Eldad is
er verdomd nog trots op ook, hij vertelde e.e.a. in dagblad Maariv.... Israël was zogenaamd bang dat Morsi het vredesverdrag met Israël zou
opzeggen en troepen zou sturen naar de grens met Israël...... ha! ha!
ha! ha! ha! Alsof het Israëlische leger ook maar iets te vrezen heeft
van de Egyptische legermacht.......
Het gaat
Israël dan ook alleen maar om de macht in het Midden-Oosten, niet
voor niets dat Israël Syrië wil opsplitsen, een idee dat zelfs wortel
heeft geschoten in Washington...... Al is het plantje niet echt sterk, echter
één grote false flag operatie die de VS in de schoenen van Assad
schuift en je hebt de poppen weer aan het dansen in Syrië......
De aanloop naar de coup in Egypte: in augustus 2012 stuurde de regering Morsi extra troepen
naar de Sinaï, dit vanwege terroristische aanslagen. Daarop bracht
Israël de ontzettend smerige leugen dat Morsi en daarmee Egypte het
vredesverdrag met Israël zou hebben geschonden, juist door die extra
troepen die zogezegd naar de Sinaï gingen.......
Deze gang van zaken lijkt sterk op een false flag operatie, daar ging ook de regering Morsi vanuit en beschuldigde Israël (de Mossad) daadwerkelijk van de terroristische
aanslagen in de Sinaï...... Je zou denken een false flag operatie uit de koker van de VS, daar die dit middel
veelvuldig gebruikt, alvorens bijvoorbeeld een land aan te vallen,
echter ook Israël heeft ervaring met dit soort operaties en dat gaat
behoorlijk lang terug....... (neem de Zesdaagse Oorlog van Israël tegen haar buurlanden)
psychopathische oorlogsmisdadiger Eldad had zelfs het lef te zeggen
dat Israël een heilige oorlog voert tegen Palestijnen en tegen de arabische
landen.... Wat is er heilig aan bloedbaden aanrichten onder een
bevolkingsgroep als de Palestijnen, die qua bewapening niet eens in
de schaduw kunnen staan van het moderne Israëlische leger....??
Beste bezoeker nog even dit: kritiek leveren op het bloedige fascistische Israëlische regime heeft niets maar dan ook helemaal niets met antisemitisme te maken!! (zie wat dat betreft ook de antisemitische heksenjacht op Labourleider Corbyn en veel van zijn partijleden.....)
Lees in
het hieronder opgenomen artikel nog meer smerige praktijken en leugens van de
(nu officieel) fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël, geschreven door
Whitney Webb, eerder gepubliceerd op MintPress News en door mij
overgenomen van Anti-Media:
IDF General: Israel Behind Coup That Installed Al-Sisi Dictatorship in Egypt
5, 2019 at 11:20 am
by Whitney
government, widely considered a military dictatorship despite a pale
sheen of democracy, has forged increasingly close ties with Israel
ever since he came to power in the 2013 coup.
(MPN) — Brigadier
General Aryeh Eldad of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has claimed
that Israel was behind the 2013 military coup that ousted Mohammed
Morsi, Egypt’s first democratically elected president. Eldad made
the claim in an article published in
the Israeli newspaper Maariv.
the article, Eldad asserted:
“The outbreak of the January revolution coincided with the Israeli security assessment that President-elect Mohamed Morsi, a Muslim Brotherhood man, intended to cancel the peace agreement with Israel and send more Egyptian military forces to the Sinai Peninsula.”

(foto van MintPress News)
Just a few months into Morsi’s presidency, in August 2012, Israel had publicly accused Morsi of violating the peace treaty with Israel after Egypt responded to terrorist attacks in the Sinai by sending an increased number of troops. Morsi’s government accused Israel’s Mossad of having been behind the attacks in order to destabilize his government amid efforts to improve Egypt’s relations with Gaza. Hamas, which has governed the Gaza Strip since 2007, as well as Lebanon’s Hezbollah, also blamed Mossad for the attacks, a charge Israel denied.
then claimed that at this stage:
“Israel was quick and willing to activate its diplomatic tools, and perhaps even greater means, to bring Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi to power in Egypt, and convince the then-U.S. administration under President Barack Obama not to oppose this move.”
at the time support Eldad’s claim as, shortly after the coup,
Israel quickly launched diplomatic missions in the U.S. and several
European countries to push for support of Egypt’s new political
reality and to prevent a diplomatic blockade on Cairo following the
military coup.
analysts have
noted that
under Al-Sisi, Egypt-Israel relations have grown to unprecedented
levels through policies often driven by Al-Sisi himself.
Why Israel Wanted Morsi Out
Eldad cited concerns over a rupture of the Israel-Egypt peace
agreement as having motivated Israel’s role in the 2013 coup, a
more likely reason was related to Morsi’s relationship with Hamas
and efforts to normalize relations with Gaza.
after Al-Sisi came to power, the Rafah crossing between Gaza and
Egypt and tunnels between Gaza and Egypt were abruptly
In addition, soon after the coup, “army-instigated anti-Palestinian
propaganda” was “rampant” throughout Cairo and Palestinians
that had flown into the Cairo airport were quickly deported back to
the countries they had recently arrived from, according to The
Guardian. In
contrast, while Morsi did not end the blockade of Gaza — in force
since 2007 — he had
improved conditions
for Palestinians living in the embattled enclave compared to those
under his predecessor, Hosni Mubarak.

Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, wearing a red jumpsuit that
designates he has been sentenced to death, raises his hands inside a
defendants cage in a makeshift courtroom at the national police
academy, in an eastern suburb of Cairo, Egypt, June 18, 2016. Amr
Nabil | AP
Eldad, in his article, hinted that the coup was related to a “religious war” that Israel was and still is fighting against Palestine and Arab majority nations, stating:
“Contrary to all Israeli expectations, the Camp David agreement, which was made 40 years ago, has lasted for many decades despite the lack of real peace between us and the Egyptians, and despite the failure to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, because this conflict is not just geopolitical. We are rather having a religious war with the Palestinians and Arabs.”
Eldad’s recent statements make the connection between Morsi’s
relationship with Hamas and Israeli involvement in the 2013 coup more
clear, it had long been suspected. An Egyptian army
general told BBC soon
after the coup that Morsi’s alleged “collaboration” and good
relations with Hamas were a driving factor behind the coup.
a telling incident, Morsi was later
charged with
terrorism for allegedly conspiring with Hamas, Hezbollah, and
elements of the Iranian military to “destabilize” Egypt.
Morsi has
been imprisoned for
years, many of them spent in solitary confinement, and a U.K. panel
of legal experts asserted last year that harsh prison conditions will
likely lead to his “premature death.” Prior
to being charged for “collaborating” with Hamas, Morsi had
publicly praised Palestinian
“resistance” in Gaza. Another likely factor for Israel’s
decision to place Al-Sisi in power was Morsi’s efforts to normalize
relations with
accusations against Morsi regarding alleged collaboration with
Hezbollah and Iran, both adversaries of Israel, seemed unusual to
some, given that Morsi had, during his time in office and during the
alleged “conspiracy,” cut
ties with
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and supported Assad’s overthrow by
opposition forces. Hezbollah and Iran, in contrast, supported Assad
and fought alongside the Syrian Army. Notably, Israel served as one
of the “masterminds” behind
the Syrian conflict, which Morsi supported. Hamas, like Morsi’s
government, had
also backed efforts
to oust Assad at the time, albeit less publicly.
Al-Sisi’s government, widely considered a military dictatorship
despite a pale
sheen of
democracy, has forged increasingly close ties with Israel ever since
he came to power in the 2013 coup. This is unsurprising given Eldad’s
recent claim that Israel had orchestrated the coup in order to put
Al-Sisi in power. During his time in control of the country, Israel
and Egypt began “secretly”
coordinating military
actions in Egypt, a covert alliance that Al-Sisi had denied until
this January, when he admitted far-reaching
coordination between the IDF and the Egyptian military.
efforts to bring Egypt closer to Israel lack popular support, as most
trade unions and political parties oppose normalizing relations with
Israel. However, Al-Sisi — known for his brutal
repression of
protests, journalism and any form of dissent — has continued to
push forward in his efforts to forge
closer ties with
Israel, in apparent service to the country largely responsible for
his rise to power.
Zie ook terzijde:
Voor meer berichten over Egypte, Morsi, al-Sisis en/of de Moslim Broederschap, klik op één van de betreffende labels, direct onder dit bericht.