Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label AbdulKareem. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label AbdulKareem. Alle posts tonen

maandag 4 november 2019

Genocide Jemen: 5 jaar lang met opzet landbouwbedrijven bombarderen door Saoedi-Arabië drijft het volk richting hongerdood

Jemen bukt voor het vijfde jaar onder aanvallen van de Saoedische terreurcoalitie op niet alleen woonwijken, scholen, ziekenhuizen, energiecentrales en watertoevoerbedrijven (allen ernstige oorlogsmisdaden volgens het Verdrag van Genève), maar ook aanvallen op landbouwbedrijven....... Tussen maart 2015 en maart 2019 heeft deze terreurcoalitie maar 'liefst' 10.000 aanvallen uitgevoerd op landbouwbedrijven, 800 aanvallen op voedselmarkten en 450 aanvallen op silo's en pakhuizen met voorraden voedsel...... Bij de aanvallen op landbouwbedrijven worden niet alleen de dieren vermoord en gebouwen vernietigd, maar ook de akkers zijn doel van bombardementen, waarbij men rotzooi gebruikt die de grond giftig maakt en dus onbruikbaar voor het verbouwen van gewassen...... 

Deze terreurcoalitie,bestaat uit: Saoedi-Arabië, de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten (VAE), Egypte, de VS en Groot-Brittannië, al zou ook Frankrijk intussen middels wapenleveringen een bijdrage leveren aan de genocide in Jemen (Nederland levert 'alleen wapenonderdelen' aan S-A....')...... Deze coalitie heeft er haar specialiteit van gemaakt ook waterputten e.d. aan te vallen, zo werden er: 9.017 traditionele irrigatie kanalen getroffen, minstens 1.834 waterpompen, 109 oppervlakte waterputten en artesische bronnen, 1.170 moderne irrigatie netwerken, 33 op zonne-energie draaiende irrigatie apparatuur...... Hoe bedoelt u, je kan niet stellen dat de Saoedische terreurcoalitie bezig is met een genocide...?? Nog een paar cijfers: 940.400 boerderijen werden gebombardeerd en 359.944 bijenkorven werden vernietigd.......

Intussen moeten er rond de 500.000 mensen zijn omgekomen en niet enkele tienduizenden zoals de reguliere westerse media aangeven, althans als ze al aandacht aan deze genocide-oorlog schenken, wat men liever niet doet, daar die media ofwel in handen zijn van de overheid (in Nederland) dan wel in handen zijn van plutocraten en plorken die zich verenigd hebben in belastingontduikende investeringsmaatschappijen....... Figuren die geen kwaad woord, of althans zo min mogelijk kwaad willen horen spreken over de reli-fascistische terreurstaat Saoedi-Arabië en haar 'collega' reli-fascistische staten in de regio, staten waaraan deze investeerders en plutocraten dik geld kunnen verdienen........

Bijna 2 jaar geleden wist men al dat zo'n 80.000 Jemenitische kinderen zijn omgekomen door honger ,cholera en difterie, voorts behoren naast kinderen, de zwakkeren, dus chronisch zieken en ouden van dagen tot de slachtoffers.......

Zoals al zo vaak op deze plek verzucht, hoe is het godverdomme allemaal mogelijk?? Terwijl de westerse wereld na de genocide in Rwanda plechtig beloofde dat iets dergelijk niet nog een zou plaatsvinden.......

(Oh ja, zou ik het bijna weer vergeten: ons koningshuis onderhoudt vriendschappelijke banden met het psychopathisch moorddadige zootje in Saoedi-Arabië dat zich daar koningshuis noemt....... Ja ja....... Wellicht tijd voor W.A. en Maxima* om af te reizen naar Saoedi-Arabië en het koningshuis daar te feliciteren met het verloop van de genocide-oorlog....... )

Het volgende artikel komt van MintPress News en werd geschreven door Ahmed Abdulkareem

Five Years On, Saudi Attacks on Yemen’s Farmers Are Pushing the Whole Country into Famine

Between March 2015 and March 2019, the Saudi-led Coalition launched at least 10,000 airstrikes in Yemen that struck farms, 800 that struck local food markets, and about 450 airstrikes that hit silos and other food storage facilities.

Yemen Famine feature photo

November 01st, 2019

HODEIDA, YEMEN — The country of Yemen, known in the medieval period as “Green Yemen,” is one of the most extensively terraced areas of the world. There, Yemeni farmers transformed rugged mountain slopes into terraces and built dams like the Great Marib, a structure whose history spans long enough that it was mentioned in the Quran. During the medieval period, Yemen had one of the widest ranges of agricultural crops in all of the Middle East. 
Farhan Mohammed is one of the richest farmers in Qama’el, a rural village in the region of Baqim in northwestern Yemen. He owns 50 hectares of land which he uses to cultivate corn, pomegranates, and apples. Now, Farhan is struggling to keep his farm afloat after Saudi airstrikes targeted his fields, burning his crops and rendering the soil so toxic that it’s no longer able to sustain life. Saudi Arabia’s now nearly five-year-old project in Yemen has decimated the incomes of Farhan and most other Yemeni farmers. Fuel is hard to come by thanks to a Saudi-led coalition blockade and the fuel that is available has become prohibitively expensive. Airstrikes targeting farm fields and orchards have rendered large swaths of Yemen’s arable land too toxic to use.
Almost immediately after March 2015, when the war began, the Saudi-led Coalition began targeting Yemen’s rural livelihood, bombing farms, food systems, markets, water treatment facilities, transportation infrastructure, and even agricultural extension offices. In urban areas, fishing boats and food processing and storage facilities were targeted. 
Before the war began, over 70 percent of Yemen’s population lived in villages dispersed in the mountains and small towns with irregular, and at times torrential, summer rainfall. These rural residents relied on agriculture and animal husbandry and grew fruits and vegetables to feed their own families and to sell to markets. Yet that way of life has all but disappeared since the Saudi attacks began, undermining rural livelihoods, disrupting local food production, and forcing rural residents to flee to the city.
Now, Yemen’s nationwide level of household food insecurity hovers at over 70 percent. 50 percent of rural households and 20 percent of urban households are now food insecure. Almost one-third of Yemenis do not have enough food to satisfy basic nutritional needs. Underweight and stunted children have become a regular sight, especially amongst the holdouts in rural areas. Families that have fled to cities are often forced to beg or to pick through the trash for food scraps.  
According to a recent report by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), poverty in Yemen has jumped from 47 percent of the population in 2014 to a projected 75 percent by the end of 2019 because of the war. The report warned, “If fighting continues through 2022, Yemen will rank the poorest country in the world, with 79 percent of the population living under the poverty line and 65 percent classified as extremely poor.” 

The intentional targeting of agriculture 
The targeting of the Yemeni agriculture sector and rural livelihoods is not merely accidental collateral damage incurred while targeting military sites. Data from the country’s Ministry of Agriculture shows that in the period between March 2015 and March 2019, the Saudi-led Coalition launched at least 10,000 airstrikes that struck farms, 800 that struck local food markets, and about 450 airstrikes that hit silos and other food storage facilities in the country.
A man looks at cows killed by a Saudi airstrike on a dairy farm in Bajil in Yemen's western province January 2, 2016. Abduljabbar Zeyad | Reuters
A man looks at cows killed in a Saudi airstrike on a dairy farm in Bajil, Yemen, January 2, 2016. Abduljabbar Zeyad | Reuters

According to the Ministry, crop-area cultivation declined an average of 40 percent and crop yields by 45 percent in rural areas. Many farmers in these areas reported that they could no longer produce yields at pre-war levels due to the extensive damage to infrastructure, the high cost of diesel fuel and other agricultural inputs, a collapse in markets and the destruction of roads and storage facilities.

According to a field survey carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture in the period between March 2015 and March 2018, Saudi attacks completely destroyed 270 agricultural buildings and facilities, 43 agricultural associations, 9,017 traditional irrigation canals, 54 agricultural markets, and 45 export centers.

High precision U.S. bombs dropped by Saudi-led coalition warplanes destroyed at least 1,834 irrigation pumps, 109 artesian and surface wells, 1,170 modern irrigation networks, 33 solar irrigation units, 12 diggers, 750 pieces of agricultural equipment, 940,400 farms, 7,531 agricultural reserves, 30 productive nurseries, 182 poultry farms, and 359,944 beehives.

Yemen has no major rivers like the Euphrates in Iraq and Syria or the Nile River, which supplies water to farmers in a number of African countries. This leaves farmers reliant on irrigation canals that channel rain and floodwaters into weirs and bunds built by local communities that are vulnerable to Saudi attacks. Attacks that have already completely destroyed at least 45 water installations (dams, barriers, reservoirs) and partially destroyed at least 488, including the ancient Marib Dam.

Yemen’s fishing sector has not been spared either. By the end of May 2019, every fish off-loading port in Yemen had been targeted by Saudi attacks. At least 220 fishing boats have been destroyed, 222 fishermen have been killed and 40,000 fishermen lost their only source of income. According to Yemen’s Ministry of Fishing Wealth, this has affected the lives of more than two million people living in coastal cities and villages.

Data shows that Saudi Coalition forces have stopped at least 4,586 fishing boats from leaving port in the directorates of Midi, Hajjah, Dabab, Bab al-Mandab, and in the Mukha districts in the Taiz governorate. Thirty fishing industry companies have left the country and about fifty fish factories have closed, causing catastrophic damage to Yemen’s fishing industry. Even before the war, Yemen’s fishermen were amongst the poorest segments of society.

As the war nears its fifth year, the Saudi-led coalition has continued to target the livelihoods of Yemen’s food producers. The coalition has expanded its military offensive to include large areas of agricultural lands and valleys in the K16, Durahami, Al-Jah, A-Tahita, Al-Faza, Jabaliya, Al-Mughrous, Al-Khokha and Hays countrysides.

Yemen’s breadbasket withers

With family in tow, Haddi Ibrahim Koba fled his family home in Al-Shaab in northwestern Tihama months ago after Saudi airstrikes destroyed his farm. The Koba family now struggles to eke out an existence 60 km away in the populous Hajjah province. Once proudly self-sufficient, relying on animal husbandry and farming for their livelihood, they now depend on handouts from humanitarian organizations, the meager bodies of their children already show signs of malnutrition. 
Yemen Famine
13-year-old Fatima Haddi Ibrahim Koba is pictured in a Hajjah hospital, October, 28, 2019. Riadh al Hussam | MintPress News

According to a study by the Sana’a University-based Water & Environment Centre (WEC) in collaboration with the Flood-Based Livelihoods Network issued in November 2017 to assess the impact of the current war on food security in Yemen, the war is already drastically aggravating Yemenis’ ability to earn a livelihood, rapidly deteriorating the availability of food and elevating the complexity of an already dire humanitarian crisis in the country.

The study, The War Impact on Food Security in the Tihama, (Tihama is a region of Yemen traditionally known to be the country’s breadbasket) showed how agriculture in Tihama, which sustains most of the country’s population, has been seriously disrupted by the war. This, the study’s authors say, is undermining the productivity and investment capacity of the entire country.

Wadi Zabid is one of Tihama’s main valleys located in the Houthi stronghold of Hodeida, the second-largest governorate in Yemen. It is the second-largest valley in Tihama, with an area of 4,639 square kilometers. Before the war, Wadi Zabid was a model of sustainable agriculture and food security, but as of June 2017, when the WEC study was released, 43 percent of the valley’s residents were going hungry every night. Land cultivation has decreased by 51 percent and crop yields per hectare have declined between up to 61 percent. The production of fruits and vegetables has been wiped out as has the livestock population. Today, conditions for farmers in Tihama are likely even more dire than they were when the study was released. 

Tihama’s woes are not due to climate change or local mismanagement. Instead, they are a direct result of the destruction of irrigation and water infrastructure resulting from Saudi attacks on the valley’s diversion dams and irrigation systems. Water in the irrigation canals in the downstream villages of both of Tihama’s main valley’s has decreased by about 60 percent since the war began, according to the study.

That damage has also created a massive impact on upstream areas that rely heavily on floodwater irrigation and has damaged irrigation systems and diversion dams affecting up to 75 percent of Tihama’s households.

Creating a toxic legacy

The Saudi-led coalition’s blockade on Yemen’s ports, airports and borders has only exacerbated the suffering of the country’s farmers and rural residents. The coalition has prevented the export of their products, especially to wealthy Gulf countries which imported thousands of tons of pomegranates and vegetables from Yemen before the war began. Importing pesticides, agricultural fertilizers and fuel has also become difficult due to the frequent seizure of seafaring vessels by the coalition. 

For 77 days, the coalition, led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, has continued to hold ships loaded with oil derivatives at sea, preventing them from entering the port of Hodeida.  The four ships that were allowed in carried transport fuel, not the fuel needed to power generators on which farmers rely.

Like in Tahamah, the blockade and attacks on agricultural targets across Yemen have not only destroyed machinery and infrastructure, it has had acute ecological impacts that may take decades to reverse. The accumulation of sediment in flood channels due to damaged gates and automatic barriers has caused trees to begin to reclaim now-dormant stream beds and flood plains, hampering the arrival of much-needed floodwaters to agricultural fields. 

Yemen Farmers
A Yemeni farmer tries to chase locusts off of his fields. Photo | UNFAO
Fertile soil, especially in the border areas in Saada and Hajjah, has become environmentally polluted due to the number of weapons dropped in more than half a million airstrikes. That pollution has not only affected the soil, experts fear it could genetically alter the pomegranates, grapes and coffee that were once staple crops in Yemen. Farmers and their families are at constant risk from unexploded ordnances, especially cluster bombs like the one that killed a young boy on his family farm in Hodeida last Thursday.

Agricultural and environmental experts that spoke to MintPress said that the effects of the Saudi coalition’s targeting of the agricultural sector will likely last for decades. The Director of Agricultural Extension in Yemen, Salah al-Mashreqi, said that more catastrophic effects will appear in the medium and long term, including genetic changes to pomegranates, for which Yemen is famous. 

The deliberate targeting of food is prohibited by article 54 of the Geneva Conventions and the May 24, 2018, UN Security Council resolution 2417 on the protection of civilians in wartime, specifically reiterates this principle. Article 14 of the 1977 Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions clearly states that starvation as a means of combat is not allowed: ‘’It is prohibited to attack, destroy, remove, or render useless objects indispensable for the survival of the civilian population.” Yet the international community has done little to curb the Saudi-led coalitions use of starvation as a tactic of war in Yemen.

This, in large part, according to many Yemenis and legal scholars alike, is because Saudi Arabia enjoys the near-total diplomatic protection of the United States. Without that support, Saudi Arabia’s airstrikes, which rely on American contractors, targeting software, training, weapons, and technicians to target farmers that are concerned with little more than feeding themselves and their country, would not be possible.

Feature photo | 13-year-old Fatima Haddi Ibrahim Koba is pictured in a Hajjah hospital. The Koba family had to flee their farm in Tihama after it was attacked by the Saudi-led coalition, October 28, 2019. Riadh al Hussam | MintPress News

Ahmed AbdulKareem is a Yemeni journalist. He covers the war in Yemen for MintPress News as well as local Yemeni media.

Republish our stories! MintPress News is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.
* Zie o.a.: 'Maxima overlegt met de Saoedische massamoordenaar MSB' (nadat W.A. en ik dacht PvdA plork Koenders een paar jaar eerder de begrafenis van de oude dictator koning bezochten)

Zie ook:
'Saoedische piloot schoot 3 matrozen dood >> de reden daarvoor ligt in de stationering van VS militairen in S-A'

'Genocide Jemen: 5 jaar lang met opzet landbouwbedrijven bombarderen door Saoedi-Arabië drijft het volk richting hongerdood'

'Irak gevangen door VS agressie richting Iran en daarnaast een opstand in eigen land'

'VS stuurt 3.000 militairen en rond de 36 straaljagers naar Saoedi-Arabië voor een aanval op Iran'

'Jemen: de laatste ziekenhuizen moeten sluiten >> alle brandstof is op.....' (en zie de links in dat bericht, anders dan de hier getoonde)

'Jemen: Houthi's behaalden een grote overwinning op het Saoedische leger'

'Jamal Khashoggi één jaar geleden vermoord door Saoedi-Arabië, geen sancties en geen sluitingen van ambassades'

maandag 29 juli 2019

VS opbouw in Perzische Golf doet Jemenitische Houthi rebellen zoeken naar Russische hulp

De VS is niet alleen bezig met een troepenopbouw in het Midden-Oosten, maar is ook bezig haar vloot uit te breiden in de Perzische Golf, 'tot verdriet' van Syrië, Irak, Iran en de Houthi rebellen in Jemen.

Jemen, een land waar de Saoedische terreurcoalitie bezig is met een genocide op de sjiitische bevolking aldaar..... Deze Saoedische terreurcoalitie bestaat uit Saoedi-Arabië, de VS, de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten (VAE), Soedan, Egypte en Marokko (de laatste 2 wat meer op de achtergrond). De VS is veruit de gevaarlijkste partner in deze coalitie en ondanks veel kritiek in het thuisland helpt de VS mee met een zeeblokkade van de havens die in Houthi handen zijn, opvallend dat ook voedsel en medicijnen onder de boycot vallen, zonder meer ongehoorde oorlogsmisdaden en misdaden tegen de menselijkheid.....

Voor alle duidelijkheid nog eens: een bevolking voedsel, water*, medicijnen en brandstof ontzeggen is één van de zwaarste oorlogsmisdaden...... De VS durft daar o.a. het bewind van Maduro in Venezuela van te beschuldigen, terwijl ook daar de VS de echte schuldige is van tekorten, door de eerst in het geniep gevoerde economische oorlog tegen de Venezolaanse bevolking...... Nu heeft de VS haar 'officiële sancties' opgelegd aan Venezuela, sancties die de EU en Canada hebben overgenomen, hoewel deze sancties buiten de VN om zijn genomen en daarmee volledig illegaal zijn...... Hoe durven de VS, EU en anderen Maduro nog te beschuldigen van zaken die de VS zelf heeft veroorzaakt en veroorzaakt met hulp van andere westerse naties...... De wereld alweer op de kop, schande!!

Hoewel deze schandalige zaken nog in het niet vallen als je de situatie in Jemen ziet, waar westerse landen nog steeds wapens leveren aan leden van de Saoedische terreurcoalitie, die bezig is met het uitvoeren van een genocide.......

Het is duidelijk dat de Houthi's pissig zijn over de VS en haar militaire opbouw, niet vreemd dus dat deze rebellen hulp zoeken in Rusland......

De Jemenitische journalist Ahmed Abdulkareem schreef een artikel over deze zaak, eerder gepubliceerd in MintPress News:

As US Beefs Up Military Presence in the Gulf, Yemen’s Houthis Turn to Russia for Support

Houthi attempts to engage the UN to broker a peaceful solution to the war on Yemen have stalled. Now, out of options, the movement may have found a willing partner in Moscow.

Russia Houthis Feature photo

July 26th, 2019

MOSCOW — Yemen’s Houthi movement has reacted with concern to an announcement by Washington that the U.S. is pursuing an increased military presence in the Persian Gulf. U.S. Central Command announced Operation Sentinel on July 19, claiming that a multinational maritime effort is needed to promote “maritime stability, ensure safe passage, and de-escalate tensions in international waters throughout the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, the Arabian [Persian] Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, and the Gulf of Oman.”
The Houthis’ Supreme Political Council, the highest political authority in Sana`a, held an emergency meeting on Monday to discuss the developments. After the meeting Houthi officials released a statement denouncing Operation Sentinel, saying that Yemen is keen on the security of the Red Sea and that any escalation by Coalition countries, including the United States, would be met with a response. The statement went on to say: 

What makes waterways safe is an end to the war on Yemen, a lifting of the siege on the country and the end to [th Saudi-led Coalition] restricting access to food and commercial vessels in Yemeni ports, especially the port of Hodeida, not the presence of multinational forces there.” 
Houthi officials also weighed in on the arrival of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia as a part of a broader tranche of forces sent to the Gulf region over the past two months following increased tensions between Washington and Tehran. Mohammed Abdulsalam, the spokesman of Houthis and one of the most important decision-makers within the movement, told al-Mayadeen TV that the arrival of 500 U.S. troops to Saudi Arabia is “not welcome in the region.”
On Monday, Abdulsalam ridiculed Saudi Arabia’s celebration of the arrival of the U.S. troops, pointing to the Kingdom’s relying on U.S. and British protection while at the same time not knowing how to extricate itself from Yemen. “On one side, there are the Saudis seeking protection from others and on the other side, we have Yemen facing those superpowers with strength, rigidity and wisdom,” Abudlsalam said in a Facebook post. Abdulsalam also said that the deployment of U.S. troops to the Kingdom was aimed at boosting the morale of Saudi Arabia in the face of Yemen’s ballistic missile and drone attacks.
Abudlsalam’s comments were made during an official visit to Moscow, where a Houthi delegation was visiting at the invitation of the Russian government. The July 24 meeting with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister to the Middle East and North Africa Mikhail Bogdanov was held to discuss, among other things, U.S. military presence in the Gulf. Abdulsalam claimed during the meeting that U.S. and Western visions for a solution to the conflict in Yemen would be unsuccessful, telling his Russian counterpart that there won’t be security and safety in the region without an end to the aggression against Yemen. He went on to say that, “we [Houthis] have common interests with the Russians regarding peace in the region.”
A Houthi fighter walks through the Red Sea port of Hodeidah on May 10, 2017. Abdul Jabbar Zeyad | Reuters
A Houthi fighter walks through the Red Sea port of Hodeidah on May 10, 2017. Abdul Jabbar Zeyad | Reuters
Both Bogdanov and Abdulsalam expressed commitment to abiding by the UN-brokered Stockholm Agreement, which calls for a ceasefire in the Hodeida port in western Yemen. The Houthis also expressed support for Russia’s policy vision for security in the Gulf, which was presented by Bogdanov on Tuesday. 
While Russian efforts may not necessarily produce peace in Yemen, they may give the Saudi-led Coalition a chance to see that all options for diplomacy have been fully explored. They will also provide the United Arab Emirates (UAE) — which recently pulled out a significant portion of their military forces from Yemen, amidst fears of Houthi retaliatory attacks on Dubai — a chance to jump on the Russian bandwagon. Saudi Arabia, which has made little progress in its more than four-year-long adventure in Yemen, could also use Russian efforts as a face-saving opportunity, according to Yemeni diplomats who spoke to MintPress
According to well-informed sources in the Houthi movement, Russia is pushing hard to play a role in bringing an end to the war on Yemen, and Russian and Houthi interests are becoming more aligned, including opposition to an increased U.S. military presence in the region. Houthi officials are also hoping that Russia will use its position in the UN Security Council to veto resolutions adversely affecting the interests of Yemen. One Houthi official, who asked to remain anonymous because of the sensitivity of the issue, even told MintPress that Russia played a role in the recent withdrawal of the UAE forces from Yemen.

No subordination to Iran”

Mehdi Al-Mashat, the Head of the Houthi Supreme Political Council, told delegates from the International Crisis Group on Wednesday that the Houthis are ready to stop drones and ballistic attacks on Saudi Arabia if the Kingdom stops its attacks on Yemen. He also expressed readiness to engage in dialogue with Saudi officials to “achieve a just peace for all,” but warned that the “U.S. must know Yemen is a country which has sovereignty and is not subject to anyone.”
Regarding Iran, Al-Mashat told members of the International Crisis Group (ICG), a Brussels-based NGO that works to resolve violent conflicts around the world, “with regard to the false claims that we are followers of Iran, which the Coalition countries know to be false, we confirm that there is no subordination to Iran.” Tehran’s support for the Houthis is limited to political, diplomatic and media support and the country’s influence in Yemen is marginal at best. 
For its part, the United Nations says the years-long war in Yemen can be stopped and is eminently resolvable if the warring sides commit to the UN-brokered Stockholm peace agreement reached in Sweden late last year. Under the agreement, both the Houthis and Coalition forces agreed to withdraw their troops from the Yemeni ports of Hodeida, Salif, and Ras Issa, and to allow the deployment of UN monitors.
The UN Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths said on Tuesday, “I believe that this war in Yemen is eminently resolvable, both parties continue to insist that they want a political solution and the military solution is not available, they remain committed to the Stockholm agreement in all its different aspects.”

UAE “not leaving Yemen”

While the Houthis have had some success in forcing a dialogue with Coalition leaders through the United Nations, Russia, and various NGOs, it appears that their celebration over the recent announcement that the UAE is withdrawing its troops from Yemen may have been premature. In the Houthis’ first official statement since the UAE announced it was withdrawing its troops from Yemen, Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdulsalam said on Wednesday that “the UAE has not withdrawn any its soldiers from Yemen, and instead has redeployed its forces from a number of areas in Yemen, including battlefields in Hodeida and Marib province in eastern Yemen.” Abdulsalam went on to encourage UAE leaders to pull out of Yemen, saying “the UAE getting out of Yemen is positive and natural and we encourage its leaders to do so.”
Yemen UAE
A UAE-funded Yemeni militia in Al-Mokha, Yemen March 6, 2018. Photo | Reuters
The UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Mohammed Gargash, in an opinion piece published in The Washington Post on Monday, confirmed the UAE was not leaving Yemen, saying: 

“Just to be clear, the UAE and the rest of the Coalition are not leaving Yemen.”

He added, “While we will operate differently, our military presence will remain. In accordance with international law, we will continue to advise and assist local Yemen forces — referring to the myriad UAE-funded Yemeni rebel groups including the Shaban elite forces, the Mahri elite forces, and the Security Belt.
According to Mohammed Abdulsalam, the seemingly contradictory statement coming from the UAE may be a result of Saudi pressure.
Meanwhile, Turkey’s state news agency Anadolu, citing a spokesman for the UAE allies, reported on Wednesday that the Sudanese armed forces had partially withdrawn from parts of Yemen following the withdrawal of UAE troops from the same areas. Yemeni armed forces will replace the Sudanese troops around Hodeida, a Yemeni source told Anadolu.
The UAE and Sudan, parts of a Saudi-led military coalition, have been active members in the brutal Saudi-led Coalition’s war on Yemen since it began in 2015, which the United Nations says has produced the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, with millions on the brink of starvation
Feature photo | Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov speaks with journalists in the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, Feb. 27, 2019. Maxim Shemetov | AP
Ahmed AbdulKareem is a Yemeni journalist. He covers the war in Yemen for MintPress News as well as local Yemeni media

Republish our stories! MintPress News is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.
* In Jemen moet ook op veel plekken water mobiel worden aangevoerd, daar de moorddadige Saoedische coalitie met bombardementen de infrastructuur van wateraanvoer en waterputten heeft vernietigd....... Hetzelfde geldt voor waterzuiveringsinstallaties en riolering, vandaar ook dat cholera in Jemen zoveel slachtoffers heeft gemaakt en nog steeds maakt, alles volgens het Saoedische genocide plan....... 

US Continues to Escalate Tensions, Raising Fear of Imminent War With Iran

US Might Send 10,000 More Troops to Middle East

Yemen Be Damned, Pompeo Doubles Down on US Support for Saudi Arabia

Mijn excuus voor de vormgeving, krijg het niet op orde.

maandag 18 maart 2019

Strijd in Oost-Jemen waar lokale stammen de Saoedische import van militair materieel blokkeren

MintPressNews bracht afgelopen vrijdag een artikel van Ahmed AbdulKareem over de strijd die lokale stammen in Oost-Jemen voeren tegen Saoedi-Arabië, daar dit land samen met de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten (VAE) bezig is met het inrichten van militaire bases in dat deel van Jemen (genaamd al-Mahrah....)......

De stammen blokkeren de invoer van militair materieel en dat is niet de eerste keer, al wordt de huidige blokkade gevoerd met wapens en niet zoals een eerdere vreedzame sit-in (demonstratie) die Saoedi-Arabië in 2017 bloedig heeft neergeslagen..... In Jemen woedt een vergeten (illegale) oorlog, een oorlog die is uitgemond in een genocide tegen de sjiitische bevolking van Jemen, een zaak waarover de reguliere westerse media amper berichten en al helemaal niet in combinatie met het woord 'genocide...' Niet vreemd dus dat dit feit, het neerslaan van vreedzame demonstraties in 2017, al helemaal niet werd gemeld, zelfs niet op de sociale media die wel echt nieuws brengen (althans ik ben die berichten niet tegengekomen).....

Hoe lang laat de wereld de Saoedische terreurcoalitie doorgaan met haar genocide, zonder zelfs maar commentaar te geven??? De hoogste tijd voor een boycot van Saoedi-Arabië en haar terreurcoalitie, die verder bestaat uit de VAE, Egypte en Marokko, waar dan meteen een boycot aan vastgeknoopt moet worden tegen de VS en GB, die Saoedi-Arabië blijven voorzien van wapens, munitie, naast training en de levering van rollend, varend en vliegend oorlogstuig. 

Waar nog extra moet worden gewezen op de al helemaal kwalijke rol die de VS speelt: tot november vorig jaar voorzag de VS het vliegend oorlogstuig van de Saoedische terreurcoalitie 9.000 keer van (veelal gratis) brandstof in de lucht, deed de coördinatie van de bombardementen en hielp fysiek mee met commando's op de grond en met de zeeblokkade tegen de sjiitische bevolking van Jemen..... 

Voor zover bekend doet de VS nog steeds de coördinatie van de bombardementen (met haar radarvliegtuigen) en helpt het nog steeds mee aan de zeeblokkade, een blokkade die NB de honger in Jemen heeft veroorzaakt..... Ook aan de levering van oorlogstuig is geen eind gekomen, al schijnt het congres nu voor een volledige stop op de hulp aan de Saoedische terreurcoalitie te zijn......

Lees het volgende artikel van Ahmed AbdulKareem en zegt het voort, de reguliere media doen er het zwijgen toe als het gaat om de genocide die de Saoedische terreurcoalitie uitvoert in Jemen, waar diezelfde media wel volledig de plaat uitgingen over de moord op Khashoggi*, die het grootste deel van zijn leven de reli-fascistische dictatuur Saoedi-Arabië heeft verdedigd........ (waarmee ik niet wil zeggen dat het niet een enorme schande is dat Khashoggi werd vermoord...) 

Dezelfde reguliere media die keer op keer durven te zeggen dat Iran de Houthi's** militair steunt, een leugen van enorme proporties, nooit heeft men deze leugen kunnen bewijzen........ 
blijft ook Nederland Saoedi-Arabië steunen met de genocide, door levering van wapenonderdelen aan deze reli-fascistische dictatuur, ook aan deze schandelijke gang van zaken dient onmiddellijk een eind te komen!!

Clashes Erupt in Eastern Yemen as Local Tribes Block Saudi Influx of Military Equipment

The latest incident came amidst a precipitous rise in tensions in eastern Yemen, where local residents have been grappling with an increasingly brazen military buildup by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

March 15th, 2019

Al-MAHRAH, YEMEN — Fierce clashes have erupted between local tribes and Saudi forces supported by local mercenary groups in the Haat district of Yemen’s eastern Mahrah province. The clashes were sparked when local tribal members prevented Saudi shipping containers containing military equipment and household appliances from entering the country via al-Shihan border crossings with Oman, where Saudi Arabia plans to build anew military base..
Witnesses told MintPress News that the tribal groups stopped the trucks and checked them, then forced them to return. In the wake of this incident, fierce clashes erupted leaving Saudi mercenaries injured. Saudi warplanes could also be seen circling the skies above the area.
The latest incident came amidst a precipitous rise in tensions in eastern Yemen, where local residents have been grappling with an increasingly brazen military buildup by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Just last week, Saudi troops, tanks, and artillery arrived at the coastal area of Eienah, east of al-Gaydah, without coordinating with local authorities, a Yemeni official who spoke on condition of anonymity, told MintPress.
The attack has dangerous connotations for the region and comes less than six months after three protesters were killed by Saudi forces during a sit-in opposing the Saudi Coalition’s military buildup in eastern Yemen. Following the attack on the peaceful protest, local tribes in al-Mahrah vowed to take up arms against Saudi-led forces in order to prevent the construction of more checkpoints and military bases in their country.
Al-Mahrah residents see the build-up of Saudi troops in the district as part of a pattern of malign and colonial Saudi policies in their country. Riyadh has deployed its forces in al-Mahrah under the guise of reconstruction and counter-smuggling operations. But Saudi forces have taken control of an increasingly long list of local government facilities, including the al-Ghaydah Airport, the Nishtun port, Sarfit, and the Shehn border crossing, as well as a number of coastal areas.
Last week, Ali bin Salem al-Huraizy, al-Mahrah’s former deputy governor said: “The Saudis are determined to militarize the sea and land. They [Saudis] try to build a Saudi camp [base] every ten kilos.” He called on the people of al-Mahrah province to prepare to defend their sovereignty against Saudi Arabia by force of arms if necessary.
The Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the peaceful sit-in, Aboud Qamasit, said that Saudi Arabia and its local allies have not shown any goodwill — quite the contrary, they increasingly build military bases in the province. He promised that al-Mahrah’s residents will continue to hold sit-ins and protests.
The sit-in committee, which was formed by al-Mahrah residents, said in a statement on March 12 that Saudi Arabian forces kidnapped two civilians, taking them to al-Ghaydah Airport prison, a Saudi secret prison in the region, where dozens of detainees are subjected to serious abuses and assaults according to the sit-in committee.
Ahmed Belhaf, a leader in the protest movement, said in a statement on March 2, that “there are an estimated 24 Saudi camps in the Ghaydah Airport operating under the supervision of the airport commander and training hundreds of extremist and terrorist militias.”
Saudi Arabia launched a brutal military campaign in late 2017 against al-Mahrah, which borders Oman and has remained largely immune to the broader war in Yemen, as both the Houthis and other armed groups have little presence in the province. Saudi Arabia claims that arms smuggling operations by the Houthis are being carried out from Oman into Yemen via the al-Mahrah border crossing, though the Saudis have provided no evidence to back their claim, which Oman has repeatedly denied.

Saudi meddling in Mahrah politics

al-Mahrah Yemen | Protest
Protesters in al-Ghaydah demand the expulsion of Saudi forces from the province. Photo | Ahmed AbdulKareem

A local Yemeni official who spoke on condition of anonymity said that Saudi Arabia has begun implementing a plan to eliminate Oman’s allies in the province, including the Mahri General Council, the largest opposition party to Saudi policies and plans in al-Mahrah, which is comprised of political and tribal forces and led by Sultan Abdullah bin Isa Al Afar, a key ally of Oman.
In an effort to undermine local opposition to its military expansion in the region, Saudi Arabia plans to establish a new tribal council, replacing the Mahri General Council, which is to be led by Rajeh Said Bakrit. Bakrit was appointed by the Coalition as a governor of al Mahrah on November 27, 2017, to replace Mohammed Abdullah Kuddah after Kuddah spoke out against Saudi Arabia’s presence. The first phase of that plan includes monthly payoffs of 30,000 Saudi riyals ($8000) to 60 tribal elders and influential figures.
Many strategic analysts see the Saudi plan as a way to apply pressure on Oman, which enjoys long borders and solid relations with the residents of al-Mahrah. Much to the dismay of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, Oman also enjoys cordial relations with Saudi rival Iran, a relationship that the Coalition is eager to undermine.
In an effort to stem Saudi influence in the region, residents of al-Hawf, which lies east of al-Mahrah, announced the formation of a General Forum to bring area management back into the hands of local Mahrahi residents and organize civil projects in the area. The General Forum is being supported by the government of Oman and the effort is expected to spread to nearby districts.
Saudi forces in eastern Yemen have recently been accused of planting monitoring devices into local communications networks — developed by a foreign engineering team and supported by Bakrit, according to a local official who spoke on condition of anonymity. The official said that the devices would allow Saudi forces to monitor and spy on residents and leaders who oppose the Saudi occupation and undermine the local opposition identifying and then assassinating or arresting its leaders.

Infiltration, assassination

al-Mahrah Yemen | Protest
al-Mahrah residents in the Hwaf district carry slogans rejecting the militarization of the province, the presence of militias, and Saudi intervention, Jan, 2019. Photo | Ahmed AbdulKareem

A Saudi military commander in al-Mahrah allegedly asked Bakrit to reveal the names of the most prominent leaders who oppose the Saudi presence in the province, threatening to ‘physically liquidate’ them. On Wednesday, members of a UAE assassination squad arrived in al-Ghaydah. The same squad is thought to be responsible for the assassination of 27 religious leaders in Yemen who opposed the Saudi-led occupation.
Saudi Arabia has also launched a campaign to recruit hundreds of al-Mahrah’s young for a local security force, called the “Mahri Elite Forces” and modeled around other Coalition-backed mercenary forces operating in Yemen, including the Hadhrami Elite Forces in Hadhramaut province, the Shabwani Elite Forces in Shabwa, and the Pioneer Security Belt Forces (al-Hizam) brigades in Aden.
The campaign has sparked dismay amongst al-Mahrah’s tribes, who held a meeting and issued a subsequent statement on Monday saying: “Trying to copy the bad experience of the security belts in Aden and transfer them to al-Mahrah would open the way for armed conflicts and undermine local authorities.” The tribes called on the young Mahrahis to refuse to join the Saudi forces, saying the creation of the paramilitary group would create a combustible environment that threatens to upset the local balance.
Like many paramilitary forces created by the Saudi-led Coalition in Yemen, the Mahri Elite Force was formed by recruiting members from specific tribes, not on the basis of one national army for the country as a whole. The predictable impact has been to exacerbate tribal differences, revive the desire for revenge among tribes, and create the desire for separate states.

Al-Huraizy said in a statement:
The UAE seeks through its armed formations to create a new situation that will enable the UAE to dominate Yemen, control its ports and capabilities, and rob the national decision, violate its sovereignty and bring the country into chaos.”
Saudi Arabia’s policies in eastern Yemen lack a realistic reading of dangers and consequences, according to Abaad Studies and Research Center, a Yemeni research center closely aligned with Saudi Coalition allies in the country. As Saudi Arabia dismantles traditional social structures, ideological systems, and political parties, militia alternatives have predictably emerged.
Top Photo | Mercenaries allied with the Saudi-led coalition are pictured at the port of Aden in Aden, Yemen, Dec. 12, 2018. Jon Gambrell | AP
Ahmed AbdulKareem is a Yemeni journalist. He covers the war in Yemen for MintPress News as well as local Yemeni media.
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Hetzelfde geldt voor de situatie in Venezuela, ondanks dat de situatie in Venezuela niet is te vergelijken wat betreft doden en verdere ellende in Jemen, doet men of het in Venezuela om veel ernstiger zaken gaat, alweer een leugen van gigantische proporties (terwijl de VS één op één verantwoordelijk is voor de situatie in Venezuela....)......

** De Houthi's, de sjiitische rebellen, die eerder IS en Al Qaida met succes bestreden in Jemen..... De huidige juntaleider van Jemen is Al-Hadi, die eerder opstapte daar de Houthi's hem tot aftreden dwongen. Saoedi-Arabië dwong hem zijn presidentschap weer op te nemen, zodat hij hen te hulp kon roepen in de strijd tegen de Houthi's..... Al-Hadi was de schoft die Al Qaida en IS onderdak gaf in Jemen, waarna dit geteisem begon met haar strijd tegen de sjiieten, die zelfs niet veilig waren in hun moskeeën..... Over die aanvallen was het ook behoorlijk stil in het westen, vergelijk dat eens met reactie in die media na de terreuraanval op de 2 moskeeën in Christchurch.....

Zie ook:
'Saoedische ambassadeur bij VN geeft Iran schuld van genocide in Jemen'

'Maxima overlegt met de Saoedische massamoordenaar MSB'

'Genocidepleger Saoedi-Arabië klaagt Houthi's en Iran aan bij VN Veiligheidsraad vanwege terreur'

'Frankrijk dreigt journalisten met gevangenisstraf voor openbaarmaking documenten Jemen'

'Activistische Franse burgers blokkeren met succes het laden van wapens voor Saoedi-Arabië'

'Meer bewijs voor VS betrokkenheid bij transport en bevrijding van IS leden'

'Al Qaida Jemen krijgt VS wapens van Saoedi-Arabië'

'Verenigde Arabische Emiraten bewapenen ISIS en Al Qaida' (in Jemen)

ISIL weapons traced to US and Saudi Arabia 

'VS heeft Saoedische terreurcoalitie getraind hoe Jemen te bombarderen'

'Robin Ramaekers (VTM 'oorlogscorrespondent') vertelt Radio1 luisteraars van de NOS over Jemen......'

'VS blokkeert VN resolutie tot een staakt het vuren in Jemen, waar VS vriend Saoedi-Arabië een genocide uitvoert'

'Facebook censureert foto's van verhongerende Jemenitische kinderen als 'sexual content''

'VS heeft vliegend oorlogstuig van Saoedische terreurcoalitie gratis van brandstof voorzien.....'

'Marina de Regt (VU en Midden-Oosten Instituut) slaat de Jemenitische plank volledig mis'

'VS dreigt Iran met militair geweld op beschuldiging van terreur die de VS zelf op grote schaal uitoefent'

'Slachting in Jemen gaat door met volledige steun van de VS.........'

'VS steun voor terreurgroepen IS (ISIS) en Al Qaida tot november 2018'

'Blok (VVD 'minister' van BuZA) wenst in VN geen oproep tot wapenboycot te doen i.z. Jemen, in de VS blokkeerde huis van afgevaardigden een debat over de genocide in Jemen'

'Saoedische terreurcoalitie schendt wapenstilstand in Jemen op grote schaal, terwijl het westen naar Venezuela wijst.....'

'Rapport maakt duidelijk dat VAE 23 gevangenen hebben vermoord in Jemenitische gevangenissen'

''Topgeheim' NSA document bewijst dat Syrische 'rebellen' worden aangestuurd door Saoedi-Arabië, met medeweten van VS.......

'VN bespreekt humanitaire hulp aan Jemen met bewind in Teheran; voorts: hoe de Saoediërs en de VS Jemen vernietigen'
Yemen Be Damned, Pompeo Doubles Down on US Support for Saudi Arabia

'Trump administratie staat op het punt de Houthi's in Jemen op de terreurlijst te zetten.......'

'Jemen: genocide en oorlog hebben tot nu toe al rond de 200.000 mensenlevens geëist.....'

'Amal Hussain, het meisje van 7 dat voor het westen symbool stond voor humanitaire crisis (lees: genocide) in Jemen, is overleden.......'

'Jemen: VS politici roepen uiterst hypocriet om een onmiddellijk eind aan de 'oorlog......''

'Saoedische terreurcoalitie stuurt 10.000 militairen extra naar de Jemenitische havenstad Hodeida >> de genocide in een hogere versnelling'

'Jemen: ware dodental door geweld Saoedische terreurcoalitie veel hoger dan eerder geschat'

'Jemen genocide: democratische oppositie steunt met bijna 100% Trumps terreuragenda, terwijl ze hem aanvallen op niet bewezen Russiagate......'

'Saoedi-Arabië bombardeert busstation in Jemen.......'

'Saoedische terreurcoalitie geeft eindelijk toe dat de aanval op een schoolbus niet gerechtvaardigd was......'

'Saoedische terreurcoalitie raakt alweer een bus met kinderen, dit keer tijdens een bombardement van een vluchtelingenkamp........'

'Genocide Jemen: 'eindelijk ontdekt' door reguliere media VS, nu nog Nederland en de EU'

'Saoedische aanval op schoolbus in Jemen: 43 kinderen vermoord......'

'Aanval op schoolbus Jemen, door Saoedi-Arabië opzettelijk als doel gekozen, geen reden voor VS veroordeling......'

'Bom waarmee schoolbus in Jemen werd getroffen is van VS makelij'

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'Saoedi-Arabië woedend over VN rapport waarin de waarheid wordt verteld over S-A en de oorlog in Jemen'

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'8 miljoen Jemenieten, inclusief een groot aantal kinderen, dreigen te sterven van de honger........'

'Door VS geregisseerd bombardement op ziekenhuis Hodeida >> 50 doden......'

'Jemen, de gemartelde, vermoorde of 'verdwenen' Jemenieten, onder verantwoording van de Saoedische coalitie......'

'Jemen: de vergeten genocide en haar kinderslachtoffers.........'

'Saoedi-Arabië geeft toe in Jemen gruwelijke oorlogsmisdaden te hebben begaan.... ' (en daarmee is ten overvloede nog eens duidelijk gemaakt dat ook de VS meewerkt aan oorlogsmisdaden en die genocide in Jemen.....)

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'Congres VS geeft akkoord voor verdere steun aan de Saoedische genocide in Jemen......'

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'VS en Groot-Brittannië weigeren een onmiddellijk staakt het vuren op haven t.b.v. door genocide geterroriseerd Jemen.....' (zie ook de links in dat bericht)

'Mike Pompeo (ex-CIA, VS min. van BuZa en 'christen') liegt openlijk over genocide in Jemen' (zie ook de links in dat bericht)

'Saoedi-Arabië heeft op verzoek van de VS intensief haar islam ideologie (en die van ISIS) verspreid.....' (soennitisch, terwijl het merendeel van de Jemenitische bevolking en haar beschermers, de Houthi's sjiitisch zijn)