Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
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Posts tonen met het label C. Cuomo. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 22 januari 2019

Massamedia VS vallen keihard door de mand met 'vers' geschoten Russiagate bok >> publiek wordt om vertrouwen gevraagd

De reguliere massamedia in de VS (en elders in het westen) zijn afgelopen week nog eens keihard door de mand gevallen, nadat een bericht op Buzzfeed meldde dat Trump plotsklaps echt impeachable (afzetbaar) zou zijn. Trump zou Michael Cohen hebben opgedragen te liegen tegen het congres, over een te bouwen Trumptoren in Moskou, niets van waar, zelfs Mueller die de zaak al zo'n 2 jaar onderzoekt (en nog steeds zonder enig bewijs zit) stelde dat dit een kulverhaal is en er geen documenten over bestaan.....

De 2 daders voor dit zoveelste 'Russiagate' debacle, Jason Leopold en Anthony Cornier, waren zo 'slim' om beiden een verschillend verhaal te vertellen aan de pers, Cornier vertelde CNN dat hijzelf de documenten niet had gezien en Leopold vertelde MSNBC dat hij ze wel had gelezen...... Over CNN gesproken: deze 'nieuwsorganisatie' ging al veel vaker plat op de bek als het om 'Russiagate' gaat, zo maakte men een heel domme fout met data, waarmee Trump junior in een kwaad daglicht werd gesteld, hij zou op het verkeerde moment toegang hebben gehad tot WikiLeaks..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Voordat Mueller zijn reactie op de leugens gaf, gingen de reguliere media in de VS (en heel wat westerse collega's elders) helemaal los, en dat op basis van een verhaal van 2 figuren die eerder al de boel hebben gemanipuleerd, met de claim dat Rusland de VS presidentsverkiezingen had gefinancierd, terwijl het om verkiezingen in Rusland ging..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

De New York Times plaatste e.e.a. met veel bombarie op de voorpagina, waar de rectificatie, nadat Mueller een dag later de claim naar de prullenbak had verwezen, op pagina 11 werd geplaatst........

Je hebt het waarschijnlijk al begrepen: de zoveelste berg aan fake news (nepnieuws) en desinformatie in de reguliere massamedia, terwijl men daar met de vieze vingers durft te wijzen naar nepnieuws op de alternatieve media (overigens zonder daar bewijzen voor te leveren....)..... Ondanks dit alles (en dat voor de zoveelste keer) hebben deze media het gore lef om vertrouwen van hun klanten te vragen........ Totaal ongeloofwaardig!!

MSM Begs For Trust After Buzzfeed Debacle

Following what the Washington Post has described as "the highest-profile misstep yet for a news organization during a period of heightened and intense scrutiny of the press," mass media representatives are now flailing desperately for an argument as to why people should continue to place their trust in mainstream news outlets.

On Thursday Buzzfeed News delivered the latest "bombshell" Russiagate report to fizzle within 24 hours of its publication, a pattern that is now so consistent that I've personally made a practice of declining to comment on such stories until a day or two after their release. "BOOM!" tweets were issued by #Resistance pundits on Twitter, "If true this means X, Y and Z" bloviations were made on mass media punditry panels, and for about 20 hours Russiagaters everywhere were riding the high of their lives, giddy with the news that President Trump had committed an impeachable felony by ordering Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about a proposed Trump office tower in Moscow, a proposal which died within weeks and the Kremlin never touched.

There was reason enough already for any reasonable person to refrain from frenzied celebration, including the fact that the story's two authors, Jason Leopold and Anthony Cormier, were giving the press two very different accounts of the information they'd based it on, with Cormier telling CNN that he had not personally seen the evidence underlying his report and Leopold telling MSNBC that he had. Both Leopold and Cormier, for the record, have already previously suffered a Russiagate faceplant with the clickbait viral story that Russia had financed the 2016 election, burying the fact that it was a Russian election.

Then the entire story came crashing down when Mueller's office took the extremely rare step of issuing an unequivocal statement that the Buzzfeed story was wrong, writing simply, "BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the special counsel’s office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s congressional testimony are not accurate."

According to journalist and economic analyst Doug Henwood, the print New York Times covered the Buzzfeed report on its front page when the story broke, but the report on Mueller's correction the next day was shoved back to page 11. This appalling journalistic malpractice makes it very funny that NYT's Wajahat Ali had the gall to tweet, "Unlike the Trump administration, journalists are fact checking and willing to correct the record if the Buzzfeed story is found inaccurate. Not really the actions of a deep state and enemy of the people, right?"

This is the behavior of a media class that is interested in selling narratives, not reporting truth. And yet the mass media talking heads are all telling us today that we must continue to trust them.

"Those trying to tar all media today aren’t interested in improving journalism but protecting themselves," tweeted NBC's Chuck Todd. "There’s a lot more accountability in media these days than in our politics. We know we live in a glass house, we hope the folks we cover are as self aware."

More accountability in media than in politics, Chuck? Really? Accountability to whom? Your advertisers? Your plutocratic owners? Certainly not to the people whose minds you are paid exorbitant sums to influence; there are no public elections for the leadership of the mass media.

"Mueller didn't do the media any favors tonight, and he did do the president one," griped the odious Chris Cuomo on CNN. "Because as you saw with Rudy Giuliani and as I'm sure you'll see with the president himself, this allows them to say 'You can't believe it! You can't believe what you read, you can't believe what you hear! You can only believe us. Even the Special Counsel says that the media doesn't get it right.'"

"The larger message that a lot of people are going to take from this story is that the news media are a bunch of leftist liars who are dying to get the president, and they're willing to lie to do it, and I don't think that's true" said Jeffrey Toobin on a CNN panel, adding "I just think this is a bad day for us."

"It does reinforce bad stereotypes about the news media," said Brian Stelter on the same CNN panel. "I am desperate as a media reporter to always say to the audience, judge folks individually and judge brands individually. Don't fall for what these politicians out there want you to do. They want you to think we're all crooked. We're not. But Buzzfeed now, now the onus is on Buzzfeed."

CNN, for the record, has been guilty of an arguably even more embarrassing Russiagate flub than Buzzfeed's when they wrongly reported that Donald Trump Jr had had access to WikiLeaks' DNC email archives prior to their 2016 publication, an error that was hilariously due to to the simple misreading of an email date by multiple people.

(let op bij het hieronder weergegeven Twitterbericht hoort een video die ik niet kan overnemen, zie daarvoor het origineel)

CNN is leading the way in bashing BuzzFeed but it's worth remembering CNN had a humiliation at least as big & bad: when they yelled that Trump Jr. had advanced access to the WL archive (!): all based on a wrong date. They removed all the segments from YouTube, but this remains:

The mass media, including pro-Trump mass media like Fox News, absolutely deserves to be distrusted. It has earned that distrust. It had earned that distrust already with its constant promotion of imperialist wars and an oligarch-friendly status quo, and it has earned it even more with its frenzied promotion of a narrative engineered to manufacture consent for a preexisting agenda to shove Russia off the world stage.

The mainstream media absolutely is the enemy of the people; just because Trump says it doesn't make it untrue. The only reason people don't rise up and use the power of their numbers to force the much-needed changes that need to happen in our world is because they are being propagandized to accept the status quo day in and day out by the mass media's endless cultural engineering project. They are the reason why wars go unopposed, why third parties never gain traction, why people consent to money hemorrhaging upward to the wealthiest of the wealthy while everyone else struggles to survive. The sooner people wake up from the perverse narrative matrix of the plutocratic media, the better.
The best way to get around the internet censors and make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for my website, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. My articles are entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking me on Facebook, following my antics on Twitter, throwing some money into my hat on Patreon or Paypalpurchasing some of my sweet new merchandise, buying my new book Rogue Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone, or my previous book Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers.

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Caitlin Johnstone | January 20, 2019 at 2:49 am |

Tags: #TrumpbuzzfeedCNNmediaMSMnewsRussiagate |

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'New York Times te kakken gezet met haar berichtgeving over Russische manipulatie voor midterm verkiezingen'

'VS begint 'troll farm', alsof Hollywood en de massamedia al niet genoeg VS propaganda maken..........'

'Britse militaire geheime dienst bedient zich van moddergooien en andere manipulaties om Europese en VS politiek te manipuleren, zo blijkt uit gelekte documenten'

'Waarom de burgers van de VS de illegale oorlogen steunen'

'De VS heeft Syrië volgepropt met 'jihadisten' en wapens'

'Democraten deden zich voor als Russen in false flag operatie om Roy Moore (Republikein) zwart te maken tijdens verkiezing.....'

'Der Spiegel, groot bestrijder van 'fake news' bracht zelf jarenlang dit soort 'nieuws''

''Fake news': alternatieve media en bloggers in het westen zouden onzin brengen, echter niet als dit soort groepen wat roepen in landen die het westen niet welgevallig zijn'

''Russiagate: de westerse massamedia gebruiken propaganda om het volk te manipuleren, precies waar ze Rusland van beschuldigen'

'Trump (Republikeinen) wint de midterm verkiezingen, alsook de Democraten, het verschil voor mensen elders in de wereld, die onder VS terreur moeten leven, is nul komma nada....... '

'Russiagate sprookje ondermijnt VS democratie en de midterm verkiezingen' (zie ook de links in dat bericht)

'New York Times 'bewijzen' voor Russiagate vallen door de mand......'

'Politico rapport bevestigt: Russiagate is een hoax' (Russiagate, de enorme leugen op basis waaraan we de huidige censuurgolf te danken hebben......)

''Russiagate' een complot van CIA, FBI, Hillary Clinton en het DNC...........'

''Russiagate' een verhaal van a t/m z westers 'fake news.....''

'De Israëlische manipulatie van de VS presidentsverkiezingen, gaat veel verder dan wat men Rusland in de schoenen schuift.....'

''Russiagate': Intel-raport over Russische bemoeienis met verkiezingen opgebouwd met leugens en is politiek gemotiveerd, aldus Matlock, voormalig VS ambassadeur in Moskou'

'WikiLeaks belooft The Guardian 1 miljoen dollar als het haar leugens i.z. Assange en Russiagate kan bewijzen.......'

'Facebook gebruikte 'fake news' beschuldiging om de aandacht voor schandalen af te leiden'

'New York Times: eerste Israëlische inval in Gazastrook sinds 2014 >> fake news!'

'Noord-Koreaans 'bedrog met nucleaire deal' is fake news o.a. gebracht door de New York Times'

''Fake News' misbruikt door dictaturen en de reguliere (massa-) media'

'Twitter weert waarheid: Paul Craig Roberts in de ban, Roberts >> de grote criticus van de illegale oorlogen die de VS voert'

'Trump (Republikeinen) wint de midterm verkiezingen, alsook de Democraten, het verschil voor mensen elders in de wereld, die onder VS terreur moeten leven, is nul komma nada.......'

'De Israëlische manipulatie van de VS presidentsverkiezingen, gaat veel verder dan wat men Rusland in de schoenen schuift.....'

'Kajsa Ollongren (D66 vicepremier): Nederland staat in het vizier van Russische inlichtingendiensten....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Ollongren gesteund door Thomas Boesgaard (AD), 'Rusland verpakt het nepnieuws gekoppeld aan echt nieuws.....' Oei!!'

'The Attack on ‘Fake News’ Is Really an Attack on Alternative Media'

'The Lie of the 21st Century: How Mainstream Media “Fake News” Led to the U.S. Invasion of Iraq'

'FBI, de spin in het Russiagate web........'

'Mocking Trump Doesn’t Prove Russia’s Guilt'

'CIA deed zich voor als het Russische Kaspersky Lab, aldus Wikileaks Vault 8.....'

'WikiLeaks: Seth Rich Leaked Clinton Emails, Not Russia'

'Hillary Clinton en haar oorlog tegen de waarheid........ Ofwel een potje Rusland en Assange schoppen!'

'Murray, ex-ambassadeur van GB: de Russen hebben de VS verkiezingen niet gemanipuleerd'

''Russische manipulaties uitgevoerd' door later vermoord staflid Clintons campagneteam Seth Rich......... AIVD en MIVD moeten hiervan weten!!'

'Obama gaf toe dat de DNC e-mails expres door de DNC werden gelekt naar Wikileaks....!!!!'

'VS 'democratie' aan het werk, een onthutsende en uitermate humoristische video!'

'Democraten VS kochten informatie over Trump >> Forgetting the ‘Dirty Dossier’ on Trump'

'Hillary Clinton moet op de hoogte zijn geweest van aankoop Steele dossier over Trump........'

'Flashback: Clinton Allies Met With Ukrainian Govt Officials to Dig up Dirt on Trump During 2016 Election'

'FBI Director Comey Leaked Trump Memos Containing Classified Information'

'Publicly Available Evidence Doesn’t Support Russian Gov Hacking of 2016 Election'

'Russia Is Trolling the Shit out of Hillary Clinton and the Mainstream Media'

'CIA chef Pompeo waarschuwt voor complot van WikiLeaks om de VS op alle mogelijke manieren neer te halen....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Russische 'hacks' door deskundigen nogmaals als fake news doorgeprikt >> Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence'

'Rusland krijgt alweer de schuld van hacken, nu van oplichters Symantec en Facebook....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Russiagate, of: hoe de media u belazeren met verhalen over Russische bemoeienis met de VS presidentsverkiezingen........'

'Campagne Clinton, smeriger dan gedacht............' (met daarin daarin opgenomen de volgende artikelen: 'Donna Brazile Bombshell: ‘Proof’ Hillary ‘Rigged’ Primary Against Bernie' en 'Democrats in Denial After Donna Brazile Says Primary Was Rigged for Hillary')

'Clinton te kakken gezet: Brazile (Democratische Partij VS) draagt haar boek op aan Seth Rich, het vermoorde lid van DNC die belastende documenten lekte'

'RT America één van de eerste slachtoffers in een heksenjacht op westerse alternatieve media en nadenkend links......'

'Rusland zou onafhankelijkheid Californië willen uitlokken met reclame voor borsjt.......'

'Alarm Code Geel: Lara Rense (NOS) voedt Rusland-haat'

'Mediaorgaan Sinclair dwingt 'TV ankers' propaganda op te lezen (Sinclair bedient rond de 70% van de VS bevolking van 'lokaal nieuws')'

'Ex-CIA agent legt uit hoe de VS schaduwregering en deep state werken, ofwel de machinaties achter de schermen......'

''Russiagate' een nieuwe ongelooflijke aanklacht van de Democraten.......'

'VS demoniseert Russiagate critici als Jill Stein.....'

'De Russiagate samenzweringstheorie dient de machthebbers.........'

'Britse en VS manipulaties van verkiezingen en stimulatie van conflicten middels psychologische oorlogsvoering' (voor VS manipulaties van verkiezingen elders, liggen er 'metersdikke' dossiers, o.a. in te zien op WikeLeaks)

donderdag 3 mei 2018

VS demoniseert Russiagate critici als Jill Stein.....

De democratische partij in de VS zit in grote ellende, waar de top onlangs toegaf dat men de voorverkiezingen in de partij, voorafgaand aan de presidentsverkiezingen heeft gestoken, dit ten koste van progressieve kandidaten als Sanders. Voorts is men bezig een aanklacht tegen Wikileaks voor te bereiden vanwege de feitelijke berichtgeving over de manipulaties van die partijtop.......
Intussen is het zo dat je in de VS niet ongestraft kan zeggen dat het hele Russiagate verhaal verzonnen is om Rusland de schuld voor o.a. het lekken van documenten en manipulatie van de verkiezingen in de schoenen te schuiven. Je wordt nog net niet door de overheid vervolgd, maar je naam wordt door de media al snel door de stront gehaald.....

Met andere woorden: als je kritiek hebt op smerige beschuldigingen van o.a. de geheime diensten en de reguliere media, beschuldigingen waar geen nanometer bewijs voor is, ben je een linkse Russische trol (en eigenlijk een verrader...), ook al is jouw verhaal op feiten gebaseerd..........

Jill Stein, leider van de Green Party in de VS wordt o.a. door Jim Sciutto van CNN aangemerkt als een Russische trol, dit voor het aanhalen van feitelijke VS bemoeienis met verkiezingen in andere landen (gedocumenteerd)....... Uiteraard is dit uitermate gevaarlijk, zeker in de 'gun crazy' VS, mensen daar zijn voor minder vermoord........

Lees het volgende onthutsende verhaal van Caitlin Johnstone, gepubliceerd op Steemit:

Russian Talking Points” Look An Awful Lot Like Well-Documented Facts

Things aren't looking great for the Democratic establishment, which recently admitted that it stacks its primaries against progressive candidates and is currently engaged in a desperate, hail Mary lawsuit against WikiLeaks for its factual publications about the party. So of course you know what that means.

That's right! It's time for Democratic pundits to begin down-punching Jill Stein.

"Jill Stein is on @NewDay right now repeating Russian talking points on its interference in the 2016 election and on US foreign policy," tweeted CNN Chief National Security Correspondent Jim Sciutto today, without shame or self-reflection.

Sciutto was referring to comments Stein made on a CNN interview today about America's undeniable, entirely factual and well-documented history of meddling in other countries' elections, including a citation of an ex-CIA Director's recent admission that the US has interfered in foreign electoral processes and continues to do so to this day.

Because that's what constitutes a "Russian talking point" these days: raw, easily verifiable facts.
Stein's interviewer, Chris "It's illegal to read WikiLeaks" Cuomo, echoed a similar sentiment in response to her points, in essence arguing that only Russians should be stating these blatantly obvious and extremely relevant facts.

"You know, that would be the case for Russia to make, not from the American perspective," Cuomo said. "Of course, there's hypocrisy involved, lots of different big state actors do lots of things that they may not want people to know about. But let Russia say that the United States did it to us, and here's how they did it, so this is fair play. From the American perspective and you running for president, more than once of this country, shouldn't your position have been, this was bad what they did, they're trying to do it right now and we have to stop it?"

Right. Because you have so many Russians on your show making that case, do you Chris?

This is absolute lunacy. The implication here is that it isn't ever okay for Americans to talk about Russia in any other context than how awful and evil its government is; that nobody can speak about how America's behavior factors into the equation in a very real and significant way. Not because it's not factual, not because it's not relevant, but because it's a "Russian talking point", and only Russians should be saying it.

And this sentiment being promulgated by these establishment pundits is being swallowed hook, line and sinker by the rank-and-file citizenry who consume such media. Every single day, without exception, I am accused multiple times of being a propagandist for the Kremlin. Not because there's any evidence for that, not because I'm writing anything that is untruthful, but because I'm writing "Russian talking points", i.e. arguments that have ostensibly been made at some point by Russians.

And it is, to be perfectly honest, infuriating. These people are actively making the case for willful ignorance and stupidity. They're actively arguing that facts which don't support the narratives being promulgated by the CIA and the State Department should be completely excluded from all discussion within the western hemisphere, and that only Russians should be making them. They do this while simultaneously arguing that Russian media is dangerous and should be avoided by Americans. Only Russians should argue against CIA/CNN narratives, and we should never, ever listen to those arguments.

They're arguing for the deliberate omission of relevant facts from dialogue. They are arguing that we should all be morons, on purpose.

Of course it's relevant to the discussion that the US interferes with foreign democratic processes far more than any other government on the planet! Are you nuts? Yes, obviously if yours is the primary country responsible creating a climate wherein governments meddle in the elections of other nations, that undeniable fact must necessarily be a part of any sensible analysis of what's happening and what should be done about it. Anyone who tries to argue that that fact shouldn't be a part of the conversation is making an argument in favor of stupidity.

That's not a "whataboutism", as empire loyalists like Eric Boehlert habitually claim. It's crucial factual information.

The environment that these pundits are creating is itself hostile to democracy. If all "talking points" are excluded from the conversation other than those which lead to continually escalating sanctions, proxy wars, nuclear posturing and brinkmanship, then there's no way for activism or democracy to tap the brake on the west's ongoing trajectory toward direct military confrontation with a nuclear superpower.

In her interview, Stein outlined this quite clearly:

"You know, I think that kind of position which says that we're in a totally different category from the rest of the world is not working. This century of American domination, you know, sort of didn't play out the way we thought it would, we're embroiled now -- we have the military in practically every country around the world. In the recent taxes that people pay, the average American paid almost $3,500 that went into the Department of Offense, I would call it, not the Department of Defense, $3,500, whereas we put $40 into the EPA.

"You know, 57 percent of our discretionary dollars now are going into the military. It's part of a mindset that says, we're always right and they're always wrong and we're going to be dominating militarily and economically. We're in a multi-polar world right now and, you know, we need to behave as an exemplary member of the community and that is by upholding ourselves and leading the way on international law, human rights and diplomacy. That approach is really paying off on the Korean peninsula right now. I think we should be using it more broadly."

Cuomo, who as the son of a New York Governor and brother of the current New York Governor is as much Democratic Party royalty as a Clinton, had some very interesting facial expressions in response to Stein's arguments. Whenever an interviewee makes strong points which go against the establishment grain he always looks like he's taking a really uncomfortable shit:

(ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!)

There have been far too many cartoonishly absurd responses to Stein's interview for me to address in a single article without putting my laptop through the wall in a fit of rage, but this tweet from MSNBC and Atlanticcontributor Natasha Bertrand is really something else.

"Jill Stein just told @CNN that her presence at RT gala in Moscow Dec 2015 wasn’t controversial at the time because Obama 'was still on track for a reboot' with Putin," said Bertrand, adding that "Russia had already annexed Crimea, invaded eastern Ukraine, intervened in Syria for Assad, and hacked the DNC."

This is actual, real-life "Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia" Orwellian revisionist doublethink. There was no public information about any Russian DNC hack in 2015, and the average American hardly ever thought about Russia at that time. Then-Secretary of State John Kerry personally met with Vladimir Putin in July of 2016 to discuss collaboration against terrorist forces in Syria. Only in the most warped, revisionist, funhouse mirror Orwellian reality tunnel can it be claimed that Stein visiting Moscow in December of 2015 would have been considered shady or controversial at the time.

The fact that Bertrand's tweet was liked and shared thousands of times on Twitter is extremely creepy and disturbing. Establishment media didn't start indoctrinating American liberals with Russia hysteria until the tail end of 2016, but it's been so effective that MSNBC mainliners are now gaslighting themselves into a revision of their own history.

This is why people like myself fight the CIA/CNN Russia narrative so aggressively. Not because we're propagandists, not because we're "useful idiots", not because of "Russian talking points", but because the US-centralized power establishment's nonstop campaign to manufacture support for its agendas of global hegemony are making us all stupid and crazy.

Stop playing along with this bullshit. Stop letting them make us stupid and crazy. Stop letting them manipulate us into consenting to escalations with a nuclear superpower. Stop. Turn back. Wrong way.

Internet censorship is getting pretty bad, so best way to keep seeing my daily articles is to get on the mailing list for my website, so you'll get an email notification for everything I publish. My articles and podcasts are entirely reader and listener-funded, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking me on Facebook, following my antics on Twitter, checking out my podcast, throwing some money into my hat on Patreon or Paypalor buying my new book Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers.
Zie ook:
'De Russiagate samenzweringstheorie dient de machthebbers.........'

'Kajsa Ollongren (D66 vicepremier): Nederland staat in het vizier van Russische inlichtingendiensten....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Ollongren gesteund door Thomas Boesgaard (AD), 'Rusland verpakt het nepnieuws gekoppeld aan echt nieuws.....' Oei!!'

'The Attack on ‘Fake News’ Is Really an Attack on Alternative Media'

'The Lie of the 21st Century: How Mainstream Media “Fake News” Led to the U.S. Invasion of Iraq'

'FBI, de spin in het Russiagate web........'

'Mocking Trump Doesn’t Prove Russia’s Guilt'

'CIA deed zich voor als het Russische Kaspersky Lab, aldus Wikileaks Vault 8.....'

'WikiLeaks: Seth Rich Leaked Clinton Emails, Not Russia'

'Hillary Clinton en haar oorlog tegen de waarheid........ Ofwel een potje Rusland en Assange schoppen!'

'Murray, ex-ambassadeur van GB: de Russen hebben de VS verkiezingen niet gemanipuleerd'

''Russische manipulaties uitgevoerd' door later vermoord staflid Clintons campagneteam Seth Rich......... AIVD en MIVD moeten hiervan weten!!'

'Obama gaf toe dat de DNC e-mails expres door de DNC werden gelekt naar Wikileaks....!!!!'

'VS 'democratie' aan het werk, een onthutsende en uitermate humoristische video!'

'Democraten VS kochten informatie over Trump >> Forgetting the ‘Dirty Dossier’ on Trump'

'Hillary Clinton moet op de hoogte zijn geweest van aankoop Steele dossier over Trump........'

'Flashback: Clinton Allies Met With Ukrainian Govt Officials to Dig up Dirt on Trump During 2016 Election'

'FBI Director Comey Leaked Trump Memos Containing Classified Information'

'Publicly Available Evidence Doesn’t Support Russian Gov Hacking of 2016 Election'

'Russia Is Trolling the Shit out of Hillary Clinton and the Mainstream Media'

'CIA chef Pompeo waarschuwt voor complot van WikiLeaks om de VS op alle mogelijke manieren neer te halen....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Russische 'hacks' door deskundigen nogmaals als fake news doorgeprikt >> Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence'

'Rusland krijgt alweer de schuld van hacken, nu van oplichters Symantec en Facebook....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Russiagate, of: hoe de media u belazeren met verhalen over Russische bemoeienis met de VS presidentsverkiezingen........'

''Russiagate' een complot van CIA, FBI, Hillary Clinton en het DNC...........'

''Russiagate' een verhaal van a t/m z westers 'fake news.....''

'Campagne Clinton, smeriger dan gedacht............' (met daarin daarin opgenomen de volgende artikelen: 'Donna Brazile Bombshell: ‘Proof’ Hillary ‘Rigged’ Primary Against Bernie' en 'Democrats in Denial After Donna Brazile Says Primary Was Rigged for Hillary')

'Clinton te kakken gezet: Brazile (Democratische Partij VS) draagt haar boek op aan Seth Rich, het vermoorde lid van DNC die belastende documenten lekte'

'Ollongren gesteund door Thomas Boesgaard (AD), 'Rusland verpakt het nepnieuws gekoppeld aan echt nieuws.....' Oei!!'

'RT America één van de eerste slachtoffers in een heksenjacht op westerse alternatieve media en nadenkend links......'

'Rusland zou onafhankelijkheid Californië willen uitlokken met reclame voor borsjt.......'

'Alarm Code Geel: Lara Rense (NOS) voedt Rusland-haat'

'Mediaorgaan Sinclair dwingt 'TV ankers' propaganda op te lezen (Sinclair bedient rond de 70% van de VS bevolking van 'lokaal nieuws')'

'Ex-CIA agent legt uit hoe de VS schaduwregering en deep state werken, ofwel de machinaties achter de schermen......'

''Russiagate' een nieuwe ongelooflijke aanklacht van de Democraten.......'

'Britse en VS manipulaties van verkiezingen en stimulatie van conflicten middels psychologische oorlogsvoering' (voor VS manipulaties van verkiezingen elders, liggen er 'metersdikke' dossiers, o.a. in te zien op WikeLeaks)

''Russiagate': Intel-raport over Russische bemoeienis met verkiezingen opgebouwd met leugens en is politiek gemotiveerd, aldus Matlock, voormalig VS ambassadeur in Moskou'

Zie ook het volgende artikel daterend van 26 oktober 2017: ''Death Sentence for Local Media': Warnings as FCC Pushes Change to Benefit Right-Wing Media Giant' Met o.a.:"At a time when broadcast conglomerates like Sinclair are gobbling up new stations and pulling media resources out of marginalized communities, we still need the main studio rule to help connect broadcasters to the local viewers and listeners they're supposed to serve." Dana Floberg, Free Press. Vergeet niet dat bijvoorbeeld de lokale dagbladen in ons land intussen zo ongeveer allemaal zijn ondergebracht bij de grote dagbladen, allen in bezit van op winst beluste eigenaren, dan wel (beursgenoteerde) politiek rechtse organisaties, die een eigen belang hebben bij voor hen gunstig gekleurde berichtgeving in de bladen die zij onder het beheer hebben, waarbij deze eigenaren allen grote aanhangers zijn van het ijskoude, inhumane neoliberalisme en grote voorstanders zijn van de VS terreur, waar ter wereld die ook wordt uitgeoefend........