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Posts tonen met het label Boyle. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Boyle. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 18 september 2018

Professor Boyle: Obama de oorlogsmisdadiger die alle wetten met voeten heeft getreden, zou levenslang gevangen moeten zitten in Den Haag

Professor Boyle geeft al 41 jaar lang onderwijs aan de Harvard Law School, waar ook Obama studeerde. Volgens Boyle heeft Obama alle regels aangaande de rechtsstaat geschonden, sterker nog: Obama heeft zelfs de grondwet van de VS geschonden.......

Boyle stelt dat e.e.a Obama veel zwaarder is aan te rekenen dan bijvoorbeeld Bush en Trump, daar hij rechten heeft gestudeerd. Dit alles terwijl Obama tijdens diens presidentschap letterlijk stelde dat hij zeer goed is in het vermoorden van mensen.......

Niet alleen vermoordde Obama een groot aantal mensen in de illegale oorlogen die hij begon tegen Libië en Syrië*, maar ook de duizenden mensen die hij vermoordde met zijn 'drone programma', waar meer dan 90% van de slachtoffers niet eens als verdacht te boek stond, dus je raadt het al: vooral vrouwen en kinderen......  

Daarnaast breidde Obama het aantal militairen in Afghanistan fiks uit en ook daar beging de VS, zoals overal waar deze grootste terreurentiteit oorlog voert, enorme oorlogsmisdaden.... Zoals het bombarderen van een Artsen zonder Grenzen (MSF) ziekenhuis en dat een uur lang, terwijl het VS oppercommando meermaals werd gevraagd te stoppen met bombarderen........

Lees dit helaas enigszins krom geschreven artikel dat wel een heel duidelijk beeld geeft hoe Obama niet alleen wetten met voeten heeft getreden, maar ook zijn verkiezingsbeloften heeft geschonden (al vanaf zijn eerste termijn....)...

Ofwel: gezien het voorgaande had ook Obama levenslang gevangen moeten zitten in Den Haag......

Denouncing Obama
By Professor Francis A. Boyle

University of Illinois College of Law, Before the Foellinger Auditorium, September 7, 2018
 (Transcript revised)

September 14, 2018 "Information Clearing House" -  I am Francis Boyle, Professor of Law here at the College of Law. I’m the Senior Professor at the College of Law. I’ve taught here 41 years in a row without a break. I know Obama. He was behind me at Harvard Law School. Obama abandoned and betrayed every Principle about the Rule of Law that I learned at Harvard Law School including the United States Constitution.

I was fairly disposed towards Obama. When the Black Law Students brought him over here to the Law School from Springfield to speak, I went over there. I sat next to Obama. I introduced myself to Obama. I told Obama I couldn’t stay. I had to go home for dinner with my family. He said he understood. I wished him well and I shook his hand. I was the only Law Professor there that day. I am here to condemn Obama as a war criminal and worse.

The University of Illinois is giving him an “ethics in government” award. This is a sick joke and a demented fraud! The University of Illinois, for its own typical bootlicking reasons, wants to whitewash all of Obama’s international crimes. Obama should be sitting in a jail cell in The Hague with the International Criminal Court and not here getting some bogus “ethics in government” award from the bootlickers of the University of Illinois campus bigwigs.

I’m not the only one to say that. Obama and I had the same Jurisprudence Teacher – Philosophy of Law – at Harvard Law School, Professor Roberto Unger, the founder of the Critical Legal Studies Movement. What did our Teacher say about Obama on BBC Hard Talk and elsewhere?: “Obama is a disaster!” Again, Professor Unger, our teacher, said: “Obama is a disaster!” I agree with Professor Unger, one of the great philosophers of law in the post-World War 2 era. And I’ve been teaching Jurisprudence since I came here in 1978.

Now don’t just take Professor Unger’s words for it. What does Professor Noam Chomsky have to say about Obama and his drone murder extermination campaign against Muslims, Arabs, Asians of Color all over the world? Here’s Professor Noam Chomsky: “…particularly to the drone assassinations, the most extreme terrorist campaign of modern times – which have killed more than 5,000 people, including U.S. citizens and hundreds of children.” That is Noam Chomsky, one of the great intellectuals in the world and a personal hero of mine when he was leading the forces of opposition to the Vietnam War that I was opposing as a young man. That’s how Chomsky referred to Obama’s drone murder campaign: “…the most extreme terrorist campaign of modern times…” That’s amazing to think of! That’s the person here that the University of Illinois is whitewashing. That figure today on his drone murder extermination campaign is up to at least ten thousand. Trump is just continuing it.

Indeed, Trump is just continuing across the board policies that Obama put in place. The difference between Trump and Obama and Obama and Bush Jr. is that Obama knows better. He’s a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School just like I am. Obama has abandoned and betrayed every known Principle of the Rule of Law that I ever learned at Harvard Law School including the United States Constitution which he doesn’t give diddly-squat about. Indeed referring to his drone murder extermination campaign Obama bragged: “…I’m really good at killing people!” Those are Obama’s own words. That’s the man the University of Illinois is whitewashing today with their “ethics in government” award. Indeed Obama murdered four U.S. citizens at least that we know of, including Mr. Awlaki and his 16 year old son who was completely innocent of anything. Obama is a monster! He’s a criminal! As I said he should be in jail, not getting some bogus “ethics” award from the bootlickers at the University of Illinois administration.

Let’s review his record. The first thing Obama does when he comes into office, Bush Jr. has about 26,000 troops in Afghanistan, and Obama escalates that immediately by 100,000 troops. 100,000 extra troops murdering, killing, exterminating Afghans all up and down. We don’t even have a body count because the Pentagon won’t give us the numbers. My estimate maybe a million people. Obama is like Genghis Khan and His Mongol Horde, raping, robbing, pillaging and murdering all over the world innocent men, women, and children. That’s the guy they’re giving their “ethics in government” award to.

After he had done his genocidal work in Afghanistan, Obama moved on to Libya in order to steal their oil. Obama launched his war against Libya and exterminated about 50,000 Libyans – needlessly for no reason except Obama wanted to steal Libya’s oil. Indeed it was outright genocide for Black Africans living in Libya that Obama perpetrated upon them. Obama destroyed Libya as a State completely. It no longer exists and we the have the massive refugee crisis coming out of Libya with thousands of Africans – Blacks, and Arabs – drowning in the Mediterranean all thanks to Obama this war criminal.

After he was done with Libya, then Obama moved on to Syria and destroyed Syria. He worked with his jihadi terrorists to overthrow the government of Syria and create a total catastrophe. Maybe 500,000 Syrians have been murdered because of Obama, and that country is a catastrophe today. The battles still go on. We have no idea what’s going to happen over there. 

Just like he did in Libya, Obama used jihadi extremists to wage his wars for him. And America in Libya, became the air force for Obama’s jihadi extremists. Then he turned them on Syria and there the death and destruction by Obama goes on today. A second state that Obama has pretty much destroyed all by himself with his jihadi extremists – Genghis Khan and His Horde of Mongols.

Now, we come to Yemen started by Obama. Massive death and destruction in Yemen right now as we speak today. Obama supported Saudi Arabia and the UAE against Yemen and has killed close to 10,000 Houthis. Outright genocide. All to steal their oil and set off a humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen. Maybe 2 million Yemenis over there are suffering from cholera. It’s the largest outbreak of cholera in the world today. And they are starving. Obama starved them to death. There’s an embargo on them right now. They can’t even eat. Obama started this policy.

I could go on here forever but I’m not going to because I teach Obama’s atrocities to my law students. I think we could have no better indication of where Obama really stands than the eulogy he gave last weekend in honor of the war criminal and warmonger John McCain. John McCain was a war criminal. He bombed Hanoi killing innocent civilians when he was shot down. Outright war criminal. And when he got home McCain mongered for every war the U.S. ever waged since then including in Syria and supporting Obama’s Nazis in Ukraine. Let us recall John McCain’s theme song: “Bomb, bomb, bomb! Bomb, bomb, Iran!” Sixty million people and McCain did his best to start a war against them and kill them. Obama then appeared there to give a eulogy in support of this long-standing war criminal and warmonger.

Who else was there? Bush Jr. another Genghis Khan and His Horde of Mongols. They’re best buddies – Bush Jr and Obama. Who else did they trot out to honor McCain? Henry Kissinger! The three of them, yes, they all spoke right after each other: Kissinger, Bush Jr., and Obama. Kissinger of the genocidal Vietnam War. Murdering 58,000 young men of my generation and exterminating 3 million Vietnamese. I call him Hank Half-An-Eichmann Kissinger. I say that from personal experience. I went through the exact same Ph.D. program at Harvard that produced Kissinger before me. They gave me Kissinger’s Old Office at Harvard’s Center for International Affairs. 

“There but for the grace of God go I!” So here we have three major warmongers and war criminals honoring a fourth. You have Kissinger, Bush Jr. and Obama honoring McCain. Well as I say: Warbirds of a feather flock together!

I have one message for Obama that I want to deliver him here today personally as a lawyer and a law professor and a graduate of Harvard Law School:

Hey! Hey!
Obama say!
How many kids!
Did you kill today!

Hey! Hey!Obama say!
How many kids!
Did you kill today!

Hey! Hey!Obama say!
How many kids!
Did you kill today!

Thank you.

Francis Anthony Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. He has served as counsel for Bosnia and Herzegovina and has been a staunch supporter of the rights of indigenous peoples and Palestinians.
* In feite begon Obama ook de oorlog tegen de bevolking van Oost-Oekraïne. Immers zijn minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, hare kwaadaardigheid Hillary Clinton, heeft de opstand op poten gezet, die tot het afzetten van de democratisch gekozen president Janoekovytsj leidde...... De neonazi-junta die na deze coup werd geïnstalleerd, met de uitermate corrupte Porosjenko aan het roer, was de keus van Obama en Clinton.......... 

dinsdag 18 april 2017

Genocide op Houthi's in Jemen: daders Saoedi-Arabië, de VS en de Arabische Emiraten.............

Ontving vandaag weer een bericht van Ben Jager, waarin een link opgenomen naar een artikel op 21st Century Wire. In dat artikel van Vanessa Beeley, betoogt professor Francis Boyle dat Saoedi-Arabië, de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten (VAE) en (uiteraard) de VS een genocide oorlog voeren tegen de Houthi's in Jemen.

Volgens Boyle wil de voornoemde coalitie totale controle over het Arabische Schiereiland, waar Jemen uiterst strategisch is gelegen (Golf van Aden en de uiteindelijke toegang tot de 2 'Suezkanalen').

Politiek commentator Josh Walsh stelt dat men geen aandacht heeft voor de strijd die de Houthi's voeren tegen IS en Al Qaida (die hij niet bij naam noemt), aan wie door de eerder opgestapte en door de Saoediërs opnieuw geïnstalleerde president, onderdak werd verleend in Jemen. IS en Al Qaida, die door de VS elders 'worden bestreden'.

Voorts stelt Walsh dat de VS haar economsche en militaire dominantie in die regio koste wat kost wil bewaren.

Jammer dat het woord 'sjiieten' niet één keer valt in het artikel van Beeley, daar de Houthi's deze vorm van islam aanhangen, in tegenstelling tot Saoedi-Arabië en de VAE, die de soennitische tak aanhangen, dezelfde tak die door IS en Al Qaida wordt beleden.......

Nog een vreemde zaak: in het artikel verklaren noch Walsh, noch Boyle, hoe de Saoedische coalitie (nogmaals inclusief de VS) deze genocide veroorzaakt.... Dit gebeurt niet alleen door bombardementen, maar vooral door blokkades...... Door deze blokkades zijn er grote tekorten ontstaan aan voedsel, water, medische hulpgoederen en brandstof........ Weet u nog de laatste Giro555 actie? Deze was ook t.b.v. Jemen..........

Zie ook de opgenomen staat waar te lezen is, dat er door de oorlog in Jemen tot nu toe meer dan 32.000 slachtoffers te betreuren zijn, naast een enorm aantal vernielde objecten, waaronder ziekenhuizen (onder kop; Health Facilities) en scholen........

YEMEN: “Saudis, Emiratis and USA are Inflicting a War of Genocide Against the Houthis ~ Prof. Francis Boyle



In a nutshell the Saudis, Emiratis and the USA are inflicting a war of genocide against the Houthis,” University of Illinois Professor of International Law Francis Boyle said on Thursday.

Any increase in US military support for the Saudi-led coalition conducting air strikes against Houthi rebels in Yemeni would aid a military campaign amounting to genocide against the ‎Houthis and their Zaidi allies in Yemen, analysts told Sputnik.

The US Department of Defense is considering increasing its support for Saudi Arabia and its Gulf Arab allies in their support for the government of Yemen seeking to suppress Houthi rebel forces, according to US media reports this week.

700 days

Accounting for 700 days of a US/UK/EU/UN supported Saudi Coalition war of aggression against the Yemeni people. (Photo: Legal Centre for Rights & Development)

Boyle explained that the Saudis and their allies in the Gulf Arab Emirates wanted to establish full control over the entire Arabian peninsula and also of the choke point region at the head of the Persian, or Arabian Gulf through which all oil exports, including those of Iran and Iraq were shipped by sea.

They want to control the entire Saudi Peninsula, all its resources, and the Bab Al-Mandeb Strait through which all the oil and gas to Europe must pass,” he said.

Child arwa
Yemeni child injured in Saudi Coalition airstrike. (Photo: Arwa Rights)

Political commentator John Walsh told Sputnik the United States supported the Saudis and the current Yemeni government against the Houthi rebels, but it ignored the fact that the Saudis and their Gulf allies also backed Islamist extremists whom Washington also fights.

They [the Saudis] are fighting the Houthis on the excuse that they are ‘agents of Iran’, part of the fairy tale narrative fed us,” he said.

US support of the Saudis and their allies in the Yemen civil war was ultimately motivated by a determination to maintain and extend Washington’s military and economic dominance in the entire region, Walsh stated.

The United States is the last great Western Empire desperate to maintain its dominant position and striking out in every direction to do so. Its every warlike move is to be resisted. Time to end this madness before the neo-liberal-con imperialists blow us all up,” he warned.

Claims that the Houthis are “agents of Iran’ are a “fairy tale myth” are propagated by the Washington political establishment, Walsh said.


Zie ook: 'Jemen: elke 10 minuten sterft een kind onnodig >> verantwoordelijken: Saoedi-Arabië, de VS en GB'

        en:  'Genocide op Houthi's in Jemen: daders Saoedi-Arabië, de VS en de Arabische Emiraten.............'

       en: 'Jemen: hongersnood veroorzaakt door Saoedi-Arabië en VS >> weg de aandacht van westerse reguliere media en politici.........'

       en: 'Giro 555: honger en oorlog in Jemen: waarom worden Saoedi-Arabië, de VS en GB niet aan de paal genageld wegens enorme oorlogsmisdaden??'

        en: 'Saoedische coalitie vermoord met 2 bombardementen op Jemen, 9 vrouwen en 1 kind......... Aanvallen gesteund door het westen.......'

         en: 'Ploumen acht het mogelijk dat Nederlandse wapensystemen worden gebruikt door S.A. in Jemen........ ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

        en: 'Saoedi-Arabië bombardeert begrafenis ceremonie in Jemen, VS 'heroverweegt' wapenleveranties.........'

       en: Jemen en Saoedi-Arabië: leugens van de 'onafhankelijke' NOS voor 'het goede doel..........''

       en: 'Witte Huis juristen waarschuwden Obama al in 2015 voor aanklachten wegens oorlogsmisdaden'

       en: (met mogelijkheid tot vertaling in 'Dutch'): 'U.S. and U.K. Continue to Participate in War Crimes, Targeting of Yemeni Civilians'

       en: 'VS heeft reden gefabriceerd om de Houthi rebellen in Jemen te bombarderen.......'

       en: 'Ali Al Shihabi: Saoedi-Arabie begaat geen oorlogsmisdaden in Jemen....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

       en: 'Mad dog Mattis stuurt nog meer militairen richting Jemen, zodat de hongersnood nog 'meer vruchten' kan afwerpen.......'


Blijkbaar zijn voor de VS baby's die sterven aan honger, minder erg, dan baby's die door gifgas om het leven komen, zoals in Syrië onlangs...... Waarvoor de VS ook nog eens een Syrische luchtmachtbasis bombardeerde, zonder enig bewijs voor Syrische schuld te hebben.......

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