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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label R. Nord. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label R. Nord. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 3 juli 2018

Britse en VS manipulaties van verkiezingen en stimulatie van conflicten middels psychologische oorlogsvoering

Het Britse bedrijf Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL Group), waarvan de VS tak ofwel dochtermaatschappij het vermaledijde Cambridge Analytica is, viel fiks door de mand (met bewijzen >> gelekte officiële documenten) voor o.a. het manipuleren van verkiezingen, terwijl voor 'Russische manipulaties na godbetert 2 jaar nog steeds geen flinter aan bewijs is geleverd........' Overigens ook in WikiLeaks zijn bewijzen te vinden van VS manipulaties van verkiezingen elders... Zo de waard is vertrouwt deze zijn/haar gasten, om nog eens een cliché aan te halen, al is de waard de VS .....

SCL gebruikte in 2009 m.n. Jemen als proefgebied voor haar smerige spelletjes..... De in Jemen ontwikkelde onderzoeks- en psychologische tactieken, werden later gebruikt tegen bevolkingen de wereld rond, o.a. in landen als Libië, Syrië en Iran......

SCL heeft een dubieuze reputatie van stoken in conflictgebieden, zoals deze organisatie dit heeft gedaan in Nigeria, Oekraïne, Litouwen en in meerdere westerse landen...... (zie de link onder het hieronder opgenomen artikel)

Randi Nord, schrijver van het hieronder opgenomen artikel, eerder gepubliceerd op Geopolitics Alert, neemt m.n. Project Titania onder de loep, dit is het project van SCL dat in 2009 van start ging in Jemen, een project waarvan men de uitkomsten heeft ingezet in een aantal andere landen..... 

Heel smerig is het gebruik van informatie door SCL, informatie die door o.a. NGO's werd verzameld...... SCL Group gebruikte (en gebruikt) deze informatie voor psychologische manipulaties en zelfs voor psychologische oorlogsvoering....... SCL Group lanceerde Project Titania t.b.v. een militaire onderaannemer genaamd Archimedes........

Sinds Project Titania van start ging hebben de VS en de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten (VAE) 18 'black site prisons' geopend in Jemen, ofwel geheime gevangenissen waar men martelt en de ergste vorm van marteling >> verkrachting toepast op gevangenen die niet eens zijn veroordeeld, gevangenen van wie niemand uit de achterban weet waar ze zijn, zoals je zal begrijpen uit het voorgaande.....

Cambridge Analytica Parent Co. Used Yemen as Test Site for Global Manipulation Tactics

London (GPA) – Leaked documents show that Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL), the parent company of the notorious Cambridge Analytica, carried out a surveillance operation embedded among local Yemeni populations in 2009. The research and psychological tactics of deception were likely later used against populations around the world including Libya, Syria, and Iran where SCL Group carried out various operations to influence social climates on behalf of their clients.
SLC Group has a dubious history of stirring up trouble with “psychological warfare” in places like Nigeria, Ukraine, Latvia and many Western countries.

The leaked documents, obtained by the Grayzone Project, detail a program called “Project Titania” carried out in Yemen which SCL Group appears to have used for honing their psychological manipulation skills. Grayzone spoke with a media professional who SCL attempted to recruit for an operation in Iran in 2009.

According to SCL Group, they launched Project Titania on behalf of an entity called Archimedes — a U.S.-based military contractor. This highlights the dangers of private companies like Facebook and Google merging with the military-industrial complex.

Since launching Project Titania, the United States and United Arab Emirates have opened 18 black site prisons in Yemen for arbitrarily detaining, torturing, and sexually abusing 

Project Titania

Strategic Communication Laboratories (SLC) launched Project Titania in 2009 between June and July in very specific areas of Yemen’s Marib province and al-Mukalla city in Hadramaut province. Working on behalf of their client (a U.S.-based military contractor), SCL Group chose these locations after careful consideration and research about al-Qaeda’s (AQAP) growing presence.

Project Titania included four main phases: motivation and segmentation, research plan, field phase, analysis, and reporting. The experience SCL Group gained and the tactics they used were later employed throughout the rest of the world for other clients.

In Yemen, SCL’s goal with Project Titania was to reduce what they called “non-desired behaviors” or NDB by using something called “communication campaigns.” In Project Titania’s case, “the non-desired behavior” involved young men joining terrorist groups like al-Qaeda. Research leading up to the communication campaign included recorded interviews and questionnaires with local Yemenis while deceiving respondents about the interview’s or questionnaire’s purpose.

The victims’ responses were later used to determine if NDBs (joining terrorist groups)
could be reduced through deceptive intervention techniques.

Open-source Deskwork

A large portion of Project Titania took place before the foreign agents even began conducting interviews. Researchers at SCL Group used open-source information from NGOs, local publications, census data, “earlier studies,” and other entities deemed relevant or accurate.This draws into question the role non-governmental organizations play supporting the military-industrial complex.

The public doesn’t hear about this scenario too often, but it’s really not uncommon for U.S. military contractors or other individuals with ulterior motives to seek employment at NGOs. In 2015, the Yemeni resistance group Ansarullah (aka. the Houthis) apprehended a U.S. military contractor working undercover for the Red Cross in Yemen. The contractor, Scott Darden, was tasked with setting up sleeper cells and safe houses for U.S. commando units inside Ansarullah-held territory.

Going Undercover

SCL Group employed what they called “Researchers” to conduct recorded interviews with local Yemenis to gather psychosocial information about relevant issues, historic context, language, literacy, channel exposure, channel credibility, noise, values, attitudes and beliefs, current behavior, common enemies, binary opposition, decision paths, power structures, message appeals, skills, intent, motivations, and everything else that makes a person tick.

SCL Group’s “Researchers” told the victims that the questionnaires and interviews were for seemingly benign purposes like market research. Prior to completing the interview or the questionnaire, all participants will be given a rationale for the study (i.e., that the study is part of a university research programme or a market research programme),” the document reads.

Each questionnaire contained 35 questions and took about 30 minutes to complete. SCL Group carried out 30 in-depth interviews and a staggering 300 guided interviews during a mere month-long period in the two target locations. The respondents were also asked to provide their gender, education level, income level, religious affiliation, and other demographic data in addition to the psychosocial questions.

Understanding and Using the Data

Groups of eight Researchers were lead by a team leader known as a Research Leader. Their goals were to answer the following questions about al-Qaeda in Marib and al-Mukalla but it’s easy to see how the same strategy was later applied elsewhere among different populations with different goals.

Accessibility: how easy is it to gain access into the group or contact people in the group?

Salience of Impact: how likely is the communication campaign to change NDB?

Problem Relevance: how relevant is a factor to the client’s goals and objectives?

Measurability: any instance of applying numbers to the behavior

Influenceability: how likely is the campaign to influence the target audience behavior?

The research described here was part of a larger campaign to influence behavior in Marib and al-Mukalla. The entire project included three steps: identify campaign target groups (CTG), understand campaign target groups to develop an influencing plan, and understanding a target audience to create an influence path to the CTG.

A Few Things…

In Project Titania’s case, the “campaign target group” included young men at risk for joining al-Qaeda but, again, it’s very easy to see how this same strategy could be applied in numerous situations to produce a desirable social climate for any client.
It’s possible that these tactics were used by one entity or another for several purposes since 2009 including in now-current war zones like Syria or Libya as well as elections in various countries throughout the entire world.

The detailed assessment and analysis SCL Group conducted of Marib and al-Mukalla shows that similar or affiliated entities like Cambridge Analytica run into no trouble gathering publicly available or user-provided information from social media, NGOs, censuses, and other sources before even lifting a finger to conduct their own questionnaires or interviews.

However, SCL Group’s detailed assessment of Yemen’s 2009 current and future political situation were not at all accurate as they described the overall political security as “country collapse currently slim.” We all know how that’s worked out.

The report mainly appeared concerned with AQAP and, to a lesser extent, Yemen’s southern separatist movement al-Hirak. Unsurprisingly, SCL Group highly underestimated Ansarullah’s potential for gaining enough public support to control the capital city and most of the northern provinces. Their report knocks the Houthis for “draining precious military resources” (the then-president Ali Abdullah Saleh was receiving military support from the United States to keep al-Qaeda at bay).

The report also counters Saudi Arabia’s line that Ansarullah (the Houthis) are a terrorist group. The document mentions that hostilities might occur, but it mentions nothing about violent terror attacks on civilians akin to al-Qaeda. If SCL Group (or the U.S. military contractor they were conducting Project Titania on behalf of) believed that the Houthi group was apt to launch similar attacks or behave like al-Qaeda, SCL probably would have lumped them into the project’s research.

It’s also worth mentioning that since Project Titania, the United States and United Arab Emirates have set up a series of 18 black site detention centers throughout areas of Yemen under their control. The victims are swept up under the guise of fighting al-Qaeda, but locals say the men were arbitrarily detained and forced into confessions with physical and sexual torture.

These documents were released by the Grayzone Project as the first in a two-part series. Featured photo: a woman walks near the Marib ruins by Will De Freitas on Flickr. 
Zoals al vaker op deze plek verzucht: het is de allerhoogste tijd dat de VS, Groot-Brittannië en bedrijven als SCL voor het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC) worden gedaagd!

Zie ook:
'Martin Vrijland ontmaskerde SCL groep al voordat The New York Times dat deed over verkiezingsbeïnvloeding' (SCL is o.a. mede verantwoordelijk voor de coup in Oekraïne, de coup tegen de democratisch gekozen president Janoekovytsj, dit deed SCL als onderaannemer van de VS regering en in dit geval in innige samenwerking met Hillary Clinton,destijds minister van BuZa Hillary Clinton, die hier maar liefst meer dan 4 miljard dollar voor uittrok..... SCL werkt voorts nauw samen met de uiterst agressieve oorlogshond van de VS, de NAVO....)

Read more about US imperialism in Yemen:

American Spy Arrested by “Houthis” Worked Undercover Via NGO Agencies

Blame US Imperialism for al-Qaeda in Yemen – Not the “Houthi” Uprising

INTERVIEW: Ansarullah Leader Explains How US and UN Sandbagged Yemen Peace Talks

Where Is Yemen and Why Is the US Helping Saudi Arabia Bomb It?

Is What’s Happening in Yemen Genocide?

US-backed Forces Claiming to “Liberate” Yemen Rape Detainees in Secret Prisons

Zie ook:
''Russiagate': Intel-raport over Russische bemoeienis met verkiezingen opgebouwd met leugens en is politiek gemotiveerd, aldus Matlock, voormalig VS ambassadeur in Moskou' (zie ook de links in dat bericht)

'De Russiagate samenzweringstheorie dient de machthebbers.........'

Mijn excuus: zag na plaatsing dat ik was vergeten de VS te noemen in de kop.

zondag 13 mei 2018

VS rol in Jemen gaat verder dan eerder gemeld, ofwel nog meer VS hulp bij Saoedische genocide op sjiieten.....

Onlangs werd bekend gemaakt dat de VS o.a. Saoedi-Arabië helpt bij de bewaking van de grens tussen Jemen en Saoedi-Arabië. Oké weinig nieuws want wie het (echte) nieuws over Jemen volgt (voor het overgrote deel niet te vinden in de reguliere westerse media) wist al lang dat de VS Saoedi-Arabië helpt bij de genocide die het in buurland Jemen uitvoert op de sjiitische bevolking. Bijvoorbeeld door de straaljagers en bommenwerpers van de Saoedische coalitie bij te tanken in de lucht, zodat ze 'zo efficiënt mogelijk' vooral burgerdoelen kunnen bombarderen.

Bij die beschietingen en bombardementen worden ook veel kinderen en vrouwen vermoord, maar dat interesseert het westen niet, precies dat ligt in Syrië heel anders, al staat men daar op de kop n.a.v. leugens gebracht door de terreurgroepen via het Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) en terreur ondersteuners White Helmets, die gelinkt zijn aan Al Qaida..... Nee, het Syrisch bewind is de boosdoener en het leven van een kind in Syrië is zo'n 10.000 maal belangrijker dan een kind van sjiitische ouders in Jemen......

Dan is er nog de zeeblokkade van Jemenitische havens die in handen zijn van de Houthi rebellen (of: Ansarullah), een blokkade die deels door de VS wordt uitgevoerd..... De zeeblokkade, plus de blokkades aan de landgrenzen hebben er samen voor gezorgd dat er een hongersnood is ontstaan in Jemen (één van de grootste oorlogsmisdaden die kunnen worden begaan >> het uithongeren van de bevolking, waaronder alweer heel veel kinderen.....)........

Met de enorme aantallen bombardementen (met o.a. clusterbommen) op ziekenhuizen, scholen, energiecentrales, waterzuiveringsinstallaties, water bedrijven en de (ook sanitaire) infrastructuur, is er een enorme uitbraak van cholera ontstaan in Jemen, die gevolgd werd door een difterie uitbraak.....

Blijkbaar niet genoeg voor de VS zo blijkt uit het volgende artikel van Randi Nord, waarin ze onder meer spreekt over 18 geheime gevangenissen die de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten (VAE >> onderdeel van de Saoedische coalitie) heeft gebouwd in door hen beheerst Jemenitisch gebied, waar onder VS regie wordt gemarteld........ 

Het artikel werd eerder geplaatst op Geopolitics Alert, lees het en geeft het door, zo kunnen de vele leugens doorbroken worden, die we te horen krijgen in de reguliere media, althans als ze al berichten over deze genocide (een woord dat in die media al helemaal niet wordt gebruikt voor de massamoord op de sjiitische bevolking van Jemen......):

What Else is Washington Not Telling Us About US Participation in Yemen?

Randi Nord  May 11, 2018 Americas Middle East United States Yemen al-Qaeda Ansarullah Blackwater Houthis Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates (UAE) United States Yemen

us in yemen
Sana’a (GPA) – For the past three years, the United States has attempted to disguise, manipulate, or outright deny its involvement in Yemen. Nonetheless, new facts come to light every so often that indicate Washington’s participation in the Saudi-led war is much more hands-on than officials let on.

The Covert Role of the US in Yemen

The recent news about Green Berets deployed along the Saudi border highlights the ever-growing U.S. role. So, what else is Washington not disclosing about the US in Yemen?

The United States regime has consistently downplayed its role in Yemen while news emerges that counters this narrative. Let’s take a look at everything the United States has done while insisting its role in Yemen is passive.

Green Berets Deployed Along the Saudi-Yemen Border

News emerged last week that Green Berets are stationed along the Saudi-Yemen border to assist Saudi troops. A report from the New York Times says 12 commandos arrived back in December. The NYT received this information from American officials and European diplomats who claim the Green Berets’ only mission is to destroy weapons caches belonging to Yemeni forces.

This timing coincides with a high-profile long-range missile launch by Yemeni forces targeting Riyadh in response to the ongoing airstrikes. The missile launch in question took place in early November. This is the same missile launch U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, used fragments from to suggest a U.S. war against Iran.

The NYT’s sources said that the Green Berets have not and will not participate in direct combat with Yemeni forces. Ansarullah (aka “the Houthis”) troops known as Yemen’s Army and Popular Committees have not shared any photos or reports indicating direct combat either. At this point, the “no direct combat” claim seems to stand.

It’s worth mentioning that the US deployed these Green Berets in December yet Yemen’s resistance forces have launched countless retaliatory missile attacks on Saudi targets since.

yemen badr 1 missile defense system
Yemen’s Badr 1 short-range ballistic missile system for deterring US-Saudi aggression and invasion.

A U.S. Army Lieutenant Now Serves for the United Arab Emirates in Yemen — Seriously

This week, Buzzfeed reported that a former U.S. Army lieutenant now serves for the United Arab Emirates. Prior to joining the Emiratis, Stephen Toumajan served as a lieutenant colonel for the United States throughout most of his career.

But murdering Arabs in their own country isn’t Toumajan’s only passion — he also ran a breast enhancement company in Tennessee called “Breast Wishes.”

Although Buzzfeed broke the story, this information comes from Toumajan’s own admissions as well as an Emirati’s government website.
The U.A.E. speaks highly of Toumajan as “his excellency” and promoted him from his previous U.S. Army lieutenant position. He now serves as a commander for the U.A.E. Joint Aviation Command manning helicopters.

Depending on who’s asking, Toumajan may deny his official status — it is, after all, a very gray area legality-wise. When it came to a recent child custody hearing, the American Emirati commander quickly back-peddled on his official involvement in the foreign military.

Speaking to Buzzfeed via WhatsApp, Toumajan called himself a “civilian contractor.”

This highlights the growing instances of using for-profit hires (bluntly: contract killers) to bypass standard military norms and international law. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates both utilize Blackwater mercenaries for boosting their military ranks.

These countries have flooded Yemen with foreign fighters to kill indigenous Yemenis on their own soil. Fighters often hail from Sudan and many Latin American countries like Columbia and Mexico.

The U.A.E. takes particular advantage of this market and it’s very common for foreigners to serve under the Emirati banner. Mike Hindmarsh, for example, is a retired Australian senior officer who now serves on the U.A.E. Presidential Guard.

This strategy allows the United States and western countries to station troops in Yemen without stationing troops in Yemen.

UAE and US in Yemen Establish 18 Black-site Torture Centers

Last year, reports emerged that the US in Yemen helped the United Arab Emirates establish a series of black-site detention centers throughout territory under their control.

Inmates at these 18 detention centers cited unspeakable torture. One device, known as “the grill,” roasted victims for interrogation. Guards smeared detainees with feces and crammed them into what looks like shipping containers in Yemen’s intense heat for indefinite amounts of time. Beatings and electrocutions are commonplace.

Conditions look similar — if not much worse — to the infamous Abu Graihb U.S.-run detention center in Iraq.

According to the Associated Press, U.S. and Emirati troops rounded up civilians without any justification as part of sweeps to flush out suspected al-Qaeda militants. It appears as though the prisons still function.

Low-key Raids by the US in Yemen

Shortly after Trump’s inauguration, Yemen made headlines. But the war-torn nation didn’t break news because of the genocidal bombing campaign. No, Yemen made headlines because a Navy Seal died in a disastrous raid against suspected al-Qaeda militants — the Trump regime’s first official military action.

Not satisfied with the result, Washington ordered a similar raid just months later.

The first raid left 25 civilians dead while the second killed at least five. Many readers may not know that a very young girl died during one of these low-key raids — she was an eight-year-old American citizen named Nawar al-Awlaki. A 70-year-old partially blind man also died.

Nawar al-Awlaki. The daughter of alleged AQAP recruiter Anwar al-Awlaki who were both American citizens killed by US drone strikes or raids in Yemen.

Again, Navy Seals did not leave the scene unscathed. In fact, conflicting reports cast doubt on Washington’s official story. According to local Yemeni sources, tribal fighters (not aligned to any group) killed or injured at least 30 U.S. and Gulf troops during the second raid which took place in May.
Yemeni sources also say that al-Qaeda fighters were not present in this particular area of Marib province during the attack.
So, why did the U.S. conduct the raid if al-Qaeda wasn’t even in the area? This particular blunder may be attributed to a number of factors including
  • Securing oil-rich land from rogue (anti-U.S. but not “terrorist”) indigenous tribal groups.
  • Bad intelligence — highly likely considering the U.S.-Saudi coalition’s general military failures in Yemen and on other battlefronts.
  • Something else that Washington hasn’t (and probably won’t) disclose.
Considering that Yemen is known as the “secret war,” whatever the true goal of the mission was is anyone’s guess.

Occupying Socotra

Yemen is isolated: the blockade restricts access to both foreign and domestic journalists. As a result, detailed reporting about U.S. involvement is hard to find — especially in regards to remote Yemeni islands like Socotra and the Bab el Mandeb.  Socotra is a small island between Yemen and Somalia and its territory belongs to Yemen.

Abu Dhabi has used their war in Yemen as a springboard to challenge regional Saudi hegemony — with remarkable success. For just about every Saudi failure in Yemen, you’ll find a success from the Emirates. The United Arab Emirates began occupying Yemen’s Socotra — a UNESCO World Heritage Site — early on during the war.

Residents aren’t fond of their presence and have no desire to participate in the mainland’s war. Emirati troops recently bribed Socotris during a private door-to-door census: future cash and benefits for a possible vote to secede and become part of the U.A.E. Abu Dhabi’s assertiveness in Yemen has certainly rubbed their allies in Riyadh the wrong way.

Considering Washington’s close relationship with the Emirates, it’s hard to imagine that the U.S. is sitting on the sidelines during this land grab. This activity would require extreme stealth to avoid angering Washington’s allies in Riyadh.

Selling Internationally Banned Weapons to the Saudi Coalition

Saudi Arabia and the US in Yemen have used the war as a testing grounds for military action and weapons. Despite the United States condemning Syria for suspected chemical weapons, the US has no problem selling chemical weapons like white phosphorous to the Saudi coalition to use in Yemen.

In the war’s early days, Yemeni forces detained a large number of trucks in Marib province. The trucks contained materials which militants could use to manufacture sarin gas. Yemeni sources believed the weapons came from Turkish planes under the cover of humanitarian aid.

The United States also sold cluster munitions to the Saudi coalition before coming under international pressure from rights groups. Cluster bombs — previously manufactured in the United States until very recently — are internationally banned.

yemeni wedding bombing
Ibrahim refuses to leave his father’s side who lost his life in a US-Saudi terror attack on a wedding which produced 88 casualties.

Even recent reports suggest the Saudis still use cluster bombs in Yemen. It’s unclear whether the United States or the United Kingdom provide the supply or if Riyadh is working through an old stockpile.

Occupying Oil Fields

The United States isn’t supposed to have any troops stationed in Yemen. Washington maintains that its role in Yemen involves two key goals: supporting the Saudi coalition and countering al-Qaeda influence.

Last summer, Emirati troops greeted U.S. soldiers in Yemen at a remote airport in eastern Yemen. Together, they conducted a special mission to push AQAP militants out of key oil fields. Now, the Emiratis and U.S. occupy some of Yemen’s vital oil supplies.

Fighting al-Qaeda in Yemen poses a significant challenge for the United States because their Saudi-allied fighters consider the terror group an ally against Ansarullah. For one thing, AQAP leader Qasim al-Raymi openly admits his men fight alongside U.S.-backed troops.

Terror attacks are common in territory controlled by U.S. allies. AQAP and ISIS militants frequently target Emirati-backed politicians and officials with car bombs or assassination attempts. When the UN Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen visited the war-torn country, he could not visit specific areas controlled by the US-Saudi coalition due to the threat posed by terror groups. The UN Special Envoy did not have this same experience in Sana’a and territory under Ansarullah control.

hotel in yemen crisis in yemen
A hotel in Yemen after Saudi airstrikes.

What Else is Washington Not Telling Us About the US in Yemen?

U.S. support for the Saudi-led bombing campaign has produced over 36,000 casualties between killed and injured. The airstrikes typically target homes, schools, businesses, farms, fishing boats, water treatment facilities and just about anything else you can imagine.

Washington also helps enforce the Saudi-led blockade which restricts imports, exports, and the flow of movement. This has put roughly 22 million Yemenis into either food insecurity or direct famine. Medical supplies are scarce and thousands of patients suffer the consequences — cancer patients, those requiring kidney dialysis, and pregnant women are most at risk.

On top of this, the United States has carried out covert military actions in Yemen for over the past three years. From deploying Green Berets and occupying oil fields to running black-site torture centers, the US in Yemen has ignored all international laws and norms.
What else is Washington not telling the public about the US in Yemen?

Featured photo: U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Cain S. Claxton, 7th Special Forces Group

Zie ook: 'Saoedi-Arabië geeft toe in Jemen gruwelijke oorlogsmisdaden te hebben begaan.... ' (en daarmee is ten overvloede nog eens duidelijk gemaakt dat ook de VS meewerkt aan oorlogsmisdaden, waarvan de ergste wel het uitvoeren van een genocide is.....)

       en: 'Jemen: de vergeten genocide en haar kinderslachtoffers.........'

       en: 'Jemen, de gemartelde, vermoorde of 'verdwenen' Jemenieten, onder verantwoording van de Saoedische coalitie......'

       en: 'Congres VS geeft akkoord voor verdere steun aan de Saoedische genocide in Jemen......'

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        en: 'Agressie vanwege een vermeende gifgasaanval op Douma, terwijl de tienduizenden kinderen die in Jemen worden vermoord middels een genocide blijkbaar niet meetellen......'

        en: 'Saoedi-Arabië dreigt Iran aan te vallen voor vanuit Jemen afgevuurde 'raketten' op Saoedische 'doelen..........''

        en:  'VS doet planning van de Saoedische genocide in Jemen.....'

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        en: 'Saoedi-Arabië dreigt Iran aan te vallen voor vanuit Jemen afgevuurde 'raketten' op Saoedische 'doelen..........''

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        en: 'Jemen: BBC propaganda voor genocide door Saoedische coalitie........'

Berichten over de Saoedische omgang met sjiieten in eigen land:

             'Koenders nog steeds stil: Saoedi-Arabië bezig met etnische zuivering op eigen bodem en nog steeds levert het westen wapens aan terreurstaat S-A.....'

       en: 'Saoedi-Arabië pakt een enorm aantal mensen op.......'

       en: 'Saoedi-Arabië moordt eigen sjiitische burgers uit..... Tijd voor een handelsdelegatie met Koenders, Rutte en W.A.!!'

       en: 'Mike Pompeo (ex-CIA, VS min. van BuZa en 'christen') liegt openlijk over genocide in Jemen'

Wat betreft de 'betrouwbaarheid' van de VS:

              'Iran moet hangen en Iran-deal moet van tafel....... Israël speelt wolf in schaapskleren'

       en: 'VS, de werelddictator: Iran-deal is van nul en generlei waarde (op basis van leugens en achterklap).......'

vrijdag 1 december 2017

Saoedi-Arabië en VS nu ook verantwoordelijk voor difterie in Jemen, aandacht van media alleen voor 'Houthi raketten......'

Alsof hongersnood en cholera die de bevolking van Jemen teistert niet genoeg was, is er nu ook een difterie uitbraak in Jemen, een uitbraak waaraan intussen al meer dan 20 mensen zijn overleden........ Uiteraard is ook dit te danken aan de Saoedische coalitie, die met zware steun van o.a. de VS en GB bezig is met het uitvoeren van een genocide op de sjiitische bevolking van Jemen.........

Dit gebeurd niet alleen door Saoedische bombardementen op: -infrastructuur, -hele wijken van steden, -ziekenhuizen, -scholen, -elektriciteitscentrales en -waterzuiveringsinstallaties, maar ook middels een blokkades ingesteld door de Saoedische coalitie met hulp van de VS op zee....... Blokkades voor voedsel, water, medicijnen en andere humanitaire hulpgoederen........ Bij de eerste raket die geen doel trof in S-A werd deze blokkade verder geïntensiveerd en liet men zelfs de meest noodzakelijke hulpgoederen zoals medicijnen, die nog mondjesmaat werden toegelaten, niet meer door

Aan cholera zouden intussen meer dan 3.000 mensen zijn overleden, al meen ik dat ik al een paar keer een aantal van meer dan 10.000 doden voorbij heb zien komen....... Overigens zijn zowel cholera als difterie makkelijk te bestrijden, mits er medicatie voorhanden is, het grote aantal doden geeft al aan, dat zelfs die medicatie amper wordt doorgelaten...........

Intussen hebben de westerse reguliere media voor een groot deel alleen aandacht voor de 'Houthi raketten' die richting Saoedi-Arabië zouden zijn afgeschoten....... Je begrijpt dat men daar met veel afschuw over spreekt, ook al is er niemand omgekomen door die raketten, waarvan de Houthi's nu erkennen dat ze ven hen komen*.

Over de slachting die Saoedi-Arabië en de VS aanrichten onder de sjiitische bevolking van Jemen, hoor je de reguliere (massa-) media amper of niet........ Een slachting waarvoor de Houthi's de Saoediërs al een paar keer op eigen bodem hebben aangevallen......

Maar nee, dat er een miljoen mensen, waaronder een groot aantal kinderen, het gevaar loopt het leven te verliezen, is niet van belang......

De door de Houthi's afgeschoten raketten zouden van Iran komen, zo kakelden de nationale radiozenders in Nederland (2 stuks) en die in de ons omringende landen elkaar na. Kijk daarom geeft men er zoveel aandacht aan, dat de VS alleen deze eeuw al meer dan 2 miljoen mensen heeft vermoord, is een feit waar je reguliere (massa-) niet over hoort. Echter 1 raket, die zelfs geen slachtoffers heeft gemaakt (dat was al bij de eerste raket), zorgt ervoor dat deze media volledig op de kop staan........ Nog niet 1 keer heeft men bewijs kunnen leveren, dat Iraniërs in Jemen vechten, hetzelfde geldt voor Hezbollah en toch houdt men ook dit keer op keer vol........

Vanmorgen sprak BNR's leeghoofd Geert Jan Hahn op die zender (rond 7.19 u.) over Jemen. Eén van de eerste dingen die hij vaststelde, was volgens hem het feit dat Saoedi-Arabië en Iran een proxy oorlog uitvechten in Jemen........ ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Iran heeft nog geen kalasjnikov kunnen leveren aan de Houthi's, ten eerste niet daar Iran geen wapens leverde aan de Houthi's en ten tweede daar het land potdicht zit, zoals gezegd, de VS helpt Saoedi-Arabië voor de kust van Jemen.......

Daarnaast voert 'grootmacht' Saoedi-Arabië wel degelijk keihard oorlog tegen de sjiitische bevolking in Jemen....... Al zou je kunnen stellen dat de VS Saoedi-Arabië aanstuurt in deze, maar dan had zakkenwasser Hahn de VS moeten noemen i.p.v. S-A......

Overigens bestaat het gevaar dat de VS, Saoedi-Arabië en Israël deze raket beschietingen zullen gebruiken, om een aanval op Iran uit te voeren, vandaar dat er ook zo op deze zaak wordt getamboereerd in de reguliere media.......

Over raketbeschietingen gesproken: ook de VS heeft al meerdere raketten afgeschoten, niet op Saoedi-Arabië, maar op 'Houthi stellingen', zoals je begrijpt.......

Lees het volgende artikel van Randi Nord over de penibele situatie van de sjiieten in Jemen, zoals geplaatst op Anti-Media, een artikel van Geopolitics Alert:

If Cholera Wasn’t Enough, Yemenis Now Face Diphtheria Outbreak From Saudi Siege

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor If Cholera Wasn’t Enough, Yemenis Now Face Diphtheria Outbreak from Saudi Siege

Sana’a (GPA) – The increased Saudi blockade of Yemen has put millions of people throughout at least five major cities in dire straits without access to clean water, food, and medical supplies.
Riyadh launched their initial blockade of Yemen shortly after resistance forces took control of the capital city in 2014. This blockade restricted imports such as food, medical supplies, and fuel.
Water pumps require fuel to run, so this limits access to clean water for millions of Yemenis. As a result, Yemen is still facing a cholera outbreak completely unprecedented in modern times. Numbers have tapered off, but 1 million will likely become infected by the end of the year. Over 3,000 have died from this preventable — and treatable — illness since April of this year.

The blockade also put millions at risk of famine because Yemen imports nearly 80% of food. Seven million face famine while another 17 million are currently food insecure. The famine risk is greater in the country’s rural areas, but those living within the capital city are not immune as food prices have skyrocketed.

Heightening the blockade

In early November, Yemeni forces launched a ballistic missile at the King Khalid Airport near Riyadh in retaliation for the ongoing siege, airstrike campaign, and aggression against Yemen.
Saudi Arabia capitalized on this opportunity to increase their deadly blockade of Yemen by closing every available route for imports and exports.
Prior to the increased blockade, small amounts of aid were allowed to enter Yemen’s resistance-held territory under Riyadh’s discretion. These heightened measures closed the few routes available.
Water pumps shut down and food is scarce.
Shortly after heightening the blockade, Saudi Arabian warplanes bombed infrastructure at the Sana’a airport. The airport was closed for commercial travel at Riyadh’s behest a few years ago, but UN planes were still allowed to deliver aid. Not only did the heightened measures stop aid delivery through the Sana’a airport, but proceeding airstrikes rendered the entire airport useless.

100+ infected, 14 dead from diphtheria

Yemeni doctors now warn of a diphtheria outbreak that has already infected over 100 people and taken the lives of at least 14. Most of the victims are children.
Diphtheria is an airborne illness caused by bacteria that spreads very quickly. The disease is easily preventable through vaccines and easily treatable with antibiotics. Lack of medical supplies puts thousands if not millions at risk of contracting the fatal illness.
The United States is a willing participant in this war and siege. In addition to providing weapons and military support to Saudi Arabia and their proxies in Yemen, the US also patrols the Red Sea enforcing the blockade.
* Al zou die bewering een potje blufpoker kunnen zijn, immers het land is potdicht voor de aanvoer van wat dan ook, zelfs voor een groot deel van de humanitaire goederen....... Een andere mogelijkheid is dat deze raketten uit het arsenaal van het reguliere Jemenitische leger komen, daar dit voor een deel meevecht aan de kant van de Houthi's.

 Zie ook:: 'Saoedi-Arabië beschuldigt Houthi's en Iran van raketbeschieting en noemt dit een oorlogsverklaring............'

        en: 'VS senator beschuldigt zijn 'land' van oorlogsmisdaden in Jemen.......'

        en: (met mogelijkheid tot vertaling in 'Dutch'): 'U.S. and U.K. Continue to Participate in War Crimes, Targeting of Yemeni Civilians'

       en: 'Koenders nog steeds stil: Saoedi-Arabië bezig met etnische zuivering op eigen bodem en nog steeds levert het westen wapens aan terreurstaat S-A....'