Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Guatemala. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Guatemala. Alle posts tonen

zondag 19 april 2020

Coronavirus: de maatregelen tegen dit virus in rijke landen zijn een ramp voor arme landen, over saamhorigheid en solidariteit gesproken......

Tamara Pearson doet vrijwilligerswerk voor een opvang van daklozen in Mexico stad, deze opvang is gesloten vanwege het Coronavirus....... Aan de hand van haar ervaringen heeft ze een artikel geschreven met de strekking dat de maatregelen die de rijke landen hebben genomen tegen het virus, desastreus zijn voor arme landen en ronduit een ramp voor arme en/of dakloze mensen in die landen...... (aan het eind van mijn schrijven nog een opmerking over het voorgaande, die ook voor de rijke landen geldt) 

Pearson begint haar artikel met het voorbeeld van een 72 jarige dakloze man die buiten de opvang zit waar zij werkt, maar waartoe ook hij geen toegang meer heeft...... De man heeft diabetes en is door zijn voorraad insuline heen en zal daardoor niet lang meer hebben te leven........

Terecht merkt Pearson op dat de mensen die afhankelijk zijn van opvang voor het overgrote deel bestaan uit vluchtelingen, die geweld zijn ontvlucht in hun moederland, geweld dat voor het overgrote deel is ontstaan door ingrijpen van de VS, dus staatsgrepen tegen democratisch gekozen regeringen, die niet in het door de VS gewenste gareel lopen..... Het laatste land dat dit overkwam is Bolivia, waar de president Evo Morales, met grote meerderheid werd gekozen. Hij was de eerste president die uit het overgrote deel van het volk komt, ofwel de oorspronkelijke bevolking, die vanaf het moment dat de eerste witte psychopaat hun land betrad zijn vervolgd en het slachtoffer werden van de grootste genocide ooit, die in de 3 Amerika's.......

Ongelofelijk genoeg heeft de VS de afgelopen 2 weken 7.000 vluchtelingen het land uitgezet, tijdens een crisis waar landen als Mexico het land op slot hebben gezet en men in feite geen kans heeft te overleven anders dan via de liefdadigheid, echter ook deze vorm van hulp ligt op haar gat. In de stad waar Pearson woont heeft de helft van de bevolking weinig of geen toegang tot water, waar 65% van de bevolking werkloos is geworden door de maatregelen tegen het virus en dat in een land waar geen werkloosheidsuitkeringen worden betaald, ofwel het zal niet lang duren voor deze mensen op straat worden gezet...... Van de ouderen in Mexico en de rest van Midden-Amerika heeft maar zo'n 20% een pensioen.....

De Mexicaanse regering heeft zoals gezegd het land voor een groot deel op slot gedaan en alleen bedrijven die van cruciaal belang zijn, zoals supermarkten zijn open..... Helaas kan de straathandel het zich niet permitteren thuis te blijven, waardoor deze handel gewoon doorgaat, ofwel de maatregelen van de regering hebben in feite geen zin......

Pearson noemt ook Zuid-Afrika, waar afstand houden niet eens mogelijk is in een groot aantal arme sloppenwijken, waar men in 1 zo'n wijk 380 toiletten heeft voor 20.000 mensen..... De Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek heeft zegge en schrijve 3 beademingsapparaten op een bevolking van 5 miljoen mensen..... 

Het beleid moet drastisch omgegooid worden, als we een virus als het huidige Coronavirus (COVID-19) echt willen bestrijden zullen we arme landen op grote schaal moeten helpen, immers als we dat niet doen zal zo'n virus slachtoffers blijven eisen, ook in de witte rijke landen, vergeet niet het volgende cliché: een virus trekt zich niets aan van grenzen!!

Pearson stelt terecht dat grote bedrijven en regeringen verantwoordelijk moeten worden gehouden voor het creëren van ongelijkheid, met als gevolg dat er grote aantallen mensen zullen sterven, daar deze niet van belang zijn voor die bedrijven en regeringen..... Arme landen hebben door de Corona hamsterzucht van de rijke landen geen of amper toegang tot medische middelen als tests en medische apparatuur, deze medische hulpmiddelen zijn door de grote vraag van rijke landen zo duur geworden dat deze arme landen daar geen geld voor hebben, een schande van enorme proporties en dan maar elkaar veren de reet steken met termen als 'saamhorigheid en solidariteit', zo vals als de pest!! 

Lees het artikel van Pearson en zegt het voort, tijd dat het rijke westen eindelijk eens echt wat doet aan de enorme armoede in zoveel landen, armoede die de grote westerse bedrijven in de kaart speelt en die door hen in stand wordt gehouden..... Als er dan een figuur als de Boliviaanse president Morales opstaat die de grote bedrijven nationaliseert, is dat een alarmsignaal voor de VS, die daarop middels smerig handelen van de CIA de boel op scherp zet, waar de eerste stap van VS terreur het organiseren is van een opstand, zoals in Bolivia gebeurde..... Het voorgaande terwijl Morales een uitstekend economisch beleid voerde, een groot aantal mensen uit de armoede trok, alfabetisering met succes op touw zette en goede gezondheidszorg plus woningbouw ook voor de arme Bolivianen toegankelijk maakte...... 

April 17, 2020

The Self-Centered Rich Country Response to Pandemics and Crises is Wrecking Poor Countries

I’m squatting on a round piece of concrete, and a 72-year-old man is sitting in the gutter, his walking stick beside him. He tells me that after being deported from the United States, he has been hiking the streets of Mexico City trying to find somewhere to stay. But all the refuges are closed due to the pandemic, including the one we’re sitting outside of, where I volunteer. He has run out of insulin for his diabetes and says he can’t walk any more.
I’m aware that he may not survive much longer. He’s the fifth person that day that I have to turn away and I can’t stand it.

Back in the migrant refuge, we organize working groups and events to add structure to the empty days and try to prevent tension building up. It’s bad enough that many of the refugees here have fled violence, only to wait months for their visas, to now be stuck inside because of the quarantine, unable to work, even informally.

Over a period of less than two weeks, some 7,000 migrants have been deported from the US, with the virus as the excuse. And here too, Mexico is deporting refugees and migrants to the Guatemalan border, even though it is closed and there’s no interstate transport operating there. Hondurans and others are stranded, with nowhere to stay and no way to return to their country. Many may be killed if they do return. So far, the contingency measures seem to be doing more harm than good.

Here, we watch the videos of people cheering for health workers in London, and they are inspiring, but they don’t really connect. We know our health system won’t be able to handle much. We also know that with 65% of the workforce being informal and with no such thing as unemployment benefits, the economic impact of quarantining will be devastating to us. 
Already, in my city of Puebla, half the population has no access to water, or not enough. Soon, people will get kicked out of homes, and hunger – already on their minds – will likely become common.

The national government has declared that only essential shops and services can stay open. Those who can, are taking the quarantine seriously. But so many people aren’t able to stay at home that it is a bit futile. The woman with the mole stall outside the Oxxo shop near my house is still serving food, the street stalls selling phone cases and gadgets on 8th street are still there, the indigenous woman who sits on the ground selling beautiful Mexican “rag” dolls, is still there. I estimate that around 60% of shops and stalls are still going.

In Central America and Mexico, only 20% of old people have a pension. Many are still working, in close to slave-like conditions. And in South Africa, distancing is impossible when settlements can have just 380 toilets for 20,000 people. Risk, fear, and violence, are part of life for many in poor countries. Poverty is a never-ending war, and being defenseless and unsafe – health wise and economically, means life is up for grabs all the time. It’s understandable then that people react with some self-preserving indifference to the quarantine. And that’s why it isn’t reasonable to take the Chinese and European models for responding to the pandemic and transplant them on to poorer countries.

When I see tweets about “these sad times” I feel frustrated. Yes, these are tough times, but things have been horrific for a long time now for the majority of the world – for poorer people and for brown people. But the mainstream media, history books, and movies, teach us to see the world through the eyes of the white first world. That’s where the heroes come from, where news matters.

It has never been considered urgent to update the world on the daily deaths from starvation (24,600) or on the numbers of people working in forced labor or marriage (40.3 million). 
Awareness of the savage impact of the US’s war on Afghanistan is low. In 2018, there were an estimated 228 million cases of malaria, globally, and 405,000 deaths from it – mostly children. But the people dying are the poorest of the poor, in African countries and in India. Malaria, starvation, exploitation, femicides, slum cities and more are crises that the world won’t stop for.

The so-called “third” world is the dispensable world. The year 2008 was a “financial crisis,” but the ongoing global inequality that leaves over half the world living in undignified conditions is not a crisis, it is acceptable.

Meanwhile, the economic and social consequences of the pandemic contingency measures will be much more severe in poorer countries and poorer communities. Already, some 2,500 people are murdered each month in Mexico, and violent crime is only likely to increase as more and more people lose their incomes. Sexual assault rates are also likely increasing.

Add to this the huge global resource inequality which means that most poorer countries can not respond to the virus in the same way as Europe and parts of Asia, even if they want to. The Central African Republic, for example, has just three ventilators for its population of 5 million people. While the US has around 160,000 ventilators – and that isn’t enough, Mexico has just a few hundred.
The US and Europe are hogging access to medical equipment, masks, and testing materials. The New York Times reported that African and Latin American countries have been told by manufacturers that orders for testing kits won’t be filled for months, because almost everything they produce is going to the US and Europe. Prices on these goods have also skyrocketed, making it harder for poorer regions to acquire them. So far, the numbers of confirmed cases in poorer countries are lower, but analysis of those numbers should bare in mind that such countries don’t have access to the reagents used for testing and are stuck doing nothing, unable to test even health care workers.

While the #StayAtHome movement is an incredible display of human solidarity and of our ability to actually work together for the common good, it also puts the onus of the solution to the pandemic on individual people. And indeed, we are part of the solution. But governments and corporations should be held accountable for the inequalities they have perpetuated and that are decisive in who lives or dies, and how many.

In this world, where suits and window dressings and hotel lobbies are designed with the utmost care, but health and poverty prevention plans are not, it is pointless to talk about beating this virus without addressing the context it is flourishing in. Along with measures like rent freezes and guaranteeing workers’ rights, really addressing a global pandemic involves public health planning that cross borders and confronting global inequality and the climate crisis.
More articles by:Tamara Pearson

Tamara Pearson is a long time journalist based in Latin America, and author of The Butterfly Prison. Her writings can be found at her blog.


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Beste bezoeker, dit was het voor vandaag, morgen meer berichten. Maak er als het enigszins mogelijk is een mooie dag van.

dinsdag 25 juni 2019

Venezuela: partij van Guaidó corrupt, zelfs al voor deze enige regeringsverantwoordelijkheid draagt

In het hieronder opgenomen artikel van Alexander Rubinstein beschrijft hij hoe de partij van Guaidó, een nog voor dit jaar onbeduidende oppositiepartij, nu al wordt geplaagd door verregaande corruptie.... Dit terwijl deze partij door de VS en de rest van het westen werd gebombardeerd tot de grootste oppositiepartij en daarmee werd Guaidó gebombardeerd tot oppositieleider......

Zoals gezegd: voordat de VS en haar hielenlikkende westerse partners Guaidó tot interim president uitriepen (alsof de VS, Canada, de EU en anderen daartoe gemachtigd zijn.....), was deze figuur bij het grootste deel van het Venezolaanse volk niet bekend....

Na alle leugens over Maduro die zijn volk zou uithongeren door zijn 'desastreuze economisch beleid', waarbij men hem zelfs beschuldigde van corruptie (zonder enig bewijs), blijkt nu dat de partij van Guaidó, Voluntad Popular ('de wil van het volk') zich nu al schuldig maakt aan grootschalige corruptie, terwijl het geen regeringsverantwoordelijkheid draagt.....*

Lees het volgende artikel, eerder op MintPress News en door mij overgenomen van Anti-Media, waarin Rubinstein o.a. schrijft over het popconcert (behoorlijk mislukt overigens) door Richard Branson georganiseerd en dat net over de Venezolaanse grens in Colombia. De opbrengsten werden gebruikt voor o.a. hotels, prostituees, verdovende middelen, dure kleding en auto's..... Opvallend trouwens hoe weinig reguliere westerse mediaorganen dit nieuws brachten, e.e.a. vooral in een paar regels ver weg in de krant......

Tja, als je al maanden leugens verkondigt en Guaidó afschildert als een held, is het natuurlijk niet leuk om te zien dat de partij van deze fascistische psychopaat nu al is verwikkeld in corruptie.... Men zegt nu als verdediging dat het maar een paar figuren uit de partij van Guaidó zijn, echter reken maar dat dit weer het spreekwoordelijke topje van de ijsberg is, gezien de manipulaties en het enorme aantal leugens.......

Het volgende artikel werd geschreven door Alexander Rubinstein, werd eerder gepubliceerd op MintPress News en door mij overgenomen van Anti-Media:

Massive Embezzlement Scandal Threatens Juan Guaido’s Political Future

(oplichter Guaidó misbruikt zijn kind voor politieke doeleinden......)

June 18, 2019 at 2:54 pm

(MPN) — The political party of Juan Guaido — Voluntad Popular (Popular Will) — was never all that popular to begin with. The sixth largest political party in Venezuela, Popular Will is heavily financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Now, a recently exposed embezzlement scandal in Colombia risks to further alienate the party from the Venezuelan people.

What was supposed to be Guaido’s watershed moment has instead turned out to be a public-relations failure far worse than his quickly quelled attempted military coup, which MintPress News reported caused even the New York Times to describe Guaido as “deflated.”

Juan Guaido Embezzlement Feature photo

What happened in Colombia appears to be so damning that not only is the Colombian intelligence service leaking documents exposing wrongdoing by Popular Will representatives appointed by Guaido, but the Organization of American States (OAS) — which is typically just as pro-opposition as the Colombian government — has called for an investigation.

In a tweet issued June 14 at 10:47 p.m. Venezuela time, Guaido called on his ambassador to Colombia — whom he had shut out of the aid event — to formally request an investigation by Colombian authorities, whose already-existing investigation is the reason the story came out in the first place. That was more than four hours after Secretary General of the OAS Luis Almagro called for an investigation that would clarify the “serious charges,” identify those responsible and effectuate accountability.

But Guaido had already been well aware of the charges, having dismissed his appointees who appear to be ringleaders of the embezzlement scheme. According to the report, he was contacted by the journalist who exposed the scandal 30 days before the story was published.

What happened in Cúcuta isn’t staying in Cúcuta

There’s barely a peep about the scandal in the Western press. A Google News search for “Juan Guaido scandal” and “Popular Will scandal” turned up nothing of relevance at the time of this article’s writing. But on Latin America social media, everyone is buzzing about it. American journalist Dan Cohen appears to be the first to highlight the scandal to an English-speaking audience.

It started with a request from Juan Guaido to billionaire investor and regime-change enthusiast Richard Branson.
Associates of Venezuelan coup frontman Juan Guaidó embezzled funds raised in Cúcuta, Colombia for humanitarian aid and lavishly spent it on hotels, nightclubs and expensive clothes. This is a monumental scandal! Great work by @OrlvndoA. 

The stated purpose of the concert was to help raise funds for humanitarian aid and spotlight the economic crisis. At least that’s how it was billed to Americans. To Venezuela’s upper class, it was touted as the “trendiest concert of the decade.”

It was to be a congregation of the elite with the ostensible purpose of raising funds for the poor.
One director of Popular Will told Vice News in 2014 that “the bulk of the opposition protesters are from the middle and upper classes and are led by Venezuela’s elite.” The class character of the opposition has not changed since.

Meanwhile, USAID was to coordinate the delivery of aid alongside Guaido; and Elliot Abrams, who in Guatemala used “humanitarian aid” as cover for the delivery of weapons into the country, is running the White House’s policies toward Venezuela. And so the aid was widely criticized, even by the International Red Cross, as politicized. By others, it was called a Trojan Horse.

The concert was held in Colombia across a bridge linking the country to Venezuela. International media had claimed Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro had the bridge shut down to prevent the delivery of aid, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo demanded that the “Maduro regime must LET THE AID REACH THE STARVING PEOPLE.” But the bridge, in fact, has never been opened for use.

Nonetheless, Richard Branson sought to raise $100 million and promised that Guiado “will be coming to the other side of the bridge with maybe a million of his supporters.” In the end, it was a little more than 200,000 who came.

Meanwhile, Guaido told the President of Colombia, Ivan Duque, that more than 1,450 soldiers had defected from the military to join them. But that figure was also inflated. A new report by PanAmPress, a Miami-based libertarian newspaper, reveals that it was just 700. “You can count on your fingers the number of decent soldiers who are there,” one local told the outlet.

Despite the low turnout, organizers lived it up in Colombia. Representatives from Popular Will, which rejects the socialist leadership of Venezuela, found themselves living like socialites across the border.

There were earlier signs of excess and debauchery. One Popular Will representative was hospitalized and his assistant found dead after overdosing while taking drugs with prostitutes, although Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) claims they were poisoned.

FyreFest walked so Richard Branson's aid concert could run. 

The inflated soldier count meant more funds for the organizers, who were charged with putting them up in hotel rooms. Guaido’s “army was small but at this point it had left a very bad impression in Cucuta. Prostitutes, alcohol, and violence. They demanded and demanded,” the report said.

They also left a bad taste in the mouth of the authorities. The Colombian government was supposed to pay for some of the hotels, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees was to cover the costs of others, while Guaido’s people were only going to pony up the cash for two of the seven hotels.

But Popular Will never paid, leaving one hotel with a debt of $20,000. When the situation became completely untenable, the hotel kicked 65 soldiers and their families to the curb. One soldier anonymously told the outlet that the party was not taking care of their financial needs as promised.

Guaido’s ambassador to Colombia took money out of his own pocket to try to resolve the dispute, but the check bounced.

The responsibility of taking care of the needs of the defectors went to Popular Will militants Rossana Barrera and Kevin Rojas, as decreed by Juan Guaido in a signed statement. They were also charged with overseeing the humanitarian aid.

Barrera is the sister-in-law of Popular Will member of Congress Sergio Vargara, Guaido’s right-hand man. She and Rojas were managing all the funds.

But the pair started to live well outside their means, a Colombian intelligence source told the outlet. “They gave me all the evidence,” writes PanAmPress reporter Orlando Avendano. “Receipts that show excesses, some strangely from different check books, signed the same day but with identical writing styles.”

Rojas and Berrera were spending nearly a thousand dollars at a time in the hotels and nightclubs. Similar amounts were spent at times on luxurious dinners and fancy drinks. They went on clothes shopping sprees at high-end retail outlets in the capital. They reportedly overcharged the fund on vehicle rentals and the hotels, making off with the extra cash. Berrera even told Popular Will that she was paying for all seven hotels, not just the two. And they provided Guaido with the fake figure of more than 1,450 military defectors that needed accommodation.

In order to keep the funds flowing, Rojas and Berrera pitched a benefit dinner for the soldiers to Guiado’s embassy in Colombia. But when the embassy refused to participate, Berrera created a fake email address posing as a representative of the embassy, sending invitations to Israeli and U.S. diplomats. They canceled the event after Guaido’s embassy grew wise to the scheme and alerted those invited.

The whole government of Colombia knew about it: the intelligence community, the presidency, and the foreign ministry,” writes PanAmPress, calling it an “open secret” by the time Guaido dismissed the pair. But that was after Guaido had been defending them staunchly, trying to avoid a firing by transferring responsibilities to the embassy.

Berrera was called to the embassy for a financial audit, represented by Luis Florido, a founding member of Popular Will. She turned in just a fraction of the records uncovered by Colombian intelligence, accounting for only $100,000 in expenditures. “The [real] amount is large,” the outlet reports, citing an intelligence agent who says far more was blown.

Meanwhile, “at least 60 percent of the food donated” by foreign governments “was damaged.”

The food is rotten, they tell me,” the PanAmPress reporter said, adding that he was shown photographs. “They don’t know how to deal with it without causing a scandal. I suppose they will burn it.”

It isn’t yet known exactly how much was embezzled by Popular Will, but it is likely the truth will come out in due time, and more investigations are likely underway. On Monday, Venezuelan defectors said they will hold a press conference in Cucuta, showcasing more corruption by Popular Will. For now, however, the fallout remains to be seen.


One thing is certain: the scandal threatens to end Juan Guaido’s 15 minutes of fame. The de facto opposition leader had little name recognition inside Venezuela and never won a political position with more than 100,000 votes behind him. But the overnight sensation never had a lengthy life expectancy anyway.

Though he received so few votes (Venezuela’s population is nearly 32 million), Guaido became the president of the National Assembly because the body is controlled by a coalition of opposition groups, despite President Nicolas Maduro’s PSUV Party being the largest in the country. That was in January, and the length of the term lasts only one year. In 2015, the opposition coalition decided that after each term, the seat would be rotated to a representative of a different opposition party. While there is no law barring Guaido from being appointed president of the National Assembly again, tradition runs counter to it and another party may want to seize on a chance to get into the limelight.

Supporters of the coup — and Guaido’s self-declaration as interim president — claim that Maduro is derelict of his duties, which justifies a transition of presidential power according to the constitution. But the article that allows for such a transition in certain cases stipulates that ”a new election by universal suffrage and direct ballot shall be held within 30 consecutive days.”

To date, Guaido has run 145 days past his deadline to have elections held, and the opposition has made it clear they are not willing to accept new elections if Maduro runs.

This, of course, makes little dent in Guaido’s legitimacy in the eyes of the U.S. and other countries that have recognized his presidency. U.S. allies in Latin America have shown over the past few years that they have little regard for the sanctity of their constitutions. In 2017, a U.S.-backed candidate in Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernandez, ran for re-election in explicit violation of that country’s constitution and only wound up winning through fraud. Last week, Ecuador made the decision to allow the U.S. military to operate from an airfield in the Galapagos Islands despite a constitutional provision stating that the “establishment of foreign military bases or foreign facilities for military purposes shall not be allowed.”


* De VS heeft de partij van Guaidó waarschijnlijk uitgekozen daar de rest van de oppositie zich al schuldig had gemaakt aan corruptie en er over de onbeduidende partij van Guaidó, die zoals gezegd amper bekend was, veel minder misdadig gedrag vertoonde en zelfs al zou deze partij zich daar schuldig aan hebben gemaakt, men kende Guaidó en zijn partij niet en berichten over corruptie zouden daarom al snel verdwijnen naar 'pagina 80' van de landelijke media......

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'Edwin Koopman (VPRO Bureau Buitenland) over Venezolaanse verkiezingen met anti-Maduro propaganda bij de 'onafhankelijke NOS.....'

'Venezuela: VS ministerie van BuZa publiceert per ongeluk een lijst met sadistische terreurdaden tegen het Venezolaanse volk'

'Pence to offer 'carrots' to Venezuela military, warnings to judges'

'Venezuela: VS zal desnoods militair geweld gebruiken om een vreedzame overgang van regime te bewerkstelligen...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Venezuela: ultieme couppoging van Guaidó mislukt'

'Trump vermoordde al 40.000 Venezolaanse burgers'

'Venezuela: humanitaire hulp stunt van de VS ingegeven om de kruistocht tegen Maduro een versnelling te geven'

'Venezuela: 4 belangrijke zaken aangaande humanitaire hulp waarover de reguliere media niet berichten'

'Trump en Bolton bedreigen openlijk de familie van Venezolaanse militairen'

'Congreslid Ilhan Omar fileert het monster Elliot Abrams, de speciale gezant van de VS voor Venezuela'

Venezuela: de anti-propaganda van John Oliver (en het grootste deel westerse massamedia) feilloos doorgeprikt'

'BBC World Service radio >> fake news and other lies about Venezuela' (bericht van dit blog)

'Joel Voordewind (CU 2de Kamer) bakt de 'Venezolaanse vluchtelingencrisis' op Curaçao wel erg bruin en van Ojik (GL 2de Kamer) schiet een Venezolaanse bok'

'Venezolaanse verandering van regime bekokstoofd door VS en massamedia'

'Guaidó is een ordinaire couppleger van de VS, e.e.a. gaat volledig in tegen de Venezolaanse constitutie'

'Venezuela >> regime change: 'de 12 stappen methode' die de VS gebruikt'

'Venezuela >> VS economische oorlogsvoering met gebruikmaking van o.a. IMF en Wereldbank'

'Venezuela ontwricht, wat de reguliere media u niet vertellen........'

'VS steunt rechtse coalitie (MUD) in Venezuela.........'

'The Left and Venezuela' (met mogelijkheid tot directe vertaling)

'Abby Martin Busts Open Myths on Venezuela's Food Crisis: 'Shelves Fully Stocked'' (zie ook de video in dat artikel!)