Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Koenig. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Koenig. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 2 januari 2018

Geld verdwijnt als betaalmiddel, of hoe u een volgend reuze oor wordt aangenaaid..........

Zwitserland, is na Scandinavische landen, het volgende land dat geld als betaalmiddel meer en meer onmogelijk maakt, de proeftuin voor de hele EU en uiteindelijk de wereld....... Mijdt winkels waar u alleen digitaal kan betalen!

Lezen mensen!

Runaway Train Towards Full Digitization of Money and Labor: We must wake up to see the propaganda fraud going on before our eyes

zaterdag 8 juli 2017

G20 – Is the West Governed by Psychopaths?

Lees deze geweldige analyse van de G20-top door Peter Koenig!

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor g20 hamburg

“Welcome to Hell!” is the slogan with which G20 protesters greet the self-appointed leaders of the world to their summit on 7 and 8 July 2017 in Hamburg, Germany, under Madame Merkel’s auspices to discuss the calamities of our globe and how to resolve them. Never mind that the distress of Mother Earth has been mostly caused by those who represent the West, and now pretend to fix it.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor G20

How utterly arrogant – and hypocritical!
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor g20 hamburg

Nog een fraaie stelling (na publicatie op dit blog toegevoegd):

This reminds of the prominent former German Chancellor, Helmut Schmidt’s words, shortly before his death, in an interview on terrorism to the German paper “Die Zeit”, on 30 August 2007: “I suspect that all terrorists, whether they represent the German RAF, the Italian Brigate Rosse, the French, the Irish, Spanish or Arabs, are relatively modest in their disdain for humanity. They are largely surpassed by certain forms of state terrorism.” - When the journalist asked back, „Are you serious? Whom are you referring to?” Schmidt: ”Let’s leave it at that. I really mean what I say“ ( - in German).

Voor het volledige artikel: G20 – Is the West Governed by Psychopaths?

Zie ook: 'EU sluit vrijhandelsverdrag af met Japan, 4 jaar lang stiekem overleg waarbij het woord vrijhandelsverdrag werd gemeden....... 

woensdag 15 maart 2017

Oproep aan Griekse volk: kom in opstand tegen de EU dictatuur!!

Afgelopen maandag kreeg ik middels Information Clearing House een volkomen terechte oproep van Peter Koenig aan het Griekse volk om in opstand te komen.

Koenig betoogt o.a. dat Griekenland afgelopen september door de Europese Commissie (let wel: een niet democratisch gekozen orgaan!!) werd gedwongen om in een paar dagen tijd een 2.000 pagina's tellend document te lezen en te tekenen..... Een in het Engels opgesteld, onleesbaar document met nieuwe wetgeving voor Griekenland, waarmee de Griekse overheid de zeggenschap over haar publieke voorzieningen (eigendom) overgeeft aan de EU.......

Griekenland tekende en gaf al haar staatseigendommen voor de komende 99 jaar over aan het Europees Stabiliteitsmechanisme (ESM), alweer niet democratisch gekozen EU orgaan..... Daarmee staat het het ESM vrij om o.a. de volgende zaken voor een appel en ei te verkopen: havens, spoorwegen, vliegvelden (voor een deel al in handen van een rijke Duitse plork), openbare infrastructuur en zelfs openbaar toegankelijke stranden.........

Dit naast het feit, dat onder de druk van de Trojka*, de Grieken voor het grootste deel, inclusief de gepensioneerden in de totale armoede zijn gestort. Voorts werden onder deze druk  de arbeidsvoorwaarden van de Grieken uitgekleed en werden de salarissen en pensioenen verlaagd. Door de Grieken in armoede te storten, liep de al wankele Griekse economie grote klappen op en gingen een fiks aantal bedrijven failliet...... Gevolg: minder inkomsten voor de Griekse staat, waardoor de schulden nog verder op zijn gelopen. Intussen kunnen veel Grieken, ook terminale patiënten zich zelfs geen medicijnen veroorloven..........

Het meest zieke is wel, dat grote Griekse bedrijven gebruik maken van brievenbusmaatschappijen, o.a. in  Nederland, waarmee de Griekse overheid vele miljoenen aan belastinggeld misloopt...... Hoofdverantwoordelijken voor die belastingontduiking in Nederland: VVD, PvdA, CDA en D66, waar PvdA hufter Dijsselbloem de afgelopen 4 jaar de hoofdrol speelde....... (denk daaraan als u nog gaat stemmen!)  

Zelfs de rente betalingen op de zogenaamd aan Griekenland verstrekte gelden, kan Griekenland onmogelijk betalen en kan het land nooit uit de stront komen.......

Hier het artikel van Information Clearing House (onder het artikel kan u klikken voor een 'Dutch vertaling'):

Open Letter to the People of Greece: You Are Being Slaughtered

By Peter Koenig

You are being slaughtered right in front of the world’s eyes and nobody says beep. Least the Greek elite. Your Government. A few, but a few too many, allow the slaughter because it doesn’t concern them. They are blinded by the false glamour of the euro and of belonging to the ‘elite class’ of the noble Europeans (sic!).

They apparently live well enough, including the caviar socialists of Syriza. They let their country bleed to death literally, morally, socially and psychologically. Medical care is no longer available or privatized and unaffordable. Pensions were reduced five times. They were never more than a survival kit. By now they have been slashed in some cases by over 50%. Hordes of people live on food handouts. Most social services, including to a large extent education have been sold out, privatized. Gone with a flicker. Gone, by order of Germany – and the holy troika – the criminal gang of three, IMF, European Central Bank (EIB) and the European Commission (EU); the latter a mere bunch of unelected corrupt puppets, deciding the fate of some 800 million Europeans – with YOU, the Greek people, accepting carrying the brunt end of the stick.

In September 2016, the unelected European Commission sent Greece a Brussels-drafted legislation of over 2,000 pages, in English, to be ratified by the Greek Parliament within a few days – or else. – Nobody asked: ‘What is else’?

Brussels didn’t even bother translating this unreadable legalistic heap of paper into Greek, nor did they allow the Parliament enough time to read, digest and debate the new fiscal legislation. Most parliamentarians could not read them, either because of language or due to the imposed time limit. The Parliament ratified the legislation anyway.

Under this new law, Greece is transferring all public assets (public infrastructure, airports, ports even public beaches, natural resources, etc.), unconditionally, for 99 years, to the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) which is free to sell (privatize) them at fire sales prices to whomever is interested – supposedly to pay back the Greek debt. The fund was originally estimated, certainly under-estimated – at about 50 billion euros. In the meantime, the value of the Greek assets has been further downgraded by the troika to between 5 and 15 billion euros, as compared to Greece’s debt of more than 350 billion euros. The ESM is a supranational undemocratic apparatus, accountable to no one.

With this legislation, the Greek Parliament – YOUR Parliament, Esteemed People of Greece! – has annulled itself. It is no longer allowed to pass any budget or fiscal (tax) legislation. Everything is decided in Brussels in connivance with the IMF and the ECB. The last time a similar situation happened was in 1933, when the German “Reichstag” (Parliament) transferred all of its legislative power to Chancellor Adolf Hitler.

This, Dear People of Greece – is sheer economic fascism, right in front of your eyes, the world’s eyes, but nobody wants to see it. The worst blind is the one who doesn’t want to see.

This asset seizure was confirmed when the last hope for at least some debt relief was dashed at the end of February this year. Even the IMF initially recommended and today still privately recommends debt relief. However, Germany without mercy announced the final pillage of Greece, requesting Greece to surrender gold, utilities and real estate to the ESM – largely managed by Germany. The next ‘bailout’ amount, if Greece goes to her knees and surrenders everything, might be 86 billion euros, meaning NEW DEBT. In exchange of what? More interest, a higher debt service (interest and debt amortization) — and an even bleaker outlook to ever, and I mean ever, getting out of this US-European fascism imposed process of killing of a nation.

Chancellor Angela Merkel is reported to have said, “Berlin’s stance on Greece’s bailout program remained unchanged”, after she met with IMF chief Christine Lagarde a few days ago (

Some facts about Greece’s debt, as of 9 March 2017:

Population 10.8 million.

Debt: 352 billion euros (interest per second: 617 euros; debt per citizen: 32,580 euros).

Interest per year: 19.5 billion euros.

Total Greek bailout funds from 2010 to end 2016: in excess of 250 billion euros – none of which went to Greece for the benefit of the people, but to pay debt service to the troika and pay off mostly German and French private banks.

Debt as a percentage of GDP: 181% (GDP 195 billion euros);
2008 Debt to GDP: 109% (less than today’s US debt to GDP ratio of 109.63%).

Greece’s GDP amounts to less than 2% of EU’s GDP.

Greek GDP has collapsed by more than 25% since 2008.

Unemployment is rampant – with an average of 26% – and close to 50% for young people (18 to 35).

Greece’s debt in 2008 would have been totally manageable internally, without outside interference, or so-called ‘bailouts’ – which are really not bailouts but forced debt accumulation.

Greece’s debt was NEVER a threat to the European Union, as the FED / ECB / WS bankster propaganda made you believe. The Greek and subsequent “European Crisis” was entirely fabricated by the banksters for their benefit, at the detriment of Greece and Europe. It had nothing to do with the Greek or European debt. But nobody questioned it. Those European and international top economists and politicians who knew, didn’t dare to speak out. The voices of those who did dare to speak the truth were muffled. The people of Europe were lied to, including the Greek, as usual by the presstitute media.

Let’s put the Greek debt in perspective.

In September 2011, without warning, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) devalued the Swiss franc by about 12% against the euro to protect its economy. This was an unfair move – to say the least, since none of the euro-zone bound countries has the liberty to re-or devalue its currency, as deemed necessary by their economy, i.e. Greece. While Switzerland is not a direct member of the EU, Switzerland is nevertheless bound to the EU by more than 120 bilateral contracts, thereby de facto a EU member.

During the 3 ¼ years of locking the exchange rate into a fixed rate of at least CHF 1.20 per euro, the SNB amassed more than 500 billion francs in extra foreign currency, mostly in euro. This is about 150% of Greece’s current debt.

Switzerland, a country of 8 million people, in theory, could bail out Greece’s full debt, say, at no interest, by a 50-year loan (World Bank IDA terms) – in solidarity; and to compensate a bit for the SNB’s questionable ethics vis-à-vis EU members. Switzerland would not suffer. To the contrary, such a move would help stem the risk of a Swiss currency inflation, due to the huge amounts of Swiss francs that needed to be ‘printed’ to maintain the artificial exchange rate against the euro. Would Switzerland be prepared to engage in such a solidary rescue action? –Probably not.

People of Greece! – Wake up.

Take things in your own hands! Don’t believe you politicians, your media! Get out of this criminal organization called the European Union, and this fraudulent western monetary system that is strangling you to death. Take back your sovereignty, your own currency. Default on your debt – the west can do nothing about it. Not if you run your country with your own public banks, and your own money, gradually but surely rebuilding a destroyed economy. Debt repayment is negotiable. Cases abound around the world. Argentina is one of the more recent ones. Even Germany renegotiated its foreign debt in 1952 (see London Agreement of German External Debt). 

Germany, the leader of this economic massacre of Greece, owes Greece huge WWII reparation payments. On 8 February 2015, PM Tsipras requested Germany to pay up her full reparation debt to Greece of an equivalent of 279 billion euros, in today’s terms. Germany replied in April 2015 that the reparation issue was resolved in 1990 – which, of course, it wasn’t. It cannot be excluded that much of the German pressure on Greece today is a means of deviating the world’s attention of the reparation debt Germany owes to Greece.

People of Greece, be aware of what is going on. Do NOT ACCEPT what your government, Brussels and the troika are doing to YOU and YOUR country. To the contrary, request the full reparation payment from Germany – and demand GREXIT, as a fully legitimate follow-up to YOUR July 2015 overwhelming NO vote to more austerity-imposing troika ‘rescue’ packages. 

If you do, you will soon see the light at the end of the tunnel — a light that has been blacked-out for too long by Germany and the gangsters of the troika and your own government.

Threats of Expulsion from the Euro Zone

German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble still is attempting bluffing the Greeks and impressing the rest of the world by threatening Greece with expulsion from the Euro. Any sane government would turn that threat into its own initiative and abandon this putrefied monster called European Union, along with its fake and fraudulent common currency, called euro. But that’s the problem, Greece is reigned by insanity.

So, the Greek Government responds to insanity (from the troika) with insane submissiveness, namely with meek compliance – to the detriment of millions of their already deprived and enslaved compatriots.
Among those (still) influential Greek highflyers is Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis; the legendary and charming, ‘radical’, Motorcycle Minister. Though he resigned in apparent protest of the Syriza compliance with the troika’s requests despite the NO vote, today he is nothing more than a conformist, who is seeking few nominal ‘reforms’ in Brussels, but by no means wants Grexit, let alone the collapse of the EU – which, by the way, is fortunately imminent. As Greek Minister of Finance, Varoufakis never even had the ‘Option Grexit’ as a Plan ‘B’

Nobody screams, yells, revolts, takes to the streets, blocks streets, bridges, railways, for days, weeks, interrupts the still ongoing commerce of the foreign owners of what’s left of YOUR country’s public assets. Nobody. This is not to blame the Greek who have to fight for sheer survival, who have to find ways to feed their kids and families, but the j’accusegoes to the Tsipras- Syriza clan and all those Greek elitists, the media (are they all bought like in Germany by the CIA?) and parliamentarians, who just watch in awe – but stand by. No action. Watching Greece – YOUR country, People of Greece! – bleeding to death.

Be aware, this is in fact not about debt and bailouts. If they tell you that the European ‘debt crisis’ is Greece’s fault, and that a new crisis is brewing, depending on how well Greece will conform to the rules of the next bail out – it is an outrageous lie. This crisis is manufactured by the very European, their elite, the FED-led Goldman Sachse’s of this world, who run the European Central Bank through Mario Draghi, a former GS executive – who de facto runs the European economy.

Why do they want Greece under their boots? – They, the scum of Brussels and ‘swamp’ of Washington (as President Trump used to call the Washington Deep State ‘establishment’), want a submissive Greece. Because Greece is in a highly strategic geographic location, at the cross-roads of west and east. Greece is a NATO country. Maybe the second most important NATO country (after Turkey), because of its strategic position. They don’t want Greece to be run by a ‘left-wing’ government. Syriza, of course, is everything but left-wing. It is as neoliberal as they come. The masters of the universe want ‘Regime Change’ – the good old regime change that threatens all those who do not bend to the rules of the west. Right now, the Syriza government is bending backwards over to please the money masters and to let her people be miserably humiliated and ruined.

Were Greece to hold new elections and let a right-wing party and Prime Minister win, à la New Democracy or even the fascist Golden Dawn, or a coalition of the two – the debt problem would go away, almost overnight. What Washington wants, and Brussels by (puppet) extension, is a compliant Greece that will never ever question its role in NATO, never question the EU, never question its shackles to the euro, and never question the US access to the Mediterranean Sea – rich in deep off-shore minerals and hydrocarbons. The same applies, by the way, also to Italy, Spain and Portugal – also riparian states of the Mediterranean Sea. Their governments have already been changed by outside (US / EU) interference to right-wing neoliberal compliant stooges.

The Greek elite and government inaction is inexcusable. This is Stockholm syndrome at its worst. Submissive to their hangman, until death do us part. And death in the form of total destruction, total pillage, total slavery, is not far away.

Do you, People of Greece, want to continue this path to slavery by a predatory empire, that will eventually call the shots on every move you make?

Or do you want to get your sovereignty back, your own currency – and be unshackled from the dictate of Brussels – and start afresh – as the noble and wise Greek people, who brought Democracy to the world some 2500 years ago? – Surely, Greece still has visionaries and the wisdom to remake Democracy. Remember, while we cannot change our geographic location – the future is irrefutably in the EAST.

Let’s live again Greece!

Long live the People of Greece!

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik, PressTV, The 4th Media, TeleSUR, TruePublica, The Vineyard of The Saker Blog, and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance.

Click for SpanishGermanDutchDanishFrench, translation- Note- Translation may take a moment to load.


De Trojka: de ECB, de Europese Commissie en het IMF, gesteund door 'onze' PvdA hufter Dijsselbloem als voorzitter va de Eurogroep, die op uiterst onbeschofte manier de Grieken te kakken zette, e.e.a. gebaseerd op fantasieën en ronduit leugens. Daarmee oefende Dijsselbloem als voorzitter van die Eurogroep grote druk uit op Griekenland, zich te houden aan de afspraken met de Trojka en waarmee hij in feite andere EU landen opriep druk uit te oefenen op de Grieken.......

Nogmaals mensen, weg met de EU dictatuur: NEXIT NU!!

Zie ook: 'Dijsselbloem (PvdA minister) schoffeerde Zuid-Europese burgers, terwijl hij hen in armoede heeft gestort..........'

       en: 'Dijsselbloem schopt de Grieken na en durft collega Europarlementariërs te beschuldigen van oneigenlijke kritiek........'

Voor meer berichten n.a.v. het bovenstaande, klik op één van de labels, die u onder dit bericht terug kan vinden.

dinsdag 3 januari 2017

NAVO naar Zuid-Amerika? Weg met dit agressieve, terroristische bondgenootschap, NU!!!

ICH bracht op 2 januari jl. het bericht, dat Santos de NAVO uitnodigt om in Colombia 'de misdaad' te bestrijden.......

Koenig, de schrijver van het artikel, betoogt dat president Santos van Colombia, 'de vredesduif'*,  geen vrede met de FARC wenst, zoals gezegd de NAVO moet 'de misdaad bestrijden' in Colombia, 'misdaad' gepleegd door de FARC..... Moorden door rechtse doodseskaders op simpele boeren, moeten de FARC verleiden de wapens weer op te nemen........ De NAVO naar Zuid-Amerika? Weg met dit uiterst agressieve bondgenootschap!

Overigens nogal vreemd, dat deze rechtse terreurgroepen in Colombia gewoon doorgaan met hun terreur tegen de arme bevolking, vooral buiten de steden..... Eén van de redenen zal zijn, dat deze doodseskaders voor een groot deel uit reguliere politieagenten en militairen van het Colombiaanse leger bestaan, waar deze doodseskaders worden gesteund door de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde: de VS......

Hier het artikel van Information Clearing House (onder het artikel kan u klikken voor een 'Dutch vertaling'):

Inviting NATO to Fight “Organized Crime”, A Menace for Latin America

By Peter Koenig

January 02, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - Imagine, Mr. Manuel Santos, President of Colombia, Nobel Peace Laureate 2016, for achieving a Peace Agreement with the FARC “rebels” (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia – Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) – this same peace-loving Mr. Santos is inviting NATO to his country to help fight “organized crime”. As TeleSUR reports, this could jeopardize the recently signed (the ink is not yet dry) Peace Agreement between the Government and FARC.

Within the last few days, at least two leaders of ‘campesinos’ (peasant farmers) were found killed. “False flag”, as usual, with real people casualties? Provoking FARC to retaliate? – Which would be the end of the peace agreement.

Frankly, I never believed that the government was serious in negotiating peace, ending one of the longest civil conflicts’, with the longest peace negotiations in recent Latin American history. A four-year peace process was supposed to end 52 years of the leftist FARC militia fighting in defense of the rural poor, countering an elite of the rich, mostly urban dweller and latifundios, against government forces with support of the US military stationed in Colombia.  

Like the Europeans, the Colombian Government is a sheer puppet of Washington’s. Both Santos and his predecessor, Uribe, are CIA handlers. Having peace with FARC would be against the interests of the United States. So – what is the agreement all about? – It’s propaganda: Giving war-wearied people an illusion, false hope, that there is light at the end of the endless tunnel of assassinations and abuse – enhanced by the politically highly astute Swedish / Norwegian Nobel Committee. At the first sign of a FARC uprising, for example in protest of the (false flag) campesino killings, the agreement will be broken, and peace is what it was from the very beginning – a farce – a travesty to induce a new strategy for Latin America – bringing in NATO.

To disguise Washington’s role, President Santos is calling on NATO for help.

Everybody knows that NATO represents basically the US Pentagon with some token input from Washington’s European stooges. But NATO’s involvement in Colombia would have far wider implication than just fighting FARC, or as Santos calls it euphemistically, ‘fighting organized crime’ which is a reference to fighting drug cartels and linking the ‘fight’ to the infamous and controversial US Plan Colombia, the direct cost of which has exceeded 10 billion dollars since 2000, when it began. The total cost, including the destruction of infrastructure, housing and livelihoods, as well as the lives of at least 220 000 Colombians and close to six million people displaced, with the related hardship and suffering, is uncountable.

Earlier this year, The Guardian reported,
Plan Colombia has become a catch-all phrase for several different strategies. It is most widely understood as a US aid package to Colombia which has totaled about $10 billion since 2000. More broadly, it was a joint US-Colombian strategy to strengthen the military, state institutions and the economy.”
There is this idea that it is some vast orchestrated project, but Plan Colombia doesn’t exist as such,” says Winifred Tate, author of ‘Drugs, Thugs and Diplomats’, a study of US policymaking in Colombia. “Rather, it has been a series of programs whose emphasis has expanded and recalibrated over the years”, she says.

In fact, former Colombia President Andres Pastrana, under whom Plan Colombia started, admitted to The Guardian that the strategy was a turning point in the country’s decades-old war [against FARC]. “Before the Plan, security forces were on the defensive and on the verge of military defeat [by FARC guerrillas].”

Despite the Plan, coca production is higher today than in 2000, at the beginning of the Plan and Colombia remains the world’s top coca and cocaine producer. So, Plan Colombia has not worked. A “Strategy Change” is in order. In comes NATO, a multi-country military force, per se, to fight crime, kill farmers who do not ‘obey’ – continuing the fight against FARC ‘rebels’ who defend the peasants – and therefore break the highly deceptive Peace Agreement. A condition for the Peace Agreement was complete disarmament of FARC. In a new war, FARC would be extremely disadvantaged, risking to be easily eviscerated by NATO.

What is NATO? – NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is a US led military force stationed in Europe.

It was created in 1949 by the United States and included Canada and several European countries. Its main official purpose was to defend Europe from the imaginary enemy, the communist Soviet Union. Implicitly it also meant that Europe wouldn’t need to build up its own defense. Big Brother would take care of it with – yes, NATO.

The only European leader with foresight and who saw through the sham, was General Charles De Gaulle. In 1966 he kicked NATO out of France. In 2009, 43 years later, French President Sarkozy, also a known CIA agent, reintegrated France into all structures of NATO.

At the foundation of NATO, as today, the US had and has a phobia against anything that has anything to do with socialism, let alone communism – which was a major justification for the arms race that enhanced the Cold War from the late 1950’s to 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed. The Cold War was mostly a propaganda hype to make believe the Soviet Union, which historically never had expansionist ambitions, was a threat to European sovereignty. The Cold War justified an arms race that sustained a highly profitable war industry.

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the justification for NATO effectively died. It had then 12 bases in Europe. The unilateral promise by the allied forces, expressed by then German Foreign Minister Genscher, was that NATO would not expand one meter to the east. Today NATO has 28 members and more than 30 bases throughout Europe, most of them clustering around the Russian borders, a threat to Moscow. That’s shows the honesty of western promises. This prolific character is typical for US-led military operations, in particular NATO. With this historic background, NATO in Colombia would be a real and present danger for all of Latin America. NATO, an alliance of Atlantists, has no business in Colombia, let alone in Latin America.

NATO in Colombia had an earlier beginning. 

President Juan Manuel Santos initiated the Colombia-NATO cooperation. Negotiations between the former Colombian defense Minister, Juan Carlos Pinzón, and NATO’s General Philip Breedlove, then NATO Commander in Europe, started in 2013 with the ‘benign’ purpose for Colombia to gain access to NATO’s “best practices in professional standards, integrity and transparency, as well as humanitarian operations.” Against obvious protests from Venezuela to having NATO infiltrated in her neighboring country, President Santos signed a “Cooperation Agreement” with NATO on 6 June 2013 in Brussels.

This was the beginning of a covert alliance between a key Latin American ally of Washington and NATO. Almost nobody noticed. Bringing NATO troops to Colombia would not only be a first in Latin America, it might wreak havoc among the non-aligned UNASUR nations, especially among Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela.

NATO in Colombia would be like a training ground for guerilla warfare, something the transatlantic forces are not used to – but will have to become familiar with in order to fulfill Washington’s plan to gradually proliferate throughout South America, preventing any attempts of left-wing uprisings. Once in strategically located Colombia, NATO would spread like brush fire throughout the Sub-Continent, being allowed by the neoliberal Latin American Governments now being implanted by Washington to build countless military bases. They would henceforth be called NATO bases. The unpopular term, US bases, would be a thing of the past.

Latin America, be aware and alert. Obama’s condescendingly calling Latin America ‘Washington’s Backyard’, could become quickly a reality with NATO in Colombia. As the famous late Uruguayan writer, Eduardo Galeano, wisely said, “Once American troops are in your country, you will never get rid of them.”

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance.

Click for SpanishGermanDutchDanishFrench, translation- Note- Translation may take a moment to load.
* President Santos ontving de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede in 2016.........

Zie ook:
'9 'ex-FARC rebellen' vermoord door leger Colombia: FARC-EP opgericht'

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'Paus Franciscus in Colombia om vrede te prediken......'

'VS commando's vechten o.a. in Midden- en Zuid-Amerika, aldus het VS ministerie van oorlog.........'

'NAVO gaat VS helpen in Zuid-Amerika terreur uit te oefenen: Colombia lid van de NAVO.........'

Voor meer berichten n.a.v. het bovenstaande, klik op één van de labels, die u onder dit bericht terugvindt, dat geldt niet voor de labels: Galeano, Santos en UNASUR.

vrijdag 30 december 2016

Berlijn, de kerstmarkt aanslag: wie trok er aan de touwen.....??

Eergisteren publiceerde Information Clearing House, het volgende artikel van Peter Koenig. Hij zet (wat mij betreft) terecht grote vraagtekens bij de aanslag op de kerstmarkt in Berlijn. Zoals u zo kan lezen, er zijn teveel vreemde 'toevalligheden', zoals we die bij eerdere aanslagen ook hebben gezien.

'Vreemd genoeg' overleeft geen van de daders de arrestatie na de aanslag. De grote reguliere media draaien braaf het verhaal af, dat de autoriteiten hen voorhoudt, daarvoor worden deze media dan ook betaald, door het relatief lage aantal eigenaren van deze grote reguliere: kranten, tijdschriften, tv en radiostations. Wat betreft de nationale radio en tv zenders is de link al helemaal simpel, wil men de baan behouden, zal men mee moeten doen, en zoveel mogelijk herkauwen, wat hen door de neoliberale overheid en het grote bedrijfsleven wordt voorgeschoteld..... Waar deze mediaorganen (ook de commerciële) zich niet alleen bezondigen aan het brengen van pure propaganda leugens (neem Aleppo), maar zich zelfs schuldig maken aan zelfcensuur..........

Mensen lees het artikel! Onder het artikel kan u klikken voor een 'Dutch vertaling'.

Berlin – Another False Flag?

By Peter Koenig 

December 28, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - 12 dead, about 40 injured, is the result of the latest terror attack in Berlin, when on 19 December, a truck plouged into a Christmas market at Berlin’s Bretscheideplatz, near the lush Kurfuerstendamm.

Is it not a ‘déjà-vu’ of not even half a year ago, when in Nice, France, on 14th July a truck mowed down hordes of people celebrating Bastille Day?

In Berlin, the first ‘culprit’ was a Pakistani who apparently ‘escaped’. When later he turned up and explained with proof his innocence, they had to let him go. In the cabin of the truck they also found a dead man of Polish origin. He couldn’t be accused, since he was dead.

Then the chase was stalled, until miraculously, about a day later, they found in the truck identity papers of a Mr. Anis Amri (24) of Tunisian citizenship beneath the driver’s seat.  As is usual with these terrorists, they like to leave their ID cards behind. It seems to be part of their strategy to be caught and killed.

Then, once more there was a ‘suspect’, who could be chased, throughout Europe.

At three in the morning of December 23, again miraculously, Anis Amri turned up on a plaza in Milan, got allegedly into a confrontation with two policemen, who claimed he pulled a gun, when one of them shot and killed him. No witness, no proof.

Two Italian policemen killed a young man, whom – they say – they didn’t even have a clue who he might be. They became heroes, literally overnight. Italy’s new PM, Paolo Gentiloni, thanked and congratulated them; and so did Mme. Merkel and her Interior Minister, Thomas de Maizière.

The same pattern all over again.

DEAD MAN CAN’T TALK. It’s Paris (Charlie Hebdo and Bataclan); Nice; Brussels; Munich; Orlando, Florida; San Bernardino, California …… all over again- and again – and again.

The ‘plowing-through-a-celebrating-crowd’ is in many regards “a carbon copy” of  the 14th July massacre in Nice (see image below). At the end, the designated ‘Muslim’ terrorist was  killed. No witness. No testimony.

Questions to be fully investigated: Were the secret services, the core of which are the CIA, Mossad and MI6, with the collaboration of Germany’s BND involved. Was it a false flag?

Don’t believe one minute that your respective governments didn’t and don’t know what’s going on.

Who are the real perpetrators?

The real perpetrators are not Muslims. They are your own spineless puppet governments, all of which (covertly) support the ISIS and al Qaeda. They obey orders to demonize the Muslim faith and society.

That’s what the west knows best – denigrating and discriminating, accusing the innocent, to serve their purpose, sanctions for those who do not submit.

In reality, no change for the last 800-some years, colonizing, exploiting, murdering the people of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Today’s ‘leaders’ are the descendants of the colonial era killers of times past.  They form the core of our “western killer civilization”.

These western ‘leaders’ are mere puppets, because they have been put in ‘power’ by the the elusive elite, also called the “Deep State” – the Deep State gone global.

Democracy is dead. It’s become a useless defunct slogan. No so-called election over the past decade or so, in the western world has been democratic. They were all scams and manipulations of peoples’ minds and wills.

And if they didn’t conform to what the Washington masters and their supreme masters needed, Plan B of ‘regime change’ kicked in.

They have become experts of semi-clandestine ‘regime change’ through parliamentary coups – i.e. Paraguay, Ukraine, Brazil, Greece, Portugal, Spain and many others.

If these eventually ‘elected’ western leaders (sic-sic), from Obama, to Merkel, Hollande, May, Gentiloni – and the entire EU / OECD clan, don’t behave, they are ‘cooked’, the target of political destabilizaion. That’s the extent of impunity which drives this hegemonic and criminal process towards the New World Order, or the One World Order, led by the global finance and war industry.

The finance clan, the lords of money, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, et al, the FED, BIS (Bank for International Settlements, the secretive central bank of all central banks) and Goldman Sachs, have to act fast; otherwise they might lose the key instrument of their power – the sham dollar pyramid economy – may fall apart, before they have actually reached their goal – a world under constant chaos, never-ending conflicts and wars.

A world under which a small elite, enslaves the 99.99% of ‘Us, the People’ — under ever worsening life conditions, unemployment, misery, disease, privatized social services, all contributing to a steady decline in life expectancy.

Among their instruments is permanent chaos. Economic dislocation and social crises.

Open borders forced by trade lobbies and WTO (World Trade Organization) will wipe out small farmers and manufacturers in developing countries, thus eventually handing monopolies to large, mostly US corporations, to the detriment of already impoverished nations, whose vulnerability will be further abused to extract their natural resources for a pittance, so they may repay their IMF / World Bank imposed and leveraged debt.

Floods of refugees from war zones to industrialized wealthy countries, currently happening from the war-torn Middle East to Europe, will disrupt the labor market, push down wages, create massive unemployment. These are all tools towards enslavement of populations. People who have to fend and fight for daily food and often for sheer survival, have no energy or time to take to the streets and protest. That’s the plan; already being enacted. Just look at Greece.

What does all that have to do with the Berlin massacre? –

Everything. Berlin, like Paris, Brussels, Munich, Orlando… is just a cog in the wheel of the monster’s drive towards full world hegemony.

Unexpected, haphazard carnage and terror acts are spreading misery, poverty and fear.

People who are afraid will call for more police and military protection.

They will voluntarily give up their human and civil rights for what they hope will be more ‘protection’, being totally oblivious to the fact that the very governments from whom they are seeking more protection are those that commit these acts of treason and terror, those who are behind the killings. The Anglo-american  controlled presstitute mainstream media is in permanent brainwashing mode. Unless you search the news and information for yourself on alternative media, they will never tell you the truth, but their lies, after lies, after more of the same lies will fabricate the public truth.

Peoples’ fear and absence of civil rights are easy steps towards increased militarization of the west, already happening – look at France – President (sic) Hollande was just able to extend the State of Emergency through July 2017. [The Paris November 2015 terror attacks played a key role in justifying the State of Emergency.]

The goal is to include it into the French Constitution, basically putting the French people under permanent actual or threat of Martial Law. Others might follow – Germany, Italy – all those whose constituents are ever warier of the EU and their ‘monopoly money’, the euro, and who may seek EUREXIT. This would break the camel’s back, so to speak, or at least put a wrench in the boundless onslaught of the hegemon.

Peoples’ fear may also re-strengthen the faltering justification of NATO. The fall of NATO must be halted. NATO is the Deep State’s warrior flagship, the military fear- and war monger vis-à-vis Russia and eventually China – the last vestiges to be conquered by the self-styled almighty empire, the invisible elite that pretends to rule the globe. Fortunately, they cannot stand up to the Russia-China chess duo which is gradually outsmarting the west’s ostentatious killer exploits.

Imagine, your own spineless governments, following orders of the globalized Deep State – in Berlin, Munich, Nice, Paris, Brussels, Orlando, and an almost endless list of false flags.

How can we respect our so-called leaders? They have zero esteem for us, who are their bread-earners. They kill us, no hesitation, if it pleases them and serves their purpose – and their greed.

In the case of Berlin, is the German government complicit? Blaming Muslims, finding a pre-identified victim, Mr. Anis Amri, who most likely had no clue that he was framed.

In Italy, the police catches him (or somebody who has been given the pre-identified Tunisian victim’s name), they kill him – and, bingo – case closed. Another fear-inflicting false flag was born and concluded, advancing the bulldozer of empire’s destruction a notch closer to Full Spectrum Dominance.

The MSM will do the rest – until the next fake exploit. Be prepared. But this can happen only if we let our governments get away with it, if we close our eyes to reality; if we keep believing the presstitute media.

People wake up! – Boycott the MSM. Take the time to seek the truth elsewhere, for example, on RT, TeleSur, Global Research, ICH, New Eastern Outlook (NEO), CounterPunch, The Saker, Voltairenet — and many more. The Deep State cannot win without your participation.

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance

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