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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Midden-Amerika. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Midden-Amerika. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 21 oktober 2021

COVID-19-vaccins: Pfizer maakt misbruik van wanhopige regeringen

Het was al bekend dat de grote westerse farmaceuten in de contracten voor hun vaccin de bepaling hebben opgenomen dat ze niet verantwoordelijk kunnen worden gesteld voor ernstige bijwerkingen op de korte, middellange en lange termijn. Daar de meeste regeringen het vaccin als absoluut noodzakelijk zien, tekenen ze deze contracten voor COVID-vaccins, waarvan de makers dus niet zeker zijn of deze op de korte, de wat langere of lange duur ernstige bijwerkingen kunnen hebben...... Kortom de makers vertrouwen hun eigen vaccin niet en gezien de totaal onverantwoorde korte testtijd voor deze vaccins, waar normaal minstens 5 jaar voor staat en in veel gevallen zelfs 10 jaar, fungeren de gevaccineerden als proefkonijn (ofwel proefdier)......

Nu blijkt dat Pfizer nog even wat verder gaat met de contracten en zeker als het om wanhopige regeringen van landen gaat, waar nog maar weinigen zich hebben kunnen laten vaccineren, tekenen deze regeringen voor de aanvullende contractuele eisen van Pfizer...... Je kan er overigens de klok op gelijkzetten dat ook de andere westerse COVID-vaccin makers hetzelfde doen....... 

Hoe je ook denkt over het vaccin, is het natuurlijk te zot voor woorden dat farmaceuten als Pfizer landen onder druk zetten akkoord te gaan met contracten die men normaal gesproken zou afwijzen...... Het zoveelste teken dat voor deze farmaceuten harteloze inhumane schoften werken, die er lak aan hebben hoe het een bevolking vergaat, neem ook het feit dat in arme landen grote aantallen mensen overlijden aan ziekten die makkelijk en goedkoop zijn te genezen, maar waarvoor de farmaceuten kapitalen eisen en waarbij ze deze landen verbieden hun medicijnen na te maken, de zittende VS administraties, zoals die van Biden nu, zorgen ervoor dat de eisen en rechten (zoals het patent op medicijnen) van deze farmaceuten worden nageleefd, zo niet kan de VS deze landen sancties opleggen, zoals deze vereniging van terreurstaten maar al te vaak doet.......

Lees het volgende artikel over de smerige praktijken van Pfizer, waarin o.a. te lezen is dat Pfizer met haar contracten een aantal overheidstaken kan manipuleren....... Als je het Engels niet machtig bent: kopieer dan de Engelse tekst en plak die in deze vertaalapp, de app werkt snel en de vertaling is van een redelijk goede kwaliteit)

(On the top right hand side of this page you can choose for a translation in the language of your choice, first choose 'Engels' [English] so you can recognise your own language [the Google translation is first in Dutch, a language most people don't understand, while on the other hand most people recognize there language translated in English])


 Pfizer’s appeals make it sound as though the frame­work of intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty rules and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal monop­o­lies is a com­mon-sense glob­al order whose ben­e­fits to human soci­ety are appar­ent. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)Pfizer is under fire for secretive contracts with countries buying its Covid-19 vaccines. (Photo: Mario Tama/Getty Images)

Exposed: How Pfizer Exploits Secretive Vaccine Contracts to Strong-Arm Governments

"Pfizer has used its monopoly on a lifesaving vaccine to extract concessions from desperate governments," said the report's author, urging action from the Biden administration.

Jessica Corbett

  • Pfizer has used its position as a producer of one of the leading Covid-19 vaccines to "silence governments, throttle supply, shift risk, and maximize profits" through secret contracts with countries around the world, according to a Public Citizen report published Tuesday.

    "Behind closed doors, Pfizer wields its power to extract a series of concerning concessions from governments," report author Zain Rizvi, law and policy researcher at Public Citizen's Access to Medicines program, said in a statement. "The global community cannot allow pharmaceutical corporations to keep calling the shots."

    The new report begins by noting February reporting about accusations of Pfizer—an American pharmaceutical giant that developed its mRNA vaccine with the German firm BioNTech—"bullying" Latin American governments during contract negotiations for doses.

    Public Citizen obtained unredacted term sheets, drafts, or final agreements between Pfizer and Albania, Brazil, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, the European Commission, and Peru. The consumer rights advocacy group also examined redacted contracts with Chile, the U.S., and the U.K.

    Bombshell report by @Public_Citizen building on our @TBIJ team’s reporting into Pfizer’s vaccine contracts. In this pandemic, how much power does Big Pharma hold?
    Zain Rizvi
    NEW: We dug into Pfizer vaccine's contracts. They offer a rare glimpse into the power one corporation has gained to silence govts, throttle supply and shift risk in the worst public health crisis in a century. Govts must push back to ensure global access.
    You can read our first story on Pfizer’s vaccine contracts in Latin America here. We found Pfizer had asked some countries to put up sovereign assets as a guarantee against the cost of any future legal cases. (Published February.)

    Based on those contracts, the report identifies six tactics Pfizer is using to serve the company rather than public health in the midst of a deadly pandemic:

    1. Pfizer Reserves the Right to Silence Governments

    The Brazilian government complained earlier this year that the company insisted on "unfair and abusive" terms but ultimately accepted a contract that "waived sovereign immunity; imposed no penalties on Pfizer for late deliveries; agreed to resolve disputes under a secret private arbitration under the laws of New York; and broadly indemnified Pfizer for civil claims."

    Brazil also agreed to a nondisclosure provision similar to those found in contracts with the European Commission and the U.S. government.

    2. Pfizer Controls Donations

    Again using Brazil as an example, the report points out that the South American nation must first get a go-ahead from Pfizer to accept donations or buy its vaccines from others. The country is also barred from "donating, distributing, exporting, or otherwise transporting the vaccine outside Brazil without Pfizer's permission."

    3. Pfizer Secured an "IP Waiver" for Itself

    Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla "has emerged as a strident defender of intellectual property in the pandemic," the report says, noting his opposition to a proposal that members of the World Trade Organization who signed on to the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) waive IP protections for Covid-19 vaccines and treatments during the crisis.

    "But, in several contracts, Pfizer seems to recognize the risk posed by intellectual property to vaccine development, manufacturing, and sale," Public Citizen explains. "The contracts shift responsibility for any intellectual property infringement that Pfizer might commit to the government purchasers. As a result, under the contract, Pfizer can use anyone's intellectual property it pleases—largely without consequence."

    4. Private Arbitrators, Not Public Courts, Decide Disputes in Secret

    While the U.K. contract requires that disputes are settled by secret panel of three private arbitrators under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the report says, "the Albania draft contract and Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, and Peru agreements require the governments to go further, with contractual disputes subject to ICC arbitration applying New York law."

    5. Pfizer Can Go After State Assets

    "Pfizer required Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and Peru to waive sovereign immunity," the report highlights, detailing that the doctrine can sometimes protect states from companies trying to enforce decisions reached by the previously noted secret arbitral panels. Some of the contracts enable the company to "request that courts use state assets as a guarantee that Pfizer will be paid an arbitral award and/or use the assets to compensate Pfizer if the government does not pay," according to Public Citizen.

    6. Pfizer Calls the Shots on Key Decisions

    "What happens if there are vaccine supply shortages? In the Albania draft contract and the Brazil and Colombia agreement, Pfizer will decide adjustments to the delivery schedule based on principles the corporation will decide" the report notes, concluding that "under the vast majority of contracts, Pfizer's interests come first."

    Public Citizen calls on world leaders, especially U.S. President Joe Biden, to "push back" against Pfizer's negotiating tactics and "rein in" its monopoly power.

    According to the group, the Biden administration can "call on Pfizer to renegotiate existing commitments and pursue a fairer approach in the future" as well as "further rectify the power imbalance by sharing the vaccine recipe, under the Defense Production Act, to allow multiple producers to expand vaccine supplies."

    The U.S. administration "can also work to rapidly secure a broad waiver of intellectual property rules," the report adds, declaring that "a wartime response against the virus demands nothing less."

    NEW: We dug into Pfizer vaccine's contracts. They offer a rare glimpse into the power one corporation has gained to silence govts, throttle supply and shift risk in the worst public health crisis in a century. Govts must push back to ensure global access.
    Zain Rizvi
    Pfizer has used its monopoly on a lifesaving vaccine to extract concessions from desperate governments. As I told @mradamtaylor, the contracts consistently place Pfizer’s interests before public health imperatives.

    In response to Public Citizen's report, Sharon Castillo, a spokesperson for Pfizer, told The Washington Post that confidentiality clauses were "standard in commercial contracts" and "intended to help build trust between the parties, as well as protect the confidential commercial information exchanged during negotiations and included in final contracts."

    Castillo also said that "Pfizer has not interfered and has absolutely no intention of interfering with any country's diplomatic, military, or culturally significant assets," adding that "to suggest anything to the contrary is irresponsible and misleading."

    Meanwhile, Peter Maybarduk, director of Public Citizen's Access to Medicines program, accused Pfizer of "taking advantage of countries' desperation" with the far-reaching contracts.

    "Most of us have sacrificed during the pandemic; staying distant to protect family and friends," Maybarduk said Tuesday. "Pfizer went the other way, using its control of scarce vaccines to win special privileges, from people that have little choice."

    Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.


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    'COVID-19: Pfizer adviseert derde vaccinatie, omzet van dit bedrijf op deze vaccins in 2021 al meer dan 20 miljard dollar.......' Terwijl dit bedrijf als andere vaccinmakers, minstens 1 miljard dollar aan subsidie kreeg voor de ontwikkeling van het vaccin..... 

    'COVID-19 vaccins en de bijwerkingen 'die zijn te verwaarlozen': een les van Pierre Capel, emeritus hoogleraar besmettingsleer en immunologie' 

    'Pegasus spyware toch volop gebruikt in Duitsland i.t.t. eerdere berichten' (ook van belang gezien de internationale schreeuw om maatregelen tegen ongevaccineerden....)

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    'Coronavirus: paniek over de Deltavariant is onterecht en zwaar overdreven' (!!!!) De bezuinigingen op de gezondheidszorg zijn de reden voor de Coronamaatregelen, die werden immers genomen daar er te weinig ziekenhuisbedden, IC bedden en verpleegkundigen waren. Zoals eerder in dit blog al gemeld: het aantal verpleegkundigen is als de IC- en andere ziekenhuisbedden sterk teruggelopen door wanbeleid van de afbraakkabinetten Rutte 1, 2 en 3, bij aantreden van Rutte 1 waren er nog 2.200 IC bedden, dit was tot de uitbraak van het virus in 2020 bezuinigd tot 1.100 bedden....... De AIVD en MIVD waarschuwden in 2016 Rutte 2 en daarmee Rutte 3 juist voor de tekorten aan IC bedden, verpleegkundigen en specialisten, mocht er een pandemie uitbreken...... Dus als je sterk bent benadeeld door de Coronamaatregelen, weet je wie hiervoor verantwoordelijk zijn!! Het demissionaire kabinet Rutte 3 en de partijen die dit kabinet vertegenwoordigen hebben onlangs schunnig genoeg besloten dat er geen extra IC bedden bijkomen, hetzelfde geldt voor intensivisten en verpleegkundigen..... Hierbij nogmaals de volgende link: 'Coronavirus: motie over uitbreiden IC-capaciteit, plus extra verpleegkundigen en intensivisten afgewezen door VVD, D66, CDA en ChristenUnie' (!!!!) Zie wat dat bericht betreft ook:

    'Coronavirus: artsen willen via rechtszaak tegen de staat COVID-19 van A-lijst krijgen, daar het een griepvirus zou zijn' De video die oorspronkelijk in het artikel was te zien is gecensureerd, tja je wilt natuurlijk niet dat de bevolking begrijpt hoezeer men werd en wordt belazerd......

    'Met COVID-19 besmette zorgmedewerkers mogen ondanks symptomen gewoon doorwerken.......'

    'Coronavirus: Diederik Gommers (IC arts) zou het mooi vinden dat mensen worden ingeënt met het AZ vaccin nadat ze tekenden voor het risico dat ze lopen.....' (ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!) (en zie de reactie onder dat bericht)

    'COVID-19 vaccins en de bijwerkingen 'die zijn te verwaarlozen': een les van Pierre Capel, emeritus hoogleraar besmettingsleer en immunologie'

    'COVID-19: gezonde mensen maken elkaar niet ziek'

    'Coronabeslommeringen: AstraZeneca vaccin onder vuur >> universiteit van Oxford start opnieuw met angstzaaien voor het virus'

    'Astra Zeneca volkomen veilig, uh nee niet voor ouderen, uh oh toch veilig voor ouderen, uh maar niet voor vrouwen onder de 60, uh ho even: toch wel, uhhhh.....'

    'Coronabeslommeringen: ook na vaccinatie kan je het virus doorgeven, plus de zoveelste blunder van CDA minister de Jonge' Het na dit bericht gebrachte nieuws dat je niet besmettelijk bent na vaccinatie, schijnt grote onzin te zijn en zou gebaseerd zijn op een foute interpretatie van een bericht uit de VS, lijkt me ook logisch daar dr Fauci eerder al meldde dat gevaccineerden nog lang besmettelijk blijven en zich aan de Coronamaatregelen dienen te houden..... Weet je nog: CDA 'minister' de Jonge en dansen met Janssen....? (ongelofelijk dat deze zwaar disfunctionerende blunderkont nog steeds ministertje van Volksgezondheid mag spelen!! Wat overigens ook geldt voor VVD premier Rutte en CDA minister Grapperhaus, waar de laatste bewezen zelf niet gelooft in Coronamaatregelen!!)

    'Coronabeslommeringen: Duitse wetenschappers vermoeden dat je ook na een tweede vaccinatie alsnog anderen kan besmetten'

    'Coronadoden? Agnes Kant (Lareb) geeft 'transparante duidelijkheid': deze 87 doden zijn te betreuren vanwege 'onderliggende klachten....'' (!!!!)

    'Coronavaccin: de Jonge zegt dat van Haga 'paniek zaait' met vraag over doden na Coronavaccinatie.....'

    'Coronabeslommeringen: de avondklok en een gecensureerd bericht van een huisarts'

    'Westen hekelt Rusland en China voor het verspreiden van anti-Coronavaccins in arme landen'

    'Coronavaccin AstraZeneca samengesteld met gebruikmaking van o.a. genetische gemanipuleerde menselijke foetus niercellen'

    'Coronavaccinatie: meerdere doden kort na inenting

    'AstraZeneca en de late uitlevering van vaccins plus de vroege aankoop door Trump van 1 miljard dollar aan AZ vaccins'

    'Moderna vaccin volgens Nederland getest op ouderen, een leugen van formaat!!'

    'Hugo de Jonge schoot enorme bok met handtekening voor waarschijnlijk niet werkend vaccin en Feike Sijbesma, speciaal Coronagezant, wil mondkapjes' (met o.a. de aankoop van vaccins door Trump bij AstraZeneca en zie de oudere links in dat bericht!) 

    'Intellectueel Eigendom reden voor rijke landen om arme landen tegen te houden COVID-19 medicijnen na te maken......'

    'Coronabeslommeringen: geen bijsluiter bij vaccin en de Jonge (CDA minister) begaat zééér zorgvuldig zijn zoveelste blunder'

    'Coronavaccinatie: meerdere doden kort na inenting'

    'Vaccin AstraZeneca in twee delen voor 90% beschermend tegen COVID-19 en de bijwerkingen...... (?)

    'De rijke landen behartigen tijdens de Coronacrisis de belangen van 'Big Pharma' i.p.v. de gezondheid van miljarden' (!!!!) Dit buiten de vraag of het vaccin wel of niet veilig is >> de manier waarop men met arme landen omgaat heeft niets meer met 'solidariteit' of het misselijkmakende 'samen' te maken, nee hier is het: eerst het westen en de rest moet maar zien......

    'Bill Gates' inzet tegen het Coronavirus en zijn handelen op vaccinatiegebied: de winsten van de farmaceuten vermenigvuldigen' 

    'Bill Gates, CDC, WHO en de farmaceuten anticipeerden op de Coronacrisis in november 2019.....

    'COVID-19: wellicht zijn 2 vaccinaties nodig zegt farma lobbyist Osterhaus, vandaag zijn dat er al 3: ping ping kassa!!' (intussen 9 september 2020 spreekt men al over een derde en wellicht vierde injectie, met jaarlijkse herhalingen als bij de griepprik.....)

    Ook de test op antilichamen klopt niet, dit is een test voor mensen die het virus onder de leden hebben gehad(!!): 'COVID-19 testen op antilichamen van o.a. Roche, Quest en Abbott zijn waardeloos'

    dinsdag 6 april 2021

    Bidens 'humane plan' voor Midden-Amerika zal bitter weinig verandering geven in de omgang met de volkeren in die regio

    Joe Biden beloofde bij zijn aantreden dat hij de inhumane politiek tegen immigratie van Trump zou veranderen met zijn 'Plan to Build Security and Prosperity in Partnership with the People of Central America' door VS leiderschap in die regio te herstellen en zoals je begrijpt heeft dit bij de bevolkingen van Midden-Amerika een onheilspellende klank, immers VS bemoeienis met Midden-Amerika betekent steun voor rechtse repressieve regimes en als gevolg daarvan vaak zware terreur tegen de bevolking...... (dat geldt overigens voor heel Latijns-Amerika) In plaats van het helpen van de bevolking in Midden-Amerika, hangt Biden het oude model aan: 'economische ontwikkeling van landen' waarbij zoals je begrijpt de onderliggende bedoeling is om grote bedrijven uit de VS zoveel mogelijk te laten verdienen, juist ten koste van de verschillende bevolkingen en waarbij de grondstoffen van een land op een schunnige manier worden geplunderd..... Daarbij stimuleert de VS de militairen van de landen 'veiligheid' te garanderen door het middels geweld tegengaan van migrantenstromen.....

    Sterker nog: deze bemoeienis betekende voor democratische gekozen Midden-Amerikaanse (en Zuid-Amerikaanse) regeringen in het (recente en langere) verleden dat ze zich hadden te schikken naar de eisen van de VS, daar deze grootste terreurentiteit ter wereld er de hand niet voor omdraait om in landen met VS onwelgevallige regimes opstanden te organiseren en regisseren om zo een verandering van regering door te drukken, waarbij de VS illegale sancties instelt (zonder VN resolutie) om zo'n land aan de bedelstaf 'te helpen', in de hoop dat de daardoor ontevreden wordende bevolking in opstand komt..... En mocht dat niet lukken gaat de VS nog verder en probeert dan de top van het leger in die landen om te kopen en een staatsgreep te laten uitvoeren, uiteraard geregisseerd door de CIA…... Als zelfs dat niet lukt staat de VS nog het wapen van een false flag operatie ter beschikking, waarbij een onwillige regering wordt beschuldigd van het aanvallen van VS burgers, of bijvoorbeeld een marineschip van de VS om zo een 'legitimatie' te creëren voor een inval in zo'n land........ (ook leugens van de CIA, veelal in samenwerking met de reguliere [massa-] media van de VS over zware onderdrukking van de bevolking van zo'n land kan een legitimatie zijn >> een 'mooi voorbeeld' is de enorme berg met leugens over hoe 'inhumaan' de regering Maduro van Venezuela omgaat met het Venezolaanse volk.....*)

    Vergeet bij dit alles niet dat Biden als vicepresident onder Obama mede verantwoordelijk was voor het op grote schaal deporteren van vluchtelingen naar hun land van herkomst, ook werden bij binnenkomst van die vluchtelingen in de VS kinderen gescheiden van ouders, iets waarover de media met geen woord repten ten tijde van dat gebeuren, dit in schrille tegenstelling tot eenzelfde handelswijze door de Trump administratie..... (en nee ik ben om het zacht te zeggen geen fan van fascist Trump)

    Ook al onder Obama besteedde de VS kapitalen aan het versterken van de grenscontroles aan de zuidelijke grens van Mexico en de zuidelijker liggende Midden-Amerikaanse landen......

    Lees het artikel op CounterPunch dat Aviva Chomsky schreef over deze zaak en je zal helaas moeten concluderen dat het er allesbehalve goed uitziet voor de verdrukte volkeren in Midden-Amerika, die straks nog moeilijker zullen kunnen vluchten voor in feite door de VS gecreëerd geweld..... Het lijkt bijkans de EU wel met de Turkije deal, waarvan wat vluchtelingen in modelkampen hebben geprofiteerd, kampen die werden bezocht door delegaties van het EU 'parlement', terwijl de rest van de vluchtelingen of langs de kant van de weg 'woonden of nog woont' (niet langs wegen waarlangs de Turkse politie patrouilleert), dan wel in kampen in onherbergzame gebieden, kampen waar noch het Rode Kruis, of de Rode Halvemaan, noch advocaten en mensenrechtenorganisaties welkom waren en zijn.... (natuurlijk zijn dat niet de kampen die worden bezocht door delegaties van de EU......)

    April 1, 2021

    Will Biden’s Central American Plan Slow Migration (or Speed It Up)?

    by Aviva Chomsky

    Photograph Source: Matt Johnson – CC BY 2.0

    Joe Biden entered the White House with some inspiring yet contradictory positions on immigration and Central America. He promised to reverse Donald Trump’s draconian anti-immigrant policies while, through his “Plan to Build Security and Prosperity in Partnership with the People of Central America,” restoring “U.S. leadership in the region” that he claimed Trump had abandoned. For Central Americans, though, such “leadership” has an ominous ring.

    Although the second half of his plan’s name does, in fact, echo that of left-wing, grassroots organizations like the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), its content highlights a version of security and prosperity in that region that’s more Cold War-like than CISPES-like. Instead of solidarity (or even partnership) with Central America, Biden’s plan actually promotes an old economic development model that has long benefited U.S. corporations. It also aims to impose a distinctly militarized version of “security” on the people of that region. In addition, it focuses on enlisting Central American governments and, in particular, their militaries to contain migration through the use of repression.

    Linking Immigration and Foreign Policy

    The clearest statement of the president’s Central America goals appears in his “U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021,” sent to Congress on January 20th. That proposal offers a sweeping set of changes aimed at eliminating President Trump’s racist exclusions, restoring rights to asylum, and opening a path to legal status and citizenship for the immigrant population. After the anti-immigrant barrage of the last four years, that proposal seems worth celebrating. It follows in the footsteps of previous bipartisan “comprehensive” compromises like the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act and a failed 2013 immigration bill, both of which included a path to citizenship for many undocumented people, while dedicating significant resources to border “security.”

    Read closely, a significant portion of Biden’s immigration proposal focuses on the premise that addressing the root causes of Central America’s problems will reduce the flow of immigrants to the U.S. border. In its own words, the Biden plan promises to promote “the rule of law, security, and economic development in Central America” in order to “address the key factors” contributing to emigration. Buried in its fuzzy language, however, are long-standing bipartisan Washington goals that should sound familiar to those who have been paying attention in these years.

    Their essence: that millions of dollars in “aid” money should be poured into upgrading local military and police forces in order to protect an economic model based on private investment and the export of profits. Above all, the privileges of foreign investors must not be threatened. As it happens, this is the very model that Washington has imposed on the countries of Central America over the past century, one that’s left its lands corrupt, violent, and impoverished, and so continued to uproot Central Americans and send them fleeing toward the United States.

    Crucial to Biden’s plan, as to those of his predecessors, is another key element: to coerce Mexico and Guatemala into serving as proxies for the wall only partially builtalong the southern border of the U.S. and proudly promoted by presidents from Bill Clinton to Donald Trump.

    While the economic model lurking behind Biden’s plan may be old indeed, the attempt to outsource U.S. immigration enforcement to Mexican and Central American military and police forces has proven to be a distinctly twenty-first-century twist on border policy.

    Outsourcing the Border (from Bush to Biden)

    The idea that immigration policy could be outsourced began long before Donald Trump notoriously threatened, in mid-2019, to impose tariffs on Mexican goods to pressure that country’s new president into agreeing to his demand to collaborate with Washington’s anti-immigrant agenda. That included, of course, Trump’s controversial “remain in Mexico” policy that has continued to strand tens of thousands of asylum-seekers there.

    Meanwhile, for almost two decades the United States has been bullying (and funding) military and police forces to its south to enforce its immigration priorities, effectively turning other countries’ borders into extensions of the U.S. one. In the process, Mexico’s forces have regularly been deployed on that country’s southern border, and Guatemala’s on its border with Honduras, all to violently enforce Washington’s immigration policies.

    Such outsourcing was, in part, a response to the successes of the immigrant rights movement in this country. U.S. leaders hoped to evade legal scrutiny and protest at home by making Mexico and Central America implement the uglier aspects of their policies.


    It all began with the Mérida Initiative in 2007, a George W. Bush-initiated plan that would direct billions of dollars to military equipment, aid, and infrastructure in Mexico (with smaller amounts going to Central America). One of its four pillars was the creation of “a 21st century border” by pushing Mexico to militarize its southern border. By 2013, Washington had funded 12 new military bases along that border with Guatemala and a 100-mile “security cordon” north of it.

    In response to what was seen as a child-migrant crisis in the summer of 2014 (sound familiar?), President Barack Obama further pressured Mexico to initiate a new Southern Border Program. Since then, tens of millions of dollars a year have gone toward the militarization of that border and Mexico was soon detaining tens of thousands of migrants monthly. Not surprisingly, deportations and human-rights violations against Central American migrants shot updramatically there. “Our border today in effect is Mexico’s border with Honduras and Guatemala,” exulted Obama’s former border czar Alan Bersin in 2019. A local activist was less sanguine, protesting that the program “turned the border region into a war zone.”

    President Trump blustered and bullied Mexico and various Central American countries far more openly than the previous two presidents while taking such policies to new levels. Under his orders, Mexico formed a new, militarized National Guard and deployed 12,000 of its members to the Guatemalan border, even as funding from Washington helped create high-technology infrastructure along Mexico’s southern border, rivaling that on the U.S. border.

    Trump called for reducing aid to Central America. Yet under his watch, most of the $3.6 billion appropriated by Congress continued to flow there, about half of it aimed at strengthening local military and police units. Trump did, however, temporarily withhold civilian aid funds to coerce Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador into signing “safe third country” agreements that would allow the United States to deport people with valid asylum claims to those very countries.

    Trump also demanded that Guatemala increase security along its southern border “to stem the flow of irregular migration” and “deploy officials from U.S. Customs and Border Protection and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to advise and mentor host nation police, border security, immigration, and customs counterparts.” Once the Central American countries conceded to Trump’s demands, aid was restored.

    This February, President Biden suspended those safe third country agreements, but is clearly otherwise ready to continue to outsource border enforcement to Mexico and Central America.

    The Other Side of Militarization: “Economic Development”

    As Democratic and Republican administrations alike outsourced a militarized response to immigration, they also sought to sell their agendas with promises of economic-development aid to Central America. However, they consistently promoted the very kind of assistance that historically brought violence and poverty to the region — and so led directly to today’s migrant crisis.

    The model Washington continues to promote is based on the idea that, if Central American governments can woo foreign investors with improved infrastructure, tax breaks, and weak environmental and labor laws, the “free market” will deliver the investment, jobs, and economic growth that (in theory) will keep people from wanting to migrate in the first place. Over and over again in Central America’s tormented history, however, exactly the opposite has happened. Foreign investment flowed in, eager to take advantage of the region’s fertile lands, natural resources, and cheap labor. This form of development — whether in support of banana and coffee plantations in the nineteenth century or sugar, cotton, and cattle operations after World War II — brought Central America to its revolutions of the 1980s and its north-bound mass migration of today.

    As a model, it relies on militarized governments to dispossess peasant farmers, freeing the land for foreign investors. Similarly, force and terror are brought to bear to maintain a cheap and powerless working class, allowing investors to pay little and reap fantastic profits. Such operations, in turn, have brought deforestation to the countryside, while their cheap exports to the United States and elsewhere have helped foster the high-consumption lifestyles that have only accelerated climate change — bringing ever fiercer weather, including the rising sea levels, more intense storms, droughts, and floods that have further undermined the livelihoods of the Central American poor.

    Starting in the 1970s, many of those poor workers and peasants pushed for land reform and investment in basic rights like food, health, and education instead of simply further enriching foreign and local elites. When peaceful protest was met with violence, revolution followed, although only in Nicaragua did it triumph.

    Washington spent the 1980s attempting to crush Nicaragua’s successful revolution and the revolutionary movements against the right-wing military governments of El Salvador and Guatemala. The peace treaties of the 1990s ended the armed conflicts, but never addressed the fundamental social and economic divides that underlay them. In fact, the end of those conflicts only opened the regional floodgates for massive new foreign investment and export booms. These involved, among other things, the spread of maquiladora export-processing plants and the growing of new export-oriented “non-traditional” fruits and vegetables, as well as a boom in extractive industries like gold, nickel, and petroleum, not to speak of the creation of new infrastructure for mass tourism.

    In the 1980s, refugees first began fleeing north, especially from El Salvador and Guatemala, then riven by war, repression, and the violence of local paramilitary and death squads. The veneer of peace in the 1990s in no way brought an end to poverty, repression, and violence. Both public and private armed forces provided “security” — but only to elites and the new urban and rural megaprojects they sponsored.

    If a government did threaten investors’ profits in any way, as when El Salvador declared a moratorium on mining licenses, the U.S.-sponsored Central America Free Trade Agreement enabled foreign corporations to sue and force it to submit to binding arbitration by a World Bank body. In the Obama years, when the elected, reformist president of Honduras tried to enact labor and environmental improvements, Washington gave the nod to a coup there and celebrated when the new president proudly declared the country “open for business” with a package of laws favoring foreign investors.

    Journalist David Bacon termed that country’s new direction a “poverty-wage economic model” that only fostered the rise of gangs, drug trafficking, and violence. Protest was met with fierce repression, even as U.S. military aid flowed in. Prior to the coup, Hondurans had barely figured among Central American migrants to the United States. Since 2009, its citizens have often come to predominate among those forced to flee their homes and head north.

    President Obama’s 2014 Alliance for Prosperity offered a new round of aid for investor-driven economic development. Journalist Dawn Paley characterized that Alliance as in “large part a plan to build new infrastructure that will benefit transnational corporations,” including “tax breaks for corporate investors and new pipelines, highways, and power lines to speed resource extraction and streamline the process of import, assembly, and export at low-wage maquilas.” One major project was a new gas pipeline to facilitate exports of U.S. natural gas to Central America.

    It was Obama who oversaw Washington’s recognition of the coup in Honduras. It was Trump who looked the other way when Guatemala in 2019 and Honduras in 2020 expelled international anti-corruption commissions. And it was Trump who agreed to downplay the mounting corruption and drug trafficking charges against his friend, Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández, as long as he promoted an investor-friendly economy and agreed to collaborate with the U.S. president’s anti-immigrant agenda.

    The January 2021 Caravan Marks the Arrival of the Biden Years

    All signs point to the Biden years continuing what’s become the Washington norm in Central America: outsourcing immigration policy, militarizing security there, and promoting a model of development that claims to deter migration while actually fueling it. In fact, President Biden’s proposal designates $4 billion over four years for the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development to distribute. Such disbursement, however, would be conditioned on progress toward Washington-approved goals like “improv[ing] border security,” “inform[ing]… citizens of the dangers of the journey to the southwest border of the United States,” and “resolv[ing] disputes involving the confiscation of real property of United States entities.” Significant resources would also be directed to further developing “smart” border technology in that region and to Border Patrol operations in Central America.

    A preview of how this is likely to work came just as Biden took office in January 2021.

    One predictable result of Washington’s outsourcing of immigration control is that the migrant journey from Central America has become ever more costly and perilous. As a result, some migrants have begun gathering in large public “caravans” for protection. Their aim: to reach the U.S. border safely, turn themselves in to the border patrol, and request asylum. In late January 2021, a caravan of some 7,500 Hondurans arrived at the Guatemalan border in hopes that the new president in Washington would, as promised, reverse Trump’s controversial remain-in-Mexico policy of apparently endless internment in crowded, inadequate camps just short of the U.S.

    They hadn’t known that Biden would, in fact, continue his predecessors’ outsourcing of immigration policy to Mexico and Central America. As it happened, 2,000 tear-gas and baton-wielding Guatemalan police and soldiers (armed, trained, and supported by the United States) massed at the Guatemala-Honduras border to drive them back.

    One former Trump official (retained by President Biden) tweeted that Guatemala had “carr[ied] out its responsibilities appropriately and lawfully.” The Mexican government, too, praised Guatemala as it massed thousands of its troops on its own southern border. And Juan González, Biden’s National Security Council director for the Western Hemisphere lauded Guatemala’s “management of the migrant flow.”

    In mid-March, President Biden appeared to link a positive response to Mexico’s request for some of Washington’s surplus Covid-19 vaccine to further commitments to cracking down on migrants. One demand: that Mexico suspend its own laws guaranteeing humane detention conditions for families with young children. Neither country had the capacity to provide such conditions for the large number of families detained at the border in early 2021, but the Biden administration preferred to press Mexico to ignore its own laws, so that it could deport more of those families and keep the problem out of sight of the U.S. public.

    In late January 2021, CISPES joined a large coalition of peace, solidarity, and labor organizations that called upon the Biden administration to rethink its Central American plans. “The intersecting crises that millions in Central America face are the result of decades of brutal state repression of democratic movements by right-wing regimes and the implementation of economic models designed to benefit local oligarchs and transnational corporations,” CISPES wrote. “Far too often, the United States has been a major force behind these policies, which have impoverished the majority of the population and devastated the environment.”

    The coalition called on Biden to reject Washington’s longstanding commitment to militarized security linked to the creation and reinforcement of investor-friendly extractive economies in Cent

    ral America. “Confronting displacement demands a total rethinking of U.S. foreign policy,” CISPES urged. As of mid-March, the president had not responded in any fashion to the plea. My advice: don’t hold your breath waiting for such a response.

    This essay was distributed by TomDispatch.


    * Al heeft de VS het tot nu toe niet aangedurfd Venezuela aan te vallen, waar Biden en zijn vicepresident Harris in aanloop van de presidentsverkiezingen in de VS de Trump administratie beschuldigde van slap optreden tegen Venezuela, wat niet veel goeds beloofd voor de nabije toekomst..... Toevallig werd vanmorgen bekend gemaakt op Radio1 dat er gevechten tussen het Venezolaanse leger en 'gewapende groepen' zijn uitgebroken in een Venezolaanse provincie grenzend aan Colombia, groepen uit Colombia die de grens met Venezuela oversteken als het Colombiaanse leger hen op de hielen zit.... Volgens het gekleurde verslag van Marc Bessems, correspondent van de 'onafhankelijke' NOS, valt het Venezolaanse leger daarbij burgers in dat gebied aan, gegarandeerd dat ook dit weer een leugen van grote proporties is...... Het is wel bijna zeker dat de VS ook hier weer loopt te stoken (later meer daarover)........ 

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    'Hugo Chavez dood' (bericht van 6 maart 2013)