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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label seksueel geweld. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label seksueel geweld. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 22 juni 2018

VS martelt gevluchte kinderen......

Het scheiden van kinderen en hun ouders is al een vorm van marteling, waar opsluiting van die kinderen op volgde, ook al een marteling....... Martelingen die deze kinderen hebben getraumatiseerd en die hen hun leven lang zal achtervolgen......

Beste bezoeker dat was het bepaald niet, nee deze kinderen worden zelfs letterlijk fysiek gemarteld en mishandelt, zo bleek uit aanklachten tegen een 'kinderopvangcentrum' (lees: gevangenis) in Virginia...

Deze zaken naast andere berichten uit dergelijke gevangenissen die spreken over het onder dwang innemen van psychofarmaca en zelfs het injecteren van kinderen met dergelijke stoffen, alles om deze kinderen rustig te houden......... Ook hier is sprake van ernstige mishandeling ofwel marteling.......

Als je dacht dat dit het wel was, heb je het helaas mis, immers er zijn rapporten verschenen over deze 'jeugddetentiecentra' waar kinderen seksueel worden misbruikt door de leiding.....

Deze kinderen hebben niets anders gedaan dan gevlucht (met of zonder ouders) voor terreur in eigen land, terreur die voor het grootste deel het gevolg is van ingrijpen door de VS dan wel door VS bedrijven in een één tweetje met corrupte landelijke dan wel lokale overheden, neem bedrijven als plantages voor fruit en mijnen (in Zuid- en Midden-Amerika).........

Trump zou het scheiden van ouders en kinderen hebben teruggedraaid, echter twee derde van de kinderen die de VS 'illegaal' binnenkomen zijn alleen en zij zullen het slachtoffer blijven van zaken zoals hierboven beschreven..... Daarnaast zullen voortaan hele gezinnen gevangen worden gezet, alleen omdat ze veelal door de VS veroorzaakte ellende proberen te ontvluchten......

De VS het land van de ongekende mogelijkheden...... (voor de welgestelden, misdadige psychopaten, die je in overvloed aantreft in overheidsfuncties, politiek, financiële maffia en grote bedrijven.....)

Abu Ghraib for 8th Graders’: Allegations of Children Being Tortured at Virginia Facility

June 21, 2018 at 4:42 pm
Written by Jake Johnson

(CD— “Beaten while handcuffed.”

Locked up for long periods in solitary confinement.”

Strapped…to chairs with bags placed over their heads.”

These are among the many shocking allegations leveled against a Virginia detention facility by immigrant children as young as 14-years-old, the Associated Press reported on Thursday, citing the first-hand accounts and sworn statements of abuse victims detailed in federal court filings.

Whenever they used to restrain me and put me in the chair, they would handcuff me,” recounted one Honduran immigrant who was sent to the facility when he was 15-years-old. “Strapped me down all the way, from your feet all the way to your chest, you couldn’t really move… They have total control over you. They also put a bag over your head. It has little holes; you can see through it. But you feel suffocated with the bag on.”

A child-development specialist who worked inside the facility told the AP that she saw children with broken bones and bruises that they said were caused by abuse from guards. It is unclear whether any of the children alleging rampant abuse at the facility were detained as a result of the Trump administration’s so-called “zero tolerance” policy.

Responding to the AP‘s reporting in a tweet on Thursday, Freedom of the Press Foundation executive director Trevor Timm wrote simply, “This is outright torture.”

Kelly Weill, a reporter for The Daily Beast, described the Virginia facility as “Abu Ghraib for eighth-graders.”

Abu Ghraib for eighth-graders: 

According to the AP, many of the immigrant children detained at the Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center—which is located in Staunton, Virginia—were arrested after federal immigration officials accused them of being gang members.

But a top manager at the Shenandoah center said during a recent congressional hearing that the children did not appear to be gang members and were suffering from mental health issues resulting from trauma that happened in their home countries—problems the detention facility is ill-equipped to treat,” AP reported.

The appalling allegations against the Virginia detention facility come as President Donald Trump continues to use dehumanizing language to describe immigrants fleeing violence in their home nations and conflate undocumented immigrants and those seeking asylum with violent gang members.

In a tweet on Tuesday, Trump accused Democrats of wanting undocumented immigrants to “infest” the U.S.

I’m still hung up on the sheer vileness of using the verb “infest” to refer to human beings.

It’s not overstating things to say that it springs from the darkest, most evil corners of human history.

It’s the way genocidaires talk about the people they are murdering.

Hier de tekst van het Care2 Team bij een petitie tegen de beslissing van psychopaat Sessions vluchtelingen van (drugs-) bende geweld en huiselijk geweld, waar de regering van hun thuisland niets onderneemt tegen dit geweld of geweld bagatelliseert dan wel zelfs dader is van geweld tegen burgers (zoals bij het landjepik van arme boeren t.b.v. grote buitenlandse, veelal VS bedrijven, waar men niet zelden bloedbaden aanricht onder onwilligen, die NB volkomen in hun recht staan.....)......

It's no secret that the Trump administration is staunchly against immigrants entering the United States without permission, but Attorney General Jeff Sessions just shut down a way for especially vulnerable people to come to this country legally for their own protection. 

Thousands, particularly from Central America, come to the U.S. each year looking for protection from an abusive spouse or a dangerous gang that's issued threats. Though recently the U.S. has granted asylum to many of these people to guarantee their safety, Sessions has declared that fleeing gang violence or domestic abuse will no longer qualify people for asylum.

Helaas kunnen wij deze petitie niet tekenen.

en de volgende artikelen op dan wel via Anti-Media: 

Children Drugged, Given Forced Injections at Texas Detention Facility: Lawsuit

Pentagon Accepts Trump’s Call to House 20,000 Children on US Military Bases

PS: 'onnodig' nogmaals op te merken dat het vluchtelingenbeleid van de VS recht tegen het VN Vluchtelingenverdrag ingaat (zoals ook de EU-Turkije-deal daar tegen ingaat....).....

maandag 30 april 2018

Tiener meisje uit Bangladesh smeekte tevergeefs om hulp tegen misbruikende Saoedische bazen........

Weer zo'n geval van ongelofelijk dat dit gebeurt: een meisje uit Bangladesh dat in Saoedi-Arabië werkt, werd na haar vlucht door de bazen, die haar misbruiken, van 2 verdiepingen hoog naar benden gegooid en brak daarbij haar been.......

Na maanden van misbruik smeekte het het meisje bij de ambassade van Bangladesh om hulp, deze weigerde haar het land uit te helpen en adviseerde haar te vluchten........ Nadat ze was gepakt na haar vlucht werd ze mishandelt en gemarteld, waarna ze zoals gezegd van 2 verdiepingen hoog naar beneden werd gegooid..... Een paar dagen daarna leverde één van haar bazen haar af in het ziekenhuis en vluchtte daarna weg...

Waarom deze baas vluchtte is me overigens een raadsel, het is bij mijn weten nooit gebeurd dat dergelijke schoften werden veroordeeld in de hypocriete reli-fascistische staat Saoedi-Arabie....

Lees het vreselijke relaas met daaraan verbonden meer over meisjes en jonge vrouwen die in feite slavenarbeid verrichten in S-A en waar hun paspoort wordt ontnomen, zodat ze niet het land kunnen ontvluchten......

Met dat land onderouden de Nederlandse regering en het achterlijke koningshuis goede banden....... 


Teenage Girl Pleads for Rescue From Abusive Saudi Employers

April 26, 2018 at 6:53 am
Written by Middle East Eye

(MEE— A Bangladeshi woman’s family is pleading for her rescue from Saudi Arabia after her Saudi employers had subjected her to sexual abuse and broke her leg by throwing her down two flights of stairs.

Activists and relatives say the 19-year-old woman, who works as a housemaid in Riyadh, was pushed while trying to escape months of abuse at the hands of her employers.

Her impassioned plea for help was recorded from her workplace days before her employer dumped her with a broken leg in a Riyadh hospital, and ran away.

According to NGO workers and the woman’s family, the Bangladeshi embassy in the Saudi capital had previously refused to get her out of the country, instead telling her to “run away”.

They keep hitting me, and I’m ashamed to say it, but they tortured me in ways I am too disappointed to say,” the 19-year-old maid said in the video. “I want my life to end. I can’t take this anymore.”
Images taken in secret at the hospital and obtained by Middle East Eye showed the teenager laying with a cast over her right leg.

The images also showed bruising on her left leg, which aid workers claim are marks from months of abuse at the hands of her employers.

The teenager had tried to escape, at the advice of the Bangladeshi embassy in Saudi Arabia, following repeated complaints of physical and sexual abuse, according to the maid’s father, who recounted his daughter’s ordeal to aid workers.

BRAC, the world’s largest NGO which runs a migration programme helping Bangladeshi workers who face abuse overseas, said it was trying to aid the woman and was in close contact with her father.
Shariful Hasan, the head of BRAC’s programme, told MEE: “This young girl went to Saudi Arabia to change her fate to help her family, but instead she was sexually tortured and later beaten,” Hasan told MEE.

Saudi Arabia and our embassy must take joint steps to stop this from happening. There are many cases like this girl, and we are doing everything we can to prevent this from taking place.

We have urged the Bangladeshi authorities to demand this girl is not sent back to her employer after seeing her face this level of abuse and torture.”

Hasan also repeated claims that the Bangladeshi embassy in Riyadh had told the teenager to “run away” rather than “rescuing” the teenage maid.

When we heard about this case, we notified the Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment in Dhaka. But rather than rescuing the girl, the embassy told her to run away,” said Hasan.

It was only after their advice, that she was caught, tortured and had her leg broken.”

Saudi authorities, the Bangladeshi government and its embassy officials in Riyadh did not respond to requests for comment by Middle East Eye.
Fake passport

The woman’s case is further complicated by the means of her arrival in Riyadh. Her father told local media that she had left Bangladesh in February on a fake passport, obtained from a Dhaka employment broker, and was underage.

Bangladesh law forbids anyone under 25 from working abroad. The maid’s passport states she is 28.

I was deceived by the middlemen as they assured me that she was going to be given a good job, but she is working as a housemaid and being abused,” Anwara’s father told Prothom Alo.

I begged him to bring my daughter back. I may commit suicide if I do not get her back.”

The father, who asked for anonymity, told local media that his family was struggling and needed an income from his daughter.

Remittances are the second largest contributor to the Bangladeshi economy. In 2018, at least 1,000 Bangladeshi maids have been repatriated back to Bangladesh from Saudi Arabia following complaints of abuse, according to BRAC.

The NGO recently helped more than 30 Bangladeshi maids return home after facing physical and sexual abuse at their places of work inside Saudi Arabia.

By Areeb Ullah Republished with permission / Middle East Eye / Report a typo

Zal ook de labels genocide en Jemen toevoegen, voor berichten over de genocide die Saoedi-Arabië, in samenwerking met de VS en wat andere arabische staten uitvoert in buurland Jemen.

vrijdag 20 april 2018

Maya vrouwen die de terreur en genocide in Guatemala overleefden vechten voor gerechtigheid

Guatemalteekse vrouwen (Maya's) die de genocide en terreur op en tegen deze oorspronkelijke bewoners,in Guatemala overleefden, vechten voor gerechtigheid.

In februari 2016 wonnen Guatemalteekse vrouwen die de voortdurende genocide tegen de Maya's overleefden, een rechtszaak tegen twee militairen die werden beschuldigd van huishoudelijke- en seksslavernij, dit in een historische rechtszaak genaamd de Sepur Zarco zaak, een dorp dat onevenredig hard werd getroffen door staatsterreur.

De rechter verordende destijds ook een herverdeling van grond t.b.v. de oorspronkelijke bewoners, de oorzaak voor het steeds oplaaiend geweld tegen die bewoners. In de geschiedenis van Guatemala kregen de Maya's niet alleen te maken met het verbeurd verklaren van hun grond eerst door de Spaanse overheersers, maar ook met een op hen uitgevoerde genocide.... (let wel met één van de 'hoogtepunten' na WOII, in begin 80er jaren van de vorige eeuw, een genocide die in feite tot de dag van vandaag voortduurt....) In de 20ste eeuw kregen de Maya's ook te maken met landonteigening t.b.v. buitenlandse investeerders, zoals de United Fruit Company (UFC) uit de VS........ 

Door verbeurd verklaring van grond die toebehoorde aan de United Fruit Comapny, een knots van een bedrijf uit de VS, greep de CIA in en organiseerde, regisseerde in 1954 een coup* tegen de democratische gekozen regering...... De VS je weet wel, waar de opvolgende regeringen altijd een grote bek hebben over landen waar geen democratie bestaat, iets dat ze doen 'uiteraard' alleen doen als deze landen anti-VS zijn.....)

Hoewel we nu 2 jaar verder zijn, is er nog niets gebeurd wat betreft de herverdeling van land en het ziet er niet naar uit dat dit snel zal gebeuren....... Onze opvolgende regeringen hebben al helemaal schijt aan de ellende in Guatemala, waar mensenrechtenschendingen (vooral als het om deze rechten voor de Maya bevolking gaat) aan de orde van de dag zijn, immers de grote heer van onze politici is nog steeds de VS en die hebben een dikke vinger in de smerige Guatemalteekse pap, ook dat zal nog jaren zo blijven vrees ik...... Ach ja, Nederlandse regeringen hebben het altijd goed kunnen vinden met fascisten, met een kleine uitzondering tijdens WOII, hoewel de foute regering hier 'goede diensten' bewees aan het Duitse nazi-regime, niet voor niets werden hier relatief gezien de meeste joden afgevoerd naar de dodenkampen, iets waar de Palestijnen tot op de dag van vandaag voor moeten boeten........


Guatemala (Conversation) – In February 2016, Guatemalan women survivors and the alliance of organisations supporting them successfully prosecuted two former members of the Guatemalan military for domestic and sexual slavery in the groundbreaking Sepur Zarco trial. The trial marked the first time a national court has prosecuted members of its own military for these crimes. It was an historic achievement in the fight to stop violence against women and secure justice for wartime sexual violence.
And yet, two years later, the Guatemalan government has not carried out most of the collective reparations measures ordered by the court. In large part this is because the main cause of the violence – a dispute over land that historically belonged to the Maya Q’eqchi people – has still not been resolved, even centuries after it began.
Maya communities were first displaced by Spanish colonisation starting in the 16th century, and then displaced again in the mid-to-late 19th and early 20th century. Keen to attract foreign investment, the Guatemalan government encouraged European settlers to establish plantations on land expropriated from Maya communities and the Catholic Church. To this day, many Maya people do not have title to the land they live on, much of which is dominated by plantations growing coffee, sugar, bananas and palms for oil.
But they have been fighting back. I myself have been following the struggle centred on the dusty north-eastern village of Sepur Zarco – a case that pulls together all the threads of what has happened in Guatemala in the last several decades.


Local indigenous people have been campaigning to settle on and get legal title to unused land in Sepur Zarco since the early 1950s when the social democratic government of Jacobo Arbenz passed a law to redistribute uncultivated land from the largest landowners to landless peasants. The land concerned included unused land held by the United Fruit Company, a US banana company with close links to the Eisenhower administration – the company disputed the compensation offered to it by the Guatemalan government, and demanded a much larger sum.

By USAID U.S. Agency for International Development – Guatemala: Woman Washing Corn, Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons

In the end, the land reform was stymied by a CIA-sponsored military coup in 1954. That coup in turn sparked Guatemala’s bloody civil war which lasted until 1996. A post-war UN-led Truth Commission Report concluded that during the conflict, an estimated 200,000 people were killed or disappeared, that rape was commonly used as a weapon of war, and that the Guatemalan state bore responsibility for the majority of the atrocities. It also concluded that agents of the state committed acts of genocide, since 83% of their victims were Maya and most of the conflict’s 626 documented massacres were of Maya communities.
Most of these massacres were committed in 1982-83 under the 17-month rule of recently deceased dictator, Efrain Rios Montt. Rios Montt took power in a coup, and was then removed by another. He was eventually prosecuted by the Guatemalan Supreme Court in 2013 and found guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity. His trial featured testimonies of rape and sexual violence committed against Maya Ixil women, which were included to show that sexual violence was part of the genocide.
However, just ten days after his verdict, the Guatemalan Constitutional Court annulled the trial on procedural grounds after sustained pressure from powerful sectors of Guatemala’s economy and society.
At the time of his death, Rios Montt was once again being prosecuted for genocide – but this time the trial was taking place with special provisions made to allow for his diagnosed dementia. Rios Montt was in office during the time that the crimes committed at the Sepur Zarco base were committed, but he was not prosecuted for those crimes in the Sepur Zarco trial.
The violence committed against Sepur Zarco’s women and their families seems to have been a response to their attempts to settle on and get title to the land, particularly in the late 1970s. According to an expert witness in the the Sepur Zarco trial, Juan Carlos Peláez Villalobos, the military was called in and the indigenous peasant farmers were denounced as “subversives”.
Women survivors also pointed to the link between the attempt to get land titles and the violence committed against them and their husbands. “The landowners gave them [the military commissioners] a list of names of men to disappear,” said one of them in her video testimony to the court. “They said we were troublemakers.
After kidnapping and disappearing the men and burning down their families’ huts, the military forced their wives to work on the military detachment built in the Sepur Zarco community, in 1982. The women were organised into shifts to cook the soldiers’ food and wash their clothing. While at the base, all of them were systematically raped.
Some women fled into the mountains to escape the violence, where they spent up to six years struggling to survive with little shelter or food. Many of their young children perished because of these conditions. The base remained until 1988. Local men suspected of being “subversive” were also tortured there by the military.


In February 2016, the Guatemalan Supreme Court ruled that two former members of the military were guilty of forced disappearances and crimes against humanity in the forms of domestic and sexual slavery and the murders of one of the women enslaved on the base, along with her two young daughters. The court also held that the Guatemalan state had to provide collective reparations for the benefits of the village of Sepur Zarco and the surrounding villages.
By YoTuT – Flickr: Photo by Steve Richards, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons

The measures would provide basic social and economic rights frequently denied to Guatemala’s indigenous and rural communities. They also include the construction of the first local high school, a health clinic and a monument to the women’s husbands – but the state will not start the building work so long as Sepur Zarco’s people don’t have legal title to the land.
The ConversationThe Sepur Zarco case shows how seriously a community can be affected for decades, even centuries, by multiple overlapping injustices – from colonial-era crimes to more recent human rights violations. 
Resolving the resulting problems has proven hugely difficult. But after more than 30 years, the women and supporting organisations – the National Union of Guatemalan Women (UNGW)Women Transforming the Worldand the Community Studies and Psychosocial Action Team – are determined to achieve the restorative justice that they have been struggling for all this time.

This report prepared by Juliette DomanPhD Candidate in Latin American Studies, University of Liverpool for The Conversation.

* Zie: 'CIA coup (terreur) tegen democratisch gekozen bewind Guatemala 1954........'