Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Arafat. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Arafat. Alle posts tonen

maandag 8 april 2019

Dode Israëlische militairen zijn meer waard dan burgers en de moord op 300 Palestijnen is terecht >> de verkiezingscampagne van Netanyahu

Israël en m.n. Palestijnenslachter en oorlogsmisdadiger Netanyahu, stellen dode militairen boven levende 'collega's' en 'uiteraard' (voor Israël) boven burgerslachtoffers, zeker als die burgers Palestijnen zijn, maar ja die worden door Israël niet als mens gezien.....

Een dode Israëlische militair, die 37 jaar geleden om het leven kwam door een domme beslissing van de legertop, werd door Rusland overgedragen aan Israël, althans wat er nog van hem over was en dat was niet veel meer dan het uniform en het schoeisel dat hij droeg......

Netanyahu gebruikt deze militair, Zacharia Baumel in zijn verkiezingscampagne, hij zou dode militairen naar huis halen...... Meer daarover in het hieronder opgenomen artikel.

Zowel Israël als de Palestijnen en Syrië hebben een 'leger aan dode militairen' achter de hand, om te gebruiken voor onderhandelingen...... Hier moet aan toegevoegd worden dat Israël de dood van militairen in het verleden gebruikt als excuus voor agressie tegen burgers, zowel Palestijnse, Libanese als Syrische burgers......

Het aantal gedode burgers aan de kant van de Palestijnen, Libanezen en Syriërs staat al lang niet meer in verhouding tot het aantal gedode Israëlische militairen, niets nieuws zoals uit het begin van deze zin blijkt, maar al vanaf de illegale stichting van de staat Israël...... Het vreemde aan de zaak is dat blijkbaar het grootste deel van het Israëlische volk ook vindt dat hun dood minder erg is dan dat van een militair, terwijl militairen er juist zijn om de de klappen op te vangen en burgers te beschermen......

Voor de oorlog tegen de Palestijnen in 2006 claimde Israël dat 2 van haar militairen werden gevangen genomen in de Gazastrook, terwijl men wist dat dit de 2 dood waren, daar de tank waar ze in zaten werd opgeblazen met een raket...... Daarop ondernam het Israëlisch leger een 'zoekactie' (lees: begon een oorlog tegen de Palestijnen in de Gazastrook) om de 2 te bevrijden, daarbij werden een paar duizend Palestijnse mensen vermoord door het Israëlische leger...... De zoveelste massamoord op rekening van Israël en dat op valse gronden.......

Netanyahu is als de dood dat hij niet zal worden herkozen, waarna de weg openligt om hem te vervolgen vanwege corruptie en grootschalige fraude, vandaar dat hij de laatste weken steeds schunniger opmerkingen maakt.

Zo heeft Netanyahu al laten weten geen probleem te hebben met de volgens Israël meer dan 300 vermoorde Palestijnen aan de grens van de Gazastrook, zogenaamd op Palestijns gebied......* Onder deze 300 meer dan 50 kinderen, duidelijk te herkennen medische hulpverleners en journalisten....... Ook heeft massamoordenaar Netanyahu beloofd dat hij alle nederzettingen op de West Bank zal legaliseren als hij wordt herkozen, sterker nog: hij zal dan zelfs de West Bank annexeren......

Ongelofelijk dat de westerse regeringen hier niet op hebben gereageerd door openlijk hun afschuw uit te spreken over de woorden van Netanyahu.... Blijkbaar ziet men commentaar leveren op de psychopathische agressie van Netanyahu ook als 'het verstoren van het vredesproces', de dooddoener van westerse regeringen als Israël zich weer eens van haar terroristische kant laat zien, bijvoorbeeld na het zoveelste bloedbad te hebben aangericht onder Palestijnen, alsof oorlogsmisdaden van Israël het vredesproces tussen Palestijnen en Israël niet verstoren......

Het volgende artikel werd gepubliceerd op Mondoweiss en werd geschreven door Yossi Gurvitz, een ex-militair die volkomen terecht stelt dat Palestijnen alle recht hebben om militairen van het Israëlische bezettingsleger dood te schieten, immers je loopt daar als een bewapende Israëlische militair op een illegaal bezet stuk land. (één op één te vergelijken met de strijd van vooral communisten en anarchisten tegen de nazi-Duitse bezetter in Nederland tijdens WOII)

A soldier dead 37 years is Russia’s gift to Netanyahu, in last days of campaign

Yossi Gurvitz on April 5, 2019

Ceremony at the Russian Ministry of Defense on April 4 when military effects belonging to the late Zachary Baumel, killed in Lebanon in 1982, were handed over to prime minister Netanyahu. From the PM's twitter feed

Zecharia Baumel was killed in one the most needless and stupid battles of the First Lebanon War, a war full of many such battles.

Baumel, a young reservist, was made a false sacrifice by the Government of Israel on the altar of the hallucinatory concept of controlling Lebanon. The government owes him an apology, and must ask his pardon. It is hard to believe that the belated transfer of the remains of his body to Israel merits the title of apology; let us, then, begin this discussion with the old burial prayer: “I hereby ask of pardon and forgiveness. Everything we did was for your honor, according with the tradition of Yisrael. Go in peace, and rest in peace.”

One does not fight the dead. Their love, their hate and their jealousy have long since vanished; never shall they have a part in anything that happens under the sun.

But as for fighting those who misuse them – well, that’s quite a different matter.

Let’s begin with the facts. Baumel, a tank commander, was killed on June 11, 1982 in the Battle of Sultan Yaakub, in which an Israeli division managed to stumble into an ambush by Syrian commando forces. While it was known he was killed, his body – and that of two of his comrades – was never recovered. As is customary in the Middle East, the victors who held the battlefield (in this case, the Syrians and some Palestinian militias) took the bodies in the hope of one day parlaying them into some advantage. Baumel’s destroyed tank was driven through the streets of Damascus in a ghoulish triumph; in 1993, Yasser Arafat presented Yizhak Rabin with one half of Baumel’s dog tags. Obviously someone else was holding the other half, in anticipation of some reward.

(The Syrians and the Palestinians aren’t alone in this. Israel has a whole graveyard, The Graveyard of the Enemy Dead, where bodies are kept until their time on the market comes.)

A week or two ago, Russian troops acting with Syrian troops transferred secretly to Israel the contents of a whole graveyard from the Yarmuq Refugee Camp, which the Syrians have taken from some militia. The Russians claimed it was held by some ISIS affiliate, but one should be careful about such Russian claims. Be that as it may, on Wednesday the Israeli public was surprised to hear that the IDF has conducted “an intelligence operation,” as a result of which the bodily remains of Baumel were identified.

The IDF and Netanyahu’s office bombarded the media with news of an “operation”, colonels with initials instead of names spoke of their part in the glorious operation, and everyone blessed Military Intelligence.

Nobody said anything about Russians. In fact, military censorship forbade any mention of Russian involvement, at first.

Given this partial information, my first horrified thought was “Oh my God, the fuckers did it again.”
Israel has developed an obsession with its war dead – an obsession which became deeper as the country had no actual wars. In godforsaken 2004, the only good of which could be said was that it was better than 2006, I was duty editor – twice – when Gazans blew up a tank and Armored Personnel Carrier. One was in the middle of the Strip; the other was near the Egyptian border, in a thin strip called Philadelphy Route.

There isn’t much left when a tank blows up.

Nevertheless, IDF brass gave the order, and soldiers obeyed, that the area near the explosions is to be combed – literally combed – in search after body remains. Soon I was watching IDF soldiers crawling in the dust, looking for the remains of their comrades.
Under fire.

Which killed at least one soldier.

Now, I have no problem with the Palestinian militiamen who blew up tanks and fired at enemy soldiers. War is war. If you’re carrying a gun in an occupied territory, you’re basically asking for it. I served for two years in Gaza, during the First Intifada. I insisted then that if some Palestinian would shoot me, that would certainly be annoying, but I would not bear a grudge, nor should anyone bear one in my name. It was my choice to serve in an occupied territory and carry a gun.

I did have a huge problem with the military – and the Israeli public. See, normally an army is supposed to take the shots instead of the civilians. But during the horrid years of the Second Intifada, the pyramid was reversed. The number of dead soldiers was relatively low, but the number of dead civilians hit the roof.

And the civilians seem to like it that way. The general sentiment was that it’s pretty bad if a bus blows up, but it’s much worse if a tank blows up. Military lives were deemed to be of more importance than civilian life. And this attitude moved from dead soldiers to pieces of dead soldiers. I was appalled at the fact the order to crawl under fire to get some body parts met with no refusal from the soldiers; and the general public seemed to think this was perfectly normal.

That is, we had a whole new pyramid. At its base were civilian life; they counted for little. Above them, soldiers’ lives. They mattered more. And then, at the apex, soldiers’ bodies. It seemed totally reasonable to risk the lives of soldiers in order to get soldiers’ body parts.  I was not sure who lost his mind, me or the country.

That was bloody 2004. Then came fucking 2006. The Lebanon War began when Hizbullah fired a rocket at military vehicle which was moseying about near the Lebanon border. Two soldiers, Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, were killed on the spot. Hizbullah hijacked the bodies and were gone with them before the IDF understood what happened. The fool commanding the division, Gal Hirsch (he’s running for the Knesset in the “Shield of Israel” party, his chances non-existent), ordered a tank to guard the destroyed vehicle. Hizbullah destroyed the tank. The number of dead was now eight, and once the Chief of Staff sold his shares portfolio, the war started.

The IDF and the PM (then Ehud Olmert) pretended Goldwasser and Regev were alive, even though IDF forensics knew they were dead a few hours after the rocket attack. When a rocket hits a vehicle, there isn’t much left of the soldiers. There was enough blood on the spot to know Goldwasser and Regev were dead. Olmert and the army took the country to war on false pretenses: they claimed they were alive and promised to get them back.

When it all ended, thousands of dead and unknown number of traumas later, Hizbullah negotiated for the bodies. Natch. Israel gave almost all of its Hizbullah captives. The government, which was in serious trouble at the time – one poll showed Olmert with 2% support, versus Hizbullah’s leader Nasrallah, with 4% – did its best to convince the public there’s a chance Goldwasser and Regev are alive, in order for the deal to pass. The media ate it up.

Of course, they were dead and Olmert knew it for months. When the Hizbullah truck opened and two coffins were brought out, with the Hizbullah representative sadistically crying, “Here they are!”, the country went into shock.

And it still supported the deal. After all, dead soldiers are more important than living soldiers.

So, when the news came of Baumel’s body being brought to burial, I found myself hoping: not again, not again, no more risking of lives over dead bodies.

The next day (Thursday), Netanyahu met with Putin in Moscow. A Russian honor guard presented Netanyahu with a coffin draped in an Israeli flag and supposed to contain Baumel’s combat tank suit and boots.

Somebody fucked up badly, because an IDF colonel spoke the night before of examining Baumel’s combat suit, in Israel, and of the meticulous care he and his unit – never identified – had taken of making certain it was indeed Baumel’s suit. I guess someone forgot to update the Russians; either that, or this was one of Putin’s little jokes.

In short, the whole affair was a propaganda stunt from start to finish. The point was to portray Netanyahu, five days before the elections, as someone who can bring dead soldiers home. Which is precisely how the media played it: “bringing the son home.”

But Baumel is dead, has been dead for 37 years, life ending in a dreadful last hour and a semi-second of a flash. The officers who sent him – and 19 of his comrades – to a pointless death were not punished; the politician who sent the army there, Ariel Sharon, overcame that debacle and became a prime minister. And now the remains of Baumel are being used in a cynical ploy to ensure Netanyahu’s reelection. A trick which might just work: after all, dead soldiers are more important than live soldiers, who in turn are more important than live civilians.

We have badly misused you, Zecharia Baumel. Rest now in peace. We beg your forgiveness, and perhaps not everything we did was for your honor. Beg mercy for us, for we shall need it.
* Zogenaamd Palestijns gebied, daar de Gazastrook in feite één grote Israëlische openluchtgevangenis is, beter gezegd een getto te vergelijken met dat van Warschau tijdens WOII.....

Zie ook:
'Israëlische kolonisten verantwoordelijk voor branden op de West Bank'

'Duitse razzia's: jacht op ondersteuners van Hamas en het verdrukte Palestijnse volk'

'Israël vermoordde doelbewust journalisten'

'Israëlisch leger ontkent moord op invalide Palestijn' (zie ook de links in dat bericht)

Mijn excuus voor de vormgeving, krijg het niet op orde.

woensdag 19 september 2018

VS onder Trump >> een nog grotere stimulator van Israëlische terreur

De zionisten (ofwel: fascisten) in Israël en daarbuiten kunnen hun handen dichtknijpen met Trump in het VS zadel. De Oslo Akkoorden, nu 25 jaar oud, worden door Israël met voeten getreden, daarbij in feite gesteund door de VS. Bij deze vaststelling moet ik zeggen dat die Oslo Akkoorden al een belachelijk product zijn waar de Palestijnen aan het kortste eind hebben getrokken. Ik bedoel: hoe is het mogelijk dat Arafat, de leider van de PLO akkoord ging met de legitimatie van Israëlische zeggenschap op de door haar illegaal bezette West Bank?? Te zot voor woorden!!

Zoals we vanaf maart hebben kunnen zien met de Great Return March in de Gazastrook (dus niet op de straten van het gestolen land Israël), waar Israëlische scherpschutters als 'echte helden' vanuit het gestolen land Israël een massamoord hebben aangericht en nog steeds op Palestijnen schieten als ze aan hun kant van de grens, naar de mening van Israëlische psychopaten, te dicht bij die grens komen..... Let wel: het gaat hier om vreedzame, ongewapende demonstranten, die hun openluchtgevangenis meer dan zat zijn... Onder de slachtoffers: kinderen, invaliden, medisch hulpverleners en journalisten....... (nogmaals: vermoord op grondgebied 'van' de Palestijnen)

Lees het volgende artikel van Miko Peled, gepubliceerd op MintPress News en door mij overgenomen van Anti-War en zie waar de hechte vriendschap van de VS met Israël leidt tot grote ellende en enorme terreur van de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël, dat zich voor de uitgeoefende zionistische terreur gesteund weet door de VS......

Forget Putin: 4 Reasons Why Trump Is Netanyahu’s Manchurian Candidate

Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu, Melania Trump, Sara Netanyahu

September 16, 2018 at 11:12 pm
Written by Miko Peled

(MPN Op-ed) — In the months leading up to the 25th anniversary of the Oslo Accords, the U.S. has colluded with Israel in a string of policies and decisions that completely undermine the legitimacy of the agreement, not to mention Palestinian claims to justice, freedom and ultimately peace. As these policies unfold, one cannot help recalling the words of the great Palestinian writer Ghassan Kanafani, who said that talking with the Israelis is “a conversation between the sword and the neck.”

There is a clear common thread that binds several of the U.S. policies enacted by President Donald Trump since last December. Moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem; pulling out of the Iran agreement; defunding UNRWA, and closing the PLO mission in D.C. all satisfy the objectives of the Israeli government while not benefiting the United States in the least. One might imagine that the United States is executing Israel’s policy, reading as it were from a menu that was provided by Benjamin Netanyahu. In fact, the Trump administration is every Israeli prime minister’s dream.


Moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was reckless, dangerous and absurd. The occupation and annexation of Jerusalem by Israel was in violation of UN resolution 181 from November 1947, which states in “Part III, City of Jerusalem” that:
The City of Jerusalem shall be established as a corpus separatum under a special international regime and shall be administered by the United Nations. The Trusteeship Council shall be designated to discharge the responsibilities of the Administering Authority on behalf of the United Nations.”

Resolution 194 from December 1948 — in other words, more than a year after Resolution 181 was passed and the eastern half of Jerusalem was occupied and subjected to a total full ethnic cleansing, where not one Palestinian was permitted to remain — reiterates this:

8 | Resolves that, in view of its association with three world religions, the Jerusalem area, including the present municipality of Jerusalem plus the surrounding villages and towns, the most eastern of which shall be Abu Dis; the most southern, Bethlehem; the most western, Ein Karim (including also the built-up area of Motsa); and the most northern, Shu’fat, should be accorded special and separate treatment from the rest of Palestine and should be placed under effective United Nations control …

For this reason all diplomatic missions to Israel are situated in Tel Aviv and not Jerusalem. The diplomatic missions in Jerusalem mostly pre-date the establishment of the State of Israel and are considered sovereign and independent of their countries’ embassies in Tel Aviv. Even the U.S. consulate until recently reported directly to Washington, and the consul general was in fact an ambassador. This was not unlike placing the U.S. embassy to France in Berlin and — according to sources I spoke to at the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem — now that the ambassador’s office was moved to Jerusalem, the place is in a state of confusion and it is not at all clear who is responsible for what.

In addition to all of the above, the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel legitimizes the crime of ethnic cleansing and destruction which Israel has perpetrated in Jerusalem since 1948. This move did not benefit the U.S. in any way but it boosted Benjamin Netanyahu’s political power, and can be viewed as nothing less than a personal political gift from the president of the United States to Netanyahu.

Iran Deal

Israel, and Netanyahu, in particular, have been against the nuclear deal with Iran from the very beginning. Needing a diversion from its own war crimes and violations of international law, Israel has for many years pointed to Iran as a threat to itself and the rest of the world. This was a point of serious disagreement between the Obama administration and Israel and then Donald Trump put the disagreement to rest and the U.S. withdrew from the agreement.

According to a piece in, Trump withdrew the U.S. from the agreement “despite a lack of evidence that Iran is violating the agreement. To the contrary, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has verified Iran’s compliance numerous times.” The article continues by saying, “the implications of this decision could be disastrous for the Middle East under any conceivable scenario.”

piece in the British Independent bluntly claims that:
The president’s foreign policy has so far been marked by a significant ratcheting of tensions with Iran, driven by his administration’s noted friendliness towards Israel, which opposes the [Iran nuclear] deal.”
According to a report from August 2018 by the IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency:
Since Implementation Day, the Agency has been verifying and monitoring the implementation by Iran of its nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA.” The report states that among other things:
Since 16 January, 2016 [JCPOA Implementation Day], the Agency has verified and monitored Iran’s implementation of its nuclear-related commitments in accordance with the modalities set out in the JCPOA.”

The report states clearly that Iran was and continues to be compliant in all areas of the agreement. All the other countries that are signatories to the agreement remain committed to it, and they all insisted that a U.S. withdrawal was a mistake. Only one person insisted the U.S. must withdraw, and that is Benjamin Netanyahu, and he is the one person whose claims President Trump decided to accept. Once again, the United States had nothing to gain and everything to lose from the withdrawal and once again Netanyahu personally gained political strength as the sole voice to which the president of the United States listens.


The United States can see no benefit whatsoever in denying UNRWA funding; yet this is what the Trump administration decided to do. The very agency responsible for providing relief, albeit inadequate, to the refugees of Palestine was receiving $300 million per year, which is a drop in the bucket in terms of relief and of course in terms of the U.S. government’s total budget. In an open letter to Palestine refugees and UNRWA staff, dated September 1, 2018, Pierre Krähenbühl, UNRWA Commissioner-General, writes,
The need for humanitarian action … in the case of Palestine refugees, was caused by forced displacement, dispossession, loss of homes and livelihoods, as well as by statelessness and occupation. … [T]he undeniable fact remains that they have rights under international law and represent a community of 5.4 million men, women and children who cannot simply be wished away.”

The attempt to make UNRWA somehow responsible for perpetuating the crisis is disingenuous at best,” the commissioner said, responding to claims made by Netanyahu that “UNRWA is an organization that perpetuates the problem of the Palestinian refugees.” Netanyahu also stated that UNRWA “perpetuates the narrative of the so-called ‘right of return,’” which the state of Israel fears — and therefore, according to Netanyahu, “UNRWA must disappear.”

According to The New York Times, this move was pushed hard by Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, “as part of a plan to compel Palestinian politicians to drop demands for many of those refugees to return.”  The right of the refugees to return is enshrined in UN Resolution 194, and one wonders why the U.S. should object to Palestinian demand for return of the refugees to their homes? Once again this is a gift to Netanyahu, who wants to see the refugee issue disappear.

PLO Mission

A product of the Oslo Accords, the PLO mission in Washington is the de-facto embassy of Palestine, the face and the voice of the Palestinian Authority in the U.S. Now, almost exactly on the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Accords, the Trump administration announces the closing of the mission. It could have come as no surprise when Netanyahu, who fiercely opposed the Accords, applauded the U.S. administration decision. This was yet one more insignificant step for the U.S., and one giant gift to Benjamin Netanyahu.

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''Israëlische helden' schieten 6 ongewapende Palestijnse demonstranten dood op Gazaans grondgebied, inclusief 2 jongens van 12 en 14 jaar oud.....' (met verder o.a. UNRWA als één van de onderwerpen)

'Jonathan Chandler (Foundation for Defense of Democracies): Palestijns beroep op vluchtelingenstatus staat vrede in Israël in de weg..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!' (ook hier o.a. over UNRWA)

'Vier spelende Palestijnse jongens werden doelbewust vermoord middels een Israëlische drone'

'Palestijnse man met syndroom van Down gearresteerd door 'dappere' Israëlische militairen: hand gebroken en 3 dagen opgesloten.......'

'Israël bestormt voor de zoveelste keer met groot machtsvertoon de Al-Aqsamoskee......'

'Israël vermoordt alweer 'zeer heldhaftig' 5 ongewapende Palestijnen, waaronder een 12 jarige en een 17 jarige jongen........'

'NOS ('onafhankelijk' zendgemachtigde) met pro-Israëlische propaganda n.a.v. vrijlating Ahed al-Tamimi...'

'Israël: gevangenschap voor slaan van militair en vrijspraak voor doelbewust levend verbranden van een Palestijnse baby.......'

'Het 'dappere' Israëlische leger......'

'Palestijnen: beelden van vernederingen die dit volk zich op dagelijkse basis moet laten welgevallen door Israëlische militairen'

'Israël blokkeert toegang tot dorp Ahed al-Tamimi......'

'Israël nu officieel fascistische apartheidsstaat: natiestaat wet aangenomen.........'

''Rechter' houdt Palestijns meisje van 16 jaar in gevangenschap, verder een invalide in rolstoel vermoord: 'leve het dappere Israëlische leger....''

'Israëlische scherpschutters vermoorden met opzet kinderen en de witte westerse wereld blijft wegkijken.......'

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''Heldhaftige Israelische militair', die op verdenking van het gooien met stenen, een 15 jarige jongen vermoordde, gaat vrijuit........'

'Ahed al-Tamimi in Volkskrant 'uitgelegd' als terrorist, die klappen uitdeelt.... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

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'16 jarige Ahed al-Tamimi is volgens militaire rechter te gevaarlijk om op borgtocht vrij te laten........'

'Israël martelt 60% van de gevangengehouden Palestijnse kinderen.......'

'Israël sluit waterkraan voor Gazastrook, een enorme schending van mensenrechten en een misdaad tegen de menselijkheid.....'

'Israëlische rechtbank besloot proces tegen 17 jarig meisje Ahed al-Tamimi achter gesloten deuren te houden >> voor haar eigen bestwil..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Israël weigert 17 jarig meisje Ahed al-Tamimi vervroegd vrij te laten........'

'Israël gebruikt nieuw chemisch wapen tegen Palestijnse demonstranten in de Gazastrook'

donderdag 6 september 2018

Arabieren en Afghanen zijn bepaald niet bedroefd om de dood van McCain......

In een opiniestuk van As’ad AbuKhalil in Consortium News (door mij overgenomen van Anti-Media), beschrijft hij hoe anders arabieren en een volk als de Afghanen kijken naar de dood van oorlogsmisdadiger, oorlogshitser en grootlobbyist van het militair-industrieel complex McCain.

In een voorbeeld geeft hij aan hoe verschillend alleen al een uitspraak van McCain wordt geïnterpreteerd door westerlingen of arabieren. Een vrouw in een zaal waar hij vanwege z'n presidentscampagne van 2008 sprak, kreeg van McCain als reactie op haar uitlating dat Obama een arabier is, dat Obama geen arabier is, hij is een nette familieman. Westerse media jubelden 't uit, wat een fantastische man die McCain, immers hij zou als republikein Obama hebben verdedigd...... 

Deze ontkenning van McCain zal iemand die goed geïnformeerd is over WOII, doen denken aan ontkenningen in en na de oorlog, de ontkenning dat iemand geen fanatieke nazi kan/kon zijn, daar hij een 'nette familieman' was...... Zoals men na de oorlog maar al te vaak ontdekte van fanatieke psychopathische nazi's die in concentratiekampen tekeergingen, zoals kampcommandanten, die thuis de brave huisvader uithingen.... 

Hoe een arabier over deze uitspraak zal oordelen is wel duidelijk, hij of zij ziet in de uitspraak van McCain een bevooroordeelde westerse klootzak, die stelt dat een arabier geen nette persoon kan zijn........

Uiteraard zien arabieren McCain zoals hij was, een smerige oorlogsmisdadiger door wie tienduizenden mensen om het leven zijn gekomen, zo stond de schoft ook achter de illegale oorlog tegen Irak (intussen meer dan 1,5 miljoen doden...), sterker nog, daar was hij al meteen na 9/11 voorstander van, zoals hij ook voorstander was van de illegale oorlog tegen Syrië (al vanaf 2006 voorbereid door de VS, natuurlijk met hulp van McCain....), verder was hij voor een oorlog tegen Iran..... 

Waarbij dit alles nog opgeteld moet worden, dat hij terreurstaat Israël zwaar steunde en alle bloedvergieten door die fascistische apartheidsstaat niet eens bekritiseerde, neem het grote aantal moorden begaan door Israëlische scherpschutters, die sinds maart dit jaar aan de grens met de Gazastrook een groot aantal ongewapende, vreedzaam demonstrerende Palestijnen hebben doodgeschoten*, terwijl ze zich NB op 'Palestijns grondgebied' bevonden...... Daarbij vermoordden deze psychopaten zelfs kinderen, invaliden, duidelijk herkenbare journalisten en als zodanig herkenbare medisch hulpverleners...... McCain was veel eerder zelfs tegen de onderhandelingen van Israël met Yasser Arafat (PLO)........

Lees het uitstekende stuk van AbuKhalil voor veel meer duidelijkheid (zo vertelt hij dat de directeur van Human Rights Watch een lovend stuk over McCain schreef....), voorts zie de berichten over McCain onder de links, die weer onderaan in dit bericht terug zijn te vinden:

Being on the deadly end of his policies, many Arabs view John McCain in a very different way than the U.S. mass media has presented him.

The destruction of Mosul. (Wikimedia Commons)

(CN Op-ed) — It is not unusual that Arabs and Americans look at the same event from divergent lenses. Take, for instance, a scene from John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign when he told  a woman in the audience who had called Obama an Arab: “No, Ma`am. He is not an Arab. He’s a decent family man.”

That brief exchange has been tweeted and retweeted thousands of time in the last few days following McCain’s death. It has been promoted by people in mainstream media (and think tanks and academia) as evidence of the civility, “classiness”, and lack of prejudice of McCain.  Yet, Arabs saw something entirely different in that exchange.  They saw bigotry from McCain, who was denying that Obama was Arab in the same way one denies that someone is a Nazi.  He clearly implied that an Arab can’t be a decent family man.  In fact, Gen. Colin Powell was the only U.S. politician who pointed this out at the time.  But a new image of McCain is being formulated before our eyes.

For Arabs in the Middle East and in the U.S., the view of McCain does not conform to the hagiography of U.S. media.  People in the region remember well that McCain supported every U.S. and Israeli war, invasion, or attack against any Arab target. They remember that he was a major proponent of invading Iraq and argued for the expansion of U.S. wars into Iran, Libya and Syria in the wake of Sep. 11.

While the Washington director of Human Rights Watch was writing tributes to McCain, Arabs were remembering him as a champion of Middle East dictators (except those on bad terms with the U.S. and Israel.) It was not a coincidence that both the official Saudi regime lobby in DC and AIPAC promptly released emotional eulogies for McCain. The English-language, Arab Times (a mouthpiece of Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman) dedicated a special issue to him.

McCain never wavered in his conformity with AIPAC’s agenda.  He never had disagreements with the Israeli government except in outbidding them in his hostility to Palestinian rights and the usefulness of negotiations with Arabs.

Yet in the context of Washington politics, McCain was not regarded as the anti-Arab/anti-Muslim that he was, perhaps because there were Arabs and Muslims that he approved of. He championed, for instance, Iraqi opposition figure Ahmad Chalabi (a key fabricator in the buildup to the U.S. invasion of Iraq) and the Afghan Muhajedeen. He was very close to Arab despots and approved arms sales to their repressive armies and intelligence apparatuses. He spoke of democracy but in the way that invading and colonizing states glorify “freedom” to justify conquest.

McCain was a champion of Syrian rebels and pictures of him with Jihadi extremists (in Libya and in Syria) were circulated by Arabs on social media in the last week. while the Washington press corps and Human Rights Watch were paying tribute him as “a defender of democracy.”

Schooled by Scoop

McCain was mentored on the Middle East, according to his biographies, by Henry “Scoop” Jackson, who for years was the dean of ardent Zionists in the U.S. Congress. Those were in the days when a few members—mostly Republicans—dared to challenge AIPAC. McCain’s first trip to Israel was a member of a delegation led by Jackson when McCain was the Navy’s liaison to the Senate.  Typically, like all U.S. politicians who visit Israel, McCain became convinced by  the view from Israeli military helicopters of the vulnerability of “little Israel” and that Israel needed to continue to occupy, invade, attack and assassinate.

Self-propelled howitzers of the Gaddafi forces, destroyed by French Rafale airplanes at the west-southern outskirts of Benghazi, Libya, in March 2011 in another war backed by McCain. (Wikimedia Commons)

In Congress, McCain managed to become associated with AIPAC’s agenda more than his colleagues. He always argued for more support for Israel. And when Israel and the U.S. both accepted negotiations with Yasser Arafat, he remained skeptical, raising doubts about the intentions of the Palestinians.

After his election to Congress, McCain quickly set himself up as an expert on defense and foreign policy. His first foreign policy posture in Congress was in 1983, when he opposed U.S. intervention in Lebanon, but not on humanitarian grounds. Instead he basically argued that far more force was needed against Syria and its allies in Lebanon. This became a pattern for the Vietnam veteran: that more force is always needed wherever U.S. troops are deployed. Some attribute the “surge” to him, as if the surge really salvaged American fortunes in Iraq.

In an article written during his 2008 presidential campaign, The New York Times talked about the McCain Doctrine and referred to his reaction to Sep. 11, when he argued for war on Syria, Iran, and Afghanistan.  For McCain, war was the only recourse for dealing with foes of the U.S. and Israel. And war was not effective for McCain without massive force and heavy troop deployments.

The Senator and the Ikhwan

McCain was a champion of the Muslim Brotherhood (Jam’iyat al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin), even if that put him at odds with Gulf rulers who he also supported.  This position may seem uncharacteristic given his longstanding fealty to AIPAC and its agenda, and his general unfriendliness to Arabs and Muslims. But McCain may have undertaken this role at the behest of AIPAC.

Homs, Syria

In the aftermath of the Arab uprisings, McCain negotiated with leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt.  It was after a series of visits from leaders of those movements to Washington that they basically reversed their traditional position on Israel. Leaders of An-Nahda rescinded their plan to criminalize normalization with Israel, while leaders of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood pledged commitment to the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty. 

Similarly, the stance of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood abandoned any hostility toward Israel and even toward its occupation of the Golan heights.  McCain’s confidence in the ability of the Ikhwan to deliver the interests of Israel and U.S., led him to oppose Sisi’s coup as he trusted that Mohammed Morsi would be able to guard U.S. interests and the interests of the Egyptian-Israeli military-intelligence alliance.

McCain became, in this manner, an unabashed champion of what is called in the West (and in the Gulf regimes’ media) the “Syrian revolution”.  He also trusted the Islamists in the “revolution” and hoped that Israeli interests would be served by a change of regime that would be aligned with the U.S. and Israel. The risk of promoting Jihadi Islamist rebels was, for McCain and the Israeli lobby, worth the effort.  For that, McCain’s death was mourned by leaders of the “liberal” exile opposition and by Jihadis of the Syrian rebels, including Huthaifah `Azzam, the son of `Abdullah `Azzam (the mentor of Usamah bin Laden). (Huthaifah `Azzam later deleted his post after I drew attention to it).

The career of McCain intersected with the rise of AIPAC on Capitol Hill.  He also benefited from the Reagan and Bush Doctrines, both of which relied on the use of massive force against the enemies of U.S. and Israel.

The assessment of McCain can’t hope to achieve a measure of balance given the adulation by mainstream media for a man whose political sins were always instantly forgotten.  His reference to Vietnamese by a pejorative term was seen as an example of his frank talk—not of his prejudice. His involvement with Charles Keating was seen as an example of a minor error and not of the corruption of an influential senator.  His endorsement of war, the Israeli occupation, and his embrace of tyrants (especially in the Gulf and North Africa) have not been perceived as inconsistent with the media’s image of a champion of human rights.

In the end, John McCain was a major face of American empire, just as were two people who attended his funeral–Obama and Bush –and one who did not, Trump.

By As’ad AbuKhalil / Republished with permission / Consortium News / Report a typo
* Het totale aantal doden sinds maart dit jaar, Palestijnse mensen die door 'heldhaftige scherpschutters werden vermoord) lag op 13 augustus jl. op 168 waaronder 23 kinderen..... Het aantal gewonden (van licht- tot zwaargewond) lag op meer dan 20.000..... (waarbij 68 Palestijnen een amputatie moesten ondergaan...)

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