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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label CBD. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 1 juli 2017

DEA (VS) verklaart cannabis als ongevaarlijk, maar weigert de medicinale kracht van cannabis te erkennen........

Anti-Media bracht afgelopen woensdag het bericht dat de Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in de VS cannabis als ongevaarlijk genotsmiddel heeft gekwalificeerd. Sterker nog het gebruik van cannabis geeft een groot aantal voordelen!!

Zo wordt je gelukkig en vrolijk door het gebruik van cannabis, het zorgt voor socialisering, spraakzaamheid en laat de gebruiker beter genieten van muziek en kunst, aldus de DEA rapportage.

'Uiteraard' wijst de DEA wel op negatieve effecten die kunnen optreden na het gebruik van cannabis, zoals bronchitis en longemfyseem, terwijl daar bij gebruik van cannabis zonder tabak geen bewijzen voor zijn.

De DEA wil verder niet ingaan op de sterk geneeskrachtige werking van cannabis en producten gemaakt van cannabis, dit alleen omdat cannabis op de nummer 1 lijst voor (verboden/gevaarlijke) drugs staat....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

In het rapport van de DEA 'Drugs of Abuse' staat vreemd genoeg niet de harddrug die verreweg de meeste schade toebrengt en dat op meerdere vlakken, alcohol!!

Het valt nog mee dat de DEA 'zo gunstig rapporteerde' over cannabis, daar de alcoholindustrie via lobby kapitalen steekt in het verboden houden van o.a. cannabis.........

Al met al een mooi artikel van Carey Wedler, ook informatief over andere drugs als MDMA en LSD. Voorts wijst Wedler op de hypocrisie t.a.v. voorschrift medicatie in de rapportage van de DEA, die vooral in de VS voor veel problemen zorgt en een enorm aantal doden veroorzaakt, zoals men het afgelopen jaar een aantal keren heeft gemeld in de reguliere VS media......

The DEA Just Admitted Weed Has Never Killed Anyone and Causes ‘Happiness’

June 28, 2017 at 4:08 pm
Written by Carey Wedler

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) The Drug Enforcement Agency just admitted that cannabis has never killed anyone. Ever. They also acknowledged that the little green plant, which has been used across civilizations for thousands of years, causes “merriment” and “happiness.” But they still want to keep it illegal.

The new 94-page report released this week is entitled “Drugs of Abuse” and is intended to foster a better understanding of the dangers of drug consumption. “Education plays a critical role in preventing substance abuse,” the document opens. “Drugs of Abuse, A DEA Resource Guide, is designed to be a reliable resource on the most commonly abused and misused drugs in the United States.”

While the report correctly includes seriously dangerous drugs like heroin, fentanyl, and pharmaceutical opioids, it also includes substances increasingly proven to be far less harmful than the government would like its citizens to believe — “drugs” that actually have medicinal properties. The report fails to acknowledge these benefits throughout its in-depth explanations.

Nevertheless, when it comes to cannabis, the DEA is surprisingly honest, at least in part. Describing the plant for what it is — a “dry, shredded green/brown mix of flowers, stems, seeds, and leaves” — they note that “[n]o deaths from overdose of marijuana have been reported.

They even acknowledge that cannabis use can cause “[m]erriment, happiness, and even exhilaration at high doses,” as well as “[d]isinhibition, relaxation, increased sociability, and talkativeness.” The illegal, allegedly dangerous substance even causes — gasp — “[e]nhanced sensory perception, giving rise to increased appreciation of music, art, and touch.”

Of course, the report focuses far more on the “dangerous” effects of the plant, including bronchitis, emphysema, paranoia, anxiety, panic attacks, and a litany of other alleged dangers. Despite the fact that research has found marijuana use has few significant effects on lung health — far less than legal tobacco use — and the fact that mounting evidence shows varieties of cannabis like CBD (cannabidiol) can help treat anxiety and other mental health ailments, the DEA displays no such nuance in their explanations, instead appearing to base their assessment of safety on the legality of the drug.

For example, though they claim cannabis can cause nausea, they go on to explain in the very same section that “Marinol, a synthetic version of THC, the active ingredient found in the marijuana plant, can be prescribed for the control of nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapeutic agents used in the treatment of cancer and to stimulate appetite in AIDS patients.

Wait, what?

Indeed, though cannabis is indisputably a form of medicine, whether for nausea, anxiety, Parkinson’s disease, Crohn’s disease, chronic pain, or countless other disorders, the DEA insists that because it is a Schedule I drug, it has no medicinal value.

The same pattern emerges with psychedelic drugs, which the federal government also claims have no medicinal value despite increasing evidence that MDMA can help treat PTSD (the FDA itself has authorized research into the drug’s potential for helping those who suffer with it) and that psychedelic mushrooms and LSD can help treat depression.

None of this is acknowledged in the report. Instead, myths that they are addictive and dangerous abound.

Further, conspicuously absent from “Drugs of Abuse” is one of the most dangerous, addictive, and harmful drugs in the history of mankind: alcohol. According to the government, itself, alcohol is responsible for 88,000 deaths per year in the United States, and 15.1 million Americans suffer from “Alcohol Use Disorder.” But the substance remains legal. Interestingly, the alcohol industry remains one of the largest anti-marijuana legalization lobbies.

The agency’s dogmatic adherence to arbitrary law is the reason why alcohol is excluded from this comprehensive attempt to educate Americans on the dangers of substance abuse. As the report explains in the introduction, “There are also a number of substances that are abused but not regulated under the CSA [Controlled Substance Act]. Alcohol and tobacco, for example, are specifically exempt from control by the CSA,” and are therefore not included in “Drugs of Abuse.”

Other hypocrisies abound. For example, the report lists benzodiazepines like Xanax as potentially addictive drugs, noting that those who use “benzodiazepines to treat anxiety are likely to be physically dependent on that medication.” But according to the CSA, on which they base their entire drug enforcement agenda, drugs like Xanax have “low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence.” This is patently false, as 13.5 million Americans are dependent on drugs like Xanax, overdoses are on the rise, and side effects of quitting the drug include heart palpitations, panic attacks, and seizures in extreme cases. Yet the DEA, which enforces the CSA, admits in its own report that Xanax causes physical dependency.

Ultimately, while the DEA admits cannabis has never caused deaths and can make for a good deal of “merriment” and “exhilaration,” the most telling aspect of the report is the futility of banning drugs in the first place. The exclusion of alcohol from this report — except the countless instances where it acknowledges that the drug can intensify other drug experiences — shows the federal government’s tirades against “drugs” have nothing to do with keeping people safe. Prohibition in the 1920s proved this, and the ongoing failure that is the “War on Drugs” continues to prove it today.

Even abusing the dangers of cannabis, MDMA, and other drugs the DEA lists in its report are accurate, the fact remains that other legal drugs pose just as many, if not more dangers, and individuals should be free to take risks with their own health, just as they are with alcohol and tobacco.

Legal or not, people will find ways to use drugs, and while the authors of “Drugs of Abuse” likely have good intentions, their efforts are futile in their lack of honesty about many of the substances listed and their continued belief that more government and throwing non-violent people in cages will solve the deeply-rooted problem of addiction.

vrijdag 2 juni 2017

Cannabis claim door grote farmaceut in voorbereiding (......) en cannabisolie uit Nederland

BNR had gistermorgen Jos Everts, apotheker van CannabisZorg uit Rosmalen in de uitzending (rond 11.35 u.). Volgens BNR heeft Everts de eerste cannabisapotheek in Europa...... 'Niet helemaal waar', de Transvaal Apotheek in Den Haag maakt en verkoopt al langer cannabisolie. Ach ja, BNR, als Radio1 tuk op sensatie moet u maar denken......

Cannabiszorg – Medicinale Cannabisolie

Everts sprak over flessen met cannabisolie, de inhoud? 10 milliliter..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Eén van de presentatoren, kwal Laseur zo te horen, vroeg Everts niet naar de prijs van zijn product, maar die is niet misselijk: Voor een 'fles' van 10 milliliter met amper nog werkzame stof, vraagt Everts maar liefst € 29,50!! Een 'fles' met zo te zien de sterkst werkzame stof, alweer 10 ml, kost (houdt u vast): € 75,-- ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Ja, dat is lekker binnenlopen, zal Everts gedacht hebben.

In tempo vertelde Everts dat hij er alles aan doet om binnen de wettelijke grenzen van de Opiumwet te handelen...... Te zot voor woorden, dat dit onder de Opiumwet valt, 'maar goed.......'


Overigens zijn er veel verhalen over de sterke medicinale werking van cannabisolie te vinden op het internet. Men zou er kanker mee tot staan hebben gekregen en in een beperkt aantal gevallen zelfs hebben genezen.

Anti-Media bracht afgelopen zondag een bericht over cannabis, waarin wordt beschreven dat wetenschappers in de VS cannabis eindelijk zien als medicijn, ook tegen een vorm van epilepsie bij kinderen. De FDA houdt het gebruik nog tegen, behalve voor een grote farmaceut, GW Pharmaceuticals, die een eigen gepatenteerde stof Epidiolex heeft ontwikkeld

De houding van de FDA heeft in de VS de vrees doen ontstaan, dat GW Pharmaceuticals straks de cannabisplant zal patenteren, de cannabisplant is al meer dan drieduizend jaar bekend als een geneeskrachtige plant....... Via de vermaledijde 'vrijhandelsverdragen' CETA en TTIP (dat de EU weer uit de kast wil halen), zal de plant dan ook hier geclaimd worden door GW Pharmaceuticals............

Mainstream Science Finally Accepts Cannabis as Medicine — There’s Just One Problem

May 27, 2017 at 12:52 pm
Written by Carey Wedler

(ANTIMEDIA) Mainstream science is finally starting to accept what countless parents have known for years: cannabis treats childhood epilepsy.

According to a new study published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine, cannabidiol (CBD) has been scientifically demonstrated to treats Dravet syndrome, a rare seizure disorder. This study is reportedly the first of its kind to demonstrate CBD’s potential to treat epilepsy in children in a clinical setting.

We now have solid, rigorous scientific evidence that in this specific syndrome, cannabidiol is effective at reducing seizures,” said Dr. Orrin Devinsky, a neurologist at New York University Langone Medical Center and one of the authors of the new study, PBS reported.

For years, anecdotal evidence has shown CBD’s ability to reduce seizures. Countless epileptic children have benefitted from the non-psychoactive substance, as have adults who suffer from conditions like Parkinson’s disease and anxiety.

PBS summarized the study:

For the trial, researchers enrolled 120 children from 2 to 18 years old with Dravet syndrome, a rare genetic form of epilepsy that kills up to 20 percent of patients by the time they are 20. There are no drugs approved specifically for Dravet.

During the study, the patients stayed on their normal treatment regimen, and half of them also received cannabidiol while the remainder were given a placebo. Over a 14-week treatment period, the median number of convulsive seizures in the cannabidiol group decreased from 12.4 to 5.9 per month; for the placebo group, the number went from 14.9 to 14.1.”

Though some participants experienced side effects like fatigue and nausea — and researchers caution more study is needed — the positive effects of CBD were statistically significant.

According to Dr. Samuel Berkovic of the University of Melbourne, who acknowledged the need for more research, the study represents “the beginning of solid evidence for the use of cannabinoids in epilepsy.”

While the findings vindicate the experiences of an increasing number of people and support mounting research documenting CBD’s potential, there is just one problem: the study was sponsored by GW Pharmaceuticals, which backed the study as part of its Phase 3 approval process with the FDA (previous trials had highlighted the medical benefits, but this installment of the study is more concrete and has been peer-reviewed).

The hypocrisy on the part of the Food and Drug Administration is stark; though the agency has repeatedly refused to fully acknowledge the medical promise of cannabis, it has allowed progress for the pharma giant, which brands its version of the substance Epidiolex.

The FDA has otherwise denied this potential despite volumes of studies on cannabis — including CBD — showing the medicinal benefits not just for epilepsy, but a host of ailments. It claims more research is necessary, but in previously recommending that cannabis remain a Schedule I drug, it has helped hinder further research — except, apparently, by pharmaceutical companies.

By empowering and elevating GW Pharmaceuticals, the FDA is ultimately paving the way for a Big Pharma monopoly on the thousands-year-old plant and, specifically, cannabidiol, which is one of the most promising cannabinoids for medical use.

Further, around the country, GW and its American subsidiary, Greenwich Biosciences, have been hedging their bets in state legislatures, lobbying lawmakers to ensure monopolies over cannabidiol as acceptance of medical marijuana continues to grow and legalization becomes increasingly inevitable.

Regardless of the establishment undertones plaguing the new research, however, the findings are indisputably positive. As PBS further summarized:

In the cannabidiol group, 43 percent of patients had their number of seizures cut in half or more, compared with 27 percent in the placebo group. And 5 percent of patients taking cannabidiol saw their seizures disappear, compared with none in the placebo group.”

Someone should inform DEA Chief Chuck Rosenberg, who continues to reiterate his longstanding, false belief that  “marijuana is not medicine.” He has also said:

What really bothers me is the notion that marijuana is also medicinal — because it’s not.
He insinuated it was a “joke.”

Incidentally, his fact-devoid statements are likely bolstered by the recommendations of the FDA — the same one currently in the process of approving GW’s Epidiolex for medical use.


Klik voor meer berichten n.a.v. het bovenstaande, op één van de labels, die u hieronder terug kan vinden, dit geldt (nog) niet voor de labels: CBD, O. Devinsky, Epidiolex, J. Everts, FDA, C. Rosenberg en Transvaal Apotheek.

Mijn excuus voor de belabberde weergave.