Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Nixon. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Nixon. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 5 december 2018

Fred Hampton 30 augustus 1948 – 4 december 1969 >> mensenrechtenactivist vermoord door FBI en Chicago politie

Gisteren was het 49 jaar gelden dat de 21 jarige Fred Hampton werd vermoord door de FBI en de politie van Chicago....... Hampton was een mensenrechtenactivist die jong en oud, wit en gekleurd, middenklasse en de armen wist te verenigen......

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor fred hampton

Voldoende 'gevaarlijk' in de ogen van misdadiger Hoover (en de corrupte en zeer foute regering Nixon), die destijds de topgraaier van de FBI was, om de moord op Hampton te organiseren......

               Gerelateerde afbeelding

Op 4 december 1969 verschafte de politie van Chicago op aanwijzing van de FBI zich toegang tot de woning van Hampton en schoten op het bed waarin Hampton en zijn 8,5 maand zwangere vrouw lagen te slapen, waarbij men de twee mistte. Daarop schoten ze van dichtbij twee kogels in het hoofd van Hampton........

Nooit werd er iemand veroordeeld voor de moord op Hampton, hoewel er nog steeds verantwoordelijken rondlopen, zowel van de politie als de FBI...... Nog steeds is het mogelijk dat de verantwoordelijken worden gestraft, echter dat zal niet gebeuren, daar de VS in feite geen rechtsstaat is, onrecht viert hoogtij in deze zieke vereniging van staten, die men Amerika durft te noemen en dat al vele decennia lang......

Hier een artikel van Brasscheck TV, plus een video over deze zaak.

An American assassination

Today is the anniversary of the joint FBI-Chicago Police Department operation to assassinate Fred Hampton.

Who was Fred Hampton?

A charismatic young leader who was very effective at bringing young and old, black and white, middle class and poor together in opposition to a corrupt city and national government.

J. Edgar Hoover, when he wasn't cavorting with organized crime figures, was of the opinion that the country would be better off without people like Hampton.




Fred Hampton was well spoken, he was out spoken, and he was a real community leader.

And he was young. Just 21. He had a life of social and political action in front of him.

Then, with intelligence provided by the FBI, Chicago Police raided his apartment in the early morning, shooting directly at the bed he was known to sleep in. They missed his eight and a half month pregnant girlfriend – and him.

Then they cleared the room and finished him off with two close range shots to the head.

The police report said that Hampton shot at them and refused to surrender.

The evidence shows nothing of the kind happened. He was murdered in cold blood.

No one has gone to jail for this yet – but there is no statute of limitations on murder and many of the people involved in the killing involved are still alive so we can hope. The law says they’re as guilty as the person who pulled the trigger.

PS: naar aanleiding van deze zaak is het onbegrijpelijk dat er nog steeds mensen zijn die de officiële fantasie over de moord op J.F. Kennedy, zijn broer Robert en Martin Luther King geloven, terwijl de VS zo vaak heeft laten zien totaal schijt aan het recht te hebben en mensen die het als een gevaar beschouwt simpel vermoordt....... Uiteraard geldt dit ook voor de aanslagen op 11 september 2001 (9/11), terwijl er intussen kilometers aan bewijzen zijn, die aangeven dat de VS zelf de hand had in het neerhalen van de Twin Towers en gebouw 7 van het WTC in New York. Voor de schijn blies men nog een stuk van het Pentagon op, waar ook zogenaamd een vliegtuig ingevlogen zou zijn, terwijl dat volgens de beelden niet eens kan, noch zijn daar delen van een vliegtuig geborgen, zoals alweer de beelden hebben laten zien!! De VS is de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde en is dat al heel lang, niet alleen oefent het land terreur uit in het buitenland, maar zoals ook dit verhaal weer laat zien, ook in eigen land werd en wordt het volk geterroriseerd........

Zie ook: 
'Als Martin Luther King nog zou leven was hij onderwerp van censuur en was zijn Facebook pagina verwijderd'

'NAVO, het grootste militaire verbond maakt zich schuldig aan grootschalige terreur i.p.v. de vrede te bewaren' (o.a. geluidsfragmenten met het protest van King tegen de oorlog in Vietnam)

'Thomas Merton >> een kritische rk geestelijke vermoord in hetzelfde jaar als Robert F. Kennedy en Martin Luther King'

'Martin Luther King: de moord van 50 jaar geleden door de VS overheid uiterst beperkt herdacht'

'Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: 8 wijze lessen!'

'Martin Luther King jr. vermoord door de overheid, aldus rechter........'

'De langzame moord op de ideeën van Martin Luther King................. Ofwel: Dr. Martin Luther Kings lessen willens en wetens verzwegen....'

'De oorlog tegen het arme deel van de VS bevolking'

maandag 26 november 2018

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, de samenzwering tot moord in 5 video's: geen theorie >> de echte samenzweringstheorie is dat hij 'werd vermoord door Lee Harvey Oswald'

Brasscheck TV bracht de afgelopen weken 4 artikelen en video's over de moord op John F. Kennedy (JFK), op 22 november jl. 55 jaar geleden. Hierbij gaat Brasscheck TV in op de volgende punten:
  • Het feest van de samenzweerders de avond voor de moord op Kennedy met H.L. Hunt ('olietycoon'), J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon en Lyndon B. Johnson, ten huize van 'olietycoon' C. Murchison.
  • De voorbereiding van het volk op de aanstaande moord op Kennedy.
  • Wat gebeurde er met de getuigen
  • De strijd om het lijk van Kennedy na de moord, waarbij bewijsmateriaal verdween. Voorts de vreemde samenstelling van de stoet voorafgaand aan de moord.
  • Het 'korte proces' tegen Lee Harvey Oswald, die ook door de media zonder enige kritiek werd aangewezen als de moordenaar.
Afgelopen week hoorde ik op BBC World Service radio nog eens de officiële lezing van de moord op Kennedy, waar men de officiële gelogen lezing over de gang van zaken nog steeds volgt, terwijl het overduidelijk is dat het de moord op Kennedy 'de vrucht is' van een echte samenzwering en niet een theorie, zoals de CIA al snel na de moord de wereld inhielp..... (de CIA noemde de twijfels aan de officiële lezing een 'samenzweringstheorie', hiermee werd deze term zelfs geïntroduceerd......)

Uit het volgende blijkt nogmaals dat niet alleen het militair-industrieel complex een groot belang had en heeft bij het voeren van oorlog, ook de oliemaffia had en heeft daar belang bij >> destijds ging het om de oorlog tegen Noord-Vietnam, die Kennedy zou hebben willen afblazen, daarnaast was er nog veel meer haat tegen hem, o.a. vanwege het Varkensbaai-incident in 1961, de poging om de Cubaanse revolutionaire regering omver te werpen....).......

The big party before the JFK assassination

Where were H.L. Hunt, J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, and Lyndon B. Johnson the night before the assassination of John F. Kennedy?

Witnesses put them all together as a party at the home of Clint Murchison, the Texas oil tycoon who controlled local law enforcement and J. Edgar Hoover.




The meeting in Dallas the night before the assassination included:

H.L. Hunt
J. Edgar Hoover
Richard Nixon
Lyndon B. Johnson

At the home of Clint Murchison, the Texas oil tycoon.

Murchison owned J. Edgar Hoover, Lyndon B. Johnson, and State of Texas law enforcement and stood to lose a fortune if Kennedy changed the oil depletion allowance and faced the very real possibility of jail time should then-Vice President Johnson be indicted, which gave the appearance of being a certainty.

Nixon and others involved claimed not to remember where he was that night.

The fingerprint found in the Book Depository sniper’s nest and suppressed by the FBI belonged to LBJ’s henchman who was convicted in at least one murder and was suspected of committing several others on Johnson’s behalf.

But it doesn’t matter who did what, what weapon they used, and what position they fired from.

That’s like asking which janitor they sent and whether he used a wire or nylon brush.

The mountains of minutia, endless conferences, books and assassination experts including Oliver Stone’s artfully loopy movie all obscure the basic points.
  1. The CIA was facing a thorough gutting at the hands of Kennedy as were their close colleagues in organized crime and the oil industry
  1. The Pentagon and the scumbags who supply them were facing the loss of billions upon billion of of dollars in profits and payoffs if Kennedy turned off the Vietnam gravy train.
  1. Hoover and Johnson knew each other very well, hated Kennedy and had very strong self-preservation reasons to want him dead. Both had been involved in political murders separately – and were to collaborate on future ones.
Recall that Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King were both assassinated during the Johnson-Hoover regime and that Johnson was the president during the infamous USS Liberty incident. Robert Kennedy, like his brother, and Martin Luther King were murdered after they started talking against war in Vietnam. Another too rarely mentioned connection.)

These people – the CIA, organized crime, the Pentagon, Hoover and Johnson – were all murderers and they did what murderers do.

With Hoover in charge of the FBI and Johnson in control of the Federal government and Texas law enforcement, there was no investigation of the crime and any evidence that contradicted the manufactured “lone nut” theory was altered and in some cases outright destroyed.

Ongoing media suppression was carried out by the CIA and the cooperative and craven US news media.

It didn’t matter how good or bad your evidence is if you don’t control the process and it’s the new leader who controls the process.

Attorney Allen Dulles, the CIA head who supervised numerous coups and assassinations in other countries and had a grudge against Kennedy for firing him, understood this simple principle better than anyone.

That’s it. The beginning, middle and end of the story.

Discussions about the minutia of the specific mechanics of the operation are nothing more than a distraction and far off the key points which are:
    1. When push comes to shove, the military-industrial complex is in control of the US

    2. A criminally minded CIA and organized crime figures in the US and abroad collaborate on projects of mutual interest (drug running, assassination, the suppression of dissent) on a daily basis as they have done since WW II.

    3. The US news media – as well as the vast majority of academia – is an impotent joke.
These are the three elements that have guided and controlled the US since Kennedy’s assassination and they can, and continue to, get away with just about anything.

Preparing the public mind for the JFK Assassination

This is easily one of the strangest and most shocking "coincidences" of the JFK assassination.

A newscaster was handed this elaborate story to read just hours before Kennedy was killed.




The week before Kennedy was assassinated the news media, national and local to Dallas, went into overdrive about two subjects:

  1. How many people hated the Kennedys and wanted to do them harm
  1. How “reckless” Kennedy was in not strictly following security protocols (a similar charge was made about his son’s adherence to aviation safety and who died in a highly mysterious plane accident just as he was about to enter political life.)
Just hours before Kennedy was murdered in cold blood, this bizarre script was read in the two and a half minutes before Kennedy took the stage for a breakfast talk in Fort Worth.

Just think of how strange this is.

Who would write such a script? Who would order it to be read before a presidential appearance?

Just a few hours after this live newscast Kennedy was assassinated by a “lone nut” just like the one described in the local Texas newsfeed.

What happened to witnesses of the JFK assassination?

You've probably heard that many eye witnesses to the Kennedy assassination had very short lives - after the assassination.

Here's the story of one of them: a plainclothes detective with the Dallas Police Department.

Mind blowing testimony.




There were dozens of eyewitnesses to the Kennedy assassination including trained ones like police officers. They were ordered to keep their mouths shut about what they saw – and most did. Those who did not were warned, harassed, and if they were persistent enough, eliminated. One too-seldom discussed example. It was a hyperorganized coup, all in the name of the Vietnam War’s depopulation agenda.

The fight over Kennedy's body

exas law is pretty simple.

Anyone murdered in Texas – regardless of who he is - gets a Texas autopsy.

But when Kennedy was shot, the Secret Service stormed the hospital and literally battled Texas officials for the casket.

And that was only the beginning of the strangeness relating to the post-assassination handling of Kennedy's body.




The Dallas police stood down.

The Secret Service stood down.

Kennedy’s car was put at the front of the procession (an absolute violation) and there were no guards to his side and back to protect him.

In spite of a heightened security alert, ALL normal security procedures were toned down.

The scores of eye witnesses who heard, and in some cases saw, shots from the right of the President’s car were ignored.

The rifle that was originally found in the Texas School Book Depository did not match the casings that were found there.

Then the President’s body, one of the most important pieces of evidence in the crime, was literally stolen from the lawful possession of the State of Texas and handed over to two grossly incompetent career Navy physicians who had no experience in pathology or performing autopsies.

That’s our story so far.

Can there possibly be any doubt that:

a) there was more than one shooter on the scene
b) those in charge of the local police and the Secret Service arranged things in such a way as to facilitate the shooting and

c) eye witnesses were discouraged from reporting and the forensic exam was deliberately botched to maintain the one man, one bullet theory

The short trial of Lee Harvey Oswald

What Lee Harvey Oswald said after he was arrested and how he was "convicted" by the news media and dishonest prosecutors and police.




The last hours of the life of Lee Harvey Oswald before he was executed on live TV by Jack Ruby.

Jack Ruby was a gangster, a Chicago guy who was sent to Dallas to operate and who used a strip club as his headquarters where he interacted daily with Dallas police giving them free liquor and prostitutes.

Very rarely spoken about was his role as a major market maker for narcotics dealing in Dallas

Previous to that, in Chicago, he’d worked as an enforcer for the Hearst newspaper chain during the sometimes violent competition for shelf space on news stands.

In his spare time away from California’s race tracks which he was known to frequent, he also spent time as a “campaign worker” for Richard Nixon’s first Congressional campaign.

Jack Ruby at the nexus of organized crime, US politics, corrupt police, the illegal drug trade, and dishonest news media – and most probably the CIA that works closely with all these parties.

Nothing to see here, move along”

Zie ook: 'Martin Luther King jr. vermoord door de overheid, aldus rechter........'

'JFK de moord: de macht van de geheime diensten gecombineerd met die van het militair-industrieel complex'

'J.F. Kennedy vermoord door Lyndon Johnson en z'n maten in misdaad, geheime diensten en politiek.....'

'Kabinet 'wil kunnen hacken', zonder daar melding van te maken.......... Hoe bedoelt u, 'politiestaat??'

Voor meer berichten over J.F. Kennedy klik op dat label, direct onder dit bericht.

vrijdag 9 december 2016

John Lennon 9 oktober 1940 - 8 december 1980 Power to the People!

Gisteren was het 36 jaar geleden dat John Lennon werd vermoord en zoals dit bij meerdere vooraanstaande personen in de VS het geval was, ook bij deze moord zijn grote vraagtekens te stellen.

Lennon was een groot denker, daar zal niemand met een gezond verstand nog aan twijfelen. Terecht stelt o.a.John W. Whitehead op Information Clearing House, dat de strijd die John Lennon tegen de instituties voerde, nog steeds actueel is en misschien wel meer actueel dan ooit tevoren.......

Hier het artikel van Whitehead (onder dit artikel kan u klikken voor een 'Dutch' vertaling) , daaronder nog een video van Brasscheck over deze zaak:

Power to the People: John Lennon’s Legacy Lives On

By John W. Whitehead

You gotta remember, establishment, it’s just a name for evil. The monster doesn’t care whether it kills all the students or whether there’s a revolution. It’s not thinking logically, it’s out of control.”John Lennon (1969)

December 08, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - Militant nonviolent resistance works.

Peaceful, prolonged protests work.

Mass movements with huge numbers of participants work.

Yes, America, it is possible to use occupations and civil disobedience to oppose government policies, counter injustice and bring about change outside the confines of the ballot box.

It has been done before. It is being done now. It can be done again.

For example, in May of 1932, more than 43,000 people, dubbed the Bonus Army—World War I veterans and their families—marched on Washington. Out of work, destitute and with families to feed, more than 10,000 veterans set up tent cities in the nation's capital and refused to leave until the government agreed to pay the bonuses they had been promised as a reward for their services.

The Senate voted against paying them immediately, but the protesters didn't budge. Congress adjourned for the summer, and still the protesters remained encamped. Finally, on July 28, under orders from President Herbert Hoover, the military descended with tanks and cavalry and drove the protesters out, setting their makeshift camps on fire. Still, the protesters returned the following year, and eventually their efforts not only succeeded in securing payment of the bonuses but contributed to the passage of the G.I. Bill of Rights.

Similarly, the Civil Rights Movement mobilized hundreds of thousands of people to strike at the core of an unjust and discriminatory society. Likewise, while the 1960s anti-war movement began with a few thousand perceived radicals, it ended with hundreds of thousands of protesters, spanning all walks of life, demanding the end of American military aggression abroad.

Most recently, after months of protests over the construction of a pipeline that members of the Sioux tribe insisted would harm their water supply, the Army Corp of Engineers has agreed to look for an alternate route for the Dakota Access Pipeline to cross under Lake Oahe in North Dakota.

This kind of “power to the people” activism—grassroots, populist and potent—is exactly the brand of civic engagement John Lennon advocated throughout his career as a musician and anti-war activist.

It’s been 36 years since Lennon was gunned down by an assassin’s bullet on December 8, 1980, but his legacy and the lessons he imparted in his music and his activism have not diminished over the years.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor john lennon

All of the many complaints we have about government today—surveillance, militarism, corruption, harassment, SWAT team raids, political persecution, spying, overcriminalization, etc.—were present in Lennon’s day and formed the basis of his call for social justice, peace and a populist revolution.

Little wonder, then, that the U.S. government saw him as enemy number one.

Because he never refrained from speaking truth to power, Lennon became a prime example of the lengths to which the U.S. government will go to persecute those who dare to challenge its authority.

Lennon was the subject of a four-year campaign of surveillance and harassment by the U.S. government (spearheaded by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover), an attempt by President Richard Nixon to have him “neutralized” and deported. As Adam Cohen of the New York Times points out, “The F.B.I.’s surveillance of

Lennon is a reminder of how easilydomestic spying can become unmoored from any legitimate law enforcement purpose. What is more surprising, and ultimately more unsettling, is the degree to which the surveillance turns out to have been intertwined with electoral politics.”

Years after Lennon’s assassination, it would be revealed that the FBI had collected 281 pages of surveillance files on him. As the New York Times notes, “Critics of today’s domestic surveillance object largely on privacy grounds. They have focused far less on how easily government surveillance can become an instrument for the people in power to try to hold on to power. ‘The U.S. vs. John Lennon’ … is the story not only of one man being harassed, but of a democracy being undermined.”

Such government-directed harassment was nothing new.

The FBI has had a long history of persecuting, prosecuting and generally harassing activists, politicians, and cultural figures, most notably among the latter such celebrated names as folk singer Pete Seeger, painter Pablo Picasso, comic actor and filmmaker Charlie Chaplin, comedian Lenny Bruce and poet Allen Ginsberg. Among those most closely watched by the FBI was Martin Luther King Jr., a man labeled by the FBI as “the most dangerous and effective Negro leader in the country.”

In Lennon’s case, the ex-Beatle had learned early on that rock music could serve a political end by proclaiming a radical message. More importantly, Lennon saw that his music could mobilize the public and help to bring about change.

For instance, in 1971 at a concert in Ann Arbor, Mich., Lennon took to the stage and in his usual confrontational style belted out “John Sinclair,” a song he had written about a man sentenced to 10 years in prison for possessing two marijuana cigarettes. Within days of Lennon’s call for action, the Michigan Supreme Court ordered Sinclair released.

While Lennon believed in the power of the people, he also understood the danger of a power-hungry government. “The trouble with government as it is, is that it doesn’t represent the people,” observed Lennon. “It controls them.”

By March 1971, when his “Power to the People” single was released, it was clear where Lennon stood. Having moved to New York City that same year, Lennon was ready to participate in political activism against the U. S. government, the “monster” that was financing the war in Vietnam.

The release of Lennon’s Sometime in New York City album, which contained a radical anti-government message in virtually every song and depicted President Richard Nixon and Chinese Chairman Mao Tse-tung dancing together nude on the cover, only fanned the flames of the conflict to come.

However, the official U.S. war against Lennon began in earnest in 1972 after rumors surfaced that Lennon planned to embark on a U.S. concert tour that would combine rock music with antiwar organizing and voter registration. Nixon, fearing Lennon’s influence on about 11 million new voters (1972 was the first year that 18-year-olds could vote), had the ex-Beatle served with deportation orders “in an effort to silence him as a voice of the peace movement.”

As Lennon’s FBI file shows, memos and reports about the FBI’s surveillance of the anti-war activist had been flying back and forth between Hoover, the Nixon White House, various senators, the FBI and the U.S. Immigration Office.

Nixon’s pursuit of Lennon was relentless and misplaced.

Despite the fact that Lennon was not plotting to bring down the Nixon Administration, as the government feared, the government persisted in its efforts to have him deported. Equally determined to resist, Lennon dug in and fought back. Every time he was ordered out of the country, his lawyers delayed the process by filing an appeal.

Finally, in 1976, Lennon won the battle to stay in the country and by 1980, he had re-emerged with a new album and plans to become politically active again. The old radical was back and ready to cause trouble.

Unfortunately, Lennon’s time as a troublemaker was short-lived.

Mark David Chapman was waiting in the shadows on Dec. 8, 1980, just as Lennon was returning to his New York apartment building.

As Lennon stepped outside the car to greet the fans congregating outside, Chapman, in an eerie echo of the FBI’s moniker for Lennon, called out, “Mr. Lennon!”

Lennon turned and was met with a barrage of gunfire as Chapman—dropping into a two-handed combat stance—emptied his .38-caliber pistol and pumped four hollow-point bullets into his back and left arm. Lennon stumbled, staggered forward and, with blood pouring from his mouth and chest, collapsed to the ground.

John Lennon was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.

Much like Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Robert Kennedy and others who have died attempting to challenge the powers-that-be, Lennon had finally been “neutralized.”   

Still, you can’t murder a movement with a bullet and a madman: Lennon’s legacy lives on in his words, his music and his efforts to speak truth to power.

As Yoko Ono shared in a 2014 letter to the parole board tasked with determining whether Chapman should be released: “A man of humble origin, [John Lennon] brought light and hope to the whole world with his words and music. He tried to be a good power for the world, and he was. He gave encouragement, inspiration and dreams to people regardless of their race, creed and gender.”

Lennon’s work to change the world for the better is far from done.

Peace remains out of reach. Activism and whistleblowers continue to be prosecuted for challenging the government’s authority. Militarism is on the rise, all the while the governmental war machine continues to wreak havoc on innocent lives.

For those of us who joined with John Lennon to imagine a world of peace, it’s getting harder to reconcile that dream with the reality of the American police state. And as I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, those who do dare to speak up are labeled dissidents, troublemakers, terrorists, lunatics, or mentally ill and tagged for surveillance, censorship or, worse, involuntary detention.

As Lennon shared in a 1968 interview:
I think all our society is run by insane people for insane objectives… I think we’re being run by maniacs for maniacal means. If anybody can put on paper what our government and the American government and the Russian… Chinese… what they are actually trying to do, and what they think they’re doing, I’d be very pleased to know what they think they’re doing. I think they’re all insane. But I’m liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That’s what’s insane about it.”
So what’s the answer?

Lennon had a multitude of suggestions.

If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there’d be peace.”

Produce your own dream. If you want to save Peru, go save Peru. It’s quite possible to do anything, but not to put it on the leaders….You have to do it yourself.”

Peace is not something you wish for; It’s something you make, Something you do, Something you are, And something you give away.”

If you want peace, you won’t get it with violence.”

Say you want a revolution / We better get on right away / Well you get on your feet / And out on the street / Singing power to the people.”

And my favorite advice of all: “All you need is love. Love is all you need.”

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His new book Battlefield America: The War on the American People (SelectBooks, 2015) is available online at Whitehead can be contacted at

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Hier de video van Brasscheck TV:

The mysterious death of John Lennon

When John Lennon was shot and killed the news media went into "lone nut with a gun" mode.
They left out the "lone nut with intelligence connections, endless financial resources, and obvious signs of having been brainwashed" part.
Here's the untold story.

 Zie ook: 'Nam Kurt Cobain zijn eigen leven? Niet volgens een flink aantal mensen' (en de links onder dat bericht naar o.a. de moord op M.L. King en J.F. Kennedy)

Tot slot een link naar de YouTube pagina waar u naar muziek van Lennon kan luisteren.

woensdag 11 september 2013

Chili 11 september 1973

Vandaag is het 40 jaar geleden, dat een militaire coup, gesteund door de VS (geïnitieerd door de CIA met steun van Nixon) en Brazilië, een eind maakte aan de democratische gekozen Chileense regering van Salvador Allende. De regering van Allende trad aan in 1970 en werd vanaf het begin (ook economisch) tegengewerkt door de VS, daar Allende de kopermijnen, die in handen van ondernemers uit de VS waren, wilde nationaliseren en dat daadwerkelijk uitvoerde....

Nog een detail: onder de dictatuur van Pinochet werd het studeren zo duur gemaakt, dat alleen welgestelden (rechts-conservatieven) de studie van hun kind konden betalen. Deze situatie is nog steeds bestaande en is nu één van de redenen voor groot protest in Chili........

Met minder intellectuelen heb je minder, of geen verzet tegen inhumane maatregelen. Aan het eind van WOII werden in de bezette gebieden van Nederland, veel intellectuelen opgepakt en vermoord. Gebieden die door verraad van de operatie Market Garden niet werden bevrijd, velen wijzen Bernhard, die graag Hitlers stadhouder had willen worden, als schuldige aan.......

Nederland anno 2013: de toegang tot studeren wordt langzaam maar zeker ingeperkt door het duurder maken van studie en het bekorten van de studieperiode. Een student van welgestelde komaf, kan gewoon langer over de studie doen, bovendien hoeft deze niet bij te werken, naast de studie, om in woonruimte en levensonderhoud te kunnen voorzien........

Salavador Allende 26 juni 1908 - 11 september 1973

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