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Posts tonen met het label IFF. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 29 januari 2020

KLM vliegt weer over oorlogsgebied Iran - Irak, terwijl andere maatschappijen waaronder Air France het gebied mijden

Vanmorgen op BNR (rond 8.43 u.) het bericht dat de KLM weer over het oorlogsgebied Iran - Irak vliegt. Een expertgroep beoordeelt van dag tot dag of het veilig is om over dit gebied te vliegen....... De partner van de KLM, Air France, vliegt als andere luchtvaartmaatschappijen niet over dit gebied.......

Blijkbaar heeft de KLM niets geleerd van het vlucht MH17 neerhalen, toen men van de luchtvaartautoriteiten toestemming kreeg om te vliegen, ondanks dat alle Oekraïense radarposten waren uitgeschakeld en het vliegtuig een iets andere route moest nemen dan men gewend was, een route recht over het oostelijke Oekraïense oorlogsgebied (beide zaken doet men normaal gesproken nooit!)....... 

De luchtmacht en de marine van de VS hebben een technologie ontwikkeld waarmee radar gefopt kan worden, dus ofwel men ziet niets of men ziet een vliegtuig dat er niet is..... The Guardian heeft bericht dat de VS al langer bezig is met de ontwikkeling van een technologie waarmee op afstand de beschikbare Iraanse raketten kunnen worden gemanipuleerd...... Moch e.e.a. hebben plaatsgevonden is het vrijwel zeker dat de VS erachter zit, het zou dan de zoveelste false flag operatie zijn van deze wereldwijd verreweg grootste terreurentiteit........ (de VS heeft vorig jaar al erkend dat de CIA al jaren bezig is de boel te verstoren in Iran en op zo'n manier probeert een staatsgreep te forceren......)

Meer dan schandalig dat de KLM weer over oorlogsgebied vliegt....

Over deze vreselijke vliegramp gesproken: Information Clearing House bracht op 20 januari het bericht (origineel van de 'American Herald Tribune') dat de Iraanse luchtverdediging ten tijde van het neerhalen van vlucht PS752 met opzet werd gestoord.... Verder schrijft Giraldi o.a. over de videoopnames die 's morgens vroeg op afstand werden gemaakt, 'toevallig precies op het goede moment' en dan ook nog 'geheel toevallig' op het deel van de lucht gericht waar te zien is dat vlucht 752 wordt getroffen.... (onder het artikel kan je klikken voor een 'Dutch' vertaling, duurt wel een paar minuten):
Who Targeted Ukraine Airlines Flight 752?

Iran Shot It Down But There May Be More to the Story
By Philip Giraldi

Ukraine Airlines Flight 752 3cf8b

January 20, 2020 "Information Clearing House" - The claim that Major General Qassem Soleimani was a “terrorist” on a mission to carry out an “imminent” attack that would kill hundreds of Americans turned out to be a lie, so why should one believe anything else relating to recent developments in Iran and Iraq? To be sure, Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 departing from Tehran’s Imam Khomeini International Airport on the morning of January 8th with 176 passengers and crew on board was shot down by Iranian air defenses, something which the government of the Islamic Republic has admitted, but there just might  be considerably more to the story involving cyberwarfare carried out by the U.S. and possibly Israeli governments.

To be sure, the Iranian air defenses were on high alert fearing an American attack in the wake of the U.S. government’s assassination of Soleimani on January 3rd followed by a missile strike from Iran directed against two U.S. bases in Iraq. In spite of the tension and the escalation, the Iranian government did not shut down the country’s airspace. Civilian passenger flights were still departing and arriving in Tehran, almost certainly an error in judgment on the part of the airport authorities. Inexplicably, civilian aircraft continued to take off and land even after Flight 752 was shot down.

Fifty-seven of the passengers on the flight were Canadians of Iranian descent, leading Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to point the finger both at the Iranian government for its carelessness and also at Washington, observing angrily that the Trump Administration had deliberately and recklessly sought to “escalate tensions” with Iran through an attack near Baghdad Airport, heedless of the impact on travelers and other civilians in the region.

What seems to have been a case of bad judgements and human error does, however, include some elements that have yet to be explained. The Iranian missile operator reportedly experienced considerable “jamming” and the planes transponder switched off and stopped transmitting several minutes before the missiles were launched. There were also problems with the communication network of the air defense command, which may have been related.

The electronic jamming coming from an unknown source meant that the air defense system was placed on manual operation, relying on human intervention to launch. The human role meant that an operator had to make a quick judgment in a pressure situation in which he had only moments to react. The shutdown of the transponder, which would have automatically signaled to the operator and Tor electronics that the plane was civilian, instead automatically indicated that it was hostile. The operator, having been particularly briefed on the possibility of incoming American cruise missiles, then fired.

The two missiles that brought the plane down came from a Russian-made system designated SA-15 by NATO and called Tor by the Russians. Its eight missiles are normally mounted on a tracked vehicle. The system includes both radar to detect and track targets as well as an independent launch system, which includes an Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) system functionality capable of reading call signs and transponder signals to prevent accidents. Given what happened on that morning in Tehran, it is plausible to assume that something or someone deliberately interfered with both the Iranian air defenses and with the transponder on the airplane, possibly as part of an attempt to create an aviation accident that would be attributed to the Iranian government.

The SA-15 Tor defense system used by Iran has one major vulnerability. It can be hacked or "spoofed," permitting an intruder to impersonate a legitimate user and take control. The United States Navy and Air Force reportedly have developed technologies “that can fool enemy radar systems with false and deceptively moving targets." Fooling the system also means fooling the operator. The Guardian has also reported independently  how the United States military has long been developing systems that can from a distance alter the electronics and targeting of Iran’s available missiles.

The same technology can, of course, be used to alter or even mask the transponder on a civilian airliner in such a fashion as to send false information about identity and location. The United States has the cyber and electronic warfare capability to both jam and alter signals relating to both airliner transponders and to the Iranian air defenses. Israel presumably has the same ability. Joe Quinn at also notes an interested back story to those photos and video footage that have appeared in the New York Times and elsewhere showing the Iranian missile launch, the impact with the plane and the remains after the crash, to include the missile remains. They appeared on January 9th, in an Instagram account called 'Rich Kids of Tehran'. Quinn asks how the Rich Kids happened to be in “a low-income housing estate on the city's outskirts [near the airport] at 6 a.m. on the morning of January 8th with cameras pointed at the right part of the sky in time to capture a missile hitting a Ukrainian passenger plane…?”

Put together the Rich Kids and the possibility of electronic warfare and it all suggests a premeditated and carefully planned event of which the Soleimani assassination was only a part. There have been riots in Iran subsequent to the shooting down of the plane, blaming the government for its ineptitude. Some of the people in the street are clearly calling for the goal long sought by the United States and Israel, i.e. “regime change.” If nothing else, Iran, which was widely seen as the victim in the killing of Soleimani, is being depicted in much of the international media as little more than another unprincipled actor with blood on its hands. There is much still to explain about the downing of Ukrainian International Airlines Flight 752.

Philip M. Giraldi is a former CIA counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer who served nineteen years overseas in Turkey, Italy, Germany, and Spain. He was the CIA Chief of Base for the Barcelona Olympics in 1992 and was one of the first Americans to enter Afghanistan in December 2001. Phil is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a Washington-based advocacy group that seeks to encourage and promote a U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East that is consistent with American values and interests.
This article was originally published by "American Herald Tribune" -

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'Rampvlucht TWA 800 vs. PS752'

'Trudeau (premier Canada): de VS is verantwoordelijk voor de vliegramp in Iran'

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'Iran geeft toe vlucht 752 per ongeluk te hebben neergehaald: het westen speculeert op expres neerhalen......'  

'Tienduizenden VS burgers demonstreerden en zullen demonstreren tegen de illegale oorlog van de VS tegen Iran (za. en zo. ook in Nederland)' (en zie de links in dat bericht over het voortdurend demoniseren van Iran)

'Iran stelt terecht dat het VS leger een terroristische organisatie is'

'Iran, de protesten en wat de media je niet vertellen.........'

'De VS gaf meer dan 1 miljoen dollar uit om protesten tegen Iraans bewind uit te buiten (en te organiseren)'

'Iraakse regering pissig over VS beschuldiging dat Iraanse bewind corrupt is'

US Views Iran’s Qassem Soleimani as “Equivalent” to ISIS Leader

'Trump volgt het scenario van deep state: oorlog met Iran 'is onvermijdelijk....''

Mijn excuus voor de vormgeving, krijg het niet op orde.

vrijdag 8 juni 2018

Argentijnse regering naait het volk in IMF pak

Het IMF leent de totaal onverantwoordelijke regering van Argentinië het voor dit land fenomenaal grote bedrag van 50 miljard dollar.

Alsof het geld gratis is zo laat de Argentijnse regering weten blij te zijn met deze meer dan waanzinnige deal.......

Eerder gaf de Argentijnse regering een obligatielening uit waar deze voor 100 jaar een vaste winst garandeert.........

De grote onderlaag zal weer keihard worden gepakt met deze lening, zoals dit eerder deze eeuw (zie het tweede hieronder opgenomen artikel uit 2004 met de titel 'IMF admits mistakes in Argentina crisis') en in de 90 er jaren al eens het geval was. Argentinië zal zich met deze deal moeten onderwerpen aan het IMF en haar keiharde neoliberale eisen tot hervormingen.......

Begin deze eeuw versterkte een grote lening van het IMF de crisis in Argentinië en ook nu is de verwachting dat dit zal gebeuren.......

Argentinië verwordt met deze IMF lening tot het Zuid-Amerikaanse Griekenland, waar de welgestelden, zoals die in Griekenland al lang hun kapitaal hebben veiliggesteld in het buitenland (2 vliegen in 1 klap >> ten eerste het geld is veilig voor eventuele faillissementen van banken (of grote belastingverhogingen op vermogen), ten tweede: de ontduiking van belastingen op enorme schaal...... (waar familie Zorreguieta, je weet wel de familie van pampakoningin Maxima, ook tot de welgestelden behoort......)

De arme bevolking van Griekenland, intussen het grootste deel van de bevolking weet wat dit betekent, zoals de ouderen die daar praktisch geen pensioen meer ontvangen (waar ze zelf voor spaarden), of wat dacht je van kankerpatiënten die de benodigde medicamenten zoals pijnstillers niet meer kunnen betalen........

De Griekse schuld is zo hoog dat de (lage) rentebetalingen al niet zijn te voldoen, laat staan dat het land tot aflossen van de enorme schuld zal komen, hetzelfde lot wacht Argentinië.......

Lees nogmaals hoe ijskoud, inhumaan neoliberaal beleid tot grote ellende zal leiden onder de grote maatschappelijke onderlaag van Argentinië en de crisis daar alleen zal verdiepen...... Bovendien regeert president en regeringsleider Mauricio Macri van de Propuesta Republicana, kortweg PRO, over zijn eigen graf en dat van nakomende regeringen, immers Argentinië heeft met deze lening een groot deel van de zeggenschap in eigen land vrijwillig overgedragen aan het IMF........ 

Daarmee is het zeker dat Argentinië zich met hart en ziel heeft verbonden aan het ijskoude, inhumane neoliberalisme, waar zelfs een socialistische regering niets tegen kan ondernemen...... Zie de Griekse situatie waar Tsipras een zogenaamde socialist zijn land uit handen heeft gegeven aan de Europese Commissie, het IMF en de ECB, de Europese Centrale Bank....... Staatseigendommen zijn voor 99 jaar uit handen gegeven aan een EU orgaan, het Europees Stabiliteitsmechanisme (ESM) dat naar goeddunken staatseigendommen kan verkopen voor een appel en een ei.......

Argentina Just Made IMF History With Biggest Bailout Loan Ever

June 7, 2018 at 9:51 pm
Written by Tyler Durden

(ZHE— Just a few weeks after Argentina became ground zero for the coming Emerging Market crisis, when its currency suddenly collapsed at the end of April amid soaring inflation, exploding capital outflows and a central bank that was far behind the curve (as in “13% of rate hikes in a week” behind)…

the IMF has officially bailed out the country – again – this time with a $50 billion, 36-month stand-by loan, and coming in about $10 billion more than rumored earlier in the week, it was the largest ever bailout loan in IMF history, meant to help restore investor confidence in a nation that, between its soaring external debt and current account deficit, prompted JPMorgan to suggest that along with Turkey, Argentina is in effect, doomed.

As the JPM chart below shows, the country’s total budget deficit, which includes interest payments on debt, was 6.5% of GDP last year, much of reflecting a debt binge of about $100 billion over the last two and a half years. The primary fiscal deficit in 2017 was 3.9%.

The loan will have a minimum interest rate of 1.96% rising as high as 4.96%.
We are convinced that we’re on the right path, that we’ve avoided a crisis,” Finance Minister Nicolás Dujovne said at a press conference in Buenos Aires. “This is aimed at building a normal economy.”

Dujovne said that about $15 billion from the credit line would be immediately available to Argentina after the package is approved by the IMF’s board, which is expected on June 20. The rest would be dispersed as needed as Argentina meets its targets.

Shortly after the news the loan was finalized, Dujovne made some additional, more bizarre comments, saying that “the amount we received is 11 times Argentina’s quota, which reflects the international community´s support of Argentina,” almost as if he was proud at just how insolvent his country “suddenly” become. He was certainly delighted that, in his view, Argentina is now “too big to fail”, and received not only this loan as a result…
It’s very good news that the integration with the world allows us to receive this support.”

but also hinted that the international community would also foot the bill for all other upcoming Argentinian bailouts. And if the country’s history is any indication, there will be plenty more, as well as the occasional military coup for good measure.

According to Bloomberg, Argentina will see 30% of the funds a day or two after the Fund’s June 20 board meeting, and in typical IMF-bailout fashion, a form of austerity will be imposed on what was once Latin America’s richest nation: as part of the agreement, the country will now target a fiscal deficit of 1.3% of GDP in 2019 and 2.7% this year, with a fiscal balance targeted for 2020 (good luck). And since the previous targets of 2.2% and 3.2%, were almost as laughable, this latest IMFian austerity package not only has zero chance of ever being achieved, but if Greece is any indication, it will make the Argentina crisis far worse. The government has also set a new inflation target of 17% in 2019 – It’s considered low – declining to 13% in 2020 and 9% in 2021.

And the biggest joke, as part of the program, Argentina will agree to accelerate the pace at which it reduces the government deficit. The nation spends more than it collects in revenue and imports more than it exports, creating fiscal and current-account shortfalls that leave Argentina vulnerable to fluctuations in its currency. But, thanks to the even more idiotic policies of central banks, Argentina managed to sell a 100 year bond last year, demonstrating just how stupid some managers of “other people’s money” really are.

This is a plan owned and designed by the Argentine government, one aimed at strengthening the economy for the benefit of all Argentines,” IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde says in the statement which can be found on the IMF’s website.

To take effect, the deal reached between the IMF’s staff and Argentine authorities still requires the approval of the IMF’s executive board.

Oh, and thank you American taxpayers: the IMF’s largest shareholder, the U.S., said in a statement Thursday from Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin that it supported the program, according to the WSJ.

The size of the package should provide relief, but implementing the program entails significant challenges and will require skillful political leadership,” said Martin Castellano, the head of Latin America research at the Institute of International Finance (IFF).

Argentina was bailed out by the IMF for the second time in 2 decades after three rate hikes pushed borrowing costs above 40% but failed to halt a plunge in the currency. The peso fell 25% against the dollar this year to trade at 24.9850 on Thursday, while capital outflows soared.

Central Bank President, Federico Sturzenegger, said the bank will continue to intervene in currency markets in times of “disruptive movement” although the central bank will not target inflation this year, he said. Meanwhile, the government has agreed to send a bill that gives the central bank more autonomy, and as a result it wil no longer transfer funds to the Treasury.

We’re convinced that we’re on the right track, that we managed to avoid a crisis, gather support for the program we already had and that has been in place since Dec. 2015, which looks to build a normal economy, reduce poverty and protect the vulnerable,” Dujovne said, echoing what Greece said after its first bailout 8 years… and its second… and its third.

Gerry Rice, an IMF spokesman, speaking Thursday before the details of the bailout were announced, told reporters that the IMF is “not seeing negative spillovers to other countries at this point.”

Well, he may want to take a look at Brazil.
* * *
As for what happened the last time the IMF bailed out Argentina in the early 2000, the following 2004 article from the Telegraph tells you all you need to know why when a nation is desperately in need of deleveraging, giving it another $50 billion in debt is generally a bad idea.

IMF admits mistakes in Argentina crisis
By Edmund Conway12:01AM BST 30 Jul 2004
The International Monetary Fund yesterday admitted that its mistakes helped plunge Argentina deeper into the red during the currency crisis that crippled the country’s economy three years ago.
In a report published yesterday by its independent evaluation office, the IMF said it ought to have prevented the Argentine government from following poor economic policies.
IMF surveillance failed to highlight the growing vulnerabilities in the authorities’ choice of policies and the IMF erred by supporting inadequate policies too long,” it said.
The financial meltdown that reached a climax in 2001, causing the country to default on $132 billion of foreign debt, was worsened by the government’s vain attempts to maintain the Argentine peso’s peg against the dollar. The IMF ploughed money into the country to help it sustain the peg, pledging an extra $22 billion as late as the end of 2000.
In retrospect, the resources used in an attempt to preserve the peg could have been better used to mitigate some of the inevitable costs of exit,” the report said.
Although it became clear to some IMF staff that the country’s currency plan was flawed in the 1990s, they did not report their doubts to their board for fear of triggering a speculative attack on the peso. The executive board, for its part, ignored staff complaints that Argentina was not reforming its economy satisfactorily.
Both the IMF and the US touted the country as Latin America’s economic success story but the fund maintained its support despite the fact that Argentina missed its fiscal targets every year since 1994. Analysts have also claimed that the IMF’s demands that Argentina raise taxes in 2002 worsened the crisis. The conclusions will come as a blow to the institution, whose role has come under increased scrutiny in recent years.
Yesterday the Argentine finance minister, Roberto Lavagna, argued that the country should not be pressed too hard for repayments of its current three-year $13 billion loan. He said the IMF was now insisting it reformed its economy “in a way absent throughout the 90s” and “under a schedule that is oblivious to the political realities of the country”.

Good luck, and some advice to Argentina: this time try to prevent Elliott Management from buying up your debt at distressed prices.

By Tyler Durden / Republished with permission / Zero Hedge / Report a typo