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Posts tonen met het label Sioux. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Sioux. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 25 november 2016

Help het Sioux volk van Standing Rock in hun terechte (vreedzame) verzet tegen bodem- en watervervuiling.....

De mensen in Standing Rock hebben uw steun nodig! Lees en teken a.u.b. de petitie (van een paar dagen geleden), na het volgende artikel van The Guardian en geef deze petitie (en berichten) door aan familie, vrienden en bekenden:

Dakota Access pipeline protester 'may lose her arm' after police standoff

Sophia Wilansky, 21, was seriously injured after being hit by projectile when officers threw less-than-lethal weapons at demonstrators, her father said

Sophia Wilansky

A 21-year-old woman was severely injured and may lose her arm after being hit by a projectile when North Dakota law enforcement officers turned a water cannon on Dakota Access pipeline protesters and threw “less-than-lethal” weapons, according to the woman’s father.

Sophia Wilansky was one of several hundred protesters injured during the standoff with police on Sunday on a bridge near the site where the pipeline is planned to cross under the Missouri river.

Graphic photographs of her injured arm with broken bones visible were circulated on social media.

The best-case scenario is no pain and 10-20% functionality,” said Wayne Wilansky, Sophia’s father, who travelled to Minneapolis where his daughter underwent eight hours of surgery on Monday. He said his daughter had been hit by a concussion grenade thrown by a police officer and that the arteries, median nerve, muscle and bone in her left arm had been “blown away”. 

Sophia will require additional surgery in the next few days and her arm may still have to be amputated, he added. “She’s devastated. She looks at her arm and she cries,” he said.

Sophia Wilansky is one of thousands of activists who have travelled to the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in North Dakota to attempt to halt the construction of the pipeline. Members of the

Standing Rock Sioux tribe established a “spiritual camp” on the banks of the Missouri in April. The tribe fears the pipeline will jeopardise their water supply and say that construction has disturbed sacred burial grounds.

Hier de link naar een video van 1,5 minuut:

The activists, who call themselves “water protectors”, have faced a heavily militarised police force. More than 400 protesters have been arrested by law enforcement officers who have deployed pepper spray, teargas, rubber bullets, Tasers, sound weapons and other “less-than-lethal” methods.

Following Sunday’s confrontation 26 protesters were taken to hospital and more than 300 injured, according to the Standing Rock Medic & Healer Council. Most of the injured had hypothermia after being hit by a water cannon in below-freezing weather.

The Morton County sheriff’s department did not immediately respond to inquiries from the Guardian. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, a spokeswoman for the department denied the agency had deployed concussion grenades and suggested the injury may have occurred while protesters were “rigging up their own explosives”.

The Standing Rock Medic & Healer Council refuted law enforcement’s claims in a statement, citing eye-witness accounts of seeing police throw concussion grenades, “the lack of charring of flesh at the wound site” and “grenade pieces that have been removed from her arm in surgery and will be saved for legal proceedings”.

The incident on Sunday began when about 100 activists attempted to remove two burned trucks from the bridge just north of the main encampment. The bridge has been barricaded for several weeks, blocking the most direct route to Bismarck, North Dakota, and raising safety concerns among residents of the camp and the reservation.

The barricade may have exacerbated Wilansky’s injury, her father said, by delaying her arrival at a hospital in Bismarck. She was subsequently airlifted to another hospital in Minneapolis.

Wilansky has received a massive outpouring of support online. A crowdfunding campaign established to help pay her medical bills raised more than $120,000 (£96,000) from more than 4,000 donors in the first seven hours. 

Friends of Wilansky are planning a prayer vigil in Minneapolis on Tuesday.
  • This article was amended on 21 November 2016 to clarify that Sophia Wilansky’s father told the Guardian that she was injured by a projectile, which North Dakota law enforcement denies.


 As Thanksgiving approaches, more than 100 Native Americans and their allies have just been attacked and injured by police in a new assault using rubber bullets, tear gas, mace canisters and water cannons in freezing temperature.

Videos show police spraying people with cold water in freezing weather which has led to mass hypothermia.
This is an emergency. Please sign the petition that is helping us bring attention to these outrages.
Please call the phone numbers 
on the page following the petition to demand a halt to this injustice.
Our petition to President Barack Obama, North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple, the Morton County Sheriff's Department, and the Army Corps of Engineers, reads:

Regarding Standing Rock, we urge you to remove the National Guard. Halt the provision of war weapons and war training to police departments. Demilitarize police actions at Standing Rock. Send Department of Justice observers. Deny the Army Corps of Engineers' permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Click here to demand justice.
Let's not forget that the courageous water protectors at Standing Rock are protecting the climate of the earth we all need to live on.
Signing our names on to amplify their voices is the least we can do.
After signing the petition, please use the tools on the next webpage to share it with your friends and to make important phone calls.
This work is only possible with your financial support. Please chip in $3 now. 
-- The Team
P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Coleen Rowley, Frances Fox Piven, Lila Garrett, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar, and many others.
TYT Politics: Barbaric Dakota Access Oil Police Cause Mass Hypothermia 
Democracy Now: Standing Rock: 100+ Injured After Police Attack with Water Cannons, Rubber Bullets & Mace
Associated Press: Police, Protesters Face off at Dakota Access Pipeline


Hier nog twee video's en teksten van Brasscheck TV:

The full truth about the Dakota pipeline 

On this day where we supposedly give thanks for the Native Americans who saved the Pilgrims from freezing and starving to death...

Let's get some things straight about the Dakota pipeline:

1. The entire project is based o fraudulent permitting and Obama can shut it down with the stroke of a pen.

2. This pipeline was deemed "too dangerous" to run nearby Bismarck so it was moved to this area where it threatens the only fresh water supply in the region.

3. The entire Missouri River is put at risk by this poorly conceived project.

4. This pipeline is only economically because the 40+ year LAW forbidding the export of oil from the US was recently overturned.

5. We are trading the future of our fresh water supply for the chance for a few billionaires to make a killing by exporting US energy reserves that we should be retaining for ourselves.

Please share this widely so your friends, family and colleagues understand what's at stake and support the heroic effort thousands are making to stop it.

No water, no life and what's at stake in North Dakota

No water, no life.

It's a simple formula.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explains simple facts the mainstream news media won't share
with you in a million years.

For example, did you now that Trump owns a $2 million stake in the pipeline?

Did you know this pipeline project is violating many existing laws and could be shut down with the stroke of a pen?

Welcome to the police state

North Dakota...Oil companies want to put a pipeline under the Missouri River.

The people who live there want to stop it.

And out come the head crackers in blue.

Obama's comment: "We're going to let it ride."


Alsof het gvd niet genoeg is, dat de VS de grootste genocide ooit heeft gepleegd op de rechtmatige bewoners, van wat nu de VS heet...........

Het is duidelijk, dat de politie door het inzetten van waterkanonnen in de kou, de bevolking martelt, dezelfde bevolking, die het zou moeten beschermen (ook tegen bodem- en watervervuiling!!), 

Zie ook: 'North-Dakota Pipeline, grote schande voor Obama en de VS.......'

        en: 'Canada’s Standing Rock..... Stop de Site C Dam!'

        en: 'ING financiert de Dakota Access Pipeline, die het leefgebied van het Sioux volk bedreigt..........'

Voor meer berichten n.a.v. het bovenstaande, klik op één van de labels, die u onder dit bericht terug kan vinden.

vrijdag 4 november 2016

North-Dakota Pipeline, grote schande voor Obama en de VS.......

A sinds april van dit jaar demonstreren de oorspronkelijk bewoners van verschillende volken in de VS op een vreedzame manier, tegen de aanleg van de 'North-Dakota Pipeline'. Nadat ze begin vorige week, met zwaar geweld* werden verdreven van hun plek van protest, staan ze nu aan de oever van de Missouri, voor deze bewoners precies als de grond, heilig....... De pijpleiding wordt onder de rivier doorgetrokken, het is niet de vraag of daar ongelukken mee zullen gebeuren, maar wanneer, aldus deskundigen, een ramp waarmee het leefmilieu in deze rivier keihard zal worden getroffen en dat voor lange tijd......

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor north dakota pipeline

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor north dakota pipeline

Gisteren kreeg ik een video (12,3 minuten) van Brasscheck TV over deze zaak, met het volgende bijschrift:

Welcome to the police state

North Dakota...Oil companies want to put a pipeline under the Missouri River.

The people who live there want to stop it.
And out come the head crackers in blue.

Obama's comment: "We're going to let it ride."

              News from the pipeline
Hired thugs attack peaceful protesters

Alsof de grootste genocide ooit niet genoeg is geweest, de genocide op de oorspronkelijke bevolking van de VS, een genocide gepleegd door de voorvaderen van de huidige machthebbers en een 'aardig' deel van de bevolking...............

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor north dakota pipeline

Weet u nog, alle mooie woorden van Obama over het milieu en de klimaatverandering (en niet alleen tijdens de klimaattop in Parijs...).....

* Geweld tegen vreedzame demonstranten met o.a. de inzet van politiehonden, traangas, pepperspray, wapenstok, tasers en rubberkogels. In de gevangenis worden de arrestanten mishandeld, wat tot protesten in heel de VS heeft geleid....... Zoals u uit de tekst van Brasscheck kon lezen: de autoriteiten hebben nu tuig ingehuurd, die de demonstranten met geweld moeten intimideren...... Overigens hebben de autoriteiten toestemming van de gouverneur van Noord-Dakota gekregen om met scherp op de demonstranten te schieten.......

Zie ook: 'Help het Sioux volk van Standing Rock in hun terechte (vreedzame) verzet tegen bodem- en watervervuiling.....'

         en: 'Canada’s Standing Rock..... Stop de Site C Dam!'

        en: 'ING financiert de Dakota Access Pipeline, die het leefgebied van het Sioux volk bedreigt..........'

       en: 'Regering Brits-Columbia liegt over olievervuiling.......' (zie ook de verdere links onder dat bericht)

Klik voor meer berichten n.a.v. het bovenstaande, klik op één van de labels, die u onder dit bericht terug kan vinden, dit geldt niet voor het label 'Noord-Dakota'.

vrijdag 8 februari 2013

Sioux weer eigenaar van door overheid gestolen grond

Het Sioux volk is tegen een bedrag van 9 miljoen dollar, weer eigenaar van hen in 1877 door het congres van de VS, tegen eerdere beloften in, ontstolen heilige grond. Het gaat om het gebied, dat door de Sioux wordt aangeduid als: Pe' Sla, in de Black Hills van Zuid-Dakota.
Mensenrechtenorganisaties spreken van een 'succes..........'

Ongelofelijk dat men anno 2013 nog moet vechten voor het terugdraaien, van wat in de ogen van een ieder duidelijk als zwaar onrecht wordt gezien. Misschien moet brood- en mislukt streekromanschrijver Geert Mak, daar eens een boek over schrijven........