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Posts tonen met het label R. Parry. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 13 juni 2019

Gelekte documenten tonen aan dat Google en Pinterest censuur uitoefenen

Gelekte documenten van Google en Pinterest tonen aan dat Google en Pinterest censuur uitoefenen op onafhankelijke media, christelijke websites en 'niet populaire' opinies op de sociale media.....

Niets nieuws, maar zoals al vaker opgemerkt, hoe meer bewijs voor dit soort maatregelen die thuishoren in een dictatuur, hoe beter.....

Overigens wordt in het hieronder opgenomen artikel gesproken over het zoeken op het internet waarbij bepaalde resultaten aan de hand van een lijst met termen worden gemanipuleerd, anders gezegd: je krijgt in feite niet te zien waar je naar opzoek was.... Niets nieuws, al een paar jaar geleden viel het me op dat op een ander vlak, namelijk de naam van de website of blog, genoeg was om niet te worden opgenomen in de zoekresultaten, of ze werden pas na een aantal pagina's weergegeven, ook de Azijnpisser is sindsdien moeilijk te vinden in de zoekresultaten..... Het is dan ook aan te raden dat wanneer je zeker weet een artikel op een site of blog te hebben gezien, de naam van die site of blog toe te voegen aan de zoektermen die je gebruikt.

Gelukkig zien meer en meer mensen dat censuur op de sociale media zich tegen hen keert, ofwel zoeken naar feiten op het internet wordt gedomineerd door platforms die censuur uitoefenen en dan gaat het niet alleen om Google en Pinterest, maar ook om Facebook en Twitter, waardoor men geen of moeilijk informatie op onafhankelijke media kan vinden......

(foto van The Mind Unleashed)

Het voorgaande is van groot belang als je ziet dat de reguliere media voor het overgrote deel al lang niet meer onafhankelijk zijn en ondanks alle beschuldigingen door die media van sites op de sociale media als zouden deze fake news (nepnieuws) en andere desinformatie verspreiden, zijn het juist de reguliere (massa-) media die aantoonbaar een enorme berg fake news brachten en op andere manieren het publiek manipuleerden met desinformatie, dit gebeurt overigens nog steeds........ Neem de totaal gekleurde berichtgeving in die media voorafgaand en tijdens de illegale oorlogen van de VS, met de NAVO als oorlogshond, uiteraard onder opperbevel van de VS....

Lees het volgende artikel, geschreven door Derrick Broze, eerder gepubliceerd op The Mind Unleashed en door mij overgenomen van Anti-Media:

Leaked Documents From Pinterest Reveal Censorship of Anti-Media

June 12, 2019 at 10:24 pm
Written by Derrick Broze

Newly leaked documents from Google and Pinterest reveal ongoing efforts to censor independent media, Christian websites, and unpopular opinions.

(TMU— As more and more Americans question the practices of tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon, the topic of censorship on social media and in search results continues to be a hotly debated topic. Do these companies essentially act as publishers, and if so, should they be regulated as such? Should the government make efforts to break up the tech giants? These questions and more need answering as the public grapples with the reality that “Big Tech” is gaining more control over what we see, hear, and read while surfing the internet.

Now, more fuel has been added to the fire as the controversial conservative investigative outlet Project Veritas has released leaked documents which show Pinterest blocking links of alternative media websites and search terms related to Christianity and abortion. The apparent blacklist is part of a “porn domain block list” designed to keep the social media platform free of sexually explicit content. Veritas published the internal documents and reportedly interviewed a company insider who claimed Pinterest directly and indirectly censors content related to pro-life and Christian themes, as well as alternative health sites, and several independent news websites known for challenging the U.S. government narrative on a range of topics, including the War on Terror. These sites include ZeroHedgeThe Anti-Media, NewsWars (operated by Alex Jones’ Infowars), The PedoGate, Tracking Vaccinations, and Organic Healthy Tips.

Other documents leaked to Project Veritas include a large text file titled “Sensitive Terms List” containing search terms that Pinterest considers “sensitive.” A user searching one of these “sensitive” terms will received modified search results per Pinterest internal policy. The documents note that search terms are assigned an “abusive,” “sensitive,” and “brand unsafe” value. Pinterest employees have the option to either block auto-complete results in the search bar, show the user a warning, or remove the term from recommended or trending feeds. The so-called “Sensitive Terms List” reveals that Christianity-related terms like “christian easter” and “bible verses” were marked as “brand unsafe.”

This is not the first time Pinterest made the news for censoring certain material. In February, the platform also blocked searches related to “anti-vaccination” material.

However, the company is not alone in their efforts to remove unpopular opinions and alternative media from their platforms. One day after Project Veritas‘ report, the Daily Caller reported that a whistleblower within Google leaked screenshots of two apparent blacklists of websites which are being scrubbed from the search engine’s results. The Daily Caller reviewed documents and found that employees are instructed to add the line “# REMOVE url” to ensure that a “fringe” website is removed from Google’s “featured snippets” search results. The “featured snippets” feature is responsible for finishing users sentences when they type questions into Google’s search box. The document suggests that the removal of certain websites from featured snippets is being conducted manually by a human employee rather than the result of a mistake by an algorithm or artificial intelligence.

The Caller also reports that a second blacklist, called “all_fringe_domains,” is designed to block websites labeled “fringe.” Some of the websites being blocked include the American Spectator, Breitbart, Breaking911, the website of pastor Brian Jones, the website of Bring Your Bible to School Day, Consortium News (published by Robert Parry), St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church,, The Franklin Society (a cryptocurrency blog), Free Thought Project, The Gateway Pundit, and The Gorka Briefing”.

The leaked documents reported on by the Daily Caller and Project Veritas raise a number of questions regarding how much control and influence the Big Tech giants have over public discourse. Even more worrisome is the fact that websites like the Free Thought Project, the Anti-Media, and ZeroHedge have been facing waves of censorship for over a year, with both the Anti-Media and the Free Thought Projectbeing purged from Facebook in October 2018.

Zie ook:
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'Australische politie valt kantoor ABC binnen vanwege gelekte documenten'

'Facebook stelt klimaatsceptisch Daily Caller aan als 'factchecker...' ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Twitter launches tool to report misleading content ahead of Indian & EU elections'

'Twitter meldpunt voor nepnieuws in aanloop EU verkiezingen'

'Russiagate geslaagd: geen impeachment van Trump, waar Clinton en haar team na bewezen misdaden vrijuit gaan.....'

'Facebook: uit gelekte documenten worden de steeds veranderende regels voor censuur op dit platform openbaar gemaakt: Facebook als geheime tak van de VS overheid'

'NewsGuard, het nieuwste wapen van Big Brother VS tegen de alternatieve media'

'Netflix censureert aflevering van humoristisch programma, 'na een geldig verzoek' op grond van Saoedische wetgeving....'

'Facebooks departement voor censuur: een hoognodige uitleg over een maatregel die alleen in een dictatuur thuishoort'

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'Google manipuleerde VS presidentsverkiezingen van 2016 en censureert niet alleen linkse/alternatieve sociale media'

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'Facebook censureert de waarheid over Columbus en de verovering van de Amerika's.......'

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Zie voorts:
'Warren (democratisch presidentskandidaat) toont met hulp van Facebook aan dat dit bedrijf niet hoort te gaan over wat wel en niet is toegestaan' (en zie de links in dat bericht, die hier niet zijn vermeld)

'Russiagate: nog overtuigd van bestaan daarvan? Lees dit!'

'Julian Assange (brekend nieuws) veroordeeld tot 50 weken gevangenisstraf......'

'Jan Kuitenbrouwer ('journalist'): Assange is een charlatan en WikiLeaks heeft beelden van de moord op 2 journalisten gemanipuleerd'

'Julian Assanges vervolging is de genadeklap voor klokkenluiders en (echte) journalisten

'Russiagate haat- en angstcampagne samenzweerders als FBI en Clinton moeten strafrechtelijk worden vervolgd'

'BBC verslaggever is beschaamd over de 25 jaar die hij voor deze zendgemachtigde heeft gewerkt'

'BNR 'denkt' als één van de vele mediaorganen nog steeds dat Russiagate werkelijk plaats vond'

'BBC topman waarschuwt dat de BBC haar geloofwaardigheid en reputatie kwijtraakt...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Geen rectificaties voor meer dan 2 jaar brengen van fake news over het kwaadaardig sprookje Russiagate'

'Bedrijf dat voor 'Russische bots' waarschuwde, heeft een leger met nep-Russische bots'

'Britse militaire geheime dienst bedient zich van moddergooien en andere manipulaties om Europese en VS politiek te manipuleren, zo blijkt uit gelekte documenten'

''Fake news': alternatieve media en bloggers in het westen zouden onzin brengen, echter niet als dit soort groepen wat roepen in landen die het westen niet welgevallig zijn'

'Two More Spiegel Employees Out After Fake News Scandal Expands' Ofwel: het zoveelste 'gevalletje fake news', gebracht door de reguliere massamedia........

zaterdag 4 mei 2019

Gruwelijke Russische doomsday wapens: o.a. walvissen, krekels en Pokémon

Je zou wellicht denken dat onze reguliere media bij tijd en wijle knettergek zijn met het herhalen van bijvoorbeeld aantoonbare VS leugens, maar zelfs dat kan men bij de makers van die leugens, dus de VS, altijd nog veel beter.

Het volgende uiterst humoristische en sarcastische artikel, geschreven door Caitlin Johnstone en afgelopen donderdag gepubliceerd, moet je lezen, maar let op: het gevaar bestaat dat je in een lachstuip blijft!

Whales, Crickets, And Other Fearsome Russian Doomsday Weapons

Caitlin Johnstone

Headlines were blaring the word "Russian" again the other day because the mass media narrative managers found yet another reason for westerners to feel terrified of the icy potato patch that we'd barely ever thought about prior to 2016. I'd like to talk about the Kremlin's latest horrifying horrific addition to its fearsome doomsday artillery, and recap a few of the other incredibly frightening and terrifying tactics that those strange Cyrillic-scribbling demons of the East are employing to undermine truth, justice, and the American way. Just to make sure we're all good and scared like we're supposed to be.

Gather the kids, clutch your pearls and sign off on hundreds of billions of dollars of extra military spending, my patriotic brethren! Here are five super scary ways the Red Menace is trying to destroy you and everything you hold dear:

1. Whales

Headlines and TV news segments from virtually all mainstream outlets were falling all over themselves the other day to report the fact that some Norwegians found a tame beluga whale with a harness on it, and "experts" attest that the animal may have been part of a covert espionage program for the Russian navy.

While there is no indication that this spying cetacean has been trained in the arts of sonar election meddling or shooting novichok from its blowhole, the Guardian helpfully informs us that the harness was labeled "Equipment of St. Petersburg", and was equipped to hold "a camera or weapon".

"Marine experts in Norway believe they have stumbled upon a white whale that was trained by the Russian navy as part of a programme to use underwater mammals as a special ops force," the Guardian reports.

The Norwegian tabloid Verdens Gang, which picked up on the discovery well before the breathless English headlines began gracing us with their presence, is a teensy bit less Ian Flemingesque in its reporting on the matter: the harness is equipped for a GoPro camera. The words "Equipment of St. Petersburg" are written in English.

Why is the Russian military writing "Equipment of St. Petersburg" in English on the garments of its aquatic special ops forces, you may ask? If there were indeed a secret beluga espionage squad assembled by Russian intelligence services, would they not perhaps avoid writing the home address of the whales on their harnesses altogether, and maybe, you know, not let them run free in the wild?

And to that I would say, stop asking so many questions. That's just what Putin wants.

2. Crickets

NBC and MSNBC Blamed Russia for Using “Sophisticated Microwaves” to Cause “Brain Injuries” in U.S. “Diplomats” in Cuba. The Culprits Were Likely Crickets. 

NBC and MSNBC Blamed Russia for Using “Sophisticated Microwaves” to Cause “Brain Injuries” in U.S....

We now have what might be the most vivid, reckless and dangerous illustration yet of how NBC functions.

report seeded throughout the mainstream media by anonymous intelligence officials last September claimed that US government workers in Cuba had suffered concussion-like brain damage after hearing strange noises in homes and hotels with the most likely culprit being “sophisticated microwaves or another type of electromagnetic weapon” from Russia. A recording of one such highly sophisticated attack was analyzed by scientists and turned out to be the mating call of the male indies short-tailed cricket. Neurologists and other brain specialists have challenged the claim that any US government workers suffered any neurological damage of any kind, saying test results on the alleged victims were

The actual story, when stripped of hyperventilating Russia panic, is that some government workers once heard some horny crickets in Cuba.


3. Puppies

Ye gads, is is nothing sacred? Is there any weapon these monsters won't use to transform the west into a giant, globe-spanning Mordor?

That's right, in 2017 puppies became one of the many, many things we've been instructed to fear in the hands of our vodka-swilling enemy to the east, with mass media outlets reporting that a Facebook group for animal lovers was one of the sinister, diabolical tactics employed by St. Petersburg's notorious Internet Research Agency. As the Moon of Alabama blog has explained, the only evidence we've seen so far actually indicates that the Internet Research Agency's operations in America served no purpose other than to attract eyeballs for money. As journalist Aaron Maté wrote of the highly publicized Russian Facebook meddling, "Far from being a sophisticated propaganda campaign, it was small, amateurish, and mostly unrelated to the 2016 election."

The late, great Robert Parry, one of the earliest and most outspoken critics of the Russiagate narrative, covered this one for Consortium News in an article he authored a few months before his untimely passing:

"As Mike Isaac and Scott Shane of The New York Times reported in Tuesday’s editions, “The Russians who posed as Americans on Facebook last year tried on quite an array of disguises. … There was even a Facebook group for animal lovers with memes of adorable puppies that spread across the site with the help of paid ads.”
Now, there are a lot of controversial issues in America, but I don’t think any of us would put puppies near the top of the list. Isaac and Shane reported that there were also supposedly Russia-linked groups advocating gay rights, gun rights and black civil rights, although precisely how these divergent groups were “linked” to Russia or the Kremlin was never fully explained. (Facebook declined to offer details.)
At this point, a professional journalist might begin to pose some very hard questions to the sources, who presumably include many partisan Democrats and their political allies hyping the evil-Russia narrative. It would be time for some lectures to the sources about the consequences for taking reporters on a wild ride in conspiracy land.
Yet, instead of starting to question the overall premise of this “scandal,” journalists at The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, etc. keep making excuses for the nuttiness. The explanation for the puppy ads was that the nefarious Russians might be probing to discover Americans who might later be susceptible to propaganda.
The goal of the dog lovers’ page was more obscure,” Isaac and Shane acknowledged. “But some analysts suggested a possible motive: to build a large following before gradually introducing political content. Without viewing the entire feed from the page, now closed by Facebook, it is impossible to say whether the Russian operators tried such tactics.”

4. Pokémon

Yes, Pokémon.

This Russia hysteria has been a long, wild ride, and sometimes it's honestly felt like they’re just experimenting on us. Like they’ve been testing the limits of how ridiculous they can make this thing and still get mainstream Americans to swallow it. Like the establishment propagandists are all sitting around in a room smoking blunts and making bets with each other all,
I’m telling you, we can sell a Pokémon Go Kremlin conspiracy.”
Do it!”
No way. There’s no way they’ll go for it.”
Yeah well you said that about the puppy dogs!”

And then they release their latest experiment in social manipulation and place bets on how many disgruntled Hillary voters they can get retweeting it saying “God dammit, I knew that jigglypuff looked suspicious!”

The October 2017 CNN report which sparked off a full day of shrieking "OMG THEY'RE EVEN USING PIKACHU TO ATTACK OUR DEMOCRACY" headlines was titled "Exclusive: Even Pokémon Go used by extensive Russian-linked meddling effort", and it reported that Russia had extended its "tentacles" into the popular video game for the purpose of election meddling. Apparently the Internet Research Agency attempted to hold a contest using the game to highlight police brutality against unarmed Black men, which of course is something that only an evil autocracy would ever do. 

Not until the fifteenth paragraph of the article did we see the information which undercut all the frantic arm flailing about Russians destroying democracy and warping our children's fragile little minds:
"CNN has not found any evidence that any Pokémon Go users attempted to enter the contest, or whether any of the Amazon Gift Cards that were promised were ever awarded -- or, indeed, whether the people who designed the contest ever had any intention of awarding the prizes."

Mmm hmm.

5. Laughter

Turns out jokes are a Russian disinformation conspiracy.
Is nothing safe? What will those barbarian Others think of next? Weaponizing our tears? 
Russian President Vladimir Putin smiles during his meeting with athletes at the Russia in October 2018
Russian President Vladimir Putin smiles during his meeting with athletes at the Russia in October 2018

How Putin's Russia turned humour into a weapon

Russia's government wants people to have a laugh - as long as it's at its opponents' expense, and not Mr Putin's.

Late last year the BBC published an article titled “How Putin’s Russia turned humour into a weapon” about yet another addition to the Kremlin’s horrifying deadly hybrid warfare arsenal: comedy. The article's author, ironically titled “Senior Journalist (Disinformation)” by the BBC, argues that Russia has suddenly discovered laughter as a way to “deliberately lower the level of discussion”.

Russia’s move towards using humour to influence its campaigns is a relatively recent phenomenon,” the article explained, without speculating as to why Russians might have suddenly begun laughing at their western accusers.

Is it perhaps possible that Russian media have begun mocking the west a lot more because westerners have made themselves much easier to make fun of? Could it perhaps be the fact that western mass media have been doing absolutely insane things like constantly selling us the idea that the Kremlin could be lurking behind anything in our world, even really innocuous-looking things like puppy dogs, Pokémon and whales? Could we perhaps be finding ourselves at the butt end of jokes now because in 2016 our society went bat shit, pants-on-head, screaming-at-passing-motor-vehicles insane?

Nahhh. Couldn't be. It's the Russians who've gone mad.

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Caitlin Johnstone | May 2, 2019 at 12:54 pm |

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