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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Brunei. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Brunei. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 3 april 2019

Sultan Brunei, getroffen door bliksem, voert steniging van homo's in

De sultan van Brunei*, dictator Hassanal Bolkiah, heeft de sharia wetgeving in het kleine staatje Brunei verder uitgebreid, waar deze wetgeving sinds 2014 bestaat, ..... Zo mogen homo's in het vervolg worden gestenigd, eerder stond daar in Brunei tot 10 jaar onvoorwaardelijke gevangenisstraf op.....

Bolkiah is een enorme hypocriet die in het verleden de playboy uithing.... Voorts is hij in het bezit van een aantal hotels in de VS, GB, Frankrijk en Italië, waar figuren als George Clooney en Ellen Degeneres hebben opgeroepen de hotels van deze schoft te boycotten, hier een lijst met deze hotels:

Gezien de berichtgeving is het de hoogste tijd voor het koningshuis ook deze dictatuur te bezoeken, zoals deze belasting uitvreters plegen te doen met dictaturen in het Midden-Oosten, zoals de reli-fascistische dictatuur Saoedi-Arabië.......

Het is 2019, ongelofelijk dat dergelijke grove schending van mensenrechten nog mogelijk is...... Overigens ontkent opperschoft Bolkiah dat met deze wetgeving de mensenrechten worden aangetast, terwijl een ieder kan zien dat dit wel het geval is......

Het is te hopen dat het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC) een onderzoek instelt tegen deze ploertige misdadiger Bolkiah!

Bolkiah is overigens niet vies van een verkleedpartijtje, het zou me niet verbazen als hij zich privé als vrouw verkleedt (moet hij zelf weten):

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor bolkiahAfbeeldingsresultaat voor bolkiah

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor bolkiah

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor bolkiah

PS: wedden dat de VN geen resolutie aanneemt waarmee Bolkiah terecht wordt gewezen?

maandag 14 mei 2018

Oliver North, ex-CIA, oud-drugslord en oorlogsmisdadiger waarschijnlijk nieuwe president terreurorganisatie NRA......

Lees het volgende uitstekende artikel van Jon Schwarz, gepubliceerd op The Intercept, over Oliver North die van drugslord, nu waarschijnlijk snel zal worden gebombardeerd (deden ze dat maar letterlijk) tot president van terreurorganisatie NRA, ofwel de National Rifle Association......

Leden van de NRA snappen nog steeds niet dat alcohol één van de dodelijkste harddrugs op de wereld is, maar hebben wel de pest aan alles wat men verder illegale drugs* noemt (waar ze uiteraard ook cannabis toe rekenen......). Geen nood voor deze veelal hypocriete christenen, Oliver North wordt ondanks zijn rol als 'drugslord' en terrorist gewoon als held gezien, terwijl hij een oorlogsmisdadiger is die berecht zou moeten worden voor het Internationaal Strafhof in Den Haag (het ICC).....

Als North bijvoorbeeld een Colombiaan was geweest, had men hem al lang opgesloten in de VS vanwege zijn bemoeienis met de invoer van enorme hoeveelheden cocaïne (in de VS).....

Voorts heeft North de Contra's in Nicaragua, een terreurgroep die tegen de socialistische regering vocht, gesteund met wapens, die hij kocht van de winsten gemaakt met drugshandel....

Ach het voorgaande geeft ten overvloede nog eens aan waarvoor de NRA staat: grootschalige terreur op de straten, scholen en andere openbare gelegenheden van de VS.......


     Jon Schwarz
  May 12 2018, 2:03 p.m.

Former U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North gives the Invocation at the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action Leadership Forum in Dallas, Friday, May 4, 2018. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)

THE NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION has always been clear about drugs: They’re terrifying.

Last year, NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre darkly warned that members of drug gangs “are infiltrating law enforcement and even the military.” In 2013, LaPierre proclaimed that “Latin American drug gangs have invaded every city of significant size in the United States,” and are a key part of the “hellish world” that awaits us in the future. When Charlton Heston was president of the NRA in the 1990s, he declared that regular Americans would soon be besieged by 10,000 drug dealers freed from prison by the Clinton administration.

It seems odd, then, that the next president of the NRA will soon be Oliver North, who spent years in the 1980s working together with large-scale cocaine traffickers and protecting a notorious narco-terrorist from the rest of the U.S. government.

This reality about North has been largely covered up, first by North himself and then by Fox News and the passage of time. Thirty years later, it’s been almost totally forgotten. But the facts remain genuinely appalling.

North was an active-duty Marine when he joined the Reagan administration’s National Security Council in 1981. One of Reagan’s top priorities was organizing and funding the Contras, a guerrilla military force, to overthrow the revolutionary socialist Sandinista government of Nicaragua. But the Contras engaged in extensive, gruesome terrorism against Nicaraguan civilians. Congress gradually reduced and then eliminated appropriations supporting them, leading the Reagan administration to secretly search for money elsewhere.

According to the report from a later congressional investigation, North was put in charge of this operation, which participants dubbed “The Enterprise.”

"Report of the congressional committees investigating the Iran-Contra Affair,” U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran; U.S. Senate Select Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Nicaraguan Opposition, 1987

North enthusiastically looked for cash wherever he could find it, and led many of the clandestine schemes that later became known as the Iran-Contra scandal. The Sultan of Brunei donated $10 million (which North’s secretary Fawn Hall accidentally wired to the wrong Swiss bank account), and Saudi Arabia ponied up as well. North also pushed what he called “a neat idea”: selling U.S. military equipment to Iran, with the proceeds passed along to the Contras.

Meanwhile, the Contras had a neat idea of their own: facilitating cocaine trafficking through Central America into the U.S., with a cut going toward supporting their war against the Sandinistas. Some Contras were themselves cocaine traffickers, and others were simply happy to make alliances of convenience with drug cartels.

There’s no evidence North actively wanted cocaine to be smuggled into the U.S. It was simply that he had other priorities. But was he aware of the Contras’ drug trafficking? Yes. Did he try to shield one of “his” cocaine traffickers from consequences from the other branches of the U.S. government? Yes. Did he work together with a known drug lord? Yes.

All in all, North’s connections to drug trafficking were so egregious that in 1989 he was banned from entering Nicaragua’s neighbor Costa Rica by Oscar Arias, the country’s president and 1987 recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.

This may seem shocking to the easily shocked. But it’s all been documented in various government investigations. All you need in order to learn about it is curiosity and an internet connection. For instance, here’s a screenshot from the CIA’s website about the Nicaraguan Revolutionary Democratic Alliance, or ADREN by its Spanish acronym, which was later folded into the Contras:

"Allegations of Connections Between CIA and The Contras in Cocaine Trafficking to the United States,” CIA, 1998

The full extent of North’s complicity in cocaine trafficking will never be known. When the Iran-Contra scandal story broke in November 1986, he ordered Hall to destroy so many documents that the shredder malfunctioned, and she had to ask White House maintenance to come and fix it. Moreover, when North was removed from his National Security Council (NSC) job, he took with him 2,848 pages of daily notes — which legally belonged to the federal government. By the time a congressional investigation was finally able to examine the notes, North and his lawyers had redacted huge amounts of information.

Nonetheless, 543 of the pages mentioned drugs or drug trafficking, with the probe finding that “in many of these cases, material in the Notebooks adjacent to the narcotics references has been deleted.”

"Drugs, Law Enforcement And Foreign Policy,” U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, 1989

But despite North’s cover-up, what we do know for sure is incredibly damning.

Perhaps most significantly, according to North’s own notes he met with Panama’s then-dictator Manuel Noriega in London in September 1986 to collaborate on a plan for Noriega to support the Contras in return for American money and arms. They discussed sabotaging a Nicaraguan airport and oil refinery, as well as creating a program to train Contra and Afghan mujahedeen commandos in Panama with Israeli help. (It’s not completely clear, but North appears to have written that “Rabin” – i.e., Yitzhak Rabin, who was then Israel’s minister of defense – “approves.”)

North was clearly enthusiastic about the potential partnership with Noriega. In an earlier email selling the proposal to one of his superiors, he wrote that “we might have available a very effective, very secure means of doing some of the things which must be done if the Nicaragua project is going to succeed. … I believe we could make the appropriate arrangements w/ reasonable OPSEC and deniability.”

Email, Oliver North to John Poindexter, May 8, 1986 (neem aan dat het niet om een email ging destijds....)

But of course, Noriega was himself a powerful drug trafficker. Knowing this didn’t require a top-secret clearance: It was published on the front page of the New York Times three months before North met with him. According to the Times article, “A White House official said the most significant drug-running in Panama was being directed by General Noriega.”

The North-Noriega operation ultimately didn’t come to fruition; the Iran-Contra affair was exposed just two months after they met. But the planning that did occur is conclusive evidence that North eagerly worked with drug dealers operating on the largest scale imaginable.

Panama Strongman Said to Trade In Drugs, Arms and Illicit Money,” New York Times, June 11, 1986

North also went to great lengths to protect an ally who was a key participant in what the Justice Department called “the most significant case of narco-terrorism yet discovered.”

In 1984, José Bueso Rosa, a Honduran general, plotted with several others to assassinate the president of Honduras. They planned to fund the hit with the proceeds from selling 760 pounds of cocaine in the U.S.

The FBI, however, had the participants under surveillance, intercepted the shipment when it arrived at a small airfield in Florida, and arrested everyone involved.

But Bueso had played a key role in Honduran support for the Contras. So North went to work to get him off as lightly as possible. (Bueso had not himself been charged with drug trafficking, but wiretaps made it obvious he participated in that part of the project.)

In email, North explained his plans to “cabal quietly” with other Reagan administration officials “to look at options: pardon, clemency, deportation, reduced sentence.” Eventually, North planned to have the case’s judge informed “in camera” — that is, secretly — about “our equities in this matter,” in order to push for leniency. Then, North wrote, it would be necessary to quietly brief Bueso, so that he wouldn’t “start singing songs nobody wants to hear.”

North didn’t get everything he wanted, but did succeed in having Bueso transferred to a “Club Fed” minimum security prison. Bueso was released on parole after 40 months.

THERE ARE ALSO numerous documented examples of North being informed that members of the Contras were involved in drug trafficking, with no signs that North took any action.

For instance, after meeting with a key assistant, North wrote in his notebooks about a plane being used by the brother of a top Contra leader to ferry supplies from the U.S. to Central America. “Honduran DC-6 which is being used for runs out of New Orleans,” North jotted down, “is probably being used for drug runs into U.S.”

North testified in front of Congress that he’d passed this information along to the Drug Enforcement Administration. When later questioned by the Washington Post, the DEA, the State Department, and the U.S. Customs Service all stated that there was no evidence North ever said anything about the matter to them.
Oliver North, notes, August 9, 1985

The same aide who told North about the plane also informed him about the “potential involvement with drug running” of one Contra official and that another was “now involved in drug running out of Panama.” And after a call from another subordinate, North noted that the Contras were planning to buy weapons from a Honduran warehouse — and “14 M to finance came from drugs.”

North was getting similar reports from outside the government as well. Dennis Ainsworth, a Republican real estate investor who’d volunteered to help the Contra cause, informed a U.S. attorney that the top Contra commander “was involved in drug trafficking,” but that the Nicaraguan community was frightened to come forward because “they could be blown away by Colombia hit squads.” Ainsworth said he’d tried to inform the White House about this but “we were put off by Ollie North,” and “I was even physically threatened by one of Ollie North’s associates.” (The U.S. attorney later wrote a memo with Ainsworth’s statements and transmitted it to the FBI.)

Regarding Dennis Madden Ainsworth, Information Concerning,” FBI, January 6, 1987

North and the NRA did not immediately respond to requests for comment on this history. When North ran for Senate in 1994, his campaign spokesperson said his involvement with the Bueso case was “old news and garbage and nobody cares about it.” In a 2004 appearance on Fox News, North called a congressional investigation that focused on the Contra-cocaine connection “a witch hunt” with witnesses “who clearly had a political agenda.”

But the extraordinarily sordid nature of North’s past will be clear to anyone who appraises it honestly. In announcing North’s appointment, Wayne LaPierre said there’s “no one better suited to serve as our President,” and he’s correct. Oscar Arias wrote Thursday that the NRA “finds in Oliver North a leader worthy of its mission.” Peter Kornbluh, who was co-director of the Iran-Contra documentation project at the National Security Archive, is even more straightforward: North, he says, is “the perfect pick to further the NRA’s reputation for favoring bloodshed and criminality over responsible gun control and ownership.”

Top photo: Former U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North gives the Invocation at the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action Leadership Forum in Dallas on May 4, 2018.

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* Let wel: in het Engels zijn drugs ook de medicijnen tegen ziekte enz. Het gebruik van opiaten als pijnbestrijder is één van de redenen waarom er nu zoveel ophef is in de VS over verslaafden aan die opiaten, ofwel synthetische opium zoals Oxycontin. Bij velen wordt de werking van deze opiaten in de loop van de jaren steeds zwakker, waarna ze hun toevlucht nemen tot echte, niet synthetische opiaten als heroïne.....

PS: in de kop staat dat North ex-CIA werknemer is, in feite was dit zo gezien zijn handelen met de CIA, echter officieel heeft hij nooit op de CIA loonlijst gestaan.

donderdag 26 juni 2014

Timmermans, de blunderkoning, vindt voetbal een belangrijk diplomatiek strategisch middel....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Je vraagt je werkelijk af, waar PvdA infantiel en blunderlul Timmermans de tijd vandaan haalt, hij loopt in Brussel de deuren plat, om te lobbyen voor een hoge functie, voor zichzelf, wel te verstaan, daarnaast doet hij de meest onzinnige uitspraken, die de zak bijna dagelijks vanuit tv studio's, of die van de radio doet. Zo ook vandaag weer: 'voetbal is te belangrijk, om niet te gebruiken in de diplomatieke strategie.........' ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!
Zo weet de kroonprins van Brunei, wat de kleuren van Roda JC zijn, door Timmermans (!!). Brunei u weet wel, zo'n lekkere dictatoriale handelspartner van Nederland, waar men schijt heeft aan mensenrechten.......
De blunderlul ging verder, hij wil dat alle Nederlandse diplomaten (en z'n eigen overspannen ambtenaren) voetbal gaan gebruiken, om het ijs te breken.......
Jezus wat een gek! Het zoveelste bewijs, dat hij totaal incapabel is voor zijn functie!

Voor meer 'blunderavonturen' van Timmermans: 'Timmermans? Die blundert 'gewoon' door, zo ook inzake de 'Syrië-gangers''

maandag 21 januari 2013

Beatrix op bezoek in Brunei

Hare grajesteit Beatrix de gehelmde, is vandaag samen met het nationaal waterhoofd en zijn pampaprinses aangekomen in Brunei. Schijt aan de mensenrechten, de Sultan is alleenheerser en de mensenrechten worden op diverse gebieden geschonden. Nee, het gaat weer eens om de poen, Trix is grootaandeelhouder van Shell, en dat bedrijf heeft grote belangen in dit sultanaat........

Met dit soort reisjes geeft het graaiende stel aan, dat zij niet alleen lak hebben aan de mensenrechten in Brunei, maar aan de mensenrechten in het algemeen, des te meer reden, zo snel mogelijk een eind te maken aan het meer dan achterlijke middeleeuwse 'sprookje', dat men aanduidt als monarchie. Trouwens wel nadat men beslag heeft gelegd op alle tegoeden en bezittingen van dit tuig, dat zelfs de hand niet omdraait voor frauduleus handelen, zoals via paleis Noordeinde geld te onttrekken aan aanslagen van de Nederlandse belastingdienst, door het te parkeren in een belastingparadijs.