Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label CBP usa. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label CBP usa. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 20 oktober 2018

Israël en VS werken samen in tegenwerken van critici op beleid t.a.v. Palestijnen

Kamel Hawwash, de schrijver van het hieronder opgenomen artikel, is een criticus van het VS beleid t.a.v. de Palestijnen en als zodanig werd hem de toegang tot de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël geweigerd. Hawwash is allesbehalve een uitzondering..... Als je je mond opendoet en Israël volkomen terecht bekritiseert voor de terreur die dit land dag in dag uit, 365 dagen per jaar uitoefent op de Palestijnen (en dat als sinds de illegale stichting van Israël in 1948), kan je het vergeten, je komt de zogenaamde democratische straat Israël niet in........

Zelfs mensen van joodse komaf met kritiek op het inhumane fascistische beleid van Israël, wordt de toegang tot dat land ontzegd......

'Niet vreemd dus' dat Palestijnen die kritiek leveren op Israël allesbehalve veilig zijn, zij lopen grote kans te worden gearresteerd en gevangen te worden gezet...... Zo zitten er in Israël naar schatting 500 Palestijnen, inclusief vrouwen en kinderen vast, alleen voor het feit dat ze kritiek hadden op Israël en dat toevertrouwden aan de sociale media......* 

Beste bezoeker het kan nog gekker: Israël en de VS werken samen en wisselen namen uit, zo kan je het als niet VS burger wel vergeten naar de VS te reizen (wat altijd een slecht idee is), wanneer je kritiek hebt geleverd op het fascistische apartheidsbewind in Israël......

Kortom zowel Israël als de VS gebruiken fascistische methoden om mensen te weren (en/of hen het leven onmogelijk te maken).........

Daarover gesproken: het meest smerige is wel dat je met kritiek op de grootschalige terreur van Israël wordt 'afgemaakt' als antisemiet...... Ach ja, fascistische staten werpen altijd elke kritiek van zich en bestraffen degenen die zich daar schuldig aan maken..... Weten we tenminste waar we aan toe zijn zowel met zowel Israël als met de VS, beiden fascistische terreurstaten! (waar de VS nog niet geheel klaar is met de fascistisering van de maatschappij)

Supporting Palestine Can Now Get You Denied Entry to the US

October 17, 2018 at 11:22 am
Written by Middle East Eye

I have been a severe critic of the current US administration’s policy towards the Palestinians. But does this make me a possible security threat to the US? Of course not.

(MEE— In April 2017, while travelling for a routine family holiday to Jerusalem, I was denied entry upon arrival at Tel Aviv airport. Israeli authorities’ official – and bizarre – explanation for the entry denial was: I had attempted to “gain illegal entry”. However, being British citizens, we are normally allowed to travel to Israel without a visa. We have it issued at the entry point and I had obtained it on many occasions before.

But as I came to realise later the real reason was due to my role as vice chair of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC), a UK-based organisation that campaigns peacefully for Palestinian rights and which upholds the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel’s occupation.

BDS Promoters Denied

In March 2017, Israel passed the “BDS law“, which allowed it to deny entry to those engaged in BDS movement promotion. My colleague and PSC chair, Hugh Lanning, was denied entry soon after the law was passed. Another colleague, Anwar Makhlouf, head of the Palestinian Federation of Chile, was also denied entry at the Allenby Bridge based on the same law.

When I contacted both the British embassy in Tel Aviv and the foreign office in London for an explanation, I received the same reply: this was a sovereign decision for Israel. This meant Britain did not even acknowledge that Israel has no sovereignty over the occupied Palestinian Territories. The UK’s position is what gives Israel the green light to conduct its policy with total impunity.

Even pro-Palestine Jewish foreign nationals, who are supposedly entitled to go to Israel by the Law of Return (which grants citizenship to Jews from anywhere in the world) have been denied entry, and even denied permission to board their flights to Israel.

In July 2017, five members of an interfaith delegation were denied permission to board a Lufthansa flight at Washington DC’s Dulles International Airport that would ultimately take them to Tel Aviv. Among them was Rabbi Alissa Wise of Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), who said in a statement: “Israel denied me the ability to travel there because of my work for justice for Palestinians, even though I’m Jewish and a rabbi.”

She added: “I’m heartbroken and outraged. This is yet another demonstration that democracy and tolerance in Israel only extends to those who fall in line with its increasingly repressive policies against Palestinians.”

Last July, Ariel Gold, co-director of BDS campaign group Code Pink, was denied entry at Ben Gurion airport despite obtaining a visa in advance to take a course at the Hebrew University. Her deportation, and those of others, are normally ordered by Israeli Minister of Security Gilan Erdan, and Israeli Minister of Interior Aryeh Deri.

The most recent case of entry denial involved Lara Alqasem, a 22-year-old Palestinian-American student, despite the fact that she has recently been granted a student visa for her masters’ degree in the Hebrew University. Alqasem spent days in detention at Tel Aviv airport struggling to be allowed to join the course she had registered for.

At the time of writing, Alqasem was planning a second appeal to Israeli courts. She stood her ground, refusing to bow to the demands by Erdan to renounce the BDS movement.

When I was denied entry to Israel last year, the Israeli interrogator had printed many pages of my tweets and challenged me about a small number of them. However, because they were presented to me in Hebrew I declined the opportunity to comment.

Israel’s arrests of Palestinians for social media posts have soared. In May, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Centre for Studies (PPC) said that Israel had detained some 500 Palestinians, including women and children, because of their social media posts. In 2015, Dareen Tatour, a Palestinian poet, was detained for three years, before her release last month, for writing a poem, entitled “Resist my people, resist.”

US Ban?

Entry denial due to BDS movement promotion is an established Israeli policy. I wonder, however, if my activity on social media, and my op-eds on the Palestinian conflict, were the reasons behind being denied boarding of a US-bound plane at Heathrow airport in August.

US authorities have thus far refused to provide me with an explanation as to why this happened despite having initially secured approval through the visa waiver (ESTA) scheme, just as any other British citizen is normally entitled to do.

ESTA entitles the holder to travel to the US without a visa for a two-year period. I had obtained this in the past and travelled to the US to attend conferences connected to my academic work without any problem, the last time being in 2015.

My trip was planned at short notice to spend Eid Al-Adha with relatives in America. Having obtained my ESTA, I made my way to Heathrow to board a Virgin Atlantic flight to Seattle on 17 August. Upon arriving, I tried to check-in via the terminals but could not.

I was informed by a member of staff that I would not be allowed to travel since my ESTA had been declined, despite its initial approval. No explanation was given. I was then told that I could apply for a visa at the American Consulate in London.

I was shocked and devastated. I had now missed the window for my holiday and lost a substantial amount of money, which was not recoverable.

What could possibly have changed since my last trip to the US? My immediate answer was that there was a new administration in the White House, with little tolerance for foreigners and which is blindingly supportive of Israel.

However, I decided to investigate further before my hunch was confirmed. I wrote to the US ambassador in London and completed a “redress” request directly to the US Department for Homeland Security.

A couple of weeks later, the embassy responded through its Customs and Border Protection Attache saying: “Whilst the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are unable to discuss any person’s denial of an ESTA or their admission into the US due to security/privacy policy laws, I can confirm that you will require Non-Immigrant visa should you wish to travel to the US in the future.”

The “redress” response, which arrived a few days later, was almost unintelligible.

Trump’s America

In the absence of an explanation, I am left with the conclusion that Trump’s America does not tolerate criticism of its policies and that it works very closely with Israel, sharing intelligence about individuals who are deemed undesirable for both countries.

It is safe to assume that Israeli authorities have supplied US authorities with names of individuals like myself who have been denied entry because of their advocacy for the Palestinian people. However, for the US to then deny them entry based on this peaceful work is very troubling.

I have been a severe critic of the current US administration’s policy towards the Palestinians. But does this make me a possible security threat to the US? Of course not. However, it helps Israel to further bully its critics into silence if they fear being denied entry to other countries that Israel can influence.

Neither denial of entry to Israel nor to the US will silence supporters of the Palestinian people. In fact, this will embolden us to be even more vocal in our criticism of apartheid Israel.

By Kamel Hawwash Republished with permission / Middle East Eye / Report a typo
* Vraag me af of Facebook de Israëlische autoriteiten waarschuwt voor kritiek op het beleid t.a.v. Palestijnen, daar ze al een enorm aantal accounts van Palestijnen hebben verwijderd van hun platform....... En dan durft supergraaier en opperhufter Zuckerberg met droge ogen te beweren dat Facebook onafhankelijk is........

Zie ook:
'Kritiek op Israël wordt door een leger van Israëlische trollen bevochten'

'Israël misbruikt de aanslag op de synagoge in Pittsburgh voor demonisering van steun aan de Palestijnen.......'

'Google Maps veegt Palestijns gebied van de kaart'

'De film over de pro-Israëlische lobby in de VS, die Israël verboden wil zien.........'

'Israël zet snelle reactiemacht op poten tegen anti-Israëlische kritiek'

'Jeremy Corbyn wordt gedemoniseerd als antisemiet.......'

'Britse justitie gaat 'hate crimes' van Labour onderzoeken'

Voor meer berichten over Facebook censuur, klik op het betreffende label, direct onder dit bericht.

vrijdag 29 juni 2018

Peuter vluchtelingen moeten eigen zaak bepleiten in VS rechtszalen, de VS: het land van de 'ongekende mogelijkheden....'

Als je denkt alles wel gehad te hebben over de meer dan schunnige, inhumane manier waarop de VS omgaat met vluchtelingen, wordt je verrast door een volgend staaltje onwerkelijk en schandalig overheidsbeleid in de Verenging van Politiestaten die men de VS noemt....

Anti-Media bracht het hieronder opgenomen artikel van Elliot Gabriel, eerder geplaatst op MintPress News, waarin Gabriel ingaat op het meer dan idiote feit dat zelfs peuters van 3 jaar hun eigen zaak moeten bepleiten voor 'rechtbanken' in de VS.......

Kinderen die maar één ding willen: terug naar mama en/of papa, voor een rechtbank dagen en horen...... De 'rechters' in de VS moeten de oren van hun kop schamen dat ze niet al lang hun werk hebben neergelegd tot deze afschuwelijke gang van zaken van tafel is......

Overigens dateert het opsluiten van kinderen die werden gescheiden van hun ouders al uit de tijd van Obama*, de 'vredesduif......' 

Het voorgaande is de zoveelste schending van het VN Vluchtelingenverdrag door een westers land (en bepaald niet de eerste keer door de VS, zoals weer eens blijkt...)...... Moet je nagaan: de VS is in 9 van de 10 gevallen aan te wijzen als de diepe oorzaak achter de vlucht van mensen uit Latijns Amerika...... (en uit het Midden-Oosten, al is de VS daar, met hulp van andere NAVO landen in 100% van de gevallen verantwoordelijk voor de vluchtelingenstromen.......)

Het voorgaande geeft ten overvloede nog eens aan dat de rechtspraak in de VS zo krom is als een hoepel en aan dat land levert Nederland zelfs eigen burgers uit...........

Immigrant Toddlers Ordered to Appear in Federal Court Alone

Immigrant families line up to enter the central bus station after they were processed and released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Sunday, June 24, 2018, in McAllen, Texas. David J. Phillip | AP

June 28, 2018 at 11:21 pm
Written by Elliott Gabriel

(MPN— Immigrant children as young as three years old are being forced to hold their own in deportation proceedings in federal court, judges have reported, further confirming how the cruelties of the U.S. immigrant enforcement regime have been largely unhindered by the local and global controversy it’s provoked.

The practice began under former President Barack Obama, but has widened under President Trump to encompass an ever-larger group of youth — who are often toddlers, unable to understand the dire circumstances that they’re in.

Speaking to Texas Tribune, Immigrant Defenders Law Center in Los Angeles executive director Lindsay Toczylowski said:
We were representing a 3-year-old in court recently who had been separated from the parents. And the child — in the middle of the hearing — started climbing up on the table … It really highlighted the absurdity of what we’re doing with these kids.”

Continuing, she noted that the children are scarcely able to put into words the conditions – frequently violent – that force the families to leave their homes and make the treacherous journey to the north:
The parent might be the only one who knows why they fled from the home country, and the child is in a disadvantageous position to defend themselves.
The kids don’t understand the intricacies that are involved with deportation and immigration court … They do understand that they have been separated from their parents, and the primary goal is to get back with people they love.”

Over 2,000 children are slated to face the proceedings in the absence of their parents, who alone have the vocabulary and the knowledge to properly explain to authorities what the context was that drove them to seek asylum or enter the United States.

While a federal judge ruled earlier this week that the reuniting of separated families must be a priority for the Trump administration, immigration lawyers are saying that this won’t help those parents who have already been sent home while their children languish in U.S. detention facilities. The lawyers also note that no actual model for such a reunification exists yet.

The revelation is just the latest indication of the enormous human costs of Trump’s stepped-up and “zero tolerance” immigration enforcement, mass confinement and deportation regime.

Confusion Reigns but the War on Migrants Must Continue

Now the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency has signaled that it will cease handing parents over to authorities until the administration can figure out how to make good on their prosecution without ripping their children from their arms.

Such a move would, in effect, be tantamount to the “catch and release” program opposed by Trump, which saw unauthorized migrants being released and told to return to face a judge in the future.

The government has been unable to cope with the demands placed on its detention and concentration camp facilities, leading to a crisis of overcrowding, rights abuses, and even calls by President Trump to suspend due process and asylum-protection rights for unauthorized immigrants.

Tweeting on Sunday, Trump said:
We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country. When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came [sic].”
Cannot accept all of the people trying to break into our Country. Strong Borders, No Crime!”

The CBP move also comes shortly after the Department of Defense confirmed that it had been tasked by the administration to hold migrants in camps within 45 days as an initial step toward managing the encampment of a migrant “family population of up to 12,000 people.”
If facilities are not available then camps meant to contain around 4,000 people each will be built at three separate locations, according to the Pentagon.

Trump appears to be faced with no good options, as the anger and outcry over his policies continues to build. The existing laws and restraints on the immigration enforcement regime that he inherited from past administrations have been a mere inconvenience for the president as he pursues this latest escalated war on migrants.

Northwest Immigrant Rights Project head Jorge Baron told Reuters:
Here, I think he is making it clear, he just doesn’t want anybody here. He wants people to just be sent back, no matter what.”

* Onder Obama werden kinderen van vluchtelingen overigens ook al gescheiden van hun ouders en werden ze in kooien opgesloten (ofwel in concentratiekampen)...... Hier een paar foto's uit die tijd, die democraten dachten te kunnen gebruiken als bewijs voor de inhumane opvang door de Trump administratie:

Children Drugged, Given Forced Injections at Texas Detention Facility: Lawsuit

Pentagon Accepts Trump’s Call to House 20,000 Children on US Military Bases

Zie ook:
'Jeff Sessions: 'asielzoekers zijn alleen welkom in de VS als ze kunnen bewijzen dat ze overleden zijn t.g.v. geweld..........''

donderdag 8 februari 2018

Gezichtsherkenningssoftware in zonnebrillen en zelfs voor het scannen van rijdende auto's: Big Brother neemt een reuzenstap.........

Mensen die stellen dat het een goede zaak is elke minuut van de dag te worden gecontroleerd door de overheid, vragen in feite om een dictator! (en reken maar dat iedereen iets te verbergen heeft, zelfs en vooral de staat, zoals keer op keer blijkt, als ons weer een oor is aangenaaid........).

Onze privacy is al voor een fiks deel gestolen, dit in de oorlog tegen terrorisme, terwijl de geheime diensten een terrorist zelfs niet kunnen tegenhouden, als ze deze al lang in het vizier hebben....... Reken maar dat ook bij invoering van dergelijke gezichtsherkenningstechnologie men je voor zal houden dat dit van het grootste belang is van jouw eigen veiligheid......

In de VS heeft de Customs and Border Protection (CBP usa) aangekondigd dat het de komende zomer gaat experimenteren met gezichtsherkenningssoftware voor rijdende auto's, waar men met deze technologie alle passagiers in een auto kan scannen.......

De vervolmaking tot een staat als beschreven in George Orwells 1984, komt steeds dichterbij.... In China heeft men al een zonnebril voor politieagenten ontwikkelt, die ook de gezichten van passanten (en daarmee mensen die staande zijn gehouden) razendsnel kunnen scannen met gezichtsherkenningssoftware.........

Met dit soort soft- en hardware zal het steeds moeilijker worden om nog in opstand te komen tegen de huidige inhumane neoliberale status quo..... Nog even en men weet al wat je denkt als je door de stad loopt....... Hitler en z'n misdadige kliek zouden er van kwijlen, elke tegenstander zou in een mum van tijd kunnen worden opgepakt, vastgezet en vermoord.........

Derrick Broze stelt in het artikel hieronder dat e.e.a niet meer is tegen te houden en dat de tijd rijp is om gemeenschappen te creëren waar men dit soort technologie afwijst (wat nooit zal worden toegestaan). Echter het lijkt me allesbehalve te laat om massaal in opstand te komen tegen deze totale afbraak van ons recht op privacy en op de inperking van onze 'vrijheid!!' (voor zover er nog sprake is van vrijheid...)

US to Test Facial Recognition Scanners on People in Moving Vehicles

February 6, 2018 at 2:22 pm
Written by Derrick Broze

(AP) — On Thursday the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced plans for a new pilot program that will test out biometric facial recognition technology as part of an effort to identify fugitives or terror suspects. The Austin-American Statesman reported on the announcement:
Thanks to quantum leaps in facial recognition technology, especially over the past year, the future is arriving sooner than most Americans realize. As early as this summer, CBP will set up a pilot program to digitally scan the faces of drivers and passengers — while they are in moving vehicles — at the busy Anzalduas Port of Entry outside of McAllen, the agency announced Thursday.”

The Texas-Mexico border is being used as the testing grounds for the technology. The results of the pilot program will be used to help roll out a national program along the entire southern and northern borders. The Statesman notes that the Department of Energy hired researchers at Tennessee’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to help overcome the difficulties of using facial recognition technology on moving vehicles. The researchers developed a method for combating window tinting and sun glare which can make a vehicle’s windows impenetrable to cameras. The facial recognition technology being developed for the pilot program will be capable of identifying the driver, front passengers, and the passengers riding in the back.

The CBP currently operates facial recognition exit programs at almost a dozen international airports in the United States. Colleen Manaher, the CBP’s executive director of planning, program analysis and evaluation, told the Statesman that travelers have been accepting of the technology and noted that “we can thank the Apples and the Googles for that.”

Although the CBP claims implementing facial recognition technology could eventually eliminate the need for passports, boarding passes and other travel documents, the technology is without a doubt an invasion of privacy. Both the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Georgetown University’s Center on Privacy and Technology have called for further investigation into the potential dangers of a massive facial recognition apparatus. In the U.S., only Texas and Illinois have laws preventing the use of biometric data for commercial purposes.

The new Texas pilot program is only the latest effort by the federal government to implement a wide range of biometric and surveillance programs around the United States.

In August 2017 Activist Post first reported on the plans to launch a national program scan the facesof all airline passengers in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection launched a “Traveler Verification Service” (TVS) that intends to use facial recognition on all airline passengers, including U.S. citizens, boarding flights exiting the United States. That same month it was reported that thirty-one sheriffs along the U.S.-Mexico border voted unanimously to adopt tools that will allow the collection and storing of iris scans.

Additionally, Activist Post just last week reported that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency now has access to a nationwide license plate recognition database after finalizing a contract with the industry’s top license plate data collection company. This database allows ICE to search a vehicles whereabouts over the last five years, as well as developing “hot lists” that can track particular vehicles indefinitely.

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is currently facing a lawsuit for failing to release records related to the agency’s use of devices to gather biometric data from immigrants. Mijente and the National Immigration Project of National Lawyers Guild (NIPNLG) are asking a federal court to force ICE and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to release information related to the use of handheld devices used to gather biometric data from immigrants during raids.

These programs are reminiscent of mass surveillance systems established in Russia and China. The truth of the matter is that all three nations are taking different paths towards the same goal: control and monitoring of their population and suppression of critical thought or opposition. The only way to stand against this is to refuse to fund the programs at every turn and sharing the information. It might be too late to stop the establishment of these programs, but the people could potentially form enough of a resistance to establish free communities and neighborhoods where these invasive technologies are rejected.