Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label NRA. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label NRA. Alle posts tonen

zondag 29 mei 2022

Aanslag basisschool Texas: de grootste wapenlobbyist ter wereld roept in de VS op deze lobby definitief te stoppen

"When in god's name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby", zo verzuchtte VS president en oorlogsmisdadiger Joe Biden behoorlijk vals en hypocriet na de zoveelste 'school shooting', afgelopen dinsdag in de Texaanse stad Uvalde...... Voorts liet Biden weten 'sick and tired' te zijn van de schietpartijen in het land, waarbij je niet moet vergeten dat deze elke dag plaatsvinden in de VS, alleen die waarbij meer dan 4 slachtoffers vallen worden nog gemeld (en zelfs dat lang niet altijd....)......

Waar haalt Biden het gore lef vandaan om met z'n moorddadige in bloed gedompelde vinger te wijzen naar de wapenlobby?? Immers hij is als president momenteel wel de grootste wapenlobbyist van de VS (en ter wereld), die met z'n proxyoorlog tegen Rusland (uitgevochten in Oekraïne) enorme hoeveelheden wapens heeft geleverd aan dat land en dit NB aan een land waarvan het leger voor een groot deel bestaat uit nazi's...... (een leger dat o.a. werd getraind door de CIA) 

Als vicepresident was Biden al verantwoordelijk voor wat er nu in Oekraïne gebeurt, immers de 'opstand' en daarop volgende coup in 2014 tegen de democratisch gekozen president Janoekovytsj werden door de VS georganiseerd, geregisseerd en betaald met 5 miljard dollar..... Alles wat daarna is gebeurd is zonder meer te danken aan deze smerige machinaties, waar Bidens zoon Hunter na 2014 ongelofelijk genoeg schandalig veel geld verdiende en zich in Oekraïne bezighield met misdadige zaken.....*

De valse oplichter Biden zogenaamd emotioneel terwijl zijn lobby voor de wapenindustrie oneindig veel meer slachtoffers eist dan die van alle 'school shootings' bij elkaar opgeteld....

Voorts is Biden mede hoofdverantwoordelijke voor de staatsgreep in Honduras die niet alleen tijdens maar ook na de coup een groot aantal mensen het leven kostte..... Ook was hij medeverantwoordelijk voor de oorlog tegen Libië, die het land volkomen in puin heeft gelegd en van het rijkste land en welvarendste volk van Afrika het armste land en minst welvarende volk maakte, een land waar terreur heerst en zelfs slavenmarkten worden gehouden.....

Daarnaast geeft de Biden administratie de ene na de andere vergunning af voor wapenleveringen, ook aan landen als Saoedi-Arabië (S-A) en Israël, die in feite beiden een genocide uitvoeren, S-A tegen de sjiitische bevolking van Jemen en Israël tegen de Palestijnse bevolking van wat Palestina moet heten, maar wat nu alom wordt aangeduid als Israël, illegaal gesticht in 1948 over de rug van een groot aantal vermoordde en uiterst gewelddadig verdreven Palestijnen....... 

Ook de Mexicaanse bevolking is het slachtoffer van de enorme VS wapenexport waar misdadige groeperingen een waar terreurbewind voeren, een zaak waarmee de zittende VS administraties zoals die nu van Biden totaal geen probleem hadden en hebben, al doen ze in het openbaar alsof dat wel zo is, laat de dagelijkse praktijk het tegenovergestelde zien.....

De wapenindustrie in de VS is compleet tevreden met schertsfiguur en opperploert Biden, die door het gestook in Oekraïne het ook nog eens voor elkaar kreeg dat de andere NAVO-lidstaten een gigantisch groot bedrag extra gaan uitgeven voor bewapening....... Oekraïne waar de VS langs de grens met Rusland meerdere biologische wapenlaboratoria bestuurde, zoals de VS staatssecretaris voor buitenlandse zaken Nuland heeft toegegeven......**

Ja president Biden wanneer gaan we in "God's name going to stand up to the gun lobby" en figuren als jou voorgoed opsluiten zodat ze geen kwaad meer kunnen doen en wanneer gaan we wereldwijd de wapenfabrieken ontmantelen, te beginnen in de VS??

And mr. Biden we are sick and tired of the bloody terror the USA is imposing on the world >> again and again!!


(On the top right hand side of this page you can choose for a translation in the language of your choice: choose 'Engels' [english] so you can recognise your own language [the Google translation is first in dutch, a language most people don't understand, while on the other hand most people recognise there language translated in english])


*  Biden eiste als vicepresident onder Obama destijds van Oekraïne de openbaar aanklager te ontslaan die het misdadig handelen van zijn zoon Hunter onderzocht en als men dat niet zou doen dreigde deze schoft dat afgesproken wapenleveranties aan Oekraïne niet door zouden gaan...... (deze chantage heeft Biden later zelfs trots toegegeven voor een tv camera...)

** Zie: 'Victoria Nuland: Oekraïne heeft biologische onderzoekslaboratoria' die in handen van de Russen kunnen vallen' (en zie de links in dat bericht!!) Nog steeds stelt een groot deel van de reguliere westerse media en van de westerse politici dat dit een complottheorie is, terwijl ze aan de andere kant moord en brand schreeuwen over desinformatie, fake news en manipulatie op de sociale media.......

Voor meer berichten over Joe Biden, H. Biden, Oekraïne, schietpartij, lobbyisten, wapenexport en/of biologische wapens, klik op het desbetreffende label direct onder dit bericht. Het label RNA staat voor 'National Rifle Association of America', de grote lobbyclub van de wapenindustrie in de VS, een club die ook vandaag nog feestviert terwijl de ouders van de vermoorde kinderen in diepe rouw zijn gedompeld...

donderdag 22 augustus 2019

Schietpartijen VS gevolg van witte overheersing die is 'gefundeerd' in de grondwet

John McEvoy van The Canary schreef het verslag van een interview met Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, een historicus die is gespecialiseerd in het tweede amendement van de grondwet in de VS. Het interview o.a. naar aanleiding van de laatste meervoudige moord door een neonazi in El Paso (deze neonazi werd gepord door het 666 beest Trump, die latino's uitmaakte voor moordenaars, verkrachters, drugsdealers en dieven).

Dunbar-Ortiz betoogt in het interview dat witte overheersing is ingebakken in de grondwet van de VS. Veelal wordt het tweede amendement gezien als bescherming van burgers tegen een autoritaire overheid, die schijt heeft aan de rechten van de burgers. Ter verdediging tegen zo'n overheid zou het volk recht hebben op wapenbezit (en in een aantal staten mogen deze zelfs openlijk worden gedragen)......

Dunbar-Ortiz betoogt dat het tweede amendement veel meer was bedoeld voor witte milities die zich moesten kunnen verdedigen tegen de oorspronkelijke volkeren van de VS >> lees: het verjagen van de oorspronkelijke volkeren, gepaard gaande met het uitroeien van hele stammen van die oorspronkelijke volkeren in de VS...... Anders gezegd: de witte immigranten voerden een genocide uit op de oorspronkelijke bevolking, samen met de genocide in Latijns-Amerika, de grootste genocide ooit........ Deze genocide ging verder gepaard met martelingen, verkrachtingen en de gruwelijkste vormen van moord.......

Deze milities werden later ook ingezet om weggelopen slaven op te pakken of opstanden onder slaven uiterst gewelddadig te onderdrukken..... Het zal je niet verbazen dat deze milities later opgingen in de Ku Klux Klan (KKK).........

Dunbar-Ortiz zegt niet te geloven dat Hollywood films en tv series bijdragen aan geweld, het zal je niet verbazen dat ik het daar volkomen mee oneens ben. Dagelijks wordt men in de VS gehersenspoeld met leugens als zouden 'Amerikanen' (VS burgers) de goede partij zijn en alles wat van buiten de VS komt of een andere religie dan het christendom aanhangt, is fout..... Opvallend ook dat de VS bevolking veelal als slachtoffer van buitenlandse agressie wordt neergezet, terwijl de praktijk het volkomen tegenovergestelde laat zien......* Tevens wordt de geschiedenis van de VS vervalst middels die films en series....... (hetzelfde gebeurt overigens in de rest van wat men het westen noemt, voorbeelden te over, ook op de Nederlandse tv.....)

Lees het verder uitstekende artikel van Dunbar-Ortiz, waarin zij de zaak veel uitvoeriger beschrijft (heb het artikel overgenomen van TheCanary):

Amid mass shootings, leading historian says ‘white supremacy is baked into the US constitution’

John McEvoy   
6th August 2019

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Amid mass shootings, leading historian says ‘white supremacy is baked into the US constitution’

The Second Amendment of the US Constitution becomes the focus of intense and polarised debate in the wake of each mass shooting. It is a debate pierced by economic interest groups and fierce emotional impulses; yet history rarely enters the conversation at the exact moment that it’s most needed.

After the recent white supremacist mass shooting in El Paso (the eighth worst in recent US history), The Canary spoke with leading historian on the Second Amendment, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz. She is the author of Loaded: A Disarming History of the Second Amendment, which illustrates how the white supremacy of the country’s settler colonialists lives on in the country – not least through gun legislation.

After each mass shooting in the US, we hear a range of arguments across the media calling for greater gun control. What are the biggest misunderstandings and lies told about the Second Amendment, and how should we really understand it?
Any conversation about dealing with gun violence in the United States has to begin with the second amendment and its true function from its establishment, throughout the 19th-century brutal conquest of the continent, and its ideological function propping up white nationalism today.

The US constitution is unique among nations in mandating a general individual right to bear arms… A problem with discussing the US constitutional provision is the regard US people have for the constitution itself, as a kind of god-given covenant, whereas other nations’ constitutions are easily amended or replaced entirely and do not carry a sacredness given to the US constitution, with the authors, ‘founding fathers,’ near demigods.

Adding the right to bear arms to the constitution as one of the initial ten amendments was not the creation of a new right, rather a validation of an already existing practice of Anglo settlers forming their own militias to burn and loot Indigenous towns, burning their fields, killing and raping, torturing, and seizing of the already Indigenous-developed farms and fisheries of the Atlantic Coast, colony by colony, to push Native peoples to the peripheries. Those militias arrived with the first invaders, led by the mercenary John Smith at Jamestown and mercenary John Mason in the Massachusetts colony. When racial slavery—the slave codes–became established by the late 1600s, these militias became slave patrols. The second amendment contains colonial violence in a nutshell, and neither liberals or conservatives want to acknowledge that reality.
Many people have observed that the El Paso shooter’s ‘manifesto’ echoes how Donald Trump speaks about immigrants, and accused Trump of ‘stochastic terrorism‘. Is the white supremacist rhetoric coming out of the White House a departure from normal US politics, or does Trump reflect the soul of the US in ways that people would rather not confront?
The United States was founded as a white republic and white supremacy is baked into the constitution and institutions that exist today. For instance, the slave patrols, citizens’ militias, that were tasked with controlling slave populations in the slave states, continued to function during the Civil War that ended in outlawing slavery. But these slave patrollers simply put on hoods and robes and continued to play the same role in terrorizing and controlling the freed Black population. Although illegal during the US military occupation of the South, they were so many and so widespread that they could not be stopped. When the Army pulled out, they took off their hoods and robes and became the local sheriffs controlling the Black population under Jim Crow. With the Black diaspora escaping the South to northern and later west-coast cities, southern whites also migrated, forming all-white police forces in cities. In 1950, the US was a locked-down white male republic, African-Americans living segregated, Native peoples on tiny portions of their original territories, Mexicans as indentured agribusiness workers, women with few rights, especially if they were married…
With the humiliating loss of the US war in Vietnam in the mid-1970s, and with nearly 700,000 combat veterans back in civil society, armed white nationalist groups multiplied. Ronald Reagan’s presidency was openly, although coded, white nationalist, with the US covert counterinsurgencies in Afghanistan and Central America employing many of the disgruntled, out-of-work vets as mercenaries and domestic terrorist groups appearing, particularly in eastern Washington and Oregon, Montana, Colorado, and in the 1990s spreading to the entire continent. War fever, with the invasions of Panama, the Gulf war, and the post-9/11 wars produced more armed white nationalists.
The election of a liberal Black Democrat to the presidency in 2008 was a blow to increasingly normalized white nationalism, with Muslims as a new Brown enemy. Immediately, the Tea Party movement began, and Donald Trump – reality TV star and real-estate developer – began his campaign to prove that Obama was not US-born, a great boon to white nationalists who then carried him to the presidency.
Trump abandoned the ‘dog whistle’ white supremacy that the Republican Party embraced with its ‘Southern strategy’ under Richard Nixon, and has gotten by with outspoken white supremacy with no damage to his solid 40% base. Clearly, the El Paso mall shooter was empowered to act based on Trump’s characterization of Central American refugees as invaders.

How is the relationship between white supremacy and gun culture reinforced through popular culture – films, action figures and toy guns, the stories Americans tell about their country – in the US?
I don’t believe that popular culture, in terms of films, video gaming, toys, etc. have that much of an effect in reinforcing white supremacy and gun culture. I do think the reality, not so much the representation, of US militarism and endless wars against non-European peoples, which are a continuation of the centuries of militarism and warfare in seizing the continent, with Native American peoples and Mexicans being the enemy, form a permanent culture of violence.
With the second amendment permission for unlimited gun ownership, that violence goes beyond words and fist fights. The NRA [National Rifle Association] and Republican Party talking points about gun violence attempt to construe popular culture as the cause, particularly ‘Hollywood’ and video gaming, but dozens of studies and simple observation nullify the argument. The US origin and historical narratives glorify what are actually acts of genocide in the establishment of the original colonies and the expansion to the Pacific.
Rather than having a reckoning with that past at the end of the Vietnam War and honoring the anti-war movement and the disobedient soldiers, the ruling class turned the US into a victim, enabling and encouraging the myth of US soldiers missing in action in Vietnam. During the 1980s, the continued US wars had to operate clandestinely, covertly, because the majority of the population was anti-war. But by 1989, the Marines could invade and occupy Panama and change the regime there without notable protests; two years later, the US could amass a half million troops to invade and occupy Iraq. The shadow wars of white nationalist militias grew domestically, nourished by war fever and violence. It only got worse after 9/11.
Yes, John Wayne killing Mexicans and Indians and Rambo killing Asians have been wildly popular, but they never come near the real thing in instilling violence and gun fetishism.

Congressman Steve Cohen tweeted after the El Paso shooting: “You want to shoot an assault weapon? Go to Afghanistan or Iraq.Enlist!” (He later deleted the tweet.) How was the US military apparatus forged through the white supremacist genocide of Native Americans, and how does US foreign intervention reify gun culture at home today?
The US military was forged in the hundred years war to take the continent. The first 70 years, from founding to the Civil War, the goal was to ethnically cleanse all the territory east of the Mississippi, generating dozens of wars of aggression and expulsion against the southern Indigenous nations, marked by three declared wars against the Seminole nation in Florida, where they gave refuge to enslaved Africans who escaped. With the Indigenous survivors forcibly relocated to Indian Territory (Oklahoma), the US invaded and occupied Mexico, taking the northern half, thereby US territory reached its Pacific Coast limit…
The same officers who led those two decades of genocidal war headed the troops that were sent to conquer Spanish-held territories in the Pacific and Caribbean. Genocidal tendency is baked into the US armed forces, particularly the Army and Marines.
US foreign interventions into non-European countries throughout the 20th century and continuing in the 21st are essentially ‘Indian wars,’ wars of erasure and chaos, dismantling local and national institutions, creating dependency, particularly food.
Active duty lifers and veterans of these foreign interventions are prominently represented among white nationalists and gun hoarders. There is is close correlation between multiple gun ownership and military service.

An overwhelming response to the latest shootings is to demand greater ‘protection’ from the US state (more funding for an increasingly militarised security and surveillance state). But if US gun legislation is inseparable from a legacy of violent state-sanctioned terror, how can this be a satisfactory response, and how can US society resolve its unhealthy relationship with guns?
Yes, the solution is said to be ‘more good guys with guns,’ more militarized police forces, further developing fortress America. However, the mass shootings are used opportunistically for that agenda. Tragic as mass shootings are, the deaths incurred make up only 1% of US gun deaths each year, while 3/4 of gun deaths are suicides. The easy availability of guns makes what might otherwise be an attempted suicide a certain death. Likewise, deaths that result from domestic violence and road rage are soaring with guns in cars and homes.
One place to begin resolving the problem is for leaders and professionals of good will to acknowledge that mental illness is not the cause of gun violence; rather ‘the need’ to possess firearms, many of them, is itself a form of mental illness, paranoia. The late historian Richard Hofstadter wrote of ‘the paranoid style in American politics’ (1964).
He had his finger on the pulse of the rising white paranoiac response to the Black freedom movement. The majority of the white younger generation embraced the anti-racist struggle, but a significant minority of white men in particular panicked and reproduced their paranoia in the following generations, fused with virulent anti-communism and homophobia, often couched in Christian evangelism, coming to dominate national politics.
In fact, this white minority owns the US origin story and carries it forward. As long as the measure of civic patriotism is based on the founding narrative and militaristic fetishism, guns will play a central role in US society, and no laws will be enacted to any effect.

Cleansing history

A key facet of ethnic cleansing is to cleanse the historical record of the act itself. An honest account of the white supremacy that runs throughout US history, then, could offer a real solution to the country’s broken relationship with guns.

For all those who find ‘thoughts’ and ‘prayers’ an insufficient solution to US mass shootings, Dunbar-Ortiz’s work is essential reading.

Featured image via WikiMedia – Gregory Varnum

Get involved

* Alleen deze eeuw heeft de VS al meer dan 2,5 miljoen mensen vermoord, veelal met hulp van de NAVO, een terreurorganisatie die altijd onder militair opperbevel van de VS staat......

Zie ook: 'VS geweldcultuur gevaar voor iedereen'

Voor meer berichten over het wapenbezit in de VS, klik op dat label, direct onder dit bericht.

maandag 19 augustus 2019

VS geweldcultuur gevaar voor iedereen

César Chelala schreef een artikel op Information Clearing House, waarin hij betoogt dat de bestaande geweldcultuur levensgevaarlijk is voor iedere VS burger. Chelala schreef zijn artikel na de laatste twee meervoudige moorden in de VS, die in El Paso (Texas) en Dayton (Ohio), moorden die hij terecht ziet als een manifestatie van de geweldcultuur in de VS. 

Chelala vergelijkt het geweld binnen de VS met dat in andere landen en niet verrassend is de uitkomst: de VS kent de meeste moorden middels vuurwapens vergeleken met de meest ontwikkelde landen wereldwijd......

Burgers in de VS bezitten 'maar liefst' 300 miljoen wapens, ter vergelijking: de politie in de VS bezit rond de 1 miljoen wapens........ Over vergelijkingen gesproken, de VS heeft de meeste wapens per hoofd van de bevolking, terwijl de VS tegelijkertijd de minst strenge wapenwetten heeft van elk ontwikkeld land......

De rechtse wapenclub NRA heeft een zo sterke lobby in de politiek dat ondanks een meerderheid van de bevolking voor strengere wapenwetten is, de meeste wetgevers hier lak aan hebben, zelfs het hoogste rechtscollege in de VS heeft in het verleden uitspraken gedaan die meer grip van de overheid op wapenbezit welhaast onmogelijk maken....... (dat noemt men een 'democratisch proces....' ha! ha! ha!)

Gevolg van e.e.a. is dat in 2017 het ongelofelijke aantal van bijna 40.000 mensen overleden ten gevolge van wapengeweld, een stijging van 19% ten opzichte van 2012......

De geweldcultuur in de VS zorgt ervoor dat men bij het volwassen worden zo'n 16.000 moorden en 200.000 'geweldsincidenten' heeft gezien op tv........ Kinderen imiteren wat ze zien op tv, niet vreemd dus dat deze kinderen het als normaal zien om geweld te gebruiken als oplossing voor problemen.....

Haat- en angstzaaiers als Trump zijn bij dit alles verantwoordelijk voor gruwelijk wapengeweld (terreuraanslagen), zoals onlangs in El Paso, waar een fascist op Latijns-Amerikaanse mensen schoot....... (Trump maakte deze mensen eerder uit voor moordenaars, verkrachters, dieven en drugshandelaren, ofwel Trump is mede verantwoordelijk voor de terreuraanslag in El Paso...)

Chelala spreekt in zijn artikel niet over de enorme agressie van de VS in het buitenland, waar deze vereniging van terreurstaten alleen deze eeuw al verantwoordelijk is voor de dood van meer dan 2,5 miljoen mensen en dat in landen waar de VS niets te zoeken had en heeft..... (toevoeging op 13 november 2021: dat getal aan doden is intussen aangepast en moet meer dan 5 miljoen zijn, eerder stond hier 22,5 miljoen doden, echter het aantal van 20 miljoen werd behaald vanaf de Tweede Wereldoorlog tot het jaar 2000; mijn excuus)

Niet vreemd dat jongeren in de VS kiezen voor het leger, iets dat terecht wordt toegeschreven aan de kansloosheid van veel jongeren op de arbeidsmarkt in de VS. Gezien wat jongeren in de VS voor hun kiezen krijgen aan wapengeweld, zowel op tv als in de werkelijkheid, is het dan ook niet vreemd dat militairen van de VS zich keer op keer schuldig maken aan vreselijke oorlogsmisdaden..... Oorlogsmisdaden die de VS zoveel mogelijk probeert te verdoezelen, neem de VS helikopterbemanning die in Irak doelbewust hulpverlenende burgers en journalisten die hun werk deden vermoordde..... 

Als klokkenluiders en journalisten als resp. Edward Snowden en Julian Assange hun geweten en hun beroep niet serieus hadden genomen, was de hiervoor beschreven meervoudige moord nooit bekend geworden...... Lees 'voor de gein' eens wat documenten op WikiLeaks, het platform dat Assange heeft opgezet voor gelekte overheidsdocumenten. (zoals je begrijpt: deze documenten bevatten alles behalve 'gein.....')

Lees het volgende artikel van Chelala en geeft het door, de VS wordt door verreweg de meeste Nederlanders (en andere westerse bevolkingen) gezien als een politieagent van de wereld, terwijl de VS in werkelijkheid de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde is.......*

The U.S.’s culture of violence is killing us all

By César Chelala

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor The U.S.’s culture of violence is killing us all

August 18, 2019 "Information Clearing House" -The two recent mass shooting incidents in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, are one more manifestation of a culture of violence that threatens not only people’s lives but also the United States’ future as a civilized society.

Although violent incidents occur in other countries, they are not as frequent — or as deadly — as in the United States. The United States has the highest homicide-by-firearms rate among the world’s most developed nations.

Civilians in the United States own over 300 million guns, making Americans the most heavily armed people in the world on a per capita basis. By comparison, the police own approximately one million guns.

The United States doesn’t just have the most guns per capita, but also the weakest gun control laws of any developed country. It is estimated that at least 30% of American adults own a gun, and an additional 11% lives with someone who does.

Nearly 48% of U.S. adults grew up in a household with guns. Nearly two-thirds of Americans who own guns own more than one.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) has been unrelenting in its efforts to influence lawmakers. 
Although the majority of Americans say that gun laws should be more restrictive than what they are today, lawmakers to a large extent are deaf to these demands.

The Supreme Court is complicit

To make matters even worse for gun control advocates, landmark Supreme Court rulings in 2008 and 2010 dramatically curtailed the authority of state and local governments to limit gun ownership.

In a banal act of macho posturing, almost half of the 50 states in the United States have adopted laws that allow gun owners to carry their guns openly in most public places.

Although self-defense is often cited to justify the people’s right to bear arms, research has shown that a gun kept in a home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household or a friend than an intruder.

The number of teenagers who die from gunshot wounds in the United States is greater than those who died from all other causes combined.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017 saw more gun deaths in the United States than in any previous year in decades. Nearly 40,000 Americans who died of gun-related injuries in 2017 represent a 19% increase from 2012 and the highest annual total since the mid-1990s.

The example of other countries

Although many Americans claim that guns are necessary for security, experiences such as in Japan and Australia show that this is not true.

In Japan, which has adopted very strict gun-control laws and where — unlike in the United States — people who purchase guns have several background checks that include mental health, drug use and a relative or a colleague’s perception of the applicant.

The net result of these strict policies is that there were 10 fatalities for a population of 128 million. Australia, which implemented a program against the use of firearms in 1996, saw the fatalities reduced by 40%.

Conditioned from childhood

Americans are exposed to violence since the time they are children. It is estimated that when a child becomes an adult they will have seen as many as 16,000 assassinations and 200,000 acts of violence on television.

Children tend to imitate what they see on television and in the movies, and see violence as the normal way of solving conflicts.

Andrew Exum, who was a soldier in Iraq and in Afghanistan, wrote about his dismay when, on returning to the United States, he noticed the number of billboards on the side of the highways, advertising guns.
And not just guns — these were not .30-06 hunting rifles or shotguns, but rather, the kind of tactical firearms, including assault rifles that I had carried in Iraq and Afghanistan. Why in the world, I thought then, would anyone have a need for such weapons?
Arno Michaelis, a former white supremacist turned anti-hate activist, called on President Donald Trump to stop using fear to motivate people to commit violent acts.

He also said that the government needs to take ownership of guns more seriously, saying that there needs to be federal laws in place to “stop people who are unbalanced from obtaining assault rifles.”

Trump partly to blame

Michaelis also blames Trump for using a kind of rhetoric that increases the possibility for this kind of incidents to take place.

Princeton Professor Eddie Glaude goes one step further in its criticism of the situation. As he commented to a reporter on MSNBC:
America is not unique in its sins as a country. We are not unique in our evils, to be honest with you. I think where we may be singular is our refusal to acknowledge them –and the legends and myths we tell about our inherent goodness to hide and cover and conceal so we can maintain a kind of wilful ignorance that protects our innocence.

César Chelala, an international public health consultant, is the author of “Violence in the Americas,” a publication of the Pan American Health Organization.
* Voor meer VS terreur:
'VS vermoordde meer dan 20 miljoen mensen sinds het einde van WOII........' Tot het jaar 2000, deze eeuw zijn er intussen meer dan 2,5 miljoen moorden aan toe te voegen, moorden begaan door de VS en de NAVO (waar deze terreurorganisatie onder militair opperbevel stond en staat van de VS...)....

'VS buitenlandbeleid sinds WOII: een lange lijst van staatsgrepen en oorlogen..........'

'List of wars involving the United States'

'CIA 70 jaar: 70 jaar moorden, martelen, coups plegen, nazi's beschermen, media manipulatie enz. enz.........'

Voor censuur zie: 'Twitter verwijdert accounts vanwege 'propaganda', maar werkt zelf met een militair propagandist' (en zie de links in dat bericht)

Wat betreft Assange zie: 'Assange in de gevangenis: Zweden laat voor de derde keer de aanklacht wegens verkrachting vallen' (en zie de links in dat bericht)

PS: het is een schande dat Assange nog steeds vastzit, waar niet alleen politici, maar ook de reguliere westerse media schuldig aan zijn, immers de laatsten hadden Assange van meet af aan moeten roemen, i.p.v. een CIA-achtige demoniseringscampagne te voeren tegen deze echt onafhankelijke journalist........

donderdag 2 mei 2019

Kavanaughs aanstelling bij het hooggerechtshof heeft vrouwen in de VS getraumatiseerd, zo blijkt uit onderzoek

De gesprekken die plaatsvonden voor toetreding van opperploert en smerige seksist Kavanaugh tot het hooggerechtshof van de VS, hebben de vrouwenrechten in de VS geen goed gedaan, zo zou de politie in de VS (nog) minder snel een vrouw geloven als die zich bijvoorbeeld bij de politie meldt na een aanranding of verkrachting (dat was en is al een 'kriem' in de VS..)

Uit een onafhankelijk onderzoek blijkt dat meer burgers in de VS nu geloven dat Kavanaugh onder ede heeft gelogen en dat de vrouw die hij aanrandde, dr. Christine Blasey de waarheid sprak.....

Tijdens de verhoren van Kavenaugh, die voorafgingen aan zijn aanstelling, hebben 1 op de 4 vrouwen hun trauma (seksueel geweld) herbeleefd, voor vrouwen met wortels in Latijns-Amerika was dit aantal zelfs 1 op de 3.......

Het meest lullige is wel dat Kavanaugh zich in zijn nieuwe functie ook met zaken als verkrachtingen, of achterstelling van vrouwen moet bemoeien en dat zal niet in het belang zijn van het slachtoffer (meestal vrouwen) of van vrouwen (bij achterstelling), om het nog maar zacht uit te drukken......


Lees het volgende uitstekende, maar wel verontrustende artikel van Julia Conley, eerder gepubliceerd op Common Dreams:

Published on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 by Common Dreams

Kavanaugh's Confirmation Traumatized American Women, Study Shows—And May Have Made Them Less Safe

The Supreme Court Justice's confirmation hearings left Americans fearful for women's rights and safety and left many men less likely to believe a woman's allegations of assault

Women and men showed support for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford on Capitol Hill as she testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in September regarding her allegations that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in high school. (Image: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

More than six months after Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed by the U.S. Senate, a new study shows how women and men were affected by revelations that the judge had been accused of sexual assault.

The non-partisan research firm PerryUndem surveyed about 1,300 people from across the country, finding that more Americans believe Kavanaugh's accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, than did directly after the hearings—and that most believe Kavanaugh lied under oath about the alleged assault.

One in four women told the company that watching the hearings in September had caused them to re-experience past trauma. The number was larger for Latin American women, at one in three.
And 36 percent of women said they related personally to Blasey Ford's testimony, in which she described Kavanaugh forcefully holding her down on a bed at a party.

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10) 1 in 4 women voters in the country re-experienced trauma or difficult feelings from the past as a result of the events, including 1 in 3 Latina women.
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Like the 2018 midterm elections—in which Democrats took control of the U.S. House—the study debunks the prediction put forward by Republicans, including President Donald Trump, after Kavanaugh's confirmation that voters would turn against Democrats.

"Ultimately, PerryUndem concludes that the Kavanaugh hearings may actually have helped Democrats more than Republicans, noting that 'feeling unfavorably toward Justice Kavanaugh motivated people to vote for the Democratic candidate for U.S. House of Representatives—above and beyond typical factors, such as party affiliation,'" wrote Irin Carmon at The Cut.

While conservative commentators like NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch predicted the hearings would make American parents concerned about false assault accusations against their sons, the study showed that most Americans came away with new concerns for women and girls' safety.

Forty-seven percent said they were now more worried for girls and women, while only 36 percent said the hearings made them concerned for boys and men.

With 57 percent believing that Kavanaugh had lied under oath during his confirmation hearing in September—during which he was openly aggressive toward senators, contrasting with Blasey Ford's emotional but measured testimony—the judge's confirmation left many concerned that Kavanaugh would not maintain impartiality regarding Supreme Court cases concerning women's rights or sexual assault.

Around 40 percent of respondents said they worried the hearings would make sexual assault dismissed even more by the public and law enforcement than it already is—making women less likely to come forward, people less likely to believe survivors, and men more likely to think they can get away with assaulting a woman.

As Carmon wrote, Republican men's responses to PerryUndem's survey may support that.

"There was a Kavanaugh effect à la Trump's fulminating—it just mainly existed among Republican men," Carmon wrote. "PerryUndem's data suggests that the Kavanaugh hearing made Republican men more sexist and less likely to believe women who say they were assaulted. In a 2017 survey the group conducted focusing on #MeToo, 80 percent of Republican men said they were now more likely to believe women making accusations. After Kavanaugh, that number has sunk by 21 points."

Kavanaugh helped Democrats at the ballot box, but among Republican men the hearing made them more sexist and less likely to believe women who say they were assaulted. (@irin always has the best news for women 🙁) 

How Kavanaugh Changed American Men and Women

Republicans predicted that the hearings would backfire on Democrats. Here’s what the data actually says.

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Zie ook:
'Rechters die het opnemen voor verkrachters dienen te worden afgezet'

'Kavanaugh: dus een vrouwvijandige smeerlap word aangewezen als opperrechter door een andere vrouwvijandige schoft.........' (het woord opperrechter in deze kop klopt niet, Kavanaugh is lid van het hooggerechtshof, waar een ander de functie van opperrechter bekleedt, e.e.a. doet verder niets af aan de strekking)

'Bovenklasse ontloopt elke verantwoording, waar de onderlaag zoveel mogelijk verantwoordelijk wordt gehouden voor elke misstap' (in het artikel van Caitlin Johnstone dat is opgenomen in dat bericht, wordt over Kavanaugh gesproken)

'Brett Kavanaugh heeft lak aan internationaal recht en mensenrechten, dus ook aan seksueel geweld tegen vrouwen.......' In dit bericht vooral aandacht op de andere foute kanten van psychopaat Kavanaugh.

maandag 14 mei 2018

Oliver North, ex-CIA, oud-drugslord en oorlogsmisdadiger waarschijnlijk nieuwe president terreurorganisatie NRA......

Lees het volgende uitstekende artikel van Jon Schwarz, gepubliceerd op The Intercept, over Oliver North die van drugslord, nu waarschijnlijk snel zal worden gebombardeerd (deden ze dat maar letterlijk) tot president van terreurorganisatie NRA, ofwel de National Rifle Association......

Leden van de NRA snappen nog steeds niet dat alcohol één van de dodelijkste harddrugs op de wereld is, maar hebben wel de pest aan alles wat men verder illegale drugs* noemt (waar ze uiteraard ook cannabis toe rekenen......). Geen nood voor deze veelal hypocriete christenen, Oliver North wordt ondanks zijn rol als 'drugslord' en terrorist gewoon als held gezien, terwijl hij een oorlogsmisdadiger is die berecht zou moeten worden voor het Internationaal Strafhof in Den Haag (het ICC).....

Als North bijvoorbeeld een Colombiaan was geweest, had men hem al lang opgesloten in de VS vanwege zijn bemoeienis met de invoer van enorme hoeveelheden cocaïne (in de VS).....

Voorts heeft North de Contra's in Nicaragua, een terreurgroep die tegen de socialistische regering vocht, gesteund met wapens, die hij kocht van de winsten gemaakt met drugshandel....

Ach het voorgaande geeft ten overvloede nog eens aan waarvoor de NRA staat: grootschalige terreur op de straten, scholen en andere openbare gelegenheden van de VS.......


     Jon Schwarz
  May 12 2018, 2:03 p.m.

Former U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North gives the Invocation at the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action Leadership Forum in Dallas, Friday, May 4, 2018. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)

THE NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION has always been clear about drugs: They’re terrifying.

Last year, NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre darkly warned that members of drug gangs “are infiltrating law enforcement and even the military.” In 2013, LaPierre proclaimed that “Latin American drug gangs have invaded every city of significant size in the United States,” and are a key part of the “hellish world” that awaits us in the future. When Charlton Heston was president of the NRA in the 1990s, he declared that regular Americans would soon be besieged by 10,000 drug dealers freed from prison by the Clinton administration.

It seems odd, then, that the next president of the NRA will soon be Oliver North, who spent years in the 1980s working together with large-scale cocaine traffickers and protecting a notorious narco-terrorist from the rest of the U.S. government.

This reality about North has been largely covered up, first by North himself and then by Fox News and the passage of time. Thirty years later, it’s been almost totally forgotten. But the facts remain genuinely appalling.

North was an active-duty Marine when he joined the Reagan administration’s National Security Council in 1981. One of Reagan’s top priorities was organizing and funding the Contras, a guerrilla military force, to overthrow the revolutionary socialist Sandinista government of Nicaragua. But the Contras engaged in extensive, gruesome terrorism against Nicaraguan civilians. Congress gradually reduced and then eliminated appropriations supporting them, leading the Reagan administration to secretly search for money elsewhere.

According to the report from a later congressional investigation, North was put in charge of this operation, which participants dubbed “The Enterprise.”

"Report of the congressional committees investigating the Iran-Contra Affair,” U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran; U.S. Senate Select Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Nicaraguan Opposition, 1987

North enthusiastically looked for cash wherever he could find it, and led many of the clandestine schemes that later became known as the Iran-Contra scandal. The Sultan of Brunei donated $10 million (which North’s secretary Fawn Hall accidentally wired to the wrong Swiss bank account), and Saudi Arabia ponied up as well. North also pushed what he called “a neat idea”: selling U.S. military equipment to Iran, with the proceeds passed along to the Contras.

Meanwhile, the Contras had a neat idea of their own: facilitating cocaine trafficking through Central America into the U.S., with a cut going toward supporting their war against the Sandinistas. Some Contras were themselves cocaine traffickers, and others were simply happy to make alliances of convenience with drug cartels.

There’s no evidence North actively wanted cocaine to be smuggled into the U.S. It was simply that he had other priorities. But was he aware of the Contras’ drug trafficking? Yes. Did he try to shield one of “his” cocaine traffickers from consequences from the other branches of the U.S. government? Yes. Did he work together with a known drug lord? Yes.

All in all, North’s connections to drug trafficking were so egregious that in 1989 he was banned from entering Nicaragua’s neighbor Costa Rica by Oscar Arias, the country’s president and 1987 recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.

This may seem shocking to the easily shocked. But it’s all been documented in various government investigations. All you need in order to learn about it is curiosity and an internet connection. For instance, here’s a screenshot from the CIA’s website about the Nicaraguan Revolutionary Democratic Alliance, or ADREN by its Spanish acronym, which was later folded into the Contras:

"Allegations of Connections Between CIA and The Contras in Cocaine Trafficking to the United States,” CIA, 1998

The full extent of North’s complicity in cocaine trafficking will never be known. When the Iran-Contra scandal story broke in November 1986, he ordered Hall to destroy so many documents that the shredder malfunctioned, and she had to ask White House maintenance to come and fix it. Moreover, when North was removed from his National Security Council (NSC) job, he took with him 2,848 pages of daily notes — which legally belonged to the federal government. By the time a congressional investigation was finally able to examine the notes, North and his lawyers had redacted huge amounts of information.

Nonetheless, 543 of the pages mentioned drugs or drug trafficking, with the probe finding that “in many of these cases, material in the Notebooks adjacent to the narcotics references has been deleted.”

"Drugs, Law Enforcement And Foreign Policy,” U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, 1989

But despite North’s cover-up, what we do know for sure is incredibly damning.

Perhaps most significantly, according to North’s own notes he met with Panama’s then-dictator Manuel Noriega in London in September 1986 to collaborate on a plan for Noriega to support the Contras in return for American money and arms. They discussed sabotaging a Nicaraguan airport and oil refinery, as well as creating a program to train Contra and Afghan mujahedeen commandos in Panama with Israeli help. (It’s not completely clear, but North appears to have written that “Rabin” – i.e., Yitzhak Rabin, who was then Israel’s minister of defense – “approves.”)

North was clearly enthusiastic about the potential partnership with Noriega. In an earlier email selling the proposal to one of his superiors, he wrote that “we might have available a very effective, very secure means of doing some of the things which must be done if the Nicaragua project is going to succeed. … I believe we could make the appropriate arrangements w/ reasonable OPSEC and deniability.”

Email, Oliver North to John Poindexter, May 8, 1986 (neem aan dat het niet om een email ging destijds....)

But of course, Noriega was himself a powerful drug trafficker. Knowing this didn’t require a top-secret clearance: It was published on the front page of the New York Times three months before North met with him. According to the Times article, “A White House official said the most significant drug-running in Panama was being directed by General Noriega.”

The North-Noriega operation ultimately didn’t come to fruition; the Iran-Contra affair was exposed just two months after they met. But the planning that did occur is conclusive evidence that North eagerly worked with drug dealers operating on the largest scale imaginable.

Panama Strongman Said to Trade In Drugs, Arms and Illicit Money,” New York Times, June 11, 1986

North also went to great lengths to protect an ally who was a key participant in what the Justice Department called “the most significant case of narco-terrorism yet discovered.”

In 1984, José Bueso Rosa, a Honduran general, plotted with several others to assassinate the president of Honduras. They planned to fund the hit with the proceeds from selling 760 pounds of cocaine in the U.S.

The FBI, however, had the participants under surveillance, intercepted the shipment when it arrived at a small airfield in Florida, and arrested everyone involved.

But Bueso had played a key role in Honduran support for the Contras. So North went to work to get him off as lightly as possible. (Bueso had not himself been charged with drug trafficking, but wiretaps made it obvious he participated in that part of the project.)

In email, North explained his plans to “cabal quietly” with other Reagan administration officials “to look at options: pardon, clemency, deportation, reduced sentence.” Eventually, North planned to have the case’s judge informed “in camera” — that is, secretly — about “our equities in this matter,” in order to push for leniency. Then, North wrote, it would be necessary to quietly brief Bueso, so that he wouldn’t “start singing songs nobody wants to hear.”

North didn’t get everything he wanted, but did succeed in having Bueso transferred to a “Club Fed” minimum security prison. Bueso was released on parole after 40 months.

THERE ARE ALSO numerous documented examples of North being informed that members of the Contras were involved in drug trafficking, with no signs that North took any action.

For instance, after meeting with a key assistant, North wrote in his notebooks about a plane being used by the brother of a top Contra leader to ferry supplies from the U.S. to Central America. “Honduran DC-6 which is being used for runs out of New Orleans,” North jotted down, “is probably being used for drug runs into U.S.”

North testified in front of Congress that he’d passed this information along to the Drug Enforcement Administration. When later questioned by the Washington Post, the DEA, the State Department, and the U.S. Customs Service all stated that there was no evidence North ever said anything about the matter to them.
Oliver North, notes, August 9, 1985

The same aide who told North about the plane also informed him about the “potential involvement with drug running” of one Contra official and that another was “now involved in drug running out of Panama.” And after a call from another subordinate, North noted that the Contras were planning to buy weapons from a Honduran warehouse — and “14 M to finance came from drugs.”

North was getting similar reports from outside the government as well. Dennis Ainsworth, a Republican real estate investor who’d volunteered to help the Contra cause, informed a U.S. attorney that the top Contra commander “was involved in drug trafficking,” but that the Nicaraguan community was frightened to come forward because “they could be blown away by Colombia hit squads.” Ainsworth said he’d tried to inform the White House about this but “we were put off by Ollie North,” and “I was even physically threatened by one of Ollie North’s associates.” (The U.S. attorney later wrote a memo with Ainsworth’s statements and transmitted it to the FBI.)

Regarding Dennis Madden Ainsworth, Information Concerning,” FBI, January 6, 1987

North and the NRA did not immediately respond to requests for comment on this history. When North ran for Senate in 1994, his campaign spokesperson said his involvement with the Bueso case was “old news and garbage and nobody cares about it.” In a 2004 appearance on Fox News, North called a congressional investigation that focused on the Contra-cocaine connection “a witch hunt” with witnesses “who clearly had a political agenda.”

But the extraordinarily sordid nature of North’s past will be clear to anyone who appraises it honestly. In announcing North’s appointment, Wayne LaPierre said there’s “no one better suited to serve as our President,” and he’s correct. Oscar Arias wrote Thursday that the NRA “finds in Oliver North a leader worthy of its mission.” Peter Kornbluh, who was co-director of the Iran-Contra documentation project at the National Security Archive, is even more straightforward: North, he says, is “the perfect pick to further the NRA’s reputation for favoring bloodshed and criminality over responsible gun control and ownership.”

Top photo: Former U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North gives the Invocation at the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action Leadership Forum in Dallas on May 4, 2018.

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* Let wel: in het Engels zijn drugs ook de medicijnen tegen ziekte enz. Het gebruik van opiaten als pijnbestrijder is één van de redenen waarom er nu zoveel ophef is in de VS over verslaafden aan die opiaten, ofwel synthetische opium zoals Oxycontin. Bij velen wordt de werking van deze opiaten in de loop van de jaren steeds zwakker, waarna ze hun toevlucht nemen tot echte, niet synthetische opiaten als heroïne.....

PS: in de kop staat dat North ex-CIA werknemer is, in feite was dit zo gezien zijn handelen met de CIA, echter officieel heeft hij nooit op de CIA loonlijst gestaan.