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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label LIFG. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label LIFG. Alle posts tonen

maandag 13 april 2020

MI5 en MI6 blij met Coronavirus om blunders bij bomaanslag te camoufleren

De Britse geheime diensten zijn blij met het Coronavirus, zo kon men de enorme blunders verbergen die tot de bomaanslag in de Manchester Arena hebben geleid.... De verantwoordelijke terreurgroep Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) is een aantal jaren gesteund door de Britse geheieme dienst, daar deze terreurgroep Khadaffi omver wilde werpen...... Na een mislukte aanslag vluchtten een aantal LIFG leden naar Groot-Brittannië waar ze asiel kregen...... De leden werd geen strobreed in de weg gelegd als zij naar het buitenland afreisden en uiteraard als ze terugkeerden....

Overigens blijkt uit gelekte documenten van MI6 dat deze dienst al in 1996 vergevorderde plannen had om Khadaffi, de voormalige president van Libië, middels een staatsgreep af te zetten..... Khadaffi dezelfde man die van Libie het rijkste land van Afrika maakte, waar studie en scholing (voor jongens en meisjes), huisvesting, gezondheidszorg en energie praktisch gratis waren...... Na ingrijpen van de VS en haar NAVO-partners beleef een land achter dat in puin lag en dat nu tot de armste landen van Afrika behoort, een land waar chaos en terreur heersen (met toestemming van het western) en waar zelfs openlijk slavenmarkten worden gehouden..... Ofwel: het zoveelste waanzinnige 'succes' van grootschalige westerse terreur!!!

De bomaanslag in Manchester was een grote misser van de geheime diensten MI5 en MI6, zoals die er al een fiks aantal op hun conto hebben, terwijl deze diensten (ook andere geheime diensten zoals 'onze' AIVD en MIVD) na elke 'islamitische aanslag' meer geld en bevoegdheden eisen en dat meestal krijgen, i.p.v. deze diensten eens tegen het licht te houden om de efficiëntie te onderzoeken......

Na elke aanslag in EU lidstaten, maar ook in de VS, blijkt dat geheime diensten deze hadden kunnen voorkomen, was men meer alert geweest en men bepaalde figuren beter in de gaten had gehouden......

Terzijde: opvallend dat de Nederlandse geheime diensten al in 2016 hebben gewaarschuwd voor een tekort aan IC bedden en beademingsapparatuur mocht er een pandemie uitbreken, iets waar Rutte 2 noch Rutte 3 iets mee hebben gedaan. Echter als het gaat om aanslagen laten ook 'onze geheime diensten' (zoals gezegd) het afweten in het voorkomen daarvan......

Het volgende artikel werd geschreven door Tom Coburg en werd op theCanary gepubliceerd:

The shocking story ‘lost’ in the coronavirus crisis that MI5 and MI6 would prefer you didn’t see

Tom Coburg 6th April 2020

The shocking story 'lost' in the coronavirus crisis that MI5 and ...

On 17 March 2020, Hashem Abedi was convicted of the murder of 22 people at the Manchester Arena. They died as a result of a bombing carried out by his brother, Salman Abedi, who died at the scene. Hashem Abedi was found guilty of aiding his brother in this heinous act, which also saw 237 people injured.

Following the trial, the corporate media rightly focused on the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. Perhaps this explained why there was little mention in the press of how MI5 failed to monitor Libyan jihadists properly in the part of Manchester where the Abedis lived; or of how MI6 may have helped radicalise the jihadist group that the Abedi brothers, via their father, were linked to. 


Journalists Mark Curtis and Nafeez Ahmed previously argued that the Manchester bombing was “blowback” for UK foreign policy and intelligence operations in Libya, saying:
While a number of factors operate to contribute to an individual’s radicalisation, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that one of these contributory factors is British direct and covert action in Iraq, Libya and Syria. Without these actions – by Britain and its close allies – it is conceivable that [Salman] Abedi might well not have had the opportunity to become radicalised in the way he did.
MI6 was responsible for covert action in Libya. Monitoring of exiled Libyans in Britain was down to MI5. 

MI5 and the LIFG

In the wake of terror attacks in London and Manchester, a former senior policy adviser to David Cameron commented on how Theresa May should accept responsibility, tweeting:

Theresa May responsible for security failures of London Bridge, Manchester, Westminster Bridge. Should be resigning not seeking re-election
View image on Twitter

Indeed, under May’s watch there was an apparent catalogue of failures by both MI5 and the police to follow through on warnings and intelligence.
As RT previously reported:
An official report into the attack, conducted by David Anderson QC, noted that: “On two separate occasions in the months prior to the attack, intelligence was received by MI5 whose significance was not fully appreciated at the time. It was assessed at the time not to be [related to] terrorism but to possible non-nefarious activity or to criminality on the part of Salman Abedi.
In retrospect, the intelligence can be seen to have been highly relevant to the planned attack.”
In particular, it was under May that MI5 reportedly conducted an ‘open door’ policy for the Manchester-based LIFG (Libyan Islamic Fighting Group). One LIFG fighter told Middle East Eye that MI5 had inspected but returned their passports and that counter-terrorism police at Heathrow Airport were told to let them board their flights. As for Salman Abedi, Middle East Eye reported that:
after his father returned to Libya in 2011 to fight for LIFG, Abedi reportedly travelled back and forth between his home and Manchester and Tripoli, and fought alongside his father during the school holidays.
MI6 and regime change
As the Guardian reported, many LIFG members had escaped Libya and arrived in the UK after a plot to assassinate Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi failed:
When that plot – which some claim was backed by MI6 – failed, the LIFG was pursued by Gaddafi’s security forces. A large number fled to the UK, where they were granted asylum on the grounds that as opponents of Gaddafi “our enemy’s enemy is our friend”, and many went to Birmingham and Manchester – home to established Arab communities that had found work in the cities’ engineering industries.
A leaked top-secret CX (MI6) document – with the title LIBYA: PLANS TO OVERTHROW QADAHFI IN EARLY 1996 ARE WELL ADVANCED – shows details of that plot. According to the document, an agent referred to as ‘Tunworth’ admitted contacts between the assassination plotters and extremists. They were described as “Libya veterans who served in Afghanistan”, i.e. people with connections to groups like al-Qaeda. Explanatory notes to that document suggest that the permanent under secretary’s department, GCHQ, MI5, the Ministry of Defence, and MI6 stations in Tunis, Cairo, and Washington all knew of the assassination attempt in advance.

As Mark Curtis observed:
The plot went ahead in February 1996 in Sirte, Qadafi’s home city, but a bomb was detonated under the wrong car. Six innocent bystanders were killed, and Qadafi escaped unscathed.
MI6 also played a pivotal role in the alleged rendition of LIFG leader Abdel Hakim Belhaj, who was subsequently tortured by Libyan intelligence. Several incriminating documents retrieved by Human Rights Watch showed the extent to which MI6 head Mark Allen personally intervened and assisted the Libyan authorities in the matter.
Blowback revisited
Libya is currently one of the most unstable countries in north Africa. There are now reports of Syrian jihadists allied to Turkey providing support to the Tripoli-based government of national accord.

Covert intelligence operations can lead to unforeseen results, and it’s impossible to predict how events would have panned out had Britain not interfered in the geo-politics of that region. But while politicians who oversaw those operations appear to have emerged relatively unscathed, the same can’t be said for the ordinary folk who merely wanted to attend an Ariana Grande concert at the Manchester Arena.

Featured image via Wikimedia Commons
Voor meer berichten over Libië, MI5, MI6, LIFG, Al Qaida, AIVD, MIVD en/of Coronavirus, klik op het betreffende label, direct onder dit bericht.

maandag 29 mei 2017

Manchester aanslag: MI5 rekruteerde en bewapende geradicaliseerde jongeren om tegen Khadaffi te vechten, óók de aanslagpleger.....

Gisteren publiceerde Anti-Media een overgenomen artikel van MintPress News. Hierin wordt aangetoond dat MI5 willens en wetens geradicaliseerde islamieten rekruteerde voor de strijd tegen de Libische leider Khadaffi.

De reguliere media die uitgebreid over de aanlag in Manchester hebben geschreven en schrijven, spreken niet over de bemoeienis van GB in het omverwerpen van de Libische leider. Laat staan dat ze schrijven over de link tussen MI5 en de aanslagpleger Salman Abedi.

Hoewel deze media wel beschreven, dat Abedi radicaliseerde in de chaos die de VS/NAVO hebben gecreëerd in Libië met de illegale oorlog die zij tegen Khadaffi begonnen.

Uiteraard stellen die media niet, dat de chaos in Libië door het westen werd veroorzaakt, Nee geen aandacht voor de rol die het westen heeft gespeeld in Libie, uiteraard al helemaal niet voor het bewapenen van extremisten in Libië...... Extremisten die nu deel uitmaken van Al Qaida en IS, al bericht men wel over de link tussen Abadi en de Lybian Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG).

Zelfs extremisten als Abadi, die als gevaarlijk werden beschouwd door MI5, kregen een vrijbrief om in Libië tegen Khadaffi te vechten, zelfs een extremist die huisarrest had....... De Britse minister van BiZa gaf toe, dat Abadi bekend stond als extreem en alsnog toestemming kreeg om af te reizen naar Libië......

Cage UK, een mensenrechtenorganisatie maakte documenten openbaar waaruit bleek dat MI5 niet alleen terroristen overhaalde te collaboreren, maar ook kwetsbare jongeren het extremistische pad op duwde........

Een klokkenluider van MI5 maakte bekend dat Groot-Brittannië al een tiental jaar geleden geld gaf een afgeleide van Al Qaida om Khadaffi te vermoorden....

Het is duidelijk dat de regering van GB op de hoogte was, dat het terroristen die een band hadden met Al Qaida, gehuisvest waren op Britse bodem, een zaak waar men amper geheimzinnig over deed.....

Niet alleen de Britse regering hield de LIFG de handen boven het hoofd, VS opperschoft john McCain bezocht de groep in 2011 en stelde dat de LIFG geen terroristen maar patriotten zijn.... In 2015 haalde de VS (onder Obama!) de LIFG van de lijst met terroristische organisaties.......*

Zoals ook vanmorgen werd bericht, is de Britse geheime dienst meermaals gewaarschuwd voor Abedi vanwege diens sympathie voor zelfmoordaanslagen in het westen........ Sterker nog (maar dat is in feite al gemeld): MI5 en de politie hielden Abedi al lang in de gaten......

Gezien deze zaken is het zeker denkbaar dat MI5 Abadi in haar macht had en manipuleerde, zelfs in Groot-Brittannië......... Zoals het er naar uitziet, zal de aanslag in Manchester, de Britse premier May geen windeieren leggen bij de komende verkiezingen..............

Oordeel zelf:

Manchester Bomber May Have Been Groomed By UK Intelligence

Manchester Bomber May Have Been Groomed By UK Intelligence

May 28, 2017 at 9:49 am

(MPNAs the worst terrorist attack to hit the United Kingdom since 2005, last week’s bombing of a concert in Manchester has since been a constant fixture of the news cycle both in the UK and abroad.

Absent from mainstream media accounts of the event, however – and the man allegedly behind it – are several key coincidences that have raised concerns, particularly regarding links between British intelligence and the alleged suicide bomber, British-born Salman Abedi.

Media reports have already established that Abedi, a Libyan national, was radicalized in the hotbed of radical extremism that Libya has become since the U.S.-NATO backed invasion that ousted Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Though most mainstream accounts don’t mention the UK’s role in destabilizing and overthrowing the Libyan government in 2011 – that is, causing Libya’s current state of chaos by arming right-wing rebels who now make up al-Qaeda and ISIS – several have mentioned the link between Abedi and the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG).

When the Western-orchestrated uprising began in 2011, Abedi and his father, Ramadan Abedi, returned to Libya to fight on behalf of the LIFG. As the West sought to overthrow Gaddafi, British intelligence agency MI5 established a “rat line” that sent anti-Gaddafi exiles living in England to the front lines in Tripoli and elsewhere.

As reported by Middle East Eye, MI5 utilized an “open door” policy that allowed Libyan exiles and British-Libyan citizens to freely travel to Libya to help topple Gaddafi, even though some had been subject to counter-terrorism control orders. One British citizen with ties to Libya was under house arrest at the time for suspected ties to extremist groups. However, he was allowed to travel to Libya with no questions asked.

MI5’s ties to the LIFG go back decades. One MI5 whistleblower asserted that the UK covertly funded the LIFG, which at the time was an al-Qaeda affiliate, in order to help them carry out a failed assassination attempt targeting Gaddafi.

In addition, the Telegraph reported that “A group of Gaddafi dissidents, who were members of the outlawed Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), lived within close proximity to Abedi in Whalley Range”
in Manchester. “Among them was Abd al-Baset Azzouz, a father of four from Manchester, who left Britain to run a terrorist network in Libya overseen by Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden’s successor as leader of al-Qaeda,” the report added.

This information suggests that the UK government knowingly and intentionally harbored al-Qaeda-linked terrorists within their borders, suggesting that the UK government’s private stance on al-Qaeda may be different than its public stance, as the ties between these men and the LIFG were hardly a secret.

Republican U.S. Sens. Mark Kirk of Illinois, Marco Rubio of Florida, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and John McCain of Arizona, visit Libya.

Republican U.S. Sens. Mark Kirk of Illinois, Marco Rubio of Florida, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and John McCain of Arizona, display the ‘victory’ sign while on a 2011 visit to Libya.

If true, the UK government would not be alone in its attempts to legitimize the LIFG. In 2011, U.S.
Senator and notorious war hawk John McCain met with the group and later asserted that they were not terrorists, but “patriots.” The U.S. government further cemented this perspective in 2015, when it removed the LIFG from its list of designated terror organizations.

In addition, Abedi had been reported to British authorities years ago, when he allegedly expressed support for suicide bombings. The authorities took no action. In fact, the British government allowed him to travel to Libya even after he was flagged as a potential terrorist.

This finding prompted journalist Max Blumenthal to pointedly ask in an article for Alternet: “What did the British government know about Abedi and when did it know it? Was British intelligence attempting to groom Abedi as an informant?”

Such actions on behalf of British intelligence are hardly unheard of. Indeed, MI5 had tried the same with Mohammed Emwazi, better known as the Daesh member “Jihadi John.” MI5 hounded Emwazi for nearly four years in their attempts to recruit him as a spy, threatening him with harsh punishment if he refused to collaborate. Upon leaving the UK in 2013, Emwazi said he blamed MI5 for driving him to “the brink of madness.”

Listen to a troubled Emwazi describe an encounter with MI5 years prior to joining Daesh:

Other documents released by the human rights group Cage UK have revealed how MI5 has not only groomed extremists as collaborators but also worked to push young, vulnerable men down the path of extremism. These findings suggest that Abedi may have been just another one of their pawns.

By Whitney Webb / Republished with permission / MintPress News / Report a typo


* Vorige week haalde de VS 'de Syrische tak' van Al Qaida van dezelfde terreurlijst........

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