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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label PSYOPS. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label PSYOPS. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 8 oktober 2020

Russiagate was een middel om de Koude Oorlog tegen Rusland te doen herleven

Caitlin Johnstone heeft een opzienbarende analyse gemaakt over Russiagate die een ander licht werpt op deze zaak: het was geen couppoging tegen Trump, zoals o.a. Sean Davis van The Federalist concludeerde, waar hij stelde dat de directeur van de CIA, hare bloedige kwaadaardigheid Gina Haspel, persoonlijk de poging heeft geblokkeerd om documenten vrij te geven die e.e.a. zouden aantonen.

Volgens Johnstone maakt het niet uit of Davis met zijn bewering wel of geen gelijk heeft, maar dat het wel interessant is te zien dat Haspel flink haar best heeft gedaan om Trump te bewegen de Koude Oorlog tegen Rusland te doen herleven en dat zij één van de architecten is van de hernieuwde Koude Oorlog (2.0) tegen Rusland, iets dat je overigens de hardliners van de Demoncraten uh Democraten ook kan verwijten, vergeet niet dat deze figuren in de zak zitten van wapenfabrikanten in de breedste zin van het woord..... (het hoeft geen betoog dat een flink aantal Republikeinen volkomen achter deze Koude Oorlog 2.0 staat, Republikeinen die Russiagate als een couppoging tegen Trump zagen en zien) Het is duidelijk dat Russiagate ervoor heeft gezorgd dat deze Koude Oorlog inderdaad opnieuw is opgetuigd....

Volgens Johnstone is Russiagate een 'PSYOP' (psychologische operatie) van het geheime diensten kartel in de VS dat meer dan 25 geheime diensten ('inlichtingen diensten') telt, onderdeel van Deep State, niet om Trump uit het Witte Huis te krijgen, maar volkomen gericht tegen Rusland.....

Niet Trump werd het coup-slachtoffer van Russiagate*, nee Russiagate heeft de nieuwe Koude Oorlog opgetuigd door het mogelijk maken van een hele berg aan (loze) beschuldigingen tegen Rusland, aldus Johnstone en gezien de gang van zaken kan ik niet anders dan haar gelijk geven.....

Niet alleen Rusland is de kwaaie pier, intussen worden ook China en Iran al een paar maanden lang aangemerkt als manipulatoren van de presidentsverkiezingen in de VS, het gaat zelfs zover dat men nu al zegt dat wanneer Trump wint, Rusland aan het langste eind heeft getrokken, terwijl Iran en China de grote winnaar zullen zijn als Joe Biden wint....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Zo doorzichtig dat je je werkelijk afvraagt welke hersenloze idioten van de reguliere westerse (massa-) media deze onzin nog geloven (maar men brengt deze onzin met grote graagte in die media.....).....

De reguliere westerse (massa-) media doen dan ook voor bijna 100% mee aan deze hysterie van 'kwaadaardige inmenging' en zo kunnen de westerse bevolkingen bijna dag in dag uit worden gehersenspoeld met dergelijke baarlijke nonsens....... (vergeet niet dat deze media en het grootste deel van de westerse poltici het lullige Russiagate sprookje 'nog steeds geloven' en uitdragen, ondanks dat deze leugen aan alle kanten is doorgeprikt)

Johnstone stelt aan het eind van haar betoog terecht dat de geheime diensten in de VS** degenen zijn die het meest hebben geprofiteerd van Russiagate, terwijl zij deze leugen de wereld in hebben geholpen.....

Lees deze uitstekende analyse van Caitlin Johnstone en onthoud e.e.a. daar ook wij de komende maanden weer heel wat gezeur over Russische inmenging in de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen van maart komend jaar over ons heen zullen krijgen, sterker nog de eerste claims daarover dateren alweer van een paar maanden geleden..... In Nederland is het wel hare D666 boosaardigheid Ollongren die telkens weer met dergelijk claims komt aanzetten, zonder ook maar één steekhoudend bewijs te kunnen leveren, al is dat in geval van Russiagate overal het geval, veel hysterie plus angst- en haatzaaierij resp. voor/tegen Rusland, zonder enig bewijs daarvoor.....

All Russiagate Did Was Advance Pre-Existing Agenadas Of The Same Spy Agencies Who Started It

by Caitlin Johnstone

Hare bloedige kwaadaardigheid Gina Haspel, directeur van terreurorganisatie CIA

One of the many interesting stories that has gotten lost in the shuffle over the controversy over the horrible Trump-Biden debate and the president's recent Covid-19 diagnosis is the recent allegation by The Federalist's Sean Davis that CIA director Gina Haspel has been personally blocking the declassification of incriminating documents pertaining to the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theory known as Russiagate.

Davis' claim may be true or false, but it's worth earmarking for later reference given that we already know Haspel has been actively persuading the US president to roll out cold war escalations against Russia, and given that we know the only real changes of consequence that have come about as a result of Russiagate are changes which advanced the longstanding agendas of the same intelligence agencies who started it.

The mainstream Democratic partisan narrative has been that investigations into possible collusion between the Trump camp and Moscow were designed to ascertain whether the US government had been co-opted at its highest levels by a hostile foreign power, with countless human clickbait pundits claiming earlier in Trump's term that these investigations would result in Trump being dragged out of the White House in chains. The mainstream Republican partisan narrative has been that the president was the target of a soft coup attempt by the deep state using false allegations of Russian collusion in an attempt to remove him from office for standing up to the deep state.

Like most partisan narratives, these are both false.

It is correct that the conspiratorial allegations of Vladimir Putin secretly controlling the executive branch of the US government were bogus. It is also correct that Russiagate was a psyop advanced by forces in the US intelligence cartel who are sometimes collectively referred to as a part of the "deep state", though that term has become largely meaningless in recent years due to Trumpists twisting its meaning into "Democrats and anyone who doesn't like Trump". But both Republicans and Democrats are mistaken in believing that Russiagate had anything to do with removing Trump from office.

Russiagate was never a deep state operation targeting Trump; Russiagate has always been a deep state operation targeting Russia. You may be sure this is true because while Russiagate has not had any significant negative effect on Trump, it has greased the wheels for the escalation of many new cold war aggressions against Russia.

Russiagate wasn't an operation by the deep state against Trump, it was an operation by the deep state against Russia. That's why it resulted in no negative outcomes for Trump, but did facilitate mountains of cold war escalations against Russia. 

Anyone who was informed and unbiased knew that the Mueller investigation would never touch Trump (even as a newbie at the time I correctly called it back in 2017), and anyone who was capable of counting Senate seats knew impeachment would result in acquittal.

As far as Trump's presidential career is concerned all Russiagate ever accomplished was galvanizing his Republican base around the completely false notion that he is fighting the establishment.

But what has Russiagate accomplished in relation to Russia? The political pressure it placed on Trump to act tough on Moscow and the Democratic Party's baseless insistence that this administration is controlled by Putin have ensured that there is nothing but acceleration for a world-threatening new cold war which has seen nuclear treaties abandoned, a much more aggressive nuclear posture against Russia, weapons sent to Ukraine, many sanctions on Russia, airstrikes on Russia's ally Syria, sanctions on Russia's ally Venezuela, the Iran deal shredded against urging from Moscow, NATO expansionism and increased military activity at Russia's borders.

These aggressions were all planned years in advance. Obama initiated them, the frighteningly anti-Russia hawk Hillary Clinton was scheduled to continue and expand them, and then when that fell through the Russiagate contingency was rolled out to ensure the US intelligence cartel would get its long-sought campaign to shove Russia off the world stage and thereby hamstring its ally China.

A dodgy intelligence assessment on 2016 Russian election meddling by a few operatives who were hand-selected by notorious Russophobe and known perjurer James Clapper combined with a steady stream of bogus "leaks" like the notoriously false Steele dossier to form the foundation of Russiagate, and it all came from the same spy agencies whose agendas benefitted from Russiagate.

Catherine Herridge @CBS_Herridge BREAKING: The primary sub-source for the Steele dossier was deemed a possible “national security threat” + the subject of 2009 FBI counter-intel probe. According to new records, those facts were known to Crossfire Hurricane team in December 2016. @LindseyGrahamSC

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Why were FBI agents talking about people "scrambling for info to support certain things" at a time US intelligence officers were putting together their report on Russian election interference? Pretty sure conclusions are supposed to come after investigations. 

View image on Twitter

The question "Who benefits from this?" is essential for understanding the world, and if you ask it of Russiagate there is one power structure which stands head and shoulders above everyone else. Yes, the mass media got a major ratings bump from Russiagate, which is why they played along with it. Yes, the Democratic Party got to neuter the progressive movement and distract from its 2016 scandals, which is why they played along with it. But in terms of actual changes that were implemented as a direct result of Russiagate, the ones who gained the most were the US intelligence collective whose pre-existing agendas were advanced by it.

Not only were pre-existing agendas against Russia facilitated by Russiagate, but pre-existing agendas against the American left were facilitated as well. The burgeoning swell of progressive populism galvanized by the 2016 Sanders campaign would have made a lot of warmongers nervous, and the opaque government agencies which consistently ally themselves with status quo-loyal plutocrats have a vested interest in protecting the class with which they are allied. The fact that all oxygen was sucked from the progressive movement into baseless Russia conspiracy theories served the same intelligence cartel which initiated Russiagate.

In January of last year a former Assistant Director for the FBI (the same FBI which wordlessly allowed the bogus Steele dossier to circulate despite knowing its intelligence had been compromised) admitted that his work with the FBI had included actively sabotaging leftist politicians in the United States to keep them out of government. This officer's entire FBI career took place after J Edgar Hoover's death and after COINTELPRO had officially been ended.

Embedded video

(voor de video in dit bericht zie het origineel)

So that's two longstanding agendas of US spy agencies that were advanced by Russiagate, a psychological operation which was launched by those same agencies.

And that's all you really need to know about Russiagate: that it was started by the same spy agencies which directly benefited from it. Unless you were born yesterday, this will tell you that we were conned.

And now we're being told that the CIA director is forcefully obstructing transparency into the creation of that operation, even as the same Office of the Director of National Intelligence that James Clapper headed is promoting the narrative that Iran and China are seeking to influence the US election for Biden while Russia is seeking to influence it for Trump.

US Intelligence: If Trump Wins Russia Did It, If Biden Wins It Was China And Iran 

"Lastly, the dumbest thing about believing foreign nations are interfering in American democracy is believing America has any democracy to interfere with." 

This narrative that we are being primed for will enable these same spy agencies to sell the story that at least one of the governments they have targeted for sabotage can be accused of election interference regardless of who wins.

And the most depressing thing about it is that they already know they'll be able to sell it successfully, because nobody has learned anything over the last four years despite the transparent scam of Russiagate. Democrats will happily keep pushing Russia conspiracy theories if Trump wins, and Republicans will cheerfully push conspiracy theories about China and/or Iran after a Biden win. There's no reason to change strategies if it's been immensely successful. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Watch them.


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Caitlin Johnstone | October 4, 2020 at 2:28 am | Tags: #Trump, cia, fbi, Gina Haspel, James Clapper, odni, Politics, Russia, Russiagate, war | Categories: Article, News | URL: 


* Wat de Democraten van meet af aan wisten, immers de Senaat zou nooit akkoord gaan met een impeachment van 'hun' president!!

** Niet alleen dat: alle westerse geheime diensten hebben geprofiteerd van de Russiagate hysterie >> ze wisten daardoor veel meer bevoegdheden en geld af te dwingen (middels angst- en haatzaaierij...)...... Niet voor niets ook dat die geheime diensten voorafgaand aan verkiezingen waar dan ook in het westen (of wat wordt gezien als westerse landen) telkens weer lopen te mekkeren over Russische inmenging en manipulaties, alsof men niet in staat zou zijn om dergelijke manipulaties tegen te gaan......

zaterdag 15 augustus 2020

VS en Oekraïne spelen een smerig spel in Wit-Rusland

The Saker heeft een analyse geschreven over de situatie in Wit-Rusland (Belarus) n.a.v. de verkiezingen in dat land.

Volgens de Saker is het duidelijk dat de CIA, de Oekraïense geheime dienst SBU en de Wit-Russische geheime dienst KGB de boel manipuleren in Wit-Rusland. “Honderden Russen' zouden naar Wit-Rusland zijn gestuurd om de boel de destabiliseren, informatie die van de Oekraïense SBU kwam, deze mannen werden afgeschilderd als terroristen, opstandelingen en leden van de Russische Wagner PMC (Private Military Company)...... (het gaat overigens niet om 'honderden Russen' maar om een dertigtal)

Achteraf blijkt het dat deze Russen (veiligheidsagenten) werden ingehuurd door een veiligheidsbedrijf in Wit-Rusland en zouden op doorreis zijn geweest naar landen als Soedan en Venezuela. Echter 'ze mistten de aansluitende vlucht' en waren daarom genoodzaakt te overnachten in Minsk. Diezelfde nacht overviel een zwaar bewapend 'KGB' team het hotel en werden deze mannen gearresteerd, terwijl de Russen niet eens in het bezit waren van wapens....

Daarop werd Rusland beschuldigd chaos en geweld te willen uitlokken in Wit-Rusland, een vergelijking met het Maidan plein In de Oekraïense hoofdstad Kiev, al werd de opstand in Oekraïne georganiseerd en geregisseerd door de CIA...... Hillary Clinton destijds minister van BuZa onder 'vredesduif' Obama trok daar zelfs 4 miljard dollar voor uit en ook het geweld tegen demonstranten door sluipschutters, kwam rechtstreeks uit de koker van de CIA...... (zo meer daarover)

De claim dat Rusland de boel zou willen destabiliseren in Wit-Rusland is meer dan belachelijk, daar Rusland wel uitkijkt om geweld aan te wenden in Wit-Rusland. De informatie waarop deze leugen is gebaseerd kwam zoals gezegd van de 'uiterst betrouwbare' Oekraïense SBU....... Bovendien zo voert de Saker aan weet de Wit-Russische KGB alles wat er gebeurd in Wit-Rusland en daarmee bedoelt hij letterlijk alles, ofwel de claim dat deze Russen onrust wilden zaaien (en het bewind van Loekasjenko omver zouden willen werpen) is grote nonsens, waar de kennis van de KGB over alles wat zich afspeelt in Wit-Rusland alleen maar het gegeven versterkt dat Rusland geen geweld zou gebruiken tegen het bewind in Minsk......

Lees het uitvoerige relaas van de Saker en verbaas je (zoals ik) over de machinaties van alweer het westen in Oost-Europa en die er volledig op is gericht om van Wit-Rusland een zoveelste vazalstaat van de VS (en de door haar militair geleide NAVO) te maken, zeker als je nagaat dat dit land strategisch is gelegen..... Mocht het de VS lukken om van Wit-Rusland een vazalstaat als te maken, zoals Oekraïne, heeft Rusland weer een deel van haar grens waar de VS en haar NAVO-lidstaten met een leger op de drempel van haar voordeur staan, zoals dit al het geval is met de Baltische Staten, een deel van Oekraïne en ga nog maar even door....... 

Ben het overigens niet eens met de Saker wat betreft de voormalige Oekraïense president Janoekovitsj. Deze president was wel democratisch verkozen en dat in door internationale waarnemers goedgekeurde verkiezingen..... En ja, Janoekovytsj had vooral veel aanhang in het oosten van Oekraïne en op De Krim (inclusief de oorspronkelijke bevolking van dat schiereiland). Waarschijnlijk doelt de Saker op het geweld dat werd gebruikt op het Maidanplein tegen demonstranten, terwijl dat zoals gezegd het resultaat was van VS manipulatie, zoals ook 'de opstand' daar werd georganiseerd door de CIA..... Het feit dat Janoekovytsj 'pro-Russisch' was had alles te maken met een voor Oekraïne heel lucratief vrijhandelsverdrag dat hij sloot met Rusland, terwijl een verdrag met de EU uiterst onvoordelig was voor Oekraïne......(iets waar je de westerse reguliere media en politici nooit over hoort!!)

Onder het artikel kan je klikken voor een 'Dutch vertaling' dit neemt wel enige tijd in beslag. Het artikel van de Saker werd eerder gepubliceerd op The Unz Review en werd door mij overgenomen van Information Clearing House:

Putin and Russia are facing a very serious crisis in Belarus
By The Saker

August 12, 2020 "Information Clearing House" -  Some of my longtime readers might have noticed that I rarely (if ever!) wrote about Belarus or President Lukashenko.  As always with the blog, there always is a reason for why I do mention something and no less a reason why I do not mention something.  In the case of Belarus or Lukashenko, my reason for not writing about them was the exact same why I never wrote about the Ukraine before 2013: I was both uninspired and mostly disgusted with what I saw taking place there.  And I did not feel strongly enough to write about it.  That changed for the Ukraine with the Euromaidan.

Now the events in Belarus force me to address this very unpleasant topic: Belarus is facing a complex and dangerous crisis which might well result in a major crisis inside Belarus and even a loss of sovereignty.  But first, before we look into what just happened, let me begin by a quick “mini-primer” about Belarus.  Here is what I think everybody ought to know about this country:
  • Belarus is a completely artificial creation, even more artificial than the Ukraine.  At least in the Ukraine there were “westerners” (Galicians) who truly were not Russians at all (you can think of them as the “real Ukrainians” if you want) and whose hatred for everything Russian was every bit as rabid as the one of the Interahamwe of Rwanda.  There is no meaningful equivalent to the Banderites in Belarus.
  • Lukashnko was no more pro-Russian than Ianukovich.  This is crucial. Lukashenko was always pro-Lukashenko, not pro-Russia. Both the West and Lukashenko like to say that Belarus is the only real Russian ally. This is false.  Technically, Russia and Belarus are supranational union states.  However, it is true that Lukashenko tried to use the historical identity between the Russian and Belarusian people to demand that Russia help him out over and over and over again.  And until recently, Russia did.
  • As a country, Belarus is a quasi perfect police state with an extremely competent and feared KGB (yes, in Belarus they kept the name) which controls everything and everybody.  This is also crucial for reasons I will explain below.
  • As for the Kremlin, it always wanted to foster a reunification with Belarus but this process was never fully completed due to regular problems, and even crises, between Moscow and Minsk.  Russia poured immense sums of money to keep the Belarusian society from crashing.
  • Finally, Belarus is really a poor country with very limited resources.  For Russia, however, Belarus is a crucial military ally, one which plays a central role in Russian defense plans.  If the US and NATO will be successful in taking control of the country, this will be a major strategic threat for the Russian security.
These are just a few pointers to compare and contrast Belarus with the Ukraine.

Now let me summarize what just happened.

The Belarusian authorities have declared that “hundreds” of men (supposedly Russians) have been sent to Belarus with nefarious intentions.  Lukashenko has since officially confirmed that he got this info from the Ukrainian SBU. The men themselves were described as terrorists, insurgents, members of the “Wagner” PMC, subversives, etc. and their goals were described as killing Lukashenko, triggering a new “maidan” in Belarus, create chaos, etc.

Frankly, the Belarusian authorities never got their story straight and, frankly again, this really makes no difference at all.  Here are two things which I consider as indisputable:
  1. Russia would never even consider using force or illegal covert operations against Lukashenko and/or Belarus
  2. The Belarusian KGB knows everything of any importance taking place in Belarus
I would even argue that argument #2 very much supports argument #1.

Whatever may be the case, it appeared that a group of Russian security guards had been recruited by a Belarusian firm to provide security in various countries (Sudan and Venezuela is often named). They traveled to Belarus and planned to fly out of Minsk for their final destinations. They were delayed, apparently deliberately, then they missed their flight and were told to go and rest at a hotel which happened to be located not far from the residence of Lukashenko. In the middle of the night, a KGB swat team moved in with flash-bang grenades and guns drawn and brutally arrested everybody in spite of the fact that none of the sleepy Russians offered any kind of resistance. No weapons of any kind were found, no evidence of any covert plans either, but the authorities declared that since these men were not drinking or harassing waitresses and since they kept to themselves, this was a clear proof that they were on a secret mission (I am not joking!).

All of the above is absolute and utter nonsense and we should not get distracted by the minutia of this clearly fabricated pretext.

Here is what really happened.

It now appears that the Ukrainian secret service SBU (which does nothing without Uncle Sam’s approval) mounted a complex covert operation to try to get Belarus and Russia into a confrontation.  The entire operation, including recruitment, purchase of airline tickets, etc was, in fact, run from the Ukraine.  This was also the biggest mistake the Ukies did: they did not hide their actions well enough and it took the Russians special services less than 24 hours to figure out the entire plan and leak it to the media (in Russian). The fine details are still being ascertained, but the bottom line is this: the Ukrainians pretended to be a security firm looking for men with proven combat experience, especially those who fought in the Donbass against the Ukronazi forces. Once recruited for some pretty typical guard duties, these men were to be flown to Minsk where they would miss their plane and be left waiting for the next opportunity to leave Belarus.  At this point, the SBU seems to have contacted the Belarusian KGB and “warned” them about Russian “mercenaries” sent by Russia to kill Lukashenko or, at least, overthrow him.

It is also obvious now that the SBU specially wanted Russians which had combat experience in the Donbass to then ask Belarus to hand them over to Kiev.  Such a demand was made almost immediately for most of the men in this group.

So far so “good” (not really, but you know what I mean), but here is when the Belarusians and Lukashenko himself started to act really strangely.

The first logical step for the Belarusian authorities should have been Lukashenko calling Putin and asking for an explanation.  Alternatively, the head of the Belarusian KGB could have called the head of the FSB and ask him for clarifications.  But, instead of doing that, the Belarusian KGB organized this ridiculous “seizure” of the Russian “mercenaries” while the latter were asleep in their hotel and had no idea whatsoever what was going on.

Next, instead of working with the Russians, Lukashenko just gave a long interview to one of the most talented and most morally repugnant Ukie journalist, Dmitrii Gordon (who proudly proclaims that he is an SBU agent).

But then it only got worse.

Lukashenko pounced on the opportunity to, yet again, engage in his typically long-winded rants against Russia.  He even went as far as to suggest that Belarus might extradite some of these Russian men to the Ukraine (which, as we now know, had provided a list of wanted men to the Belarusian KGB).  From these actions it became immediately clear to the Russians that Lukashenko was playing some kind of dirty game in the last days before the Presidential election which took place on Sunday.

So what could explain the outright bizarre behavior of the Belarusians?

Reason one: Simply put – Lukashenko’s popularity is declining as fast as the disposable income of the Belarusians.

Reason two: The US is clearly engaged in major strategic PSYOP to seize control of Belarus.

Reason three: The Belarusian state in its current condition is simply not viable and never was.

Let’s take these one by one.

While nobody doubts the outcome of any election in Belarus, it is also pretty uncontroversial that most Belarusians do support Lukashenko.  The point is not whether Lukashenko would win, but only by how much he would win?  The elections yesterday yielded the lowest possible and acceptable result for Lukashenko: 80%. This figure is really meaningless, all it shows is how good the Lukashenko regime is at winning elections. This time, however, there appear to be more protests than in the past and, unlike what happened in the past, the protests are not limited to Minsk and they have now spread to other cities. So while Lukashenko was never at risk of officially losing the election, a maidan-like protest remains a clear concern for him.

Pompeo in Belarus: only a coincidence, of course
Pompeo in Belarus: only a coincidence, of course

But there is much more to this story.

Following a meeting between Lukashenko and Pompeo, the US will now open a (very big) embassy in Minsk.  For years the West has been calling Lukashenko all sorts of names, and now it is suddenly “all smiles”.

Is that really a coincidence?

I very much doubt it.

But it even gets much worse than that: the US is sending one of its most capable and dangerous officials to subvert Belarus: I am referring to Jeffrey Giauque, a State Department intelligence official with a long track of successive destabilization missions.
Listen to him introduce himself to the Belarusian people:

In fact, it is now pretty obvious that the entire provocation with the Russian “terrorists” was carefully crafted and implemented by a joint US-Ukrainian.  Had the Ukie SBU not been so sloppy with how they organized it all (it took the FSB less than 24 hours to get a full and accurate picture of what had happened) this plan might have succeeded.  In fact, it still might.

But blaming it all on the US, the SBU and Lukashenko really does not tell the full story.

The truth is that Belarus is a completely artificial state, much more artificial even than the Ukraine, and it is a state which simply cannot survive by itself.  Neither can it hope to survive forever on Russian aid.  And while looking at the roots of Ukrainian nationalism is important and interesting, such an exercise is useless in the case of Belarus since Belarusian nationalism is something truly a-historical and artificial and which really has no foundation outside western ideological dogmas.

While the Soviet Union’s Marxist and generally russophobic ideology regime always fostered the emergence of local nationalisms (and even created previously non-existing “nationalities”), Belarusian nationalism was something which never got much traction, which is hardly surprising since any distinction between a Russian and a Belarusian is much smaller than the differences amongst Russians who now live in a very diverse and truly multi-ethnic society. Still, from the point of view of the Party Nomenklatura and their western curators, not splitting away Belarus from Russia while such countries as the Ukraine or Kazakhstan declared their independence was unthinkable, thus a kind of weird compromise was reached which was supposed to reassure both the people of Russia and those of Belarus. Some agreements were made, others were endlessly negotiated about (especially any energy deals!) and what eventually resulted from this all is this weird and artificial statelet of only 10 million people. As for its leader, he declared that Belarus will follow a “multi-vector” foreign policy which I would summarize as follows: pump as much money out of Russia as possible, while at the same time seeking support from the AngloZionist Empire.

[Sidebar: yes, I know, Lukashenko is called the “last dictator of Europe” and he is not popular in the West.  My point is that his lack of popularity is to be credited to the West, and not to him. Over and over again, Lukashenko tried to get support (meaning “money”) from the West and now Pompeo & Co. have apparently decided to make “their” son of a bitch “our” son of a bitch. What I mean by that Lukashenko was the textbook case of the “our son of a bitch” phenomenon, but not for the West – for Russia.  I furthermore believe that like all “sons of bitches” (including “theirs” and “ours”) – Lukashenko has now turned into a liability for Russia.]

There is another very worrisome development taking place now: in this entire business the Belarusian KGB was either hopelessly incompetent (which it ain’t!) or penetrated by western agents.  I find the second explanation much more likely.

If we now assume that the Belarusian KGB has been penetrated and compromised, then this is very bad news for Lukashenko who might find himself in the same situation as, say, Nicolae Ceaușescu, who was betrayed by his own secret services (we can also remember how many US/Israeli agents were in high position around Bashar Assad until the war in Syria forced them to pick a side).

Frankly, while the CIA and the rest of them are not very good at some things, they are truly world-class masters in the art of corrupting officials and this might have already happened in Belarus.

Right now, there are riots in Minsk and in other cities and while in the capital the riot police has things mostly under control, there have already been cases of riot cops running for their lives to avoid being lynched by the mob. As of the time of writing this (Monday 21:50 UTC) the Belarusian KGB has declared that they are hunting down the worst agitators and rioters, but considering how easy it has been for the Ukrainian SBU to trick (or, worse, infiltrate) the Belarusian KGB, I am not feeling very reassured by this verbiage: special services are here to take care of dangerous problems, not to make big statements.

Right now, the latest we hear from the Belarusian KGB is that they prevented the assassination of the main opposition figure Svetlana Tikhanovskaya.  Heck, this might even be true, considering that the (clueless) Tikhanovskaya would make a perfect “sacrificial lamb” (and an terrible politician, should she ever be elected). But this also looks like some interests inside the Belarusian KGB are courting Tikhanovskaya. Both versions are equally bad, I think.

How serious is all this?


There are already (false) rumors spread by Polish media about Lukashenko having fled Belarus in his aircraft. This rumor is clearly designed to create the (wrong) impression that Lukashenko is the next Ianukovich: while I equally dislike both of these men, Lukashenko is a much tougher man than Ianukovich ever was.

Furthermore, the kind of media-campaign waged now by the western, Polish and Ukie media is unprecedented in its magnitude and it will be very hard for the regime to regain control of the country.

As for Lukashenko, he now seems to have reversed his tune somehow: after accusing Russia of treating Belarus not as a brother, but as a partner, now he says that he spoke to Putin and got a 5 page document explaining it all, and now he says that Russia and Belarus will be brothers after all.

Not very convincing, to say the least.

Quite logically, Lukashenko’s popularity in Russia, which was never that high to begin with, is now rapidly degrading and many analysts who, in the past, praised Lukashenko for his (supposedly) “firm” policy towards the West are now openly voicing their disgust.  An increasing number of Russians are now openly wondering with this entire “supranational union state” concept.  As for Lukashenko’s much vaunted “multi-vector policies” they look like a banal case of trying to sit between two chairs.

It now appears pretty obvious that the leaders of the Empire stopped hating Lukashenko only long enough to give a short lived and semi-credible appearance of benevolence; now they are already talking about reintroducing sanctions on Belarus and on Lukashenko personally.

This is all extremely dangerous for Russia for the following reasons:
  1. Lukashenko is an absolutely terrible “our son of a bitch” (they always are!) to back and his latest antics have shown the Kremlin that Lukashenko is very much part of the problem, not of the solution.
  2. If Lukashenko remains in power, it will be only thanks to his (mostly very effective) repressive apparatus which might be enough to silence the opposition, but not enough to make Lukashenko truly popular.
  3. Lukashenko himself is clearly both dishonest and unprincipled.  He does not care one bit about Russia (or Belarus for that matter), he cares only about himself.  In other words, as long as he remains in power, Belarus will be a major concern for Russia.
  4. If Lukashenko is overthrown, be it by a KGB plot or a Maidan-like violent insurrection, we can be pretty darn sure that whoever comes to power will be 1) vetted by the USA and 2) rabidly anti-Russian.
  5. Belarus does not have much of an economic significance for Russia, but for security and, even more so, military reasons Belarus is absolutely vital to the Russian security
This last point needs to be further clarified. Not only is Belarus located in a strategically crucial location, the Belarussian armed forces are very well trained and equipped (no comparison to the Ukie forces) and they represent a major military asset for the Kremlin.  
There are also Russian forces deployed in Belarus*. Finally, the contacts between the Belarusian and Russian military are very friendly and very deep.To have NATO take over Belarus would truly be a major problem for Russia (one that she can deal with, but it would require a major re-thinking of the threat from the West).

So where do we go from here?

It seems to me that if Putin does “more of the same” Russia risks seriously losing Belarus which, at a time when the Ukrainian Banderastan is falling apart, would really be a crying shame.  Right now, Russia needs to contain the “Ukrainian infection” while, at the same time, preparing an after-Lukashenko (before it is too late). Obviously, Lukashenko will not gracefully resign, so Russia needs to find a tool in her toolkit to force him to do so.
Personally, I have always believed that fully reincorporating Belarus into Russia would not only solve the “Belarusian problem” but that it would also solve the “Lukashenko problem”.  I am confident that Russia has more than enough influence and resources in Belarus to force a change. Yes, that would be both difficult and dangerous, but not doing so could result in a much worse outcome.  Russia needs to act.  Quickly and resolutely.

The Saker - [this analysis was written for the Unz review]

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* Waar de Saker dat vandaan haalt zou ik niet weten, immers dit zou ongetwijfeld zijn aangehaald door de demonstranten in Wit-Rusland, waar men vandaag nog schande sprak over het vrijlaten van de 30 ongewapnede Russische veiligheidsagenten, die de Saker eerder aanhaalt in zijn verhaal..... Hij geeft daar verder ook geen bewijs voor..... Uitermate vreemd...... Ongetwijfeld zal het Wit-Russische leger af en aan militaire oefeningen houden met de Russische strijdkrachten, echter daar is op dit moment, noch de laatste paar maanden sprake van (geweest).

Zie ook: 'Dear mister Putin pleas cut Russian ties with Belarus' (dom van mij, immers Wit-Rusland is van groot strategisch belang voor Rusland en de VS, ik had moeten inzetten op een breuk met Loekasjenko)

'Helga Salemon 'met zéééér wijze woorden' over Loekasjenko en de verkiezingen in Wit-Rusland, met de nadruk op Rusland' (zie ook de links in dat bericht voor meer anti-Russische propaganda leugens van Salemon)

zaterdag 7 juli 2018

Iran: moderne oorlogspropaganda ingezet door VS tegen 'ongehoorzaam land...'

'Zo ziet moderne oorlogspropaganda eruit', luidt de kop boven een artikel van Caitlin Johnsone. Ze beschrijft hierin het grote aantal video's, waarin heldhaftige jonge Iraanse moslim vrouwen 'vechten' voor hun vrijheid.

Johnstone wijst op het grote aantal malen dat deze video's worden gedeeld door republikeinen en de pro-Israël lobby (plus: zionisten*), groepen die normaal gesproken totaal geen moeite hebben met de onderdrukking van vrouwen in islamitische landen, het gaat hier dan ook om Iraanse moslims (Iran is voor 89% sjiitisch) en niet om hun zwaar onderdrukte seksegenoten uit bijvoorbeeld Saoedi-Arabië (84% soennieten) of Egypte (93% soennieten).......

Nee sterker nog: de reguliere westerse media en het grootste deel van de westerse politici roemen Mohammad bin Salman al-Saoed ofwel MBS, zoals men deze psychopathische moordenaar aanduidt, daar deze nieuwe machthebber in Saoedi-Arabië die vrouwen het recht heeft gegeven om auto te rijden, een wassen neus als je ziet hoe het er verder wat 'vrouwenrechten' voorstaat in S-A..... (die rechten zijn er niet.. Oh nee dom van mij: ze mogen nu autorijden, zodat ze mooi de boodschappen kunnen doen, als 'manlief' uit z'n neus zit te eten, of achter andere vrouwen aanzit....) Oh en voor ik het vergeet, deze MBS is tevens verantwoordelijk voor de genocide op de sjiitische bevolking van Jemen, waarin hij aan alle kanten wordt gesteund door de VS en GB, 2 NAVO lidstaten (al is de VS de feitelijke baas van de NAVO)......

In Iran mogen vrouwen al heel lang in auto's rijden, echter dat schijnt niet van belang te zijn in het westen.... Ook het feit dat de huidige regering in Iran voorzichtig probeert de macht van de sjiitische leiders los te weken, hoeft amper of niet op westerse belangstelling te rekenen.....

Johnstone kan dan ook niet anders concluderen dan dat hier sprake is van oorlogspropaganda...... De voormalige staatssecretaris van BuZa in de VS, Rex Tillerson heeft een beleidsmedewerker, Brian Hook en deze stelde in een uitgelekt memorandum van de Trump administratie dat mensenrechten moeten worden gebruikt als knuppel om onwillige staten als Iran, Noord-Korea en China mee te slaan, terwijl de schending van mensenrechten moet worden toegestaan aan landen als Saoedi-Arabië, Egypte, de Filipijnen en Israël (al noemt Johnstone het laatste land niet in deze combinatie).......... In het memorandum is verder te lezen dat bondgenoten anders en beter moeten worden behandeld dan tegenstanders, daar je anders meer tegenstanders dan bondgenoten overhoudt....... (de VS was zelfs voor Saoedi-Arabië op de post van voorzitter van de VN Mensenrechtencommissie >> UNHRC)

Uit het voorgaande kan je ten overvloede nog eens destilleren dat men in de VS knettergek is en werkelijk denkt een wereldrijk te zijn, waar het naar goeddunken kan moorden en verder alles mag doen wat god verboden heeft (en dat voor een zwaar 'christelijke' natie...), zolang het maar in het belang is van dat rijk....

In feite is de VS werkelijk al lang het Vierde Rijk en heel wat succesvoller dan het Derde van Hitler in nazi-Duitsland..... Sinds WOII heeft de VS al meer dan 22 miljoen mensen vermoord**, dit feit zou toch een teken aan de wand moeten zijn voor zowel politici als de reguliere media in de rest van het westen....... Maar nee, de VS wordt afgeschilderd als de politieagent van de wereld, ook door de ten onrechte zo bejubelde rechtse zakkenwasser Henk Hofland...... Het maakt niet uit hoe de VS tekeergaat, de rest van het westen neemt gedwee de pet af en buigt eerbiedig het hoofd als de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde weer aan het moorden slaat in een volgend land.......

Het artikel hierna komt van de site van Caitlin Johnstone (Rogue Journalist), lezen mensen en geeft het door, de wereld heeft allesbehalve een nieuwe oorlog nodig:

This Is What Modern War Propaganda Looks Like


I’ve been noticing videos going viral the last few days, some with millions of views, about Muslim women bravely fighting to free themselves from oppression in the Middle East. The videos, curiously, are being shared enthusiastically by many Republicans and pro-Israel hawks, who aren’t traditionally the sort of crowd you see rallying to support the civil rights of Muslims. What’s up with that?

Well, you may want to sit down for this shocker, but it turns out that they happen to be women from a nation that the US war machine is currently escalating operations against. They are Iranian.

Whenever you see the sudden emergence of an attractive media campaign that is sympathetic to the plight of civilians in a resource-rich nation unaligned with the western empire, you are seeing propaganda. When that nation is surrounded by other nations with similar human rights transgressions and yet those transgressions are ignored by that same media campaign, you are most certainly seeing propaganda. When that nation just so happens to already be the target of starvation sanctions and escalated covert CIA ops, you can bet the farm that you are seeing propaganda.

Back in December a memo was leaked from inside the Trump administration showing how then-Secretary of State, DC neophyte Rex Tillerson, was coached on how the US empire uses human rights as a pretense on which to attack and undermine noncompliant governments. Politico reports:

The May 17 memo reads like a crash course for a businessman-turned-diplomat, and its conclusion offers a starkly realist vision: that the U.S. should use human rights as a club against its adversaries, like Iran, China and North Korea, while giving a pass to repressive allies like the Philippines, Egypt and Saudi Arabia".

Allies should be treated differently — and better — than adversaries. Otherwise, we end up with more adversaries, and fewer allies,” argued the memo, written by Tillerson’s influential policy aide, Brian Hook.

The propaganda machine doesn’t operate any differently from the State Department, since they serve the same establishment. US ally Saudi Arabia is celebrated by the mass media for “liberal reform” in allowing women to drive despite hard evidence that those “reforms” are barely surface-level cosmetics to present a pretty face to the western world, but Iranian women, who have been able to drive for years, are painted as uniquely oppressed. Iran is condemned by establishment war whores for the flaws in its democratic process, while Saudi Arabia, an actual monarchy, goes completely unscrutinized.

This is because the US-centralized power establishment, which has never at any point in its history cared about human rights, plans on effecting regime change in Iran by any means necessary. Should those means necessitate a potentially controversial degree of direct military engagement, the empire needs to make sure it retains control of the narrative.

Julie Lenarz
Women in Iran are recording the abuse they suffer at the hands of men for not wearing religious clothing. May the good people of Iran free themselves from the shackles of the tyrannical mullah theocracy.

This is what war propaganda looks like in the era of social media. It will never look ugly. It will never directly show you its real intentions. If it did, it wouldn’t work. It can’t just come right out and say “Hey we need to do horrible, evil things to the people in this country on the other side of the world in your name using your resources, please play along without making a fuss.” It will necessarily look fresh and fun and rebellious. It will look appealing. It will look sexy.

And it’s working. I am currently getting tagged in these videos multiple times a day by Trump supporters who are eager to show me proof that I’m on the wrong side of the Iran issue; the psyop is so well-lubricated with a combination of sleek presentation and confirmation bias that it slides right past their skepticism and becomes accepted as fact, even the one with the Now This pussyhat propaganda logo in the corner.

Be less trusting of these monsters, please. The people of Afghanistan haven’t benefitted from the interminable military quagmire that has cost tens of thousands of their lives. The invaders of Iraq were never “greeted as liberators” by an oppressed population. The humanitarian intervention in Libya left a humanitarian catastrophe in its wake far more horrific than anything it claimed to be trying to prevent. Saving the children of Syria with western interventionism has left half a million Syrians dead.

If the Iranians do in fact wish to change their government, it should happen without crippling sanctions, collaboration with extremist terror cults, or the rapey tentacles of the CIA manipulating the situation. There has never been a US-led regime change in the Middle East that wasn’t disastrous. People should be screaming at the US and its allies to cease these interventions, not applauding propaganda that is clearly being manufactured by that same empire.

This is what war propaganda looks like in the era of social media. It will never look ugly. It will never directly show you its real intentions. If it did, it wouldn’t work. It can’t just come right out and say “Hey we need to do horrible, evil things to the people in this country on the other side of the world in your name using your resources, please play along without making a fuss.” It will necessarily look fresh and fun and rebellious. It will look appealing. It will look sexy.

And it’s working. I am currently getting tagged in these videos multiple times a day by Trump supporters who are eager to show me proof that I’m on the wrong side of the Iran issue; the psyop is so well-lubricated with a combination of sleek presentation and confirmation bias that it slides right past their skepticism and becomes accepted as fact, even the one with the Now This pussyhat propaganda logo in the corner.

Be less trusting of these monsters, please. The people of Afghanistan haven’t benefitted from the interminable military quagmire that has cost tens of thousands of their lives. The invaders of Iraq were never “greeted as liberators” by an oppressed population. The humanitarian intervention in Libya left a humanitarian catastrophe in its wake far more horrific than anything it claimed to be trying to prevent. Saving the children of Syria with western interventionism has left half a million Syrians dead.

If the Iranians do in fact wish to change their government, it should happen without crippling sanctions, collaboration with extremist terror cults, or the rapey tentacles of the CIA manipulating the situation. There has never been a US-led regime change in the Middle East that wasn’t disastrous. People should be screaming at the US and its allies to cease these interventions, not applauding propaganda that is clearly being manufactured by that same empire.

De zionisten in Israël noemt Johnstone niet, echter die werken hard mee aan deze propaganda, zelfs de Palestijnenslachter Netanyahu sprak de 'opstandigen' in Iran aan en riep hen op het regime omver te werpen........ De demonstraties in Iran, die dik zijn aangezet door de reguliere westerse pers, zijn het gevolg van geheime CIA acties in Iran, de CIA is daar al een aantal jaren mee bezig....... Het beproefde, maar niet altijd succesvolle recept: een opstand op poten zetten, die moet resulteren in een staatsgreep, waarna de VS een haar welgevallige leider in het zadel zet..... Deze eeuw heeft de VS dit al gedaan in Libië, Oekraïne, Brazilië, Honduras, Venezuela en Syrië, waar de eerste 4 'min of meer' zijn gelukt........

** Alleen vanaf 1945 tot het jaar 2000 heeft de VS al 20 miljoen mensen vermoord (deze eeuw al meer dan 2 miljoen...), zie: 'VS vermoordde meer dan 20 miljoen mensen sinds het einde van WOII........' Zie verder:  'List of wars involving the United States' en: 'VS buitenlandbeleid sinds WOII: een lange lijst van staatsgrepen en oorlogen..........'    en: 'CIA 70 jaar: 70 jaar moorden, martelen, coups plegen, nazi's beschermen, media manipulatie enz. enz.........'

Zie ook:
'Trump volgt het scenario van deep state: oorlog met Iran 'is onvermijdelijk....''

'Rudy Giuliani viert het sterven van Iraniërs en stelt desondanks dat het Iraanse bewind door de VS geweldloos zal ondergaan.......'

'Jeremy Bowen (BBC correspondent) vindt Iran een gevaar voor het Midden-Oosten'

'Iran, de protesten en wat de media je niet vertellen.........'

'With Veiled Regime Change Threats, Trump and NeoCons Blasted for Exploiting Iran Protests'

'Warmonger Called Out on Live TV After Pretending to Care About Iranian Protesters'

'Iraanse protesten gezien door de propaganda bril van de VS en de rest van het westen........'

'MEK, een Iraanse terreurorganisatie werd door Clinton van de terreurlijst verwijderd en de VS 'wens' tot Iraanse 'regime change''

'Iran houdt zich aan nucleair verdrag, ondanks VS agressie'