Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label CBP usa. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label CBP usa. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 12 juni 2021

Biden administratie stuurt onbegeleide vluchtelingenkinderen terug: gevaarlijk en gewetenloos aldus Amnesty

Ondanks de beloften van Biden voorafgaand aan de door hem gewonnen verkiezingen en beloften daarna gedaan, stuurt Biden onbegeleide vluchtelingenkinderen terug, ondanks dat dit volgens Amnesty en andere deskundigen op dit gebied gevaarlijk is en gewetenloos..... Daar zou ik nog aan toe willen voegen dat het terugsturen van gevluchte kinderen een schending is van de internationale kinderrechten en een schending van het VN Vluchtelingenverdrag....... Hierbij moet niet vergeten worden dat het overgrote deel van Latijns-Amerikaanse vluchtelingen op de loop zijn gegaan voor door de VS gesteunde plus zelfs georganiseerde en geregisseerde terreur in de thuislanden van die vluchtelingen (het organiseren van opstanden en staatsgrepen, voorafgegaan door illegale sancties die de VS een haar niet welgevallig regime oplegt, dit om de bevolking ontevreden te maken in de hoop dat dit een regime verandering teweeg zal brengen......).....

Het gaat hier om de zoveelste van een aantal beloften die Biden deed maar waar hij zich niet aan wenst te houden. En zoals op andere dossiers had men dit kunnen weten, immers Biden was als vicepresident onder Obama al mede hoofdverantwoordelijk voor een uiterst inhumaan vluchtelingenbeleid, dat ook destijds mensenrechtenschendend was plus zoals je zal begrijpen een schending van het VN Vluchtelingenverdrag..... Ook destijds werden kinderen van vluchtelingen gezinnen afgenomen en ondergebracht in wat je het best kan vergelijken met concentratiekampen.......* En nee, Trump was niet de eerste die de laatst genoemde misdaad beging, voorts zou de Obama administratie in verhouding meer vluchtelingen hebben gedeporteerd dan die van Trump.... 

Concentratiekampen voor kinderen, rollen met NAVO-draad (voorzien van scheermessen) niet tegen binnendringers, maar om kinderen tegen te houden die willen vluchten..... Schunnig!!!

Schandalig dan ook dat de reguliere westerse media in deze zaak destijds met de zogenaamd onafhankelijke vingers alleen naar Trump hebben gewezen...... Ach ja, Obama was de beloofde messias-president volgens de reguliere media, waarbij deze ook nog de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede kreeg, terwijl hij de eerste VS president was die beide termijnen in (illegale) oorlogen was verwikkeld en daarnaast ook nog eens illegale oorlogen begon, om nog maar te zwijgen over de moord middels drones op duizenden verdachten, waarbij meer dan 90% van de slachtoffers niet eens werd verdacht....... Voorts organiseerden Hillary Clinton, in 2009 minister van buitenlandse zaken, en de CIA een coup in Honduras, een coup die een uiterst gewelddadig regime aan de macht  bracht, die enorme terreur uitoefende op de grote onderlaag en de intellectuelen die zich hebben verzet tegen de coup..... 

Eén en ander was en is de reden dat veel Hondurezen op de vlucht zijn geslagen, waarbij de VS de meest logische bestemming was en is....... Nog afgelopen januari sloeg een groep van vele duizenden Hondurezen op de vlucht richting VS en ook onder hen veel onbegeleide kinderen, als reactie daarop heeft de Biden administratie de Mexicaanse autoriteiten onder druk gezet hen niet de zuidelijke grens over te laten steken, daarvoor heeft de VS zelfs menskrachten ter beschikking gesteld aan de Mexicaanse grensautoriteiten.......

Kinderen terugsturen naar Mexico is hen direct blootstellen aan moord en misbruik..... Om even aan te geven hoe gevaarlijk Mexico is voor vluchtelingen: sinds de Oorlog tegen Drugs (War on Drugs) in 2004 werd doorgevoerd in Mexico zijn er 400.000 mensen vermoord....... Juist het noorden van Mexico is bijzonder gevaarlijk en dat is de plek waar die kinderen terechtkomen nadat ze zijn teruggestuurd.....

Lees het artikel dat hieronder is opgenomen, geschreven door Jake Johnson en gepubliceerd op Common Dreams, waarin hij dieper op deze zaak ingaat en aangeeft dat de VS zelfs haar eigen wetgeving overtreedt bij het terugsturen van vluchtelingenkinderen:

 Guatemalan migrants turn themselves over to U.S. authorities

A girl looks on as migrants from Guatemala remove their shoelaces after turning themselves over to authorities at the U.S.-Mexico border on May 12, 2021 in Yuma, Arizona. (Photo: Ringo Chiu/AFP via Getty Images)$

'Dangerous and Unconscionable': Amnesty Finds Biden Is Illegally Expelling Thousands of Unaccompanied Children

"The Biden administration is summarily returning almost all unaccompanied Mexican children just hours after they seek safe haven, often without considering the risks they could face upon return."

A detailed new report by Amnesty International finds that the Biden administration is abusing an anti-trafficking law to forcibly expel thousands of unaccompanied Mexican children seeking asylum at the United States' southern border, often sending them back to dangerous conditions without adequately screening for threats to their safety.

Titled Pushed Into Harm's Way, the 50-page report (pdf) released Friday documents the Biden administration's effective continuation of its predecessor's policy of rejecting nearly all asylum-seekers at official ports of entry along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Though Biden immigration authorities have largely stopped applying to unaccompanied children a Trump-era Title 42 policy that used the pandemic as a pretext to expel migrants, the new administration is "misusing a provision of anti-trafficking legislation concerning Mexican unaccompanied children to deprive them of effective screenings for harm and to deny them access to asylum procedures," Amnesty alleges.

The Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA) requires U.S. officials to screen unaccompanied children to confirm they are not victims of human trafficking and ensure that returning them to their home country would not threaten their safety.

As The Intercept's Ryan Devereaux reported Friday, "Since 2006, when the so-called war on drugs became a military campaign in Mexico, more than 400,000 people have been killed."

"Large regions of the country are frequently home to rampant violence and impunity," Devereaux continued. "Many border cities in the north of the country, the localities where the U.S. removes people to on a regular basis, are among the most dangerous, particularly for migrants and asylum-seekers who are often targets of extortion and kidnapping."

But despite the requirements under TVPRA, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials "are often not performing child-protection screenings faithfully, appropriately, or with reasonable informed consent of the children, who often do not understand what is happening during the process," Amnesty's report notes.

"The Biden administration is summarily returning almost all unaccompanied Mexican children just hours after they seek safe haven, often without considering the risks they could face upon return," Erika Guevara-Rosas, Americas director at Amnesty International, said in a statement.

The new report comes days after Vice President Kamala Harris, during a visit to Guatemala, explicitly warned would-be migrants not to travel to the U.S.-Mexico border in search of refuge, telling them they "will be turned back."

"Do not come," said Harris.

Vedant Patel, assistant White House press secretary and a Biden immigration adviser, sent a similar message when speaking to reporters last month.

"The policy right now for Mexican unaccompanied minors is for them to be repatriated," said Patel, using a euphemism for forced expulsion.

Amnesty says in its report that "since January 2021, the Biden administration has continued to exempt only unaccompanied migrant children from the [Trump-era Title 42] policy, pushing families to make an impossible choice."

The report continues:

Likely thousands of children have had to separate from their asylum-seeking parents in order to escape dangerous border regions of northern Mexico, and have then crossed the border alone, since they would otherwise be deported as a family if their parents crossed with them. In addition to compelling families to separate unnecessarily, U.S. border authorities still reportedly turn unaccompanied children away at some of the most heavily trafficked official ports-of-entry and deny them access to asylum procedures. Despite their legal right to request protection at ports-of-entry, the vast majority of unaccompanied children instead take dangerous journeys across the open border—often at the mercy of smugglers.

Now, while unaccompanied children are no longer subjected to mass expulsions under Title 42, U.S. border authorities are still immediately returning the vast majority of unaccompanied Mexican children who enter the USA.

In an interview with Amnesty researchers, the director of the border rights program at the legal services organization Al Otro Lado recounted the story of an unaccompanied boy from Mexico whom CBP officials were attempting to expel this past March.

"He was held in CBP custody six to eight days and was not given the opportunity to call his family or me his lawyer, despite the fact that I entered a G28 [legal representation form] and requested that he be permitted to contact his uncle in California," the advocate said. "His family sent him alone and his parents were in hiding in Mexico. They feared the whole family would be sent back, which is why they sent him alone."

According to Amnesty, the boy was "ultimately held in CBP custody for seven days (more than double the legally permitted time) before being transferred to [the Office of Refugee Resettlement], from whose custody he was released to a close family member in the United States. As of May 2021, his family remained in hiding in Mexico, unable to request asylum protection with their son due to the Biden administration's retention of the Title 42 policy."

Amnesty International  @amnesty The US and Mexican governments are forcibly returning tens of thousands of unaccompanied children to the countries they just fled in search of safety, without adequate screenings or protection from the harm they may face upon return.

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The Biden administration's policy of turning away most unaccompanied children amounts to a "systematic" violation of their right to seek asylum, Amnesty says, casting further doubt on President Joe Biden's promise to create a more humane immigration system in contrast to the overt cruelty of the Trump era.

The humanitarian group's report also shows that Mexican authorities are deporting the "vast majority" of unaccompanied children that arrive from Central American nations seeking safety from violence and persecution.

"These are dangerous and unconscionable policies," said Amnesty's Guevara-Rosas. "The United States and Mexico must stop denying unaccompanied children their universal human rights to seek asylum and to family unity, no matter where they're from."

Specifically, Amnesty is calling on Biden to immediately withdraw the Trump administration's Title 42 rule, order CBP to stop rejecting asylum-seeking children at ports of entry along the U.S.-Mexico border, and "swiftly facilitate all asylum claims by unaccompanied children—irrespective of their nationality—and their expeditious release to family members or other sponsors in the USA."

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* Zie o.a.: 'Concentratiekampen in VS voor migranten.......' (en zie de links in dat bericht!!)
'Peuter vluchtelingen moeten eigen zaak bepleiten in VS rechtszalen, de VS: het land van de 'ongekende mogelijkheden....'' (!!!!)

'BBC met propaganda tegen verzet in Guatemala'

'VS martelt gevluchte kinderen.....' (!!!!)

'Met nieuw VS 'vluchtelingenbeleid' zullen nog meer kinderen seksueel misbruikt worden.....'

'Maya vrouwen die de terreur en genocide in Guatemala overleefden vechten voor gerechtigheid'

'Honduras in de greep van VS 'vriendelijke terreur': een deel van de bevolking vlucht richting VS' (en zie de links in dat bericht!!)

'BBC met 'onafhankelijke propaganda' tegen de Venezolaanse president Maduro' (en zie de links in dat bericht!!)

'Met Joe Biden is er niets veranderd op de wereld, anders dan dat 'het Trump fascisme is weggestemd'' (en zie de links in dat bericht!!)

'Biden komt verkiezingsbeloften niet na: zo blijft de VS oorlog voeren en de genocide in Jemen steunen' (en zie de links in dat bericht)

'Biden neemt bestuurslid van wapenfabrikant Raytheon als minister van 'defensie': garantie op bloedvergieten'

 VS gaat door met uithongeren Venezolaanse volk >> de westerse wereld negeert deze afschuwelijke oorlogsmisdaad'

Reuters houdt rapport tegen over 40.000 Venezolaanse doden door VS sancties'

'Venezuela: propaganda (ook door VPRO's Edwin Koopman) tegen dit land en de laatste verkiezingen alweer met bewijzen doorgeprikt als leugens en bedrog'

'Joe Biden, de nieuwe VS president heeft een 'grote' racistische geschiedenis'

'Bidens regering zal veel gewelddadiger zijn dan die van Obama: 'linkse Democraten' moeten nu al met verzet beginnen'

'CIA coup (terreur) tegen democratisch gekozen bewind Guatemala 1954........'  

'BBC volkomen krom over de vluchtelingen uit Honduras die wel degelijk door Trump met geweld worden bedreigd'

'Trump letterlijk: "Barbwire used in the right way can be a beautiful sight" Trump op een verkiezingsbijeenkomst over het 'probleem van de vluchtelingenkaravaan' uit de door de VS gecreëerde ellende in Honduras'

'VS stuurt 5.000 militairen extra naar de grens met Mexico, als wapen tegen de karavaan met armen uit Latijns-Amerika'

'Trump stuurt 800 militairen naar de Mexicaanse grens met de VS om arme vluchtende drommels tegen te houden......'

Hier nog wat berichten over VS agressie in Latijns-Amerika:
'Putin misbruikt vluchtelingen om een hele grote witte voet bij Trump te halen'

'ICE runt concentratiekampen in de VS voor vluchtelingen en kinderen'



'Thousands of Immigrants Suffer in Solitary Confinement in ICE Detention'

'Humanitaire hulp aan vluchtelingen in woestijn: gevangenisstraf tot 20 jaar'

'Vrijwilligers die vluchtelingen in de woestijn van de VS proberen te redden worden gevangengezet......'

'De VS geeft miljarden uit om verkiezingen elders te beïnvloeden en daar blijft het niet bij.......'

'Obama steekt zichzelf volkomen onterecht een grote veer in de vieze bips'

'VS gebruikt chemische wapens tegen ongewapende vluchtelingen waaronder kinderen'

'Door VS gesteunde bewind in Honduras heeft de staat van beleg afgekondigd........'

'VS heeft Hondurese speciale eenheden getraind die protesten tegen een waterkrachtcentrale gewelddadig hebben neergeslagen......'

'Hillary Clinton mede verantwoordelijk voor moord op Berta Cáceres...........'

'Hondurese activiste ontvoerd en vermoord (alweer...), met instemming van de VS.........'

'Berta Cáceres voorvechter gelijke rechten en milieuactivist vermoord in Honduras'

'Bolton geeft toe dat de VS een fascistisch beleid voert......'

zaterdag 25 juli 2020

VS vs. Black Lives Matter en links: de federale staatsgreep tegen afzonderlijke staten

De federale agenten die willekeurig mensen van de straat plukken en die rondrijden in 'anonieme auto's' zijn gekleed als commando's waarop als enige herkenbaar woord 'Police' is te zien...... Ik dacht eerder dom genoeg dat het hier om agenten in burger ging, daar er gewag van werd gemaakt dat ze niet te herkennen waren, bedoeld werd echter dat deze agenten geen nummer of naam dragen, zodat je ze later niet ter verantwoording kan roepen als ze zich te buiten gaan aan 'ongefundeerd geweld'. (iets dat 'nogal eens gebeurt' in de VS als de overheid tekeergaat tegen haar burgers.....)

En dat gaan deze anonieme federale troepen: tekeer tegen vreedzame demonstranten of gewoon mensen die hen op straat verdacht voorkomen, daarvoor hoef je bijvoorbeeld alleen maar geheel in zwart gekleed te gaan...... Een veteraan die een paar van die agenten aansprak daar hij verontrust was over het optreden van deze anonieme troepen, werd 'behandeld' met pepperspray en wapenstok, waarna hij werd afgevoerd in zo'n anoniem voertuig........ De opgepakte mensen worden naar plekken gebracht waar ze onder bewaking staan en waar hen verder niets ten laste wordt gelegd en waar ze niet te woord worden gestaan....... En dan durven de psychopathische oorlogsmisdadigers Trump, Pompeo en andere schoften van Trump's administratie een grote bek te hebben over China en Rusland, terwijl de VS hard op weg is om de grootste politiestaat ter wereld te worden......

John Whitehead van The Rutherford Institute waarschuwt dan ook dat Trump en zijn legertje agenten, personeel van o.a. ICE, DEA en van de grensbewaking, tegen het tiende amendement van de VS grondwet ingaan en in feite een staatsgreep plegen tegen de staten waarin deze 'federale agenten' tekeergaan.......

Whitehead waarschuwt tegen het gevaar dat dit de voorloper is van een politiestaat..... Als Whitehead wat beter had opgelet had hij gezien dat de fundamenten voor zo'n staat al onder George W. Bush werden gelegd en dat na 9/11....... De VS is in feite allang een politiestaat, zie de bevoegdheden van de geheime diensten die nu zelfs VS burgers kunnen oppakken en vasthouden zonder vorm van proces, inderdaad hetzelfde als de 'federales' (federaal personeel) van Trump nu doen..... Voorts mogen deze diensten iedereen in de gaten houden zonder daar toestemming voor te vragen, alsmede hun telefoon afluisteren en de computer van afstand hacken om daar in rond te pluizen...... Me dunkt, een fiks deel van George Orwells 1984 is al in vervulling gegaan...... Vergeet daarbij niet dat de Trump administratie al weer teostemming heeft gegeven om verdachten te martelen.....

Zwaar lullig dat Whitehead voor dit alles met de beschuldigende vinger wijst naar de zwarten die winkels plunderden tijdens de demonstraties waar de politie op inhakte..... Als je nagaat dat de gekleurde bevolking 30% minder betaald krijgt voor dezelfde baan die een witte vervult, is het niet vreemd dat de nieuwe werklozen hun kans hebben gegrepen en voedsel en apparatuur hebben gestolen die ze nodig hebben daar ze geen geld hebben om nieuw te kopen (dat percentage van 30% kan overigens nog hoger zijn, het is een raar gemiddelde waarvan de ondergrens 30% is, ofwel hoogstwaarschijnlijk ligt het werkelijke gemiddelde op dik meer dan 30%...) Voorts zou Whitehead moeten weten dat een flink deel van de plunderingen, zeker in aanvang van de demonstraties werden georganiseerd door infiltranten van politie en geheime diensten........

Trump was al lang voor de Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesten doende een burgeroorlog op te stoken met zijn uitlatingen over zijn tegenstanders: zwarten, latino's, 'linksen' en anarchisten, mensen die hij bij zijn achterban aanduidt als vijanden van het Amerikaanse volk.... Daarbij heeft Trump die achterban, vooral de plattelandsbevolking in zijn zak, mensen die hij beterschap beloofde na zijn aantreden, maar waarvan een heel groot deel dat na meer dan 3 jaar nog steeds niet ziet...... Ach het maakt die mensen niets uit en als hij ze zou oproepen om de genoemde groepen aan te vallen, zullen ze dat op zeker doen!! (bovendien: voor hun blijvende ellende wijzen Trump c.s. maar al te graag naar de Democraten als de schuldigen.....)

Lees het artikel van Whitehead (dat ik overnam van het rechtse Zero Hedge) en zegt het voort, immers ook wij moeten waakzaam zijn, zeker nu men steeds harder van de toren blaast dat het aantal besmettingen toeneemt, terwijl dat logisch is gezien het veel grotere aantal testen, waarvan de uitkomsten zelfs een wachttijd kennen van een paar dagen (testen die overigens waardeloos zouden zijn.....).... Weer schreeuwen zogenaamde deskundigen om inperking van vrijheden, waarbij men ook daadkrachtiger wil optreden tegen mensen die er wat betreft het Coronavirus andere denkbeelden op na houden en die op de sociale media forse kritiek leveren op het waardeloze hap snap beleid van Rutte 3 en het meer dan disfunctionerende RIVM.....

Whitehead: The Federal Coup To Overthrow The States And Nix The 10th Amendment Is Underway

Authored by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

I don’t need invitations by the state, state mayors, or state governors, to do our job. We’re going to do that, whether they like us there or not.
- Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf’s defense of the Trump Administration’s deployment of militarized federal police to address civil unrest in the states
This is a wake-up call.

What is unfolding before our very eyeswith police agencies defying local governments in order to tap into the power of federal militarized troops in order to put down domestic unrestcould very quickly snowball into an act of aggression against the states, a coup by armed, militarized agents of the federal government.

At a minimum, this is an attack on the Tenth Amendment, which affirms the sovereignty of the states and the citizenry, and the right of the states to stand as a bulwark against overreach and power grabs by the federal government.

If you’re still deluding yourself into believing that this thinly-veiled exercise in martial law is anything other than an attempt to bulldoze what remains of the Constitution and reinforce 
the iron-fisted rule of the police state, you need to stop drinking the Kool-Aid.

This is no longer about partisan politics or civil unrest or even authoritarian impulses.

This is a turning point.

Unless we take back the reins—and soon—looking back on this time years from now, historians may well point to the events of 2020 as the death blow to America’s short-lived experiment in self-government.  

The government’s recent actions in Portland, Oregonwhen unidentified federal agents (believed to be border police, ICE and DHS agents), wearing military fatigues with patches that just say “Police” and sporting all kinds of weapons, descended uninvited on the city in unmarked vehicles, snatching protesters off the streets and detaining them without formally arresting them or offering any explanation of why they’re being heldis just a foretaste of what’s to come.

One of those detainees was a 53-year-old disabled Navy veteran who was in downtown Portland during the protests but not a participant. Concerned about the tactics being used by government agents who had taken an oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution, Christopher David tried to speak the “secret” police. Almost immediately, he was assaulted by federal agents, beaten with batons and pepper sprayed
Another peaceful protester was reportedly shot in the head with an impact weapon by this federal goon squad.

The Trump Administration has already announced its plans to deploy these border patrol agents to other cities across the country (Chicago is supposedly next) in an apparent bid to put down civil unrest. Yet the overriding concerns by state and local government officials to Trump’s plans suggest that weaponizing the DHS as an occupying army will only provoke more violence and unrest.

We’ve been set up.

Under the guise of protecting federal properties against civil unrest, the Trump Administration has formed a task force of secret agents who look, dress and act like military stormtroopers on a raid and have been empowered to roam cities in unmarked vehicles, snatching citizens off the streets, whether or not they’ve been engaged in illegal activities.

As the Guardian reports, “The incidents being described sound eerily reminiscent of the CIA’s post-9/11 rendition program under George W Bush, where intelligence agents would roll up in unmarked vans in foreign countries, blindfold terrorism suspects (many of whom turned to be innocent) and kidnap them without explanation. Only instead of occurring on the streets of Italy or the Middle East, it’s happening in downtown Portland.”

The so-called racial justice activists who have made looting, violence, vandalism and intimidation tactics the hallmarks of their protests have played right into the government’s hands

They have delivered all of us into the police state’s hands.

There’s a reason Trump has tapped the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection for this dirty business: these agencies are notorious for their lawlessness, routinely sidestepping the Constitution and trampling on the rights of anyone who gets in their way, including legal citizens.

Indeed, it was only a matter of time before these roving bands of border patrol agents began flexing their muscles far beyond the nation’s borders and exercising their right to disregard the Constitution at every turn.

Except these border patrol cops aren’t just disregarding the Constitution.

They’re trampling all over the Constitution, especially the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits the government from carrying out egregious warrantless searches and seizures without probable cause.

As part of the government’s so-called crackdown on illegal immigration, drugs and trafficking, its border patrol cops have been expanding their reach, roaming further afield and subjecting greater numbers of Americans to warrantless searches, ID checkpoints, transportation checks, and even surveillance on private property far beyond the boundaries of the borderlands.

That so-called border, once a thin borderline, has become an ever-thickening band spreading deeper and deeper inside the country.

Now, with this latest salvo by the Trump administration in its so-called crackdown on rioting and civil unrest, America itself is about to become a Constitution-free zone where freedom is off-limits and government agents have all the power and “we the people” have none.

The Customs and Border Protection (CBP), with its more than 60,000 employees, supplemented by the National Guard and the U.S. military, is an arm of the Department of Homeland Security, a national police force imbued with all the brutality, ineptitude and corruption such a role implies.
As journalist Todd Miller explains:
In these vast domains, Homeland Security authorities can institute roving patrols with broad, extra-constitutional powers backed by national security, immigration enforcement and drug interdiction mandates. There, the Border Patrol can set up traffic checkpoints and fly surveillance drones overhead with high-powered cameras and radar that can track your movements. Within twenty-five miles of the international boundary, CBP agents can enter a person’s private property without a warrant.
Just about every nefarious deed, tactic or thuggish policy advanced by the government today can be traced back to the DHS, its police state mindset, and the billions of dollars it distributes to local police agencies in the form of grants to transform them into extensions of the military.

As Miller points out, the government has turned the nation’s expanding border regions into “a ripe place to experiment with tearing apart the Constitution, a place where not just undocumented border-crossers, but millions of borderland residents have become the targets of continual surveillance.”

In much the same way that police across the country have been schooled in the art of sidestepping the Constitution, border cops have also been drilled in the art of “anything goes” in the name of national security.

In fact, according to FOIA documents shared with The Interceptborder cops even have a checklist of “possible behaviors” that warrant overriding the Constitution and subjecting individuals—including American citizens—to stops, searches, seizures, interrogations and even arrests.

For instance, if you’re driving a vehicle that to a border cop looks unusual in some way, you can be stopped. If your passengers look dirty or unusual, you can be stopped. If you or your passengers avoid looking at a cop, you can be stopped. If you or your passengers look too long at a cop, you can be stopped.

If you’re anywhere near a border (near being within 100 miles of a border, or in a city, or on a bus, or at an airport), you can be stopped and asked to prove you’re legally allowed to be in the country. If you’re traveling on a public road that smugglers and other criminals may have traveled, you can be stopped.

If you’re not driving in the same direction as other cars, you can be stopped. If you appear to be avoiding a police checkpoint, you can be stopped. If your car appears to be weighed down, you can be stopped. If your vehicle is from out of town, wherever that might be, you can be stopped. If you’re driving a make of car that criminal-types have also driven, you can be stopped.

If your car appears to have been altered or modified, you can be stopped. If the cargo area in your vehicle is covered, you can be stopped.

If you’re driving during a time of day or night that border cops find suspicious, you can be stopped. If you’re driving when border cops are changing shifts, you can be stopped. If you’re driving in a motorcade or with another vehicle, you can be stopped. If your car appears dusty, you can be stopped.

If people with you are trying to avoid being seen, or exhibiting “unusual” behavior, you can be stopped. If you slow down after seeing a cop, you can be stopped.

In Portland, which is 400 miles from the border, protesters didn’t even have to be near federal buildings to be targeted. Some claimed to be targeted for simply wearing black clothing in the area of the demonstration.

Are you starting to get the picture yet?

This was never about illegal aliens and border crossings at all. It’s been a test to see how far “we the people” will allow the government to push the limits of the Constitution.

We’ve been failing this particular test for a long time now.

It was 1798 when Americans, their fears stoked by rumblings of a Quasi-War with France, failed to protest the Alien and Sedition Acts, which criminalized anti-government speech, empowered the government to deport “dangerous” non-citizens and made it harder for immigrants to vote.

During the Civil War, Americans went along when Abraham Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus (the right to a speedy trial) and authorized government officials to spy on Americans’ mail.

During World War I, Americans took it in stride when  President Woodrow Wilson and Congress adopted the Espionage and Sedition Acts, which made it a crime to interfere with the war effort and criminalized any speech critical of war.

By World War II, Americans were marching in lockstep with the government’s expanding war powers to imprison Japanese-American citizens in detainment camps, censor mail, and lay the groundwork for the future surveillance state.

Fast-forward to the Cold War’s Red Scares, the McCarthy era’s hearings on un-American activities, and the government’s surveillance of Civil Rights activists such as Martin Luther King Jr.—all done in the name of national security.

By the time 9/11 rolled around, all George W. Bush had to do was claim the country was being invaded by terrorists, and the government was given greater powers to spy, search, detain and arrest American citizens in order to keep America safe.

The terrorist invasion never really happened, but the government kept its newly acquired police powers made possible by the nefarious USA Patriot Act.

Barack Obama continued Bush’s trend of undermining the Constitution, going so far as to give the military the power to strip Americans of their constitutional rights, label them extremists, and detain them indefinitely without trialall in the name of keeping America safe.

Despite the fact that the breadth of the military’s power to detain American citizens violates not only U.S. law and the Constitution but also international laws, the government has refused to relinquish its detention powers made possible by the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Then Donald Trump took office, claiming the country was being invaded by dangerous immigrants and insisting that the only way to keep America safe was to build an expensive border wall, expand the reach of border patrol, and empower the military to “assist” with border control.

That so-called immigration crisis has now morphed into multiple crises (domestic extremism, the COVID-19 pandemic, race wars, civil unrest, etc.) that the government is eager to use in order to expand its powers.

Yet as we’ve learned the hard way, once the government acquires—and uses—additional powers (to spy on its citizens, to carry out surveillance, to transform its police forces into extensions of the police, to seize taxpayer funds, to wage endless wars, to censor and silence dissidents, to identify potential troublemakers, to detain citizens without due process), it does not voluntarily relinquish them

This is the slippery slope on which we’ve been traveling for far too long.

As Yale historian Timothy Snyder explains, “This is a classic way that violence happens in authoritarian regimes, whether it’s Franco’s Spain or whether it’s the Russian Empire. The people who are getting used to committing violence on the border are then brought in to commit violence against people in the interior.

Sure, it’s the Trump Administration calling the shots right now, but it’s government agents armed with totalitarian powers and beholden to the bureaucratic Deep State who are carrying out these orders in defiance of the U.S. Constitution and all it represents.

Whether it’s Trump or Biden or someone else altogether, this year or a dozen years from now, the damage has been done: as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, we have allowed the president to acquire dictatorial powers that can be unleashed at any moment.

There’s a reason the Trump Administration is consulting with John Yoo, the Bush-era attorney notorious for justifying waterboarding torture tactics against detainees. They’re not looking to understand how to follow the law and abide by the Constitution. Rather, they’re desperately seeking ways to thwart the Constitution.

As Harvard constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe recognizes,The dictatorial hunger for power is insatiable.

This is how it begins.

This is how it always begins.

Don’t be fooled into thinking any of this will change when the next election rolls around.
* DHS, ofwel Department of Homeland Security. 

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vrijdag 28 juni 2019

ICE runt concentratiekampen in de VS voor vluchtelingen en kinderen

ICE houdt immigranten gevangen onder uitermate barre omstandigheden, waar isolatiefolter aan de orde van de dag is. 

In het hieronder opgenomen artikel, geschreven door Maryam Saleh, verhaalt zij over de vreselijke omstandigheden waaronder ICE immigranten uit Latijns-Amerika gevangen worden gehouden..... (zij gaat verder niet in op de omgang met vluchtelingenkinderen

Onlangs werd al bekend gemaakt dat kinderen van immigranten nog steeds gescheiden worden van hun ouders en moeten leven in omstandigheden die te vergelijken zijn met de concentratiekampen van de nazi's tijdens WOII...... Hoorde eergisternacht op de BBC dat men zelfs tot 100 kinderen in een soort van grote cel gevangen houdt...... Peuters lopen met of vuile luiers of helemaal geen luiers, zodat de kleding ongelofelijk vies wordt.....

Over kleding gesproken: pubers moeten soms wekenlang doen met de kleding die ze aanhebben..... Voedsel dat wordt verstrekt is niet zelden bedorven en de oudere kinderen moeten de kleine kinderen helpen, kinderen die zij niet kennen, noch dat deze pubers ervaring hebben in het zorgen voor kleine kinderen...... Het ontbreekt de kinderen veelal aan gezond voedsel, waar ze vaak zelfs te weinig te eten krijgen...... De sanitaire voorzieningen zijn smerig, zoals je al begrepen had.....

Uit het artikel van Saleh, gepubliceerd op The Intercept, aandacht voor het grote aantal gevallen van isolatie in de gevangenissen van ICE, of in door ICE gehuurde faciliteiten voor oudere vluchtelingen....... Voorts zijn ook hier de sanitaire voorzieningen smerig en is het eten zonder meer slecht te noemen, zoals gezegd niet zelden met bedorven voedsel......

Het meest schunnige is wel, dat ondanks de grote ophef eerder over het scheiden van ouders en kinderen, deze scheiding nog steeds wordt doorgevoerd, om zo nieuwe vluchtelingen af te schrikken zodat ze niet naar de VS vluchten......

Het voorgaande kan dan ook tot geen andere conclusie leiden dan dat we hier (zoals eerder opgemerkt) te maken hebben met concentratiekampen en dat beste bezoeker kan niet vaak genoeg gezegd worden.......

Overbodig te melden dat e.e.a recht ingaat tegen het VN Vluchtelingenverdrag......

Lees en zie hoe de VS langzaam maar zeker verandert in een fascistische superstaat, waar geen empathie meer bestaat en men zelfs kinderen behandelt als waren het criminelen, alleen omdat ze zogenaamd illegaal zijn........ De VS dat meer en meer de dienst uitmaakt op de wereld en enorme vluchtelingenstromen opgang brengt, ook in Latijns-Amerika...... (het gros van de vluchtelingen uit Latijns-Amerika die naar de VS zijn vertrokken, zijn op de vlucht geslagen voor gewelddadige fascistische regimes, die ofwel door de VS in het zadel zijn geholpen, zoals in Honduras, dan wel door de VS worden gesteund in de terreuruitoefening op de eigen bevolking)


June 26 2019, 8:34 p.m.

Sen. Cory Booker participates in the Black Economic Alliance's presidential forum in Charleston, S.C., on June 15, 2019. Photo: Sean Rayford/Getty Images

SEN. CORY BOOKER, D-N.J., is calling on Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., to hold a hearing into Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s “egregious and appalling abuses,” including the widespread use of solitary confinement.

In a letter to Graham, Booker, who sits on the Judiciary Committee, referred to solitary confinement as a “form of torture” and cited a recent investigation by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, The Intercept, NBC News, and four other reporting partners into ICE’s use of solitary confinement. Our reporting, which included a review of more than 8,400 reports describing placement in solitary confinement from 2012 to early 2017, found that ICE uses isolation as a go-to tool, rather than a last resort, to punish vulnerable detained immigrants.

The news stories detail numerous examples of individuals placed in confinement without justification, which prompted a whistleblower to come forward to shine a light on these abuses,” wrote Booker, referring to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) employee Ellen Gallagher, who quietly raised the alarm about ICE’s use of solitary confinement for four years before going public in interviews with the reporting consortium.

While different carceral systems use varying terms to describe solitary confinement — ICE calls it “segregation” — it is generally understood to be the practice of holding individuals in isolation with no human contact for at least 22 hours a day.

ICE’s own policy seems to recognize the dangers of solitary confinement,” Booker continued. “It appears ICE has been consistently violating its own policy on the use of solitary confinement.”

His letter to Graham comes on the heels of a letter from Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., to the acting director of ICE, demanding answers about the agency’s use of solitary confinement and extensively citing our investigation. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., another member of the Judiciary Committee, also called for a hearing into ICE’s use of solitary in response to our investigation last month. The panel’s Democrats do not have independent authority to schedule a hearing, hence the request to Graham.

Booker, in his letter, said that a Judiciary Committee hearing about ICE would give the panel a chance to interrogate “grossly unsanitary conditions at detention facilities,” as well as to gather more information about forthcoming immigration raids that President Donald Trump “flippantly alluded to” on Twitter last week. The president, after announcing that the agency would begin to round up “millions” of immigrants this week — a logistically impossible endeavor — on Saturday put the ICE operation on hold.

Graham, an anti-immigrant hard-liner and apologist for the Trump administration’s harsh policies, convened a committee hearing — at Democrats’ request — in March to investigate Customs and Border Protection for its actions at the southern border. Graham used the hearing as an opportunity for fearmongering about migrants seeking asylum in the United States. The CBP, like ICE, falls under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security.

The oversight hearing on CBP was not enough, Booker wrote. “In order to fully address the scope of ICE’s serious and egregious violations, the Committee must convene an oversight hearing. It’s becoming increasingly clear that ICE has become nothing more than a lethal weapon in the Trump administration’s war on immigrants and communities of color, and we cannot be silent.”

BOOKER’S HARSH STANCE against ICE in the letter to Graham is in line with the tack he’s taken on the presidential campaign trail, where he’s been a staunch critic of the agency’s policies. In February, he, along with other 2020 hopefuls Warren, Sen. Kamala Harris, and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, voted against a spending bill, citing ICE. At the time, Booker said that bill would give ICE and CBP “hundreds of millions of additional dollars with little oversight or appropriate guardrails.” In April, he reintroduced legislation to enact protections for detained immigrants.

Booker has also been an outspoken advocate of the rights of prisoners throughout his federal career. At the same time, he’s remained close to a party boss in his home state who oversees a jail that serves as an immigration detention center and is rife with abuses, drawing the ire of local progressives.

As Politico reported on Tuesday, Booker will be in New Jersey on Friday for a $2,800-per-person fundraiser co-hosted by Essex County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo. In that role, DiVincenzo oversees the Essex County Correctional Facility in Newark, which has a $40 million per year contract with ICE — and was called out for poor conditions in two DHS Inspector General reports just this year.

Twenty-one progressive organizations last week sent a letter to Booker calling on him to cancel the fundraiser, Politico reported. “I believe that Booker wants to make sure that the funnel of money keeps coming through, and that’s why he’s supporting Joe [DiVincenzo] right now,” Carrine Murphy, a paralegal who is critical of county jails’ contracts with ICE, told Politico.

In February, the Office of Inspector General identified a number of issues at the jail, including food safety issues, with “potentially contaminated food being served to detainees.” One example noted “a detainee in segregation said the food was so bad that he had started a liquid only diet and was considering a full hunger strike.”

Earlier this month, the Inspector General issued a follow-up reportbuilding on the same inspection and said that “detainees are placed in disciplinary segregation before the disciplinary hearing panel finds the detainee guilty of the charged offense.”

The facility has reported making improvements in its solitary confinement practices, “including documenting why detainee strip searches were conducted and revising recreation schedules to add additional recreation time,” the Inspector General wrote.

The ICIJ and Intercept investigation found 100 records of placement in solitary confinement at the Essex County jail from 2013 to early 2017. Twenty-seven of those placements were due to disciplinary reasons, while three of them were the result of a suicide risk. Overall, we found at least 373 instances of detained immigrants being placed in isolation because they were potentially suicidal — and another 200-plus cases of people already in solitary confinement moved to “suicide watch” or another form of observation, in many cases in another solitary cell.

Immigration is expected to be a hot-button issue throughout the presidential campaign. Booker and Warren will both participate in the first 2020 Democratic presidential debate in Miami, Florida, on Wednesday night.
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