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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label M. Lewis. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 10 mei 2018

McCain terminaal ziek: vier als het zover is zijn dood luidruchtig, niets om je voor te schamen

John McCains heeft een tumor in z'n smerige hersenen, lullig voor hem en zijn familie, maar zijn dood zal voor een groot deel van de wereld een enorme opluchting zijn.....

Ofwel: John McCain zal waarschijnlijk niet lang te leven hebben. Gegarandeerd dat deze psychopathische moordenaar zal worden opgehemeld na zijn overlijden, sterker nog daar is men nu al mee bezig zoals Caitlin Johnstone in het hieronder opgenomen artikel beschrijft.....

Dit ophemelen van McCain is van belang voor de vele andere politici die in feite de dood van vele duizenden op hun geweten hebben, ze hebben er nut bij, immers zo kunnen ze zelf de huidige status quo bewaren, waarbij ze instemmen of zelfs aandringen op militair ingrijpen van de VS, voorts beschermt het deze politici tegen kritiek en zelfs vervolging.....*. De reguliere media in de VS (en de rest van het westen) zorgen ervoor dat de illegale oorlogen van de VS en haar (o.a. NAVO) coalitiegenoten op een Orwelliaanse manier worden 'gerechtvaardigd' en verheerlijkt als onontkoombaar noodzakelijk...... 

Het militair-industrieel complex (waar ik ook de oliemaffia toereken) heeft er alle belang bij dat er continu oorlogen worden gevoerd en dat de spanningen hoog blijven oplopen...... 

Caitlin Johnstone, de schrijver van het hieronder opgenomen artikel (eerder gepubliceerd op Steemit), betoogt volkomen terecht dat er niets te treuren valt na het overlijden van McCain, sterker nog zij stelt dat de dood van McCain zonder enige schaamte, luidruchtig gevierd moet worden.

Lees het artikel van Johnstone, recht uit het hart geschreven en waarin uitlatingen t.a.v. McCain worden gedaan door o.a. Glenn Greenwald

Why You Should Celebrate Loudly and Unapologetically When John McCain Dies

May 8, 2018 at 9:30 am
Written by Caitlin Johnstone

Arizona Senator and murderous psychopath John McCain is rumored to be at death’s door, and already the world is being admonished by high-profile empire loyalists not to voice any criticism of his blood-saturated, obnoxiously long career.

Anti-McCain twitter seems to have reached new heights (or depths) of repulsiveness,” tweeted Iraq-raping PNAC founder Bill Kristol to thunderous applause from #Resistance Twitter. “In the hope that a few of the haters see this, let me say: I’m proud to have voted for John McCain for president three times (2000 & 2008 primaries & 2008 general), and for Donald Trump…never.”

John McCain reminds us that American greatness is made by those who understand that character is the sum of one’s hardest choices; that reality is not a TV show; that fame is mist but honor granite; that heroes don’t need fixers on retainer,” the Washington Post‘s David Von Drehle preemptively eulogized in a nauseating article titled “John McCain isn’t the ideal messenger. He’s the ideal message.”

STFU, Trumpites,” scolded the somewhat less subtle Matt Lewis of the Daily Beast. “John McCain is 50 times the person you’ll ever be.”

Other commentators have had other ideas.

These repressive decrees prohibiting criticisms of John McCain as he dies are like those who insist gun control not be spoken of after mass shootings,” tweeted journalist Glenn Greenwald. “Discussions of his life are inherently political. If you’re going heap praise on & sanctify him, you can’t also silence critics.”

Insisting on the right to convert every US political leader into a heroic & noble saint upon death, while condemning critics as gauche & classless, is propaganda,” Greenwald added. “It’s easy to dismiss all the deaths McCain has caused because they’re distant and invisible, but they still matter.”

I would take it a few clicks further, personally. I say it is the duty of everyone who opposes acts of mass military slaughter for power and profit to cheer loudly and unapologetically when John McCain dies.

We should all celebrate McCain’s death. Not in a spirit of vengeance for the lives his relentless warmongering has helped end. Nor because his death may save innocent lives, though that possibility is surely an added perk. No, we should celebrate the end of McCain’s despicable life first and foremost to prevent such bloodthirsty depravity from being normalized, or worse, immortalized as heroism.

Many people will recoil from such a notion in horror, like the pearl-clutching ladies on The View did when discussing my article “Please Just Fucking Die Already” which I wrote about McCain shortly before his cancer diagnosis. These people are cowards. They have compartmentalized themselves away from the horrors that McCain has helped inflict upon this world because it is more psychologically comfortable than acknowledging that such a pervasively evil presence has been working so intimately with the nexus of power in their country.

If everyone could be forced Clockwork Orange-style to look at all the death, destruction and suffering that John McCain has helped inflict upon our species, they would feel nothing but relief upon his departing from this world. It is only the aforementioned power to dissociate and compartmentalize which enables people to spew nonsense about McCain being a hero and a good man.

It is this pocket of compartmentalization that we are being bullied into by establishment loyalists who demand solemn reverence for this unforgivable monster simply because his time here is almost up. They are doing this because it benefits and protects them. The ability of the servants of empire to proudly show their faces in public after helping to ensure the deaths of countless thousands of human beings is absolutely essential for the survival of the Orwellian oligarchy which rules over us. If we could see these murderous beasts for what they truly are, the illusion would be shattered and we’d never consent to being ruled by a system which empowers them.

To truly see John McCain for what he is and what he has done is to see the face of the oppression machine that rank-and-file Americans have been manipulated into supporting.

The empire which spends medicine money on bombs overseas and insists on an economic system that is propped up with the barrel of a gun depends on keeping its most hands-on servants normalized and celebrated.

Mainstream Americans seeing McCain clearly will also be seeing themselves and what they’ve been duped into consenting to. Rejecting this illusion and pissing on McCain’s grave is a direct act of rebellion against the oppressive, war profiteering oligarchs and their allied defense and intelligence agencies.

The reason the US-centralized war machine is able to get away with unleashing unspeakable horror after unspeakable horror upon our world is because that war machine has become normalized and celebrated. So it is therefore our duty to call John McCain the wicked witch that he is and celebrate like munchkins when he dies.

In a healthy world, war-peddling neoconservatives like John McCain would be treated with the same social stigma as child molesters and serial killers. So let’s create that world.
Abnormalize war. Abnormalize the campaigns of mass slaughter for power and profit by the US-centralized war machine. Abnormalize the system which tries to normalize John McCain.

Normalize peace. Normalize an expectation that leaders will not advocate war at every opportunity.

Normalize an environment where someone seeking out opportunities to push for war will be recoiled from in horror like the demonic freaks that they are. Normalize a world with no John McCains.

Oppose the calls of the social engineers for reverence and good behavior. The war machine is not entitled to our politeness. McCain’s family is not entitled to force the entire world to pretend that he wasn’t an evil child-killing monster. We need to drag this abomination out into the light where everyone can see it and call it what it is.

When the time comes (hopefully sooner than later), join me in celebrating John McCain’s death. Here’s to a world where such vile ghouls are treated like what they are.
Support Caitlin’s work on Patreon or Paypal.

Opinion by Caitlin Johnstone / Republished with permission / Steemit / Report a typo
* VS politici worden zelfs onbeschaamd gesponsord door de wapenfabrikanten, waarmee deze politici functioneren als grootlobbyisten van het militair-industrieel complex, nader beschouwd is dit niets anders dan een heel smerige vorm van corruptie!!

PS: denk bij het voorgaande aan de verheerlijking in de media na hun dood van massamoordenaars als Thatcher, Reagan en andere enorme oorlogsmisdadigers..... Zeker de laatste 18 jaar lijkt het wat dit betreft wel of een besmettelijke ziekte de reguliere westerse (massa-) media heeft getroffen.......

Zie ook:
'McCain oorlogsmisdadiger >> massaal ten onrechte geëerd na z'n dood'

'John McCaine: politieke helden zijn op den duur meestal teleurstellend'

'Begrafenis McCain: onbeschaamde verering van een massamoordenaar en oorlogshitser'

'Arabieren en Afghanen zijn bepaald niet bedroefd om de dood van McCain......'

maandag 7 mei 2018

Groot-Brittannië helpt Saoedi-Arabië met uitvoeren genocide in Jemen......

Afgelopen zaterdag berichtte ik al over het feit dat het Pentagon het Congres heeft voorgelogen en dat speciale VS troepen meevechten in Jemen, niet tegen IS zoals de VS telkens weer durfde te beweren, maar tegen de Houthi rebellen, die NB IS en Al Qaida in eigen land met succes hebben bestreden*.

Nu blijkt ook dat Groot-Brittannië veel meer doet in Jemen, dan de Britse overheid tot nu toe heeft toegegeven. Dit naast de enorme leveringen van munitie en militaire hardware aan de reli-fascistrische dictatuur van Saoedi-Arabië, waar de man van May ook nog eens een smerige rol speelt, hij werkt voor BAE Systems, een Britser 'hardware wapenfabrikant', die grote overheidscontracten krijgt en waar de Britse premier voor lobbyt..... Hierdoor stinkt hare kwaadaardigheid May zelf ronduit naar corruptie en vriendjespolitiek.......

Groot-Brittannië heeft in totaal 7.000 mensen die de moorddadige Saoedische luchtmacht ter zijde staan bij training van personeel en bij onderhoud plus bevoorrading (ook met clusterbommen en andere munitie) van door GB geleverd vliegend oorlogstuig......

British military personell and employees of BAE systems pose with Saudi Air Force pilots in front of a British-made Typhoon.

Hier een artikel van Whitney Webb eerder geplaatst op MindPress News, waar o.a. wordt gesteld dat de oorlog tegen de sjiitische bevolking van Jemen intussen, volgens de VN, 5.500 mensen het leven heeft gekost en waarbij meer dan 9.000 mensen werden verwond...... Uiteraard kan dit cijfer niet kloppen, immers door de bombardementen is de infrastructuur van Jemen voor het overgrote deel vernield, wat onder meer tot een gigantische cholera uitbraak heeft geleid...... Dit nog naast een difterie uitbraak en de honger die al een paar jaar lang aanhoudt in Jemen, duidelijk een gevolg van de illegale oorlog die Saoedi-Arabië tegen het sjiitische volk van Jemen voert en waarbij de VS en Groot-Brittannië de helpende hand bieden........

7,000 UK Personnel Helping Saudi Arabia Bomb Yemen, New Report Reveals

May 4, 2018 at 7:54 am
Written by Whitney Webb

(MPN) — While criticism leveled against the U.K. government for its involvement in Yemen has focused on the country’s arms sales to Saudi Arabia, newly published government documents reveal that the U.K.’s complicity in the conflict runs much deeper.

The documents were made public in a newly published paper titled “UK Personnel Supporting the Saudi Armed Forces – Risk, Knowledge and Accountability,” which provides details as to the real “footprint” of the estimated 7,000 employees of U.K. contractor companies, civil servants, and temporarily deployed military personnel currently aiding the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) and other Saudi security forces in the waging of their brutal bombing campaign against Yemen.

According to the UN, that bombing campaign has killed 5,500 civilians and injured over 9,000 since it began in 2015. It has also targeted civilian infrastructure, which has completely collapsed. Among civilian targets have been hospitals and clinics, whose destruction coupled with the Saudi-led coalition’s blockade of the country has allowed a “preventable” cholera epidemic to reach well over 1 million cases.

Written by researchers Michael Lewis and Katherine Templar, the report – among other notable findings — revealed that U.K. employees of U.K. weapons giant BAE Systems have continued to maintain the weapon systems of U.K. military aircraft sold to the Saudis, including training and operational squadrons, throughout the conflict. The forces thus supported include aircraft directly involved in the bombing campaign targeting Yemen at Taif air base and elsewhere.

The basis for the direct and continued involvement of U.K. personnel in aiding the RSAF comes from a secret government-to-government agreement first signed in 1986. The agreement — which had never been seen by the U.K. Parliament, or published until the release of this report — includes secret support clauses for U.K.-manufactured aircraft that commit U.K. personnel to the “arming and support” of those aircraft during active armed conflict, regardless of whether the conflict is “lawful” or directly involves the U.K.

RSAF Certificate of Appreciation given to military aircraft technician (UK national) employed by BAE Systems, Dhahran, 1991. (name withheld)
RSAF Certificate of Appreciation given to military aircraft technician (UK national) employed by BAE Systems, Dhahran, 1991. (name withheld)

The documents also show that the commitment was made by the U.K.’s Ministry of Defense against the advice of officials from the U.K. Foreign Office.

The report further details that U.K. employees stationed in Saudi Arabia are essentially gagged from reporting wrongdoing or war crimes. It notes that U.K. workers who have sought to whistleblow on alleged crimes have been routinely harassed and, in some cases, denied the related protections ostensibly available to them under U.K. employment and whistleblowing laws.

The documents also show that the commitment was made by the U.K.’s Ministry of Defense against the advice of officials from the U.K. Foreign Office.

The report further details that U.K. employees stationed in Saudi Arabia are essentially gagged from reporting wrongdoing or war crimes. It notes that U.K. workers who have sought to whistleblow on alleged crimes have been routinely harassed and, in some cases, denied the related protections ostensibly available to them under U.K. employment and whistleblowing laws.

Maintaining Government Blinders

In addition, Lewis and Templar’s research revealed that the U.K.’s policy aimed at avoiding the possible misuse of U.K.-supplied arms has been circumvented. That policy, which normally involves the case-by-case scrutiny of transfers of licensable military equipment to Saudi Arabia, has been avoided in some notable cases by the use of a “whitelist” system that allows the U.K. government to remain conveniently ignorant of what types or quantities of military equipment U.K. companies sell to the Saudis.

It also prevents the U.K. government from knowing where that military equipment ultimately ends up — which is particularly troubling, given that the Saudi government has been known to funnel weapons to terrorist groups on several occasions.

Another related, and equally troubling, finding of the paper is that U.K. citizens aiding the RSAF are still involved in the handling of cluster munitions, which the Saudis continue to use in Yemen despite their use being banned by more than a hundred countries. While BAE systems implemented a “pull-back” of its employees from directly handling such munitions in 2008, reports from technicians and aircraft armorers cited in the paper allege that this “pull-back” was incomplete and that U.K. personnel are still present – and participate – in their use.

Though testimony proved this to be the case during the 2009-2010 Yemen conflict, the lack of public knowledge of the practice makes it likely that it has continued throughout the current Saudi-led bombing campaign in Yemen. The use of cluster munitions by the Saudis has caused great suffering in Yemen, as they spread ordnance over a wide area and pose a long-term danger to civilians because many of them fail to detonate upon impact. In some cases, Yemeni children have discovered unexploded cluster bombs and taken them home, mistaking them for harmless objects only to have them detonate soon after.

Lucrative Arms Sales vs. Humanitarian Responsibilities: No Contest

Further information provided in the report suggests that the U.K. government is deliberately avoiding its responsibility to report on possible violations of International Humanitarian Law (IHL). Though government officials had argued before the U.K. High Court that the government’s arms-export officials take IHL risk into consideration based on information from Minister of Defense personnel, liaison officers and BAE Systems employees, the report found that there is, in fact, no Ministry of Defense guidance on possible IHL violations to U.K. military officials or personnel involved in Saudi Arabia.

This, combined with the “whitelist” system and BAE’s incomplete “pull-back” of direct involvement in the use of deadly cluster munitions, suggests that elements of the U.K. government have sought to hide its involvement in the Saudi-led bombing campaign and its associated war crimes in order to protect the U.K.’s lucrative arms sales to the Saudi government.

The U.K. government’s attempts to protect weapon sales to the Saudis are unsurprising given the numerous ties that BAE Systems, which holds a “near-monopoly position” in the U.K. defense industry, has to the U.K. political establishment. Chief among these ties is BAE’s link to U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May, whose husband and close political adviser, Philip May, works for the Capital Group, BAE’s largest shareholder and thus the largest beneficiary of the company’s arms sales abroad.


* Zie: 'VS vecht in Jemen, Pentagon loog weer eens >> Congres eindelijk 'wakker''

Zie ook: 'Congres VS geeft akkoord voor verdere steun aan de Saoedische genocide in Jemen......'

        en: 'Saoedi-Arabië vermoordde minstens 20 bruiloftsgangers in Jemen'

        en: 'Agressie vanwege een vermeende gifgasaanval op Douma, terwijl de tienduizenden kinderen die in Jemen worden vermoord middels een genocide blijkbaar niet meetellen......'

        en: 'Saoedi-Arabië dreigt Iran aan te vallen voor vanuit Jemen afgevuurde 'raketten' op Saoedische 'doelen..........''

        en:  'VS doet planning van de Saoedische genocide in Jemen.....'

        en: 'Groot-Brittannië helpt Saoedi-Arabië met uitvoeren genocide in Jemen......'

        en: 'Israël bezig met voorbereiding op meerdere fronten oorlog........ (met hulp van de VS'

        en: 'John Bolton heeft beloofd dat Iran voor 2019 onder een ander regime zal leven.......'

        en: 'Saoedi-Arabië dreigt Iran aan te vallen voor vanuit Jemen afgevuurde 'raketten' op Saoedische 'doelen..........''

        en: 'Jemen: meer VS steun voor genocide op sjiieten met grote levering 'slimme munitie' aan Saoedi-Arabië......'

        en: 'Jemen: BBC propaganda voor genocide door Saoedische coalitie........'

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