Ach ja er reizen altijd wel een paar psychopaten van de CIA mee als Trump 'op tour gaat' en die hebben geen moeite met de opnames van het interview dusdanig te manipuleren dat het lijkt of Trump iets heel anders heeft gezegd....... Al blijft het dan vreemd dat hij, of leden van het gekkenhuis dat hij bij zich heeft, die zogenaamde opnames niet zelf onmiddellijk hebben vrijgegeven......
één ding waar amper over wordt gesproken: Trump stelde dat de EU
haar cultuur en identiteit naar de kloten helpt door miljoenen en miljoenen 'migranten' binnen te laten...... GVD! De hufter bedoelt met dat migranten uiteraard
vluchtelingen, terwijl het NB de VS was (en is) die de vluchtelingenstromen op gang heeft gebracht met de illegale oorlogen en andere bemoeienissen tegen landen waar het niets te zoeken heeft....... Overigens, ook hier loog
Trump weer keihard, immers de vluchtelingen mochten willen dat zij met 'miljoenen en miljoenen' waren toegelaten tot de EU........
een artikel over deze zaak geschreven door Tyler Durden en eerst
geplaatst op Zero Hedge:
In Bombshell Interview, Trump Slams Theresa May Hours Ahead Of Meeting
by Tyler
07/13/2018 - 05:33
a extensive interview with with the popular Murdoch-owned British
tabloid the
Trump landed a double blow to embattled UK Prime Minister Theresa
May, criticizing her handling of Brexit and saying her plans for a
"soft Brexit" would kill any hopes of a trade deal with the
US, suggested former foreign minister Boris Johnson, who quit May's
cabinet on Monday, would be a better leader than May, and criticized
London Mayor Sadiq Khan as "terrible" and unwelcoming.
said that while he likes May, she didn’t listen to his advice on
Brexit, and that her Brexit deal isn’t what the U.K. voted for, and
warned she may have killed any chance of a key US trade deal.

De corrupte oorlogsmisdadigers Trump en May, met daarnaast Ivanka Trump die volkomen tevergeefs probeert gezag uit te stralen... ha! ha! ha!
comments come at the start of a three-day tour of the U.K., which
includes dinner at Blenheim Palace, the birthplace of Winston
Churchill, and tea with Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle. And, of
course, Theresa May herself.
May had been hoping to impress Trump and use the visit to push for a trade deal with the U.S. after the U.K. leaves the European Union next year, in a process known as Brexit, however that may no longer happen as a result of Theresa May's proposed "Soft Brexit" deal with the EU.
told The Sun: "If
they do a deal like that, we would be dealing with the European Union
instead of dealing with the UK, so it will probably kill the deal."
Speaking of May's negotiations with the EU, Trump said "I would have done it much differently. I actually told Theresa May how to do it but she didn’t agree, she didn’t listen to me. She wanted to go a different route. I would actually say that she probably went the opposite way. And that is fine."
“She should negotiate the best way she knows how. But it is too bad what is going on.”
big US-UK trade deal, long promised by Mr Trump, is cherished by
Leave campaigners as Brexit’s biggest prize. But the President said
Mrs May’s plan “will definitely affect trade with the United
States, unfortunately in a negative way" explaining that "we
have enough difficulty with the European Union."
“We are cracking down right now on the European Union because they have not treated the United States fairly on trading.
“No, if they do that I would say that that would probably end a major trade relationship with the United States.”
deal with the U.S. can be signed until after next March 29, when the
U.K. is to formally leave the EU. Free trade agreements typically
take years to conclude and any accord is likely to include hard
negotiations over tariffs in industries such as automotive and
agriculture, including chlorinated chicken and genetically modified
Despite the withering criticism of May’s Brexit strategy, Trump insisted he still thinks she is “a very good person” and denied claims that she bores him. Asked about a report in The Washington Post that he thinks of Mrs May as “a bossy schoolteacher”, Trump said: “No, no, no, no. I never said anything bad about her.
“That is fake news. I think she is a nice person. I get along with her very nicely. The Washington Post is totally fake. They are just a lobbyist for Amazon." Then, recalling a visit to one of his luxury golf resorts in Scotland two years ago, Mr Trump said: “I predicted Brexit."
* *
to the Sun, "Trump's
interview will pour nitroglycerine on the already raging Tory
Brexiteer revolt against the PM." And,
as Axios World Editor David Lawler writes, "May is in the fight
of her life with hardliners within her own party, and President Trump
— while visiting the U.K. — has just openly sided with the rivals
that may attempt to force her from power."
And in more remarks that will set off alarm bells in No10, Mr Trump also said Mrs May’s nemesis Boris Johnson - who resigned over the soft Brexit blueprint on Monday - would “make a great Prime Minister."
In the interview, Trump said Johnson has “got what it takes and I think he has got the right attitude to be a great prime minister." He also described the former Foreign Secretary as “a very talented guy”, adding: “I like him a lot.”
“I have a lot of respect for Boris. He obviously likes me, and says very good things about me. I was very saddened to see he was leaving government and I hope he goes back in at some point. I think he is a great representative for your country.”
if the ex-minister could be in No 10 one day, he replied: “Well I
am not pitting one against the other. I am just saying I think he
would be a great Prime Minister. I think he’s got what it takes."
also said that he will be largely staying away from the capital to
avoid huge street protests of up to 200,000 today. But he blamed them
on politicians, singling out his nemesis, Mayor of London Sadiq
Revealing he has been told of the 20ft “Trump Baby” blimp that will be flown above Parliament Square today, he said: “I guess when they put out blimps to make me feel unwelcome, no reason for me to go to London.
“I used to love London as a city. I haven’t been there in a long time. But when they make you feel unwelcome, why would I stay there? And when I say that I am talking about government because the people of the UK agree with me.”
gave the exclusive interview with The Sun hours before Air Force One
touched down at Stansted Airport at 2pm yesterday. Of his four-day
visit, he added: “Many people are delighted. I get thousands of
notifications from people in the UK that they love the President of
the United States.”
He described a West London pub being renamed The Trump Arms for the duration of the trip as “wonderful”, adding: “I love those people. Those are my people."
* *
bombshell interview will not only empower Brexiteers, but will likely
lead to a further deterioration in relations between the two nations.
According to Axios (Media), "this is literally the exact opposite of
what the Brits were hoping for from this trip. They were eager to
improve the relationship between Theresa May and Donald Trump. They
were hoping for support from Trump — and a signal to voters that
there’s a positive road ahead with May’s Brexit plan. They wanted
Trump to talk up the possibility of a U.S.-Britain bilateral trade
deal. In this interview he trashes that idea, rubbishes her approach
to negotiating Brexit, and props up her political nemesis and future
leadership rival Boris Johnson."
Then again, Trump being Trump, perhaps what the people really expected was precisely this: another shock from the US president, who yesterday almost left Angela Merkel in tears during his NATO summit*.
In other details, as covered by the Sun, Trump:
- Accused EU leaders of destroying its culture and identity by allowing in millions of migrants
- Tore into London Mayor Sadiq Khan for not standing up to terrorists
- Blamed Khan for spiralling crime in the capital
- Insisted former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson would make “a great Prime Minister”.
- Denied once branding Theresa May a “bossy schoolteacher”
- Maintained he would keep ties with Russian tyrant Vladimir Putin despite the Salisbury Novichok poisonings**
- Demanded Britain and other Nato countries spend more on defence
- Spoke of his sadness at feeling unwelcome in the capital by anti-Trump protesters
- Claimed millions of Brits backed his policies
- Told of his pride at taking wife Melania to meet the Queen
full interview can be found at
this link
Hier het interview op YouTube:
* Zie: 'NAVO defensie uitgaven naar 4% van BBP? Het merendeel van de Duitsers wil de VS militairen hun land uit!'
** Waarom Durden Putin nu weer afschildert als tiran en de mislukte false flag operatie met novitsjok noemt is me een raadsel......