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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label bommenwerper. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label bommenwerper. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 24 oktober 2017

De VS op nucleair oorlogspad: B52 nucleaire bommenwerpers, voor 't eerst in 26 jaar, klok rond inzetbaar..........

Om de wereld nog eens te laten zien, dat de VS schijt heeft aan vrede en alle ontwapeningsverdragen, vooral die voor nucleaire wapens*, heeft het Pentagon na 26 jaar, met instemming van het 666 beest Trump, besloten met atoomwapens geladen B52 bommenwerpers weer de klokrond 'gemobiliseerd' te houden........

Als reden geeft het Pentagon onder meer aan dat het nu eenmaal een gevaarlijke wereld is...... ha! ha! ha! ha!ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Inderdaad het is een gevaarlijke wereld en daar is maar een 'land' verantwoordelijk voor, de grootste terreurentiteit die de aarde ooit zag: de VS!!!

De wapenindustrie en de aandeelhouders kunnen feestvieren met deze beslissing van het Pentagon en Trumps junta (gedomineerd door militairen...)..................

Lees het volgende artikel van Tyler Durden, geplaatst op Zero Hedge (o.a. verspreid via Anti-Media):

For The First Time In 26 Years, US To Put Nuclear Bombers On 24 Hour Alert

Oct 23, 2017 6:39 AM

The unexpected decision by President Trump to amend an emergency Sept 11 order signed by George W Bush, allowing the Air Force to recall up to 1,000 retired air force pilots to address what the Pentagon has decribed as "an acute shortage of pilots" caught us by surprise. After all, this was the first time we have heard of this particular labor shortage - perhaps there was more to this executive order than meets the eye. Indeed, a just released report may help explain the reasoning behind this presidential decision.

According to Defense One, the US Air Force is preparing to put nuclear-armed bombers back on 24-hour ready alert, a status not seen since the Cold War ended in 1991.

That means the long-dormant concrete pads at the ends of Barksdale Air Force Base's 11,000-foot runway — dubbed the “Christmas tree” for their angular markings — could once again find several B-52s parked on them, laden with nuclear weapons and set to take off at a moment’s notice.
This is yet one more step in ensuring that we’re prepared,” Gen. David Goldfein, Air Force chief of staff, told the publication in an interview during his six-day tour of Barksdale and other U.S. Air Force bases that support the nuclear mission. “I look at it more as not planning for any specific event, but more for the reality of the global situation we find ourselves in and how we ensure we’re prepared going forward.”

Quoted by Defense One, Goldfein and other senior defense officials stressed that the alert order had not been given, but that preparations were under way in anticipation that it might come. That decision would be made by Gen. John Hyten, the commander of U.S. Strategic Command, or Gen. Lori Robinson, the head of U.S. Northern Command. STRATCOM is in charge of the military’s nuclear forces and NORTHCOM is in charge of defending North America.

Putting the B-52s back on alert is just one of many decisions facing the Air Force as the U.S. military responds to a changing geopolitical environment that includes North Korea’s rapidly advancing nuclear arsenal, President Trump’s confrontational approach to Pyongyang, and Russia’s increasingly potent and active armed forces.

Goldfein, who is the Air Force’s top officer and a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is asking his force to think about new ways that nuclear weapons could be used for deterrence, or even combat.

Quoted by Def One, he said that “the world is a dangerous place and we’ve got folks that are talking openly about use of nuclear weapons. It’s no longer a bipolar world where it’s just us and the Soviet Union. We’ve got other players out there who have nuclear capability. It’s never been more important to make sure that we get this mission right.” During his trip across the country last week, Goldfein encouraged airmen to think beyond Cold War uses for ICBMs, bombers and nuclear cruise missiles.

I’ve challenged…Air Force Global Strike Command to help lead the dialog, help with this discussion about ‘What does conventional conflict look like with a nuclear element?’ and ‘Do we respond as a global force if that were to occur?’ and ‘What are the options?’” he said. “How do we think about it — how do we think about deterrence in that environment?”

Asked if placing B-52s back on alert — as they were for decades — would help with deterrence, Goldfein said it’s hard to say.

Really it depends on who, what kind of behavior are we talking about, and whether they’re paying attention to our readiness status,” he said.
Meanwhile, various improvements have already been made to prepare Barksdale — home to the 2d Bomb Wing and Air Force Global Strike Command, which oversees the service’s nuclear forces — to return B-52s to an alert posture. Near the alert pads, an old concrete building — where B-52 crews during the Cold War would sleep, ready to run to their aircraft and take off at a moment’s notice — is being renovated.

Inside, beds are being installed for more than 100 crew members, more than enough room for the crews that would man bombers positioned on the nine alert pads outside. There’s a recreation room, with a pool table, TVs and a shuffleboard table. Large paintings of the patches for each squadron at Barksdale adorn the walls of a large stairway.
One painting — a symbol of the Cold War — depicts a silhouette of a B-52 with the words “Peace The Old Fashioned Way,” written underneath. At the bottom of the stairwell, there is a Strategic Air Command logo, yet another reminder of the Cold War days when American B-52s sat at the ready on the runway outside.
Those long-empty B-52 parking spaces will soon get visits by two nuclear command planes, the E-4B Nightwatch and E-6B Mercury, both which will occasionally sit alert there. During a nuclear war, the planes would become the flying command posts of the defense secretary and STRATCOM commander, respectively. If a strike order is given by the president, the planes would be used to transmit launch codes to bombers, ICBMs and submarines. At least one of the four nuclear-hardened E-4Bs — formally called the National Airborne Operations Center, but commonly known as the Doomsday Plane — is always on 24-hour alert.

Barksdale and other bases with nuclear bombers are preparing to build storage facilities for a new nuclear cruise missile that is under development. During his trip, Goldfein received updates on the preliminary work for a proposed replacement for the 400-plus Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles, and the new long-range cruise missile.

Our job is options,” Goldfein told Defense One's Marcus Weisgerber. “We provide best military advice and options for the commander and chief and the secretary of defense. Should the STRATCOM commander require or the NORTHCOM commander require us to [be on] a higher state of readiness to defend the homeland, then we have to have a place to put those forces."

And now that the US is preparing for immediate nuclear war readiness, all it needs is a provocation, one which a world which has never been more on edge over a stray tweet, may have little difficulty in finding...

Tags: Minuteman III Reality

* Al onder Obama is de VS begonnen haar nucleaire wapens te vernieuwen, nu uiteraard met grote instemming van Trump.......

Zie ook: 'VS generaal steunt een preventieve aanval met kernwapens' (zie ook de links in dat bericht)

vrijdag 30 oktober 2015

Northrop krijgt mega order voor lange afstand bommenwerper...... Leve de doodsindustrie!!

Northtrop Grummar, de fabrikant van de B2 bommenwerper, heeft een mega order van de VS defensie binnengesleept, ter waarde van 80 miljard dollar (€ 72 miljard)...... De bouwer van dood en verderf zaaiende vliegtuigen, moet daarvoor een nieuwe lange afstand (stealth) bommenwerper bouwen, die zowel conventionele als atoomwapens kan 'vervoeren' (en afwerpen....)...... Defensie in de VS spreekt van een strategische investering voor de komende 50 jaar.

Dit alles werd afgelopen dinsdag bekend gemaakt, nog geen dag nadat de VS de Chinezen in de Zuid-Chinese Zee op scherp heeft gezet, door in een door China tot territoriale wateren verklaarde zone te varen met een oorlogsschip....... Tja dat krijg je als je een president hebt, die de Nobelprijs voor de vrede ontving....... Eerder besloot de VS haar kernraketten te renoveren en vernieuwen, waarop de Russen hetzelfde deden, al kregen die de halve wereld over zich heen, met de klacht dat Rusland aan agressieve machtspolitiek doet........ U hoeft niet te vragen welk regulier westers media orgaan, deze door de VS geïnitieerde en in uitvoering gebrachte agressieve machtspolitiek aan de kaak heeft gesteld of zal stellen.........Juist, die is er niet!

Northrop Grummar is ook de maker van het massamoord wapen Global Hawk, een drone die het 'uitstekend' doet, zowel wat betreft het aanrichten van bloedbaden, als op economisch gebied. De nettowinst van Northrop steeg het laatste kwartaal met maar liefst 9% tot 516 miljoen. De omzet bleef nagenoeg gelijk op 5,8 miljard dollar!!!! Northrop Grummar verwacht voor heel 2015 een iets hogere winst.

Voor meer berichten over/met het militair-industrieel complex, Lockheed Martin (nog zo'n doods industrieel, die o.a. de JSF moet gaan leveren rond 2050), JSF (een ware lobby soap!!), kernraketten, drones, VS buitenlandse beleid, Zuid-Chinese Zee en/of Nobelprijs, klik op het desbetreffende label, onder dit bericht.