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Posts tonen met het label C. Kaepernick. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 21 december 2018

Der Spiegel, groot bestrijder van 'fake news' bracht zelf jarenlang dit soort 'nieuws'

Der Spiegel, een Duits weekblad, heeft de laatste jaren fiks op de 'fake news trommel' geslagen, echter nu blijkt dat een gelauwerd journalist van dit nieuws en actualiteiten medium, Claas Relotius, jarenlang fake news (nepnieuws) heeft verspreid zowel in de gedrukte versie van Der Spiegel als de digitale versie......

Je had natuurlijk al begrepen dat Der Spiegel buiten de bijdragen van Relotius hele bergen fake news (nepnieuws) heeft gepubliceerd, zoals die over de illegale oorlogen van de VS met hulp van haar oorlogshond de NAVO tegen Afghanistan, Irak, Libië en Syrië....... Hetzelfde geldt ook voor de berichtgeving over Oekraïne, waar Der Spiegel staatsgreep tegen de democratisch gekozen regering van Janoekovytsj ronduit heeft gepropageerd en de door de VS geparachuteerde neonazi-junta van Porosjenko te vuur en te zwaard heeft verdedigd en nog steeds verdedigt.......
Het is als met de Joodse man, die meer dan 100 verhalen verzon over antisemitische incidenten in het westen...... Veel van deze niet bestaande incidenten werden door de reguliere media gebracht, media waarvan ook Der Spiegel deel uitmaakt...... Lullig genoeg blijven de reguliere (massa-) media met een stalen gezicht antisemitisme aan de kaak stellen, 'antisemitisme' als kritiek op de terreur van de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël tegen de Palestijnen...... 
Uiteraard dient staatsterreur ten allen tijde te worden bestreden door echt onafhankelijke media, of die staatsterreur nu uitgeoefend wordt door de Filipijnse overheid, die van de VS, dan wel de Israëlische overheid...... Het is een schande om critici op de terreur die Israël uitoefent, uit te maken voor antisemieten, sterker nog het is zelfs belachelijk!!
Terug naar Der Spiegel: het is de zoveelste 'fake news roeptoeter' die plat op de bek is gegaan met.... fake news!! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

CNN’s “Journalist of the Year” Admits He Faked Stories for Years at Der Spiegel

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor CNN “Journalist of the Year” Admits He Faked Stories for Years at Der Spiegel

December 19, 2018 at 8:15 pm
Written by Tyler Durden
(ZHE) — German news magazine Der Spiegel has admitted that one of its top reporters has faked stories for several years.

Award-winning journalist Claas Relotius had “made up stories and invented protagonists” in approximately 14 out of 60 articles which appeared both in print and online editions. He had worked for Der Spiegel for seven years, winning numerous awards for his investigative journalism – including CNN’s Journalist of the Year award in 2014, according to the Guardian.

Relotius, 33, tendered his resignation after admitting to the fraud.

Earlier this month Relotius won Germany’s Reporter of the Year (Reporterpreis) honor for his story about a young Syrian boy. Since the report was written, it has emerged that all of the sources were hazy at best, and most of what he wrote was completely fabricated.

Claas Relotius: Er hat sein Talent missbraucht 
The falsification came to light after a colleague who worked with him on a story along the US-Mexican border raised suspicions about some of the details in Relotius’s reporting, having harboured doubts about him for some time.
The colleague, Juan Moreno, eventually tracked down two alleged sources quoted extensively by Relotius in the article, which was published in November. Both said they had never met Relotius. Relotius had also lied about seeing a hand-painted sign that read “Mexicans keep out”, a subsequent investigation found.
Other fraudulent stories included one about a Yemeni prisoner in Guantanamo Bay, and one about the American football star Colin Kaepernick. –Guardian

The Spiegel – which has an online readership of over 6.5 million and sells around 725,000 print copies per month, admitted to the fraud in a lengthy article in which they said they were “shocked” by the discovery – apologizing for anyone deceived by Relotius’s “fraudulent quotes, made-up personal details or invented scenes at fictitious places.”

The magazine added that Relotius had committed journalistic fraud “on a grand scale,” and has described the incident as “a low point in Spiegel’s 70-year history.”

Relotius worked for several other outlets, including Germany’s taz, Welt and the Frankfurter Allgemeine’s Sunday edition.

Relotius told Spiegel that he was deeply ashamed for his fabrications, claiming “I am sick and I need to get help.
Moreno, who has worked for the magazine since 2007, risked his own job when he confronted other colleagues with his suspicions, many of whom did not want to believe him. “For three to four weeks Moreno went through hell because colleagues and those senior to him did not want to believe his accusations at first,” Der Spiegel wrote in an apology to its readers. For several weeks, the magazine said, Relotius was even considered to be the victim of a cunning plot by Moreno.
Relotius cleverly rebuffed all the attacks, all of Moreno’s well-researched pieces of evidence … until there came a point when that didn’t work any more, until he finally couldn’t sleep any more, hunted by the fear of being discovered,” the magazine wrote. –Guardian

After being confronted by a senior editor, Relotius finally caved and admitted to the fraud. In his confession, he said “It wasn’t because of the next big thing. It was fear of failing. My pressure to not be able to fail got ever bigger the more successful I became.

By Tyler Durden / Republished with permission / Zero Hedge / Report a typo
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Voor nog meer berichten met (o.a.) het onderwerp 'fake news', klik op het label 'nepnieuws', direct onder dit bericht. Let wel: na een aantal berichten zie je een herhaling van het laatst gelezen bericht, dan weer even opnieuw onder dat laatst gelezen artikel op hetzelfde label klikken voor de oudere berichten over dit onderwerp, enz. enz.

dinsdag 4 september 2018

Nike begint reclame campagne met Colin Kaepernick, de 'American' football speler die knielde tijdens het volkslied

Colin Kaepernick, de 'American' football speler, werd uitgekotst nadat hij volkomen terecht uit protest tegen het grote aantal moorden door de politie in de VS op gekleurde VS burgers*, knielde tijdens het volkslied i.p.v. te staan met de hand op het hart. (ha! ha! ha! ha!)  Gekleurde burgers die jaarlijks (veelal) zonder enige reden worden doodgeschoten door de politie...... E.e.a. ingegeven door de Black Lives Matter (BLM) beweging, die zich het lot van de zwarte bevolking in de VS aantrekt. 

Staan met de hand op het hart voor het belachelijke volkslied van de VS, onderdeel van ceremonies die een genocide op de oorspronkelijke bewoners moet verdoezelen en er bij de kinderen al instampt dat de VS het door god gegeven land (aan de import burgers) is.........

Vanmorgen bracht BNR dit nieuws, waarin o.a. werd gemeld dat hysterische nationalistische burgers op grote schaal hun Nike schoenen hebben verbrand (de kwalificaties zijn van mijn hand, zoals je waarschijnlijk al had begrepen)...... Ofwel een fiks deel van de VS bevolking maakt zich net als de president, het beest Trump, druk om het knielen voor het volkslied**, terwijl ze zich niet eens druk maken over de jaarlijkse massamoord op hun gekleurde medeburgers........

Kaepernick stond al lang onder contract bij Nike, al deed Nike daar na alle consternatie niets mee, Kaepernick werd overigens gewoon doorbetaald door het bedrijf. Wel heeft het bedrijf laten weten het recht van vrijheid op meningsuiting te respecteren, daarmee gaf het bedrijf in feite aan dat het achter Kaepernick en zijn collega's die zijn voorbeeld volgden staat.

Het is dan ook een geweldige stap van Nike om nu een reclame campagne te starten met Kaeperick 'in de hoofdrol.'

Hulde aan Nike!

Hier een artikel van Kevin Draper en Ken Bolson over deze zaak, gepubliceerd op The New York Times:

Colin Kaepernick, Face of N.F.L. Protests, Is Face of New Nike Campaign

Colin Kaepernick tweeted the new Nike advertisement he appears in as part of a new deal with the company. Colin Kaepernick, via Twitter

Sept. 3, 2018

Colin Kaepernick, the former N.F.L. quarterback who inspired a player protest movement but who has been out of a job for more than a year, has signed a new, multiyear deal with Nike that makes him a face of the 30th anniversary of the sports apparel company’s “Just Do It” campaign, Nike confirmed on Monday.

The first advertisement from Nike, one of the league’s top partners, debuted Monday afternoon, when Kaepernick tweeted it, assuring that his activism and the protest movement against racism and social injustice he started would continue to loom over one of the country’s most powerful sports leagues.

Nike will produce new Kaepernick apparel, including a shoe and a T-shirt, and if the merchandise sells well, the value of the deal will rival those of other top N.F.L. players, according to people close to the negotiations who spoke on condition of anonymity because Nike had not formally announced it. Nike will also donate money to Kaepernick’s “Know Your Rights” campaign.

The N.F.L. did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The ad and the campaign, coming a few days before the start of the N.F.L. season on Thursday, is likely to annoy the league’s top executives and its owners. On Thursday, Kaepernick won a victory in his grievance against the league when an arbitrator let his case, in which he accuses the league of conspiring to keep him off the field because of his activism, advance.

A wave of on-field protests has continued, with varying degrees of intensity, since summer 2016, when Kaepernick began kneeling during the playing of the national anthem.

The N.F.L. has struggled to contain the on-field protests, which have also included raised fists and other gestures, which league officials have blamed for dragging down the league. Television ratings have declined and certain segments of the fan base have reacted angrily. President Trump has made the N.F.L. a target for not firing players who refuse to stand for the national anthem.

The Kaepernick deal could be awkward for the league.

In March, Nike and the N.F.L. announced an extension of an apparel deal through 2028. As part of that deal, Nike supplies 32 teams with game-day uniforms and sideline apparel that features the company’s swoosh logo. When that deal was announced, Brian Rolapp, the NFL’s chief media and business officer, called the company “a longtime and trusted partner” of the league.

Kaepernick and Nike already had an endorsement deal, dating to when he entered the league in 2011, but it was expiring soon and has now been extended.

The new Kaepernick ad features a close-up, black-and-white photograph of his face, with copy that references his kneeling and his belief that his activism is keeping him out of the league.

The ad reads: “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.”

When asked if Nike had run the campaign by the N.F.L., a spokeswoman, Sandra Carreon-John, responded: “Nike has a longstanding relationship with the N.F.L. and works extensively with the league on all campaigns that use current N.F.L. players and its marks. Colin is not currently employed by an N.F.L. team and has no contractual obligation to the N.F.L.”

The new contract was negotiated by Kaepernick’s lawyers, Mark Geragos and Ben Meiselas, and Nike executives.

Even as the N.F.L. season approaches, the Kaepernick story has continued to dominate the N.F.L. narrative. On Friday, Kaepernick received an ovation from the crowd at the United States Open match between Serena Williams and Venus Williams.

Serena Williams, LeBron James, Odell Beckham Jr., Shaquem Griffin and Lacey Baker are also part of the “Just Do It” anniversary campaign.

Nike’s decision to make new Kaepernick merchandise and to make him the face of a campaign could, if they are successful for the company, undercut the argument from N.F.L. owners that he is bad for business. Previously, Nike stated that it “supports athletes and their right to freedom of expression on issues that are of great importance to our society,” but the company had not used Kaepernick in any recent ad campaigns.

There is reason to believe that Kaepernick, despite not playing, will move merchandise. During the second quarter of 2017, his officially licensed jersey was the 39th-best selling in the league. As an unsigned free agent, he was the only player in the top 50 of those rankings not signed to a team.

With Kaepernick seemingly having little chance of playing in the N.F.L. again, Geragos was eager to try to portray him as something more than a football player.

I give Nike credit for understanding that he’s not just an athlete, he has become an icon,” Geragos said.

 In de periode 2015 t/m 7 juli 2016 was het totale aantal doden door politiekogels 1.712. Het fascistenforum Geen Stijl dacht de vloer aan te kunnen vegen met de bewering dat zwarten (waar expres een aantal keren het woord neger werd gebruikt...) veel vaker dan witten het slachtoffer zijn van politiekogels. Het aantal witte door de politie gevelde burgers was 860 (50% van het aantal door de politie doodgeschoten burgers) tegen 442 zwarte burgers (25% van dat aantal). Helaas kan men bij Geen Stijl niet verder kijken dan de witte neus lang is, anders had men geweten dat er veel meer witte burgers zijn in de VS t.w. 223 miljoen tegen 42 miljoen zwarte burgers. Dit betekent dat 4 op de miljoen witte inwoners werden vermoord door de politie, tegen 11 per miljoen zwarte inwoners (cijfers van de NRC)

** Terwijl knielen ook een vorm is van eerbied tonen, dat weten christenen maar al te goed en vreemd genoeg is het overgrote deel van de hysterische bevolking, die pissig is op Kaepernick, van het christelijk geloof en dan nog van de meer fanatieke kant van dat (onzinnige) geloof.....

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