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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label D. Archer. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 26 december 2019

Hunter Biden zit in de Oekraïense 'witwas val'

Waar bijna niemand over spreekt als het gaat om de impeachment van Trump is het feit dat er definitief iets goed fout zat met Hunter Biden en een paar companen, die wel een enorme berg geld verdienden in een land dat in feite arm is, e.e.a. heeft alles te maken met witwassen....... Eerder al gaf de vader van Biden, Joe Biden toe dat hij Oekraïne onder druk heeft gezet om een openbaar aanklager te ontslaan die een strafrechtelijk onderzoek leidde naar de handel en wandel van o.a. zijn zoon Hunter......* (moet je nagaan, nu gaat de Democratische Partij tekeer tegen Trump die in feite hetzelfde deed als Joe Biden.....) 

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Forget ‘Creepy’ – Biden Has A Major Ukraine Problem antimedia
Zoon en vader griezels Biden, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....................

De hysterie over Trump won het echter van deze uiterst vreemde zaak die volgens ingewijden zoals gezegd o.a. met het witwassen van geld had te maken...... 

Het voorgaande is een opvallende gelijkenis met Hillary Clinton, die eigen misdadig handelen tijdens de Democratische voorverkiezingen in 2016 verdoezelde door te liegen dat Rusland haar mail had gekraakt en de gegevens naar buiten had gebracht..... Een beschuldiging die een enorm aantal zaken aan het rollen heeft gebracht, op grond van deze leugen hebben we nu zelfs censuur op het internet en liegt men telkens weer dat Rusland de verkiezingen elders manipuleert >> geen bewijs maar toch.... Terwijl er kilometers aan dossiers zijn waarin wordt aangetoond dat de VS verkiezingen elders manipuleert en als dat geen effect draait de CIA er haar hand niet voor om een gewelddadige opstand in een dergelijk land te organiseren met het doel een coup te forceren, als ook dat niet helpt wordt een staatsgreep georganiseerd, veelal door leger en politie van het bewuste land onder druk te zetten......

Clinton manipuleerde deze voorverkiezingen, waardoor Bernie Sanders deze verkiezingen verloor, ofwel Clinton heeft deze verkiezingen gestolen van Sanders..... Seth Rich, behorend tot haar campagneteam heeft pissig over dit gore spel de bewijzen daarvoor naar buiten gebracht, dus hij was het die de mails en andere zaken lekte naar de pers..... Echter zonder enige ethisch besef gaf Clinton de Russen de schuld van het inbreken op de servers van het campagneteam en daarmee was Russiagate geboren en werd 'Clintongate' ver naar de achtergrond gedrukt.......

Seth Rich werd overigens later vermoord op straat gevonden, volgens de politie een roofmoord, terwijl noch zijn portefeuille, noch zijn zichtbare sieraden werden gestolen........

Het volgende arttikel waarin Tyler Durden dieper ingaat op de witwaszaak waarbij Hunter Biden was betrokken, werd eerder gepubliceerd op Zero Hedge:

Hunter Biden Denies Ukraine Money Laundering Allegations

Mon, 12/23/2019 - 19:30

Update: Biden has denied the allegations against him and asked the court to strike the filing from the record, claiming the allegations were improperly filed, and may constitute "redundant, immaterial, impertinent or scandalous" material, and that it was a "scheme by a non-party simply to make scandalous allegations in the pending suit to gain some quick media attention."

Biden also asked for attorney's fees and costs to address the allegations.
Judge Don McSpadden only agreed that it was improperly filed, striking the evidence on a technicality "as it was not filed in any acceptable manner to this court."

It is unclear whether it may be re-filed pursuant to (Ark R. Civ. P. 24).
According to the New York Post: "Reached by phone, Dominic Casey, the D&A investigator who filed the papers, refused to say whether his group had been retained by Roberts, or sent the information to the court of its own volition."

A new filing in an Arkansas lawsuit against Hunter Biden claims that the former Vice President's son "is the subject of more than one (1) criminal investigation involving fraud, money laundering and a counterfeiting scheme."

Filed by private investigator Dominic Casey of D&A Investigations on behalf of Lunden Alexis Roberts - with whom Hunter fathered a child, Monday's "Notice of Fraud and Counterfeiting and Production of Evidence" alleges that Hunter Biden and associates Devon Archer and John Kerry stepson Christopher Heinz engaged in a money laundering scheme which accumulated over $156 million between March 2014 and December 2015.

According to the document, Biden, Archer and Heinz became directors of consulting firm Rosemont Seneca Bohai, LLC in order to "conceal their family members ownership," establishing financial accounts at Morgan Stanley and China Bank, the latter of which was used in a money laundering scheme.

Biden and associates are accused of using the counterfeiting scheme "to conceal the Morgan Stanley et al Average Account Value.


The filing also says that "Family members of DEFENDANT Robert Hunter Biden, Devon Archer and Christopher Heinz are business partners of Serhiy Leshchenko and Mykola Zlochevesky in the Ukraine, and are currently under investigation for their part in the counterfeiting scheme."

Of note, Leshchenko is a former Ukrainian parliamentarian who made headlines in August 2016 for helping to leak the so-called "black ledger" that resulted in the firing of then-Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort - the supposedly 'debunked' Ukraine meddling detailed in a November, 2017 Politico article.

Notably, following an outreach to the Ukrainian embassy by Democratic operative Alexandra Chalupa, Artem Sytnyk, Ukraine's Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine and Leshchenko released the "black ledger" containing off-book payments to Manafort. In December of 2018, a Ukrainian court ruled that Sytnyk and Leshchenko "acted illegally" by releasing Manafort's name - a conviction which was later overturned on a technicality.

Zlochevsky, meanwhile, is the owner of Burisma.
Read below:
Tags Law Crime

* Zie: 'Joe Biden (ex-vicepresident VS) heeft zichzelf fiks in de Oekraïense staart gebeten'

Zie ook:
'VS burgers zijn gewaarschuwd: Rusland kan hun hersenen hacken en laten geloven dat Joe Biden niet geschikt is als president'

'Nieuwe Russische hack samenzweringstheorie t.a.v. Joe Biden 'schokt' VS Democraten'

'Joe Biden heeft al lang toegegeven dat hij Oekraïne onder druk zette een openbaar aanklager te ontslaan die zijn zoon vervolgde'

'Snowden vindt het ongelofelijk dat de media VS politici niet aanspreken op totaal verschillende reacties n.a.v. 'klokkenluiden'' 

'Oekraïne, een mislukte, corrupte en fascistische staat........' (o.a. met aandacht voor Biden en zijn zoon)

'VS stelt Duitsland een ultimatum (chantage): geen Russisch gas via NS2 anders volgt een handelsoorlog.....' Chantage o.a. ten behoeve van het Oekraïense bedrijf Burisma waar Hunter Biden voor werkt. Intussen heeft Trump aangekondigd dat de bedrijven, o.a. een deels Nederlands bedrijf, die blijven meewerken aan Nord Stream 2 (NS2) gesanctioneerd zullen worden..... Zie voorts: 'Donald 'Darth Vader' Trump verklaart ruimte tot oorlogsgebied en laat Duitsland en haar bedrijven weten dat men zich heeft te schikken naar de VS wensen' Voor meer berichten over Nord Stream 2, klik op het label NS2, direct onder dit bericht.

'VS – Duitse verhouding dreigt te exploderen'

'Alarm Code Geel: Lara Rense (NOS) voedt Rusland-haat' (zie ook de links in dat bericht)

vrijdag 5 april 2019

Joe Biden (ex-vicepresident VS) heeft zichzelf fiks in de Oekraïense staart gebeten

Joe Biden, intussen ook behorend tot de enorme 'elite' van oorlogsmisdadigers in de VS, was zo ongelofelijk dom om in het openbaar op te lopen scheppen dat hij de Oekraïense neonazi-juntaleider Porosjenko in maart 2016 onder druk heeft gezet, de openbaar aanklager Viktor Shokin te ontslaan.

Biden oefende zoveel druk uit dat hij dreigde VS hulp van 1 miljard dollar aan garanties voor leningen niet te 'overhandigen' als er niet in de 6 uur voor zijn vertrek uit Oekraïne stappen tegen Shokin zouden zijn genomen. De zelf zwaar corrupte Porosjenko en zijn marionettenjunta gaven toe en Shokin werd ontslagen......

John Solomon van The Hill heeft het hele verhaal uitgezocht en inderdaad Biden heeft Porosjenko gechanteerd (want daar komt het op neer)..... Echter Solomon ging door met onderzoekingen en kwam erachter dat Shokin bezig was met een corruptiezaak waarbij de zoon van Biden, Hunter Biden en zijn bedrijf betrokken waren, Biden stond zelfs op de lijst om te worden ondervraagd door Shokin.....

Solomon stelt voorts dat het duidelijk is dat Biden op de hoogte was van deze zaak en dat Shokin alleen daarom moest verdwijnen........

Dan te bedenken beste bezoeker, dat Hillary Clinton destijds minister van BuZa onder dezelfde vicepresident Biden (waar beiden werkten in de Obama administratie), de opstand in Oekraïne kocht voor 4 miljard dollar aan VS belastinggeld, een opstand die tot de coup moest leiden in Oekraïne..... Porosjenko was en is dan ook niets anders dan de zwaar corrupte marionet van de VS.......

Maar jezus wat een zootje beste bezoeker en dan durven de reguliere westerse media en politici te schreeuwen over fake news (nepnieuws) en manipulatie's door Rusland, zelfs nu nog nadat bekend werd gemaakt dat speciaal aanklager Robert Mueller geen bewijzen heeft gevonden voor smerig spel van de Russen met Trump, ofwel: er zijn geen bewijzen voor de valse 'Russiagate' propaganda...... 

Gezien het voorgaande kan je dan ook concluderen dat alleen het misdadig spel van Clinton en haar campagneteam overblijft..... De misdaad die haar de nominatie tot presidentskandidaat van de 'Democratische Partij' bezorgde ten koste van Bernie Sanders..... Een misdaad die waarschijnlijk met hulp van de CIA en de NSA werd gepleegd (immers Sanders wordt als communist versleten in de VS), echter je kan het wel vergeten dat er van overheidswege ook maar één minuut van die misdaad zal worden onderzocht...... 

Misschien is het direct voorgaande, een uitgebreid onderzoek naar misdadig gedrag van Clinton en haar team, een zaak voor Tyler Durden, wiens hieronder opgenomen artikel werd gepubliceerd op Zero Hedge en door mij werd overgenomen van Anti-Media.... Durden schreef over deze zaak naar aanleiding van het rapport dat Solomon publiceerde; wellicht is een onderzoek naar het misdadig gedrag van Clinton zelfs een zaak voor Solomon.

Tot slot nog het volgende: in mei 2016 trad Joeri Loetsenko aan als nieuwe hoogste openbaar aanklager van Oekraïne en zoals de westerse politici, gesteund door de reguliere westerse media, Shokin de grond inschreven, werd Loetsenko de hemel in geprezen als nieuwe aanklager...... Uiteraard werd door deze 'geweldige aanklager' het onderzoek stopgezet naar corruptie waarbij Bidens zoon en bedrijf waren betrokken...... Nee, Loetsenko zou pas echt een 'corruption fighter' zijn, zo jubelden die politici en media...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Forget ‘Creepy’ – Biden Has A Major Ukraine Problem

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Forget ‘Creepy’ – Biden Has A Major Ukraine Problem antimedia

April 2, 2019 at 3:42 pm
Written by Tyler Durden

(ZH– Joe Biden appears to have made a major tactical error last year when he bragged to an audience of foreign policy experts how he threatened to hurl Ukraine into bankruptcy if their top prosecutor, General Viktor Shokin, wasn’t immediately fired, according to The Hill‘s John Solomon.

In his own words, with video cameras rolling, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin. –The Hill

I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” bragged Biden, recalling the conversation with Poroshenko.

Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time,” Biden said at the Council on Foreign Relations event – while insisting that former president Obama was complicit in the threat.
Interviews with a half-dozen senior Ukrainian officials confirm Biden’s account, though they claim the pressure was applied over several months in late 2015 and early 2016, not just six hours of one dramatic day. Whatever the case, Poroshenko and Ukraine’s parliament obliged by ending Shokin’s tenure as prosecutor. Shokin was facing steep criticism in Ukraine, and among some U.S. officials, for not bringing enough corruption prosecutions when he was fired. –The Hill

And why would Biden want the “son of a bitch” fired?
In what must be an amazing coincidence, the prosecutor was leading a wide-ranging corruption investigation into a natural gas firm – which Biden’s son, Hunter, sat on the board of directors.
The prosecutor he got fired was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings that employed Biden’s younger son, Hunter, as a board member.
U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia. –The Hill
The Hill‘s Solomon reviewed the general prosecutor’s file for the Burisma probe – which he reports shows Hunter Biden, his business partner Devon Archer and their firm, Rosemont Seneca, as potential recipients of money.
And before he was fired, Shokin says he had made “specific plans” for the investigation – including “interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.”
I would like to emphasize the fact that presumption of innocence is a principle in Ukraine,” added Shokin.
Joe Biden “clearly had to know” about the probe before he insisted on Shokin’s ouster. Via The Hill: 
Although Biden made no mention of his son in his 2018 speech, U.S. and Ukrainian authorities both told me Biden and his office clearly had to know about the general prosecutor’s probe of Burisma and his son’s role. They noted that:

  • Hunter Biden’s appointment to the board was widely reported in American media;
  • The U.S. Embassy in Kiev that coordinated Biden’s work in the country repeatedly and publicly discussed the general prosecutor’s case against Burisma;
  • Great Britain took very public action against Burisma while Joe Biden was working with that government on Ukraine issues;
  • Biden’s office was quoted, on the record, acknowledging Hunter Biden’s role in Burisma in a New York Times article about the general prosecutor’s Burisma case that appeared four months before Biden forced the firing of Shokin. The vice president’s office suggested in that article that Hunter Biden was a lawyer free to pursue his own private business deals.
President Obama named Biden the administration’s point man on Ukraine in February 2014, after a popular revolution ousted Russia-friendly President Viktor Yanukovych and as Moscow sent military forces into Ukraine’s Crimea territory. 
Key questions for ‘ol Joe:
Was it appropriate for your son and his firm to cash in on Ukraine while you served as point man for Ukraine policy? What work was performed for the money Hunter Biden’s firm received? Did you know about the Burisma probe? And when it was publicly announced that your son worked for Burisma, should you have recused yourself from leveraging a U.S. policy to pressure the prosecutor who very publicly pursued Burisma?
Read the rest of Solomon’s report here.

Tyler Durden / Republished with permission / Zero Hedge / Report a typo
Zie ook:
'VS burgers zijn gewaarschuwd: Rusland kan hun hersenen hacken en laten geloven dat Joe Biden niet geschikt is als president'

'Nieuwe Russische hack samenzweringstheorie t.a.v. Joe Biden 'schokt' VS Democraten

'Hunter Biden zit in de Oekraïense 'witwas val''

'Joe Biden heeft al lang toegegeven dat hij Oekraïne onder druk zette een openbaar aanklager te ontslaan die zijn zoon vervolgde'

'Snowden vindt het ongelofelijk dat de media VS politici niet aanspreken op totaal verschillende reacties n.a.v. 'klokkenluiden'' 

'Oekraïne, een mislukte, corrupte en fascistische staat........' (o.a. met aandacht voor Biden en zijn zoon)

'VS stelt Duitsland een ultimatum (chantage): geen Russisch gas via NS2 anders volgt een handelsoorlog.....' Chantage o.a. ten behoeve van het Oekraïense bedrijf Burisma waar Hunter Biden voor werkt. Intussen heeft Trump aangekondigd dat de bedrijven, o.a. een deels Nederlands bedrijf, die blijven meewerken aan Nord Stream 2 (NS2) gesanctioneerd zullen worden..... Zie voorts: 'Donald 'Darth Vader' Trump verklaart ruimte tot oorlogsgebied en laat Duitsland en haar bedrijven weten dat men zich heeft te schikken naar de VS wensen'

'Alarm Code Geel: Lara Rense (NOS) voedt Rusland-haat' (zie ook de links in dat bericht)

Voor meer berichten over Joe Biden, H. Biden, Oekraïne en/of Porosjenko, klik op het betreffende label, direct onder dit bericht. Let wel: na een aantal berichten volgt het laatst gelezen bericht telkens weer, dan onder dat laatst gelezen bericht even opnieuw op het gekozen label klikken, enz. enz. 

woensdag 18 januari 2017

Oekraïne, een mislukte, corrupte en fascistische staat........

Het volgende artikel vond ik op het blog van Stan van Houcke en is geschreven door Robert Parry. Het betreft een analyse over de situatie in Oekraïne en hoe e.e.a. zover heeft kunnen komen. Zoals op deze plek al vaker betoogt, het westen heeft o.l.v. de VS de boel op scherp gezet in Oekraïne.....

Parry schrijft dat Oekraïne weleens de volgende 'failed state', of 'mislukte staat' staat kan worden, m.i. is Oekraïne dat al. Parry beschrijft zelfs de voorwaarden daarvoor. Voorts stelt Parry, dat Putin daar vervolgens de schuld voor zal krijgen, echter ik heb al politici horen zeggen, dat de chaos en enorme corruptie in Oekraïne, te danken is aan de Russen en Putin in het bijzonder.........

Uiteraard wordt daar door de afhankelijke reguliere media in één adem bij vertelt, dat Rusland aan de kant van de 'pro-Russische opstandelingen' vecht in Oost-Oekraïne, terwijl daar geen splinter bewijs voor is.....

Trouwens een belachelijk verhaal, dat laatste, immers als het Russische leger echt had gevochten in Oost-Oekraïne, was niet alleen Oost-Oekraïne allang gezuiverd van de neonazi's*, maar was ook Kiev allang bevrijd. Op dat moment zou Porosjenko allang in het buitenland hebben gezeten, waar hij van 'zijn' enorme kapitalen zou hebben genoten, kapitalen die hij via corruptie en fraude het Oekraïense volk heeft ontstolen......

Mensen lezen, een uitstekend artikel!!

Reality Peeks Through in Ukraine

January 6, 2016
Robert Parry

Exclusive: With corruption rampant and living standards falling, Ukraine may become the next failed state that “benefited” from a neoconservative-driven “regime change,” though the blame will always be placed elsewhere in this case, on the demonized Russian President Putin, writes Robert Parry.

Nearly two years since U.S. officials helped foment a coup in Ukraine partly justified by corruption allegations the country continues to wallow in graft and cronyism as the living standards for average Ukrainians plummet, according to economic data and polls of public attitudes.

Even the neocon-oriented Wall Street Journal took note of the worsening corruption in a Jan. 1, 2016 article observing that “most Ukrainians say the revolution’s promise to replace rule by thieves with the rule of law has fallen short and the government acknowledges that there is still much to be done.”

Actually, the numbers suggest something even worse. More and more Ukrainians rate corruption as a major problem facing the nation, including a majority of 53 percent last September, up from 48 percent last June and 28 percent in September 2014, according to polls by International Foundation for Electoral Systems.

Meanwhile, Ukraine’s GDP has fallen in every quarter since the Feb. 22, 2014 putsch that overthrew elected President Viktor Yanukovych. Since then, the average Ukrainian also has faced economic “reforms” to slash pensions, energy subsidies and other social programs, as demanded by the International Monetary Fund.

In other words, the hard lives of most Ukrainians have gotten significantly harder while the elites continue to skim off whatever cream is left, including access to billions of dollars in the West’s foreign assistance that is keeping the economy afloat.

Part of the problem appears to be that people supposedly responsible for the corruption fight are themselves dogged by allegations of corruption. The Journal cited Ukrainian lawmaker Volodymyr Parasyuk who claimed to be so outraged by graft that he expressed his fury “by kicking in the face an official he says owns luxury properties worth much more than a state salary could provide.”

However, the Journal also noted that “parliament is the site of frequent mass brawls [and] it is hard to untangle all the overlapping corruption allegations and squabbling over who is to blame. Mr. Parasyuk himself was named this week as receiving money from an organized crime suspect, a claim he denies.”

Then, there is the case of Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko, who is regarded by top American columnists as the face of Ukraine’s reform. Indeed, a Wall Street Journal op-ed last month by Stephen 
Sestanovich, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, hailed Jaresko as “a tough reformer” whose painful plans include imposing a 20 percent “flat tax” on Ukrainians (a favorite nostrum of the American Right which despises a progressive tax structure that charges the rich at a higher rate).

Sestanovich noted that hedge-fund billionaire George Soros, who has made a fortune by speculating in foreign currencies, has endorsed Jaresko’s plan but that it is opposed by some key parliamentarians who favor a “populist” alternative that Sestanovich says “will cut rates, explode the deficit, and kiss IMF money good-bye.”

Ukrainian Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko.
Ukrainian Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko.

Yet, Jaresko is hardly a paragon of reform. Prior to getting instant Ukrainian citizenship and becoming Finance Minister in December 2014, she was a former U.S. diplomat who had been entrusted to run a $150 million U.S.-taxpayer-funded program to help jump-start an investment economy in Ukraine and Moldova.

Jaresko’s compensation was capped at $150,000 a year, a salary that many Americans would envy, but it was not enough for her. So, she engaged in a variety of maneuvers to evade the cap and enrich herself by claiming millions of dollars in bonuses and fees.

Ultimately, Jaresko was collecting more than $2 million a year after she shifted management of the Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF) to her own private company, Horizon Capital, and arranged to get lucrative bonuses when selling off investments, even as the overall WNISEF fund was losing money, according to official records.

For instance, Jaresko collected $1.77 million in bonuses in 2013, according to WNISEF’s latest available filing with the Internal Revenue Service. In her financial disclosure forms with the Ukrainian government, she reported earning $2.66 million in 2013 and $2.05 million in 2014, thus amassing a sizeable personal fortune while investing U.S. taxpayers’ money supposedly to benefit the Ukrainian people.

It didn’t matter that WNISEF continued to hemorrhage money, shrinking from its original $150 million to $89.8 million in the 2013 tax year, according to the IRS filing. WNISEF reported that the bonuses to Jaresko and other corporate officers were based on “successful” exits from some investments even if the overall fund was losing money. [See’s “How Ukraine’s Finance Minister Got Rich.”]

Though Jaresko’s enrichment schemes are documented by IRS and other official filings, the mainstream U.S. media has turned a blind eye to this history, all the better to pretend that Ukraine’s “reform” process is in good hands. (It also turns out that Jaresko did not comply with Ukrainian law that permits only single citizenship; she has kept her U.S. passport exploiting a loophole that gives her two years to show that she has renounced her U.S. citizenship.)

Propaganda over Reality

Yet, as good as propaganda can be especially when the U.S. government and mainstream media are moving in lockstep reality is not always easily managed. Ukraine’s continuing and some say worsening corruption prompted last month’s trip to Ukraine by Vice President Joe Biden who gave a combination lecture and pep talk to Ukraine’s parliament.

Vice President Joe Biden.
Vice President Joe Biden.
Of course, Biden has his own Ukraine cronyism problem because three months after the U.S.-backed overthrow of the Yanukovych government, Ukraine’s largest private gas firm, Burisma Holdings, appointed his son, Hunter Biden, to its board of directors.

Burisma a shadowy Cyprus-based company also lined up well-connected lobbyists, some with ties to Secretary of State John Kerry, including Kerry’s former Senate chief of staff David Leiter, according to lobbying disclosures.

As Time magazine reported, “Leiter’s involvement in the firm rounds out a power-packed team of politically-connected Americans that also includes a second new board member, Devon Archer, a Democratic bundler and former adviser to John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign. Both Archer and Hunter Biden have worked as business partners with Kerry’s son-in-law, Christopher Heinz, the founding partner of Rosemont Capital, a private-equity company.” 

According to investigative journalism inside Ukraine, the ownership of Burisma has been traced to Privat Bank, which is controlled by the thuggish billionaire oligarch Ihor Kolomoysky, who was appointed by the U.S.-backed “reform” regime to be governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, a south-central province of Ukraine (though Kolomoisky was eventually ousted from that post in a power struggle over control of UkrTransNafta, Ukraine’s state-owned oil pipeline operator).

In his December speech, Biden lauded the sacrifice of the 100 or so protesters who died during the Maidan clashes in February 2014, referring to them by their laudatory name “The Heavenly Hundred.” But Biden made no heavenly references to the estimated 10,000 people, mostly ethnic Russians, who have been slaughtered in the U.S.-encouraged “Anti-Terror Operation” waged by the coup regime against eastern Ukrainians who objected to the violent ouster of President Yanukovych, who had won large majorities in those areas.

Apparently, heaven is not as eager to welcome ethnic Russian victims of U.S.-inspired political violence. Nor did Biden take note that some of the Heavenly Hundred were street fighters for neo-Nazi and other far-right nationalist organizations.

But after making his sugary references to The Heavenly Hundred Biden delivered his bitter medicine, an appeal for the parliament to continue implementing IMF “reforms,” including demands that old people work longer into their old age.

Biden said, “For Ukraine to continue to make progress and to keep the support of the international community you have to do more, as well. The big part of moving forward with your IMF program — it requires difficult reforms. And they are difficult.

Let me say parenthetically here, all the experts from our State Department and all the think tanks, and they come and tell you, that you know what you should do is you should deal with pensions. You should deal with — as if it’s easy to do. Hell, we’re having trouble in America dealing with it. We’re having trouble. To vote to raise the pension age is to write your political obituary in many places.

Don’t misunderstand that those of us who serve in other democratic institutions don’t understand how hard the conditions are, how difficult it is to cast some of the votes to meet the obligations committed to under the IMF. It requires sacrifices that might not be politically expedient or popular. But they’re critical to putting Ukraine on the path to a future that is economically secure. And I urge you to stay the course as hard as it is. Ukraine needs a budget that’s consistent with your IMF commitments.”

Eroding Support

But more and more Ukrainians appear to see through the charade in Kiev, as the poll numbers on the corruption crisis soar. Meanwhile, European officials seem to be growing impatient with the Ukraine crisis which has added to the drag on the Continent’s economies because the Obama administration strong-armed the E.U. into painful economic sanctions against Russia, which had come to the defense of the embattled ethnic Russians in the east.

Many E.U. officials are fed up with Ukraine,” said one Western official quoted by the Journal, which added that “accusations of graft by anticorruption activists, journalists and diplomats have followed to the new government.”

The Journal said those implicated include some early U.S. favorites, such as Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, “whose ratings have plummeted to single digits amid allegations in the media and among anticorruption activists of his associates’ corrupt dealings. Mr. Yatsenyuk has denied any involvement in corruption and his associates, one of whom resigned from parliament over the controversy this month, deny wrongdoing.”

Ukraine's Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. (Photo credit: Ybilyk)

Ukraine’s Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. (Photo credit: Ybilyk) 

The controversy over Yatsenyuk’s alleged cronyism led to an embarrassing moment in December 2015 when an anti-Yatsenyuk lawmaker approached the podium with a bouquet of roses, which the slightly built Yatsenyuk accepted only to have the lawmaker lift him up and try to carry him from the podium.

In many ways, the Ukraine crisis represents just another failure of neocon-driven “regime change,” which has also spread chaos across the Middle East and northern Africa. But the neocons appear to have even a bigger target in their sites, another “regime change” in Moscow, with Ukraine just a preliminary move. Of course, that scheme could put in play nuclear war.

Taking Aim

The Ukraine “regime change” took shape in 2013 after Russian President Putin and President Barack Obama collaborated to tamp down crises in Syria and Iran, two other prime targets for neocon “regime changes.” American neocons were furious that those hopes were dashed. Ukraine became Putin’s payback.

In fall 2013, the neocons took aim at Ukraine, recognizing its extreme sensitivity to Russia which had seen previous invasions, including by the Nazis in World War II, pass through the plains of Ukraine and into Russia. Carl Gershman, neocon president of the U.S.-funded National Endowment for Democracy, cited Ukraine as the “biggest prize” and a key step toward unseating Putin in Moscow. [See’s “What the Neocons Want from Ukraine Crisis.”]

Initially, the hope was that Yanukovych would lead Ukraine into an economic collaboration with Europe while cutting ties to Russia. But Yanukovych received a warning from top Ukrainian economists that a hasty split with neighboring Russia would cost the country a staggering $160 billion in lost income.

So, Yanukovych sought to slow down the process, prompting angry protests especially from western Ukrainians who descended on Maidan square. Though initially peaceful, neo-Nazi and other nationalist militias soon infiltrated the protests and began ratcheting up the violence, including burning police with Molotov cocktails.

Meanwhile, U.S.-funded non-governmental organizations, such as the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (which receives money from USAID and hedge-fund billionaire George Soros’s Open Society), hammered away at alleged corruption in the Yanukovych government.

In December 2013, Nuland reminded Ukrainian business leaders that the United States had invested $5 billion in their “European aspirations,” and in an intercepted phone call in early February 2014 she discussed with U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt who Ukraine’s new leaders would be.

Yats is the guy,” Nuland said of Arseniy Yatsenyuk, as she also disparaged a less aggressive approach by the European Union with the pithy phrase: “Fuck the E.U.” (Nuland, a former aide to ex-Vice President Dick Cheney, is the wife of arch-neoconservative ideologue Robert Kagan.)

Sen. John McCain also urged on the protests, telling one group of right-wing Ukrainian nationalists that they had America’s backing. And, the West’s mainstream media fell in love with the Maidan protesters as innocent white hats and thus blamed the worsening violence on Yanukovych. [See’s “NYT Still Pretends No Coup in Ukraine.”]

Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland, speaking to Ukrainian and other business leaders at the National Press Club in Washington on Dec. 13, 2013, at a meeting sponsored by Chevron.
Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland, speaking to Ukrainian and other business leaders at the National Press Club in Washington on Dec. 13, 2013, at a meeting sponsored by Chevron.

Urging Restraint

In Biden’s December 2015 speech to the parliament, he confirmed that he personally pressed on President Yanukovych the need to avoid violence. “I was literally on the phone with your former President urging restraint,” Biden said.

However, on Feb. 20, 2014, mysterious snipers apparently from buildings controlled by the far right fired on and killed policemen as well as some protesters. The bloodshed sparked other violent clashes as armed rioters battled with retreating police.

Although the dead included some dozen police officers, the violence was blamed on Yanukovych, who insisted that he had ordered the police not to use lethal force in line with Biden’s appeal. But the State Department and the West’s mainstream media made Yanukovych the black-hatted villain.

The next day, Feb. 21, Yanukovych signed an accord negotiated and guaranteed by three European nations to accept reduced powers and early elections so he could be voted out of office if that was the public’s will. However, as police withdrew from the Maidan, the rioters, led by neo-Nazi militias called sotins, stormed government buildings on Feb. 22, forcing Yanukovych and other officials to flee for their lives.

In the West’s mainstream media, these developments were widely hailed as a noble “revolution” and with lumps in their throats many journalists averted their misty eyes from the key role played by unsavory neo-Nazis, so as not to dampen the happy narrative (although BBC was among the few MSM outlets that touched on this inconvenient reality).

Ever since, the major U.S. news media has stayed fully on board, ignoring evidence that what happened was a U.S.-sponsored coup. The MSM simply explains all the trouble as a case of naked “Russian aggression.

There were kudos, too, when “reformer” Natalie Jaresko was made Finance Minister along with other foreign “technocrats.” There was no attention paid to evidence about the dark underside of the Ukrainian “revolution of dignity,” as Biden called it.

Though the neo-Nazis sometimes even teamed up with Islamic jihadists were the tip of the spear slashing through eastern Ukraine, their existence was either buried deep inside stories or dismissed as “Russian propaganda.”

That was, in effect, American propaganda and, as clever as it was, it could only control reality for so long.

Even though the fuller truth about Ukraine has never reached the American people, there comes a point when even the best propagandists have to start modifying their rosy depictions. Ukraine appears to have reached that moment.

Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. You can buy his latest book, America’s Stolen Narrative, either in print here or as an e-book (from Amazon and

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