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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label Cronin. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 24 mei 2017

Twitter account? Lees dit bericht en pas uw voorkeuren aan!!!

Twitter berichtte mij vorige week, dat het haar 'privacy policy' op 18 juni a.s. zal aanpassen....... Een dergelijk bericht doet bij mij de haren te berge rijzen en niet voor niets, zo bleek uit een artikel dat Anti-Media afgelopen maandag publiceerde.

Met de nieuwe 'policy' (beleid) van Twitter worden uw gegevens langer bewaard en kunnen daarbij ten dienste worden gesteld van bedrijven, die geen bliksem met uw visies, uw Twitter geschiedenis te maken hebben!! Kortom uw privacy wordt alweer te grabbel gegooid. Ook stelt Twitter de knop buiten werking, waarmee u kan aangeven, dat u niet gevolgd wil worden op Twitter.....

U begrijpt natuurlijk, dat met de steeds verdere afschaffing van de privacy wetgeving (waar al zo goed als niets van over is), ook politie en geheime diensten volledig toegang zullen krijgen tot uw Twitteraccount (als ze zich daar al niet ophouden....)...........

In het artikel stelt Sarah Cronin, dat deze zaak niet voor EU burgers geldt, daar deze zaak in de EU verboden zou zijn. Echter per 1 juli wordt de nieuwe EU privacywetgeving van kracht en te vrezen valt, dat Twitter vanaf die tijd deze maatregel ook op EU Twitter accounts kan toepassen...... Niet voor niets stuurde Twitter het bericht dat ik afgelopen maandag ontving, naar alle EU Twitter gebruikers........

Ik zou zeggen: "Baat 't niet, dan schaadt 't niet", pas uw voorkeuren aan, dat is zo gebeurd (lees handleiding in het Anti-Media artikel hieronder).

If You Care About Privacy, You Should Change Your Twitter Settings Right Now

If You Care About Privacy, You Should Change Your Twitter Settings Right Now

May 22, 2017 at 11:30 am
Written by Sarah Cronin

(ANTIMEDIASince Wednesday, Twitter has been sending out emails and notifications to its over 300 million monthly users to inform them of changes to their privacy policy.

The new policy, which goes into effect on June 18, includes changes to data collection, data sharing, and digital advertising. The policy is being run on an ‘opt-out’ basis, meaning that if users do not actively change their settings, these policies will automatically be applied to their accounts.

While Twitter hailed the new policy in their mass email sent out Sunday as one that “dovetails with our heartbeat as a company — a commitment to protecting and defending your privacy,” groups like the Electronic Frontier Foundation are not so enthusiastic.

Contrary to the inviting ‘Sounds good’ button to accept the new policy and get to tweeting, the changes Twitter has made around user tracking and data personalization do not sound good for user privacy,” EFF researcher Gennie Gebhart writes.

EFF, along with Life Hacker and CNET, are encouraging users to customize their privacy settings now before the new changes are automatically enabled in June.

With the new policy, Twitter will be keeping logs for users’ web histories for 30 days instead of 10, a move that Jules Polonetsky, CEO of the Future of Privacy Forum, says expands the pool of people it can track and allows Twitter to make more comprehensive profiles of users.

Interestingly, this change will not apply to E.U. member countries because Europe’s restrictive privacy laws prohibit it.

Twitter also discontinued support for the Do Not Track browser option, which previously allowed users to protect against targeted advertising.

The reason for the change, says writer Barbara Ortutay, is therefore clearly not about privacy, but money.

Targeted ads that are tailored to your whims and tastes are more lucrative than generic ones,” Ortutay writes.

Whether for privacy or profit, the changes are coming. Fortunately, it’s up to users to change their settings and decide how much they want to share.

CNET offers this simple how-to: “Open Settings and go to Settings and privacy > Privacy and safety > Personalization and data. At the top of this page is an option to disable all personalization and data settings; on the Twitter website, click the Disable all.

EFF notes that users can also review, edit, and/or remove data collected on them in the past by accessing the “Your Twitter data” option also located in settings.

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woensdag 25 januari 2017

VS verandert met tempo in fascistische politiestaat.............

Staten in de VS waar de republikeinen het voor het zeggen hebben, voeren met grote snelheid nieuwe wetgeving in, waarmee protesteren tot het verleden moet gaan behoren. Zo deinst men er niet voor terug om mensen die protesteren op een snelweg, vogelvrij te verklaren voor de politie en voor de automobilisten op die weg......

De VS begint akelige gelijkenissen te vertonen met nazi-Duitsland, nu nog concentratiekampen voor 'illegalen', moslims en andersdenkenden en klaar zijn het psychopathische beest Trump en de top van het bedrijfsleven (dat godbetert mag regeren in Washington....).....

Lees het volgende artikel van Sarah Cronin (onder dat artikel kan u klikken voor een 'Dutch' vertaling):

As Trump Takes Power, Politicians Around the US Move to Make Protesting Illegal

By Sarah Cronin

January 22, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - "Antimedia"-  Indiana passed a bill on Wednesday that authorizes police officers to shut down highway protesting “by any means necessary.” S.B. 285, as it is known, obliges a public official to dispatch all available officers within 15 minutes of discovering any assembly of 10 or more people who are obstructing vehicle traffic.

The bill then authorizes the responding officers to clear roads “by any means necessary.”

Critics are calling it the “Block Traffic and You Die” bill, an apt name for a bill that has co-opted the phrase “any means necessary,” used famously in speech delivered by Malcolm X during the Civil Rights movement, turning it into a threat against government dissent (with no apparent awareness of the irony).

S.B. 285 is among a collection of increasingly hostile ‘anti-obstruction’ laws that have been quietly submitted in states around the nation over the past few months. A report by The Intercept published Wednesday tracked five such anti-protest laws introduced by Republican lawmakers in different states, four of which are currently pending.

One of the most disturbing among them is House Bill N. 1203, a bill introduced earlier this month by North Dakota lawmaker Keith Kempenich in response to the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests (DAPL). The bill would exempt motorists who hit demonstrators with their cars from any liability in cases where the victims were “obstructing vehicular traffic on a public road, street, or highway.” This twisted take on protest criminalization comes short of condoning manslaughter as a viable means of crowd control.

Also this month, Minnesota State Representative Kathy Lohmer led the effort on submitting H.F. 322, a bill that would re-classify obstructing highway traffic from a misdemeanor to a “gross misdemeanor” and would authorize government units to sue protesters for “public safety response costs related to unlawful assemblies.”

The proposed legislation is strikingly reminiscent of Washington State Senator Eric Ericksen’s proposal to punish protesters as ‘economic terrorists,’ which Anti-Media first reported on in November.

All of the proposed laws share a common trait in that they were all adopted in response to a major protest event in that state. H.F. 322 was submitted shortly after a judge dismissed the riot charges against protesters who took to the St. Paul Interstate last July in a demonstration against the police shooting of Philando Castille. Ericksen’s “economic terrorism” bill announcement came just days after anti-frackingprotesters blocked railroad tracks in Olympia, Washington. DAPL protests inspired both the Indiana and North Dakota bills.

These retroactive responses on behalf of Republican state lawmakers are also seen as preemptive strikes against the threat of increased protests during the Trump presidency.

As ACLU staff attorney Lee Rowland expressed in an interview with The Intercept, these so-called ‘obstruction bills’ are but thinly disguised efforts to squash any government dissent.

A law that would allow the state to charge a protester $10,000 for stepping in the wrong place, or encourage a driver to get away with manslaughter because the victim was protesting, is about one thing: chilling protest,” Rowland said.

Growing tension between government officials and protesters is expected to come to a culmination on Inauguration Day in D.C., where there will already be many barriers in place to limit demonstrations.

First and foremost is the Federal Grounds and Buildings Improvement Act of 2011, known as H.R 347.

H.R.-347 is a revision of a 1971 federal trespassing law that made it a crime to “willfully and knowingly” remain in an area under Secret Security protection. H.R. 347 removes the word “willingly,” a legal technicality that effectively lowers the bar on the mental state required to be found guilty under the law.

As explained by the American Civil Liberties Union:

Under the original language of the law, you had to act ‘willfully and knowingly’ when committing the crime. In short, you had to know your conduct was illegal. Under H.R. 347, you will simply need to act ‘knowingly,’ which here would mean that you know you’re in a restricted area, but not necessarily that you’re committing a crime.”

Under current federal law, protesting in proximity to an elected official under the protection of the Secret Service, which includes President Trump, is a crime punishable by fine and up to ten years in jail.

Protesting during Trump’s inauguration comes with additional complications as the National Park Service reserves a large portion of the inaugural parade route along Pennsylvania Ave and in Freedom Plaza for ticket sales under the exclusive discretion of Trump’s Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC). This means the PIC can refuse to allow protesters along the route.

An activist group called Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (Answer) has been engaged in a  legal battle with the National Park Service since 2005, arguing the privatization of the Inauguration is an attempt to “sanitize” the streets of dissent.

While the National Park Service has been controversially setting aside tickets for the PIC since 1980, the issue garnered more attention this year when it was discovered that the sidewalk in front of the Trump International Hotel, a significant site for protesters, would be a part of PIC’s ticket-only area.

Adding another level of bureaucracy, the Washington Post reported the hotel and plaza in front are actually under the control of Trump’s real estate agency, meaning protesters would have to literally ‘ask permission’ to remain in the space.

As the week comes to an end, it becomes apparent that dissent is being criminalized not only nationwide but on multiple fronts. Increased regulations are appearing that limit the public spaces that can be lawfully occupied in protest. Meanwhile, legislation is also being introduced to increase the negative consequences for newly unlawful protests. Should more states follow suit with Indiana, demonstrators will soon find themselves paradoxically protesting for their right to protest at all.

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