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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
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Posts tonen met het label M. Blumenthal. Alle posts tonen

zondag 31 mei 2020

Politie VS infiltreert protesten n.a.v. de dood van George Floyd en zet aan tot geweld

Niets nieuws, het feit dat de politie en de FBI in de VS infiltreren in groepen die zich verzetten tegen onrecht, al zo oud en zelfs nog ouder dan het Counter Intelligence Program ofwel COINTELPRO. Dit is een FBI programma dat tussen 1956 en 1971 werd gebruikt om groepen in de VS die zich tegen onrecht verzetten, in diskrediet te brengen en de activisten tegen elkaar op te zetten, plus een aantal andere smerige acties......

Nu blijkt weer dat ook tijdens de rellen n.a.v. de politiemoord op George Floyd, FBI/politie infiltranten bezig zijn om de mensen aan te zetten tot geweld, zodat men een legitimatie heeft om bijvoorbeeld op de demonstranten te kunnen schieten en de aandacht af te leiden van waar het echt om gaat: de zoveelste in een onafzichtelijke rij politemoorden op gekleurde mensen...... Eén en ander is te vergelijken met de false flag acties van de VS in het buitenland, zoals die tegen Noord-Vietnam, waardoor de VS zogenaamd legaal een oorlog kon beginnen tegen dat land.... Ook in Syrië vonden meerdere VS false flag acties plaats, terreurgroepen die onder regie van de CIA gifgasaanvallen uitvoerden om deze in de schoenen van Assad te schuiven.......

De VS: het land van de ongekende mogelijkheden, waar gekleurden minstens 30% minder verdienen dan de witten die hetzelfde werk doen.......(ook een reden voor het plunderen van winkels)

Op BBC World Service durfde men zaterdagmiddag na 15.00 u. te zeggen dat de protesten en vernielingen 'spontaan' plaatsvinden....... 'Spontaan' na de zoveelste politemoord op een gekleurde...... Erger me ook enorm aan de zogenaamd onafhankelijke NOS dat in haar nieuwsberichten continu spreekt over de dood van een gekleurde tijdens een arrestatie, terwijl het bij wijze van spreken voor een kind duidelijk is dat het hier om een (politie-) moord gaat......

Het volgende artikel werd geschreven door Caitlin Johnstone, waarin zij o.a. wijst op de getuigenis van journalist Max Blumenthal* die eerder politie/FBI infiltranten ontmaskerde, lees het artikel en geeft het door, tijd dat de waarheid nu eindelijk tot iedereen doordringt!!

Nothing Is Certain But Death, Taxes, And Police Infiltration Of US Protests

by Caitlin Johnstone

A video has been circulating of a white man casually smashing the windows of a Minneapolis shop with a hammer during protests against the police murder of George Floyd. The man is clearly trying to hide his identity by wearing a gas mask, carrying a large umbrella, and wearing full-length black clothing.

Protesters can be seen intervening to stop his destructive behavior in the video.

"Are you a fucking cop?" one asks.

An officer with the Saint Paul Police Department has been publicly named by someone identified as the officer's ex-wife, who said his voice, walk and gas mask made her "90% sure" it was him. The Saint Paul Police Department has denied this.

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but it is a very safe bet that it's a law enforcement officer of some kind. Disruptive police infiltration of protest movements is a historical constant in America, after all. It is the norm, not the exception.

Protests have spread throughout the United States since that video's emergence.
Journalist Max Blumenthal has uploaded a very interesting video of an encounter he had with an undercover cop posing as a protester in Washington, DC.
Look what I found outside #dcprotest. An obvious cop dressed like a protester getting out of an unmarked car and telling me he’s a CNN reporter. Beware of the lying provocateurs out here!
Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) May 30, 2020

Blumenthal began following a man he reports he'd spotted coming out of an unmarked vehicle in an area that had been completely sealed off by marked police cars, meaning the police were restricting who came and went from that area. Blumenthal began questioning the man, asking him if he'd been to the protests and if he was a cop. The man said he'd been to the protests but denied he was a cop, saying that he worked with CNN.

Blumenthal then went to the unmarked vehicle the man had come from, where two more men were seated. He asked them if they were cops, which they denied, then asked if they were with CNN, which they also denied, saying they were "just hanging out". Blumenthal informed them that he'd just caught the fake protester in a lie, at which point they rolled up the car window.

Local outlet KHOU 11 News was told by the Houston police department that protests over George Floyd's murder would be attended by both "uniformed officers and plain-clothed officers". This admission cannot be found in KHOU's reporting any longer, but it has been screenshotted and still shows up on Google searches as of this writing.

In New York, protesters have conclusively worked out that cops posing as demonstrators are currently wearing white armbands to identify each other. Ways of identifying plain-clothes cops are being circulated by protesters on social media.

None of these people are paranoid or irrational. For generations it has been a well-established fact that police will reliably infiltrate protests and political movements, and it remains so to this day.

be careful they puttin undercover cops in the Houston protests
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From J Edgar Hoover's illicit COINTELPRO infiltration campaign to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise Neutralize” dissident political movements, all the way up to infiltration and espionage targeting Black Lives Matter and Occupy protesters, police infiltration of American protests has been as certain as death and taxes.
A 2012 Truthdig article by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers titled "Infiltration of Political Movements Is the Norm in America" goes into this time-honored tradition at some length. Here's an excerpt [bold font mine]:

How many agents or infiltrators can we expect to see inside a movement? One of the most notorious “police riots” was at the 1968 Democratic National Convention. Independent journalist Yasha Levine writes: “During the 1968 protests of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, which drew about 10,000 protesters and was brutally crushed by the police, 1 out of 6 protesters was a federal undercover agent. That’s right, 1/6th of the total protesting population was made up of spooks drawn from various federal agencies. That’s roughly 1,600 people! The stat came from an Army document obtained by CBS News in 1978, a full decade after the protest took place.
According to CBS, the infiltrators were not passive observers, monitoring and relaying information to central command, but were involved in violent confrontations with the police.”
 Peter Camejo, who ran as a Socialist Workers Party candidate for president in 1976, as a Green Party candidate for governor of California in 2003 and as Ralph Nader’s vice presidential running mate in 2004, often told of infiltration in his mid-’70s presidential campaign. After campaign offices were burglarized, Camejo was able to get the FBI into court by suing it over COINTELPRO activities. The judge asked the FBI special agent in charge how many FBI agents had worked in Camejo’s presidential campaign; the answer was 66.
Camejo estimated he had a campaign staff of 400 across the country. Once again that would be an infiltration rate of about one in six. Camejo discovered that among the agents was his campaign co-chair. He also discovered eavesdropping equipment in a campaign office and documents showing the FBI had followed him since he was an 18-year-old student activist.

One in six. That's a whole lot.

Big FYI: For years, NYPD have had undercover cops deployed based on a color of the day model. Today it’s white, tomorrow could be green.

Not always an armband. 
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This is important for all of us to be aware of, not just the people attending these protests.
Any time we are told a protester threw this or rioters set fire that, we must take this information with a very large grain of salt, because we usually won't be able to know it wasn't an undercover cop acting as an agent provocateur to shape a narrative and justify more use of force to disperse the crowd. The idiot with the umbrella did it in a very ham-fisted and obvious way, and we can expect other police infiltrators to be more clever about it as well.

This is not to say none of the anger we've seen exhibited at these protests is real and grassroots; people have a lot to be angry about, and surely much of the destruction we're seeing is the organic result of way too many people being pushed way too far by a cruel and abusive system. It's just to say that we should all be as skeptical as we would be when dealing with any other narratives we know powerful factions have a vested interest in manipulating, and not treat any claim about protester behavior as a certain fact.
The powerful few are afraid of the many. Always have been, always will be. And there's nothing they and their goon squad won't do to try and rein in any group which poses a threat to their power if they can get away with it.
Thanks for reading! The best way to get around the internet censors and make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for my website, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking me on Facebook, following my antics onTwitter, checking out my podcast on either YoutubesoundcloudApple podcasts or Spotify, following me on Steemit, throwing some money into my tip jar on Patreon or Paypal, purchasing some of my sweet merchandise, buying my books Rogue Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone and Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers. For more info on who I am, where I stand, and what I’m trying to do with this platform, click here. Everyone, racist platforms excluded, has my permission to republish, use or translate any part of this work (or anything else I’ve written) in any way they like free of charge.

Bitcoin donations:1Ac7PCQXoQoLA9Sh8fhAgiU3PHA2EX5Zm2
Caitlin Johnstone | May 30, 2020 at 12:29 pm | Tags: cops, George Floyd, infiltration, police, protests, undercover | Categories: Article | URL:
* Het artikel van Jonhnstone nam ik eerder over van een mail, echter het artikel zit iets anders in elkaar, je ziet dan ook in het bovenstaande artikel een paar andere zaken dan in het officiële artikel van Johnstone, waar de alinea's over Blumenthal ontbreken......

Zie ook: 
'Militairen op de straten van Washington: VS op weg naar een burgeroorlog'  

'Obama en 'change' n.a.v. de moord op George Floyd: een ongelofelijke hypocriet aan het woord'  

'Brekend nieuws: militairen op straat in Washington!!'

'Trump poseert met bijbel, waarvoor hij een vreedzame demonstratie met grof geweld middels traangas en rubberkogels uit elkaar heeft laten jagen'

'Politiemoord op George Floyd: de druppel die de emmer deed overlopen, waar tevens sociale achterstand een motivering is, zoals in Frankrijk, Chili en andere landen

'Anti-racisme demonstratie in Amsterdam reden voor hysterische ophef'

'Uitrusting Politie VS versus die van medisch hulpverleners'

'George Floyd: de voortdurende politiemoorden op gekleurden in de VS: de witte overheersing met vervolging van gekleurden.....'

'Trump wil sociale media ontdoen van factcheckers die de Republikeinen de bel aanbinden vanwege nepnieuws en andere bagger'

Beste bezoeker, dit was het voor deze dag, morgen meer berichten. Maak er zo mogelijk een mooie (Coronavrije) dag van. 

Op 8 juni kop gewijzegd, waar nu 'zet aan' staat, stond 'zetten aan', domme fout (na de kop een paar keer te hebben veranderd) mijn excuus.

dinsdag 3 maart 2020

Super Tuesday: Democraten willen demente kandidaat Biden i.p.v. het echte alternatief voor Trump: Bernie Sanders

Afgelopen januari berichtte de onafhankelijke journalist Ruth Ann Oskolkoff dat een persoon, hoog in de 'rangen' van de Democraten, heeft gesteld dat men een plan had om Biden te benoemen tot de officiële Democratische kandidaat voor de presidentsverkiezingen en men middels een smaadcampagne Sanders wil wegzetten als een agent van Moskou (dat gebeurt inderdaad op grote schaal, ook uit het Repuiblikeinse kamp en ook de reguliere media dragen graag hun steentje 'tot steniging' van Sanders bij...)..... Elizabeth Warren zou volgens dezelfde bron de Democratische kandidaat zijn voor het vicepresidentschap.

Intussen hebben de 3 kandidaten die uit de race zijn gestapt, zoals oorlogshitser Buttigieg, hun steun aan oorlogsmisdadiger en oorlogshitser Biden toegezegd. Warren blijft in de race en daar zij als 'links' wordt gezien, zou dit ten koste gaan van progressieve stemmen voor Sanders, die ten onrechte als socialist wordt neergezet* in de reguliere media van de VS..... Zoals je wellicht weet is het woord socialist voor veel burgers in de VS als vloeken in de kerk, voeg daar de woorden Russische agent aan toe en klaar is Joe (Biden)..... Ofwel die media zijn met het demoniseren van Sanders en angstzaaien voor hem nu al bezig met het manipuleren van de verkiezingen, iets wat deze media de laatste jaren ten onrechte keer op keer aan Rusland hebben toegeschreven, met het meer dan belachelijke Russiagate verhaal.......

Caitlin Johnstone heeft zich over deze zaak gebogen en stelt voorts dat de top van de Democraten in feite kiest voor een dementerende Joe Biden, waarvoor ze een paar voorbeelden geeft, zo noemde hij de dag van vandaag Super Thursday, terwijl het bij deze voorverkiezingen toch echt altijd om Super Tuesday gaat......

In feite is er veel hysterie om niets, immers de Democraten zijn zo dom geweest om te pogen Trump af te zetten middels een impeachment procedure..... Deze procedure was van meet af aan gedoemd te mislukken, daar de Senaat in feite wordt beheerst door de Republikeinen..... Door die impeachment poging hebben de democraten de achterban van Trump verder versterkt en het is dan ook zo goed als zeker dat Trump de volgende presidentstermijn zal volmaken, of er moet wel een heel vreselijke ramp gebeuren die afgewenteld zou kunnen worden op Trump. Eén mogelijkheid voor zo'n ramp is bijvoorbeeld het Coronavirus: de fascistische psychopaat Trump heeft de laatste jaren medische teams ontbonden die er waren om in te grijpen als er in de VS een zwaar besmettelijke ziekte zou uitbreken, zoals nu het Coronavirus...... 

Benieuwd wie van de Democratische kandidaten Super Tuesday zal winnen, je kan er bijna de klok op gelijkzetten dat dit Sanders zal zijn.

Dems Converge Around Dementia-Addled Warmonger Ahead Of Super Tuesday

Back in January, well before the Democratic primary race had taken on its current composition, independent journalist Ruth Ann Oskolkoff reported that a source had heard from high-level Democratic Party insiders that they were planning to install Joe Biden as the party's nominee, and to smear Bernie Sanders as a Russian asset.

"On January 20, 2020 at 8:20 p.m. PDT I received a communication from a reliable source," Oskolkoff wrote. "This person had interactions earlier that evening with high level party members and associates of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) who said that they have now selected Biden as the Democratic Party nominee, with Warren as the VP. They also said the plan is to smear Bernie as a Russian asset."

Now, immediately before Super Tuesday, we are seeing establishment candidates Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar drop out of the race, both of whom, along with former candidate Beto O'Rourke, are now suddenly endorsing Biden. Elizabeth Warren, the only top-level candidate besides Sanders who could be labeled vaguely "left" by any stretch of the imagination, has meanwhile outraged progressives by remaining in the race, to the Vermont senator's detriment.

The day before Super Tuesday also saw The Daily Beast, whose corporate owner IAC has Chelsea Clinton on its board of directors, publishing an article titled "Kremlin Media Still Like Bernie, ’Cause They Love Trump" which aggressively smears Sanders as a tool of the Kremlin.

Prior to the South Carolina primary, Russian state media were touting Bernie Sanders as the most likely Democratic nominee, and it won’t be surprising if they do the same after Super Tuesday

This latter development is becoming a conspicuously common line of attack against Sanders and, while we're on the subject, also tracks with a prediction made by journalist Max Blumenthal back in July of 2017. Blumenthal told Fox's Tucker Carlson that "this Russia hysteria will be re-purposed by the political establishment to attack the left and anyone on the left--a Bernie Sanders-like politician who steps out of line on the issues of permanent war or corporate free trade, things like that--will be painted as Russia puppets.
So this is very dangerous, and people who are progressive who are falling into it need to know what the long-term consequences of this cynical narrative are."

So we're seeing things unfold exactly as some have predicted. We're seeing the clear frontrunner smeared as a tool of Vladimir Putin, accompanied by a deluge of op-eds and think pieces from all the usual warmongering mass media narrative managers calling on so-called "moderates" to rally around the former Vice President on Super Tuesday.

Sanders has not been pulling in anywhere near the numbers he'd need to pull to prevent a contested convention. This means that even if he gets more votes than any of his primary opponents, party leaders can still overrule those votes and appoint Biden as their nominee to run against Trump. Establishment spinmeisters as well as all Sanders' primary opponents have been working to normalize this ahead of time.

"Whatever the case for either Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren...neither is going to be the nominee.’s not going to be Mike Bloomberg either. So it’s Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden." Tomorrow, if you live in one of 14 states, you can choose Biden. 

The only problem? Biden's brain is turning into sauerkraut.

There are two new clips of video footage making the rounds today, one featuring Biden at a rally telling his supporters that tomorrow is "Super Thursday", and another featuring the former VP saying (and this is a direct quote), "We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women created-- by the-- you know, you know the thing."

I've written about Biden's recent struggles to form coherent sentences before, and it seems to be getting worse. There's simply no comparing the befuddled, fuzz-brained man we see before us today with the sharp, lucid speaker we were seeing even a few years ago. The man's brain does not work.

And yeah, it's unpleasant to have to keep pointing this out. I'm not loving it myself. I resent Biden's handlers and the Democratic Party establishment for making it necessary to continually point out an old man's obvious symptoms of cognitive decline. But it does need to be pointed to, and it's creepy and weird that they're continuing to prop up this crumbling husk of a man while pretending that everything's fine.

Imagine putting all your eggs in the Joe Biden basket. 

(de video bij dit Twitterbericht kan ik niet overnemen, klik op deze link voor de video)

Not that Biden would be an acceptable leader of the most powerful government on earth even with a working brain; he's a horrible war hawk with an inexcusable track record of advancing right-wing policies. But even rank-and-file Americans who don't pay attention to that stuff would plainly see a man on the debate stage opposite Trump who shouldn't be permitted near heavy machinery, much less the nuclear codes. And Trump will happily point that out.

It's been obvious since 2016 that the Dems were going to once again sabotage the only candidate with a chance of beating Trump in favor of a scandalously inappropriate candidate, but wheeling out an actual, literal dementia patient for the role is something not even I would have imagined.

2020 is weird, folks. And it's going to get a whole lot weirder. Buckle up.
Thanks for reading! The best way to get around the internet censors and make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for my website, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking me on Facebook, following my antics on Twitter, checking out my podcast on either YoutubesoundcloudApple podcasts or Spotify, following me on Steemit, throwing some money into my hat on Patreon or Paypalpurchasing some of my sweet merchandise, buying my books Rogue Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone and Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers. For more info on who I am, where I stand, and what I’m trying to do with this platform, click here. Everyone, racist platforms excluded, has my permission to republish, use or translate any part of this work (or anything else I’ve written) in any way they like free of charge.

Bitcoin donations:1Ac7PCQXoQoLA9Sh8fhAgiU3PHA2EX5Zm2
Caitlin Johnstone | March 3, 2020 at 3:48 am | Tags: biden, election, Politics, Russia, sanders, Super Tuesday | Categories: Article, News | URL:
* Je kan Sanders hooguit zien als een echt linkse kandidaat en dan in de traditie van de sociaaldemocraten en dat is al heel wat in de VS.

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'Joe Biden met dubbel verlies: hij dreigde met een rechtszaak om zo de resultaten van de voorverkiezingen in Iowa tegen te houden van publicatie

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