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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label OIG. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label OIG. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 19 juni 2018

Met nieuw VS 'vluchtelingenbeleid' zullen nog meer kinderen seksueel worden misbruikt....

De nieuwe maatregelen tegen migranten en hun kinderen* zal voor een enorme toename van misbruik als verkrachtingen bij die kinderen leiden......

Rond één derde van de kinderen die in de VS tot vluchtelingen behoren en die vastzitten, is met hun ouders, dan wel een volwassen begeleider als oom of tante de VS binnengekomen (niet zelden op de vlucht voor de ellende die de VS in hun thuisland aanricht...)...... 

Sinds kort worden deze kinderen na aanhouding bij hun ouders dan wel begeleider weggehaald en apart gehuisvest in een zogenaamd opvangcentrum, in de praktijk zijn deze centra echter 'gewoon' ordinaire gevangenissen, waar die kinderen 22 uur per dag binnen zitten..... 

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor How Many Children Will Be Raped Due to Trump’s New Policy?

Juist de ambtenaren van overheidsbureaus of medewerkers van particuliere organisaties die deze jongeren 'begeleiden' en de leiding in deze zogenaamde opvangcentra, misbruiken deze vaak al getraumatiseerde kinderen op grote schaal..... Het aantal klachten over seksueel misbruik door de leiding in die gevangenissen is fiks en dat zou volgens deskundigen nog maar 2% zijn van het werkelijke aantal gevallen van kindermisbruik......

Alleen tussen 2010 en 2016 was het aantal klachten 33.000 ga maar na wat dit betekent als dit nog maar 2% is van het totale aantal gevallen van misbruik en andere vormen van ernstige geestelijke en lichamelijke mishandeling...... (over dat laatste spreekt schrijver Justin King van het hieronder opgenomen artikel niet, echter dat is voor veel van deze kinderen en andere gevangenen wel de dagelijkse praktijk....)

Ondanks deze enorme ellende, die bekend moet zijn bij de Trump administratie, is deze maatregel toch ingevoerd, een maatregel waarbij kinderen worden gescheiden van hun ouders........ Alles 'in de strijd tegen vluchtelingen', die zoals gezegd veelal op de vlucht zijn als gevolg van terroristisch, illegaal VS ingrijpen in Midden- en Zuid-Amerika.......

Een regering die dergelijke maatregelen neemt verdient maar één stempel: fascistisch!!

The Fifth Column (TFC) 12 juni 2018

How many children will be raped due to Trump’s new policy?

Gerelateerde afbeelding

by Justin King • June 12, 2018

(TFC) – We’ve seen the images. Children being torn from their asylum-seeking families. Kids in cages, like animals caught by the local animal control agency. It’s horrendous, it’s evil, it’s against everything America is supposed to represent, but there’s an even larger problem.

The agencies involved in this debacle are known for raping and sexually assaulting detainees. Not in isolated incidents, but by the thousands. That’s not an exaggeration. The Intercept obtained 1224 complaints about sexual abuse in ICE custody. That’s staggering, but according to the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), that’s only 2% of the total number of complaints.

“…officials with the DHS Office of Inspector General indicated that the office received some 33,000 complaints between 2010 and 2016 alleging a wide range of abuses in immigration detention. The OIG provided records documenting investigations for just 2 percent of the complaints it shared with The Intercept.”

33,000. What kind of abuses were mentioned? The allegations in the complaints are horrific. A male detainee was forced to perform oral sex on a male immigration officer. A woman was maced and then forced to endure a male guard pressing his erect penis into her from behind while other guards watched. Sodomy. A woman raped by a medical worker. It’s a never-ending barrage of the most heinous crimes imaginable.

Out of the 1224 complaints obtained, only 43 were investigated by the OIG. Out of the full 33,000, only 247 were investigated by the OIG. That’s less than 1%. No statement by the government on how widespread the problem is can be trusted because they simply refuse to even pretend to investigate themselves.

At an immigration center in Pennsylvania, there are handbooks for detainees. The English version clearly states there is a zero-tolerance policy in regards to sexual assault and harassment. The Spanish version? It advises women to not talk about sex so they can avoid being assaulted. In this particular facility, the only prosecuted case of sexual assault was a government employee assaulting a teenaged girl. She had fled Honduras to avoid being raped. The perpetrator was locked up for only five months.

However, that case was the exception. It was actually prosecuted, most aren’t even investigated. At a GEO Group-run facility, a female minor reported a sexual assault. A medical exam said she showed indications of vaginal scarring and a sexually transmitted disease. ICE declared the complaint “unfounded” even though there was ample physical evidence.

However, as is a trend with federal agencies, in many cases when a victim reports the crime, they are placed in solitary confinement. A tactic, immigrants rights groups say, designed to pressure the victim into withdrawing the complaint.

Remember that sexual assault is always underreported. There are tens of thousands of these cases. Children will be sexually assaulted as a result of the President’s policy of separating children from their families. It’s not a question of if children will be assaulted, but how many. A dozen? Hundreds? A thousand? How many kids are you ok with being raped? Is your fear of asylum-seekers so great that you’ll offer up children to predators like some pimp in a back alley?

* Zie: 'VS sluit zelfs kinderen van 10 jaar op..... Met dat land onderhoudt Nederland hechte banden, een rechteloos land waaraan 'we' zelfs mensen uitleveren.....'

zaterdag 24 maart 2018

VS verloor meer dan 21 biljoen dollar, alleen aan oorlogsvoering al meer dan 11 biljoen >> 'mooi voorbeeld voor 'zuinige' NAVO partners....'

Professor Mark Skidmore van de Michigan State University ging uitzoeken waar 6,5 biljoen dollar was gebleven, 6,5 biljoen die niet waren goedgekeurd door het Congres en kwam er achter dat het werkelijke bedrag veel groter was dan eerder aangegeven en uiteindelijk uitkomt op 21 biljoen (in VS aangeduid als 21 triljoen dollar) niet goedgekeurde uitgaven....

Voor het 'defensie' budget bedroeg dit bedrag al meer dan 11 biljoen....... En dan wil Trump dat de andere NAVO partners hun budgetten verder opschroeven....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Moet je nagaan: de VS het land dat graag woorden gebruikt als 'corrupte regering' en 'democratie brengen' als een regime niet in de smaak valt...... 


Vergeet voorts niet dat de VS alleen deze eeuw al 4 illegale oorlogen is gestart, oorlogen die een enorm beslag leggen op het defensie uh oorlogsbudget...... De VS geeft alleen al 4 keer zoveel aan defensie uit dan Rusland en China samen! De NAVO lidstaten Groot-Brittannië, Frankrijk, Duitsland en Italië geven al meer dan 3 keer zoveel uit aan defensie dan Rusland....... En maar zeiken om meer geld en dat om de ongebreidelde terreur van de VS en het uitlokken van oorlogen elders te steunen.........

Overigens heeft Trump het leger 'carte blanche' gegeven om naar eigen goeddunken extra personeel of wapens in te zetten, zodat controle op de uitgegeven gelden nog veel moeilijker zal worden.......

Hier de video van Brasscheck TV over deze zaak: 

$21 trillion missing from the federal buget



Professor Mark Skidmore of Michigan State University set out to prove Catherine Austin Fitts and her claims of “missing trillions” and “black budgets” was wrong.

Instead, he discovered the hole was even bigger than that.

The Army alone had $11.5 trillion missing.

Some individual unsupported journal adjustments are SIX TIMES the total annual budget of the Army.

A overall 1% error in government budgets is considered “normal.”
Theese numbers are astronomical.

How can you do a proper evaluation of numbers with figures like this? All spending needs to be a approved by Congress.

It looks like there’s a whole lot of money flowing in and a whole lot of money flowing out”…completely outside the rule of law.

Hier nog een artikel van Forbes over deze zaak:

Has Our Government Spent $21 Trillion Of Our Money Without Telling Us?

Laurence Kotlikoff CONTRIBUTOR

I am co-authoring this column with Mark Skidmore, a Professor of Economics at Michigan State University. 

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.” ~ Article I, Section 9, Clause 7, The US Constitution

On July 26, 2016, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) issued a report “Army General Fund Adjustments Not Adequately Documented or Supported”.  The report indicates that for fiscal year 2015 the Army failed to provide adequate support for $6.5 trillion in journal voucher adjustments.  According to the GAO's Comptroller General, "Journal vouchers are summary-level accounting adjustments made when balances between systems cannot be reconciled. Often these journal vouchers are unsupported, meaning they lack supporting documentation to justify the adjustment or are not tied to specific accounting transactions…. For an auditor, journal vouchers are a red flag for transactions not being captured, reported, or summarized correctly."

(Note, after Mark Skidmore began inquiring about OIG-reported unsubstantiated adjustments, the OIG's webpage, which  documented, albeit in a highly incomplete manner, these unsupported "accounting adjustments,"  was mysteriously taken down. Fortunately, Mark copied the July 2016 report and all other relevant OIG-reports in advance and reposted them here. Mark has repeatedly tried to contact Lorin Venable, Assistant Inspector General at the Office of the Inspector General.  He has emailed, phoned, and used LinkedIn to ask Ms. Venable about OIG's disclosure of unsubstantiated adjustments, but she has not responded.)

Given that the entire Army budget in fiscal year 2015 was $120 billion, unsupported adjustments were 54 times the level of spending authorized by Congress.  The July 2016 report indicates that unsupported adjustments are the result of the Defense Department's "failure to correct system deficiencies." The result, according to the report, is that data used to prepare the year-­end financial statements were unreliable and lacked an adequate audit trail. The report indicates that just 170 transactions accounted for $2.1 trillion in year—end unsupported adjustments.  No information is given about these 170 transactions.  In addition many thousands of transactions with unsubstantiated adjustments  were, according to the report, removed by the Army.

There is no explanation concerning why they were removed nor their magnitude. The July 2016 report states, "In addition, DFAS (Defense Finance and Accounting Service) Indianapolis personnel did not document or support why DDRS (The Defense Department Reporting System) removed at least 16,513 of 1.3 million feeder file records during the Third Quarter."

An appendix to the July 2016 report shows $2 trillion in changes to the Army General Fund balance sheet due to unsupported adjustments. On the asset side, there is $794 billion increase in the Army's Fund Balance with the U.S. Treasury.  There is also an increase of $929 billion in the Army's Accounts Payable. This information raises additional major questions. First, what is the source of the additional $794 billion in the Army's Fund Balance? This adjustment represents more than six times appropriated spending. 

Second, do these transfers represent a flow of funds to the Army beyond those authorized by Congress? Third, were these funds authorized and if so when and by whom? Fourth, what is the source of these funds? Finally, the $929 billion in Accounts Payable appears to represent an amount owed for items or services purchased on credit. What entities have received or will receive payment?

The July 2016 report is not the only such report of unsubstantiated adjustments. Mark Skidmore and Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development,  conducted a search of government websites and found similar reports dating back to 1998.  While the documents are incomplete, original government sources indicate $21 trillion in unsupported adjustments have been reported for the Department of Defense and the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the years 1998-2015.

While government budgets can be complex, our government, like any business, can track receipts and payments and share this information in ways that can be understood by the public.  The ongoing occurrence and gargantuan nature of unsupported, i.e., undocumented, U.S. federal government expenditures as well as sources of funding for these expenditures should be a great concern to all tax payers.

Taken together these reports point to a failure to comply with basic Constitutional and legislative requirements for spending and disclosure. We urge the House and Senate Budget Committee to initiate immediate investigations of unaccounted federal expenditures as well as the source of their payment.

PS, On December 11, 2017 we learned that the key documents had been reposted on the OIG website, but with different URLs. On October 5, 2017 we discovered that the link to the report “Army General Fund Adjustments Not Adequately Documented or Supported” had been disabled. Within a several days, the links to other OIG documents we identified in our search were also disabled. The sequential non-random nature of this disabling process suggests a purposeful decision on the part of OIG to make key documents unavailable to the public via the website, as opposed to website reorganization, etc. We also revisited the website intermittently to see whether the documents had been reposted under different URLs—until very recently they had not been reposted. The OIG link to the most report “Army General Fund Adjustments Not Adequately Documented or Supported”, which indicates $6.5 trillion in unsupported adjustments, can now be found here: We are currently searching the OIG website for the other reports and will share the links here once we have completed the search.

..........nogmaals: ongelofelijk!!!