Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Moslim Broederschap. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Moslim Broederschap. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 15 december 2020

Egypte voltrekt in 10 dagen tijd 49 doodstraffen, media aandacht minimaal, dit in tegenstelling tot voltrekking van 1 doodstraf in Iran

Gisteren veel aandacht op de nationale radio nieuwszenders in Nederland, Duitsland, België en Groot-Brittannië. Het ging hier om, zoals deze zenders meldden, een barbaarse executie van journalist Ruhollah Zam, die beschuldigd werd een grote demonstratie, die in geweld eindigde, mede te hebben georganiseerd..... Niets mee mis deze aandacht voor inderdaad een barbaarse doodstraf, deze middels ophanging, al is elke doodstraf uiteraard barbaars, zijn er wel gradaties in gewelddadigheid........

Maar wat een  verschil met 'de aandacht voor' het grote aantal doodstraffen in Egypte, even barbaars middels ophanging...... Op dezelfde zenders geen woord over het feit dat de Egyptische junta onder leiding van de corrupte schoft al-Sisi de laatste 10 dagen 'maar liefst' 49 mensen heeft laten vermoorden...... Dit nog naast het feit dat Egypte in oktober en november (jl.) in totaal al 57 mensen heeft laten vermoorden, het gaat hier om advocaten en politieke activisten (dat laatste ben je in Egypte al als je als burger meedoet aan een demonstratie tegen de junta...)......

Hoe is het mogelijk dat de westerse media daar geen aandacht aan hebben geschonken en schenken? Oh simpel: de westerse regeringen hebben goede banden met de Egyptische junta, alleen al vanwege het feit dat al-Sisi de democratisch gekozen regering van de Moslim Broederschap omver heeft geworpen (uiteraard met hulp van de CIA....)......

En je weet het waarschijnlijk wel: de westerse media in handen van plutocraten verdedigen hun eigen regeringen, vooral als deze een neoliberaal beleid voeren en dat is voor de overgrote meerderheid van westerse landen het geval, waarbij men liever een executie in Iran, China of Syrië verslaat als barbaars en schending van mensenrechten, terwijl executies in Saoedi-Arabië, de VS en zoals in dit geval Egypte liever worden verzwegen, juist daar de westerse regeringen en bedrijven goede handelsbetrekkingen onderhouden met dat soort bloedige dictaturen, of zoals het geval in de VS, met deze in feite politiestaat (ook een vorm van dictatuur).......Het viel me nog alles mee dat die media wel aandacht hadden voor het grote aantal federale doodstraffen in de VS, al heeft dit alles te maken met het feit dat deze doodstraffen (de meest gruwelijke: middels de elektrische stoel....) werden uitgevaardigd door Trump, die al jaren niet goed ligt bij diezelfde media..........

Lees en teken de petitie van het Care2 team ajb en geeft het door!! De petitie is gericht aan grote westerse bedrijven als BP die in Egypte werkzaam zijn en waarin de top van die bedrijven wordt gemaand zich uit te spreken tegen deze executies en de junta te pressen deze te stoppen.

The Egyptian government executed 49 people in 10 days.

Miranda B., Care2 Action Alerts <>

Egypt is rounding up activists and lawyers and killing them in record numbers

Sign Now

Amnesty International is calling it an "execution spree." In the past few months, the organization has witnessed a terrifying uptick in government executions carried out by Egyptian authorities, with no signs of abating. In two months — October and November 2020 — state officials hanged 57 individuals, more than double the number of people who were officially executed in the entire preceding year. Of these, 49 were killed in mass executions held over a period of just 10 days. Many of the prisoners who were rounded up and put to death during this reign of terror were citizens who dared to voice their own opinions.

Despite the fact that the President of Egypt, Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, claims there are "no political prisoners" in the country, that is simply a lie. Scores of activists and lawyers have been detained in recent years, including three employees at a civil rights NGO who were jailed in November. Once in custody, they are typically tortured into issuing false, pre-written confessions. We need powerful voices to speak out if we are to have any hope of changing this tide. Money talks, and that's why we're calling on BP to use its position of influence to speak out now. As the largest and most powerful foreign corporation operating in Egypt, it must utilize its leverage to end this horror show. Sign the petition to demand that major foreign investors, including BP, pressure the Egyptian government to halt these executions now!

Thank you for all that you do,

Miranda B.
The Care2 Petitions Team

Sign Now

P.S. All prisoners of conscience are at risk so long as Egypt is allowed to continue hanging its own people at will. Tell BP it must use its sway in Egypt to demand the government end its spree of murders!


Voor meer berichten over de doodstraf, executie, Abdul Fatah al-Sisi, Moslim Broederschap, Egypte en/of Iran, klik op het desbetreffende label, direct onder dit bericht.  

maandag 23 september 2019

Protesten in Egypte tegen corrupte al-Sisi

In Egypte is het sinds afgelopen vrijdag behoorlijk onrustig, ondanks dat het geen grote groepen zijn, wordt er in meerdere steden in Egypte gedemonstreerd en dat zou voor het eerst zijn sinds al-Sisi na zijn aantreden een groot aantal mensen liet vermoorden en gevangen zette voor demonstreren tegen de coup die hij met hulp van o.a. de CIA pleegde........ Een coup tegen de democratisch gekozen president Mohamed Morsi..... Op grond van een fiks aantal leugens greep het leger in en zette de voormalige president af en gevangen.

Nadat Mohamed Ali, een Egyptische acteur en vastgoed ontwikkelaar die in Spanje verblijft, een aantal video's op YouTube dropte, video's waarin te zien zou zijn dat al-Sisi en z'n maten zo corrupt zijn als de pest, ging men de straat op o.a. in Caïro. De reden voor het naar buiten komen met video's die Ali de afgelopen jaren van dichtbij heeft kunnen maken, is het feit dat hij niet betaald werd en wordt...... (m.i. wel een 'beetje' hypocriet)

De video's zijn voor velen blijkbaar de spreekwoordelijke druppel en afgelopen vrijdagavond verzamelden zo'n 200 mensen zich op het Tahrirplein in Caïro, ook in andere grote steden werd gedemonstreerd.

Al weken voorafgaand aan de laatste protesten, gaat de #Tahrirplein rond, dit daar de mensen de bezuinigingen meer dan zat zijn, terwijl al-Sisi, zijn familie en vrienden zichzelf verrijken ten koste van de bevolking...... Al-Sisi heeft onder meer een paar paleizen laten bouwen, waarover hij durfde te zeggen dat die werden gebouwd voor het Egyptische volk..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Knettergek deze psychopathisch gewelddadige dief en hufter!!

Ali heeft zelfs het leger opgeroepen in te grijpen, een nogal vreemde zaak, daar het leger ook zwaar corrupt is (het leger heeft o.a. zelfs fabrieken en boerderijen)..... Bovendien was nu juist het leger verantwoordelijk voor de staatsgreep tegen Morsi, waar gegarandeerd ook de CIA bij betrokken is geweest, daar de houding van Morsi niet echt pro-VS was, om het maar zachtjes uit te drukken..... Met veel leugens geventileerd in de westerse pers en politiek werd Morsi zwart gemaakt, waarna het leger dus ingreep.... 

Bij die coup tegen Morsi zijn honderden mensen vermoord, daar zij demonstreerden tegen de coup waarmee de door hen democratisch gekozen president aan de kant werd gezet.... (de coup waarover de westerse politiek en de pers durfden te jubelen...) Maar liefst 60.000 mensen werden vastgezet, o.a. daar ze aanhangers van de Moslim Broederschap waren, een groepering die door al-Sisi terreurgroep wordt genoemd (ook in veel westerse landen staat de Moslim Broederschap te boek als terreurgroep....).... Sindsdien werd en wordt elk verzet onmiddellijk de kop ingedrukt door al-Sisi en zijn kliek, ook een groot aantal mensen die afgelopen vrijdag richting Tahrirplein trokken werden onderweg aangevallen met traangas en ander geweld door politie in uniform en in burger..... Ondanks dat lijkt het er nu dus op dat men het niet langer pikt en niet bang is om de straat op te gaan zo bleek ook afgelopen zaterdagavond in meerdere Egyptische steden....

Succes en sterkte voor de demonstranten in Egypte!

Het volgende artikel werd eerder gepubliceerd op Middle East Eye en werd door mij overgenomen van Anti-Media:

Protests Break Out in Cairo as Egyptians Demand President Sisi’s Removal

September 20, 2019 at 6:44 pm
Written by Middle East Eye

(MEE— Egyptian activists held protests against the government of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in one of the first demonstrations since the former army general tightened his grip on the country.

Videos posted on social media on Friday showed demonstrators gathering in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, the site of the 2011 uprising that toppled longtime autocrat Hosni Mubarak.
Protesters also gathered in Alexandria, Suez and Gharbiya to call for an end to Sisi’s rule.

The people want to topple the regime,” shouted demonstrators in Tahrir Square, according to a video posted on Twitter, echoing the chants of the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings across the Middle East and North Africa.


A Middle East Eye correspondent in Cairo said as many as 200 protesters heading towards Tahrir Square were “violently dispersed” late Friday.

No deaths, but I saw about 20-25 people arrested and held in police trucks. Some were released later. Currently downtown is full of riot police and plain-clothes policemen,” said the correspondent, who remained anonymous because of the restrictions on journalists in the country.

Protesters had taken to side streets, gathering in small groups chanting “leave” and “down down with Sisi Mubarak”.

Tear gas was used to disperse demonstrators near Tahrir, and dozens have been arrested.

Most downtown shops that normally stay open late Friday were closed.

The protests began in the virtual space, as anti-Sisi hashtags had been trending for weeks on social media amid increasing frustration with economic conditions and lack of freedoms in the North African country.

By the early hours of Saturday morning in Egypt, the hashtag #ميدان_التحرير (#Tahrir Square) was among most popular trends worldwide on Twitter.

Friday’s protests came after Egyptian actor and real estate developer Mohamed Ali had posted videos ostensibly depicting acts of corruption by Sisi and the Egyptian ruling class.
The 43-year-old Egyptian whistleblower has released more than a dozen videos from self-exile in Spain, alleging that officials misappropriated millions in public funds for their personal projects.

Over the past 15 years, as the owner of a property company that contracted with the Egyptian military on major construction projects, Ali said he has had a front-row seat for all of it – and he’s speaking out now because he hasn’t been paid.

It was Ali who called for the protest on Friday after a football super cup match between Al Ahly and Zamalek.

In a video posted in the early hours of Saturday, Ali called on Egypt’s Defence Minister Mohamed Zaki to remove Sisi.

You see how the Egyptian people are doing. I hope no escalation happens. Please, your honour, issue an order to arrest Mr. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi… I hope that you side with the Egyptian people,” Ali said, addressing Zaki.

We must all stand together and forget any [disagreements] between us. He must be punished.”

Ali told Zaki that the army is tasked with the protection of the Egyptian people, not an individual, no matter how important he is – referring to Sisi.

Ali saluted the protesters, saying Friday’s demonstrations helped relieve his pain of the past eight years.

I’m happy. May God help you succeed. Patriots and brave – this is the Egyptian people,” he said.

Reports of mismanagement of public funds and extravagant presidential palaces struck a chord with many Egyptians, who have been suffering economically under Sisi’s austerity measures.

Now you can see families and friends who rarely discussed politics or who had very different opinions agreeing on [Ali’s] statements,” Noura, a retired journalist who wished to be identified only by her first name because of political conditions in Egypt, told Middle East Eye earlier this week.

Noura said she will participate in the protests that Ali has encouraged: “We should not be afraid of the regime, and people should come together to express their discontent.”

Pretty Big’

Khaled Elgindy, a fellow in the Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution in Washington DC, said he was hesitant to assess the situation in Egypt based on the social media posts of the protests.

Still, he said the eruption of demonstrations – even if they are small – in several cities under such an autocratic government that has a “zero tolerance” policy against dissent shows the growing frustration of Egyptians.

We know social media people have a tendency to get ahead of themselves, but the fact that even a small number would show up to protest in multiple locations in Egypt, I think, is pretty big given how repressive this regime has been,” Elgindy told MEE.

On Friday, Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch, also said the fact that the protesters are risking their lives to demonstrate against their government is a sign of the dire situation in Egypt.

The huge personal harm these protesters are risking, given the near total ban on protests and viciousness of government, is an indication of just how desperate conditions in the country are.

No justice, no peace
No food, no peace
No jobs, no peace 
View image on Twitter

The protests erupted as Sisi heads to New York for the UN General Assembly.

Hey [Donald Trump], your favorite dictator is on his way to NYC, keep him there, Egyptians don’t want him back,” pro-democracy activist Iyad el-Baghdadi wrote on Twitter.

Many social media users changed their profile photos to plain red on Friday in solidarity with Egypt’s protesters.

Sisi came to power in a 2013 coup that ousted democratically elected former president Mohamed Morsi.

Since then, he has snuffed out all forms of opposition and jailed as many as 60,000 dissidents.

Sisi has also blacklisted Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group.

Early in his reign, he showed that he would not tolerate protests, when Egyptian forces killed hundreds of anti-coup protesters in Cairo in 2013.

By MEE staff Republished with permission / Middle East Eye / Report a typo

zaterdag 13 april 2019

Generaal geeft toe: Israël zat achter de coup tegen president Morsi in Egypte

De Israëlische brigadegeneraal Aryeh Eldad heeft laten weten dat Israël de regie voerde over de staatsgreep van 2013 in Egypte..... Een staatsgreep tegen de Egyptische president Mohammed Morsi, de kandidaat van de Moslim Broederschap, Morsi de eerste democratisch gekozen president van Egypte...... Voor hem in de plaats werd oud-generaal al-Sisi met hulp van de VS en Israël gelanceerd als nieuwe 'president' (dictator), al-Sisis is een oud-aanhanger van de na de 'Arabische Lente' afgezette dictator Mubarak......

Eldad is er verdomd nog trots op ook, hij vertelde e.e.a. in dagblad Maariv.... Israël was zogenaamd bang dat Morsi het vredesverdrag met Israël zou opzeggen en troepen zou sturen naar de grens met Israël...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Alsof het Israëlische leger ook maar iets te vrezen heeft van de Egyptische legermacht.......

Het gaat Israël dan ook alleen maar om de macht in het Midden-Oosten, niet voor niets dat Israël Syrië wil opsplitsen, een idee dat zelfs wortel heeft geschoten in Washington...... Al is het plantje niet echt sterk, echter één grote false flag operatie die de VS in de schoenen van Assad schuift en je hebt de poppen weer aan het dansen in Syrië......

De aanloop naar de coup in Egypte: in augustus 2012 stuurde de regering Morsi extra troepen naar de Sinaï, dit vanwege terroristische aanslagen. Daarop bracht Israël de ontzettend smerige leugen dat Morsi en daarmee Egypte het vredesverdrag met Israël zou hebben geschonden, juist door die extra troepen die zogezegd naar de Sinaï gingen.......

Deze gang van zaken lijkt sterk op een false flag operatie, daar ging ook de regering Morsi vanuit en beschuldigde Israël (de Mossad) daadwerkelijk van de terroristische aanslagen in de Sinaï...... Je zou denken een false flag operatie uit de koker van de VS, daar die dit middel veelvuldig gebruikt, alvorens bijvoorbeeld een land aan te vallen, echter ook Israël heeft ervaring met dit soort operaties en dat gaat behoorlijk lang terug....... (neem de Zesdaagse Oorlog van Israël tegen haar buurlanden)

De psychopathische oorlogsmisdadiger Eldad had zelfs het lef te zeggen dat Israël een heilige oorlog voert tegen Palestijnen en tegen de arabische landen.... Wat is er heilig aan bloedbaden aanrichten onder een bevolkingsgroep als de Palestijnen, die qua bewapening niet eens in de schaduw kunnen staan van het moderne Israëlische leger....??

Beste bezoeker nog even dit: kritiek leveren op het bloedige fascistische Israëlische regime heeft niets maar dan ook helemaal niets met antisemitisme te maken!! (zie wat dat betreft ook de antisemitische heksenjacht op Labourleider Corbyn en veel van zijn partijleden.....)

Lees in het hieronder opgenomen artikel nog meer smerige praktijken en leugens van de (nu officieel) fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël, geschreven door Whitney Webb, eerder gepubliceerd op MintPress News en door mij overgenomen van Anti-Media:

IDF General: Israel Behind Coup That Installed Al-Sisi Dictatorship in Egypt

April 5, 2019 at 11:20 am
Written by Whitney Webb

Al-Sisi’s government, widely considered a military dictatorship despite a pale sheen of democracy, has forged increasingly close ties with Israel ever since he came to power in the 2013 coup.

(MPN) — Brigadier General Aryeh Eldad of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has claimed that Israel was behind the 2013 military coup that ousted Mohammed Morsi, Egypt’s first democratically elected president. Eldad made the claim in an article published in the Israeli newspaper Maariv.

In the article, Eldad asserted:
The outbreak of the January revolution coincided with the Israeli security assessment that President-elect Mohamed Morsi, a Muslim Brotherhood man, intended to cancel the peace agreement with Israel and send more Egyptian military forces to the Sinai Peninsula.”

al-Sisi | Netanyahu
(foto van MintPress News)

Just a few months into Morsi’s presidency, in August 2012, Israel had publicly accused Morsi of violating the peace treaty with Israel after Egypt responded to terrorist attacks in the Sinai by sending an increased number of troops. Morsi’s government accused Israel’s Mossad of having been behind the attacks in order to destabilize his government amid efforts to improve Egypt’s relations with Gaza. Hamas, which has governed the Gaza Strip since 2007, as well as Lebanon’s Hezbollah, also blamed Mossad for the attacks, a charge Israel denied.
Eldad then claimed that at this stage:
Israel was quick and willing to activate its diplomatic tools, and perhaps even greater means, to bring Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi to power in Egypt, and convince the then-U.S. administration under President Barack Obama not to oppose this move.”

Events at the time support Eldad’s claim as, shortly after the coup, Israel quickly launched diplomatic missions in the U.S. and several European countries to push for support of Egypt’s new political reality and to prevent a diplomatic blockade on Cairo following the military coup.

Many analysts have noted that under Al-Sisi, Egypt-Israel relations have grown to unprecedented levels through policies often driven by Al-Sisi himself.

Why Israel Wanted Morsi Out

While Eldad cited concerns over a rupture of the Israel-Egypt peace agreement as having motivated Israel’s role in the 2013 coup, a more likely reason was related to Morsi’s relationship with Hamas and efforts to normalize relations with Gaza.

Notably, after Al-Sisi came to power, the Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt and tunnels between Gaza and Egypt were abruptly closed. In addition, soon after the coup, “army-instigated anti-Palestinian propaganda” was “rampant” throughout Cairo and Palestinians that had flown into the Cairo airport were quickly deported back to the countries they had recently arrived from, according to The Guardian. In contrast, while Morsi did not end the blockade of Gaza — in force since 2007 — he had improved conditions for Palestinians living in the embattled enclave compared to those under his predecessor, Hosni Mubarak.

Egypt | Israel
Former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, wearing a red jumpsuit that designates he has been sentenced to death, raises his hands inside a defendants cage in a makeshift courtroom at the national police academy, in an eastern suburb of Cairo, Egypt, June 18, 2016. Amr Nabil | AP

Eldad, in his article, hinted that the coup was related to a “religious war” that Israel was and still is fighting against Palestine and Arab majority nations, stating:
Contrary to all Israeli expectations, the Camp David agreement, which was made 40 years ago, has lasted for many decades despite the lack of real peace between us and the Egyptians, and despite the failure to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, because this conflict is not just geopolitical. We are rather having a religious war with the Palestinians and Arabs.”

Though Eldad’s recent statements make the connection between Morsi’s relationship with Hamas and Israeli involvement in the 2013 coup more clear, it had long been suspected. An Egyptian army general told BBC soon after the coup that Morsi’s alleged “collaboration” and good relations with Hamas were a driving factor behind the coup.

In a telling incident, Morsi was later charged with terrorism for allegedly conspiring with Hamas, Hezbollah, and elements of the Iranian military to “destabilize” Egypt. Morsi has been imprisoned for years, many of them spent in solitary confinement, and a U.K. panel of legal experts asserted last year that harsh prison conditions will likely lead to his “premature death.” Prior to being charged for “collaborating” with Hamas, Morsi had publicly praised Palestinian “resistance” in Gaza. Another likely factor for Israel’s decision to place Al-Sisi in power was Morsi’s efforts to normalize relations with Iran.

The accusations against Morsi regarding alleged collaboration with Hezbollah and Iran, both adversaries of Israel, seemed unusual to some, given that Morsi had, during his time in office and during the alleged “conspiracy,” cut ties with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and supported Assad’s overthrow by opposition forces. Hezbollah and Iran, in contrast, supported Assad and fought alongside the Syrian Army. Notably, Israel served as one of the “masterminds” behind the Syrian conflict, which Morsi supported. Hamas, like Morsi’s government, had also backed efforts to oust Assad at the time, albeit less publicly.

Notably, Al-Sisi’s government, widely considered a military dictatorship despite a pale sheen of democracy, has forged increasingly close ties with Israel ever since he came to power in the 2013 coup. This is unsurprising given Eldad’s recent claim that Israel had orchestrated the coup in order to put Al-Sisi in power. During his time in control of the country, Israel and Egypt began “secretly” coordinating military actions in Egypt, a covert alliance that Al-Sisi had denied until this January, when he admitted far-reaching coordination between the IDF and the Egyptian military.

Al-Sisi’s efforts to bring Egypt closer to Israel lack popular support, as most trade unions and political parties oppose normalizing relations with Israel. However, Al-Sisi — known for his brutal repression of protests, journalism and any form of dissent — has continued to push forward in his efforts to forge closer ties with Israel, in apparent service to the country largely responsible for his rise to power.

Zie ook terzijde:
Netanyahu: Killing 300 Gaza Protesters Was a “Wise” Decision

Voor meer berichten over Egypte, Morsi, al-Sisis en/of de Moslim Broederschap, klik op één van de betreffende labels, direct onder dit bericht.

donderdag 18 oktober 2018

Jamal Khashoggi was geen groot criticus van de Saoedische dictatuur en bepaald geen held

As`ad AbuKhalil schrijver van het hieronder opgenomen bericht, eerder gepubliceerd op Consortium News, stelt dat de in feite hysterische reactie in het westen en dan m.n. die van westerse massamedia over de verdwijning van Khashoggi voor een fiks deel een onoordeelkundige beeld geeft over 'journalist' Khashoggi.

Zonder de vele artikelen van Khashoggi te hebben gelezen die in Saoedi-Arabië werden gepubliceerd en zonder veel van diens leven te weten, hebben ze in feite een ex-fanatiek aanhanger van het Saoedisch koningshuis (bloederige dictators) schoon gewassen.......

Khashoggi was heel lang een groot bewonderaar van het Saoedische koningshuis en heeft zich het grootste deel van zijn leven achter deze dictatuur en al haar bloederige uitspattingen geschaard.........

Khashoggi zou zelfs aan de kant van Osama bin Laden hebben gevochten, al was het dan als embedded journalist......

Vergeet niet dat alle jaren dat Khashoggi in Saoedi-Arabië werkte, echte journalistiek niet was toegestaan, laat staan kritiek leveren op de dictatuur....... Collega's die door de dictatuur van S-A werden opgepakt en gemarteld vanwege 'de geur van kritiek' in hun berichtgeving, behoefden niet te rekenen op steun van Khashoggi.......

Zelf concludeer ik na een aantal columns van Khashoggi in de Washington Post* (WaPo) te hebben gelezen, dat Khashoggi weliswaar vuile handen heeft gemaakt in Saoedi-Arabië, al was het maar het niet opkomen voor collega's die niet zo braaf waren en zwaar werden gestraft, maar hij in de VS wel degelijk fiks tekeerging tegen S-A en bijvoorbeeld haar smerige oorlog in Jemen (die hij overigens niet als genocide aanduidde, zoals het overgrote deel van de westerse collega's dat nalaten)......

Er is niet veel nodig om de doodstraf te krijgen in S-A en gezien een aantal van zijn columns overschreed hij daarmee een lijn, die waarschijnlijk tot zijn dood leidde..... Zo had hij verder kritiek op o.a de blokkade van Qatar en de propaganda van S-A tegen Iran, zaken die in S-A 'doodstrafwaardig' zijn...... Kortom Khashoggi is ten inkeer gekomen, wat hem niet vrijpleit van het jarenlang propaganda maken voor het bloederige Saoedische koningshuis.

Lees het artikel van AbuKhalil en oordeel zelf:

Jamal Khashoggi Was No Critic of the Saudi Regime

October 16, 2018 at 10:51 am
Written by Consortium News

Jamal Khashoggi, the Saudi journalist, who disappeared in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul last week is not quite the critic of the Saudi regime that the Western media says he is.

(CN Op-ed) — The disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi, the Saudi journalist, in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul last week has generated huge international publicity, but unsurprisingly, little in Saudi-controlled, Arab media. The Washington Post, for whom Khashoggi wrote, and other Western media, have kept the story alive, increasing the pressure on Riyadh to explain its role in the affair.

It’s been odd to read about Khashoggi in Western media. David Hirst in The Guardian claimed Khashoggi merely cared about absolutes such as “truth, democracy, and freedom”. Human Rights Watch’s director described him as representing “outspoken and critical journalism.”
But did he pursue those absolutes while working for Saudi princes?

Khashoggi was a loyal member of the Saudi propaganda apparatus. There is no journalism allowed in the kingdom: there have been courageous Saudi women and men who attempted to crack the wall of rigid political conformity and were persecuted and punished for their views. Khashoggi was not among them.

Some writers suffered while Khashoggi was their boss at Al-Watan newspaper. Khashoggi—contrary to what is being written—was never punished by the regime, except lightly two years ago, when Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) banned him from tweeting and writing for Al-Hayat, the London-based, pan-Arab newspaper owned by Saudi Prince Khalid bin Sultan.

By historical contrast, Nasir As-Sa`id was a courageous secular Arab Nationalist writer who fled the kingdom in 1956 and settled in Cairo, and then Beirut. He authored a massive (though tabloid-like) volume about the history of the House of Saud. He was unrelenting in his attacks against the Saudi royal family.

For this, the Saudi regime paid a corrupt PLO leader in Beirut (Abu Az-Za`im, tied to Jordanian intelligence) to get rid of As-Sa`id. He kidnapped As-Sa`id from a crowded Beirut street in 1979 and delivered him to the Saudi embassy there. He was presumably tortured and killed (some say his body was tossed from a plane over the “empty quarter” desert in Saudi Arabia). Such is the track record of the regime.

Finding the Right Prince

Khashoggi was an ambitious young reporter who knew that to rise in Saudi journalism you don’t need professionalism, courage, or ethics. In Saudi Arabia, you need to attach yourself to the right prince. Early on, Khashoggi became close to two of them: Prince Turki Al-Faysal (who headed Saudi intelligence) and his brother, Prince Khalid Al-Faysal, who owned Al-Watan (The Motherland) where Khashoggi had his first (Arabic) editing job.

Khashoggi distinguished himself with an eagerness to please and an uncanny ability to adjust his views to those of the prevailing government. In the era of anti-Communism and the promotion of fanatical jihad in Afghanistan and elsewhere, Khashoggi was a true believer. He fought with Osama bin Laden and promoted the cause of the Mujahideen.

The Washington Post‘s David Ignatius and others want to embellish this by implying that he was an “embedded” reporter—as if bin Laden’s army would invite independent journalists to report on their war efforts. The entire project of covering the Afghan Mujahideen and promoting them in the Saudi press was the work of the chief of Saudi intelligence, Prince Turki, Khashoggi’s principal patron-prince.

Western media coverage of Khashoggi’s career (by people who don’t know Arabic) presents a picture far from reality. They portray a courageous investigative journalist upsetting the Saudi regime. Nothing is further from the truth: there is no journalism in Saudi Arabia; there is only crude and naked propaganda.

Editors are trusted individuals who have demonstrated long-time loyalty. Khashoggi admitted to an Arab reporter last year in an interview from Istanbul that in Saudi Arabia he had been both editor and censor. Editors of Saudi regime papers (mouthpieces of princes and kings) enforce government rules and eliminate objectionable material.

Khashoggi never spoke out for Saudis in distress. He ran into trouble in two stints as Al-Watan editor because of articles he published by other writers, not by himself, that were mildly critical of the conservative religious establishment—which he at times supported. He was relocated to another government media job— to shield him from the religious authorities.

Khashoggi was the go-to man for Western journalists covering the kingdom, appointed to do so by the regime. He may have been pleasant in conversation with reporters but he never questioned the royal legitimacy. And that goes for his brief one-year stint in Washington writing for the Post.

A Reactionary

Khashoggi was a reactionary: he supported all monarchies and sultanates in the region and contended they were “reformable.” To him, only the secular republics, in tense relations with the Saudis, such as Iraq, Syria and Libya, defied reform and needed to be overthrown. He favored Islamization of Arab politics along Muslim Brotherhood lines.

Khashoggi’s vision was an “Arab uprising” led by the Saudi regime. In his Arabic writings he backed MbS’s “reforms” and even his “war on corruption,” derided in the region and beyond. He thought that MbS’s arrests of the princes in the Ritz were legitimate (though he mildly criticized them in a Post column) even as his last sponsoring prince, Al-Walid bin Talal, was locked up in the luxury hotel. Khashoggi even wanted to be an advisor to MbS, who did not trust him and turned him down.

Writing in the Post (with an Arabic version) Khashoggi came across as a liberal Democrat favoring democracy and reform. But he didn’t challenge Saudi regime legitimacy or Western Mideast policy. Mainstream journalists were enamored with him. They saw him as an agreeable Arab who didn’t criticize their coverage of the region, but praised it, considering the mainstream U.S. press the epitome of professional journalism. Khashoggi was essentially a token Arab writing for a paper with a regrettable record of misrepresenting Arabs.

In Arabic, his Islamist sympathies with Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan) were unmistakable. Forgotten or little known in the West is that during the Cold War the Saudis sponsored, funded, and nurtured the Muslim Brotherhood as a weapon against the progressive, secular camp led by Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser. Ikhwan controlled the Saudi educational system raising Saudi students to admire the Brotherhood. But Sep. 11 changed the Saudi calculus: the rulers wanted a scapegoat for their role in sponsoring Islamist fanaticism and the Ikhwan was the perfect target. That made Khashoggi suspect too.

Hints Against Him

Recent articles in the Saudi press hinted that the regime might move against him. He had lost his patrons but the notion that Khashoggi was about to launch an Arab opposition party was not credible. The real crime was that Khashoggi was backed alone by Ikhwan supporters, namely the Qatari regime and the Turkish government.

A writer in Okaz, a daily in Jeddah, accused him of meeting with the Emir of Qatar at the Four Seasons Hotel in New York and of having ties to “regional and international intelligence services.” If true it may have sealed his fate. Qatar is now the number one enemy of the Saudi regime—arguably worse than Iran.

Khashoggi was treated as a defector and one isn’t allowed to defect from the Saudi Establishment. The last senior defections were back in 1962, when Prince Talal and Prince Badr joined Nasser’s Arab nationalist movement in Egypt.

Khashoggi had to be punished in a way that would send shivers down the spine of other would-be defectors.

By As`ad AbuKhalil Republished with permission / Consortium News / Report a typo

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