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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label H. Nauert. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label H. Nauert. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 8 december 2018

Nikki Haley wordt in de VN vervangen door een blonde versie van Nikki Haley

Caitlin Johnstone plaatste gisteren een artikel over de keus van de Trump administratie voor VS ambassadeur bij de VN Veiligheidsraad, nu oorlogshitser, pathologische leugenaar en psychopaat Nikki Haley.

De keus is gevallen op Heather Nauert, voormalig Fox presentator en huidig woordvoerder van het VS ministerie van buitenlandse zaken. Een neoliberale ploert die niet onderdoet voor haat- en angstzaaier Haley, zoals ze bij Fox en in haar functie als buitenlandse zaken woordvoerder al voldoende heeft laten zien.

Ongelofelijk, de reacties op het vertrek van Haley, als betrof het een groot bewindspersoon, i.p.v. een oorlogshoer, die ziel en zaligheid heeft verkocht aan de duivel genaamd militair-industrieel complex, een duivel die zoveel mogelijk oorlog en ellende wil zien op de wereld, een duivel aan wie de VS jaarlijks honderden miljarden dollars belastinggeld offert...........

Johnstone gaat o.a. in op de kritiek als zou Nauert elke ervaring missen om te fungeren als ambassadeur bij de VN, waar Johnsone betoogt dat Nauert niet onderdoet voor leugenaar en oorlogshitser Haley.

Lees het deels humoristisch relaas van Johnstone:

Nikki Haley To Be Replaced By Blonde Version Of Nikki Haley

When UN Ambassador Nikki Haley announced her upcoming resignation from the position, establishment loyalists spent the day awash with grief that the Trump administration was losing one of its remaining moderate Republican voices.
Nikki Haley, ambassador to the United Nations, has resigned, leaving the administration with one less moderate Republican voice,” tweeted the New York Times, without defining what specifically is “moderate” about relentlessly pushing for war and starvation sanctions at every opportunity and adamantly defending the slaughter of unarmed Palestinian protesters with sniper fire.

Too bad Nikki Haley has resigned,” tweeted law professor turned deranged Russia conspiracy theorist Laurence Tribe. “She was one of the last members of Trumplandia with even a smidgen of decency.”

Well I’ve got some good news for those who lamented the loss of a virulent psychopathic war whore as UN ambassador, and bad news for any anti-interventionist Trump voters who’ve been secretly hoping this administration would use Haley’s vacancy to move in a less hawkish direction: you’re getting another one just like her. According to multiple sources, Trump has confirmed early rumors and selected State Department Spokeswoman and former Fox News pundit Heather Nauert as Haley’s replacement.

BREAKING: Former Fox News host Heather Nauert has been picked to replace outgoing U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley.

Trump To Appoint Heather Nauert As U.S. Ambassador To United Nations

The former Fox News host is Trump's pick to replace Nikki Haley.

Ever since rumors emerged of Nauert’s selection for the job last month, the dominant criticisms have been that she lacks “experience” and “qualifications” for the job of US Ambassador to the United Nations. These criticisms have picked up ever since these early rumors were confirmed, and they are illegitimate for two reasons. The first is that a position as Fox News propagandist is very much the sort of experience an American needs to be a UN Ambassador, especially for this administration. The second is that all the job requires is a willingness to sell one’s soul for the promotion of US war agendas, and to occasionally help kick Palestinian human rights further into the gutter than they already are. No experience is required for this, and these are things we already know Nauert could do in her sleep.

As State Department Spokeswoman, Nauert’s messaging has already been moving in lockstep with that of Haley anyway. She speaks about Syria as though it is the property of the United States, routinely warning the Syrian government not to re-take its own land from the western-backed terrorist factions that nearly overran the nation. She regularly promotes the unrest in Iran that the Trump administration has been deliberately attempting to foment with starvation sanctions and CIA covert ops, and helps sell the absolute lie that Iran is “the leading state sponsor of terrorism”. She promotes anti-Venezuela narrativesanti-Russia narrativesanti-North Korea narrativesanti-Houthi narratives, and anti-Palestinian narratives. She’s been at this job since April of last year, and her talking points have consistently mirrored Haley’s.
Nauert is perfectly qualified for the job of UN Ambassador, because all that job requires is being a sociopathic war pig. She’s already been doing that.
Embedded video
"In terms of what we normally look for at the United Nations, her resume is very thin."@David_Gergen reacts to reports that the President is expected to name Heather Nauert his new ambassador to the UN.

"This is a risky move for Trump," adds @jrpsaki. 
All this fuss about Nauert’s “experience” highlights perfectly why Trump’s ostensible opposition has been almost entirely worthless: they don’t focus on any of the evil foreign policy decisions that this administration is actually advancing, because they don’t actually oppose those decisions. They aren’t concerned that Nauert will promote senseless, psychotic acts of military mass murder, they are concerned that she lacks the necessary qualifications to promote it skillfully and professionally. On this matter, as with all matters, Trump’s self-proclaimed “resistance” is perfectly comfortable with the blood-spattered face of world-dominating imperialism. They just want it to go back to smiling and saying things politely.
The problem with most of the opposition to Trump is that they’re not interested in waking up, they’re interested in removing an annoying wrinkle in their bedsheets so that they can go back to sleep. They don’t care about the monstrous acts of violence that are inflicted upon human beings on the other side of the globe in their name, so they focus on irrelevant nonsense like whether or not Heather Nauert is qualified to read from the same imperialist script that was read by Haley, Samantha Power and Susan Rice.
Those who care about reality don’t care about who’s reading from that script. It is the script itself they seek to burn.
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In het Twitterbericht van Anderson Cooper (@AC360) is een video te zien die ik niet kan overnemen, hier de link naar het origineel.

Voor meer berichten met Haley en/of Nauert, klik op het betreffende label, direct onder dit bericht.

dinsdag 14 augustus 2018

Bom waarmee schoolbus in Jemen werd getroffen is van VS makelij

Fragmenten van de geleide-bom die de schoolbus in Jemen raakte vorige week donderdag, tonen aan dat deze bom van het type MK-82 is en wordt geproduceerd in de VS....... Met die aanval werden minstens 50 kinderen vermoord......

De hele smerige oorlog in Jemen, die tot een genocide heeft geleid op de sjiitische bevolking van Jemen, is zonder meer aan de VS te danken, zonder goedkeuring van de VS had Saoedi-Arabië het niet aangedurfd haar terreur los te laten op Jemen.....

Daarnaast levert de VS, zoals je kon lezen, niet alleen munitie aan de reli-fascistische terreurstaat Saoedi-Arabië, maar ook wapens en militaire hardware, dus rollend, varend en vliegend oorlogstuig ..... Voorts helpt de VS S-A met de zeeblokkade van door Houthi's beheerste gebieden, doet het de regie over de bombardementen en tankt het zelfs de bommenwerpers en straaljagers van de Saoedische terreurcoalitie af in de lucht (zodat er 'zo efficiënt mogelijk' kan worden gebombardeerd....).....

Lees het volgende uitstekende artikel op Anti-Media van Tyler Durden, eerder geplaatst op Zero Hedge, waarin hij dieper ingaat op de rol van de VS in de vuile oorlog tegen de sjiitische bevolking van Jemen. Durden wijst ook op de belachelijke toezegging van VS Buitenlandse Zaken woordvoerder Nauert dat Saoedi-Arabië de aanval op de schoolbus zal onderzoeken.......... ha! ha! ha! ha! Zoals je begrijpt zal de uitkomst van dat onderzoek S-A vrijspreken van elke schuld, hooguit zal men nog proberen te stellen dat er officieren van de Houthi's in de bus hebben gezeten, of dat er 'een kleine vergissing' is gemaakt.... Terwijl S-A na de aanval pontificaal durfde te zeggen dat de aanval op de schoolbus een vergelding was voor de dode die viel bij een 'raket-aanval' van de Houthi's in Saoedi-Arabië.......... Wat precies wil je na deze uitspraak nog onderzocht hebben...???

Guided Bomb Fragments At Site Of Yemen Bus Airstrike Trace Back To Lockheed Martin

August 12, 2018 at 10:36 pm

Written by Tyler Durden

(ZHE— A prominent Yemeni journalist who throughout the war has been instrumental in getting images and information out of the country ahead of Western journalists has photographed and examined fragments from one of the exploded missiles found at the site of the US-Saudi coalition airstrike on a school bus in Yemen, which left as many as 50 people dead and 63 injured the vast majority of which were children

The image of the missile fragment, believed to be among those that scored a direct hit on the bus full of children traveling through Dahyan market in Saada province last Thursday, was uploaded by Sanaa-based Hussain Albukhaiti and quickly spread online over the weekend. It appears to be a US-made MK-82 guided bomb produced by Lockheed Martin.

Ben Norton, an American journalist among the first to track down publicly available government contract information showing the MK-82’s likely origins, said of the bomb fragment imageryYemeni journalists found this fragment of the bomb Saudi Arabia dropped on a school bus full of children in Yemen. It’s a US-made MK-82 guided bomb, which has been used in previous attacks on Yemeni civilians. The cage code on the bomb is Lockheed Martin’s.

Bomb fragment said to have been photographed at the scene of Thursday’s coalition strike on a school bus full of children.
The MK-82 is a 500-pound air dropped guided bomb which US Air Force and military publications previously touted as“causing the least amount of collateral damage” — US defense contractors have over the past few years sold the MK-82 to Saudi Arabia under contracts worth tens of millions of dollars.

The CAGE Code, or Commercial and Government Entity Code, is a number assigned to suppliers of various government or defense agencies which provides a standardize method to track military items to a given facility at a specific location. According to one defense contracting consultation siteThe Department of Defense’s Defense Logistics Agency, (DLA) assigns the five-character ID and uses alpha numeric identifier is assigned to entities located in the United States and its’ territories.

Ben Norton says the Cage Code on the fragment reportedly found at the site traces to US government contractor Lockheed Martin.

The code on the panel fragment in the photograph reads: 94271.

Ben Norton further tracked down specific contracts through 2016 and 2017 showing that Lockheed Martin/General Dynamics is the key supplier of the MK-82 500-pound bombs to the Saudi military (in 1997 General Dynamics acquired Lockheed’s Armament Systems and Defense Systems productions divisions).

The separate contracts are collectively worth over $60 million and were approved by US Army Contracting Command.

"Where are my brothers?" pleads a Yemeni child who survived the US-Saudi coalition airstrike school bus massacre

"How was this a military target? Why are children being killed?" tweeted Meritxell Relano, UNICEF's resident representative in Yemen 
In 2016 the Saudi coalition, of which both the US and Britain play a lead role, used the US-made MK 82 guided bombs to attack a funeral in Sanaa, Yemen’s capital city, which killed over 140 and wounded at least 500 more.

At that time The Intercept identified external bomb fragment markings found in the debris to track it to the United States.

📸👇of bomb used by strike on school bus
51killed inc 40children
Pentagon said 9th August:
doesn’t know if US-made bombs killed kids in Yemen
“We may never know if the munition [used] was one that the US sold to them,”
Now we know its made MK82
A video has emerged of the school bus student on same day it was struck by strike using made bomb type MK82(c previous tweet4bomb fragments)
The video shows the kids laughing, joking&playing inside the bus, before made bomb burned them to death
During the State Department’s daily press briefing at the end of last week, spokesperson Heather Nauert was asked point blank by Associated Press reporter Matt Lee, whether the US condemns the attack.
It resulted in a drawn out testy exchange, but Matt Lee laid out the case for direct US complicity in the attack on the bus packed with children: “The Saudis obviously are the ones who conducted this, but they do that with weapons supplied by the U.S., with training supplied by the U.S., and with targeting information, targeting data, supplied by the U.S. How can something like this happen?” he said.

Not only did Nauert refuse to say the US condemned the attack, but wouldn’t so much as agree to simply call for an independent investigation into the incident (she called only for a Saudi-led inquiry) which killed at least 29 children and has resulted in the United Nations launching an independent probe.

Previously last week, just before the horrendous attack on the school bus, Nauert had unambiguously stated the Saudi coalition’s ongoing airstrikes on Yemen are legitimate and justified.

The Saudis for their part called the incident part of a legitimate military operation” soon after it happened, ultimately blaming Shia Houthi rebels who control the region.

In April of 2016, Bruce Riedel, a 30-year CIA officer and senior fellow at the Brookings Institute, told a conference audienceIf the United States and the United Kingdom, tonight, told King Salman [of Saudi Arabia] ‘this war has to end,’ it would end tomorrow. The Royal Saudi Air Force cannot operate without American and British support.”

(Bij de volgende afbeelding hoort een video, die ik helaas niet kan overnemen, hier de link naar het origineel)

Bruce Riedel of the Brookings Institute: “if the United States of America and the United Kingdom tonight told King Salman that this war [on Yemen] has to end, it would end tomorrow because the Royal Saudi Air force cannot operate without American & British Support".

Last week’s coalition airstrike on the bus elicited rare bipartisan outrage among a handful of congress members, including from Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn), who said in a statementThe Saudi/UAE/U.S. bombing campaign is getting more reckless, killing more civilians, and strengthening terrorists inside Yemen. We need to end this – NOW.”

The Pentagon has long tried to present its role in the conflict as attempting to stave off humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen, yet as even NPR* confirmed while reporting from inside the country earlier this year the US military “has provided targeting information, equipment and aircraft refueling to the Saudi air campaign, which has been widely criticized for being indiscriminate and killing civilians in places like hospitals, funerals and homes.”

By Tyler Durden / Republished with permission / Zero Hedge / Report a typo
* NPR: National Public Radio.

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'Saoedische terreurcoalitie geeft eindelijk toe dat de aanval op een schoolbus niet gerechtvaardigd was......'

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'Saoedische aanval op schoolbus in Jemen: 43 kinderen vermoord......'

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'Trump wijst elke bezuiniging af op de hulp van de VS voor de genocide die Saoedi-Arabië uitvoert in Jemen'

'Genocide Jemen: 'eindelijk ontdekt' door reguliere media VS, nu nog Nederland en de EU'

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