De VS is
niet alleen bezig met een troepenopbouw in het Midden-Oosten, maar is
ook bezig haar vloot uit te breiden in de Perzische Golf, 'tot
verdriet' van Syrië, Irak, Iran en de Houthi rebellen in Jemen.
een land waar de Saoedische terreurcoalitie bezig is met een genocide
op de sjiitische bevolking aldaar..... Deze Saoedische
terreurcoalitie bestaat uit Saoedi-Arabië, de VS, de Verenigde
Arabische Emiraten (VAE), Soedan, Egypte en Marokko (de laatste 2 wat meer op de achtergrond). De VS is veruit de
gevaarlijkste partner in deze coalitie en ondanks veel kritiek in het
thuisland helpt de VS mee met een zeeblokkade van de havens die in
Houthi handen zijn, opvallend dat ook voedsel en medicijnen onder de
boycot vallen, zonder meer ongehoorde oorlogsmisdaden en misdaden tegen de menselijkheid.....
Voor alle duidelijkheid nog eens: een
bevolking voedsel, water*, medicijnen en brandstof ontzeggen is één van
de zwaarste oorlogsmisdaden...... De VS durft daar o.a. het bewind
van Maduro in Venezuela van te beschuldigen, terwijl ook daar de VS
de echte schuldige is van tekorten, door de eerst in het geniep
gevoerde economische oorlog tegen de Venezolaanse bevolking...... Nu heeft
de VS haar 'officiële sancties' opgelegd aan Venezuela, sancties die de EU en
Canada hebben overgenomen, hoewel deze sancties buiten de VN om zijn
genomen en daarmee volledig illegaal zijn...... Hoe durven de VS, EU
en anderen Maduro nog te beschuldigen van zaken die de VS zelf heeft
veroorzaakt en veroorzaakt met hulp van andere westerse naties......
De wereld alweer op de kop, schande!!
deze schandalige zaken nog in het niet vallen als je de situatie in
Jemen ziet, waar westerse landen nog steeds wapens leveren aan leden
van de Saoedische terreurcoalitie, die bezig is met het uitvoeren van
een genocide.......
Het is
duidelijk dat de Houthi's pissig zijn over de VS en haar militaire
opbouw, niet vreemd dus dat deze rebellen hulp zoeken in
De Jemenitische journalist Ahmed
Abdulkareem schreef een artikel over deze zaak, eerder gepubliceerd
in MintPress News:
As US Beefs Up Military Presence in the Gulf, Yemen’s Houthis Turn to Russia for Support
attempts to engage the UN to broker a peaceful solution to the war on
Yemen have stalled. Now, out of options, the movement may have found
a willing partner in Moscow.

26th, 2019
— Yemen’s
Houthi movement has reacted with concern to an announcement by
Washington that the U.S. is pursuing an increased military presence
in the Persian Gulf. U.S. Central Command announced Operation
Sentinel on
July 19, claiming that a multinational maritime effort is needed to
promote “maritime stability, ensure safe passage, and de-escalate
tensions in international waters throughout the Bab el-Mandeb Strait,
the Arabian [Persian] Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, and the Gulf of Oman.”
Houthis’ Supreme Political Council, the highest political authority in Sana`a, held an emergency
meeting on Monday to
discuss the developments. After the meeting Houthi officials released
a statement denouncing Operation Sentinel, saying that Yemen is keen
on the security of the Red Sea and that any escalation by Coalition
countries, including the United States, would be met with a response.
The statement went on to say:
What makes waterways safe is an end to the war on Yemen, a lifting of the siege on the country and the end to [th Saudi-led Coalition] restricting access to food and commercial vessels in Yemeni ports, especially the port of Hodeida, not the presence of multinational forces there.”
What makes waterways safe is an end to the war on Yemen, a lifting of the siege on the country and the end to [th Saudi-led Coalition] restricting access to food and commercial vessels in Yemeni ports, especially the port of Hodeida, not the presence of multinational forces there.”
officials also weighed in on the arrival
of U.S. troops in
Saudi Arabia as a part of a broader tranche of forces sent to the
Gulf region over the past two months following increased tensions
between Washington and Tehran. Mohammed Abdulsalam, the spokesman of
Houthis and one of the most important decision-makers within the
movement, told al-Mayadeen
TV that
the arrival of 500 U.S. troops to Saudi Arabia is “not welcome in
the region.”
Monday, Abdulsalam ridiculed Saudi Arabia’s celebration of the
arrival of the U.S. troops, pointing to the Kingdom’s relying on
U.S. and British protection while at the same time not knowing how to
extricate itself from Yemen. “On one side, there are the Saudis
seeking protection from others and on the other side, we have Yemen
facing those superpowers with strength, rigidity and wisdom,”
Abudlsalam said in a Facebook post. Abdulsalam also said that the
deployment of U.S. troops to the Kingdom was aimed at boosting the
morale of Saudi Arabia in the face of Yemen’s ballistic missile and
drone attacks.
comments were made during an official
visit to Moscow,
where a Houthi delegation was visiting at the invitation of the
Russian government. The July 24 meeting with Russian Deputy Foreign
Minister to the Middle East and North Africa Mikhail Bogdanov was
held to discuss, among other things, U.S. military presence in the
Gulf. Abdulsalam claimed during the meeting that U.S. and Western
visions for a solution to the conflict in Yemen would be
unsuccessful, telling his Russian counterpart that there won’t be
security and safety in the region without an end to the aggression
against Yemen. He went on to say that, “we [Houthis] have common
interests with the Russians regarding peace in the region.”
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A Houthi fighter walks through the Red Sea port of Hodeidah on May 10, 2017. Abdul Jabbar Zeyad | Reuters |
Russian efforts may not necessarily produce peace in Yemen, they may
give the Saudi-led Coalition a chance to see that all options for
diplomacy have been fully explored. They will also provide the United
Arab Emirates (UAE) — which recently pulled out a significant
portion of their military forces from Yemen, amidst fears
of Houthi retaliatory attacks on
Dubai — a chance to jump on the Russian bandwagon. Saudi Arabia,
which has made little progress in its more than four-year-long
adventure in Yemen, could also use Russian efforts as a face-saving
opportunity, according to Yemeni diplomats who spoke to MintPress.
to well-informed sources in the Houthi movement, Russia is pushing
hard to play a role in bringing an end to the war on Yemen, and
Russian and Houthi interests are becoming more aligned, including
opposition to an increased U.S. military presence in the region.
Houthi officials are also hoping that Russia will use its position in
the UN Security Council to veto resolutions adversely affecting the
interests of Yemen. One Houthi official, who asked to remain
anonymous because of the sensitivity of the issue, even
told MintPress that
Russia played a role in the recent
withdrawal of
the UAE forces from Yemen.
“No subordination to Iran”
Al-Mashat, the Head of the Houthi Supreme Political Council, told
delegates from
the International Crisis Group on Wednesday that the Houthis are
ready to stop drones and ballistic attacks on Saudi Arabia if the
Kingdom stops its attacks on Yemen. He also expressed readiness to
engage in dialogue with Saudi officials to “achieve a just peace
for all,” but warned that the “U.S. must know Yemen is a country
which has sovereignty and is not subject to anyone.”
Iran, Al-Mashat told members of the International Crisis Group (ICG), a
Brussels-based NGO that works to resolve violent conflicts around the
world, “with regard to the false claims that we are followers of
Iran, which the Coalition countries know to be false, we confirm that
there is no subordination to Iran.” Tehran’s support for the
Houthis is
limited to political, diplomatic and media support and
the country’s influence in Yemen is marginal at best.
its part, the United Nations says the years-long war in Yemen can be
stopped and is eminently resolvable if the warring sides commit to
the UN-brokered Stockholm peace agreement reached in Sweden late last
year. Under the agreement, both the Houthis and Coalition forces
agreed to withdraw their troops from the Yemeni ports of Hodeida,
Salif, and Ras Issa, and to allow the deployment of UN monitors.
UN Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths said on Tuesday, “I
believe that this war in Yemen is eminently resolvable, both parties
continue to insist that they want a political solution and the
military solution is not available, they remain committed to the
Stockholm agreement in all its different aspects.”
UAE “not leaving Yemen”
the Houthis have had some success in forcing a dialogue with
Coalition leaders through the United Nations, Russia, and various
NGOs, it appears that their celebration over the recent announcement
that the UAE is withdrawing its troops from Yemen may have been
premature. In the Houthis’ first official statement since the UAE
announced it was withdrawing its troops from Yemen, Houthi spokesman
Mohammed Abdulsalam said on Wednesday that “the UAE has not
withdrawn any its soldiers from Yemen, and instead has redeployed its
forces from a number of areas in Yemen, including battlefields in
Hodeida and Marib province in eastern Yemen.” Abdulsalam went on to
encourage UAE leaders to pull out of Yemen, saying “the UAE getting
out of Yemen is positive and natural and we encourage its leaders to
do so.”
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A UAE-funded Yemeni militia in Al-Mokha, Yemen March 6, 2018. Photo | Reuters |
He added, “While we will operate differently, our military presence will remain. In accordance with international law, we will continue to advise and assist local Yemen forces — referring to the myriad UAE-funded Yemeni rebel groups including the Shaban elite forces, the Mahri elite forces, and the Security Belt.
to Mohammed Abdulsalam, the seemingly contradictory statement coming
from the UAE may be a result of Saudi pressure.
Meanwhile, Turkey’s
state news agency Anadolu,
citing a spokesman for the UAE allies, reported on Wednesday that the
Sudanese armed forces had partially withdrawn from parts of Yemen
following the withdrawal of UAE troops from the same areas. Yemeni
armed forces will replace the Sudanese troops around Hodeida, a
Yemeni source told Anadolu.
UAE and Sudan, parts of a Saudi-led military coalition, have been
active members in the brutal Saudi-led Coalition’s war on Yemen
since it began in 2015, which the United Nations says has produced
the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, with millions on the brink
of starvation
photo | Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov speaks with
journalists in the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, Feb. 27, 2019. Maxim
Shemetov | AP
AbdulKareem is
a Yemeni journalist. He covers the war in Yemen for MintPress News as
well as local Yemeni media
Republish our stories! MintPress News is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.
* In Jemen moet ook op veel plekken water mobiel worden aangevoerd, daar de moorddadige Saoedische coalitie met bombardementen de infrastructuur van wateraanvoer en waterputten heeft vernietigd....... Hetzelfde geldt voor waterzuiveringsinstallaties en riolering, vandaar ook dat cholera in Jemen zoveel slachtoffers heeft gemaakt en nog steeds maakt, alles volgens het Saoedische genocide plan.......
Mijn excuus voor de vormgeving, krijg het niet op orde.
Republish our stories! MintPress News is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.
* In Jemen moet ook op veel plekken water mobiel worden aangevoerd, daar de moorddadige Saoedische coalitie met bombardementen de infrastructuur van wateraanvoer en waterputten heeft vernietigd....... Hetzelfde geldt voor waterzuiveringsinstallaties en riolering, vandaar ook dat cholera in Jemen zoveel slachtoffers heeft gemaakt en nog steeds maakt, alles volgens het Saoedische genocide plan.......
Zie ook:
'Iran dreigt met volledige oorlog bij vergeldingsaanval voor aanslag op Saoedische olie-installaties'
'Houthi aanval op Saoedische raffinaderijen: een grote blunder van de VS'
'Iran klaar voor oorlog tegen de VS'
'‘Maximum lies’: Iran rejects US’ claim it attacked Saudi oil facilities, warns it’s ready for war'
'NYT 'bewijst' binnen een paar uur dat Iran achter aanval op Saoedische olievelden zit'
'Iran dreigt met volledige oorlog bij vergeldingsaanval voor aanslag op Saoedische olie-installaties'
'Houthi aanval op Saoedische raffinaderijen: een grote blunder van de VS'
'Iran klaar voor oorlog tegen de VS'
'‘Maximum lies’: Iran rejects US’ claim it attacked Saudi oil facilities, warns it’s ready for war'
'NYT 'bewijst' binnen een paar uur dat Iran achter aanval op Saoedische olievelden zit'
'Groot-Brittannië verkocht na de moord op Khashoggi wapens ter waarde van 810 miljoen dollar aan S-A'
'VN stuurt bedorven voedsel naar Jemen en beschuldigt de Houthi's van het tegenhouden van voedselhulp'
'Robin Ramaekers (VTM 'oorlogscorrespondent') vertelt Radio1 luisteraars van de NOS over Jemen......'
Mijn excuus voor de vormgeving, krijg het niet op orde.