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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label K. Wolfe. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label K. Wolfe. Alle posts tonen

maandag 17 september 2018

Duizenden 'illegale' kinderen in VS concentratiekampen.......

Hoewel de Trump administratie keer op keer stelt dat de kinderen die van hun ouders werden afgenomen, terug zijn bij hun ouders, blijkt dit 'evenzovaak' een leugen te zijn, maar het hieronder opgenomen artikel overgenomen van Greed en eerder gebracht door Sputnik (VS) is eigenlijk nog veel sterker verontrustend.....

Het blijkt dat de VS duizenden kinderen, die zonder hun ouders en papieren de VS binnenkwamen vanuit Mexico en de rest van Midden-Amerika, vasthoudt in wat niet anders kan worden aangeduid dan concentratiekampen........ Je kan dan ook gerust spreken van een enorme schending van mensen- en kinderrechten.... 

Vergeet naast dit alles niet dat in het grootste deel van Latijns-Amerika het leven van een kind niets waard is en de VS er zelf voor zorgt het grootste deel van de volkeren in dit deel van de Amerika's, in diepe armoede zitten, ofwel: de VS is zelf verantwoordelijk voor het vluchten van mensen naar de VS.......

Lees het volgende artikel en huiver:


Immigrant Camps

United States (Sputnik) – Although hundreds of children were previously released to their families after being separated by US federal agents earlier this year, data recently obtained by The New York Times this week revealed that some 12,800 others are still being held in detention centers.
It should be noted that the large amount of detainees isn’t due to an influx in migrant children; rather it’s the result of fewer children being released into the custody of guardians or sponsors.

Juan José Gutiérrez, the executive director of the Full Rights for Immigrants Coalition (FRIC VS), told Radio Sputnik’s Loud & Clear on Thursday that a majority of those being detained are teenagers from Mexico and Central America who traveled unaccompanied.

These individuals are not being picked up by family, friends or relatives or any kind of sponsor willing to sponsor children, because the [US President] Donald Trump administration is making it harder and harder under this zero tolerance immigration policy for people to step forward and be able to sponsor these children and get them out of detention,” he told hosts Brian Becker and John Kiriakou.

What we have here is that all these children are being kept in these modern-day concentration camps called immigration shelters,” he added, before noting that owners of the shelters are making a profit off of others’ suffering.”

The Trump administration issued a new rule in June that states sponsors must be fingerprinted in order to have a child released into their care, and that their information has to then be shared with immigration officials.
Children are being kept in dozens of shelters scattered throughout the US as their individual cases travel through the US court system at a snail’s space. On Tuesday, it was reported that a tent city for migrant boys in Tornillo, Texas, would stay open until at least the end of 2019, marking the third time the temporary shelter saw its closure delayed.
Kenneth Wolfe, a Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) spokesperson, told CBS News Tuesday that the compound would be expanding in order to accommodate some 3,800 additional beds. Though the facility originally held some 400 boys when it opened on June 14, 2018, it currently has the means to house 1,200 kids.
Acknowledging that owners of the private detention camps are lining their pockets with dollar bills, Gutiérrez told Kiriakou that “this is [being done] in the nature of capitalism, the so-called free enterprise system, where you always put profits before people’s rights and their needs.”

In this case it is profits before the rights of undocumented teenagers,” he said.
Reports surfaced earlier this week that the Trump administration had diverted some $10 million from several agencies, including the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to fund the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE). This was in addition to the $200 million that the Trump administration redirected from the Department of Homeland Security to ICE over the summer. Of the $200 million, $93 million was allocated for detention centers.
This report prepared by Sputnik
Kortom eens te meer is duidelijk dat de VS niet alleen in het buitenland grootschalige terreur uitoefent, maar ook in eigen land.......

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