Rainforest Action Network (RAN) komt met een mailactie voor de 6 grootste banken die de klimaatverandering financieren, ondanks dat deze banken en 54 kleinere banken de 'Net zero by 2050' hebben getekend doen ze daar in de praktijk niets mee, sterker nog ze investeren nog steeds in fossiele brandstoffen......
De grootste banken die RAN noemt zijn: JPMorgan Chase, Citi, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Royal Bank of Canada, and MUFG.
Lees endoe ajb mee aan de mail actie van RAN, binnen 1 minuut gebeurd! (en geeft het door, het is in ons aller belang en vooral die van de volgende generaties, wellicht jouw kinderen en kleinkinderen)
BREAKING: We're naming the world's worst banks
Alison Kirsch - Rainforest Action Network
BREAKING! Hot off the press: Our annual report is exposing the world’s biggest banks for directly bankrolling the climate crisis. What did we find? Big banks are still fueling the flames of the climate crisis.
The numbers are in. In just the last 5 years, 60 banks have poured $3.8 trillion into fossil fuel financing that’s wrecking the climate, violating Indigenous rights, and fueling forest fires around the world.
Climate chaos is escalating fast, and our report proves that big banks aren’t putting their money where their mouths are – they’re putting their money into dirty fossil fuels instead!
We’re running out of time to prevent runaway climate chaos. This November, world leaders will meet for the UN climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland to make commitments to accelerate climate action. But just three months into 2021, we’ve exposed that while many big banks have made climate commitments on paper, their actions have fallen far short. $3.8 trillion SHORT of aligning with real climate action.
We need your help to put pressure on the worst of the worst in fossil fuel financing, Willem.
JPMorgan Chase, Citi, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Royal Bank of Canada, and MUFG are the top six bankers of climate chaos, accounting for more than 33% of fossil fuel financing from 60 banks. These banks are raking in a profit from bankrolling fossil fuels, deforestation, and human rights abuses.
We’ve got news for them: Any bank that makes a “net zero by 2050” commitment and continues with business-as-usual fossil financing is greenwashing. We don’t need vague promises about what banks might do in 30 years — we need to see meaningful climate action NOW. Because we can’t wait 30 years to stop burning fossil fuels!
Big banks have to step up and switch from bankrolling climate destruction to financing the green economy we need. And we need to see EACH of these 6 banks make those commitments before the UN climate conference this November.
With YOUR help, we can move these banks and create a better future for our climate. Tell the CEOs of the six worst fossil fuel banks that their lack of climate action won’t cut it, they must make a plan to phase out all fossil fuel financing for good.
It’s time for big banks to clean up their act and their path of climate destruction.
For a liveable climate,
Lead Researcher
Climate and Energy Program
Action Network
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