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Posts tonen met het label R. Spencer. Alle posts tonen

maandag 1 april 2019

Christchurch aanslag: witte nationalistische terreur >> een uitvoerproduct van de VS

De terreuraanslag tegen 2 moskeeën in Christchruch (Nieuw-Zeeland) werd door witte nationalisten gepleegd. Volgens Paul J. Becker en Art Jipson is het witte nationalisme dat tot deze en andere terreuraanslagen tegen moslims heeft geleid, een product van de VS. De terrorist die in Christchurch schoot, ziet de witte nationalisten (fascisten) in de VS dan ook als groot voorbeeld....

Trump stelde eerder dat het nationalisme geen grote problemen oplevert*, echter de uitkomsten van een onderzoek door de Universiteit van Chicago en de VN laten het tegenovergestelde zien.....

Het geweld van witte nationalisten, wat mij betreft in veel gevallen niets anders dan fascisme, neemt toe in het westen. Niet vreemd als je ziet dat deze nationalisten de xenofobie die leeft bij een fiks deel van de diverse westerse bevolkingen en de bij deze groepen gekweekte anti-immigratie gevoelens voeden met haat- en angstzaaierij tegen/voor vreemdelingen, of die haat- en angstzaaierij nu tegen/voor hun geloof, huidskleur, of land van oorsprong wordt gevoerd......

Over fascisme gesproken: ook in de EU wordt deze 'ideologie' steeds groter en het is niet ondenkbaar dat fascisten binnen afzienbare tijd (10 tot 20 jaar) zelfs de grootste fractie in het EU parlement zullen vormen........

Het volgende artikel werd eerder gepubliceerd op The Conversation en werd door mij overgenomen van Anti-Media (de tweede foto komt van The Conversation):

Born in the USA, White Nationalism is Now a Global Terror Threat

March 29, 2019 at 8:52 am
Written by The Conversation

(CONVERSATION) — The recent massacre of 50 Muslim worshippers at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand is the latest confirmation that white supremacy is a danger to democratic societies across the globe.

Despite President Donald Trump’s suggestion that white nationalist terrorism is not a major problem, recent data from the United NationsUniversity of Chicago and other sources show the opposite.

As more people embrace a xenophobic and anti-immigrant worldview, it is fueling hostility and violence toward those deemed “outsiders” – whether because of their religion, skin color or national origin.

Transnational violence

Most of the Western world – from Switzerland and Germany to the United States, Scandinavia and New Zealand – has witnessed a potent nationalist strain infecting society in recent years.

Driven by fear over the loss of white primacy, white nationalists believe that white identity should be the organizing principle of Western society.

Every people in the world can have their own country except white people,” the American Freedom Party’s William Daniel Johnson told the Chicago Sun Times after the New Zealand attack. “We should have white ethno-states.”

In researching our upcoming book on extremism – our joint area of academic expertise – we found that hate crimes have risen alongside the global spread of white nationalism. Racist attacks on refugees, immigrants, Muslims and Jews are increasing worldwide at an alarming rate.

Scholars studying the internationalization of hate crimes call this dangerous phenomenon “violent transnationalism.”

Polish right-wing nationalists at a rally in Lodz, Sept. 12, 2015. Reuters/Marcin Stepien/Agencja Gazeta

In Europe, white violence appears to have been triggered by the sudden increase, in 2015, of refugees fleeing war in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East.

Ultra-nationalists across the continent – including politicians at the highest rungs of power – used the influx as evidence of the imminent “cultural genocide” of white people.

White nationalism is a US export

This disturbing international trend, in its modern incarnation, was born in the United States.

Since the 1970s, a small, vocal cadre of American white supremacists have sought to export their ideology of hate. Avowed racists like Ku Klux Klan wizard David Duke, Aryan Nations founder Richard Butler and extremist author William Pierce believe the white race is under attack worldwide by a cultural invasion of immigrants and people of color.

The United States is diversifying, but it remains 77 percent white. White supremacists, however, have long contended that the country’s demographic changes will lead to an extermination of the white race and culture.

The “alt-right” – an umbrella term describing modern online white supremacist movement – uses the same language. And it has expanded this 20th-century xenophobic worldview to portray refugees, Muslims and progressives as a threat, too.

Alt-right leaders like Richard Spencer, extremist Jared Taylor and the Neo-Nazi Daily Stormer editor Andrew Anglin also use social media to share their ideology and recruit members across borders.

They have found a global audience of white supremacists who, in turn, have also used the internet to share their ideas, encourage violence and broadcast their hate crimes worldwide.

The hatred that led to violence in Pittsburgh and Charlottesville is finding new adherents around the world,” Jonathan Greenblatt of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a civil liberties watchdog, told USA Today after the New Zealand attack.

Indeed, it appears that this attack was not just focused on New Zealand; it was intended to have a global impact.”

Rising racist violence

We know the alleged New Zealand mosque shooter’s hatred of Muslims was inspired by American white nationalism – he said so on Twitter.

His online “manifesto” includes references to cultural conflicts that the author believed would eventually lead the United States to separate along ethnic, political and racial lines.

The alleged attacker also wrote that he supports President Donald Trump“as a symbol of renewed white identity.”

Trump and other right-wing politicians like French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen and Dutch opposition leader Geert Wilders have blamed the very real problems of modern life – growing economic instability, rising inequality and industrial decay – on immigrants and people of color.

That narrative has added further hostility into the existing undercurrent of intolerance in increasingly multicultural societies like the United States.

Hate crimes against Muslims, immigrants and people of color have been on the rise in the U.S. since 2014.

In 2015, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented 892 hate crimes. The next year, it counted 917 hate crimes. In 2017 – the year Trump took office stoking nationalist sentiment with promises to build walls, deport Mexicans and ban Muslims – the U.S. saw 954 white supremacist attacks.

One of them was a violent clash between counterprotesters and white nationalists over the removal of a confederate statue in Charlottesville, Virginia. The 2017 “Unite the Right” rally, which killed one person and injured dozens, amplified the ideas of modern white nationalists nationally and worldwide.

Last year, white nationalists killed at least 50 people in the United States. Their victims included 11 worshippers at a Pittsburgh synagoguetwo elderly black shoppers in a Kroger parking lot in Kentucky and two women practicing yoga in Florida.

The years 2015, 2016 and 2018 were the United States’ deadliest years for extremist violence since 1970, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

All perpetrators of deadly extremist violence in the U.S. in 2018 had links to white nationalist groups. That made 2018 “a particularly active year for right-wing extremist murders,” the Anti-Defamation League says.

Nationalist terror is a danger to the domestic security of the United States and, evidence shows, a global terror threat that endangers the very nature of global democratic society.


* Niet zo vreemd dat Trump het nationalisme niet als een bedreiging ziet, immers hij is zelf een nationalist en gezien veel van zijn uitlatingen, zoals zijn haat- en angstzaaien tegen/voor vluchtelingen en de woorden van waardering die hij uitspreekt voor figuren als Bolsonaro, de fascistische president van Brazilië, kan je ook Trump als fascistisch aanduiden......

Zie ook:
'Christchurch terreuraanslag: de normalisatie van anti-moslim terreur en westerse oorlogsvoering in moslimlanden'

'Christchurch terreuraanslag: maatschappij niet gebaat bij censuur op fascisme'

'Christ Church >> fascistische terreuraanslag >> 49 doden......'

Thierry Baudet (FVD) ging ook na de terreuraanslag gisteren door met verkiezingscampagne' (met een verwijzing naar de aanslag in Christchurch)

Het label SPLC direct onder dit bericht staat voor 'Southern Poverty Law Center'.

woensdag 13 februari 2019

AIPAC, een pro-Israël lobbygroep, koopt leden van het VS congres om met 4 miljoen dollar per jaar

Ilhan Omar en Rashida Tlaib* zijn de eerste vrouwelijke moslim leden van het VS congres en deze 2 timmeren nogal aan de weg. Zo heeft Omar een berg stront over zich heen gekregen voor het openbaren van het feit dat AIPAC, een pro-Israëlische lobbygroep, ieder jaar weer congresleden omkoopt met 4 miljoen dollar voor politici die 'de goede zaak' dienen, ofwel die zonder enige kritiek pal staan voor de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël en alle enorme oorlogsmisdaden (om niet te zeggen misdaden tegen de menselijkheid) die dit gestolen land begaat tegen de Palestijnen.....

Het gaat overigens niet alleen om het pal staan voor Israël, maar ook elke kritiek die op deze terreurstaat wordt geuit afdoen als antisemitisme, behoort tot de taak van deze omgekochte congresleden en dat heeft Omar gemerkt zoals je al kon lezen. Het feit dat Omar kritiek durft te hebben op AIPAC is al reden genoeg om haar als antisemiet weg te zetten......

De schrijver van dit artikel is Alexander Rubinstein en werd eerder gepubliceerd op MintPress News, door mij overgenomen van Anti-Media. Verbaas je zoals ik over de hysterische manier waarop men in de VS elke komma kritiek op Israël afdoet als antisemitisch, datzelfde geldt overigens voor alle westerse landen, neem de kritiek op Jeremy Corbyn, Labour en oppositieleider in GB....** 

Laten we hopen dat Omar en Tlaib zich uiteindelijk niet de mond laten snoeren, de invloed van Israël op de politiek in de VS is ongeëvenaard en zelfs al zou het Russiagate sprookje waar zijn (wat het niet is), zou die beïnvloeding niet in de schaduw kunnen staan van de enorme invloed die Israël heeft op de politiek in de VS...... Zo sprak de zwaar corrupte oorlogsmisdadiger Netanyahu in 2015 het VS congres toe, waar hij de richting wilde bepalen van de politiek die de leden zouden moeten volgen inzake Iran, dit daar hij het niet eens was met Obama...) Daarmee schoffeerde deze Palestijnenslachter niet alleen Obama, maar schopte hij zelfs tegen het kleine beetje democratie dat nog over is in de VS.....

Ilhan Omar is Right: AIPAC Influences Congress With $4 Million Every Year

February 11, 2019 at 10:04 pm

(MPN— What unites Republicans and Democrats, a former Jewish terrorist, the Republican leader in the House of Representatives, Nikki Haley, Chelsea Clinton and Liz Cheney? A Muslim lady with a mouth and some opinions, apparently. Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has been the subject of bipartisan bullying that has reached a fever pitch since the lawmaker explicitly called out the number one Israeli lobby group in the U.S. — the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Earlier this year, Omar made heads explode in the halls of power after she denounced the U.S.-backed coup attempt in Venezuela. Now, even the leader of her own party in her own chamber of Congress – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi – is joining a chorus of detractors accusing Omar of anti-Semitism for correctly characterizing the business of lobbying.

While this is not the first time that Omar has come under fire for criticizing Israel, the current saga began on Sunday when journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted an article by the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz that trumpeted calls from House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to “take action” against Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI). McCarthy did not specify which statements he opposed, but called the situation “equal” or worse than that of Rep. Steve King (R-IA) who was removed from his committee assignments by his party after he questioned when “white supremacy” had become “offensive.”

Tlaib and Omar are the first two Muslim women in Congress, while Tlaib is the first Palestinian-American. Both have supported the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, a nonviolent campaign to economically pressure Israel into compliance with international and humanitarian law.

Equating @IlhanMN & @RashidaTlaib's criticism of Israel to Steve King's long defense of white supremacy is obscene (McCarthy said it's worse). In the US, we're allowed to criticize our own government: certainly foreign governments. The GOP House Leader's priorities are warped.
Sorry, but you're not going to turn the two first Muslim women to serve in the US Congress into overnight Jew-haters because of their criticisms of Israel. What's actually anti-Semitic is conflating the Government of Israel with Jews, so those of you doing that should stop.
MintPress News has previously covered dubious accusations of anti-Semitism against Tlaib after she took a stand against a free-speech-crushing bill favored by — you guessed it — the Israel lobby. Meanwhile, other lawmakers are attempting to block Tlaib’s planned delegation to the illegally occupied West Bank.

In response to the attack from the Republican House leader, ACLU Human Rights Director Jamil Dakwar quipped that Congressman McCarthy may “want to revive McCarthyism.”

McCarthy himself received $33,000 from NorPAC, “an AIPAC affiliate, in the last election cycle,” reportedthe online publication Jewish Worker. Meanwhile, McCarthy himself has been accused of spreading anti-Semitic tropes, warning that three Jewish, liberal mega-donors, including George Soros, were trying to “buy” the midterm elections, which were to take place the following day. That tweet has since been deleted.

One of my greatest honors is leading new members on a bipartisan trip to Israel to showcase the shared values and unbreakable bond between our countries.
Anti-Semitic tropes have no place in the halls of Congress. It is dangerous for Democrat leadership to stay silent on this reckless language.

Anti-Semitic tropes have no place in the halls of Congress. It is dangerous for Democrat leadership to stay silent on this reckless language.
Weird you would tie trips to Israel with antisemitism. Equating Zionism to Judaism is antisemitic. Almost like you are a disingenuous weasel

About the Benjamins

Upon seeing the report, Omar did not pull any punches. In an apparent pun on a slang term for $100 bills and the prime minister of Israel’s first name, she tweeted that “it’s all about the Benjamins baby,” which is a quote from a 1990’s Puff Daddy song.

Then, an opinion editor at the Jewish magazine The Forward, Batya Ungar-Sargon, reposted the tweet, telling her followers that she’d “love to know who Ilhan Omar thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel, though I think I can guess.”

In 2018 spent ~ $4 Million lobbying our elected officials to support Israel, including quashing Americans first amend right to support BDS.@IlhanMN pointing out how Congress is bought to represent a foreign government over Americans isn't antisemitic it's stating facts.

Omar clapped back with just six characters, tweeting “AIPAC!” — the acronym for the largest and most powerful pro-Israel lobby group in the United States. In fact, AIPAC spends more than $3.5 million every year to influence Congress to be more favorable towards Israel.

This is a disgusting. By the same token one can say "The Forward has won the approval of the KKK."
Ungar-Sargon then attempted to speak on behalf of all American Jews, responding to Omar that she should “learn how to talk about Jews in a non-anti-Semitic way.” Anti-Zionist American Jews promptly shut her down in replies.

I know she's still a Democrat and you should never put too much faith in anyone who's a member of the Democratic Party, but I like Ilhan Omar. She's had the balls to stand against the Washington consensus on Israel and on regime change in Venezuela. I'm glad she's in the House.

89 people are talking about this

But some powerful people with Twitter accounts took exception the the congresswoman’s identification of a pro-Israel lobby group as an entity that “is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel.” One is left to wonder what causes AIPAC doles out the contents of its propaganda war-chest for if not to influence lawmakers on Israel. The takeaway from this line of analysis is that money has no influence in politics, which is patently absurd.

Yet AIPAC’s own mission statement claims “AIPAC urges all members of Congress to support Israel through foreign aid, government partnerships, joint anti-terrorism efforts.”

Kudos to @IlhanMN for calling out the role of the GOP’s donors in influencing US foreign policy.

The GOP’s biggest donors, the Adelsons, are hawkishly pro-Israel and advocate using nukes on Iran!

The GOP’s biggest fundraiser, Norm Coleman, is a paid lobbyist for Saudi Arabia!

Here, those that charge Omar with anti-Semitism reveal their own. By leveling charges of bigotry against critics of the Israel lobby, Israel’s defenders equate Jewishness with allegiance to Israel, or Zionism. In keeping with this estimation, Jews that do not condone the apartheid project underway in Palestine are branded “self-hating.”

Here is Chelsea Clinton accusing Ilhan Omar of anti-semitism for critiquing AIPAC. You hear that? Being anti-AIPAC is now anti-semitism.

Despite Rep. Omar’s statement about AIPAC being self-evident, the remark riled the likes of former Trump Administration Ambassador to the UN and pro- Israel Nikki Haley, who once said, “When I come to AIPAC, I am with friends.” Haley’s pro-Israel track record at the international body prompted an Israeli cartoonist to satirize her departure with an image of a United Nations handyman telling Haley, who is packing her bags, that she forgot her “second flag” — an Israeli one. Israeli President Reuven Rivlin even called Haley a “true ambassador” for Israel.

To see this at the UN was a fight every day. This CANNOT be tolerated in our own Congress by anyone of either party. In a time of increased anti semitism, we all must be held to account. No excuses. ❤️🇺🇸

A major Washington pile-on

Lawmakers who pounced on Omar include: Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND), Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Rep. Max Rose (D-NY), Rep. Brad Schneider (D-IL), Rep. Sean Maloney (D-NY), Rep. Donna Shalala (D-FL), Rep. Anthony Brindisi (D-NY), Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-NY), Sen. Krysten Sinema (D-AZ), Rep. Lois Frankel (D-FL), Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL), Sen. Martha McSally (R-AZ), Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Rep. Elaine Luria (D-VA), who are trying to shore up support for a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) hailing Israel as a “proud and stable democracy with robust protections for minorities” and calling for “swift action” to address the “recent rhetoric.”

Pelosi responded hours later with a joint statement with House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC), Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), Rep. Ben Ray Luján (D-NM), and Rep. Katherine Clark (D-MA) “condemning anti-Semitic comments made over Twitter by Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.”

Also included in the D.C. dogpiling were the Republican Jewish Coalition, the American Jewish Committee (which painted AIPAC as a “Jewish” organization), and Dov Hikind, whom journalist Dan Cohen pointed out is a former member of the Jewish Defense League terrorist organization. Bill and Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea also “co-signed” Ungar-Sargon’s smears of Omar’s rhetoric as “anti-Semitic.”

In all seriousness though I am a young Jew who has never more represented on this issue than seeing @IlhanMN be brave enough to call out AIPAC and the Israel Lobby in its efforts to cement anti-Palestinian racism as a litmus test for Congress. She speaks for me, they don't.

Chelsea Clinton assured several on Twitter that she would “reach out to Omar.” When Omar agreed, saying “we must call out smears from the GOP and their allies,” Clinton agreed. That was until Ashley Goldberg stepped in, tweeting that Clinton “outright said there is a problem with antisemitism [sic] on both sides and Ilhan Omar clearly said she only cares about what she can do to depict it as only a problem with the GOP.”

Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton have earned over $3.5 million in paid speeches to pro-Israeli apartheid groups. At a $1000 a plate dinner, Bill Clinton said he would “grab a rifle and get in the trench and fight and die” for Israel. 

But the conversation took a turn, culminating in Clinton’s vowing to “google people” before engaging with them from then on out, after journalist Hannah Gais pointed out that Goldberg was photographed at a white supremacist conference in 2016 hosted by Richard Spencer. Goldberg, an anti-communist Jewish media personality, also used to date Neo-Nazi leader Matthew Heimbach, the founder of the now-defunct Traditionalist Workers Party.

Yes but Omar did not talk about Jews, she talked about money and it’s influence on American policy on Israel. What does it say about her accusers that any mention of money and power=Jews?

AIPAC’s non-influence in Congress”

Not everyone bought it hook-line-and-sinker, however. Khaled Elgindy, a senior fellow at the neoconservative Brookings Institution, tweeted that he was “in the market for a bridge,” and asked The Forward editor Ungar-Sargon to “please enlighten us on AIPAC’s non-influence in Congress.”

A spokesperson for Omar told Politico in response to the firestorm caused by the representative’s
tweets that the remarks “speak for themselves.”

She has consistently handled it with grace, even in the face of overt racism from GOP congressmen (which has somehow never been a scandal). What she gets in return is "serious reporters" parroting the smears.
Things that are vastly more antisemitic than Ilhan Omar's tweets:
- The belief that AIPAC represents American Jews
- The belief that Israel represents American Jews
- The median American Christian Zionist's views on Jews
- The president
- All 7 of the Harry Potter Novels

But a cursory examination of the legacy AIPAC has left since it opened shop the DC speak even greater volumes. The lobby group is not itself run by Israel, allowing it to avoid registration under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, a law that forces foreign lobby groups to be more transparent. That’s because I.L. Kenen, the founder of AIPAC, created a “legal loophole by which AIPAC is defined not as a lobby for a foreign state but for Americans who support that state. It’s a critical distinction that makes AIPAC’s dominance over U.S. Middle East policy possible,” according to former AIPAC employee M.J. Rosenberg.

AIPAC continues its practice of using loopholes to further its agenda today. A recent documentaryproduced by Al Jazeera but censored by Qatar, which funds the outlet, showed how one fundraiser for a congressional candidate, organized by an unofficial “AIPAC group,” circumvented laws on maximum individual political contributions by pooling donors’ grants together and doling out the official donations evenly among participants.

And the organization’s sway over Congress is difficult to dispute. Promotional literature for the annual AIPAC policy conference in Washington has touted the idea that it would be “attended by more members of Congress than almost any other event.” Steve Rosen, a former AIPAC executive, would tell people that he “could take out a napkin at any Senate hangout and get signatures of support for one issue or another from scores of senators,” according to Connie Bruck in The New Yorker.

As AIPAC’s former policy director, Rosen and “Iran specialist” at AIPAC Keith Weissman met with Larry Franklin, a top Pentagon analyst working on Iran, prior to Franklin leaking a draft presidential directive “that proposed a tougher policy on Iran, which included consideration of covert action towards regime change,” according to Democracy Now. That document made its way into AIPAC’s hands, which passed it on to Israeli officials.

Former AIPAC President David Steiner was even forced to resign after audio was leaked of him bragging about how he was negotiating with Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign to appoint people to key posts in his administration. Steiner ultimately recanted and apologized to both AIPAC and Bill Clinton.

Nogmaals: dan te bedenken dat men Rusland op valse gronden beschuldigt van inmenging in de VS politiek..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

*  Ilhan Omar, heeft sinds 2017 een zetel in het lagerhuis van Minnesota voor de Minnesota Demcratic-Farmer-Labor Party. Rashida Tlaib is van de Democratische Partij voor wie zij de vertegenwoordiger is van het 13de (congressionele) district van Michigan. (toevoeging ter verduidelijking gemaakt op 10 maart 2019) 

Ignorethe mainstream media, Jeremy Corbyn just played a winning move.