Je zou je werkelijk doodlachen als je hoort wat Haley te berde durft te brengen, echter het lachen vergaat je, als je de reguliere westerse media de stommiteiten ziet herhalen, die dit kwaadaardige leeghoofd oplepelt..... Niet alleen spreekt Haley voor de VS, de meest agressieve en grootste terreurentiteit op aarde, maar met haar woorden verdedigt en promoot ze zelfs de ongebreidelde terreur die de VS her en der uitoefent.......
Eén van haar laatste ongelofelijke oprispingen (waar er bijna dagelijks minstens één aan wordt toegevoegd) was de opmerking dat de Palestijnen nu maar eens het pad naar onderhandelen moeten nemen en akkoord moeten gaan met compromissen (opgelegd door de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël, Ap).......
Alsof door alle onderhandelingen met Israël het leven van de Palestijnen er ook maar met één tiende procent op is vooruitgegaan en Israël niet volkomen schijt heeft aan deze onderhandelingen...... Sterker nog: Israël gaat tijdens deze onderhandelingen rustig door met het toestemming geven voor de uitbreiding van illegale nederzettingen op de West Bank, of het vernielen van huizen en andere gebouwen van Palestijnen in door haar illegaal bezet gebied............
Waar nog aan toegevoegd moet worden dat het leven de Palestijnen steeds moeilijker wordt gemaakt, neem alleen al het blokkeren van water- en elektriciteitslevering aan de Gazastrook, nadat Israël de Gazaanse elektriciteitscentrale zo ongeveer met de grond gelijk maakte (dat is overigens een oorlogsmisdaad, precies als het bombarderen van huizen (-blokken)....... Om over het enorme aantal militaire versperringen op de West Bank nog maar te zwijgen, blokkades waardoor Palestijnse boeren niet langer bij hun land kunnen komen....
Maakt allemaal niet uit voor Haley, de Palestijnen moeten onderhandelen en akkoord gaan met het afpakken van land, water, elektriciteit, huizen, gebouwen en in het ergste geval het leven van Palestijnse onderdanen, die Haley waarschijnlijk niet eens als mens ziet....... In feite zegt Haley dat Israël volkomen terecht de etnische zuivering van Palestijnen uit de illegaal bezette gebieden uitvoert...... (want daar komt de Israëlische terreur in feite op neer.....)
Lees het volgende artikel van Robert Fantina, op Information Clearing House (die het overnam van Counterpunch), waarin hij nog eens uitlegt hoe ongelofelijk stupide Haley eigenlijk is en haar met de (ook historische) feiten om de oren slaat:
Haley: The U.S. Embarrassment at the United Nations
Robert Fantina
Her most recent foray into the world of head-scratching nonsense occurred on Tuesday, February 20. She basically, in her most eloquent way (not!), told the Palestinian government that she wouldn’t ‘shut up’, as was very appropriately suggested to her. She suggested that the Palestinians take “…the path of negotiation and compromise”.
One wonders what color the sky is on Haley’s planet. Her disconnect from reality is so severe that it’s a wonder she is able to string two words together coherently (she seldom makes it much past two). Why, one might reasonably ask, is it always the Palestinians who have to compromise? Why is no demand ever made on Israel?
A few facts, those pesky things that Haley apparent disdains, may be enlightening.
+ In 1947, the nation of Palestine, by decree of the newly-formed United Nations, was partitioned to establish Israel. Over 750,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes; many of them, and/or their descendants, live in refugee camps to this day. Thousands of Palestinians were brutally slaughtered.
+ Since that time, Israel has encroached on Palestinian land, destroying tens of thousands of Palestinian homes to make room for Israel-only settlements which are illegal according to international law.
+ Israel illegally occupies the West Bank, and arrests without charge men, women and children. It also kills unarmed men, women and children, sometimes on camera, with complete impunity.
+ The Israel Defense Forces (read: Israeli terrorists) stand idly by as Israeli settlers (another version of Israeli terrorists), assault and kill innocent Palestinians, raid their homes and forcibly and illegally evict them, and desecrate their sacred buildings.
+ The illegal Israel blockade of the Gaza Strip is slowly and painfully strangling the nearly 2 million people who live in what is often described as the world’s largest open air prison. These people are in this ‘prison’ despite never having been charged with any crime, other than, what, in Israel’s opinion, is the crime of being Palestinian.
+ Israel’s leaders have called for the murders of pregnant Palestinian women, saying the ‘little snakes’ must be destroyed.
+ Israel’s leaders justify racism by stating that it is necessary to maintain the ‘purity’ of the Jewish state.
Does Haley not see that Israel has any role in this? Does she fail to understand why Palestinians, including their spineless leaders, might feel some hostility towards Israel? Does she not recognize that Israel has a dismal human rights record and is in violation of numerous international laws? She seems to buy into the concept articulated by Palestinian activist Hanan Ashrawi: “The Palestinians are the only people on earth required to guarantee the security of the occupier, while Israel is the only country that demands protection from its victims.”
Haley wants Palestinians to ‘negotiate and compromise’. Israel, in its oh-so-magnanimous way, is always willing to negotiate ‘without preconditions’. That means that it will talk at the negotiation table as it takes more and more Palestinian land, and kills and imprisons more and more innocent Palestinian people. Such ‘negotiations’ have occurred off and on for decades; the only result is decreasing Palestinian land and increasing oppression of the Palestinians by Israel.
The U.S. has been the dishonest mediator of these negotiations the entire time, and its clear bias towards Israel is nowhere questioned; it cannot now, and never could, be an honest mediator.
And this writer will ask once again why anyone thinks negotiations are possible or necessary. They are not possible, because negotiations can only occur between two parties, each of which has something the other wants, that it can only get by surrendering something it has. Israel takes whatever it wants from Palestine with complete impunity.
In the U.S., following the most recent slaughter in a high school, there appears to be a shift happening in society. People who have long supported sensible gun control, such as banning the kind of automatic weapons, whose sole purpose is to kill lots of people very quickly, that were used in several mass murders, seem now to be taking control of the narrative. This is the first step towards real change.
Surveys in the U.S. repeatedly show diminished support for Israel, and increasing support for Palestine.
This has alarmed even Israel’s leaders, who recognize that the younger generation of U.S. citizens, the U.S.’s future leaders, are no longer supportive of the racist ideology of Zionism. It is time for people who recognize Israel’s constant, horrific crimes, to seize the narrative, and confront Haley and the other administration officials, and the members of Congress, who are beholden not to their constituents, but to pro-Israeli lobbies, and enable the Palestinians to live in the peace and human dignity that all people deserve, and that the U.S. and Israel have for generations denied them. Haley’s ridiculous pronouncements at the U.N. notwithstanding, Palestine will be free. Those of us who believe in human rights must make it so.
Robert Fantina’s latest book is Empire, Racism and Genocide: a History of US Foreign Policy (Red Pill Press).
This article was originally published by "Counterpunch" -
Zie ook: 'Gaza ‘On Brink Of Collapse’ As Residents Remain ‘Caged In’' (Video)
en een eerder bericht van deze dag: 'Israël voert standrechtelijke executies uit en martelt kinderen......' en een eerder bericht: 'Israël martelt 60% van de gevangengehouden Palestijnse kinderen........'
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