Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.

dinsdag 22 mei 2018

Cartoonist Süddeutsche Zeitung ontslagen, reden: een spotprent van Netanyahu......

Totaal belachelijk: een cartoonist van de Süddeutsche Zeitung werd ontslagen vanwege een prent waarin Netanyahu wordt getoond en stelt dat volgend jaar het Eurovisiesongfestival in Jeruzalem zal worden gehouden. De tekenaar zegt onder meer terecht dat Netanyahu dergelijke evenementen gebruikt om Israël te promoten.

Daarnaast is het een duidelijke verwijzing naar het verplaatsen van de VS ambassade en een paar ambassades van Latijns-Amerikaanse landen naar Jeruzalem....... Netanyahu, premier van de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël, staat op de tekening met een raket in z'n handen, alsof dat een vreemde voorstelling van zaken is, terwijl deze psychopaat het best kan worden aangeduid als Palestijnenslachter, hij staat tot aan z'n kin in het bloed van een ongelofelijk aantal Palestijnen........ (zelfs van heel veel kinderen en gehandicapten.....)

Tja, een dergelijke visie vind je niet terug in de reguliere media, waarvan de Süddeutsche Zeitung onderdeel is...... Die reguliere media tekenen Israël af als het slachtoffer en de echte slachtoffers, de Palestijnen, als terroristen. Dit gebeurd eigenlijk al vanaf de stichting van de staat Israël (de stichting van de staat Israël middels landjepik en enorm veel geweld tegen de Palestijnen), intussen al zo'n 70 jaar, waardoor je bij het overgrote deel van westerse bevolkingen gerust kan spreken van hersenspoeling......

Door deze vorm van hersenspoeling en het feit dat nazi-Duitsland o.a. een genocide voerde tegen joden, wat bij een groot deel van de Europese bevolking tot schuldgevoel heeft geleid, wordt elk woord van kritiek op Israël afgedaan als antisemitisme........ Echter niet de Palestijnen hebben een genocide uitgevoerd op de joden, maar nazi-Duitsland, met behulp van een groot deel van de andere Europese landen, zoals Nederland waar relatief het grootste aantal joden werd afgevoerd....... (vandaar ook dat schuldgevoel)

Deze uiterst smerige gang van zaken heeft de laatste jaren een hoge vlucht genomen, zeker na oprichting van de Boycot, Divest, Sanctions (BDS) beweging, die middels internationale boycots de Israëlische terreur tegen de Palestijnen wil bestrijden....... Het nieuwste slachtoffer dat ten prooi viel aan valse beschuldigingen van antisemitisme, is de 85 jarige cartoonist Dieter Hanitzsch, die zoals je kon lezen de spotprent van Netanyahu maakte........

Hierbij dient nog opgemerkt te worden dat Israël (en daarmee Netanyahu) een enorme berg propaganda maakt voor zichzelf bij dit soort evenementen 'in eigen land', neem de wielerronde Giro d'Italia: de beelden van die ronde uit godbetert Jeruzalem (kiezen voor die stad is een duidelijk politiek statement) en andere delen van het gestolen land Israël, werden gebruikt om een hele berg reclame voor Israël te maken, zo zag je woestijn en landbouwgebied met over het beeld heen een wapperende transparante vlag van Israël.....

Hetzelfde zullen we volgend jaar zien als Israël het Eurovisiesongfestival zal organiseren....... Dit terwijl de organisaties van dit songfestival en de Giro eisen (en garanderen) dat er geen politiek wordt bedreven tijdens de evenementen....... Tja, Israël schijnt dan weer één van de uitzonderingen te zijn........

Als dank voor de al gegeven propaganda schiet Israël nu onbewapende Palestijnen neer, althans zo zou je dit kunnen zien, elk ander land zou dit soort zaken niet doen tijdens zo'n evenement, maar ja Israël komt overal mee weg, hoe groot de oorlogsmisdaad of misdaad tegen de menselijkheid ook is............

Vrijheid van meningsuiting, een goed idee........

Cartoonist Fired From German Newspaper Over Netanyahu Drawing

May 21, 2018 at 7:35 am
Written by Middle East Monitor

(MEMO) — A leading German daily fired a cartoonist over ‘anti-semitic’ views on Friday after he drew a caricature of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The cartoon by Dieter Hanitzsch showed Netanyahu carrying a missile in his hand. He is dressed up as Israeli singer Netta Barzilai, who won this year’s Eurovision contest. A speech bubble on top says:

Next year in Jerusalem.”

The cartoon led to an uproar on social media and other German media outlets.
Suddeutsche Zeitung’s Editor-in-Chief Wolfgang Krach apologized for the caricature, however Hanitzsch refused.

Speaking to local media outlets, the 85-year-old cartoonist said he wanted to criticize Netanyahu’s exploitation of the Eurovision contest for his own purposes and accused him of abusing the singer’s victory.

He added that it was not a common thing for a newspaper to fire its cartoonist over a drawing.
You can reprimand him, warn him, but firing is not a good way,” he said.

Previously, Hanitzsch had drawn cartoons criticizing and insulting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. He was defended on the basis of freedom of the press and expression, for his drawings published in the same newspaper.

Voor meer berichten over Israël en de hypocriete westerse houding t.a.v. dit gestolen land, klik op het label Israël, direct onder dit bericht (klik ook op 'Giro d'Italia').

Venezolaanse verkiezingen door Maduro gewonnen, ondanks economische oorlogvoering VS

In het hieronder opgenomen artikel aandacht voor alle (gewelddadige) bemoeienis van de VS met Midden- en Zuid-Amerika. Naar aanleiding van de verkiezingen in Venezuela is de aandacht met name op dit land gericht, een land dat zich probeert te verdedigen tegen de economische oorlogvoering van de VS, een oorlogvoering die al jaren duurt en die m.n. het volk keihard treft....

Zo bevoorraden de VS winkelketens voor levensmiddelen al een paar jaar hun winkels niet meer, dit onder druk van de VS regering (ingevoerd onder 'vredesduif' Obama....). Medicijnen, veelal afkomstig uit de VS zijn bijna niet meer te krijgen, intussen zijn door het gebrek aan medicijnen zelfs al mensen overleden.... Je had het al begrepen: dit alles om zo een ontevreden bevolking te kweken, die zich tegen de democratisch gekozen regering zou moeten keren.....

Lullig voor de VS, maar ook nu weer heeft de Venezolaanse bevolking gekozen voor een regering onder Maduro, de huidige linkse president..... Niet zo vreemd, zeker als je ziet wat Chavez, de voorganger van Maduro en Maduro zelf hebben gedaan voor de grote arme onderlaag: fatsoenlijke huisvesting, scholing en medische zorg, plus een inkomen waar men mee rond kan komen (al is dat door de eerder genoemde VS bemoeienis een stuk moeilijker geworden)....  

Voornoemde zaken, belangenbehartiging voor het arme deel van Venezuela, zijn uiteraard een doorn in het oog van de VS, dat zelf kampt met een enorm grote arme onderlaag, die men maar al te graag onder de duim houdt...... Een zaak waarvan het beest Trump een sport heeft gemaakt, met veel leugens wist hij deze mensen te paaien om op hem te stemmen, maar zoals verwacht: van zijn beloften komt niet veel terecht, iets dat hij aan anderen wijt en niet aan het smerige onmenselijke neoliberale beleid dat hij voert.....

Afgelopen zondag, werden er verkiezingen gehouden in Venezuela, reden voor de reguliere media in ons land in dit geval Radio1 en de nationale radiozenders van Duitsland en Groot-Brittannië (plus uiteraard de andere westerse massamedia) de laatste weken Venezuela en dan met name president Maduro te demoniseren..... De oppositie boycot deze verkiezingen, daar men van tevoren wist dat Maduro deze verkiezingen zou winnen..... 

Volgens deze nationale radiozenders zouden deze verkiezingen niet eerlijk zijn verlopen >> dat de VN deze verkiezingen controleerde noemde men er maar niet bij....... (daarover zo meer)

OP WDR liet men een correspondent horen die sprak 'met een willekeurige passant'. Deze liet weten dat er geen voedsel meer te krijgen is en er een groot gebrek is aan medicijnen, dit is de schuld van falend overheidsbeleid, aldus de vrouwelijke passant....... De schuld van de overheid of de schuld van de VS dat al jaren een economische oorlog voert tegen Venezuela, zoals hierboven beschreven....???

Na de verkiezingen is het helemaal bal, de reguliere westerse media schreeuwen het uit met o.a. de volgende woorden: -de verkiezingen zijn frauduleus verlopen, -de verkiezingen zijn gestolen door Maduro, de verkiezingen waren een schijnvertoning en -stemmen zouden zijn gekocht*. Wat al deze media er niet bijvertellen, is het feit dat VN waarnemers deze verkiezingen hebben gecontroleerd en tot op heden heb ik geen verklaring gehoord van internationale waarnemers dat de verkiezingen frauduleus zijn verlopen, zoals dot ook in 2012 niet het geval was, terwijl ook toen veel organen van diezelfde media stelden dat de verkiezingen waren gestoken..... 

Marc Bessems van de ´onafhankelijke´ NOS kon natuurlijk niet achterblijven en bakte ze donkerbruin, volgens hem stond de uitslag al maanden geleden vast..... Ja Bessems, het was maanden geleden al bekend dat Maduro zou winnen, vandaar ook dat oppositiepartijen de verkiezingen hebben geboycot, oppositiepartijen die willens en wetens geweld op de straten van Venezuela brachten (zo hebben ze zelfs tegenstanders met benzine overgoten en in brand gestoken, dit nog naast het in brand steken van een geboortekliniek, terwijl daar moeders met baby's aanwezig waren....)..... 

´Helaas´ voor deze figuren was en is het grootste deel van de bevolking arm en ja voor die groep heeft Maduro, zoals zijn voorganger Chavez, heel veel gedaan nadat ze een enorm lange tijd werden vertrapt door uiterst rechtse regeringen en dictaturen, kijk dat vergeet het overgrote deel van deze mensen niet!

Bessems durft als vele anderen te stellen dat het Maduro regime een wanbeleid heeft gevoerd en dat dit de oorzaak is van de economische ellende in Venezuela...... Bessems moet weten dat de VS hiervoor één op één verantwoordelijk is, ongelofelijk dat deze ´onafhankelijke journalist´ dergelijke leugens keer op keer durft te herhalen, sterker nog: hij durft in feite zelfs te stellen dat de regering Maduro liegt als het de VS beschuldigt van economische oorlogvoering tegen Venezuela.......... (wedden dat Bessems goed bevriend is met welgestelde, anti-socialistische, anti-Maduro Venezolanen??)

Lees het volgende uitgebreide (prima) artikel over de smerige rol die de VS de laatste decennia in Midden- en Zuid-Amerika heeft 'gespeeld', bewerkt door Roger Harris, dat eerder op Consortium News werd gepubliceerd:

The US is Definitely Meddling in the Venezuelan Election

May 19, 2018 at 8:09 pm
Written by Consortium News

(CN Op-ed) — Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro is the frontrunner in the presidential elections that will take place on Sunday. If past pronouncements and practice by the United States are any indication, every effort will be made to oust an avowed socialist from the the U.S. “backyard.”

This week, the leftist president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, tweeted: “Before the elections they (U.S. and allies) will carry out violent actions supported by the media and after the elections they will try a military invasion with Armed Forces from neighboring countries.”

U.S. antipathy towards the Venezuelan government started with the election of Hugo Chávez in 1998, followed by a brief and unsuccessful U.S.-backed coup in 2002. Chávez made the magnanimous, but politically imprudent, gesture of pardoning the golpistas, who are still trying to achieve by extra-parliamentary means what they have been unable to realize democratically. After Chávez died in 2013, the Venezuelans elected Maduro to carry on what has become known as the Bolivarian Revolution.

The Phantom Menace

In 2015 then U.S. President Barack Obama declared “a national emergency” because of a supposed Venezuelan threat to the U.S. The U.S. has military bases to the west of Venezuela in Colombia and to the east in the Dutch colonial islands. The Fourth Fleet patrols Venezuela’s Caribbean coast. Yet somehow in the twisted logic of imperialism, the phantom of Venezuela posed a menacing, “extraordinary threat” to the U.S.

Each year Obama renewed and deepened sanctions against Venezuela under the National Emergencies Act. Taking no chances that his successor might not be sufficiently hostile to Venezuela, Obama prematurely renewed the sanctions his last year in office even though the sanctions would not have expired until two months into Trump’s tenure.

The fear was that presumptive U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson might try to normalize U.S. -Venezuelan relations to negotiate an oil deal between Venezuela and his former employer Exxon. As it turns out, the Democrats need not have feared Trump going soft on regime change.

Last August, Donald Trump publicly raised the “military option” to overthrow Venezuela’s democratically-elected government. Then David Smilde of the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) counseled for regime change, not by military means, but by “deepening the current sanctions” to “save Venezuela.” The somewhat liberal, inside-the-beltway NGO argued against a direct military invasion because the Venezuelan military would resist, not because such an act is the gravest violation of international law.

Meanwhile the sanctions have taken a punishing toll on the Venezuelan people, even causing death. Sanctions are designed, in Richard Nixon’s blood-curdling words, to “make the economy scream” so that the people will abandon their democratically elected government for one vetted by the U.S.

Maduro: Phony threat to the U.S.

In January, Trump’s first State of the Union address called for regime change of leftist governments in Latin America, boasting, “My government has imposed harsh sanctions on the communist and socialist dictatorships of Cuba and Venezuela.” Hearing these stirring words, both Democrats and Republicans burst out in thunderous applause.

Dictatorships,” as the term is wielded by the U.S. government and mainstream media, should be understood as countries that try to govern in the interests of their own peoples rather than privileging the dictates of the U.S. State Department and the prerogatives of international capital.

Attack of the Clones

In addition to summoning Venezuela’s sycophantic domestic opposition, who support sanctions against their own people, the U.S. has gone on the offensive using the regional Lima Group to destabilize Venezuela. The group was established last August in Lima, the capital of Peru, as a block to oppose Venezuela.

The eighth Summit of the Americas was held in Lima in April under the lofty slogan of “democratic governance against corruption.” Unfortunately for the imperialists, the president of the host country was unable to greet the other U.S. clones. A few days earlier he had been forced to resign because of corruption. Venezuelan President Maduro was barred from attending.

Along with Peru and the U.S. ’ ever faithful junior partner Canada, other members of the Lima Group are:
  • Mexico, a prime participant of the U.S. -sponsored War on Drugs, is plagued with drug cartel violence. The frontrunner for the July presidential election is left-of-center Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), who is widely believed to have won the last two elections only to have them stolen from him. 
  • Panama’s government is a direct descendent of the one installed on a U.S. warship when the U.S. invaded Panama in 1989. Recall the triggering incident that unleashed U.S. bombs and 26,000 troops into Panama against a defense force of 3,000: a GI in civilian clothes was fatally shot running a military checkpoint and another GI and his wife were assaulted. What similarly grave affront to the global hegemon might precipitate a comparable military response for Venezuela? Panama imposed sanctions against Venezuela in a spat in April, accusing Venezuela of money laundering. Panama is a regional money laundering center for the illicit drug trade (some alleged through a Trump-owned hotel). 
  • Argentina elected Mauricio Macri president in 2015. He immediately sold the country out to the vulture funds and the IMF while imposing severe austerity measures on working people. The economy has tanked, reversing the gains of the previous left-leaning presidencies of Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández. Military and diplomatic deference to the U.S. has become the order of the day. Macri has negotiated installation of two U.S. military bases in Argentina, first with Obama and now with Trump. 
  • Brazil deposed its left-leaning, democratically elected President Dilma Rousseff in a 2016 parliamentary coup. Her successor, the unelected Michel Temer, has imposed austerity measures and cooperated with the U.S. in joint military exercises along the Brazilian border with Venezuela. Temer suffers from single digit popularity ratings and is barred from running for public office due to a corruption conviction. Former left-leaning president “Lula” da Silva is the frontrunner in October’s presidential election but was imprisoned in April by Temer’s government. 
  • Chile was the victim of the U.S. -backed coup, which overthrew the elected left-leaning government of Salvador Allende in 1973. A reign of terror followed with the extreme rightwing government of Gen. Augusto Pinochet killing thousands. An economic and diplomatic destabilization campaign coordinated by Washington set the stage for the coup. The Chilean regime-change scenario could be the model for Venezuela. The rightwing opposition in Venezuela torched a maternity hospital with mothers and babies inside and even poured gasoline on suspected Chávez supporters, burning them alive. 
  • Colombia is the U.S. ’ closest ally in the region, the recipient of the most U.S. military aid, and the source of the greatest amount of illicit drugs afflicting the U.S. . The Colombian government has flaunted its recent peace accords with the FARC and continues to be a world leader with 7 million internally displaced persons and political assassinations of trade union leaders, human rights workers, and journalists. In cooperation with the U.S. , Colombia has been provocatively massing troops along its border with Venezuela. 
  • Costa Rica is a neoliberal state that has been a staunch silent partner of U.S. imperialism ever since it served as a base for the Contra war against the Sandinista government of Nicaragua. 
  • Guatemala is a major source of undocumented immigrants fleeing violence into the relative safety of the U.S. . Femicide is rampant as is criminal impunity, all legacies of the U.S. -backed dirty war of genocide from the 1960s through the ‘80s, which claimed some 200,000 Mayan lives. 
  • Honduras’ left-leaning President Zelaya was deposed in a U.S. -backed coup in 2009. In the aftermath of rightwing repression and domestic violence, Honduras earned the title of murder capital of the world. The current rightwing president was reelected last November in an election so blatantly fraudulent that even the Organization of American States (OAS) failed to endorse the results. 
  • Paraguay is the site of the first of the rightwing parliamentary coups in the region when left-leaning President Fernando Lugo was deposed in 2012.
Pinochet: Torturer and Murderer backed by U.S.

Such is the nature of the right-wing states allied against Venezuela in contemporary Latin America. Perhaps the most dangerous aspect of this right tide is the willingness of Brazil and Argentina to allow U.S. military installations in their border areas as well as conducting joint U.S. -led military exercises with contingents from Panama, Colombia and other countries.

Cuba, Bolivia, and Nicaragua are Venezuela’s few remaining regional allies, all of which have been subject to U.S. -backed regime-change schemes. Most recently, the Nicaraguan government undertook modest measures to increase workers’ and employers’ contributions but lower benefits. It led to violent demonstrations. Some sources hostile to the Ortega government labelled the protests as “made in the U.S. A.” In the face of such protests, the government rescinded the changes on April 23.

The Empire Strikes Back

In early April, the U.S. Southern Command conducted a series of military exercises, dubbed “Fused Response,” just 10 miles off the Venezuelan coast, simulating an invasion.

Later that month, Juan Cruz, Special Assistant to President Trump and Senior Director for Western Hemisphere Affairs, was asked whether the U.S. government supports a military coup in Venezuela. Speaking for the White House and dripping with imperial arrogance, he responded affirmatively:

If you look at the history of Venezuela, there’s never been a seminal movement in Venezuela’s history, politics, that did not involve the military. And so it would be naïve for us to think that a solution in Venezuela wouldn’t in some fashion include a very strong nod – at a minimum – strong nod from the military, a whisper in the ear, a coaxing or a nudging, or something a lot stronger than that.”

Across the Atlantic on May 3, the European Parliament demanded Venezuela suspend presidential elections. Four days later, U.S. Vice President Pence called on the OAS to expel Venezuela. Adding injury to insult, the U.S. announced yet another round of sanctions. Then the next day, U.S. ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley joined the chorus calling on President Maduro to cancel the presidential election and resign.

Haley: End Venezuelan election. (UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe)

Far more blatant and frightening is the Plan to Overthrow the Venezuelan Dictatorship – Masterstroke, dated February 23, 2018.Masterstroke was leaked on the website and picked up by Stella Calloni in the reliable and respected Resumen Latinoamericano.

Although Masterstroke is unverified, the contents as reported by Calloni are entirely consistent with U.S. policy and pronouncements:

The document signed by the head of the U.S. Southern Command demands making the Maduro government unsustainable by forcing him to give up, negotiate or escape. This Plan to end in very short terms the so-called ‘dictatorship’ of Venezuela calls for, ‘Increase internal instability to critical levels, intensifying the decapitalization of the country, the escape of foreign capital and the deterioration of the national currency, through the application of new inflationary measures that increase this deterioration.’”

That is, blame the Venezuelan government for the conditions imposed upon it by its enemies.

Masterstroke calls for, “Continuing to harden the condition within the (Venezuelan) Armed Forces to carry out a coup d’état, before the end of 2018, if this crisis does not cause the dictatorship to collapse or if the dictator (Maduro) does not decide to step aside.”

Failing an internal coup, Masterstroke plans an international military invasion: “Uniting Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Panama to contribute a good number of troops, make use of their geographic proximity…”

A New Hope

With the urging of the Pope and under the auspices of the government of the Dominican Republic, the Maduro government and elements of the opposition agreed to sit down to negotiate last January in the hopes of ending the cycle of violence and the deterioration of living conditions in Venezuela.

By early February they had come to a tentative agreement to hold elections. The Maduro government initially opposed a UN election observation team as a violation of national sovereignty, but then accepted it as a concession to the opposition. The opposition in turn would work to end the unilateral sanctions by the U.S. , Canada, and the EU, which are so severely crippling the daily life of ordinary Venezuelans. Two years of adroit diplomacy by the Maduro government with the less extreme elements of the opposition were bearing fruit.

The agreement had been crafted and a meeting was called for the government and the opposition to sign on. The government came to the final meeting, but not the opposition. The opposition as good clones of Washington had gotten a call from their handlers to bail.

In a damned-if-you-do/damned-if-you-don’t scenario, the U.S. first accused Venezuela of not scheduling presidential elections. Then elections were scheduled, but too early for the U.S. . Then the date of the elections was moved to April and then extended to May. No matter what, the U.S. would not abide by any elections in Venezuela.Ipso factoelections are considered fraudulent by U.S. if the people might vote for the wrong candidate.

Mesa de la Unidad Democrática(MUD), the coalition of Venezuelan opposition groups allied with and partially funded by the U.S., are accordingly boycotting Sunday’s election and are putting pressure on Henri Falcón to withdraw his candidacy. Falcón is Maduro’s main competition in the election. MUD has already concluded that the election is fraudulent and are doing all they can to discourage voting.

CNBC, reflecting the Washington consensus, expects the U.S. to directly target the Venezuelan oil industry immediately after the election in what they describe as “a huge sucker punch to Maduro’s socialist administration, which is depending almost entirely on crude sales to try and decelerate a deepening economic crisis.”

Ever hopeful and always militant, Maduro launched the new Petro cryptocurrency and revalued the country’s traditional currency, the Bolivar, in March. The Petro is collateralized on Venezuela’s vast mineral resources: the largest petroleum reserves in the world and large reserves of gold and other precious metals. The U.S. immediately accused Venezuela of sinisterly trying to circumvent the sanctions…which is precisely the intent of the Petro and other economic reforms, some of which are promised for after the presidential election.

The Force Awakens

Latin America has been considered the U.S. empire’s proprietary backyard since the proclamation of the Monroe Document in 1823, reaffirmed by John F. Kennedy’s Alliance for Progress in 1961, and asserted by today’s open military posturing by President Trump.

The so-called Pink Tide of left-leaning governments spearheaded by Venezuela in the early part of this century served as a counter-hegemonic force. By any objective estimation that force has been ebbing but can awaken.

Before Chávez, all of Latin America suffered under neoliberal regimes except Cuba. If Maduro is overthrown, a major obstacle to re-establishing this hemispheric wide neoliberalism would be gone.

The future of Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution is pivotal to the future of the counter-hegemonic project, which is why it is the empire’s prime target in the Western Hemisphere. If the Venezuelan government falls, all Latin American progressive movements could suffer immensely: AMLO’s campaign in Mexico, the resistance in Honduras and Argentina, maybe the complete end of the peace accords in Colombia, a left alternative to Lenin Moreno in Ecuador, the Sandinista social programs in Nicaragua, the struggle for Lula’s presidency in Brazil, and even Morales and the indigenous movements in Bolivia.

Kissinger: Issue too important for democracy.

As U.S. National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger said in 1970: “I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves.”

Op-ed by Roger D. Harris / Republished with permission / Consortium News / Report a typo
* Terwijl de VS zoals gezegd al een aantal jaren bezig is de bevolking tegen de socialistische regering op te zetten middels een economische oorlog, die zoals gewoonlijk de gewone bevolking het hardst treft....... Over het beïnvloeden van verkiezingen gesproken........ 

Op 18 juni 2018 kop veranderd: zag tot mijn schrik dat ik het woord 'door' per abuis 2 keer heb vermeld (doordat de koptekst in concept werd veranderd), mijn excuus.

zondag 20 mei 2018

VS stelt Duitsland een ultimatum (chantage): geen Russisch gas via NS2 anders volgt een handelsoorlog.....

De grote drijfveer achter de illegale oorlogen die de VS voert is fossiele brandstof. Om dat nog eens te onderstrepen wenst de VS dat de EU verder afziet van Russisch gasimport, om te beginnen moet de aanleg van Nord Stream 2 (NS2) worden afgeblazen...... De VS heeft bedrijven die hieraan meewerken gedreigd met boetes en sancties...... Echter dit project kan juridisch gezien niet meer afgeblazen worden, daar alle contracten allang getekend zijn en men al is begonnen met de aanleg.....

De VS heeft een overschot aan gas en dat moet de EU overnemen, uiteraard tegen een hele berg geld en een fikse verhoging van de gasprijs voor de grootste gebruiker van gas: de EU burger..... Van gas LNG maken is al een kostbaar en milieuvervuilend project, waar bovenop dan nog eens het vervoer over de Atlantische Oceaan komt........

Intussen heeft Trump Merkel gewaarschuwd voor het Nord Stream 2 (NS2) project: als dit project wordt doorgezet, zal de VS een handelsoorlog tegen de EU en m.n. Duitsland beginnen...... M.a.w.: de VS chanteert Duitsland en de EU! Ach zo vreemd is dat niet, als je ziet dat de VS de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde is en alleen deze eeuw al meer dan 2 miljoen mensen heeft vermoord in illegale oorlogen, standrechtelijke executies (o.a. middels drones), geheime militaire CIA missies, blokkades/sancties (zoals die van de sjiitische gebieden in Jemen, waar de Saoedische coalitie onder regie en met hulp van de VS een genocide uitvoert...), georganiseerde opstanden en staatsgrepen.....

Tyler Durden schreef over de VS chantage op Zero Hedge, hier de versie zoals die op Anti-Media verscheen:

US Gives Germany an Ultimatum: Drop Russian Gas Pipeline or Trade War Begins

May 18, 2018 at 12:20 pm
Written by Tyler Durden

(ZHE— It became clear just how important it is to the US for Russia’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project to fail two months ago when, as we described in “US Threatens Sanctions For European Firms Participating In Russian Gas Pipeline Project, the U.S. State Department warned European corporations that they will likely face penalties and sanctions if they participate in the construction of Russia’s Nord Stream 2 on the grounds that “the project undermines energy security in Europe”, when in reality Russia has for decades been a quasi-monopolist on European energy supplies and thus has unprecedented leverage over European politics, at least behind the scenes.

As many people know, we oppose the Nord Stream 2 project, the US government does,” State Department spokeswoman, Heather Nauert said during a late March press briefing adding that “the Nord Stream 2 project would undermine Europe’s overall energy security and stability. It would provide Russia [with] another tool to pressure European countries, especially countries such as Ukraine.” And speaking of Ukraine, recall that in 2014, shortly after the US State Department facilitated the presidential coup in Ukraine, Joe Biden’s son Hunter joined the board of directors of Burisma, Ukraine’s largest oil and gas company. Surely that was merely a coincidence.

Nauert also said that Washington may introduce punitive measures against participants in the pipeline project – which could be implemented using a provision in the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA).

Fast forward to today, when the dreadfully named CAATSA act just made a repeat appearance; around the time Europe made it clear it would openly defy Trump’s Iran sanctions, the WSJ reported that Trump told Merkel that if she wants to avoid a trans-Atlantic trade war, the price would be to pull the break on Nord Stream 2, according to German, U.S. and European sources.
The officials said Mr. Trump told German Chancellor Angela Merkel in April that Germany should drop support for Nord Stream 2, an offshore pipeline that would bring gas directly from Russia via the Baltic Sea. This would be in exchange for the U.S. starting talks with the European Union on a new trade deal.”

While it had long been suspected that Trump would push hard to dismantle Nord Stream 2 just so US nat gas exporters could grab a slice of the European market pie, the aggressive push comes as a surprise, and as the WSJ notes, “the White House pressure reflects its hard ball tactics on trade, moves that have contributed to rising tensions between Europe and the U.S. and raised fears in export-dependent Germany of a tit-for-tat on tariffs that could engulf its car industry.”

The Nord Stream II (or NS2) project was started in 2015 is a joint venture between Russia’s Gazprom and European partners, including German Uniper, Austria’s OMV, France’s Engie, Wintershall and the British-Dutch multinational Royal Dutch Shell. The pipeline is set to run from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea – doubling the existing pipeline’s capacity of 55 cubic meters per year, and is therefore critical for Europe’s future energy needs.

NS2 is the second phase of an existing pipeline that already channels smaller amount of gas from Russia to Germany. Construction for the second phase started this week in Germany, after investors committed €5 billion ($5.9 billion) to the venture.

Trump has publicly criticized the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, saying at a meeting with Baltic State leaders at the White House this year that “Germany hooks up a pipeline into Russia, where Germany is going to be paying billions of dollars for energy into Russia…That’s not right.”

Donald Trump is a deal maker…there is a deal to be made if someone (in Germany) stood up and said ‘Help us protect our auto industry a little bit more, because we’re great at it and we’re going to help you on Nord Stream 2’,” said one U.S. official, who was present at the April meeting between Ms. Merkel and Mr. Trump.

Raising the pressure further, Sandra Oudkirk, a senior U.S. diplomat, told journalists in Berlin on Thursday that as a Russian energy project the pipeline could face U.S. sanctions, putting any company participating in it at risk.
* * *
The Kremlin shot back immediately as spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the U.S. efforts “a crude effort to hinder an international energy project that has an important role in energy security.”

The Americans are simply trying crudely to promote their own gas producers,” he said.
He is, of course, right, even if the official explanation is that Washington opposes the pipeline because it would make Ukraine—currently the main transit route for Russian gas headed west—and other U.S. allies in the EU more vulnerable to Russian pressure. German officials also say the U.S. is eager to displace Russia as a provider of gas to Europe, hence confirming with the Russian said.

Of course, in the end it’s all a question of leverage, and who has more, and right now Trump believes that by threatening European auto exports hostage, he has all of it.
* * *
Still, that Trump thinks he can interject after three years of trade negotiations with an abrupt demand while providing no alternatives, is rather stunning, but understandable. As Alex Gorka of the Strategic Culture Foundation wrote, on March 15, a bipartisan group of 39 senators led by John Barrasso (R-WY) sent a letter to the Treasury Department.

They oppose NS2 and are calling on the administration to bury it. Why? They don’t want Russia to be in a position to influence Europe, which would be “detrimental,” as they put it.  And, as Gorka wrote, their preferred tool to implement this obstructionist policy is the use of sanctions, precisely what we are seeing currently.

To be sure, 39 out of 100 is a number no president can ignore as powerful pressure emanating from US corporations and lobbies was being applied on the administration. Even before the senators wrote their letter, Kurt Volker, the US envoy to Ukraine, had claimed that NS2 was a purely political, not commercial, project.

As we said in March, “No doubt other steps to ratchet up the pressure on Europe will follow.” Little did we know that less than 2 months later, the US and Europe would be embroiled in a bruising trade war in which the fate of NS2 is suddenly the key variable.
* * *
So will Trump win, and will US LNG replace Russian exports?

While Merkel hasn’t yet dropped her support for the pipeline, she said on Thursday the EU had agreed at a summit Wednesday night to offer the U.S. “closer cooperation” in the field of gas in exchange for a permanent exemption from the steel and aluminum tariffs, suggesting that Nord Stream 2 may soon be a trade war casualty.

Should Europe fold, it should expect a surge in energy inflation: Liquefied gas from the U.S. needs to be shipped over the Atlantic and would be considerably more expensive than Russian gas delivered via pipelines. A senior EU official working on energy regulation said Russian gas would be at least 20% cheaper.

Trump’s strategy seems to be to force us to buy their more expensive gas, but as long as LNG is not competitive, Europe will not agree to some sort of racket and pay extortionate prices,” an EU official said.

Which, amusingly, is precisely what Trump’s brute trade overture is: an global racket.

Germany’s pipeline plan has long been controversial with Ukraine, as well as several EU countries on the bloc’s eastern edge who fear it gives Russian President Vladimir Putin power over gas deliveries—which Berlin has so far largely ignored.

Trump has been pushing for better access for U.S. companies to an EU market he has criticized as over-protected. Barring an EU offer to address Mr. Trump’s grievances, the U.S. will hit Europe with punitive steel and aluminum tariffs on June 1. The EU has promised retaliatory tariffs.
* * *
So now that the ball is in Merkel’s court, how will she respond?  On Friday, the German chancellor is traveling to Russia on Friday to meet Vladimir Putin in hopes of brokering a compromise that would satisfy the U.S. and her European partners.
She will ask Mr. Putin for a deal that would preserve the lucrative transit trade—Ukraine gets a fee for letting Russian gas through its territory on the way to eastern Europe—even after Nord Stream 2 comes online in 2019, a German official said.

Meanwhile, German government officials say that since all the permits for Nord Stream 2 have been issued, the WSJ notes that there is no legal way to stop the project, which is run by Gazprom , the Russian energy giant, under financing agreements with international companies such as Engie, OMV, Shell, Uniper and Wintershall.

By Tyler Durden / Republished with permission / Zero Hedge / Report a typo
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