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Posts tonen met het label A. Aboutorabi. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 1 juni 2018

Iran klaagt VS aan voor oprichting ISIS......... ha! ha! ha! ha! Koek van eigen deeg, al is deze 'koek' echt

Tyler Durden plaatste afgelopen woensdag een artikel op Zero Hedge waarin hij het nieuws bracht dat Iran de VS gaat aanklagen (bij het Internationaal Strafhof, ofwel het ICC).

Iran doet dit n.a.v. uitlatingen die Trump deed voordat hij aantrad als president, meermaals liet hij destijds weten dat Obama en Hillary Clinton in feite ISIS hebben opgericht en gesteund in de vreselijke terreur die deze groep uitoefende op de bevolking van Irak en Syrië....... Trump stelde voorts dat Clinton verantwoordelijk was voor de snelle groei van IS. 

Iran hoeft niet veel moeite te doen om haar zaak hard te maken. Zo vertelde Michael Flynn aan Al Jazeera dat het een weloverwogen beslissing van de VS was om IS te steunen...... 

Deze aanklacht van Iran staat in schril contrast tot de uitspraak van een rechter in de VS die Iran verantwoordelijk stelde voor de 911 aanvallen, ondanks dat daar geen flinter van bewijs voor is..... Bewijs daarvoor hoeft niet eens gezocht te worden, daar de terreurgroep die de VS aanwees als dader voor de 911 aanvallen Al Qaida is en als er één land is waar terreurgroepen als Al Qaida en IS de pest aan hebben, is het wel het sjiitische Iran, het gaat tenslotte om soennitische terreurgroepen........ 

Iran had wel degelijk te lijden onder terreuraanvallen van IS, daar is geen twijfel aan.....

Lees het artikel van Durden en je zal verstelt staan hoeveel bewijzen er zijn voor de aanklacht van Iran tegen de VS.....

Laten we hopen dat de VS wordt veroordeeld voor deze terreur, niet dat het veel zal uitrichten, maar hoe meer bewijzen er liggen voor de grootschalige terreur van de VS, hoe beter het is!! Wellicht dat de westerse wereld zich dan geheel zal afwenden van de VS, kunnen we meteen de uiterst agressieve terreurorganisatie NAVO ontmantelen en kan de wereld eindelijk eens rustig ademhalen.

Iran To Bring International Lawsuit Against "ISIS Founder" America Based On Trump Statements

Profile picture for user Tyler Durden      by Tyler Durden
                 Wed, 05/30/2018 - 19:00

After a US federal judge in New York ordered Iran to pay billions of dollars to the families of victims of the September 11 terror attacks earlier this month in a largely symbolic default judgement, Iran is reportedly prepping to sue Washington for terror attacks carried out against Tehran within the last year.

Iran says the US is responsible for the rise of ISIS, and is therefore indirectly to blame for twin terror attacks that rocked the Iranian parliament building and a popular religious shrine in June 2017, which left 17 civilians dead and 43 wounded, according to Iranian media figures.

During the presidential campaign, Trump clearly spoke about the performance of his rival, Mrs. Clinton, saying that the US has created the ISIL,” Abolfazl Aboutorabi, a member of parliament’s judicial commission, announced on Tuesday in comments carried by Iranian state media. “The public prosecutor has also filed a lawsuit in this regard,” Aboutorabi added.

Iran hopes the initiative will shine an international spotlight on the Obama administration's role in facilitating the rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria — something President Trump repeatedly affirmed while on the campaign trail.

Trump also famously blamed then Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for the rapid rise of ISIS, especially in relation to policies she oversaw in Libya and Syria as Obama's Secretary of State.

Trump first told his supporters in January 2016 that Hillary Clinton created ISIS with Obama.” And in a CBS 60 Minutes interview that aired July 17, 2016, he said again, “Hillary Clinton invented ISIS with her stupid policies.”

Trump: Obama and "crooked Hillary Clinton" are the "founder" and "co-founder" of ISIS:

It's the first time in history that a candidate who would go on to become president has blamed his predecessor for founding a terrorist group.

A fairly consistent theme of Trump on the campaign trail was that Obama and Hillary's massive covert aid program to Islamist "rebels" in places like Libya and Syria facilitated the terror group's rapid growth. He also blamed Obama's hasty troop pullout from Iraq.

Long before joining the Trump campaign, former Defense Intelligence Chief under Obama Michael Flynn told Al-Jazeera it was a "willful decision" to support jihadists groups in Syria that included ISIS:
(de volgende video behoort bij het Twitterbericht daaronder, helaas kan ik die video niet overnemen, hier is dezelfde video direct van YouTube)
Former DIA Director Mike Flynn couldnt be clearer; it was deliberate decision by US to fund and arm ISIS 

Indeed one surprisingly frank editorial in Britain's premier  mainstream Guardian newspaper concluded the same a full year before Trump first made the statements. The Guardian article, titled Now the truth emerges: how the US fulled the rise of ISIS in Syria and Iraq went viral after it was published in June 2015, and analyzed a then newly declassified Pentagon intelligence document which had been released as part of a watchdog group's FOIA* lawsuit connected to the Benghazi diplomatic compound attack. 

A revealing light on how we got here has now been shone by a recently declassified secret US intelligence report, written in August 2012, which uncannily predicts – and effectively welcomes – the prospect of a “Salafist principality” in eastern Syria and an al-Qaida-controlled Islamic state in Syria and Iraq. In stark contrast to western claims at the time, the Defense Intelligence Agency document identifies al-Qaida in Iraq (which became Isis) and fellow Salafists as the “major forces driving the insurgency in Syria” – and states that “western countries, the Gulf states and Turkey” were supporting the opposition’s efforts to take control of eastern Syria.
Raising the “possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality”, the Pentagon report goes on, “this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran)”.

It appears that Trump's provocative charge of Obama and Clinton being the "co-founders of ISIS" — statements made a year after the Pentagon intelligence memo's initial release — were likely the direct result of his reading the Pentagon memo and accompanying media commentary.

In June of 2016 Trump tweeted a story linking to the Pentagon memo which opened with"Hillary Clinton received a classified intelligence report stating that the Obama administration was actively supporting Al Qaeda in Iraq, the terrorist group that became the Islamic State." Trump said of himself concerning his accusations against Obama and Hillary made that summer: "But he's right". 

An: Media fell all over themselves criticizing what DonaldTrump "may have insinuated about @POTUS." But he's right: 

At the time, multiple Iranian state media outlets also featured the Pentagon document, while also highlighting then candidate Trump's statements blaming the Obama administration. 

It is this past commentary that Iran will utilize to make its case that the US is to blame for the 2017 ISIS terror attacks inside Iran, which it plans to file with the international court, according to FARS News Agency. The 2012 Pentagon memo, which has since 2015 been available to the public, will likely play a central role in Iran's presentation of the case. 

Iran's parliamentary judicial committee spokesman noted"there is nothing more reliable than a claim raised by a country's president." 

In the summer of 2017 Trump announced that he shut down the CIA's covert program to train and arm anti-Assad militants in Syria after he reportedly saw a video of "CIA vetted rebels" beheading a child in Aleppo.

* FOAI: Freedom of Information Act (bij ons wet op openbaarheid van bestuur, ofwel: WOB)

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Mijn excuus voor de belabberde vormgeving.