Johnstone heeft een artikel gepubliceerd waarin ze stelt dat
de Overton Window (Overton-venster of Raam van Overton) onderhevig is
aan sterke inkrimping. Het Overton-venster is het spectrum aan
gedachtegoed dat wordt geaccepteerd door het publiek. Ofwel waar spreken we wel en niet over. (degenen die uitmaken waarover gesproken wordt zijn politiek en media). Zoals je begrijpt is e.e.a. een heel smerige vorm van manipulatie, iets waarvan politiek en media nu juist de alternatieve media op het internet beschuldigen....
stelt dus dat het Overton-venster aan krimp onderhevig is en dat
toont ze aan door een groot aantal voorbeelden, waar ze aangeeft dat
men spreekt over zaken, maar niet kijkt wat bijvoorbeeld de oorzaak
is van waar men over spreekt. Neem de islamitische terreuraanslagen
in het westen: het is prima om daar over te spreken zolang je de
schuld maar bij de jihadisten legt en niet begint over de
grootschalige westerse terreur in islamitische landen in het
Midden-Oosten, terreur die terreur in Europa oproept en grote vluchtelingenstromen richting Europa opgang heeft gebracht..... Ofwel men wil wel over één van de gevolgen van een fout
beleid spreken (fout >> immers het westen heeft niets te zoeken in het
Midden-Oosten): terreur op de Europese straten, maar niet wat de
oorzaak daarvan is.....
noemt o.a. het discussiëren over censuur op het internet, zonder dat de de
vraag wordt gesteld of die censuur nodig is..... Veel sites en blogs
zijn platgelegd in de VS, in feite als gevolg van de 'Russiagate'
leugen, terwijl het hele Russiagate verhaal intussen onderuit is gehaald......
'Russiagate' was in feite een smerige truc van Hillary Clinton
en haar campagneteam, om haar eigen misdaden tijdens de Democratische
voorverkiezingen te verbergen......
Of wat
dacht je van het debatteren over de steun die politici in de VS (en een aantal andere buitenlanden) krijgen van
grote bedrijven, zonder de vraag te stellen of het wel gewenst is
dat grote bedrijven in feite steekpenningen betalen voor een voor hen zo gunstig mogelijk beleid na de verkiezingen....... Kortom onvervalste corruptie!
samenzweringstheorieën: men bediscussieert of iets wel of geen
samenzweringstheorie is, zonder over het feit te spreken dat de
figuren met macht nu eenmaal altijd samenspannen, anders gezegd:
haalt zoals gezegd een groot aantal zaken aan en ik moet zeggen dat werkt
behoorlijk verhelderend, zelfs als je al op de hoogte was van de
effecten die discussies over een bepaalde zaak teweegbrengen, zonder dat men over de
oorzaak heeft gesproken...... Ook wordt nog eens duidelijk gemaakt hoe
machtig de reguliere westerse (massa-) media zijn en hoe het komt dat
men daar ongegeneerd liegt en manipuleert. Dit is uiteraard in het
belang van de plutocratische eigenaren en in het belang van de
overheid, zoals bij bepaalde berichtgeving door 'onze' NOS.... Neem de totaal gekleurde berichtgeving door de reguliere media, inclusief 'fake news' en andere desinformatie, voorafgaand aan en tijdens de illegale oorlogen van de VS, oorlogen die door het zittende Nederlandse kabinet maar al te graag worden gesteund, ook al worden deze oorlogen op basis van hele bergen leugens gevoerd..... Oorlogsvoering is veelal ook in het belang van de
plutocratische media eigenaren, die enorme aandelenportefeuilles
hebben in de moorddadige oorlogsindustrie en in de olie-industrie, waar deze oorlogsvoering
zoals gezegd ook in het belang is van overheden, zoals die van de
VS....... Neem bijvoorbeeld Turkije waar Erdogan steeds minder
populair werd >> Erdogan valt Syrië illegaal binnen en is weer
populair bij het volk, terwijl hij schaamteloos gebruik maakt van de
media, die hij na een heftige persbreidel onder de duim heeft.....
Incredible Shrinking Overton Window
smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit
the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate
within that spectrum — even encourage the more critical and
dissident views. That gives people the sense that there's free
thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the
system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the
~ Noam Chomsky
~ Noam Chomsky
plutocrat-owned narrative managers of the political/media class work
constantly to shrink the Overton
the spectrum of debate that is considered socially acceptable. They
do this by framing more and more debates in terms of how the
oligarchic empire should be sustained and supported, steering them
away from debates about whether that
empire should be permitted to exist at all.
get people debating whether there should be some moderate changes
made or no meaningful changes at all, rather than the massive,
sweeping changes we all know need to be made to the entire system.
get people debating whether they should elect a crook in a red hat or
a crook in a blue hat, rather than whether or not they should be
forced to elect crooks.
get people debating violations of government secrecy laws, not
whether the government has any business keeping those secrets from
its citizenry in the first place.
get people debating how internet censorship should take place and
whom should be censored, rather than whether any internet censorship
should occur.
get people debating how and to what extent government surveillance
should occur, not whether the government has any business spying on
its citizens.
get people debating how subservient and compliant someone needs to be
in order to not get shot by a police officer, rather than whether a
police officer should be shooting people for those reasons at all.
get people debating whether or not a group of protesters are
sufficiently polite, rather than debating the thing those protesters
are demonstrating against.
get people debating about whether this thing or that thing is a
"conspiracy theory", rather than discussing the known fact
that powerful people conspire.
get people debating whether Tulsi Gabbard is a dangerous lunatic, a
Russian asset, a Republican asset gearing up for a third party run,
or just a harmless Democratic Party crackpot, rather than discussing
the fact that her foreign policy would have been considered perfectly
normal prior to 9/11.
get people debating whether Bernie Sanders is electable or too
radical, rather than discussing what it says about the status quo
that his extremely modest proposals which every other major country
already implements are treated as something outlandish in the United
get people debating whether Jeremy Corbyn has done enough to address
the Labour antisemitism crisis, rather than whether that "crisis"
ever existed at all outside of the imaginations of establishment
smear merchants.
get people debating whether Joe Biden or Elizabeth Warren would win
against Trump, rather than whether either of those establishment
lackeys is a worthy nominee.
get people debating whether politicians should have corporate
sponsors, rather than whether corporations should be allowed to
interfere in the electoral process at all.
get people debating if the US should be pursuing regime change in
Iran or Syria, rather than whether the US has any business
overthrowing the governments of sovereign nations to begin with.
get people debating how many US troops should be in Syria, rather
than whether that illegal invasion and occupation was ever legitimate
in the first place.
get people debating whether to kill people slowly by sanctions or
kill them quickly with bombs, rather than whether they should be
killed at all.
get people debating whether or not some other country’s leader is
an evil dictator, rather than whether it’s any of your business.
get people debating the extent to which Russia and Trump were
involved in the Democratic Party's 2016 email leaks, rather than the
contents of those leaks.
get people debating what the response should be to Russian
interference in the election, rather than whether that interference
took place at all, and whether it would really matter if it did.
get people debating how much government support the poor should be
allowed to have, rather than whether the rich should be allowed to
keep what they've stolen from the poor.
get people debating what kind of taxes billionaires should have to
pay, rather than whether it makes sense for billionaires to exist at
get people impotently debating the bad things other countries do,
rather than the bad things their own country does which they can
actually do something about.
get people debating what should be done to prevent the rise of China,
rather than whether a multipolar world might be beneficial.
get people debating whether western cold war escalations against the
Russian Federation are sufficient, rather than whether they want to
horrors of the cold war to be resurrected in the first place.
get people debating what extent cannabis should be decriminalized,
rather than whether the government should be allowed to lock anyone
up for deciding to put any substance whatsoever in their own
get people debating whether or not US troops should be withdrawn from
Afghanistan, rather than whether or not there should be any US troops
outside of the US.
get people debating whether or not Julian Assange is "a real
journalist", rather than whether or not they should set legal
precedents that necessarily criminalize acts of journalism.
get people debating the subtle details of bail protocol, political
asylum, embassy cat hygiene and leaking rather than whether it should
ever be legal to imprison a publisher for exposing government war
get people debating what the punishment should be for whistleblowers,
not what the punishment should be for those they blow the whistle on.
get people debating whether Fox or MSNBC is the real "fake
news", rather than whether the entirety of mainstream media is
oligarchic propaganda.
get people debating about how the things everyone is freaking out
over Trump doing were previously done by Obama, rather than
discussing why all US presidents do the same evil things regardless
of their parties or campaign platforms.
get people debating what should be done with money, not whether the
concept of money itself is in need of a complete overhaul.
get people debating what should be done with government, not whether
the concept of government itself is in need of a complete overhaul.
get people debating whether the status quo should be reinforced or
revised, rather than whether it should be flushed down the toilet
where it belongs.
get people angrily debating things they can't change, rather than
constructively working on the things that they can.
get people shoving against each other in opposite directions, while
they swiftly build a cage around us all.
for reading! The best way to get around the internet censors and make
sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list
for my website,
which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. My
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so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around,
liking me on Facebook,
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written) in any way they like free of charge.
Johnstone |
November 4, 2019 at 2:54 am | Tags: debate, Overton
window, partisanship, Politics |
Categories: Article |
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