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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label Bozdag. Alle posts tonen

maandag 9 april 2018

Turkse geheime dienst ontvoert etnische Turken in het buitenland........

Associated Press (AP) kwam afgelopen donderdag met het bericht dat de Turkse geheime dienst 80 'Gulen dissidenten' heeft ontvoert uit maar liefst 18 landen.........

Volgens de reli-fascistische Turkse dictatuur zijn deze 80 mensen mede verantwoordelijk voor de 'staatsgreep' in 2016 (een coup waarvan vooral Erdogan heeft geprofiteerd en die hij in de schoenen van de Gülenbeweging heeft geschoven). Voorts durft Turkije te stellen niets onwettigs te hebben gedaan en zich ook aan de wetten te hebben gehouden in de landen waar het in het geheim opereerde en opereert, nogmaals: operaties als ontvoering........... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Dat moet dan wel een heel wonderlijke uitleg zijn!!

Let wel: het gaat hier om door Turkije verdachte personen, waar Turkije bewijzen zegt te hebben van hun schuld, echter deze bewijzen zouden in een normale democratie naar de prullenbak zijn verwezen als onzinnig....... Voor Gülen zelf heeft Turkije een arrestatieverzoek bij de VS ingediend, een verzoek dat aan alle kanten rammelt wat betreft de basis waar een dergelijk internationaal arrestatieverzoek (of: -bevel) aan moet voldoen.....

Gezien de (recente) geschiedenis van alle Turkse bemoeienis met haar burgers in het buitenland, is het de hoogste tijd om paal en perk te stellen aan die bemoeienis, tijd dus voor een EU onderzoek en een onderzoek in de afzonderlijke EU lidstaten naar illegale Turkse inmenging in het politieke en maatschappelijke leven in het betreffende buitenland, waar uiteraard het belangrijkste onderdeel van zo'n onderzoek moet zijn: de (meer dan illegale) ontvoering van mensen in opdracht van de Turkse overheid....... 

Voorts zou men Turkije (ook) voor deze zaak moeten aanklagen bij het ICC ofwel het Internationaal Strafhof! (en voor de illegale Turkse inval in Syrië, waar men amper aandacht voor heeft in de westerse reguliere media, terwijl Turkije daar tekeergaat als een beest.....) Daarover gesproken: hoe is het mogelijk dat de internationale politiek Turkije niet onmiddellijk op het matje heeft geroepen voor deze ontvoeringen??!!!

In het volgende artikel vooral aandacht voor 6 ontvoeringen uit Kosovo en de belofte van de Turkse vicepremier Bozdag dat Turkije zal doorgaan met deze ontvoeringen (die hij natuurlijk niet zo noemt)......

Turkish spy agency has snatched 80 people from 18 countries

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — In covert operations in 18 countries, Turkey’s intelligence agency has snatched around 80 Turkish citizens who the government wanted for alleged links to the country’s 2016 failed coup, a top Turkish official said Thursday.

Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag’s comments in an interview with Haberturk television came after Turkey secretly arranged the deportation from Kosovo of six Turkish men — five teachers and a doctor — accused of supporting the coup attempt.

The move angered Kosovo’s prime minister, who fired the country’s interior minister and intelligence chief for not telling him about it, and drew sharp criticism from human rights groups.

Bozdag said the National Intelligence Agency had similarly “bundled up and brought back” suspects linked to U.S.-based cleric Fethullah Gulen in covert operations in 18 countries. He did not name the countries but said such operations would continue.

Turkey has accused Gulen of being behind the failed coup attempt that resulted in more than 250 deaths, a claim that he denies.

Presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin denied, however, that the suspects were abducted through illegal operations. He insisted the six men from Kosovo were brought back in agreement with the country’s authorities.

We have never engaged in any illegal act in our struggle against (Gulen’s movement),” Kalin said. “The event in Kosovo took place ... within the framework of an agreement on the return of criminals.”

Those deported from Kosovo worked in schools and clinics supported by Gulen’s movement.

At home, Turkey has arrested more than 38,000 people for alleged links to Gulen and fired some 110,000 public servants since the coup attempt. Many of those arrested or fired have proclaimed their innocence.
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donderdag 1 september 2016

'Turkije-coup' en invasie Syrië georganiseerd door CIA en...... Erdogan, aldus prof. Chossudovsky

Op deze plek heb ik al eens gewezen op de vraag, wie het meest heeft geprofiteerd van de mislukte 'coup' in Turkije, daar is maar één antwoord op: Erdogan*! Deze reli-fascistische psychopaat heeft na de coup in feite de totale macht in Turkije verworven, iets dat het komende jaar vervolmaakt zal worden.

Het volgende artikel werd geschreven door Michel Chossudovsky. Hierin de stelling dat de de 'mislukte coup' werd georganiseerd door de de CIA en Erdogan, zodat hij en de totale macht kan grijpen in Turkije en met een lam excuus Syrië kon binnenvallen.....

Hier het volledige artikel (u kan onder het artikel klikken voor een vertaling, dat neemt wel enige tijd in beslag):

US-NATO-Turkey Invasion of Northern Syria

CIA “Failed” Turkey Coup Lays Groundwork for Broader Middle East War?

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

September 01, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - "GR" - In mid-July, President Erdogan pointed his finger at the CIA, accusing US intelligence of having supported a failed coup directed against his government. Turkish officials pointed to a deterioration of US-Turkey relations following Washington’s refusal to extradite Fethullah Gülen, the alleged architect of the failed coup.

Erdogan’s Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag was categorical:
If the US does not deliver (Gulen), they will sacrifice relations with Turkey for the sake of a terrorist” 
Public opinion was led to believe that relations with the US had not only deteriorated, but that Erdogan had vowed to restore “an axis of friendship” with Moscow, including “cooperation in the defence sector”. This was a hoax.

Turkey’s Invasion of Syria

The implementation of the Turkish invasion required routine consultations with the US and NATO, coordination of military logistics, intelligence, communications systems, coordination of ground and air operations, etc. To be effectively carried out these military endeavors required a cohesive and “friendly” US-Turkey relationship.

We are not dealing with a piecemeal military initiative. Turkey’s Operation Euphrates Shield could not have taken place without the active support of the Pentagon, which ultimately calls the shots in the war on Syria.

The likely scenario is that from mid July to mid-August US, NATO and Turkish officials were actively involved in planning the next stage of the war on Syria: an (illegal) invasion led by Turkish ground-forces, backed by the US and NATO.

Map of the Turkish-led offensive in the northern Aleppo Governorate, showing the ongoing developments in west of Euphrates River. Source Wikipedia

The Failed Coup Sets the Stage for a Ground Invasion

1. Massive purges within the armed forces and government were implemented in the immediate wake of the July coup. They had been planned well in advance.  ”Arrested immediately were 2,839 army personnel with 2,745 Judges and Prosecutors ordered detained… In under a week 60,000 people had been fired or detained and 2,300 institutions closed” … “   (See Felicity Arbuthnot, Global Research, August 2, 2016)

2.The coup was intended to fail. Erdogan had advanced knowledge of the coup and so did Washington. There was no conspiracy directed by the CIA against Erdogan. Quite the opposite, the failed coup was in all likelihood engineered by the CIA in liaison with Erdogan. It was intended to consolidate and reinforce the Erdogan regime as well as rally the Turkish people behind their president and his military agenda “in the name of democracy”.

3. The purges within the Armed Forces were intended to get rid of members of the military hierarchy who were opposed to an invasion of Syria. Did the CIA assist Erdogan in establishing the lists of military officers, judges and senior government officials to be arrested or fired? The Turkish media was also targeted, many of which were closed down.

4. Erdogan used the July 15 coup to accuse Washington of supporting the Gulen movement while seeking a fake rapprochement with Moscow. He flew to St Petersburg on August 9, for a behind closed doors meeting with President Putin. In all likelihood, the scenario of a rift between Ankara and Washington coupled with the “my friend Putin” narrative had been approved by the Obama administration. It was part of a carefully designed intelligence ploy coupled with media disinformation. President Erdogan, vowed according to Western media reports: to restore an ‘axis of friendship’ between Ankara and Moscow amid a growing rift between Turkey and the West.”

5. While “mending the fence” with Russia, Turkey’s military and intelligence apparatus was involved in planning the invasion of Northern Syria in liaison with Washington and NATO headquarters in Brussels. The underlying objective is to ultimately confront and weaken Syria’s military allies: Russia, Iran and Hezbollah.

In St Petersburg in the immediate wake of the July 15 failed coup, Erdogan thanked his “dear friend” Vladimir Putin.
The fact Mr Putin called me the next day after the coup attempt was a very strong psychological factor,” he said at a joint press conference.  “The axis of friendship between Moscow and Ankara will be restored,” he said.Telegraph, August 7, 2016
Did Putin know that the failed coup, covertly supported by the CIA, was meant to fail? One suspects that Russian intelligence was aware of the ploy and was also informed regarding Turkey’s invasion plans:
Your visit today, despite a very difficult situation regarding domestic politics, indicates that we all want to restart dialogue and restore relations between Russia and Turkey,” Mr Putin said as the pair met in the city’s Constantine Palace.
Mr Putin on Tuesday said Russia would “step by step” lift sanctions, … Mr Erdogan in turn promised to back major Russian energy projects in Turkey, including the construction of the country’s first nuclear power station and a gas pipeline to Europe.
He also said the two countries would step up “cooperation in the defence sector,” but did not elaborate.
The Putin-Erdogan Saint Petersburg meeting was interpreted by the media as a rapprochement with Moscow in response to the alleged involvement of the CIA in the failed coup.
According to the Washington Post, an improvised about-turn in US-NATO-Turkey relations had occurred despite Erdogan’s “friendly” encounter with Putin:
NATO went out of its way Wednesday to insist that Turkey — whose president this week visited Moscow and promised a new level of cooperation with the man he repeatedly called his “dear friend,” Russian President Vladi­mir Putin — remains a “valued ally” whose alliance membership “is not in question.”
In a statement posted on its website, NATO said it was responding to “speculative press reports regarding NATO’s stance regarding the failed coup in Turkey and Turkey’s NATO membership.”
A nonsensical report. In actuality, the Pentagon, NATO, the Turkish High Command and Israel are in permanent liaison. Israel is a de facto member of NATO, it has a comprehensive bilateral military and intelligence relationship with Turkey.

With the invasion of  the border area of Northern Syria and the influx of Turkish tanks and armoured vehicles,  the Turkey-Russia relationship is in crisis. And that is the ultimate objective of US foreign policy.

Russian forces are acting on behalf of their Syrian ally.

How will the Kremlin and Russia’s High Command respond to what constitutes a US-Turkey-NATO ground invasion of Syria?

How will they confront Turkish and allied forces? One assumes that Russia will avoid direct military confrontation.

After the US, Turkey is NATO’s heavy weight.

Sofar the Turkish op is limited to a small border territory. Nonetheless it constitutes and important landmark in the evolution of the Syria war: invasion of a sovereign country in derogation of international law. Washington’s endgame remains “regime change” in Damascus.

Is the military initiative a preamble for a larger military undertaking on the part of Turkey supported by US-NATO? In many regards, Turkey is acting as a US proxy:
Turkey’s incursion was backed by US air-cover, drones, and embedded special forces per the WSJ. These were there largely to prevent Russia and Syria from even thinking about taking action against the invading forces.
Turkey is moving into Syria not just with its own military, but with thousands of “rebel opposition groups” including US-backed FSA brigades allied with AlQaeda/Nusra/Sham and the child head-chopping al-Zinki who are reported to form the vanguard. Syrian territory is outright being turned over to them by the Turkish military, simply exchanging control from one group of terrorist jihadis (ISIS) to others who are more media acceptable and more direct proxies of the Erdogan regime, the U.S., Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
That said, ISIS has not resisted the Turkish advance at all – simply “melting away” (or exchanging one set of uniforms for another?). (Moon  of Alabama
Do the SAA Syrian forces have the military capabilities of confronting Turkish ground forces without Russian and Iranian support? How will Tehran react to  the influx of Turkish forces? Will it come to the rescue of its Syrian ally?

An “incident” could be used as a pretext to justify a broader NATO-led war. Article 5 of the Washington Treaty (NATO’s founding document) states under the doctrine of “collective security” that an attack against one member state of the Atlantic Alliance (e.g. Turkey) is an attack against all members states of the Atlantic Alliance.

Dangerous crossroads. With the incursion of Turkish ground forces, military confrontation with Syria’s allies, namely Iran and Russia, is a distinct possibility which could lead to a  process of escalation beyond Syria’s borders.

The Erdogan-Jo Biden Meeting 

From Washington’s perspective, this ground invasion sets the stage for a possible annexation of part of Northern Syria by Turkey. It also opens the door for the deployment of US-NATO ground force operations directed against central and southern Syria.

Erdogan met up with Vice President Biden on August 23, following the influx of Turkish tanks into Northern Syria. The invasion is carefully coordinated with the US which provided extensive air force protection. There is no rift between Ankara and Washington, quite the opposite:
It [is] difficult to believe that Turkey truly suspected the US of an attempted decapitation of the nation’s senior leadership in a violent, abortive coup just last month, only to be conducting joint operations with the US inside Syria with US military forces still based within Turkish territory.
What is much more likely is that the coup was staged to feign a US-Turkish fallout, draw in Russia and allow Turkey to make sweeping purges of any elements within the Turkish armed forces that might oppose a cross-border foray into Syria, a foray that is now unfolding.  (See The New Atlas, Global Research, August 24, 2016)
Media reports convey the illusion that the Biden-Erdogan meetings were called to discuss the extradition of the alleged architect of the failed coup Gulen. This was a smokescreen. Jo Biden who had also met Erdogan back in January, gave the green-light on behalf of Washington for a joint US-Turkey-NATO military incursion into Syria.

The Kurdish Question

The invasion is not directed against Daesh (ISIS) which is protected by Ankara, it is geared towards fighting SAA forces as well as Kurdish YPG forces, which are “officially” supported by the US. The US supported ISIS-Daesh and Al Qaeda affiliated rebels are working hand in glove with the Turkish invaders.

The invasion is also part of a longstanding project by Turkey of creating a “safe-haven” within Northern Syria (see map above) which can be used to extend US-NATO-Turkey military operations Southwards into Syria’s heartland.
Washington has warned its Kurdish allies not to confront Turkish forces:
Biden said the Kurds, who Turkey claims intend to establish a separate state along a border corridor in conjunction with Turkey’s own Kurdish population, “cannot, will not, and under no circumstances will get American support if they do not keep” what he said was a commitment to return to the east.
Washington will no doubt eventually clash with Ankara with regard to Turkey’s project of territorial expansion in Northern Syria. Washington’s longstanding objective is to create a Kurdish State in Northern Syria, within the framework of a territorial breakup of both Syria and Iraq. (see US National War Academy map below). In a bitter irony, this “New Middle East” project also consists in annexing part of Turkey to the proposed Kurdish State. In other words, Turkey’s  New Ottoman objective of territorial expansion  encroaches upon Washington’s design to fragment Iraq, Syria, Iran  as well as Turkey. In other words, America’s ultimate imperial design is to weaken Turkey as a regional power.

The Pentagon has defined a military roadmap: “The road to Tehran goes through Damascus.” The invasion of Northern Syria creates conditions for a broader war.

Moreover, on the US agenda is a longstanding objective, namely  to wage war on Iran. In this regard, US military strategy largely consists in creating conditions  for America’s staunchest allies (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel) to confront Iran, and act indirectly on behalf of US interests. i.e. “do the job for us”.


Note: This map was prepared by Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Peters. It was published in the Armed Forces Journal in June 2006, Peters is a retired colonel of the U.S. National War Academy. (Map Copyright Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Peters 2006).  

Although the map does not officially reflect Pentagon doctrine, it has been used in a training program at NATO’s Defense College for senior military officers. This map, as well as other similar maps, has most probably been used at the National War Academy as well as in military planning circles.  

The failed coup was indeed supported by the CIA, but the failure was coordinated with President Erdogan. It was an intelligence op which was meant to fail and mislead public opinion.

Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research.

Copyright © Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 2016

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* Zie: 'Erdogan heeft coup zelf op poten gezet om zo de totale macht te grijpen.......'

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dinsdag 15 december 2015

Turkije smokkelde gifgas naar terroristen in Syrië........

Nog steeds zijn er mensen, die ervan overtuigd zijn, dat Syrische troepen, gifgas (Sarin) gebruikte tegen de eigen bevolking, ook al heeft onderzoek uitgewezen, dat dit gas werd gebruikt door een terroristische groepen als IS in Syrië. Niet zo vreemd, daar de reguliere westerse media, deze leugen 'gewoon' overeind houden......

Hier een bericht van ICH (Information Clearing House), dat (nog) meer licht op deze zaak werpt (onder dit artikel kan u klikken voor een vertaling, dit neemt wel wat tijd in beslag):

Turkey Smuggled Sarin Gas to Terrorists in Syria

By Stephen Lendman
December 14, 2015 "Information Clearing House" -  Turkey is complicit with Washington, other rogue NATO regimes, Israel, and despotic Arab states in waging war on Syria - including smuggled use of various type banned chemical weapons, Assad wrongfully blamed for their crimes.
Turkish Republican People’s Party (CHP) opposition member Eren Erdem accused Ankara of covering up a major war crime, likely direct high-level involvement in smuggling materials used to make deadly sarin gas to ISIS and other terrorists - US proxy foot soldiers waging war on Syria.
Various attacks occurred. The most notorious targeted the Damascus Ghouta suburb in August 2013, killing and injuring scores of civilians.
At the time, then Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexandr Lubkashevich said “(w)e’re getting more new evidence that this criminal act was of a provocative nature.”
(T)here are reports circulating on the Internet, in particular that the materials of the incident and accusations against government troops had been posted for several hours before the so-called attack. Thus, it was a pre-planned action.” 

Syria’s government had nothing to do with it despite US-led false accusations otherwise.
Under a UN-brokered deal, Syria eliminated its entire chemical weapons stockpile. No evidence indicates it used any toxic agents throughout nearly five years of conflict. Plenty reveals terrorists’ use on numerous occasions, sarin and other banned substances.
On December 10, Erdem addressed Turkish parliamentarians, discussing criminal case number 2013/120, opened by Ankara’s General Prosecutor’s Office in Adana.
Evidence shows various Turkish nationals were involved in direct dealings with ISIS and other terrorist groups, supplying them with sarin gas.
Recorded wiretapped conversations exposed dealings with Al Qaeda terrorist Hayyam Kasap. RT International interviewed Erdem.
He explained “(t)here is data in this indictment. Chemical weapon materials are being brought to Turkey and being put together in Syria in camps of ISIS which was known as Iraqi Al Qaeda during that time.” 
These are all detected. There are phone recordings of this shipment like ‘don't worry about the border. We’ll take care of it,’ and we also see the bureaucracy is being used.” 
None of this could go on without direct high-level regime involvement, perhaps Erdogan OKing the scheme complicit with Washington and other rogue states.
According to Erden, once word got out, 13 arrests were made. Days later, suspects were released, charges dropped - after a new Adana public prosecutor replaced the original one. Individuals accused then moved cross-border unobstructed to Syria.
The phone recordings in the indictment showed all the details from how the shipment was going to be made to how it was prepared, from the content of the labs to the source of the materials,” Erden explained. 
Which trucks were going to be used, all dates etc. From A to Z, everything was discussed and recorded. Despite all of this evidence, the suspects were released,” the case closed, showing high-level coverup, perhaps ordered by Erdogan.
Materials to make sarin gas and perhaps other toxic chemicals moved freely cross-border from Turkey to Syria. Erden indicated a high-level regime coverup, evidence revealing Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag’s involvement.
Toxic chemicals were purchased from Europe,” he said. US-led Western countries “should question themselves about these relations. Western sources know very well who carried out the sarin gas attack in Syria.” 
They know these people. They know who (they) are working with. They know that these people are working for Al-Qaeda…Western (countries) are hypocrites about the situation.”
It bears repeating. No evidence showed Syrian use of chemical or other toxic substances throughout years of conflict.
Plenty shows CIA and US special forces train takfiri terrorists in chemical weapons use, perhaps directly supplying them with toxic agents.
Earlier, Saudi Arabia was caught red-handed providing them with chemical agents in containers marked “made in KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).”
In early November, Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) experts confirmed terrorists’ use of mustard gas and chlorine in Syria with “utmost confidence” - calling perpetrators “non-state actor(s).”

Blaming Assad for incidents of chemical weapons’ use is part of the US-led propaganda campaign to wrongfully vilify him. Expect no letup ahead.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III." - - Visit his blog site at Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs. 

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