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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label ADL. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label ADL. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 8 november 2018

Israël misbruikt de aanslag op de synagoge in Pittsburgh voor demonisering van steun aan de Palestijnen.......

Het fascistische apartheidsbewind in Israël heeft het gore lef om 'heel fijntjes' de aanslag op de synagoge in Pittsburgh te misbruiken voor verdere demonisering van de mensen, die zich inzetten voor het zwaar onderdrukte Palestijnse volk........ Sterker nog: het Israëlische oorlogsmisdadigers-kabinet heeft niet opgeroepen de neonazi's in de VS aan te pakken, neonazi's die verantwoordelijk zijn voor het manipuleren van anderen met hun antisemitische leugens, ofwel haatzaaierij die tot de aanslag* in Pittsburgh hebben geleid......

Werkelijk ongelofelijk hoe men kritiek op het bloedige bewind van de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël af denkt te kunnen doen als antisemitisme....... Alsof kritiek hebben op de massamoorden die de staat Israël begaat te vergelijken is met de Holocaust, de vreselijke Jodenvervolging door de nazi's in WOII..... Hier draait men werkelijk de wereld op de kop!! Ofwel: je kan zonder meer zeggen dat de Israëlische terreur tegen de Palestijnen tot op bepaalde hoogte is te vergelijken met de massamoord (één van de zwaarste vormen van terreur) op de Joden tijdens WOII.....

Wat een geteisem, allemachtig!!!

Hier een bericht van Mondoweiss over deze zaak, geschreven door Scott Roth:

The Israeli government is using the Pittsburgh synagogue attack to demonize those who support Palestinian rights

The aftermath of the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre has been depressing. Instead of calling out the sort of right-wing white nationalist racism that led to the horrific scene last week, the Israeli government has instead used the attack to demonize those who support Palestinian rights.

It’s a pathetic and rather disgusting attempt to draw equivalence between real, classical anti-Semitism and principled criticism of Israeli policy. Rather than examine the very real and problematic relationship between Zionism and white nationalism, self-appointed anti-Semitism hunters would rather use Pittsburgh to further their own political ends - protecting Israel, at any cost. And this is what the Lobby is protecting,at the cost of excusing homicidal anti-Semitism. Anything beyond lukewarm criticism of Israel that doesn't mention "Palestinians" seems to be enough to register as anti-Semitism for these people.

Hier een ander artikel van Mondoweiss geschreven door Adam Horowitz, onder dezelfde titel als het artikel hierboven:

Yesterday during an interview on MSNBC, Ron Dermer, the Israeli Ambassador to the United States, placed the blame for the attack on both white supremacists and the “radical left,” which is clearly code for BDS activists.
Dermer said
One of the big forces in college campuses today is anti-Semitism. And those anti-Semites are usually not neo-Nazis, on college campuses. They’re coming from the radical left. We have to stand against anti-Semitism whether it comes from the right or whether it comes from the left.”
This is a disgusting lie. But it is part and parcel with the recent push by the Israeli government and its supporters in the West to redefine the meaning of antisemitism to include criticism of Israel.
When faced the most blatant example of antisemitic violence imaginable, Dermer can’t bring himself to criticize the actual accomplices who made this violence possible. Donald Trump, who declared himself a “nationalist” earlier in the week, and the forces of white supremacy in this country have created the atmosphere where this type of violence is possible, even predictable. Yet during the MSNBC interview Dermer said Trump is to be praised for his statements on antisemitism, in no large part because the Trump administration has been a strong supporter of the rightwing Netanyahu government that Dermer represents.
This is where Israel finds itself in 2018. The same “nationalist” voices attacking George Soros and the “globalists” are also some of Israel’s greatest supporters in the U.S.
But it’s not just the Israeli government looking to use Pittsburgh.
Writing in the New York Times ADL head Jonathan Greenblatt did the same thing, equating the ideology behind the deadly attack on the 11 American Jews who were killed while praying with criticism of the state of Israel.

The both sidesism in this Greenblatt piece is a disgrace. Head of @ADL_National can't even bring himself to name the Republican party as the chief American exporters of anti-Semitic incitement.
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach did the same yesterday:
Statement by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach on the Jewish Mass Murder in Pittsburgh

Same with the Israel Project’s Josh Block:

In light of today’s shooting in Pittsburgh, re-upping this thread. It is important to talk about how growing anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are creating a toxic brew coming from both the fringe right & left.

The murderous rampage at the Tree of Life synagogue had absolutely nothing to do with the struggle for Palestinian rights. And anyone who is telling you there is is shamelessly trying to use the murder of 11 innocent people to further their own racist agenda to dehumanize Palestinians and justify their ongoing oppression by the state of Israel.

* ongelofelijk maar waar: een aantal mediaorganen als AD en noemen deze aanslag een 'synagoge moord', i.p.v. deze moorden aan te duiden als een terroristische aanslag.......

Zie ook:
'Kritiek op Israël wordt door een leger van Israëlische trollen bevochten'

'Google Maps veegt Palestijns gebied van de kaart'

'De film over de pro-Israëlische lobby in de VS, die Israël verboden wil zien.........'

'Israël zet snelle reactiemacht op poten tegen anti-Israëlische kritiek'

'Jeremy Corbyn wordt gedemoniseerd als antisemiet.......'

'Britse justitie gaat 'hate crimes' van Labour onderzoeken'

'Israël en VS werken samen in tegenwerken van critici op beleid t.a.v. Palestijnen'

dinsdag 3 april 2018

VS ontvangt moorddadige Saoedische psychopaat MBS met alle eer......

De Saoedische kroonprins Mohammed bin Salman, ofwel MBS, is op bezoek in de VS en wordt daar met alle eer ontvangen door een groot aantal vips en organisaties......

Onder de vips bevinden zich figuren als de Clintons, beiden oorlogsmisdadiger, Oprah Winfrey, VN secretaris-generaal Guterrez, Henry Kissinger (als de presidenten Clinton, Obama en Trump en hun voorgangers, een oorlogsmisdadiger die als Obama de Nobelprijs voor 'de Vrede' ontving...), Rupert Murdoch (eigenaar groot aantal nepnieuws organen, ofwel reguliere mediaorganen), psychopaat Pompeo e.a. (zoals je begrijpt zijn ook de voornoemde oorlogsmisdadigers zonder meer als psychopaten aan te merken)

Voorts werd MBS ontvangen door zionistisch joodse organisaties, waaronder organisaties die geld steken in de illegale Israëlische nederzettingen op de West Bank, wat nog eens onderstreept hoe goed de banden zijn tussen de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël en de reli-fascistische dictatuur Saoedi-Arabië.......

Wat dat laatste betreft: hoe is het mogelijk dat terreurgroepen als IS zich niet keren tegen het Saoedische bewind....... Blijkbaar is het geld dat men van het moorddadige Saoedische bewind ontvangt een stuk belangrijker dan de 'waarden en idealen' waar deze terreurgroepen voor zeggen te staan en al helemaal veel belangrijker dan het verdrukte Palestijnse volk........

Overigens zegt de ontvangst van moordenaar, verkrachter en martelbeul MBS veel over de VS, een 'land' waarvan de opvolgende regeringen keer op keer durven te zeggen dat ze opkomen voor vrijheid (inclusief de vrijheid van meningsuiting) en democratie....... Waar de VS het gore lef heeft andere dictators en zelfs democratieën de les te lezen, desnoods met geweld en voor dat laatste is niet veel nodig zoals de (recente) geschiedenis laat zien (althans als deze landen anti-VS zijn)....... Alsof men in de VS niet weet dat S-A het overgrote deel van de terreurgroepen in het Midden-Oosten steunt....... Oh ja, dom van mij, de VS heeft dit zelfs ook meermaals gedaan en doet dit nog steeds.....

America Gives Murderous Saudi Crown Prince the Red Carpet Treatment

March 30, 2018 at 4:20 pm

(ANTIMEDIA)  Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) recently met with leaders of a number of right-wing Jewish organizations, including the notorious pro-Israel lobby AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), according to a leaked copy of his itinerary obtained by Haaretz.

Aside from AIPAC, MBS also met with a number of other groups that have donated millions to illegal settlement building. These groups are also responsible for launching efforts to quash the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and include the likes of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Jewish Federation of North America (JFNA), as well leaders from the Conference of Presidents, B’nai B’rith, and the American Jewish Committee (AJC).

If ever proof was needed that Saudi Arabia has completely abandoned the Palestinian people in favor of its longstanding commitment to focus its resources on its regional power struggle against Iran, this is it. AIPAC is one of the primary backers of legislation in the U.S. that seeks to target and stifle BDS, allegedly spending millions in the process.

Between 2012 and 2015, JFNA reportedly gave almost $6 million to advance illegal Israeli settlements, allegedly also aiding Jewish families suspected or convicted of violence against Palestinian people.

This latest development is part of an overall pattern of a continued strengthening of ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia (even though Saudi Arabia technically doesn’t recognize Israel as a state). What we should worry about, however, is the likelihood that Saudi Arabia will be expecting something from Israel in return for MBS’ newfound partnership with Israel, and it shouldn’t be too hard to venture a guess as to what that something is.

As Middle East Eye explained previously:

Saudi Arabia will only be able to destabilize Lebanon if it works with Israel, the only country with the military capabilities to threaten Lebanon’s fragile peace. Will Mohammed bin Salman go as far as striking a deal with Israel in which he offers full normalisation in return for Israel destroying Hezbollah and Iran in Lebanon?”

As the Saudi-Israel alliance solidifies, expect things to heat up in both Syria and Lebanon. The most direct way of countering Iran’s expanding influence without going to war with Iran on Iranian soil is through these latter two countries, and Saudi Arabia has had its sights set on both of them for a long time now — as has Israel.

On another note, MBS is also reportedly set to meet with Oprah Winfrey and has already met with Bill and Hillary Clinton, Senator Chuck Schumer, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, alleged war criminal Henry Kissinger, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the New York Times’ Thomas Friedman, Rupert Murdoch, CIA director Mike Pompeo (who is next in line for the position of secretary of state), Vice President Mike Pence, Defense Secretary James Mattis, and Jared Kushner, who MBS allegedly bragged about having “in his pocket.”

He is also set to meet renowned business leaders such as Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Apple’s Tim Cook, and the CEOs of Microsoft, Boeing, Amazon, Uber, the Walt Disney Company and Lockheed Martin (no surprises on that last one).


Zie ook: 'Jeremy Corbin wordt gedemoniseerd als antisemiet.......'

maandag 29 januari 2018

Israëls tentakels reiken nu tot in steden als New Orleans.......

Niet alleen kan Israël haar macht doen gelden in westerse landelijke overheden, maar sinds de BDS beweging heeft de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël haar tentakels zelfs tot in steden uitgerold. Zoals New Orleans dat eerder na druk van de BDS beweging besloot geen zaken meer te doen met bedrijven die mensenrechtenschendingen mogelijk maken dan wel veroorzaken, zoals bedrijven die werken in de door Israël illegaal bezette West Bank, dan wel bedrijven die samenwerken met de fascistische staat Israël....... Dit was echter van korte duur, Israël wist via een paar extreem rechtse pro-Israëlische groepen, de eerder door New Orleans aangenomen resolutie ingetrokken te krijgen..........

Zo bepaalt deze uitermate gevaarlijke terreurentiteit, bekend als Israël, meer en meer de binnen en buitelandpolitiek van de meeste westerse landen en zelfs de politiek in steden...... Door ook maar één letter van kritiek op Israël te uiten in de openbaarheid, krijg je onmiddellijk het stempel antisemiet en ten tweede de toevoeging fascist of nazi opgeplakt......... (tot semieten behoren overigens ook de arabische volkeren!)

Overigens waren het Israëlische officieren die begin negentiger jaren de klok luidden over hun militaire opleiding, waar het handboek van de SS als leidraad werd gebruikt voor o.a. het beheersen van een mensenmassa (tot hele huizenblokken en zelfs tot complete getto's....).....

Under Pressure From Pro-Israel Groups, New Orleans Repeals BDS Resolution

January 27, 2018 at 9:23 am
Written by Middle East Eye

(MEE) — The New Orleans City Council rescinded a human rights resolution backed by Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) advocates after pressure from pro-Israel politicians and groups.

The short-lived resolution, which was withdrawn on Thursday, recommended removing corporations that violate human rights from the city’s list of contractual partners, but it did not specifically mention Israel or Palestine.

The New Orleans Palestinian Solidarity Committee (NOPSC) had pushed the measure, known as R-18-5, which drew the ire of Israel’s supporters immediately after its passage.

Max Geller, a member of the New Orleans Palestinian Solidarity Committee, said city officials had been “cowardly” in succumbing to pressure from the Israeli lobby.

Still, opponents of the measure had called the resolution bigoted and unjustified.

The BDS movement, which has inherently anti-Semitic components, is designed to challenge Israel’s economic viability and very right to exist,” the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans (JFGNO) said in a statement on 12 January, a day after the measure was passed.

In a joint statement, JFGNO and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) welcomed scrapping the resolution, saying that BDS “does not advance the discussion towards meaningful resolution and peace between Israelis and Palestinians, or a workable two state solution.”

The BDS movement started as a call by Palestinian civil society activists for a peaceful means to resist the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories. They liken their movement to boycott calls against the apartheid government in South Africa in the 1960s.

BDS critics accuse it of anti-Semitism because it targets Israel.

Geller told MEE that Israel’s supporters are only interested in maintaining the “apartheid practices” of the Israeli government.

There’s nothing anti-Semitic about non-violently resisting state violence,” Geller said in defense of BDS.

There’s nothing anti-Semitic about putting an end to ethnic cleansing and allowing people to stay on their own land.”

Council members felt a backlash from pro-Israeli groups “immediately” after the resolution was passed.

Almost immediately, my fellow council members and I received sharp criticism for the manner in which the resolution was passed, as well as the unintended, but serious consequences of its passage,” Mayor-elect  LaToya Cantrell said in a statement.

Although she authored and introduced the measure, Cantrell added that its “unintended impact does not reflect my commitment to inclusivity, diversity, and respect and support for civil rights, human rights and freedoms of all New Orleanians.”

New Orleans-based Republican State Senator Conrad Appel‏ had called the pro-BDS resolution “absurd.”

This is beyond absurd! Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and a true friend. So the City Council votes to support those who want to destroy Israel! I am am speechless. 

Outgoing Mayor Mitch Landrieu also said in a statement that the resolution does not represent the policy of the city, calling the measure “gratuitous.”

Even outside New Orleans, pro-Israel politicians slammed the resolution, with South Carolina State Representative Alan Clemmons calling for a boycott against the southern city.

One after another, council members started distancing themselves from the pro-BDS measure that they had approved.

Council President Jason Williams, who co-sponsored the resolution, said he had to educate himself about BDS and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict after R-18-5 was passed.

Let me be very clear to citizens of New Orleans and citizens of the world; this city council is not anti-Israel,” Williams said in a statement. “That sentiment is inconsistent with the council’s actions and certainly mine personally.”

However, BDS activists say city officials knew exactly what they were voting on, and Williams had cited the boycott against apartheid in South Africa while discussing the resolution.

The council president did not return MEE’s request for comment.

Geller said council members are acting like they did not know the aim of R-18-5, which “doesn’t jive with reality”.

He said Palestinian rights activists had had dozens of interactions with council members before 11 January and every single time, they introduced themselves as the New Orleans Palestinian Solidarity Committee.

Despite the disappointment, Tabitha Mustafa, an organiser for the Solidarity Committee, said the repeal of the resolution is not a loss for BDS.

She explained that the affair has put Palestinian suffering and Israeli abuses in the public eye.

We haven’t lost anything. This is a victory. I would like to say thank you to the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans for getting out the word about Palestinian human rights and Israeli apartheid violations of human rights.”

By Ali Harb / Republished with permission / Middle East Eye / Report a typo