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Posts tonen met het label Clark. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 8 maart 2017

Gorbatsjov: de wereld maakt zich klaar voor WOIII

De ex-president van Rusland, of beter gezegd de Sovjet-Unie, Gorbatsjov, liet afgelopen januari weten, dat de wereld zich opmaakt voor oorlog. De redactie van Anti-Media zocht daar aanwijzingen voor en vond er 5, die op 1 maart jl. werden gepubliceerd:

5 Signs We’re Headed Toward a Major War

5 Signs We’re Headed Toward a Major War

(ANTIMEDIA) In January of this year, former Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev warned that the whole world is preparing for war. There are many indicators that back up Gorbachev’s assertion, but to discuss them in their entirety would take a dissertation or two. Instead, we have put together a list of the five most obvious signs of impending war currently being overlooked by the media. As a result of these oversights, the public is also missing them.

1. Travel Ban

The Trump administration’s travel ban, which targeted seven majority-Muslim nations, makes little sense in the context of fighting international terrorism. A Department of Homeland Security report already found no evidence of any extra threat posed by the nations on the travel ban. 

Conversely, a Saudi official has admitted Saudi Arabia’s longstanding practice of supporting terrorism as a political tool, yet Saudi Arabia managed to escape the list. So did Turkey, a country that has extensively aided ISIS fighters; Qatar, which has spent immense amounts of money arming fanatical jihadists; the United Arab Emirates (where the majority of the funding for the 9/11 attacks passed through), and the list goes on.

Instead, the travel ban was purely political. With help from the anti-Trump media establishment, the ban worked wonders separating the American public between those who oppose Trump’s every move and those who support him wholeheartedly in his quest to “make America great again.” But little attention was paid to the reality of the ban.

Six of the seven countries on Trump’s travel ban were featured in a memo that was adopted shortly after 9/11 that detailed how the U.S. was going to topple the governments of seven countries, as exposed by four-star General Wesley Clark. The countries featured on Clark’s list were Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Iran.

Any accusations that Clark’s list is a conspiracy theory are completely debunked by the events of the last two decades. Iraq was invaded in 2003, and the U.S. has been backing warlords in Somalia and bombing the country for some time now. The Pentagon is reportedly considering expanding U.S. involvement in the African nation. Israel was eager to take out Lebanon in 2006 but failed to do so, though Israel warned just last year that the next encounter with Lebanon will be “ferocious” and “terrible.” U.S. troops are on the ground in Sudan. Libya was destroyed in 2011, which paved the way for the transfer of weapons and fighters into Syria, a country bound to Iran by a mutual defense agreement.

In the context of Trump’s travel ban, Lebanon is replaced by Yemen, the latest addition to the playbook amid fears that an insurgency within Yemen could place an Iranian-aligned government on Saudi Arabia’s border.

Including Iran in the travel ban — despite the fact Iran is not currently embroiled in a major civil conflict of its own, is not currently bombing any other countries, and is one of the major partners in the fight against ISIS — demonstrates something more sinister at play than mere concerns regarding international terrorism.

2. Trump’s anti-Iran rhetoric

The Obama administration, having successfully taken out Libya in 2011, was tasked with finishing the job in Syria and toppling the Assad regime. Overwhelming support for Syrian rebels battling the Syrian government was replaced by urgent calls to intervene directly in 2013, but Obama failed to gain international and public support for airstrikes on the Syrian government. Russia diplomatically put its hand up to offer a different proposal altogether, also warning that “[they] have [their] plans” should the American military decide to strike Syria as Obama intended. Any speculation that the real focus of the Syrian war was aimed at Iran was proven to be not just mere conjecture; Obama immediately thereafter warned Iran that just because the U.S. did not attack Syria did not mean the U.S. wouldn’t still strike Iran over its alleged nuclear program.

The Russian military intervened overtly in Syria in 2015, which only further foiled Washington’s plans for regime change in the country, as admitted by former Secretary of State John Kerry in a leaked audio recording.

As such, the Trump administration has appeared to move the focus away from Syria and directly back to Iran, in line George W. Bush’s approach when he was in office.
Trump has assembled a team that is “obsessed with Iran” and has accused Iran of being the biggest state sponsor of terrorism. Theresa May, the prime minister of the United Kingdom, also stated that pushing back on “Iran’s aggressive efforts” to increase its “arc of influence from Tehran through to the Mediterranean” was a “priority.” Trump was likely thrilled by these statements, as May successfully secured 100 percent support for NATO from Trump the next day.

Following an Iranian missile launch, the Trump administration officially put “Iran on notice.” The U.S. government wanted to make sure the Iranians “understood we are not going to sit by and not act on their actions.”

Just this past month, Trump warned in a tweet that Iran was “playing with fire,” and he vowed he would not be anywhere near as “kind” as his predecessor was to Iran. This is important because Trump has accused Iran of breaching its obligations under the nuclear agreement, though the nuclear agreement does not prohibit non-nuclear tests.

The nuclear deal reached in 2015 was viewed as one of Obama’s greatest diplomatic achievements, but in reality, it was doomed to fail right from the start. In the same way Libya was coaxed out of rapidly advancing its weapons programs before being bombed back into the Middle Ages in 2011, it may be the case that this diplomatic approach to Iran was always a smokescreen to give the United States more ‘reasoned’ leverage when attempting to convince the international arena that a strike on Iran was justified.

As outlined in the book “Which Path to Persia? Options for a New American Strategy toward Iran”:
For those who favor regime change or a military attack on Iran (either by the United States or Israel), there is a strong argument to be made for trying this option first. Inciting regime change in Iran would be greatly assisted by convincing the Iranian people that their government is so ideologically blinkered that it refuses to do what is best for the people and instead clings to a policy that could only bring ruin on the country. The ideal scenario in this case would be that the United States and the international community present a package of positive inducements so enticing that the Iranian citizenry would support the deal, only to have the regime reject it. In a similar vein, any military operation against Iran will likely be very unpopular around the world and require the proper international context – both to ensure the logistical support the operation would require and to minimize the blowback from it. The best way to minimize international opprobrium and maximize support (however grudging or covert) is to strike only when there is a widespread conviction that the Iranians were given but then rejected a superb offer – one so good that only a regime determined to acquire nuclear weapons and acquire them for the wrong reasons would turn it down.” [emphasis added]

By claiming that through its missile tests Iran is violating a deal that Trump never supported to begin with, he can lay the groundwork for an all-out confrontation with Iran that could garner support from the international community, as well as the misinformed American public.

3. Iran dumps dollar

Currency is a major driving factor behind the wars of our generation. Iraq reportedly gave up the U.S. dollar in 2000 for the euro and netted a “handsome profit” for doing so. The U.S. military invaded in 2003 and immediately switched oil sales in Iraq from the euro back to the dollar. Iraq was also under heavy U.S. sanctions that spanned the course of at least a decade prior to the invasion.
Comparatively, in response to Trump’s anti-Iran rhetoric and the travel ban, Iran officially dumped the U.S. dollar. Iran has also been on the receiving end of sanctions since the Bush administration, and Trump has slapped fresh sanctions on Iran over the missile tests.

In the lead up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, our television sets were rife with an unprecedented amount of disinformation regarding Iraq’s nuclear program and the threat it posed to the world. Conversely, Israel has been crying wolf over Iran’s nuclear program for at least two decades, yet no actual evidence of an Iranian nuclear weapons program has been produced.
The Trump administration also accused Iran of attacking a U.S. navy vessel – an attack that never took place.

Make no mistake. The Trump administration is laying the groundwork for a war with Iran by sowing the anti-Iranian seeds necessary to take the American public into another dangerous war in the Middle East.

4. Syria

While Trump appeared at first to have heralded a new approach to the Syrian conflict, namely that Assad should be left alone and the real focus of American foreign policy should be on defeating ISIS, the Trump administration is stepping up its Syria operation behind the curtains. Trump is reportedly planning to send troops to Syria, and he is not the only external power doing so. Iran’s regional arch-rival Saudi Arabia, which has incessantly accused Tehran of backing rebels in neighboring Yemen without producing any real evidence, is also reportedly sending troops into Syria.

Iranian-backed regime troops will not look favorably on any foreign invading force, particularly Saudi troops. Saudi Arabia has already made it clear that it intends to liberate areas of Syria from ISIS and will be on the ground to ensure that “liberated areas [do] not fall under the control of Hizballah, Iran or the regime.”

How far will they go to ensure this? Not to mention, how can one country go into another and say that they want to ensure that the land does not fall back into the hands of the people governing that country?

5. Military drills and military alliances

The United States and the United Kingdom have already begun military drills that simulate a potential conflict with Iran. As reported by Russian-state owned news site RT, Iran has staged a “massive” military drill of its own, spanning 2 million square kilometers.

This preparation for war can be seen across the globe. Russia is also holding military drills as NATO troops and tanks encroach upon its border. Iran is seeking even closer military relations with Russia and North Korea. The Baltic states that border Russia are running drills, too, supposedly out of fear that the Kremlin will invade. Russia’s longstanding ally, China, is also currently running drills for its own geostrategic purposes.

Germany is reportedly seeking to increase its troop numbers to 200,000 troops even though such a move may put its neighbors on edge. The Philippines, having decided to give the political middle finger to the United States and instead forge closer relations with Russia and China, welcomed Russian warships to its shores in January of this year.
Looking at these military drills and alliances in the context of the above developments paints a very grim picture for where humanity is headed.

War with Iran: too unthinkable?

The only rational criticism pundits have given regarding Anti-Media’s previous warnings of war is that because a war with Iran would be so unthinkable, the Trump administration would never be so reckless as to pursue it. Critics who hold such a view always neglect two very important points: firstly, the United States under the Obama administration was vehemently opposed to the Assad regime in Syria. The previous U.S. administration resorted to directly targeting Syrian troops in the middle of what was supposed to be a peace process, all with full knowledge that the Assad regime is bound to Iran by a mutual defense agreement. Secondly, America’s Middle Eastern power, Israel, has also attacked Syria multiple times since 2011, targeting Iranian military personnel and their proxies.
Those who think a war with Iran is unthinkable cannot answer the question: what if Iran were to respond directly?

Think of it like the current to and fro between Floyd Mayweather and UFC champion Conor McGregor. The two sides talk tough and attempt to provoke each other to set the mood for the current conflict. Plenty of speculation occurs about whether one side is bluffing and whether or not the fight could possibly occur in the near future. There is even the idea that such a fight would be so disastrous for one of the sides (or both) that there is nothing to gain from pursuing it.

But all it takes is one wrong move; one reckless, cowardly, ill-advised decision from either side and the entire Middle Eastern powder keg could explode.

Trump ordered a raid on Yemen that even war hawk Barack Obama disapproved of because it was deemed too risky, and the raid was an instant failure that killed multiple civilians. This is the same president who turns down dinners because he cannot face the torment of the liberal media and instead forms his opinions from Fox News before taking to Twitter.
It is not unreasonable to expect the worst.


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woensdag 31 augustus 2016

Milošević zat onschuldig in Nederlandse cel..... 'Fijn' dat u dit niet hoort in de reguliere media........

Las vorige week woensdag op Information Clearing House (ICH) een artikel, waarin o.a. werd gemeld, dat de ex-president van Servië, Slobodan Milošević, onterecht is veroordeeld door het Joegoslavië Tribunaal. Met andere woorden, de man zat voor niets in de Scheveningse gevangenis en is daar in 2006 zelfs overleden.......

Het wordt nog gekker mensen: Milošević werd een hartoperatie geweigerd, een operatie die wellicht zijn leven had gered!! De VS hield m.n. toezicht op de gezondheid van Milošević.......

Milošević was een tegenstander van Karadžić en was tegen de etnische zuiveringen, zo bleek bij de postume vrijspraak van Milošević.......

Het Joegoslavië-tribunaal wordt op ICH afgeschilderd als een door de VS geïnitieerd tribunaal, dat er vooral op gericht was, de enorme bloedbaden die de NAVO onder aanvoering van de VS aanrichtte in Joegoslavië, onder tafel te houden....... Gezien de vervolgingen door dit tribunaal en de manier waarop e.e.a. zich voltrok, is daar weinig of niets tegen in te brengen....... Del Ponte, vanaf 1999 hoofdaanklager bij het Joegoslavië-tribunaal, erkende later dat ze onder druk werd gezet, vooral geen NAVO oorlogsmisdaden te onderzoeken......

De ellende in Kosovo, die voor NAVO ingrijpen zorgde, was één grote leugen en de massagraven, waar de Serviërs, de door hen omgebrachte etnische Albanezen zouden hebben begraven, werden nooit gevonden...... Net zo min als de 225.000 Albanese doden, die destijds (en vaak nog tot op de dag van vandaag) door de westerse politici en de reguliere westerse media als een feit werden gepresenteerd, nou zeg maar: 'gepropageerd.......'

Uiteindelijk werden er 2.780 doden gevonden, onder hen bevonden zich veel strijders van beide kanten en Roma..... De laatsten werden vermoord door de Albanese terreurgroep UÇK, nadat deze bepaalde gebieden hadden veroverd met hulp van de NAVO........ Deze massamoord door het UÇK werd door deskundigen zelfs als een genocide aangeduid....... Het UÇK, u weet wel dezelfde terreurgroep die rond de 300 Serviërs vermoordde voor hun organen, zoals Del Ponte in 2003 beschreef in een boek van haar hand......

Het bod dat oorlogsmisdadiger Albright (die 500.000 dode Iraakse kinderen, de moeite van de VS boycot waard vond) aan Milošević deed, zou geen (westerse) leider hebben geaccepteerd. Een schandalig aanbod waarbij de NAVO (en daarmee de VS) het voor het zeggen zou krijgen in Servië en er in dit land een neoliberale marktpolitiek zou worden ingevoerd........

Gevolg van deze terechte weigering door Milošević: bombardementen op voornamelijk Servische burgerdoelen (>> oorlogsmisdaden...)...... VS opperschoft generaal Wesley Clark, die destijds het opperbevel voerde over de NAVO troepen, liet zelfs clusterbommen gebruiken bij het bombarderen van Servië...... Voorts liet Clark 'precisieraketten' gebruiken, die volgens de reguliere westerse media de burgers ongemoeid lieten, maar in werkelijkheid juist wel burgerdoelen raakten, daarnaast werd de Chinese ambassade in Belgrado getroffen.......

De westerse reguliere pers, was destijds een geweldig instrument voor de VS en de NAVO, zoals diezelfde pers dat nog steeds is, zoals u ook in het bericht onder de volgende link kan vinden.

Hier de link naar het volledige bericht, met veel meer voorbeelden van valse berichtgeving door de reguliere afhankelijke media, met verwijzingen naar de illegale oorlogen in voormalig Joegoslavië, Afghanistan, Irak, Libie, Syrië en de belegering van Aleppo. Waar de schrijver en filmmaker John Pilger voorts waarschuwt voor het risico van een nucleaire oorlog, ofwel WOIII......

Zie ook: 'VS maakt (met NAVO) taak in Kosovo af, de rest van de oorspronkelijke bewoners het leven onmogelijk maken........ 500 extra VS militairen naar Kosovo!'

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