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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label J. McLaughlin. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label J. McLaughlin. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 25 januari 2020

Media en 'onafhankelijke berichtgeving' over oorlogsvoering VS

Melvin Goodman schreef op CounterPunch een artikel over de gekleurde berichtgeving in de reguliere VS media. Met een aantal voorbeelden laat hij zien dat deze media lobbyisten van het militair-industreel complex opvoeren als deskundigen, lobbyisten meestal in de vorm van ex-leger officieren, die dan berichten over de 'geweldige verrichtingen' van het VS leger en hun afschuw uitspreken over landen die de VS niet welgevallig zijn (bijvoorbeeld om het volk 'klaar te praten' voor een nieuwe oorlog, of een luchtaanval op een ander land)...... Zoals te verwachten alles overgoten met een berg leugens, halve waarheden en verdraaiingen om het volk te manipuleren ten gunste van VS terreur elders.......

Mooi dat Goodman alles nog even een aantal voorbeelden noemt, echter de hele berichtgeving in de reguliere (massa-) media is totaal scheef en lijkt eerder op de verdediging van het agressieve inhumane neoliberalisme dat een groot deel van het westen in haar greep heeft...... Wat betreft de rol van die media bij oorlogen, ook hier gebruikt men oud-officieren en figuren van denktanks die fungeren als lobbyisten van: -de wapenindustrie, -de VS agressie en -die van de andere NAVO-lidstaten, om uit te leggen dat 'we het goed doen in het Midden-Oosten.....' Intussen hebben we daar militairen naar toegestuurd op basis van grove leugens, gemaakt door veelal de CIA en NSA, leugens die worden overgenomen in de westerse massamedia als was het de waarheid, terwijl men in deze media dondersgoed weet dat deze geheime diensten (en verreweg de meeste andere westerse geheime diensten) over het algemeen liegen dat het gedrukt staat.... 

Terug naar de media: heb jij ooit een rectificatie in bijvoorbeeld de Volkskrant, of de NRC gelezen voor de leugens die men ventileerde om de illegale oorlogen van de VS te steunen en die als gevolg daarvan bijvoorbeeld in Irak tegen de 2 miljoen mensen het leven hebben gekost? Nee, inderdaad, terwijl deze dagbladen de bek vol hebben over fake news (nepnieuws) en andere desinformatie waarmee het volk zou worden gemanipuleerd...... Precies wat deze mediaorganen zelf deden in aanloop van en tijdens de illegale oorlogen van de VS (met hulp van andere NAVO-lidstaten, waaronder Nederland), oorlogen tegen Afghanistan, Irak, Libië en Syrië....

De eigenaren van deze media (in de VS en de rest van het westen) zijn ofwel de super welgestelden, of investeringsgroepen, die beiden belang hebben bij oorlog, uitbuiting en grootschalige vervuiling, dit daar ze grootaandeelhouders zijn in het militair-industrieel complex, de oliemaatschappijen (waaronder ik ook de steen- en bruinkoolmaffia reken) en in de grote multinationals die hun producten in slavenlonenlanden laten maken, zodat ze niet alleen arbeiders voor een appel en ei kunnen uitbuiten, maar waar ze ook geen rekening behoeven te houden met milieuregels, zelfs al zijn die regels ook ontoereikend in het 'dure westen......'

Intussen vergadert veel van het genoemde geteisem in Davos op het World Economic Forum (WEF) over de wereldeconomie........

Ach geen gezeur, het is mooi dat Goodman een aantal voorbeelden geeft, wellicht opent dat de ogen bij een flink aantal mensen.....

January 22, 2020

The Media and the Military Mindset

U.S. national media have been lazy in their treatment of our military—pandering to the military itself and using retired general officers with ties to the military-industrial complex as spokesmen. The United States is largely in an arms race with itself, but the media typically ignore bloated defense spending. It is past time to reinforce Martin Luther King’s address to the Riverside Church in 1967 that linked chronic domestic poverty and military adventurism.

Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Department of Defense has been playing an outsize role in the implementation of U.S. foreign policy and has too much clout in the production of intelligence analysis. The administrations of Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump have given the Pentagon an unprecedented position of power and influence, including huge increases in defense spending and a dominant voice in the making of national security  policy. The media, relying for the most part on retired general officers, have been insufficiently critical of this militarization.

The news on cable television relies on retired general officers to analyze and assess the military actions of the United States. Nearly all of these retired generals and admirals have high-level positions at various arms manufacturers, but this is rarely noted. General Jack Keane, one of Donald Trump’s favorite generals, is a frequent analyst on Fox News, but it is never mentioned that the retired general is executive chairman of AM General, a leading defense contractor, best known as the manufacturer of the Humvee and other tactical military vehicles.  Keane obviously has a direct financial interest in the use of force.

NBC News and MSNBC, the so-called liberal voice of cable television, rely on a former student of mine at the National War College, retired Admiral James Stavridis, who is described as the networks’ “chief international security analyst.” The networks never mention that Stavridis, the former supreme allied commander at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, currently works for the Carlyle Group, advising Carlyle on its multibillion-dollar portfolio of defense companies.

According to a recent article in the Washington Post, CBS’s in-house military expert is retired Admiral James Winnefeld Jr., a former vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but also a member of the board at Raytheon, a major defense manufacturer. CNN relied on retired General James Marks in the early years of the Iraq War, without mentioning Marks’ role in obtaining military and intelligence contracts for McNeil Technologies. Marks is back at CNN, but the network never mentions that now he is a venture partner and adviser to a company that invests in military companies.

The Washington Post is guilty of the same kind of enabling of the military. In the wake of the killing of Qassim Soleimani, Stephen Hadley, President George W. Bush’s national security adviser, endorsed the actions of the Trump administration, arguing that the killing could open the door to diplomacy. The Post needed to mention that Hadley is a director at Raytheon, which manufactures components of the drone that killed Major General Soleimani. In other words, it should be noted that Hadley has a vested financial interest in the war. As a letter writer to the Post noted, drone targeting systems aren’t cheap.

In the field of intelligence reporting, MSNBC relies almost entirely on the views of former CIA director John Brennan and deputy director John McLaughlin. Brennan is a peculiar choice because he supported the policy of torture and abuse while serving on the executive staff of the Central Intelligence Agency as well as aiding in the cover-up of the CIA’s role in shooting down a missionary plane over Peru in a botched mission to stop drug trafficking.  
Brennan was also responsible for the order to CIA lawyers and technicians to hack into the computers of the Senate intelligence committee to remove sensitive documentary evidence of the sordid acts of CIA officers.

McLaughlin is a bizarre choice as an intelligence analyst because he led the effort to craft the spurious speech that Secretary of State Colin Powell gave to the United Nations only six weeks before the U.S. invasion of Iraq. The speech was designed to convince a domestic and international audience of the (non-existent) weapons of mass destruction in Iraqi inventories. The speech was particularly successful in fooling the editorial and oped writers of the Washington Post, who claimed they were “convinced” that Iraqi WMD justified Bush’s war.

The U.S. reliance on military force has damaged U.S. national interests at a time when the global community is facing severe economic stress. The Iraq and Afghan wars have cost trillions of dollars and have not made America more secure. The war on terror has created more terrorists than it has eliminated, and recent secretaries of state have failed to question the strategic and geopolitical implications of a wider war in Southwest Asia. The budget of the Department of Defense, exceeding levels reached during the worst days of the Cold War, receives overwhelming bipartisan support.

Even so-called liberal organizations are attracted to these policies. The Brookings Institution and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and their scholars—Michael O’Hanlon and Robert Kagan, respectively—have advocated the use of military force in Iraq and Afghanistan. Meanwhile, the media largely ignore the loss of civilian life as they do the destruction of civilian economies, including hospitals, schools, and infrastructure. Nearly
sixty years after President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s warning about the military-industrial complex, the United States must come to terms with its elevation of the role of the military; its cult of military spending that has become sacrosanct; and the culture of militarism that has placed U.S. bases all over the globe.  The American public is in danger of knowing only those military policies and actions that the government wants it to know, and the media are insufficiently aggressive in uncovering the nature of U.S. militarism the world over.

More articles by:Melvin Goodman

Melvin A. Goodman is a senior fellow at the Center for International Policy and a professor of government at Johns Hopkins University.  A former CIA analyst, Goodman is the author of Failure of Intelligence: The Decline and Fall of the CIA and National Insecurity: The Cost of American Militarism. and A Whistleblower at the CIA. His most recent book is “American Carnage: The Wars of Donald Trump” (Opus Publishing), and he is the author of the forthcoming “The Dangerous National Security State” (2020).” Goodman is the national security columnist for

woensdag 14 november 2018

Pentagon: nieuwe geheime operatie voor steun aan Saoedische coalitie die genocide uitvoert in Jemen......

Afgelopen zaterdag werd bekend gemaakt dat de VS stopt met het aftanken in de lucht van het moorddadig vliegend oorlogstuig van de Saoedische terreurcoalitie. Blijkbaar heeft men in de Trump administratie en het Pentagon door dat er inderdaad een genocide wordt uitgevoerd in Jemen en ja dan wil je dat er zo min mogelijk bewijs voor de eigen deelname aan die genocide is te vinden.......

Echter per abuis is er een geheim document gepubliceerd waaruit blijkt dat het Pentagon eerder dit jaar een nieuwe geheime operatie, Yukon Journey heeft opgetuigd om de Saoedische terreurcoalitie te steunen. Jammer dat niet duidelijk is om welk type operatie het gaat, maar het moet gek gaan, als dit niet de geheime deelname van de VS is aan die genocide in Jemen...... 

Deelname van de VS aan een genocide, niet alleen met: -wapenleveringen, -training van Saoedische militairen, -een zeeblokkade voor de havens van de Houthi's*, -de coördinatie van bombardementen (met VS 'radarvliegtuigen'), maar ook met 'VS laarzen' op Jemenitische grond, iets dat al lang bekend is, maar blijkbaar niet bij de nieuwsredactie van Yahoo. Al moet gezegd worden dat de VS dit tot nu toe heeft ontkend, ondanks bewijzen voor die aanwezigheid van VS militairen in Jemen...... Zo was er vorig jaar al sprake van VS commando's in Jemen, die vochten tegen IS en Al Qaida, een leugen van formaat, daar deze soennitische terreurgroepen meevechten aan de kant van de soennitische Saoedische terreurcoalitie tegen de sjiitische Houthi's.......

Voorts levert de VS (als Groot-Brittannië) militaire hardware aan Saoedi-Arabië, dus varend, vliegend en rollend oorlogstuig.......... (overigens, ook Nederland levert wapenonderdelen aan S-A, waar men in de papieren het woord wapen niet noemt >> wapens leveren aan S-A is verboden......)

Dezelfde Yahoo redactie spreekt, zoals de zo ongeveer hele westerse reguliere media, over de door Iran gesteunde Houthi rebellen, het excuus van de VS om de Saoedische coalitie te helpen met de genocide in Jemen, terwijl er geen Iraanse militair, noch één militaire adviseur (hoeft geen militair te zijn) in Jemen is te vinden...... Hetzelfde geldt voor de zogenaamde bewijzen dat Iran wapens levert aan de Houthi's, ook daarvoor is geen flinter aan bewijs te vinden, laat staan dat er bewijs voor die leugen openbaar werd gemaakt..... 

De VS, Groot-Brittannië en Saoedi-Arabië  probeerden deze Iraanse hulp te bewijzen met onderdelen uit de ontplofte raketten van de Houthi rebellen, raketten die op Saoedische bodem werden gevonden. Inderdaad daar zat een onderdeel in dat in Iran werd gefabriceerd, maar waar men niet over sprak is het feit dat er meerdere onderdelen uit o.a. de VS in die raketten werden gevonden.......  

Pentagon launched new classified operation to support Saudi coalition in Yemen

Yahoo News November 10, 2018

People inspect a building in Sanaa, Yemen, destroyed in airstrikes carried out by warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition after the U.N. Special Envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths, departed on June 6, 2018. (Photo: Mohammed Hamoud/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Even as the humanitarian crisis precipitated by Saudi Arabia’s more-than-three-year war in Yemen has deepened, the Pentagon earlier this year launched a new classified operation to support the kingdom’s military operations there, according to a Defense Department document that appears to have been posted online inadvertently.

The existence of the new classified operation, code-named Yukon Journey, was partially revealed in a Defense Department inspector general report posted online earlier this month, which noted that “the Secretary of Defense designated three new named contingency operations: Operation Yukon Journey, and operations in Northwest Africa and East Africa.”

The three operations, which focus on al-Qaida and ISIS, are classified, the report notes, and the Pentagon has not publicly disclosed their location beyond saying they are in the Middle East and Africa.

But another document posted earlier this year on a Pentagon-affiliated website identifies Yukon Journey as a Central Command operation supporting the “Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Partner Nations in Yemen.”

The existence of a classified operation in Yemen raises the possibility that even as the Pentagon scales back unclassified operations, such as refueling Saudi-led coalition aircraft, covert support, to include possible U.S. special forces on the ground, could continue.

The document, marked for official use only, was posted on the All Partners Access Network, an unclassified website the Defense Department uses to share information with NGOs and humanitarian organizations.

Though it’s unclear what type of support Yukon Journey provides to Saudi Arabia, it has long been suspected that the Defense Department has special operations forces on the ground in Yemen, where the Saudis are fighting Iranian-backed Houthi rebels.

A photo distributed by the Houthi Military Media Unit shows the launch by Houthi forces of a ballistic missile aimed at Saudi Arabia, March 25, 2018. (Photo: Houthi Military Media Unit/Handout via Reuters)

My guess — and purely a guess — is it’s something to do with going after Houthi ballistic missiles,” Bruce Riedel, a former CIA officer and now a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, tells Yahoo News. “That’s probably the thing the administration worries about the most, that the Houthis’ ballistic missile will cause a mass casualty event in Saudi Arabia or the UAE.”

Riedel pointed to previous reports of special forces assisting in the hunt for ballistic missiles. “My guess is that’s some part of that, but there may be some more aggressive part of it. Maybe operations inside Yemen, instead of just along the border,” he said.

U.S. Central Command declined to answer questions on Yukon Journey or confirm its location.

The United States is currently providing limited support to the coalition in the form of logistical assistance (to include air-to-air refueling), intelligence sharing, best practices and other advisory support,” a spokesperson for the command wrote when asked about current unclassified support.

The Defense Department inspector general also declined to confirm that Yukon Journey was for support to the Saudi coalition in Yemen.

It “is indeed accurate to say that the location of Operation Youkon [sic] Journey is classified and is therefore not being discussed publicly,” a spokesperson for the inspector general wrote.

But the Pentagon’s refusal to name the location of operations appeared to bother the Pentagon’s top watchdog. The Pentagon “did not answer the question as to why it was necessary to designate these existing counterterrorism campaigns as overseas contingency operations or what benefits were conveyed with the overseas contingency operation designation,” the inspector general’s report noted.

While the Defense Department argued that the operations were classified to protect U.S. forces operating abroad, the inspector general did not sound convinced, writing that it was “typical to classify such tactical information in any operation even when the overall location of an operation is publicly acknowledged.”

Steven Aftergood, who runs the Secrecy News blog of the Federation of American Scientists and was the first to call public attention to the Yukon Journey designation in the inspector general’s report, said he wasn’t surprised by the secrecy. “When it comes to classified operations, I think the default position is to withhold all information unless there is a requirement to disclose it or a foreseeable benefit from doing so,” he said.

Women walk past graffiti denouncing strikes by U.S. drones in Yemen, painted on a wall in Sanaa, Yemen, Feb. 6, 2017. (Photo: Khaled Abdullah/Reuters)

There is, he pointed out, no specific requirement to disclose the location of the operations. “What’s interesting here — and actually somewhat encouraging — is that the DOD inspector general is not overly impressed by the military rationale for secrecy and seems determined to press for better answers,” he added.

The Trump administration has come under increasing pressure over its long-standing support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, which began under former President Barack Obama. In September, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo certified that the Saudis were attempting to minimize civilian casualties, a finding that allowed the U.S. military to continue refueling the coalition aircraft operating over Yemen.

But U.S. patience may be wearing thin amid mounting civilian casualties in Yemen and the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey at the hands of Saudi intelligence officers.

Despite the September certification, on Friday night, just hours after the Washington Post reported that the Defense Department was considering halting its refueling of the Saudi-led coalition’s aircraft, the Pentagon issued a formal statement confirming the decision. “We support the decision by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, after consultations with the U.S. Government, to use the Coalition’s own military capabilities to conduct inflight refueling in support of its operations in Yemen,” Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement.

That decision would appear not to affect Yukon Journey’s classified activities, however.

While previous attempts in Congress to halt U.S. support have failed, opponents of the war believe they may now have the votes to take action on a resolution introduced in late September that would bring U.S. support for the coalition to an end.

In the wake of the Khashoggi murder and the Pompeo certification, that left a lot of members upset,” said one congressional aide.

The prospect of classified operations in Yemen only deepens those concerns, according to the aide. “There’s also concern among some members that the Pentagon has not been fully transparent about our role in the war against the Houthis in Yemen,” the aide said.

Boys demonstrate outside the offices of the United Nations in Sanaa, Yemen, to denounce an airstrike that killed dozens, including children, in the northwestern province of Saada in August. (Photo: Khaled Abdullah/Reuters)

While a Democratic House of Representatives in January could put even more pressure on the administration, opponents might seek action before then. The aide said that when Congress comes back into session, it will vote on a resolution introduced earlier this year by Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) that would end U.S. involvement in the war.

When the bill was introduced in late September, before Khashoggi’s murder, it had high-level support among Democrats, but only a few Republicans supported it.

The calculus now may have changed, said Riedel, the former CIA official.

I think they’ve got the votes now,” he said.
* Van die havens is er nog één over: Hodeida en daar kan al een paar maanden niets meer worden aangevoerd, vanwege de terreur van de Saoedische coalitie tegen die stad.......

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'Blok (VVD 'minister' van BuZA) wenst in VN geen oproep tot wapenboycot te doen i.z. Jemen, in de VS blokkeerde huis van afgevaardigden een debat over de genocide in Jemen'

'Trump administratie staat op het punt de Houthi's in Jemen op de terreurlijst te zetten.......'

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'Amal Hussain, het meisje van 7 dat voor het westen symbool stond voor humanitaire crisis (lees: genocide) in Jemen, is overleden.......'

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