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Posts tonen met het label Hayward. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 30 oktober 2019

OPCW valt door de mand, klokkenluider: Douma gifgasaanval werd niet uitgevoerd door Syrische leger

Afgelopen maandag bracht Caitlin Johnstone een artikel waarin een klokkenluider uiteenzet dat de gifgasaanval in Douma niet heeft plaatsgevonden, de hoeveelheid gifgas waar de slachtoffers werden gevonden, verschilden niet van metingen elders, ofwel er heeft geen luchtaanval met chlorine plaatsgevonden..... Een expert, een eerdere klokkenluider, die de plek des onheils bezocht, stelde dan ook dat de vaten met chlorine (gas) niet uit vliegtuigen zijn afgeworpen, daar de schade dan veel groter zou zijn geweest, nee, de vaten met chlorine moeten van meet af aan op de grond hebben gestaan.......

De eerste klokkenluider komt van de OPCW en hij is uit de school geklapt tegen journalist Jonathan Steele. Deze klokkenluider heeft e.e.a. aangegeven bij de top van deze organisatie, die hier echter niet op heeft gereageerd, het is dan ook duidelijk (en dat was het wat mij betreft al lang) dat de OPCW willens en wetens het Syrische bewind wilde schaden met haar doelbewust misleidende rapport...... Ofwel de OPCW zit in de zak van de VS en de rest van de NAVO.....

Volgens Steele heeft de OPCW i.z. Douma propaganda gemaakt voor de zogenaamde rebellengroepen (lees terreurgroepen) om aanvallen tegen Syrië uit te lokken en die opzet lukte, zo bombardeerden de VS, Groot-Brittannië en Frankrijk doelen in de Syrische hoofdstad Damascus....... Een dergelijke manier van doen noemt men een 'false flag operatie'* en het is meer dan schandalig dat zogenaamde beschaafde landen zich zo gedragen, immers de VS en de andere NAVO lidstaten moeten weten dat de zogenaamde gifgasaanvallen werden uitgevoerd door 'rebellen groepen' (lees nogmaals: terreurgroepen)...... Sterker nog de VS en andere NAVO-lidstaten** wisten en weten dat een aantal van die terreurgroepen de beschikking hadden en hebben over chlorine en Sarin (gifgas), echter deze landen hebben nooit geëist dat deze terreurgroepen hun voorraden gifgas vernietigden, zoals de voorraden van Syrië wel werden vernietigd en dat onder VN en westers toezicht.....

OPCW Losing Credibility As Even More Revelations Surface On Douma

During a recent BBC radio interview, award-winning journalist Jonathan Steele said that he attended a briefing by a new whistleblower from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) investigation into an alleged 2018 chemical attack in Douma, Syria, who claimed that the OPCW suppressed his findings which contradicted the organization's official conclusion that a chlorine gas attack had taken place. This according to Steele is a second whistleblower coming forward on the OPCW's Douma investigation, the first being the leaker of an Engineering Assessment document which surfaced this past May contradicting the OPCW's official ballistics report which the organization hid from the public.

I have archived an audio recording of Steele's statement here for posterity, since the BBC removes its content after a month. I have also compiled a timeline of relevant events here so that people can properly appreciate the significance of these new revelations.
Here's British journalist Jonathan Steele on the BBC saying he was in attendance at the OPCW/Douma panel and witnessed a new OPCW whistleblower say his findings were suppressed on the absence of evidence for chlorine gas use on the scene in Syria.
Caitlin Johnstone  (@caitoz) October 27, 2019

Steele made these comments unbidden by the show's host Paul Henley. They read as follows (thanks to Tim Hayward of the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media for the transcript):

Jonathan Steele: “I was in Brussels last week … I attended a briefing by a whistleblower from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. He was one of the inspectors who was sent out to Douma in Syria in April last year to check into the allegations by the rebels that Syrian aeroplanes had dropped two canisters of chlorine gas, killing up to 43 people. He claims he was in charge of picking up the samples in the affected areas, and in neutral areas, to check whether there were chlorine derivatives there …

Paul Henley: And?

JS: … and he found that there was no difference. So it rather suggested there was no chemical gas attack, because in the buildings where the people allegedly died there was no extra chlorinated organic chemicals than in the normal streets elsewhere. And I put this to the OPCW for comment, and they haven’t yet replied. But it rather suggests that a lot of this was propaganda…

PH: Propaganda led by?

JS: … led by the rebel side to try and bring in American planes, which in fact did happen. American, British and French planes bombed Damascus a few days after these reports.
And actually this is the second whistle blower to come forward. A few months ago there was a leaked report by the person who looked into the ballistics, as to whether these cylinders had been dropped by planes, looking at the damage of the building and the damage on the side of the cylinders. And he decided, concluded, that the higher probability was that these cylinders were placed on the ground, rather than from planes.

PH: This would be a major revelation…

JS: … it would be a major revelation …

PH: … given the number of people rubbishing the idea that these could have been fake videos at the time.

JS: Well, these two scientists, I think they’re non-political – they wouldn’t have been sent to Douma, if they’d had strong political views, by the OPCW. They want to speak to the Conference of the Member States in November, next month, and give their views, and be allowed to come forward publicly with their concerns. Because they’ve tried to raise them internally and been – they say they’ve been – suppressed, their views have been suppressed.

Huge news: a *2nd* OPCW whistleblower has emerged over Douma attack in April 2018. 1st WB leaked an engineering assessment that challenged OPCW conclusion of Assad gov't responsibility. This new WB was *on the ground in Douma.* Both WBs want to speak out.
Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) October 27, 2019

Steele appears to be referring to a Courage Foundation panel meeting which convened in Brussels on October 15th, the findings of which were published the other day by the Courage Foundation and WikiLeaks, though it's possible the briefing he refers to was a separate Brussels event around the same time. I've been unable to reach Steele for comment but will update with clarification if I can contact him.

They are lying to us about what's happening Syria. Shortly after the political/media class began blaring that Syrian president Bashar al-Assad had killed dozens of civilians with chemical weapons in April of last year, Grayzone's Max Blumenthal wrote the following in an article for TruthDig:
"In 2007, journalist James Bamford recalled how Americans had been subjected to 'a long line of hyped and fraudulent stories that would eventually propel the U.S. into a war with Iraq—the first war based almost entirely on a covert propaganda campaign targeting the media.' The dirty war on Syria represents an extension of that strategy, with the mainstream media operating hand in glove with insurgent-allied influence operations like the White Helmets to cultivate public support for another war of regime change."

Indeed, the narrative manipulation campaign against the Syrian government is historically unprecedented in its depth and scale. From bizarre narrative management operations posing as rescue services, to CNN staging a fake, scripted interview featuring a seven year-old Syrian girl blaming Assad for a chemical weapons attack, to the BBC's manipulative and transparently bogus Saving Syria's Children documentary, to the US-centralized empire's increasingly evident influence over the OPCW, we're seeing evidence of a campaign to distort the public understanding of what's going on in a foreign nation the likes of which we've never before seen.

Stay skeptical and remember Iraq. These new reports which keep surfacing on unacceptable practices by the OPCW are just one more piece on a mountain of evidence that whenever the political/media class and their hypnotized victims try to bully us into accepting the official narrative about a longtime target for regime change, we should stand firm and insist on an amount of proof which rises to the level required in a post-Iraq invasion world.

The OPCW has a lot of questions to answer, especially since its findings have been cited as authoritative and conclusive in other high-profile events like the UK Skripal poisoning, as well as other incidents in Syria. Both Steele and La Repubblica's Stefania Maurizi have reported that the organization has been snubbing their requests for comment. Let's hope the OPCW stops dodging journalists and moving toward bringing transparency and accountability to its processes.
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Caitlin Johnstone | October 28, 2019 at 1:55 am | Tags: assadchemical weaponschlorineJonathan SteeleOPCWSyriawikileaks | Categories: ArticleNews | URL:
*  Zie: ''False flag terror' bestaat wel degelijk: bekentenissen en feiten over heel smerige zaken..........

** Ik noem uitdrukkelijk de VS en ander NAVO-lidstaten, daar de VS in feite de baas is van de NAVO, immers het militaire opperbevel valt altijd toe aan de VS. Bovendien is de grootste terreurorganisatie op aarde de VS, die illegale oorlogen begint (veelal gebaseerd op false flag operaties), opstanden organiseert in diverse buitenlanden, verkiezingen manipuleert in het buitenland, zelfs de eigen NAVO partners en bedrijven in de landen van die partners bespioneert..... Voorts treft de VS illegaal sancties tegen landen die de VS niet welgevallig zijn, dat heeft eind 90er jaren in Irak aan 500.000 kinderen het leven gekost en de illegale sancties (een vorm van grootschalige terreur) tegen Venezuela hebben al aan meer dan 40.000 mensen het leven gekost...... Ofwel massamoorden op enorme schaal......

Hier nog een video over deze zaak, die Anti-Media plaatste bij een artikel over dezelfde zaak (door mij gepost op 1 november 2019):

Zie ook:
'Douma, OPCW lek wordt door massamedia toegeschreven aan Rusland, waarbij men blijft volhouden dat de gifgasaanval plaatsvond'

'Gifgasaanval Douma in elkaar gezet door 'gematigde rebellen''

'Gifgasaanval Douma: OPCW rapport maakt korte metten met de westerse beschuldiging aan adres Syrië, waar de NOS een meer dan levensgrote bok schoot' (later gaf de OPCW Syrië alsnog de schuld....)

'VS heeft opstand en daarmee de oorlog in Syrië georganiseerd, zo toont WikiLeaks ten overvloede nog eens aan.......'

'Massamedia treuren over de dood van een door de CIA gesteunde terrorist'

'Gifgasaanval Idlib: de komende 'kindslachtoffers' worden getraind door terreurgroep White Helmets.........'

'White Helmets: naast gebruik van terreur ook schuldig aan orgaanhandel, vernietigende VN video presentatie'

'Al Jazeera filmde een onderdeel van de 'gifgasshow' in Kahn Sheikhoun...........'

'John Bolton geeft terreurgroepen in Syrië de opdracht een false flag gifgasaanval uit te voeren'

'Assad heeft geen gifgas gebruikt tegen de Syrische bevolking!'

'Van Baalen (VVD) het is moeilijk te zien wie je moet steunen: Al Qaida, Al Qaida of Al Qaida....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'VS bereid tot militair ingrijpen tegen de regering Assad >> aanleiding: gifgas leugens van o.a. de VS zelf.......'

'Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) laat weten hoe White Helmets vips rekruteren met Saoedisch geld....'

Voor wapenleveranties e.d. aan terreurgroepen in Syrië, zie de berichten onder de volgende links (opvallend nogmaals dat de VS ISIS van wapens voorzag, zie de hysterie n.a.v. de moord op al-Baghdadi, voor berichten over die moord, klik op het label met zijn naam, direct onder dit bericht..):

'Lt. General McInerney says Obama helped build ISIS with Weapons from Benghazi'

'Tulsi Gabbard (VS congres Hawaï): Trump is de beschermende Big Brother van Al Qaida'

Voor nog meer berichten n.a.v. het bovenstaande, klik op één van de labels, die u onder dit bericht terug kan vinden.

vrijdag 5 mei 2017

Al Jazeera filmde een onderdeel van de 'gifgasshow' in Khan Sheikhoun...........

Anti-Media bracht gisteren het bericht, dat Al Jazeera een onderdeel van de mediashow rond Khan Sheikhoun heeft gefilmd..... Het zou gaan om filmbeelden die na de aanval werden gemaakt, dit om de democratisch gekozen regering Assad in een slecht daglicht te plaatsen..... Er zou zelfs opdracht tot het maken van 'Assad beschadigende' videobeelden zijn gegeven vanuit een Europees land..... Kortom Khan Sheikhoun was en is een 'false flag' operatie.........

Hier het artikel van Anti-Media, daaronder vindt u deel van een bericht dat Stan van Houcke op zijn blog plaatste, waarin dieper op deze 'false flag' operatie wordt ingegaan, dit n.a.v. een column van George Monbiot (The Guardian).

Al-Jazeera Said To Film False Flag Chemical Attack Against Syrian Civilians

Al-Jazeera Said To Film False Flag Chemical Attack Against Syrian Civilians

May 4, 2017 at 11:28 am

(ZHEOne month after Trump flip-flopped on his Syrian position, launching cruise missile strikes on a Syrian airfield as “after dinner entertainment” during Trump’s meeting with the Chinese president, just days after declaring he would allow the Syrian people to decide the fate of Assad when another “chemical attack” video emerged at the end of March, a false flag chemical attack against civilians in Syria was reportedly filmed recently by al-Jazeera stringers in Syria.
Around 30 fire engines and ambulances, as well as 70 local residents with children transported from a refugee camp were used in the filming of the Al Jazeera clip across three locations in Idlib province, including Jisr Shughur.

The “effectiveness” of the White Helmets’ TV-spectacle of accusing Syrian authorities of attacking civilians in Khan Shaykhun with sarin inspired terrorists to continue filming the fake ‘series’. According to info confirmed via several channels, al-Jazeera television channel stringers have recently filmed a staged, fake scene of an alleged chemical attack against civilians by the Syrian Army,” the source told Sputnik.

A multiple simultaneous uploading of filmed fake footage with ‘screaming’ social media comments was due to take place in the next few days (by Sunday) at the separate command of a mastermind and sponsor of the film in one of the European countries.”

This filming was said to have been ordered from a European country.
It wouldn’t be the first time – in December 2016, Egyptian police arrested 5 men for making staged “wounded children” photos, which they planned to use to misrepresent on social media as photos of destruction and injured people in Syria’s Aleppo.

As a reminder, on April 4, the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces claimed that 80 people were killed and 200 injured in a suspected chemical attack in Khan Shaykhun, blaming the Syrian government. Damascus vehemently rejected the accusations and said militants and their allies were responsible. That video served as a the basis for Trump to launch 59 Tomahawk missiles at the Syrian military airfiled in Ash Shairat. Trump said the attack was a response to the alleged chemical weapon use in Syria’s Idlib, which Washington has blamed on the Syrian government.

Meanwhile, Russia described the attack as an aggression against a sovereign state, while the Russian Foreign Ministry reminded the Trump administration that all chemical weapons had been taken out of Syria in mid-2014 as John Kerry infamously declared in 2014. Discussing the attack, Syrian President Assad said in an interview with Sputnik that Western states were blocking attempts to investigate the Idlib chemical incident because in the event of a probe it will be established that the “attack” was a false flag and lie.

In January 2016, the OPCW announced that Syria’s weapons arsenal had been destroyed in accordance with an agreement reached after the 2013 Ghouta attack.

By Tyler Durden / Republished with permission / Zero Hedge / Report a typo


A Response To George Monbiot's 'Disavowal'


Guardian columnist George Monbiot has responded to our recent media alert on the alleged gas attack in Khan Sheikhoun, Idlib, Syria, on April 4:

Here's a response to the latest attempt by @medialens to dismiss the mounting evidence on the authorship of the #KhanSheikhoun attack”

This is a very serious misrepresentation of what we have argued in two media alerts. We made our position crystal-clear in the latest alert:

We have no idea who was responsible for the mass killings in Idlib on April 4; we are not weapons experts. But it seems obvious to us that arguments and evidence offered by credible sources like Postol should at least be aired by the mass media”

To interpret this as an attempt to 'dismiss the mounting evidence on the authorship of the #KhanSheikhoun attack' is to exactly reverse the truth, which is frankly outrageous from a high-profile Guardian journalist. We are precisely calling for journalists to not dismiss evidence on the authorship of the alleged attack. This is why we quoted investigative reporter Robert Parry:

The role of an honest press corps should be to apply skepticism to all official stories, not carry water for "our side" and reject anything coming from the "other side," which is what The New York Times, The Washington Post and the rest of the Western mainstream media have done, especially regarding Middle East policies and now the New Cold War with Russia”

We have most certainly not urged anyone to 'dismiss' the White House version of events. We have asked journalists to consider that version as well as evidence offered by credible critics like former UN weapons inspectors Hans Blix and Scott Ritter, and by investigative journalists like Parry. We are clearly arguing in favour of inclusion of evidence, not exclusion. Monbiot has simply reversed the truth. In an expanded version of his tweeted response titled, 'Disavowal', he writes:

There's an element on the left that seems determined to produce a mirror image of the Washington Consensus. Just as the billionaire press and Western governments downplay and deny the crimes of their allies, so this element downplays and denies the crimes of the West's official enemies “

We have no interest in downplaying or denying any crimes. We hold no candle whatever for Assad or Putin, as we held no candle for Milosevic, Gaddafi or Saddam Hussein. We are simply urging journalists to consider both 'Washington Consensus' arguments and serious counter-arguments offered by credible sources. Monbiot writes:

The pattern is always the same. They ignore a mountain of compelling evidence and latch onto one or a few contrarians who tell them what they want to hear (a similar pattern to the 9/11 conspiracy theories, and to climate change denial). The lastest [sic] example is an "alert" published by an organisation called Media Lens, in response to a tweet of mine “

Our latest alert was not 'in response' to Monbiot's tweet; it was in response to Professor Postol's analysis challenging a White House report on the alleged attacks in Idlib. We simply used Monbiot's tweet as a typical example indicating what we described as the 'corporate media zeitgeist'.

Is it reasonable to describe Postol, one of the world's 'leading weapons experts', according to the New York Times, as a 'contrarian'? Is Hans Blix, who led the weapons inspections team in Iraq in 2002-2003, a 'contrarian'? How about former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter, who was 100% vindicated by the failure to find WMD in Iraq? Can Noam Chomsky also be dismissed as merely a 'contrarian' following a 'pattern' which is 'always the same'? Chomsky commented recently:

Well, there are some interesting questions there -- you can understand why Assad would have been pretty crazy [to provoke a US intervention] because they're winning the war. The worst thing for him is to bring the United States in. So why would he turn to a chemical weapons attack? You can imagine that a dictator with just local interests might do it, maybe if he thought he had a green light. But why would the Russians allow it? It doesn't make any sense. And in fact, there are some questions about what happened, but there are some pretty credible people -- not conspiracy types -- people with solid intelligence credentials that say it didn't happen.

Lawrence Wilkerson said that the US intelligence picked up a plane and followed that it probably hit an Al-Qaeda warehouse which had some sort of chemical weapon stored in it and they spread. I don't know. But it certainly calls for at least an investigation. And those are not insignificant people [challenging the official narrative]”

We are saying no more or less than this – it calls for at least an investigation.

Chomsky pointed to comments made by Wilkerson, former chief of staff to General Colin Powell, in a recent interview on the Real News Network:

I personally think the provocation was a Tonkin Gulf incident..... Most of my sources are telling me, including members of the team that monitors global chemical weapons –including people in Syria, including people in the US Intelligence Community–that what most likely happened ...was that they hit a warehouse that they had intended to hit...and this warehouse was alleged to have to [sic] ISIS supplies in it, and... some of those supplies were precursors for chemicals..... conventional bombs hit the warehouse, and due to a strong wind, and the explosive power of the bombs, they dispersed these ingredients and killed some people”

There is also the collective judgement of 20 former members of the US Intelligence Community, the Steering Group of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity:

Our U.S. Army contacts in the area have told us this is not what happened. There was no Syrian "chemical weapons attack." Instead, a Syrian aircraft bombed an al-Qaeda-in-Syria ammunition depot that turned out to be full of noxious chemicals and a strong wind blew the chemical-laden cloud over a nearby village where many consequently died.....This is what the Russians and Syrians have been saying and – more important –what they appear to believe happened.'

Monbiot's 'one or a few contrarians' include all of the above, plus journalists John PilgerJonathan CookPeter HitchensGareth PorterPhilip Giraldi, and others. They also include Piers Robinson, Professor of Politics, Society and Political Journalism at the University of Sheffield, who responded to our request for a comment:

Monbiot supports the official narrative that the Assad regime is responsible for the April 4 event when it is alleged that Assad's forces launched a chemical weapon attack on civilians. He is presenting this as factually correct even though some credible commentators have raised questions regarding these claims and whilst there remains a lack of compelling evidence. In a recent posting Monbiot quotes recent French intelligence service claims regarding Assad's guilt in this matter.

The problem here is that there are substantial grounds for remaining cautious of official claims. It is no secret that Western governments and key allies of theirs (Saudi Arabia, Qatar) have been seeking the overthrow of Assad for many years now. Indeed, the recently published Chilcot Inquiry, in section 3.1, revealed discussions between Blair and Bush which indicate that Syria was considered a potential target straight after 9/11. Given these objectives it is entirely plausible that Western intelligence services might be manipulating information so as to generate the impression that the Assad regime is responsible. Indeed, this kind of propaganda was well documented in the run up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq when weak intelligence was used by US and British politicians to justify their certainty that Iraq possessed WMD. These are all very good reasons for journalists and commentators to ask challenging questions rather than to dismiss out of hand any such attempts in the way Monbiot does” (Email to Media Lens, May 3, 2017)

Tim Hayward, Professor of Environmental Political Theory at Edinburgh University, has also responded to Monbiot's piece here:

There are serious unsettled questions about every aspect of the incident, not only the anomalies concerning time of incident, identity of victims, causes of death, role of White Helmets, and about whose interests it served, but also concerning the forensic evidence itself”

And here:

In a tweeted response, he repeated his opinion that people like me, who question it, are denying a mountain of evidence.

So to state a point that should not need stating: to question is not to deny – although nor is it to affirm. It is to seek knowledge and understanding. Being less impressed than George by the quantity of data presented as evidence, I have only ever commented on its quality”

Hayward adds that in Monbiot's latest post: 'he has entrenched more deeply his defence of the NATO narrative'.

Monbiot says 'the pattern is always the same'. In fact, there is indeed a pattern of 'mainstream' media insisting on the need for war in response to unproven claims that are often later debunked. We gave several examples in our first alert on the alleged chemical weapons attacks in Idlib. It is absurd for Monbiot to wearily dismiss our 'pattern', when our scepticism over claims made on Iraq and Libya - and numerous other issues, over many years - has so obviously been justified. Again, our problem is with the refusal of 'mainstream' media to report or discuss the opinions of credible experts challenging government claims.

Voor het hele artikel hier de link.


Zie ook:
'White Helmets oprichter overleden, het sein voor nog meer anti-Syrische propaganda'

'Gifgasaanval Douma in elkaar gezet door 'gematigde rebellen''

'Gifgasaanval Douma: OPCW rapport maakt korte metten met de westerse beschuldiging aan adres Syrië, waar de NOS een meer dan levensgrote bok schoot'

'VS heeft opstand en daarmee de oorlog in Syrië georganiseerd, zo toont WikiLeaks ten overvloede nog eens aan.......'

'VS heeft opstand en daarmee de oorlog in Syrië georganiseerd, zo toont WikiLeaks ten overvloede nog eens aan.......'

'Gifgasaanval Idlib: de komende 'kindslachtoffers' worden getraind door terreurgroep White Helmets.........'

'John Bolton geeft terreurgroepen in Syrië de opdracht een false flag gifgasaanval uit te voeren'

'Assad heeft geen gifgas gebruikt tegen de Syrische bevolking!'

'Van Baalen (VVD) het is moeilijk te zien wie je moet steunen: Al Qaida, Al Qaida of Al Qaida....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'VS bereid tot militair ingrijpen tegen de regering Assad >> aanleiding: gifgas leugens van o.a. de VS zelf.......'

'Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) laat weten hoe White Helmets vips rekruteren met Saoedisch geld....'

Voor wapenleveranties e.d. aan terreurgroepen in Syrie, zie de berichten onder de volgende links

'Lt. General McInerney says Obama helped build ISIS with Weapons from Benghazi'

'Tulsi Gabbard (VS congres Hawaï): Trump is de beschermende Big Brother van Al Qaida'

Voor meer berichten n.a.v. het bovenstaande, klik op één van de labels, die u onder dit bericht terug kan vinden.