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Posts tonen met het label Sum Of Us. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Sum Of Us. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 12 juni 2015

Pfizer (farmaceut) zorgt voor antibiotica resistente 'super' bacteriën, lees de petitie en teken deze a.u.b!

Pfizer laat antibiotica in China maken, waar de bedrijven, die dit produceren voor Pfizer, het afval van de productie gewoon in het milieu lozen. Gevolg: in de omgeving van die fabrieken vindt men op grote schaal antibiotica resistente bacteriën..........

Pfizer verdient zich helemaal scheel aan de veel te dure medicijnen, maar dat is blijkbaar niet genoeg, vandaar dat men de productie van bepaalde medicatie in China laat doen.....
Een ongelofelijk schandaal, wat je het best kan verwoorden als massamoord (met voorbedachte rade)!!!

Hier de link naar de petitie op SumOfUs, om aan deze uiterst gevaarlijke productie zo snel mogelijk een einde te maken.

maandag 23 juni 2014

Slavernij op Thaise visserschepen, lees de petitie en teken a.u.b.!

Onlangs schreef ik al over slavernij in de Thaise garnalenvisserij. Intussen is er door 'Sum Of Us' een petitie opgezet, om grote winkelbedrijven in de VS te overtuigen, te stoppen met de aankoop van garnalen uit Thailand. Lees, huiver en teken de petitie a.u.b.!

“They kept me chained up, they didn’t care about me or give me any food...They sold us like animals, but we are not animals - we are human beings.” 
This heart-wrenching quote is from a man sold from ship to ship in Thailand, caught in the trap of slavery and forced to work on a boat that supplies feed to the prawns we buy at the grocery store. 
The three largest grocers in the world -- Walmart, Carrefour, and Costco -- were named specifically in a new investigation by the Guardian for selling prawns and shrimp whose production relies upon slave labor. One week later, those companies are still refusing to take two simple steps to rout out slavery from their supply chains -- and that’s where we come in. 
Human rights activists are demanding Walmart, Carrefour and Costco join Project Issara, a Thailand-based initiative to end modern slavery, as well as institute a zero tolerance policy on slavery based on conditions on the ground. Before the spotlight of the Guardian expose fades, let’s raise our voices to speak out against slavery in the prawn industry.
Sign the petition to tell Costco, Walmart and Carrefour to take concrete actions to end slavery in their supply chains. 
The world’s largest prawn and shrimp farmer, Thailand-based Charoen Pokphand (CP) Foods, is the prime supply offender, buying from suppliers that work directly or indirectly with slave-manned fishing boats. Worse still, the problem isn’t limited to CP Foods. Indeed, human rights advocates have been raising alarms about conditions in the Thai seafood industry for years.
Project Issara was founded by Anti-Slavery International to eliminate slavery within export-oriented industries in Thailand. The project seeks to push brands that may be buying slavery-made products to use their brand power to eliminate slavery within global supply chains.
Testimony from escapees reveals the gravity of this exploitation. One trafficking victim said he had seen as many as 20 fellow slaves killed in front of him. “If you buy prawns or shrimp from Thailand, you will be buying the product of slave labor,” said Aidan McQuade, director of Anti-Slavery International.
We have targeted Walmart in the past over its involvement in Thai slavery in fishing. It cut ties with the supplier in question -- but clearly no policies were in place to prevent this from happening again. This is why signing up to Project Issara and devising policies to prevent this from happening again are essential if meaningful change is ever going to be made.
Walmart customers exist all around the world -- it is a global company that owns Woolco stores in Canada, Walmex in Mexico, Bompreço in Brazil and Asda in the UK. Costco is planning a big expansion into Australia and Carrefour has stores in 34 countries. The companies are hoping their customers across the globe won't make the connection between CP Foods and the prawns we buy at the grocery store. Let's stand up together and show them how wrong they are.
Tell Costco, Carrefour and Walmart to ensure slavery-free prawns in their freezer aisles.
Thank you for standing against forced labor,
Kaytee, Ledys and the rest of us 

Nu nog een actie tegen Nederlandse (/Chinese) bedrijven, die deze garnalen verkopen.........

donderdag 13 maart 2014

TTIP, of hoe grote bedrijven de democratie nog verder willen ondermijnen, lees en teken de petitie a.u.b.

Gisteren ontving ik het bericht van SumOfUs, over het TTIP 'handelsverdrag' dat dreigt te worden getekend door de overheden van de EU en de VS. Een verdrag waarin grote bedrijven de macht wordt gegeven, wettelijk genomen beslissingen van democratisch gekozen regeringen, naast zich neer te leggen, door via geheime rechtszaken, die regeringen terecht te wijzen. Lees dit bericht, huiver en teken a.u.b. de petitie (via de link):

Right now, Europe and the USA are negotiating a huge corporate power grab affecting literally millions of European and American citizens.
The Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (or TTIP) is called a "trade treaty". But if agreed, the TTIP would actually hand corporations the power to overturn democratically decided laws, on everything from environmental protections to food safety, through a system of secret courts that only corporations would have access to.
European leaders are already nervous about how the public might react, and are not sure what to do. Under pressure, the EU is about to launch a big public consultation about the proposed system of secret corporate courts -- but there’s a real danger that the loudest voices will be the giant corporations that stand to benefit. We don’t have long to prove that it’s people power that counts, not corporate power.
Can you tell European leaders to reject the TTIP and stop the corporate power grab?
The trade deal between Europe and the US wouldn’t be the first one with these sorts of rules. We’re already seeing what this means in practice:
  • In Australia, tobacco giant Phillip Morris is suing the government for its tough anti-smoking laws. 
  • The German government is being sued by Vattenfall, a Swedish energy giant, for phasing out nuclear power. 
  • The pesticide giant, Dow Chemical, were able to sue the Canadian government when it tried to stop Dow selling a controversial pesticide. 
The rules about corporations suing government aren’t the only problem with the trade deal that the EU is negotiating with the US. There are real worries that it could make life-saving drugs much more expensive, hand the music industry the power to cut off your internet supply, and mean an end to rules forcing global airlines to pay up for their pollution through the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme.
The very fact that Europe has been forced to open up parts of the deal to public consultation shows that pressure is building, and that this deal might not pass. The consultation only deals with "investor-state dispute settlement" -- but these are the rules that allow corporations to sue governments, and are some of the most worrying parts of the proposed TTIP. We now have a real chance to get some of the worst aspects struck out of the deal for good -- and we should grab it, and keep fighting to end this threat to democracy.
Tell Europe’s leaders to reject the TTIP secret courts and stand up for European democracy.
Thanks for all you do,
Martin, Hannah, Paul and the rest of us.

vrijdag 6 december 2013

Bedrijven en overheden maken in het geheim afspraken, waardoor de grote bedrijven nog meer macht krijgen.......

Op dit moment zijn er besprekingen gaande, betreffende 2 wereldhandelsverdragen: TTIP en TPP. In deze verdragen wil men de grote bedrijven meer mogelijkheden bieden, landelijke overheden voor geheime rechtbanken te slepen, als dezen de belangen van die bedrijven schaden. Dit soort zaken vinden nu al plaats: zo hebben kernenergie bedrijven de Duitse overheid voor het gerecht gedaagd, daar deze overheid alle kerncentrales gaat sluiten. Philip Morris daagt de Australische regering voor het gerecht, vanwege het antitabaksbeleid van die overheid, gericht op jongeren. Eén van de 'heilzame' gevolgen van deze verdragen, zou de bescherming van farmaceutische monopolies en rechten op de medicijnen van deze farmaceuten garanderen, waardoor arme landen geen medicijnen meer kunnen namaken (iets dat wij ook zouden moeten doen!). U snapt zeker wel, dat onze neoliberale VVD/PvdA regering, een dergelijk verdrag onmiddellijk zou tekenen!

Gezien deze besprekingen is het duidelijk, dat lobbyen alleen niet genoeg is, vandaar dat lobbykantoren een hoofdrol spelen, bij de onderhandelingen, zij helpen de teksten voor de verdragen op te stellen. Niemand die er over lult, maar deze besprekingen tussen een groot aantal regeringen en grote bedrijven, zijn momenteel gaande.........
Wij, de burgers mogen niet weten wat er in de teksten staat, dat zou maar negatieve reacties opwekken, en uh..., dat willen 'we' natuurlijk niet!!!

Tekent u alstublieft de petitie:

Hier nog wat feiten van de site van Sum Of Us:

  • The agreement would expand secret tribunals where corporations can sue governments for profits lost due to environmental or consumer protection legislation.
  • In addition to being NAFTA-on-steroids, the TPP is SOPA-Redux: it would let media corporations censor the internet to protect their profits. It could even make you liable for criminal penalties for downloading a song.
  • The deal would strengthen Big Pharma's IP monopolies and make it impossible for poor people around the world to get lifesaving generic drugs.
  • The TPP could force countries to scrap regulations on GMO crops.
  • The deal would drive down wages and undermine workers' right to organize, speeding up the global race to bottom.
These are just a few reasons we need to stop the TPP. Make a call today and tell Nancy Pelosi not to sign off on this massive corporate power grab.

Zie ook een bericht aangaande dit onderwerp: 'Duitsland: Energiewende kaputt!'