors who support the self-declared president Juan Guaido.  

With the acquiescence of Washington police and the Secret Service, the protestors have been able to block food from entering the embassy.  On Wednesday night electricity was cut to the building.  One activist tossing a loaf of bread to a window was arrested earlier this week for using a “missile.”  Now Condon has been manhandled and nabbed for throwing a cucumber.

We are at the point Edward Snowden described as “turnkey tyranny.” On Wednesday night the key was turned a bit more dramatically. Until now it has been an almost imperceptibly gradual process, like the proverbial frog in boiling water.

Photo and video of Condon’s arrest (story continues below):

I am stunned. US @SecretService just slammed the head of the President of Veterans for Peace into the cement because he tried to deliver a cucumber to Embassy Protectors. They let him bleed on the ground and did not provide med. attention. @DrMFlowers had to call an ambulance.
View image on Twitter
(eerst iemand mishandelen en dan zogenaamd begaan met een medisch hulptasje op de rug, Jerry Condone hulp bieden, terwijl hij duidelijk zichtbaar pijnlijk is geboeid door dezelfde collega's die hem mishandelden....

Opposition already trying to blind me and hamstring my reporting with spotlights
Embedded video
(voor deze video zie het origineel)

BREAKING: Police violently arrest the president of @VFPNational, Jerry Condone, for trying to get food into the embassy. He is left with lacerations on his face. @UrsulaRozum also arrested. Opposition walks away with stolen food.

Hier een paar video's van YouTube, waaronder een tweede video die in het origineel is opgenomen"

Of course, this has happened before. I quoted these words in this article I wrote for Consortium News on December 27, 2007:

There are few things as odd as the calm, superior indifference with which I and those like me watched the beginnings of the Nazi revolution in Germany, as if from a box at the theater. … Perhaps the only comparably odd thing is the way that now, years later….”

The words are those of Sebastian Haffner (pen name for Raimund Pretzel), who as a young lawyer in Berlin during the 1930s experienced the Nazi takeover, and wrote a first-hand account. His children found the manuscript when he died in 1999 and published it the following year as “Geschichte eines Deutschen” (The Story of a German).

The book became an immediate bestseller and has been translated into 20 languages—in English as “Defying Hitler.”

I recently learned from his daughter Sarah, an artist in Berlin, that today is the 100th anniversary of Haffner’s birth. She had seen an earlier article in which I quoted her father and e-mailed to ask me to “write some more about the book and the comparison to Bush’s America. … This is almost unbelievable.”

More about Haffner below. Let’s set the stage first by recapping some of what has been going on here in the U.S. that may have resonance for readers familiar with the Nazi ascendancy, noting how “odd” it is that the frontal attack on our Constitutional rights is met with such “calm, superior indifference.”

After suppressing for two and a half years the explosive story of the Bush/Cheney surveillance of Americans in gross violation of the Fourth Amendment, top New York Times officials decided to let the rest of us in on the fact that the George W. Bush administration had been eavesdropping on American citizens without the court warrants required by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of 1978. Not to mention the U.S. Constitution.

The Times had learned of this well before the election in 2004 and acquiesced to White House entreaties to suppress the damaging information.

In late fall 2005 when Times correspondent James Risen’s book, “State of War: the Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration,” revealing the warrantless eavesdropping was being printed, Times publisher, Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., recognized that he could procrastinate no longer.
It would simply be too embarrassing to have Risen’s book on the street, with Sulzberger and his associates pretending that this explosive eavesdropping story did not fit Adolph Ochs’s trademark criterion: All The News That’s Fit To Print.

(The Times’ own ombudsman, Public Editor Byron Calame, branded the newspaper’s explanation for the long delay in publishing this story “woefully inadequate.”)

When Sulzberger told his friends in the White House that he could no longer hold off on publishing in the newspaper, he was summoned to the Oval Office for a counseling session with the president on Dec. 5, 2005. Bush tried in vain to talk him out of putting the story in the Times.

The truth would out; part of it, at least.

Unnamed Program

What followed struck me as bizarre. The day after the Dec. 16 Times feature article exposing the Fourth-Amendment-trashing program, the president of the United States publicly admitted to a demonstrably impeachable offense.

Authorizing illegal electronic surveillance was a key provision of the second article of impeachment against President Richard Nixon. On July 27, 1974, this and two other articles of impeachment were approved by bipartisan votes in the House Judiciary Committee.

Bush took a frontal approach, Far from expressing regret, he bragged about having authorized the surveillance “more than 30 times since the September the 11th attacks,” and said he would continue to do so. The president also said:

Leaders in Congress have been briefed more than a dozen times on this authorization and the activities conducted under it.”

On Dec. 19, 2005, then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and then-NSA Director Michael Hayden held a press conference to answer questions about the as yet unnamed surveillance program.

Gonzales was asked why the White House decided to flout FISA rather than attempt to amend it, choosing instead a “backdoor approach.”  He answered:

We have had discussions with Congress…as to whether or not FISA could be amended to allow us to adequately deal with this kind of threat, and we were advised that that would be difficult, if not impossible.”

It Had to Do With Us

It was not difficult to infer that the surveillance program must have been of such scope and intrusiveness that, even amid highly stoked fear, it didn’t have a prayer for passage.
It turns out we didn’t know the half of it.

Bear in mind that when this illegal surveillance program began, it had nothing to do with terrorism, an issue that did not really appear on the new administration’s radar screen until a week before 9/11. … So this until-recently-unknown pre-9/11 facet of the “Terrorist Surveillance Program” was not related to Osama bin Laden or to whomever he and his associates might be speaking. It had to do with us.

We know that the Democrats briefed on the “Terrorist Surveillance Program” include House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, (the one with the longest tenure on the House Intelligence Committee), Rep. Jane Harman, D-California, and former and current chairmen of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Bob Graham, D-FL, and Jay Rockefeller, D-WV, respectively.

May one interpret their lack of public comment on the news that the snooping began well before 9/11 as a sign they were co-opted and then sworn to secrecy?

It is an important question. Were the appropriate leaders in Congress informed that within days of George W. Bush’s first inauguration the NSA electronic vacuum cleaner began to suck up information on you and me, despite the FISA law and the Fourth Amendment?

Are they all complicit? And are Democratic leaders about to cave in and grant retroactive immunity to those telecommunications corporations—AT&T and Verizon—which made millions by winking at the law and the Constitution?

(Qwest, to its credit, heeded the advice of its general counsel who said that what NSA wanted done was clearly illegal.)

What’s going on here? [December 2007] Have congressional leaders no sense for what is at stake?

Lately the adjective “spineless” has come into vogue in describing congressional Democrats—no offense to invertebrates.

Nazis and Their Enablers

You don’t have to be a Nazi. You can just be, well, a sheep.

In his journal, Sebastian Haffner decries what he calls the “sheepish submissiveness” with which the German people reacted to a 9/11-like event, the burning of the German Parliament (Reichstag) on Feb. 27, 1933.

Haffner finds it quite telling that none of his acquaintances “saw anything out of the ordinary in the fact that, from then on, one’s telephone would be tapped, one’s letters opened, and one’s desk might be broken into.”

But it is for the cowardly politicians that Haffner reserves his most vehement condemnation. Do you see any contemporary parallels here?

In the elections of March 4, 1933, shortly after the Reichstag fire, the Nazi party garnered only 44 percent of the vote. Only the “cowardly treachery” of the Social Democrats and other parties to whom 56 percent of the German people had entrusted their votes made it possible for the Nazis to seize full power. Haffner adds:
It is in the final analysis only that betrayal that explains the almost inexplicable fact that a great nation, which cannot have consisted entirely of cowards, fell into ignominy without a fight.”
The Social Democratic leaders betrayed their followers—“for the most part decent, unimportant individuals.” In May, the party leaders sang the Nazi anthem; in June the Social Democratic party was dissolved.

The middle-class Catholic party Zentrum folded in less than a month, and in the end supplied the votes necessary for the two-thirds majority that “legalized” Hitler’s dictatorship.

As for the right-wing conservatives and German nationalists: “Oh God,” writes Haffner, “what an infinitely dishonorable and cowardly spectacle their leaders made in 1933 and continued to make afterward. … They went along with everything: the terror, the persecution of Jews. … They were not even bothered when their own party was banned and their own members arrested.”

In sum: “There was not a single example of energetic defense, of courage or principle. There was only panic, flight, and desertion. In March 1933, millions were ready to fight the Nazis. Overnight they found themselves without leaders. … At the moment of truth, when other nations rise spontaneously to the occasion, the Germans collectively and limply collapsed. They yielded and capitulated, and suffered a nervous breakdown. … The result is today the nightmare of the rest of the world.”

This is what can happen when virtually all are intimidated.

Our Founding Fathers were not oblivious to this; thus, James Madison wrote:
I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations. … The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home.”
We cannot say we weren’t warned.

Ray McGovern works with Tell the Word, a publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in inner city Washington. He was a CIA analyst for 27 years and presidential briefer and is co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.

This article was originally published by " Consortium News " -  
* De terreurdaad zich te mengen in de binnenlandpolitiek van een soeverein land, dit nog naast de eerst geheime economische oorlog tegen het Venezolaanse volk..... Een oorlog die intussen is veranderd in een officieel sanctiebeleid, waarmee de situatie voor de Venezolanen er nog beroerder uit is komen te zien..... Gelukkig krijgt het land veel steun, niet alleen van het Rode Kruis en de VN, maar ook van onder andere China, Rusland en Cuba.....

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'The Monroe Doctrine is Back, and as the Latest US Attack on Cuba Shows, Its Purpose is to Serve the Neoliberal Order' (een artikel van CounterPunch)

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'BBC World Service radio >> fake news and other lies about Venezuela' (bericht van dit blog)

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