Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.

donderdag 8 november 2018

VS en Japan stoken samen de 'oorlogsboel' op over de Oost-Chinese Zee

In het hieronder opgenomen artikel van Tyler Durden op Zero Hedge, vertelt hij dat de boel op 'oorlogscherp' staat in de Oost-Chinese Zee dit over de claim op een paar eilandjes door China en Japan, t.w. de onbewoonde Senkaku-eilanden, ook aangeduid als Diaoyu-eilanden.

Uiteraard moet de VS zich er weer mee bemoeien en als je het mij vraagt is het vooral de VS die Japan opstookt deze eilandjes te claimen.......

Kortom niet alleen in de Zuid-Chinese Zee ('what's in a word?'), maar ook in de Oost-Chinese Zee is de VS uit op oorlog met China, immers de VS staat voor de veiligheid van Japan, dit n.a.v. een veiligheidsverdrag gesloten in de 50er jaren met Japan en dan m.n artikel 5 uit dat verdrag......

Om de boel nog verder op scherp te zetten hebben de VS en Japan een grote militaire oefening gepland, waarmee men oefent op 'eventuele agressie' van China..... (en als er nu één land op de wereld is dat uiterst agressief bezig is, is het de VS wel >> de VS de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde, nu verwikkeld in minstens 4 illegaal door deze vereniging van terreurstaten begonnen oorlogen.......) Er wordt zelfs overleg gevoerd tussen Japan en de VS over een militair antwoord op de 'Chinese dreiging' t.a.v. de Senkaku-eilanden....... De eerder genoemde grote militaire oefening van de VS en Japan kan je zien als voorbereiding daarop........

Deze militaire oefening met de naam 'Keen Sword' (ha! ha! ha!) is volgens generaal en oorlogsmisdadiger William Seeley een aanvulling op de grote NAVO oefening Trident Juncture, die plaatsvindt in Noorwegen (en Oekraïne)....... (ik reken ook de grote luchtmachtoefening in Oekraïne toe aan die grote militaire oefening, immers daar wordt ook het zogenaamde raketschild in Polen en Roemenië bij betrokken, een schild waarvan de raketten in een mum van tijd van meerdere kernkoppen kunnen worden voorzien >> dit is een schending van het INF verdrag..... Dit terwijl het door een corrupte neonazi-junta geregeerd Oekraïne niet eens lid is van de NAVO....*

Lees het volgende artikel van Tyler Durden, zoals geplaatst op Zero Hedge

"Flashpoint For War": U.S. And Japan Plan Military Response To Chinese Incursions Of Disputed Islands

by Tyler Durden Tue, 11/06/2018 - 23:25

Things are again rapidly heating up in the East China Sea amidst already heightened tensions in a region where Washington is increasingly asserting the right of navigation in international waters against broad Chinese claims and seeking to defend the territorial possessions of its allies. 

According to a bombshell new Reuters report the tiny and rocky Senkaku Islands which lie between northern Taiwan and the Japanese home islands are "rapidly turning into a flashpoint for war". Alarmingly, Japanese government sources have been quoted as saying Tokyo and the United States are drawing up an operations plan for an allied military response to Chinese threats to the disputed Senkaku Islands

The Senkaku Islands, historically claimed by both Japan and China.

From nearly the start of his entering the White House, President Trump has said he's committed to upholding Article 5 of the US-Japan security treaty signed the post-war years of the mid-20th century: We are committed to the security of Japan and all areas under its administrative control and to further strengthening our very crucial alliance,” Trump had promised from the first official reception of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe back in February 2017, and since consistently maintained. 

Japanese government sources have told regional media that the joint plan of response with the United States involves "how to respond in the event of an emergency on or around the uninhabited islands in the East China Sea" — which is set to be completed by next march, according to the statements. 
Beijing claims the islands as part of its historical inheritance — as it does neighbouring Taiwan, despite failing to seize the protectorate during the Chinese Civil War.
Taiwan, however, was a Japanese protectorate before World War II.
It’s a messy historical scenario, thought resolved through United Nations conventions and treaties established after the conflict. — Reuters/

The Japan Times reports that “The plan being drawn up assumes such emergencies as armed Chinese fishermen landing on the islands, and Japan’s Self-Defense Forces needing to be mobilized after the situation exceeds the capacity of the police to respond.”

The situation is now taking on a greater urgency as both the US and Japan participate in the two nations' largest ever join war games, which involves the nuclear-powered USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier. The exercise, called Keen Sword began on Monday and is set to run through Thursday, and involved a combined force of 57,000 sailors, airmen and marines — with Japan contributing 47,000 of those military personnel. Canadian warships are also involved in the exercises.

Japan is seeking greater direct commitment and resolve on the part of the United States to defend its territorial claims against Chinese encroachment, which Japan says is already beginning to happen through informal provocative raids of fishing boats organized by Beijing. 

Reuters reports that "ongoing aggressive incursions by Chinese fishing boats — organised as a state militia — and a freshly militarized coast guard has seen tensions in the East China Sea flare." And the report further confirms: “The plan being drawn up assumes such emergencies as armed Chinese fishermen landing on the islands, and Japan’s Self-Defense Forces needing to be mobilized after the situation exceeds the capacity of the police to respond.”

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Right now nearly 100K US, allied, & partner-nation military pers are conducting exercises & : each involving ~50K troops, dozens of ships, & 100s of aircraft across Europe and the Pacific.

Though the United States has in the past expressed deep reluctance on outright defending claims to the Japan-administered islands (indicating it will take no official position on the issue), which China calls the Diaoyu, Japan's Self-Defense Forces says the focus of talks with the US has involved how to incorporate the US military’s strike capabilities in any potential Chinese invasion of the Senkaku Islands scenario

One Japanese military analyst was quoted as saying: “Given that military organizations always need to assume the worst possible situation, it is natural for the two countries to work on this kind of plan against China.”

The two already have a framework for such talks based on recently created 2015 defense guidelines known ans the Bilateral Planning Mechanism, or BPM. It stipulates the US and Japan's Self-Defense Forces will “conduct bilateral operations to counter ground attacks against Japan by ground, air, maritime, or amphibious forces”. Currently there's a similar contingency plan in place for a potential emergency threat on the Korean peninsula.

Between now and the spring - when the plan is set to be finalized and agreed upon - China will likely ramp up its incursions on the islands, or just seize them altogether before US commitments can be firmed up, in which case the great unknown will be whether the United States actually steps up to come to Japan's aid while risking war with China — something that up until now has been carefully avoided.

* Er is al langer sprake van een Pentagon verlangen voor een oorlog op meerdere fronten waar China en Rusland als een paar van de tegenstanders worden aangemerkt, deze militaire oefeningen zouden daar wel eens het bewijs voor kunnen zijn......... Eén ding is zeker: Trident Juncture is niet gericht op de bescherming van NAVO land Noorwegen, maar op een inval in Rusland op een noordelijk front....... Nogmaals: gezien de uitlatingen van Seeley is deze grootschalige oefening een voorloper op een oorlog met Rusland en China (waar men uiteraard ook Iran en Noord-Korea zal aanvallen.....)

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en terzijde:

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Israël misbruikt de aanslag op de synagoge in Pittsburgh voor demonisering van steun aan de Palestijnen.......

Het fascistische apartheidsbewind in Israël heeft het gore lef om 'heel fijntjes' de aanslag op de synagoge in Pittsburgh te misbruiken voor verdere demonisering van de mensen, die zich inzetten voor het zwaar onderdrukte Palestijnse volk........ Sterker nog: het Israëlische oorlogsmisdadigers-kabinet heeft niet opgeroepen de neonazi's in de VS aan te pakken, neonazi's die verantwoordelijk zijn voor het manipuleren van anderen met hun antisemitische leugens, ofwel haatzaaierij die tot de aanslag* in Pittsburgh hebben geleid......

Werkelijk ongelofelijk hoe men kritiek op het bloedige bewind van de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël af denkt te kunnen doen als antisemitisme....... Alsof kritiek hebben op de massamoorden die de staat Israël begaat te vergelijken is met de Holocaust, de vreselijke Jodenvervolging door de nazi's in WOII..... Hier draait men werkelijk de wereld op de kop!! Ofwel: je kan zonder meer zeggen dat de Israëlische terreur tegen de Palestijnen tot op bepaalde hoogte is te vergelijken met de massamoord (één van de zwaarste vormen van terreur) op de Joden tijdens WOII.....

Wat een geteisem, allemachtig!!!

Hier een bericht van Mondoweiss over deze zaak, geschreven door Scott Roth:

The Israeli government is using the Pittsburgh synagogue attack to demonize those who support Palestinian rights

The aftermath of the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre has been depressing. Instead of calling out the sort of right-wing white nationalist racism that led to the horrific scene last week, the Israeli government has instead used the attack to demonize those who support Palestinian rights.

It’s a pathetic and rather disgusting attempt to draw equivalence between real, classical anti-Semitism and principled criticism of Israeli policy. Rather than examine the very real and problematic relationship between Zionism and white nationalism, self-appointed anti-Semitism hunters would rather use Pittsburgh to further their own political ends - protecting Israel, at any cost. And this is what the Lobby is protecting,at the cost of excusing homicidal anti-Semitism. Anything beyond lukewarm criticism of Israel that doesn't mention "Palestinians" seems to be enough to register as anti-Semitism for these people.

Hier een ander artikel van Mondoweiss geschreven door Adam Horowitz, onder dezelfde titel als het artikel hierboven:

Yesterday during an interview on MSNBC, Ron Dermer, the Israeli Ambassador to the United States, placed the blame for the attack on both white supremacists and the “radical left,” which is clearly code for BDS activists.
Dermer said
One of the big forces in college campuses today is anti-Semitism. And those anti-Semites are usually not neo-Nazis, on college campuses. They’re coming from the radical left. We have to stand against anti-Semitism whether it comes from the right or whether it comes from the left.”
This is a disgusting lie. But it is part and parcel with the recent push by the Israeli government and its supporters in the West to redefine the meaning of antisemitism to include criticism of Israel.
When faced the most blatant example of antisemitic violence imaginable, Dermer can’t bring himself to criticize the actual accomplices who made this violence possible. Donald Trump, who declared himself a “nationalist” earlier in the week, and the forces of white supremacy in this country have created the atmosphere where this type of violence is possible, even predictable. Yet during the MSNBC interview Dermer said Trump is to be praised for his statements on antisemitism, in no large part because the Trump administration has been a strong supporter of the rightwing Netanyahu government that Dermer represents.
This is where Israel finds itself in 2018. The same “nationalist” voices attacking George Soros and the “globalists” are also some of Israel’s greatest supporters in the U.S.
But it’s not just the Israeli government looking to use Pittsburgh.
Writing in the New York Times ADL head Jonathan Greenblatt did the same thing, equating the ideology behind the deadly attack on the 11 American Jews who were killed while praying with criticism of the state of Israel.

The both sidesism in this Greenblatt piece is a disgrace. Head of @ADL_National can't even bring himself to name the Republican party as the chief American exporters of anti-Semitic incitement.
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach did the same yesterday:
Statement by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach on the Jewish Mass Murder in Pittsburgh

Same with the Israel Project’s Josh Block:

In light of today’s shooting in Pittsburgh, re-upping this thread. It is important to talk about how growing anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are creating a toxic brew coming from both the fringe right & left.

The murderous rampage at the Tree of Life synagogue had absolutely nothing to do with the struggle for Palestinian rights. And anyone who is telling you there is is shamelessly trying to use the murder of 11 innocent people to further their own racist agenda to dehumanize Palestinians and justify their ongoing oppression by the state of Israel.

* ongelofelijk maar waar: een aantal mediaorganen als AD en noemen deze aanslag een 'synagoge moord', i.p.v. deze moorden aan te duiden als een terroristische aanslag.......

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'Kritiek op Israël wordt door een leger van Israëlische trollen bevochten'

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'De film over de pro-Israëlische lobby in de VS, die Israël verboden wil zien.........'

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'Jeremy Corbyn wordt gedemoniseerd als antisemiet.......'

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'Israël en VS werken samen in tegenwerken van critici op beleid t.a.v. Palestijnen'

woensdag 7 november 2018

VS heeft al 4 keer het verboden chemische wapen witte fosfor gebruikt

Vanaf midden september heeft de VS tot 4 maal toe het in bewoond gebied verboden chemische wapen witte fosfor ingezet 'tegen IS', dit in het dorp Hajin in de provincie Deir ez-Zor in Syrië......

Toevallig ligt het dorp Hajin vlakbij een olieraffinaderij, daarover gesproken de gebieden in Syrië waar de meeste olie te vinden is, zijn in handen van de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde... de VS! Een zaak, waar je als het gebruik van witte fosfor door de VS, de reguliere westerse media niet over hoort......

Eerder gebruikte de VS witte fosfor bij bombardementen op het Iraakse West-Mosul en het Syrische Raqqa, je weet wel toen o.a. de VN smeekte bij de VS te stoppen met bombarderen, daar er ongelofelijk veel burgerslachtoffers vielen bij die bombardementen, helaas was dat tevergeefs...... 

Tegelijkertijd durft men in die westerse media en politiek wel een grote bek op te zetten over de Russen en het reguliere Syrische leger, die telkens wel stoppen met bombarderen als er veel burgerslachtoffers dreigen te vallen, zoals 2 maanden voor de inname van Oost-Aleppo, een zaak die 'ook al' nooit werd gemeld door de reguliere westerse (massa-) media............ 

Hetzelfde geldt voor de 'door het reguliere Syrische leger gepleegde gifgasaanvallen', ondanks dat al lang duidelijk is dat die aanvallen werden uitgevoerd door de zogenaamde gematigde rebellen (gesteund met ons belastinggeld), die NB met medeweten (en zonder protest) van het westen beschikken over gifgassen als chlorine en sarin, blijft men Syrië beschuldigen........ 

Deze terreurgroepen, want dat zijn het, pleegden deze vreselijke aanslagen met de opzet deze in de schoenen van het Syrische bewind te schuiven, een false flag operatie noemt men dat....... Het is ronduit een schande dat dit gelukt is, 'met dank' aan de reguliere westerse media, westerse geheime diensten, het Syrisch Observatorium voor Mensenrechten (SOHR >> een propaganda orgaan van de 'gematigde rebellen...) en een groot deel van de westerse politici......

US Uses Banned White Phosphorus Bombs in Syrian City for the Fourth Time in Two Months

The International Committee of the Red Cross has stated that “employing asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and all analogous liquids, materials or devices is listed in the Statute of the International Criminal Court as a war crime.”

by Whitney Webb

White Phosphorus

November 06th, 2018

DEIR EZ ZOR, SYRIA – The U.S.-led coalition in Syria has been accused of using white phosphorus incendiary munitions for the fourth time since mid-September.  White phosphorus is banned internationally when used in areas with civilian populations.
Syrian state news agency SANA reported on a bombing conducted by the U.S.-led coalition that had targeted the small city of Hajin in Syria’s Eastern Deir Ez-Zor province over the weekend. The bombing, allegedly intended to target Daesh (ISIS) terrorists who control the city, killed fifteen civilians – among them women and children – and injured scores more. Civil sources cited by SANA reported that white phosphorus bombs had been used, which – in addition to resulting in several civilian deaths and injuries — caused massive property damage due to the fires resulting from the use of the banned substance.
White phosphorus is well-known for igniting spontaneously in the presence of oxygen and its use frequently results in post-explosion fires that can burn for hours, as well as painful chemical burns for those who come in contact with the substance, which can stick to hair and clothing. The International Committee of the Red Cross has stated that “employing asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and all analogous liquids, materials or devices is listed in the Statute of the International Criminal Court as a war crime.”

As a result of the extreme damage it can cause, Protocol III of the 1980 Convention on Conventional Weapons prohibits the use of the chemical weapon in areas populated by civilians. However, the United States is not a signatory of Protocol III.
The recent alleged bombing of a Syrian town with white phosphorus by munitions is the fourth time the U.S.-led coalition has been accused of using the banned substance in the village of Hajin just since September. On Oct. 29, and a few weeks prior on Oct. 13, local sources reported the use of white phosphorus by coalition jets in Hajin. A month prior, on Sept. 10, Russia’s military mission in Syria also accused the U.S. coalition of using white phosphorus munitions in the city of Hajin.
The prior bombings were the result of an effort of by the United States’ military’s proxy in Syria, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), to take the city of Hajin from Daesh. However, the SDF suspended its campaign to take Hajin at the end of October, three days before this most recent bombing. Notably, Hajin is the site of an important Syrian oil refinery, making it an area of interest to the U.S.-led coalition, which is currently occupying 30% of Syria as well as the areas containing the vast majority of the country’s oil resources.
Watch | US Coalition uses white phosphorus in Deir ez-Zor

Seeking Justification for War Crimes

Unfortunately, the U.S.-led coalition has been using white phosphorus in combat operations long before September. In fact, the use of white phosphorus had become so commonplace that a New Zealand general that worked with the coalition openly admitted to its use in Iraq’s Mosul in an interview with NPR. The coalition also used the banned munitions in its efforts to take the Syrian city of Raqqa from Daesh in June of last year.
Those two offenses, which took place in areas that were densely populated by civilians, prompted groups like Human Rights Watch (HRW) to slam the U.S.-led coalition for putting civilians in Raqqa and Mosul at unnecessary risk.
No matter how white phosphorus is used, it poses a high risk of horrific and long-lasting harm in crowded cities like [Syria’s] Raqqa and [Iraq’s] Mosul and any other areas with concentrations of civilians,” Steve Goose, the arms director at the HRW, had stated last June.
At the time, a spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition claimed that the U.S. military only used white phosphorus in “accordance with the law of armed conflict” and that the munitions were only “used for screening, obscuring, and marking in a way that fully considers the possible incidental effects on civilians and civilian structures.”
Thousands of civilians died in coalition efforts to retake Raqqa, which also destroyed an estimated 90% of the buildings in the city. Over a year after the operation concluded, many of the dead are still buried under the rubble. This past June, Amnesty International accused the U.S. coalition of “war crimes” in its Raqqa offensive.
Top Photo | This image from Human Rights Watch shows the alleged use of white phosphorus by the US coalition in Syria and Iraq. Photo | HRW
Whitney Webb is a staff writer for MintPress News and a contributor to Ben Swann’s Truth in Media. Her work has appeared on Global Research, the Ron Paul Institute and 21st Century Wire, among others. She has also made radio and TV appearances on RT and Sputnik. She currently lives with her family in southern Chile.

Republish our stories! MintPress News is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.

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